SOGIE Equality Bill
SOGIE Equality Bill
SOGIE Equality Bill
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Prepared and submitted by the Committee on W om en, Children. Fam ily Relations
and G ender Equality with Senator Risa Hontiveros as author thereof
1 SECTION 1. Short Title. - This Act shall be known and cited as the "Anti-
2 Discrimination Act."
3 SEC. 2. Declaration o f Policy. - The State recognizes the fundam ental right of
4 every person, regardless o f sex, age, class, status, ethnicity, color, disability, religious
5 and political beliefs, sexual orientation or gender identity, to be free from any form o f
6 discrimination. It shall therefore intensify its efforts to fulfill its duties under
7 international and dom estic laws to respect, protect and fulfill the rights and dignity o f
8 every individual.
9 Towards this end, the State shall exert efforts to address all form s o f
10 discrimination and violence on the basis o f sexual orientation o r gender identity and
11 to promote human dignity as enshrined in the United Nations Universal Declaration
12 on Human Rights, the Convention on the Elimination o f All Forms o f Discrim ination
13 Against W omen, particularly the General Recom m endation No. 28 on Non
14 discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and G ender Identity, Convention on the
15 Rights of the Child, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, International
16 Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and all other relevant and
17 universally accepted human rights instruments and other international conventions to
18 which the Philippines is a signatory.
1 SEC. 3. Definition o f Terms. - As used in this Act, the following term s
2 shall be defined as follows:
3 a. Discrim ination - refers to any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference
4 based on the grounds o f sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or
5 expression, hereinafter referred to as “SOG IE” , and has the purpose o r effect
6 o f nullifying or impairing the recognition, access to, enjoyment, or exercise by
7 all persons on an equal footing o f all rights and freedom s. For purposes o f this
8 provision, the actual sex, sexual orientation or gender identity o f the person
9 subjected to discrim ination shall not be relevant fo r the purpose o f determ ining
10 w hether an act o f discrim ination has been committed.
11 b. G ender Expression - refers to the outward m anifestations o f the cultural traits
12 that enable a person to identify as male or fem ale according to patterns that,
13 at a particular m om ent in history, a given society defines as gender
14 appropriate.
15 c. Gender Identity - refers to the personal sense o f identity as characterized,
16 among others, by m anner o f clothing, inclinations, and behavior in relation to
17 masculine or fem inine conventions. A person may have a male o r fem ale
18 identity with the physiological characteristics o f the opposite sex.
19 d. Profiling - refers to subjecting a person or group o f persons to investigatory
20 activities, which include unnecessary, unjustified, illegal, and degrading
21 searches, or other investigatory activities, in determ ining w hether an individual
22 is engaged in an activity presumed to be unlawful, immoral o r socially
23 unacceptable.
24 e. Sexual Orientation - refers to the direction o f emotional sexual attraction or
25 conduct. This can be towards people o f the same sex (hom osexual
26 orientation) or towards people of both sexes (bisexual orientation) or towards
27 people o f the opposite sex (heterosexual orientation).
28 f. Stigma - refers to the dynam ic devaluation and dehum anization o f an
29 individual in the eyes o f others which may be based on attributes that are
30 arbitrarily defined by others as discreditable or unworthy and which result in
31 discrim ination when acted upon.
32 SEC. 4. Communities Vulnerable to Discrim ination and Abuse on the
33 Basis o f SOGIE. - This Act seeks to protect individuals and com m unities that
34 experience human rights violations on the basis o f SOGIE, including, but not limited
35 to, individuals and com m unities o f diverse sexual orientation or gender identity or
1 expression who are children, young, poor, differently abled, o f different ethnic
2 background or cultural background, and o f various religious belief.
1 their target constituencies;
3 SEC. 7. Penalties. - Any person who com m its any discrim inatory practice
4 described in Section 5(a), 5(d), 5(e), 5(g), and 5(h), upon conviction, be penalized by
5 a fine of not less than One Hundred Thousand Pesos (P100,000) but not more than
6 Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Pesos (P250,000) o r im prisonm ent o f not less than one
7 (1) year but not more than six (6) years, subject to the discretion o f the court.
8 Any person who commits any discrim inatory practice described in Section
9 5(b), 5(c), 5(f), 5(i), and 5(j) shall, upon conviction, be penalized by a fine o f not less
10 than Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Pesos (P250,000) but not more than Five
11 Hundred Thousand Pesos (P500,000) or im prisonm ent o f not less than six (6) years
12 but not more than twelve (12) years, subject to the discretion o f the court.
13 Any person who com m its any discrim inatory practice described in Section 5(k)
14 shall upon conviction be penalized with the same penalty as the prohibited act to
15 which it is analogous.
16 In addition, the court may impose upon a person found to have committed any
17 o f the prohibited acts the rendition o f com m unity service in term s o f attendance in
18 human rights education's fam iliarization with and exposure to the plight o f the
19 victims.
20 Nothing in this Act shall preclude the victim from instituting a separate and
21 independent action for dam ages and other affirm ative reliefs.
22 The penalties provided under this Section shall be w ithout prejudice to the
23 imposition of adm inistrative liability for governm ent officials and employees.
24 SEC. 8. D iscrim inatory Practices as Qualifying Aggravating
25 Circumstance. - If any civil, criminal, or adm inistrative offense, not falling under this
26 Act, is committed and proven to be attended by any discrim inatory practice prohibited
27 under Section 5 of this Act, said offense shall be qualified and the corresponding
28 penalty provided thereto shall be applied in its maximum period.
29 SEC. 9. Redress M echanism s for SO G IE-related Cases.
30 a. Inclusion o f SOG IE Concerns in A ll Police Stations. - The W om en and
31 Children's Desks now existing in all police stations shall also act on and attend
32 to com plaints/cases covered by this Act. In this regard, the police handling
33 said desks shall undergo trainings on human rights and SOGIE, gender
34 sensitivity and awareness, and sensitisation on the issue o f violence and
35 abuse on the basis of SOGIE.
Com plainant-m inors can be represented by parents, guardians, social
2 workers, or a non-governm ent organization o f good standing and reputation.
3 b. Role o f the Civil Service Com m ission - The Civil Service Com m ission
4 (CSC) shall mandate the establishm ent o f a grievance m echanism to address
5 discrim inatory practices committed by officers o r em ployees o f governm ent
6 agencies, instrumentalities, and governm ent owned and controlled
7 corporations (GOCCs) and other offices under its jurisdiction.
8 c. Role o f the Departm ent o f Labor and Em ploym ent - The Departm ent of
9 Labor and Em ploym ent (DOLE) shall m andate the establishm ent o f a
10 grievance m echanism to address discrim inatory practices com m itted in the
11 work place.
12 d. Role o f the Commission on Human Rights. - The Com m ission on Human
13 Rights (CHR) shall investigate and recommend the filing o f a com plaint
14 against any person/s violating this Act. If the Com m ission has reasonable
15 cause to believe that any person or group o f persons is com m itting acts
16 penalized under Section 5 o f this Act, the Com m ission shall recommend a
17 legal action in the appropriate prosecutor's office or court.
18 The CHR shall also direct the officer concerned to take appropriate
19 action against a public officer or em ployee at fault o r who neglects to perform
20 an act or discharge a duty required under this Act, and recommend the
21 revocation o f license, removal from office or em ploym ent, suspension,
22 demotion, fine, censure, or prosecution, and ensure com pliance therewith.
23 Refusal by any officer without just cause to com ply with an order of the
24 Com m ission to revoke the licence, remove, suspend, dem ote, fine, censure,
25 or prosecute an officer or em ployee who is at fault, o r who neglects to perform
26 an act or discharge a duty required under this Act, shall be a ground fo r
27 disciplinary action against said officer.
28 The CHR shall also docum ent cases o f discrim ination on the basis of
29 SOGIE and shall include these docum ented cases in its annual human rights
30 report. The Commission shall actively provide recom m endations to different
31 branches of governm ent on how to address and elim inate discrim ination on
32 the basis o f SOGIE.
33 SEC. 10. Program s to Prom ote N on-Discrim ination and Diversity. - To
34 eliminate all form s of discrim ination, the State shall pursue initiatives and programs
35 that seek to enable an environm ent free o f stigma and discrim ination. It shall direct
the m achinery and resources o f the State to promote non-discrim ination and shall
2 encourage other sectors o f the society to engage and participate in these efforts. It
3 shall ensure the im plem entation o f the following programs:
4 a. Social Protection Program s - the national governm ent shall ensure that
5 com m unities vulnerable to stigma and discrim ination on the basis o f SOGIE
6 are integrated into governm ent-run social protection programs.
7 b. Diversity Program s and Policies - All governm ent agencies, governm ent-
8 owned and controlled corporations, private com panies, public and private
9 educational institutions, and other entities shall establish diversity program s to
10 ensure human rights violations and violence on the basis o f SOGIE are
11 prevented. They shall also create an internal redress mechanism to address
12 cases o f discrim ination and develop adm inistrative rem edies or sanctions for
13 such cases. Public institutions shall incorporate these program s into existing
14 gender and developm ent programs.
15 c. Inform ation and Education Cam paign - All governm ent agencies and
16 instrum entalities are mandated to develop and im plem ent SOGI E-specific
17 gender sensitivity education and information dissem ination. They shall
18 endeavour to produce and publish information and education cam paign
19 materials on gender and human rights.