Periodic Solutions of Linear Integro-Differential Equations
Periodic Solutions of Linear Integro-Differential Equations
Periodic Solutions of Linear Integro-Differential Equations
1. Introduction
We consider a system of equations
(1) ) l)x(t) K
~ ' ( 1= J' C(t - S) X ( S ) ds + p ( t )
The object, is to give conditions on D and C to ensure that ( 1 ) has a T-periodic solu-
tion without, placing restrictions on the size of T (other than T > 0 ) or on the size
of P3(1).
The problem has its roots in the theory of ordinary differential equations. A dis-
cussion may be found in [2; pp. 66-68 and pp. 88-89]. Briefly, if x = 0 ' 5 the only
solution of
5' = DX
which is bounded on ( - m , m), thcn
Z' = DX +p(t)
I) Supported in part b y an NSF grant with Number NSF-DMS-8521408.
176 Math. Nachr. 147 (1990)
has a T-periodic solution for any T-periodic p (t ). The result can be broken into th&
illustrative cases.
Case 1. If all characteristic roots of D have negative real parts, then the periodic
solution is
z(t) = J eD(f-a)p(s)ds.
Case 2. If all characteristic roots of D have positive real pa*, then the periodic
solution is
s ( t )= -J eD('--S'p(g) ds.
Case 3. If some roots of D have positive and some roots of D have negative real
parts, then a periodic solution is of a form analogous to a combination of Cases 1 and 2
[2; p. 681.
Now Case 1 was extended to (1) in [2; p. 891 when the resolvent for the unforced
equation (1) is L"0, 00) or when it tends to zero as t + 00. Case 2 was extended to (1)
by WANG[8]. Both extensions involved finding a bounded solution of
Y' = DY + 1C(t - 4 Y ( 4 + p ( t )
and using a limiting equation argument. Case 1 was also extended to (1) without uae
of the resolvent by HINOand MURAKAMI[6] simply by using a bounded solution of (1).
Our work here focuses on extending Case 3 t o (1) without asking for any bounded
solutions or any restrictions on the size of T or p . LANCIENHOP [7] does partially
extend Case 3 and obtains two very nice results; one restricts T, while the other restricts
the size of p . His work has additional merit in t h a t examination of (1) alone suffices to
conclude that a periodic solution exists. Our work requires more.
We construct a homotopy compatible with differential equations having some
bounded and some unbounded solutions. If it is known t h a t all solutions of the un-
forced equation are bounded (or all are unbounded), then a different homotopy can be
defined [3] which circumvents many of the obstacles encountered here.
The technique me use is that of GRANAS[6] who calls i t the method of continuation of
POINCAR$ edlater refers to i t as a topological transversality method. First, we prove
that if there is an a priori bound on all possible T-periodic solutions of an equation
related to (l),then (1) has a T-periodicsolution. We then give examples using LWKJNOV
functionals and SOBOLEV'S inequality to prove the a prim. bound.
The work of LANQENHOP
[7] involves a generalization of (l),namely,
where E has bounded total variation. This will include (1) as well as terms like Ds(t - r )
and 1U X ( Sds.) The techniques here can be directly applied to such generalizations.
The next section is a brief synopsis of the work of GRANAS.This particular presen-
tation is mainly that of ELOEand HENDERSON [4].
2. A topological method
The following definitions and Lemmas 2.1 and 2.2 are duc t o GIMNAS [5]. Assume all
topological spaces are HAUSDORFF. Let Y be a topological space, A c X c Y, and A
closed in X.
Definitions. (i) A continuous map cp: X --f Y is compact if p(X) is compact.
(ii) h : [ 0 , 13 x X 3 Y is a compact homotopy if h is a homotopy and if for each 2 [O,l],
h I 2 X x’ = hl is compact.
(iii) p: X -+ Y is admissible with respect to A if p is compact and ip I A is fixed point
free. Let M A ( X ,Y) denote the class of admissible maps with respect to A .
(iv) q~ E M A ( X , Y) is inessential if there exists a y~ E M A @ , Y) such that p I A = p I A
and p is fixed point free on X. Otherwise, p E M A ( X , Y) is essential.
(v) A compact homotopy h : [0,1] x X -+ Y is admissible if for each 2 E [0, 11, hi is
admissible. Two mappings p , y ~E M,(x’, 1’) are homotopic in M,(X, Y ) , p “ p , if
there exists an admissible homotopy h : [0, 13 x X 3 Y such that h, = y~ and h, = q.
(vi) F* dcnotcs the class of topological spaces which have the fixed point property
for compact maps. We remark t h a t a convex subset of a BANACH space is a n P* space
by SCHAUDER’S fixed point theorem.
Lemma 2.1. Let Y be a connected space belonging to F*, let X c Y be closed, and let
A = ax. If i p : X -+ Y is a constant mapping, (that i s , ~ ( x=) p for all x E X ) , and
p E X \ A , then p is essential.
Lemma 2.2. Let A = 2 c X c 1’ and # E M , ( X , Y) an adrnzksible function. Then
the following are equivalent:
(a) f : X 3 Y is inessential.
(b) f g an M A @ , Y), where 9 : X -+ Y is without fixed points.
The symbols
(PT7 11*11)
space of continuous T-periodic functions p: R
will denote the BANACH 3 R* with the
supremum norm and
will denote the subspace of PT with q E PTif cp E PT and if the mean value of q is
zero :
m(q) = (l/T) J q ( s ) ds = 0.
To each cp E
~ ' ( t=) 1 Dz(t)
L + J C(t - S)
we associate the function Q E
Z(S) ds + p(t)].
PTdefined by
(2) Q ( t ) = q ( t ) - (1P) J v(5) d5
having mean value zero and the consequential property that J @(s) ds E PT.
/T -/
0 --oo
C(t - s) Q(s) ds dt
= j Cb)J' CO - ~ ) d t d u = O
0 0
We now show that h is compact. First, bounded sets are mapped into equi-continuous
sets since
These inequalities show that h maps bounded sets into bounded equi-continuous sets.
Next, we show that h is contiriuous jointly in (1,p). Fix t 2 0 and note t h a t
Thus, for P(t) = J p ( s ) ds, if for some 1we have h(1,q ) (1) = ~ ( t ) then
C(t - s) z(s) ds + p(l)
D= ('0 -1
w m W
J J IC(u)l du dt < 00, -1 + J JC(u)ld u < -a for some b: > 0, C continuous, p E PT.
O f 0
Then there is a T-periodic solution for 1 = 1.
P r o o f . Define
V ' ( t , z(*)) EX
= (9')' + zTEd
Burton/Eloe/Islern, Periodic Solutions 181
hi summary, thcre is a J > 0 with J’ [ Ix(s)l + 1z’(s)1]ds < J . By SOBOLEV’Sinequality,
there is a K = K ( T )with 0
Ilzll s K J [Ix(s)l + I W I I ds E!B, *
=J ( I ) .
%(m- 1) - m,
(5 ) y" = 1k(t -
8) ~ ( 8ds
) + ~ ( 1 )
where k : [0, CQ) 3 (-00, 03) is continuous, p E POT, K ( i ) = k(u)du E L'[O, OO),
1 m m f
0 -1
B = ( 4 0)
we have ATB + BA = -21. Find y >1 such that (1 + 1') J IK(u)ldu < 2. Then
define 0
+ 1y J
J IKWl duz2(s)ds
--oo I--a
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