Concordance Table
Concordance Table
Concordance Table
Code of Professional Responsibility Lawyer's Oath Rule 138 Canons of Professional Ethics
Canon 1: A lawyer shall uphold the Par.1: I will support the Constitution and Sec. 20 (a): To maintain allegiance to the
Constitution, obey the laws of the land and obey the laws as well as the legal orders of Republic of the Philippines and to support
promote respect for law and for legal the duly constituted authorities therein; the Constitution and obey the laws of the
processes. Philippines.
Rule 1.01: A lawyer shall not Par.1: I will do no falsehood, nor consent to Sec. 20 (b): To observe and maintain the Item 1, Par 1: It is the duty of the lawyer to
engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or the doing of any in court; I will not wittingly respect due to the courts of justice and maintain towards the courts a respectful
deceitful conduct. or willingly promote or sue any groundless, judicial officers; attitude, not for the sake of the temporary
false or unlawful suit, or give aid nor consent incumbent of the judicial office, but for the
to the same; maintenance of its supreme importance.
Rule 1.02: A lawyer shall not Par.1: I will do no falsehood, nor consent to Sec. 20 (b): To observe and maintain the Item 1, Par 1: It is the duty of the lawyer to
counsel or abet activities aimed at defiance the doing of any in court; I will not wittingly respect due to the courts of justice and maintain towards the courts a respectful
of the law or at lessening confidence in the or willingly promote or sue any groundless, judicial officers; attitude, not for the sake of the temporary
legal system. false or unlawful suit, or give aid nor consent incumbent of the judicial office, but for the
to the same; maintenance of its supreme importance.
Rule 1.03: A lawyer shall not, for Par. 2: I will not wittingly or willingly promote Sec. 20 (g): Not to encourage either the
any corrupt motive or interest, encourage any or sue any groundless, false or unlawful suit, commencement or the continuance of an
suit or proceeding or delay any man's cause. or give aid nor consent to the same; I will action or proceeding, or delay any man's
delay no man for money or malice, cause, from any corrupt motive or interest;
Rule 1.04: A lawyer shall encourage Par.2: will conduct myself as a lawyer
his clients to avoid, end or settle a according to the best of my knowledge and
controversy if it will admit of a fair discretion, with all good fidelity as well to the
settlement. courts as to my clients;
Canon 2: A lawyer shall make his legal
services available in an efficient and
convenient manner compatible with the
independence, integrity and effectiveness of
the profession.
Rule 2.01: A lawyer shall not reject, Sec. 20 (h): Never to reject, for any
except for valid reasons, the cause of the consideration personal to himself, the cause
defenseless or the oppressed. of the defenseless or oppressed;
Rule 2.02: In such cases, even if the Sec. 20 (h): Never to reject, for any
lawyer does not accept a case, he shall not consideration personal to himself, the cause
refuse to render legal advice to the person of the defenseless or oppressed;
concerned if only to the extent necessary to
safeguard the latter's rights.
Rule 2.03: A lawyer shall not do or Item 27, Par. 1: Advertising, direct or indirect
permit to be done any act designed primarily -
to solicit legal business. It is unprofessional to solicit professional
employment by circulars, advertisements,
through touters, or by personal
communications or interviews not warranted
by personal relations.
Rule 2.04: A lawyer shall not charge Item 12, Par. 1: In fixing fees, lawyers should
rates lower than those customarily avoid charges which over estimate their
prescribed unless the circumstances so advice and services, as well as those which
warrant. undervalue them…
Canon 3: A lawyer in making known his legal Par.2: will conduct myself as a lawyer
services shall use only true, honest, fair, according to the best of my knowledge and
dignified and objective information or discretion, with all good fidelity as well to the
statement of facts. courts as to my clients;
Rule 3.01: A lawyer shall not use or Par.1: I will do no falsehood, nor consent to
permit the use of any false, fraudulent, the doing of any in court;
misleading, deceptive, undignified, self-
laudatory or unfair statement or claim
regarding his qualifications or legal services.
Rule 3.02: In the choice of a firm Item 33, Par. 2: ...In the selection and use of a
name, no false, misleading or assumed name firm name, no false, misleading, assumed or
shall be used. The continued use of the name trade name should be used. The continued
of a deceased partner is permissible provided use of the name of a deceased or former
that the firm indicates in all its partner, when permissible by local custom, is
communications that said partner is not unethical, but care should be taken that
deceased. no imposition or deception is practiced
through this use...
Rule 3.03: Where a partner accepts
public office, he shall withdrawal from the
firm and his name shall be dropped from the
firm name unless the law allows him to
practice law currently.
Rule 3.04: A lawyer shall not pay or
give anything of value to representatives of
the mass media in anticipation of, or in return
for, publicity to attract legal business.
Canon 4: A lawyer shall participate in the
development of the legal system by initiating
or supporting efforts in law reform and in the
improvement of the administration of justice.
Rule 6.03: A lawyer shall not, after Item 36, Par. 2: A lawyer, having once held
leaving government service, accept public office or having been in the public
engagement or employment in connection employ should not, after his retirement,
with any matter in which he had intervened accept employment in connection with any
while in said service. matter he has investigated or passed upon
while in such office or employ.
Rule 8.01 - A lawyer shall not, in his 17. Ill-feelings and personalities between
professional dealings, use language which is advocates
abusive, offensive or otherwise improper.
Clients, not lawyers, are the litigants.
Whatever may be the ill-feeling existing
between clients, should not be allowed to
influence counsel in their conduct and
demeanor toward each other or toward
suitors in the case.
Rule 8.02 - A lawyer shall not, directly or 7. Professional colleagues and conflicts of
indirectly, encroach upon the professional opinion
employment of another lawyer, however, it is
the right of any lawyer, without fear or favor, Efforts, direct or indirect, in any way to
to give proper advice and assistance to those encroach upon the professional employment
seeking relief against unfaithful or neglectful of another lawyer are unworthy of those who
counsel. should be brethren at the bar; but,
nevertheless, it is the right of any lawyer,
without fear or favor, to give proper advice to
those seeking relief against unfaithful or
neglectful counsel, generally after
communication with the lawyer against
whom the complaint is made.
CANON 9 - A LAWYER SHALL NOT, DIRECTLY No lawyer shall permit his professional
OR INDIRECTLY, ASSIST IN THE services, or his name to be used in aid of, or
UNAUTHORIZED PRACTICE OF LAW. to make possible, the unauthorized practice
of law by any lay agency, personal or
Rule 9.01 - A lawyer shall not delegate to any I will do no falsehood, nor consent to the
unqualified person the performance of any doing of any in court; I will not wittingly or
task which by law may only be performed by willingly promote or sue any groundless, false
a member of the bar in good standing. or unlawful suit, or give aid nor consent to
the same
Rule 9.02 - A lawyer shall not divide or 34. Division of fee
stipulate to divide a fee for legal services with
persons not licensed to practice law, except: No division of fees for legal services is proper,
except with another lawyer, based upon a
(a) Where there is a pre-existing agreement division of service or responsibility.
with a partner or associate that, upon the
latter's death, money shall be paid over a
reasonable period of time to his estate or to
persons specified in the agreement; or
Section 20 (I)
(i) In the defense of a person accused of
crime, by all fair and honorable means,
Rule 10.03 - A lawyer shall observe the rules
regardless of his personal opinion as to the
of procedure and shall not misuses them to
guilt of the accused, to present every defense
defeat the ends of justice.
that the law permits, to the end that no
person may be deprived of life or liberty, but
by due process of law.
Rule 11.02 - A lawyer shall punctually appear It is the duty of the lawyer not only to his
at court hearings. client, but also to the courts and to the public
to be punctual in attendance, and to be
concise and direct in the trial and disposition
of causes.
Rule 11.03 - A lawyer shall abstain from Section 20 (B)
scandalous, offensive or menacing language (b) To observe and maintain the respect due
or behavior before the Courts. to the courts of justice and judicial officers;
Rule 11.04 - A lawyer shall not attribute to a
Judge motives not supported by the record or
have no materiality to the case.
Rule 11.05 - A lawyer shall submit grievances
against a Judge to the proper authorities only.