Materials' Stewardship Beyond The Pale: 8 Sme Mining Engineering Handbook
Materials' Stewardship Beyond The Pale: 8 Sme Mining Engineering Handbook
Materials' Stewardship Beyond The Pale: 8 Sme Mining Engineering Handbook
cement industries will become normal practice, and wet pro- or providing hydroelectric power and agricultural irrigation
cessing will be confined to fewer operations. services.
Nevertheless, water may also become one of the ways The fact remains that today’s society cannot exist without
by which mining can be seen as a net contributor to the com- mines and the products of mining. It is no good simply saying
munity in which it operates. It is a dichotomy that many min- that we will allow others to run roughshod over environmen-
ing operations (whether they operate from the surface or from tal and social issues as long as these issues do not impact us.
underground) still pump millions of gallons of water out and Alternatively, by simply outlawing the consumption of metals
away from their operations every month. Therefore, the dewa- and minerals, a resource-scarce global environment would be
tering of workings to allow development and mineral extrac- created that would relegate large areas of the world and its
tion will be seen as a positive by-product of mining and indeed peoples to zero advancement, while ensuring that developed
a positive legacy in those arid and semiarid parts of the world countries remained on the plus side of the inequality equation.
where agriculture is an ongoing struggle against drought.
Beyond the Pale
Materials’ Stewardship Many would consider that future mining trends must encom-
The Doe Run lead operations in Missouri (United States) have pass an appreciation and inclusion of two further untapped
been in production in one form or another since the U.S. Civil regions that are ripe for exploration and exploitation: marine
War. One of the interesting aspects of the current operation is mining and mining in space. However, neither of these fron-
that the company has been actively practicing the notion of tiers holds much in the way of either economical or realistic
commodity stewardship for more than 30 years. The company possibility within the next hundred years.
took the long-term view that their responsibility to the United The offshore production of sulfur from the Gulf of
States was to see that the nation’s needs for metallic lead were Mexico using the Frasch process is one of the few marine
catered for in every sense of the word. We all understand the mining success stories. Marine mining (with the exception
notion of mining, refining, and marketing raw metallic lead, of creating large, near-shore coffer dams for the exploitation
but the company also assumed the mantle of collecting and of diamonds in southwestern Africa, and the offshore extrac-
recycling lead once the components in which it had been tion of sulfur) does not hold anything like the attraction that
employed had reached their end of life. surface mining does. Although manganese nodules and other
Doe Run set up a nationwide collection network at which sea-floor mineral deposits contain huge tonnages of met-
used car batteries (the major and most readily available source als, they are unlikely to be mined for the foreseeable future
of secondhand lead in the United States) could be deposited for political reasons. Though the technology for mining the
free of charge. These batteries were then drained of their acid, nodules was demonstrated in the late 1960s by the Glomar
which was sold back to the industry; the plastic battery hous- Challenger and others, as the deposits lie in the depths of the
ing was likewise recycled; and the lead metal was returned to ocean beyond the territorial limit of any coastal nation, inter-
the Doe Run processing plant where it was recycled to produce national agreement is required before development can occur.
new lead. The logic behind this strategy is that the company The failure of the 1972 Law of the Sea conference and many
knows about lead processing, it already owns the necessary subsequent discussions have aptly demonstrated the unlikeli-
plant and equipment to recycle the metal, and as such it is an hood that seafloor mining will occur anytime soon. Indeed,
integral part of the whole lead market. the only potential for a further advance in marine mining is
This concept of stewardship has been used to varying in the winning of sand and gravel for construction purposes.
degrees within the nuclear industry, which recycles its own Any potential for mining in space is bound to be ham-
products. It will only be a question of time before other metal- pered by four fundamental issues:
lic industries take on (or are forced to practice) the notion of
1. Excessively high costs of transportation
commodity stewardship, which is the logical next step for-
2. Delivery and maintenance of mining equipment
ward in recycling.
3. Allowable processing methods and their requirements
4. Ownership of a planet or star and the willingness (or oth-
ethics and good neighbors
erwise) of the owner to allow mining
In the future, mining organizations, and especially the larger
ones, will see themselves as being resource and service pro- The only reason to mine in space would be to acquire met-
viders. Whether this involves power, water, forestry goods, or als and minerals not available on earth, but would the exces-
the mass recycling of metals and glass, they will view their sive cost for such a high-risk project (in what would be, after
business in a holistic way. What shareholders will make of this all, a scientific adventure) ever be justified? There is no doubt
arrangement has yet to be tested, but in recent years we have that the major advantage that space can offer mining is as a
seen a shift away from shareholder positions based purely spinoff in technological improvements, in much the same way
on financial returns. For example, hedge funds that invest in that space and military technology and materials have already
enterprises based on a particular ethical position (be it green, provided for a plethora of other high-level industries. In the
nonpolluting, good neighbor, anti-apartheid, or nonmilitary) longer term, space mining may provide raw materials for use
have been available for many years. in space itself (water, hydrogen, metals, etc.) to overcome the
The next logical step for mining companies is to ensure “gravity well” of Earth.
that in addition to their core business of finding, mining, and
refining minerals, they also engage in other associated activi- ConCluSion
ties. A mining company could, therefore, find itself farming Although some may believe that mining is a sunset industry
large tracts of land that it had reclaimed after strip mining that is beginning a slow decline into oblivion, this is simply not
had passed through the area, running offshore wind farms, the case. There is no doubt that the industry is a mature one,