Philippines: Edit Edit
Philippines: Edit Edit
Philippines: Edit Edit
The Republic Act 10627 or the Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 was signed into law
by Former President Benigno Aquino III on September 6, 2013. The law
requires all elementary and secondary schools in the country to adopt an
anti-bullying policy. According to a study conducted on 2008 by the
Britain-based Plan International, 50 percent of school children in
the Philippines experienced bullying either by their teachers or their peers.[1][2]
North America[edit]
This law occurred in 2012. The provincial government of Quebec initiated
legislation providing for anti-bullying laws, with the Quebec law having come
into effect in 2012.[3] Federal politicians also debated the groundwork for a
national anti-bullying strategy the same year.[4]
United States[edit]
All fifty states in the United States have passed school anti-bullying legislation,
the first being Georgia in 1999. Montana became the most recent, and last,
state to adopt anti-bullying legislation in April, 2015. A watchdog
organization called Bully Police USA advocates for and reports on
anti-bullying legislation.[5]
North Dakota's legislature passed and Gov. Jack Dalrymple signed a bill into
law April 22, 2011, which defines bullying in state law and outlines
prevention policies for North Dakota public schools. North Dakota has been
praised for their new law. Prior to its passage, North Dakota has passed an
anti-bullying legislation.
Starting in September 2011, the State of New Jersey will enforce the
toughest bullying law in the country. Each school will have to report each case
of bullying to the State, and the State will grade each school based on bullying
standards, policies, and incidents. Each school must have an effective plan to
deal with bullying. All school administrators and teachers are required to deal
with any incidents of bullying reported to them or witnessed by them.
Teachers must report any bullying incidents they witness to the administrators.
Bullies risk suspensions to expulsions if convicted of any type of bullying; from
minor teasing to severe cases.
The National School Safety and Security Services questions the motive behind
some anti-bullying legislation. The line between “feel-good legislation” and
“meaningful legislation” is not clear at the moment and The National School
Safety and Security Services suggests “unfunded state mandates and an
overemphasis on any one component of school safety will likely have minimal
impact on school safety and could potentially upset the comprehensive
approach to school safe recommended by most school safety professionals” [12]
According to National Safety and Securities Services “Anti-bullying legislation,
typically an unfunded mandate requiring schools to have anti-bullying policies
but providing no financial resources to improve school climate and security,
offer more political hype than substance for helping school administrators
address the problem. [12]
LGBTQ bullying[edit]
Main article: Gay bashing
Some states of the United States have implemented laws to address school bullying.
State law that prohibits discrimination against students based on sexual orientation
and gender identity
State law that prohibits discrimination against students based on sexual orientation
State law that prohibits bullying of students based on sexual orientation and gender
State school regulation or ethical code for teachers that address discrimination and/or
bullying of students based on sexual orientation and gender identity
State school regulation or ethical code for teachers that address discrimination and/or
bullying of students based on sexual orientation only
State law that forbids instruction on LGBT issues within public schools
State law that forbids local school districts from having anti-bullying policies that
enumerate protected classes of students
State law that prohibits bullying in school but lists no categories of protection
Main article: Cyberbullying
In August 2008, the California State Legislature passed a law directly related
with cyber-bullying. The legislation gives school administrators the authority
to discipline students for bullying others offline or online.[20]
Many states already have existing criminal and civil remedies to deal with
cyberbullying; extreme cases would fall under criminal
harassment or stalking laws, or targets of such extreme bullying could
pursue civil action for intentional infliction of emotional
distress or defamation. In the summer of 2011, Public Act 11-232 made
significant changes to the state of Connecticut statute which defines bullying as
the following: (A) The repeated use by one or more students of a written, oral
or electronic communication, such as cyber bullying, directed at or referring to
another student attending school in the same school district, or (B) a physical
act or gesture by one or more students repeatedly directed at another student
attending school in the same school district, that (i) causes physical or
emotional harm to himself or herself, or of damage to his or her property, (ii)
places such student in reasonable fear of harm to himself or herself, or of
damage to his or her property, (iii) creates a hostile environment at school for
such student, (iv) infringes on the rights of such student at school, or (v)
substantially disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of a
Effective 1 December 2012, North Carolina has made it a crime for students
to bully their teachers. Students can face jail time and/or a $1,000 fine for
cyberbullying school employees. Prohibited conduct includes posting a photo of
a teacher on the internet, making a fake website, signing a teacher up for junk
South America[edit]
On September 7, 2011, Chile's Congress approved "The Law about School
Violence" that amended the General Law on Education to establish clear
definitions, procedures, and penalties for school violence and bullying.[22]
The Law defines bullying as any repeated aggression or harassment that occurs
in or outside the educational institution, by one student or a group towards
another, causing mistreatment, humiliation, or fear. Bullying may be
perpetrated in person or through any means, including cyber-bullying.
Educational institutions are required to create a Committee of Good School
Coexistence (Comité de Buena Convivencia Escolar) that will be in charge of
managing and taking all the measures needed to secure a non-violent school
In Austria, laws impose a legal duty of care on teachers to ensure the safety
and well-being of their students. Thus, teachers have both a professional and
moral obligation to intervene in bullying episodes.[24]
United Kingdom[edit]
Section 89 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 provides for state
schools for 'Determination by head teacher of behavior policy'
(b)encouraging good behavior and respect for others on the part of pupils and,
in particular, preventing all forms of bullying among pupils,
(a)act in accordance with the current statement made by the governing body
under section 88(2)(a), and
(4)The measures which the head teacher determines under subsection (1) must
include the making of rules and provision for disciplinary penalties (as defined
by section 90).
(5)The measures which the head teacher determines under subsection (1) may,
to such extent as is reasonable, include measures to be taken with a view to
regulating the conduct of pupils at a time when they are not on the premises
of the school and are not under the lawful control or charge of a member of
the staff of the school.
(6)The measures determined by the head teacher under subsection (1) must be
publicised by him in the form of a written document as follows—
(a)he must make the measures generally known within the school and to
parents of registered pupils at the school, and
(b)he must in particular, at least once in every school year, take steps to bring
them to the attention of all such pupils and parents and all persons who work
at the school (whether or not for payment).