Bismillahhirrahmanirrahim - Sila Jawab Soalan Ini Dengan Jujur
Bismillahhirrahmanirrahim - Sila Jawab Soalan Ini Dengan Jujur
Bismillahhirrahmanirrahim - Sila Jawab Soalan Ini Dengan Jujur
5. Apakah yang akan anda lakukan untuk membahagiakan orang yang anda sayang?
10.Adakah anda mempunyai perkara yang anda telah lakukan tetapi anda telah
menyesali perbuatan tersebut?
11. Jika anda boleh ubah sesuatu dalam hidup, apakah perkara yang anda hendak
Adapt your lessons to cater for the different learning styles of your
Visual Learners
Visual learners learn best by looking. The enjoy reading (and often prefer to see the words they are learning)
and seeing pictures.
Visual learners respond well to:
Auditory Learners
Auditory learners learn best by listening. They work well with spoken instructions and learn quickly by
listening to stories and songs. They will not need to see written words to learn.
Auditory learners respond well to:
listening to stories
poems and riddles
verbal instructions and explanations
listening activities
participating in oral activities
As audio learners tune in to sounds, try and provide as many opportunities to have sound and noise added to
your lesson. Songs are an obvious source and encourage your learners to listen and sing along. If you can find
a song which fits your lesson theme or target vocab, all the better – we have a growing selection of theme
based ESL songs on our website. Using stories in lessons is something all kids love. There are lots of readers
available, but you can also make up your own stories to fit in with your lesson (also try to add pictures for your
visual learners).
Always think how sounds can be added to lessons, such as teach animal noises along with animal vocab,
sounds of cars, airplanes, trains, etc. when teaching transportation, and so on. You’ll be surprised at the
amount of sounds you can teach! Concentrate on pronunciation of sounds as well, from the letters of the
alphabet to words and sentences – your audio learners will really pick up on this if you provide the
opportunity. Also, do listening exercises which require students to listen to your instructions in order to
complete a task (see our section on Top 10 listening activities without a CD).
Always allow for oral communication during activities – set up pair or groups work together where your
students have to talk and listen to each other to complete the tasks.
Tactile Learners
songs with gestures
playing board games
making models (e.g. with play doh or lego)
craft activities
feeling in the bag activities
following instructions to make things
Tactile learners need to feel and touch – without this they won’t internalize new vocab / structures as easily.
Let them touch and feel everything! When using flashcards, always pass them around (you’ll see the tactile
learners really come to life at this point). Have lots of objects available to teach new vocab (cars, plastic fruit,
animal toys, blocks, colored paper, etc.) so when you teach new words you can let your students touch and
play with the objects.
Use puppets for role playing structures and let your students touch, cuddle, tickle and even use the puppet
themselves. Also, try setting up feeling type activities – place an object in a bag and have students feel and
guess what it is, use blindfolds and have students feel things or find their way around the classroom.
Let your tactile learners express themselves by drawing and making things. Have them draw a scene with new
vocab that they have just learned, or build and make things with lego or play doh. Crafts are also a great way to
teach and reinforce new vocab.
Kinesthetic Learners
Set lots of action activities which lets them express themselves with movement (see our Top 10 Flashcard
Exciting Games & Activities). Include craft and model making activities (your tactile learners will also thank
you for this) and always encourage your students to experiment actively when learning new things – if a
student wants to roll around on the floor like a ball when you are teaching the word ball, let him.
Analytic Learners
Analytic learners focus on the details of language, such as grammar rules, and enjoy taking apart words and
Analytic learners respond well to:
For even very young learners they are a lot of things you can do which require some analytical thought: put
colored fruit and colored paper around the room and ask your students to match the fruit with their colors (red
paper with red apple, etc.); put objects of different sizes and tell students to put large objects in one box and
small objects in another (or soft / hard, heavy / light, etc.). Most activities can have a thoughtful element.
Global Learners
Global learners focus on the whole picture and do not care so much about specific details. They do not want to
get bored with slow moving lessons and enjoy interesting and attractive materials.
Global learners respond well to:
group activities
story writing
lots of action based activities
computer games
talking without being interrupted for correction
Make sure to include lots of fun games and activities for your global learners where the language learning
objective is not so forced or obvious. Let them play with the objects or write stories simply for the fun of doing
them (although they are still learning they won’t realize it). Get them working in pairs or groups to complete
tasks and let them move around the class as they do their activity.
Global learners tend not to like being interrupted when doing their activity (why would they? It stops them
doing what they are trying to do!) so correcting can be done at the end of the task or you could chat to the
students during the task asking questions which are based on checking their understanding of the main
teaching point.
You may have read the above and thought “How on earth do I include all of these different learning styles in
all of my teaching points and activities?”. Yes, there are a lot of different styles and many contradict each
other – Analytic and Global learners, for instance, are at opposite ends of the spectrum. The key is to include
different styles at different points of the lesson.
For example, when you teach some new words use flashcards and get all of the kids to listen to you and say the
words clearly with associated noises (for the Visual and Auditory learners), then have the students run around
acting out the words (for the Kinesthetic learners), next do a feel in the bag activity to guess the objects and
then have your students do a drawing activity (for the Tactile learners), after that have your students in teams
make models of the objects with play doh with a prize for the best team (for the Global learners) and finally
have a worksheet activity where students need do matching or guessing activities (for the Analytic learners –
be sure to clearly explain how to do the task).
You don’t have to include all learning styles for each teaching point, but try to include a variety of styles
throughout the lesson so all of your students get catered for at some point.
Finally, if you are able to identify the type of learners you have in your class you can adapt your lesson on the
spot if you see some are having trouble understanding or losing interest. For example, if a student is looking
puzzled at your big / small presentation, have him or her stand up big or curl up small, make a big play-doh
ball and small ball, color in a worksheet with big and small objects, etc.
Having a wide variety of styles included in your lesson will really help your students understand, internalize
and enjoy your lessons.
10 MEI 2017(RABU)