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Improving attitudes and behaviours

towards disabled people

Making it work. Mapping the Change.

AccEase Ltd
Improving attitudes and behaviours towards disabled people

“More often than not, ‘barriers’ are man-made out of people’s

ignorance towards something different.”
“I see people walk away from me because they don’t want to
spend time with a crip or to modify their social plans to include
my needs.”

From: Ministry of Health. April 2001. A Brief Summary of the Analysis of Submissions
to the New Zealand Disability Strategy Discussion Document. Making a World of
Difference: Whakanui Oranga. P3

1 Introduction
Disabled people have advocated for a long time for an education campaign to improve
attitudes and behaviour towards them by non-disabled people.
The MSD has contracted AccEase to map out activity in related areas of social marketing
and social change for the changing attitudes towards disabled people campaign.
The mapping project is part of a wider campaign to improve attitudes and behaviours
towards disabled people, run by the Ministry of Social Development, (MSD), and the Office
for Disability Issues (ODI) working with disabled people and their organisations
The campaign supports the inclusive and valuing vision of Whakaniu Oranga, the New
Zealand Disability Strategy.
Key outcomes of the campaign are:
· To increase the participation of disabled people in all aspects of community life
· To change social attitudes and behaviours that limit opportunities for disabled people.
The key objectives of the campaign to change attitudes and behaviours towards disabled
people are:
· To increase knowledge and understanding of disability
· To increase the personal relevance of disability for all New Zealanders
· To mobilise personal and community action for positive change
· To address the social environment that tolerates or accepts exclusion of disabled people.

1.1 The Mapping Project

The mapping project set out to add value to the campaign by considering a variety of
successful social change activities, not necessarily related to disability. We wanted to
explore the success factors, to find out what works and what does not, and gather any
useful learning from some of those people who had taken part in them. 2 of 9
Improving attitudes and behaviours towards disabled people

1.2 Methodology
We did not have resources for a large survey so we carefully selected a small group of
people with considerable expertise, knowledge and experience in social marketing
campaigns and in leading social change.
Interviewees were chosen for their experience in social marketing where attitudes and
behaviour change was sought. They included people involved in a variety of attitude and
behaviour change. In selecting people for interview greater emphasis was placed on the
views of those who had worked on campaigns to change attitudes and behaviour towards
other groups of people since their experience had greater relevance to the disability
The ten questions we asked each of them in face to face interviews were designed to draw
on their practical experience. We sought their views on what they thought might be useful
in this particular context. Each interview took approximately an hour, several took a little
longer. Handwritten notes were transcribed.
Originally we planned to interview ten people but only interviewed eight as two were
unavailable for a variety of reasons. A full list of the eight interviewees is included in
appendix one. The questionnaire is included in appendix two. Full notes taken at each of the
interviews is included at appendix three.
I also drew a little on some of my personal experience of creating social change, and have
included that in in a separate section at the end of the report.
The interviews were designed to
· Identify success factors, positive learning and outcomes.
· Explore the reasons behind those positive outcomes, and
· Consider how they might be applied in the disability context.
· Make recommendations on how these might be successfully included in the campaign.

The quotations in the results section of the report are from individual interviewees

2 The results
2.1 Interviewees’ Experience
“Like Minds is a social movement of people who wanted change around
The interviewees had experience in a wide variety of campaigns. They had all worked in
campaigns or projects where they were attempting to change attitudes and behaviours in
some way. Some changes were about personal behaviour, e.g. safe drinking, stopping
smoking, sunsmart, injury prevention, water safety, healthy eating, environmental,
financial literacy, safe sex, problem gambling etc.
Most had worked on campaigns which affected attitudes and behaviours about other people
and groups of people. These included; family violence, child abuse, homelessness, women’s 3 of 9
Improving attitudes and behaviours towards disabled people

rights, race, cultural and religious relations, as well as those involved in the Like Minds
campaign to address discrimination against and the stigmatising of people with mental
illness. This last campaign had many similarities and parallels with the campaign to change
attitudes and behaviours towards disabled people. Experiences gained from these
campaigns are particularly relevant in the disability context.

2.2 Themes from the interviews

Four clear themes emerged from the eight interviews. The themes were common to most
interviewees, and were very clearly articulated by many. They were:
1. Getting started and establishing a clear structure at the outset. Research, knowing what
needed to change, preparation and planning, good foundations and evaluation were critical
factors for all interviewees.
2. Putting the planning into practice. Creating a flexible strategy that will evolve over time
was another strong theme emerging from all interviews
3. Engaging with people. Everyone emphasised the critical roles people and their
communities play in social change. Ownership and engaging with those who seek the
change and those who need to change was seen as critical by everyone
4. The fourth theme includes some challenges, problems and pitfalls to avoid.

2.2.1 Getting started – a clear structure

Interviewees were all very clear about preparation for any campaign. They talked about
appropriate and thorough research, preparation and planning, and emphasised that good
evaluation is a critical success factor. They said:
· Problem definition, data gathering and defining the problem is very important.
· Decide what is to be addressed and which part of the big picture can be fixed
· Research should be driven by this hypothesis. It might need to be amended following
research results analysis
· Look for the drivers and use experts
· Be clear about what to measure and how to measure it. One way is to collect people’s
stories about what has and has not improved. This is research that can be, and perhaps
should be done by disabled people themselves, recognising that change may be
incremental. Those who change need to be able to tell their stories too.
· The size of the strategy will relate to the size of the budget
· Be pragmatic. Look at what has already been done and what works
· You need to be able to look back and see what has changed. Having a reflective element
to social change is critical
· Do your homework. The whole thing will be a slower process than it looks
· Make sure the campaign structure is right so the community is on board. 4 of 9
Improving attitudes and behaviours towards disabled people

· Like Minds had a complex structure. I would keep it simple. Build a wall of bricks of
inclusion, giving each brick a name and a connection.
· Good research to understand your audience.
· Leadership at all levels
· Sustainable funding throughout the process will be important
· Clear problem definition is critical
· Narrowly identify what you want people to do
· You need to know what you are trying to change. Is it possible? Attitude changes are
harder to achieve than actions
· Be clear about what you want to achieve
· Take the time to reflect

2.2.2 Planning into practice – Flexible strategy evolving over time

The strategy should include a clear articulation of what needs to change. There may be a
number of choices. What will be changed? Even when taking account of the reasonably
limited time frame of this project all respondents said that it is important to take the time
needed, emphasising that there are no short cuts in an area which is not black and white.
They valued being pragmatic and realistic about what you can do and achieve. They
emphasised that social change will need to be maintained over time as things can easily slip
backward without a sustained campaign, but they also said that social change is not a linear
process. One respondent said that particularly large campaigns such as Like Minds are
messy and you learn as you go. He talked about the need for a range of skills, especially
those of managing complexity and tensions. Some sub-themes identified by interviewees
were: Consistent messages

While respondents supported a flexible and responsive strategy, they were clear about the
importance of staying on message. Coherence and consistency of agreed themes was
important, and while strategies might change, one clear message and theme throughout
was necessary. This was linked clearly to planning and knowing what needs to be changed.
Positive messages are best and may better support sustainable behaviour. Understand the
tough market and have an effective message. Creating a unique message people will notice
was suggested along with “selling” the issues. Keeping messages succinct, human and
conversational was suggested by several people. Seizing opportunities

Opportunism, keeping an open mind and looking for unexpected opportunities and being
prepared to be responsive to them was emphasised by several respondents. An example
given was the response to the earthquake in Christchurch, the deaf guy and the increased
visibility of New Zealand Sign Language. 5 of 9
Improving attitudes and behaviours towards disabled people

Opportunities included linking to related salient public events. Tactics depended on reading
the public mood and interest at the time. Infiltration of popular culture had proved useful in
campaigns relating to people experiencing mental illness, for example Like Minds got their
message into soap opera, as did a a mental health campaign from the UK.
Respondents looked for different initiatives, angles and new habits. One said that a strong
voice at the right time gets an audience. Media
Use the media to reinforce messages, not to reinvent. A fractured media means that
communication need to be active in different formats and with different audiences.
Campaigners need to make and cultivate friends in the media as well as in other areas.
Social media need to be maintained. Blogging can be used effectively, but like other social
media needs to be regular and will take time to build an audience..
Respondents recommended using a wide variety of communications channels, social media,
Internet, blogs etc. They gave examples of the use of photos and growing the audience
through the use of links and tags in social media such as Facebook. They stressed the need
to keep the campaign fresh and unexpected and the continuing emphasis to be on message
Social change can be presented as a variety of options rather than win or lose in the current
climate. It is not clear cut or black and white. Finding the hook to engage an audience can
be critical.

2.2.3 Engaging with the People

People are critical to the success of any social change campaign. This included the people
the campaign sought to change, those working on the campaign, and the group or groups
of people who would benefit. Without ownership a campaign would not succeed. Everyone
had something to say about this theme and it was a strong theme threaded throughout the
interviews. A role for everyone

Respondents gave examples of different types of ownership, and ways they could add
strength to a campaign, for example a committee could be a mixture of NGOs, government
etc. But people need job descriptions, and job descriptions should not just evolve without
careful thought, with the right people in the right roles. Barriers to cohesion need to be
managed and campaigners need to understand their audience/s and hook into a positive
construct to maintain their engagement. Nothing about us without us!

Experience and involvement of people with mental illness was and is fundamental to the
campaign’s success. Starting where people are at and helping them address their own
stigma and discrimination was as important as other aspects of the campaign. People with
different experience have valid roles and this was seen with “stroppy people” in Like Minds
who demanded involvement and provided leadership at all levels. John Kirwan gave strong
credibility to the Like Minds Campaign. 6 of 9
Improving attitudes and behaviours towards disabled people Working constructively with your key audience/s

“Behaviour change may be more important than attitude change. Awareness and
understanding helps both.”
The White Ribbon campaign has had particular success in engaging with the men whose
behaviour it is seeking to change through its ambassadors programme. This campaign is
focused on those who need to change primarily. It hooks into their concerns and world
views. Those men involved in the programme have opportunities to tell their stories of
change and the impact it has had on their lives. The message is clear and straightforward:
Stop violence against women.
Respondents saw a need to plug into the passion and interest of people to fan the flame,
even if it’s small. “Go where the real people are.” Connect with the audience and to do this
you need to know whom to target. Be authentic and go where your audience is rather than
seeing the problem from your own understanding of it. A campaign idea has to resonate
with enough people to know it will resonate with most.
Relationships, networks and spreading the ownership
“Fundamentals are relationships, empowering and working with others.”
Much of the work is about establishing relationships and empowering other people to do
things, encouraging and acknowledging them. There is a need to make friends in many
places; the media, education, politics, even using “seduction” in the words of one
respondent. Everyone talked about building strong networks and good relationships with
partners and different sectors, empowering and engaging different communities, working
with the people who want to work with you, such as sympathetic politicians. Bringing local
people together, such as those working to develop good race relations, is a real strength.
To get on the social agenda, for people to want to be interested and want to connect you
have to get momentum. People can connect to an event or issue. You need community
activism and engagement. Find people to work with and build a network of support to
further that. You may have to counter resistance, which can sometimes be deep-seated.
People need to be inspired to identify as human beings with the issue. Social marketing for
social change is about real people and their stories, Share the idea, be the change you want
and the campaign will be more successful. It is about other people and sometimes
outcomes can be unpredictable.
Where there is a limited budget and uncertain future the more spread the ownership is the
better. In support of this Like Minds has a powerful national identity with grassroots
community engagement. Find out who supports so they can be champions. Reward and
recognise unlikely champions. 7 of 9
Improving attitudes and behaviours towards disabled people

2.2.4 Some Challenges, problems and pitfalls

“Humans are hard to change”

While many of the activities outlined in earlier parts of this report present significant
challenges, there were some particular pitfalls and problems that people had encountered in
their work.
The Like Minds campaign was very complex at the start, and in retrospect one respondent
said “I would keep it simple” He said that clear role definition could have helped at an
earlier stage.
The feel-good factor represented a trap for the inexperienced. One respondent gave an
example of using posters which looked good but had little success over time partly because
they were a one-way message. There can be a danger that activity can replace good
planning and strategy, busyness that is Impossible to measure.
One respondent stressed the importance of being open to non-rational drivers and looking
for the unstated barriers. An example of the unstated barrier related to car- pooling to
combat climate change. The reason given for reluctance was inconvenience but the real
reason people didn’t like to car pool was that other people’s cars did not smell nice. It is
likely that the disability campaign will encounter unspoken barriers that will be difficult to
identify, challenge and measure.
Timing and focus can bring challenges. A respondent reflected that Like Minds took a long
time getting started and could have focused more on particular groups such as employers
and landlords rather than a general audience.
One respondent warned “Don’t go into warlike mode.”
There were challenges relating to sustaining activity, the need to keep up with social media
activity, for example. One respondent felt that blogging activity could have been maintained
more frequently and effectively in one particular national campaign
She also reflected that one of the big challenges is how to get noticed in a very crowded
space, both in the various media and elsewhere. She observed that competition for popular
attention is tough.
Another was enthusiastic about collaboration and co-creation, which can work well, but
need time and hard work to maintain them.
Once again there was an emphasis on the time involved, the lack of shortcuts, and the
necessary understanding that social change is not black and white.
One respondent warned that raising the bar too high might lead to rejection of the
message. Just getting traction on an issue may be success, they said.
Several people emphasised the importance of a clear understanding of what is to be
achieved before spreading money around. There needs to be a strong commitment to the
change not just the money, a lesson learned from the Like Minds campaign.
Resisting novelty was important. The advice was to try to avoid too many initiatives and to
stick with a few activities that work over time. 8 of 9
Improving attitudes and behaviours towards disabled people

One respondent issued a challenge to “be the change”. Those running the programme had
to model the change they were seeking to give the campaign credibility.

3 Interviewer’s experience
Over the years I have taken part in a number of social change activities. My experience
concurs generally with that of those interviewed for this project.
For this report I have considered one particular campaign. The Common Ground Campaign
conducted in the early nineteen nineties. The campaign was centred on changes to the New
Zealand Human Rights Act, and sought the inclusion of a number of groups, particularly the
gay and disability communities under the anti-discrimination provision of the Act. Because
AIDS was at that time to the forefront of the public consciousness an alliance was formed to
ensure everyone was included from both the gay and disability communities.
The campaign was successful, and one of the last benefits has been continuing cordial
relations between the two communities. While at this distance in time it is difficult to
remember detail I have been able to identify some of the things that worked well.
Contributing factors to the success were;
· The two groups in the coalition had equal power and status, or at least felt the lack of it
· The project was clearly defined, with boundaries and a short time span
· They were working voluntarily with few resources but with a good range of skills and
experience needed for the campaign
· Because of the equality of the parties the relationship was respectful, with each
recognising and respecting the areas of knowledge and expertise of the other
· Everyone taking part was there because they had chosen to take part in the campaign
· The campaigners were a relatively small group of people, working largely in Wellington
which made organisation easier.
· People were working on their own issue, which was highly motivating.

The disability mantra, “nothing about us without us,” was powerful here as it has been
elsewhere. Enabling and including disabled people in a campaign about them and their
place in society is powerful. 9 of 9

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