Git Unit I

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SUB.CODE/ NAME: CE 2033 / Ground Improvement Techniques


PART - A (2 marks)

1. What are the major problematic soils?

1. Collapsible soils
2. Liquefiable soils
3. Waste materials
4. Expansive and shrinkage
5. Marshy and soft soils
6. Karst deposits
2 . What is expansive soil? Give one example.
Expansive soils are soils that expand when water is added, and shrink when they dry out. This continuous
change in soil volume can because homes built on this soil to move unevenly and crack.
Ex. Deccan plateau and in some parts of Andhra Pradesh
Minimum volume like liquid limit is highest water content in the range of about 100 percent and the shrinkage
limit could be as low as 10 percent.
4. What is a collapsible soil?
These collapsible soils are nothing but the soils, which have a tendency to collapse upon loading. Many of the
reasons such as, the stable or unstable meta structure or capillary structures nullification are some of the
reasons for this collapsible nature of the soil. Suppose the soil is partly saturated and when it comes in contact
with water, the moment there is a contact with water all the capillary structures are destroyed. Because of this,
there is a volume change; it is in fact a reduction in volume and that leads to collapse.
5. What are the difficulties faced with soft clay?
When the soft soil is so poor, it is very difficult to construct anything, because the bearing capacity is very
low, shear strength is low, consolidation settlements are going to be very high and permeability is very low.
These are all very peculiar. So, this needs to be improved.
7. Name the various soil deposits found in India.
1. Black cotton soil
2. Laterites and murmurs
3. Alluvial soil
4. Desert soil
5. Boulder soil

8. Name any four ground improvement techniques. (AUC MAY/JUNE 2013)

1. Compaction Pile
3. Pre-Compression
4. Stone Column
7.Electro Osmosis
8.Thermal Treatment
9. What is the need for improving the ground? (AUC MAY/JUNE 2013)

Reclamation of unusable land

• Betterment of soil properties for improved performance
• Cost effective design of foundations
10. Briefly write the role played by ground improvement in foundation engineering.
• Improves bearing capacity
• Reduces foundation settlements
• Enables construction on granular fil s
• Provides temporary underpinning
• Provides excavation support
• Reduction of foundation dimensions
• Construction of shallow foundations
• Enables dry working conditions for foundation excavations
11. Define ground improvement. (AUC NOV /DEC 2012)

Ground improvement technique is the process of improving the geo-technical characteristics of

soil used in construction.

The soil at a construction site is not always totally suitable for supporting structures such as
buildings, bridges, highways and dams. For example, In granular soils, in-situ soil may be very
loose and indicate large elastic settlement. Under these conditions, soil needs to be dandified to
increase its unit weight and shear strength.

12. What is compaction? When is it adopted?

The compaction is process of increasing density of soil means of suitable compaction device . it is
predominantly adopted for cohesive soils and also however cohesion less soil can be also compacted by a
suitable device .
13. What is dewatering? What are the various methods of dewatering?
Dewatering is the process of continuous removal of water to lower the ground
water table to the required depth
Different methods of dewatering are
Sumps and ditches
Well point system
Deep well system
Vacuum dewatering
Electro-osmotic dewatering

14. When is pre-loading adopted as a ground improvement technique?

Preloading or pre-compression is the process of placing additional vertical stress on a compressible soil to
remove pore water over time
The pore water dissipation reduces the total volume causing settlement
Surcharging is an economical method for ground improvement
15. What is advantage of using vertical drains along with pre-loading?
The main applications of this method are in areas of transportation, highway
Embankments, housing projects, hazardous waste remediation
and in reducing negative skin friction on pile foundations
Vertical drains are nowadays primarily constructed with prefabricated vertical
16. How are heating and freezing used to improve ground?
Heating soils permanently alters the properties of the soil
Depending on the soil, temperatures can range between 300 and 1,000° C
The expected property changes are increase in shear strength and modulus of elasticity
Its application areas include immobilization of contaminant and soil stabilization

Ground freezing is the use of refrigeration to convert in situ pore water to ice
The ice then acts as a cement or glue,
bonding together adjacent particles of soil or blocks of rock to increase their
combined strength and make them impervious

Freezing is mainly adopted for

• Temporary underpinning
• Support for excavation
• Slope stabilization
• Contaminant containment
• To prevent ground water from entering excavation
17. What is a lime column?
Lime column is the process in which soft clays and silts are mixed with dry unslaked lime to form a
column of treated soil
This process uses a mixing tool that combines the lime with in-situ material
during treatment.

18. What is vibro-compaction? In which soils is it adopted?

Vibrio-Compaction, sometimes referred to as Vibroflotation, is the rearrangement of soil particles into
a denser configuration by the use of powerful depth vibrators
It is mainly adopted to reduce settlements, reduce liquefaction hazard and permit
construction on granular fills
It can be adopted in sands and silty sands with excellent to good results
Its applicability is poor in silts and cannot be adopted for clays

19. What is stone column? What are the methods of installing a stone column?
The vibro Rig displaces the soil by vibrating a mandrel into the ground to the required depth or refusal, whichever
is achieved first

The mandrel Is withdrawn and

The subsequent void filled with a clean stone
The mandrel is then re-introduced to the in-filled void and taken down close to the base of the
previously formed void, displacing the stone laterally into the surrounding soil

20. What are the various methods of grouting?

Suspension grouts
Solution Grouts
Colloidal solution grouts

Part –B
1. Explain in detail the role of ground improvement in foundation engineering.

Role of GIT in Foundation Engg.

• Improves bearing capacity

• Reduces foundation settlements

• Enables construction on granular fills

• Provides temporary underpinning

• Provides excavation support

• Reduction of foundation dimensions

• Construction of shallow foundations

• Enables dry working conditions for foundation excavations

2. What are the various geotechnical problems faced with black cotton soil, laterite soil and
alluvial soil deposits? (AUC NOV /DEC 2012) (AUC MAY/JUNE 2013)

Geotechnical Problems in Soils

• Soil is a material which exhibits a very wide range of characteristics that, it led a
whole branch of study to understand it better
• In this endeavour, man has encountered a wide variety of soils posing problems
to his developmental activities
• Not all soils are problematic from engineering point of view
• Different soils exhibit different levels of difficulty in their handling
• Black cotton soil

o This is well known group of soils characterized by dark grey to black colour with high clay content

o They are neutral to slightly alkaline in reaction

o Major black soils are found in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Tamilnadu

• Problems with black cotton soil

o The major problem with black cotton soil is its expansive nature due to presence
o Of montmorillonite clay mineral
o Its surface is hard in summer, and becomes slushy in rain and loses its
o strength substantially
o This swell and shrink nature results in movements leading to heaving of lightly
o loaded structures and road pavements
• Laterite Soil

o The upper horizons of laterite soils are rich in oxides of iron and alluminium
o The texture is light with free drainage structure
o Clay is predominant and lime is deficient and contain more humus and are well drained
o They are distributed in summits of hills of Deccan Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Ghat
regions of Orissa, Andhra Pradesh,
o Maharashtra and also in West Bengal,
o Tamilnadu and Assam
• Problems with Laterite soils
o Porous in nature
o Medium to high permeability
o Stability problems
o Difficulty in assessment of lateral stresses
o Wide ranging characteristics

• Alluvial Deposits

The soils are sandy loam to clay loam with light grey color to dark colour,
structure is loose and are very fertile

These soils are distributed in Indo-Genetic plains, Brahmaputra valley and almost all states of North
and South India

• Problems with alluvial soils Loose deposits with good water holding capacity

3. Write in brief about

(a) Compaction
Compaction is the process of increasing the density of the soil by means of suitable compaction device
This method is predominantly adopted for cohesive soils
However, cohesionless soils can also be compacted
(b) Vibro-Compaction
Vibro-Compaction, sometimes referred to as Vibroflotation, is the rearrangement of soil particles
into a denser configuration by the use of powerful depth vibrators
It is mainly adopted to reduce settlements, reduce liquefaction hazard and permit construction on
granular fills
It can be adopted in sands and silty sands with excellent to good results
Its applicability is poor in silts and cannot be adopted for clays

(c) Pre-loading
Preloading or pre-compression is the
process of placing additional vertical stress on a compressible soil to removepore
water over time
The pore water dissipation reduces the total volume causing settlement
Surcharging is an economical method for ground improvement
The various soils that can be treated using this method include
• Organic silt
• Varved silts and clays
• Soft clays
• Dredged material
The main applications of this method are reduction of post construction settlement, reduction of secondary
compression, densification and improvement of bearing capacity

(d) Pre-loading with vertical drains.

Vertical drains shorten the drainage path for the purpose of reducing

The consolidation time

The drains increase the rate at which excess pore water pressure is dissipated during consolidation
of compressible soils
Vertical drains are used to densify soft compressible soils in conjunction with preloading
The main applications of this method are in areas

Of transportation, highway embankments, housing projects, hazardous

Waste remediation and in reducing negative skin friction on pile foundations

Vertical drains are nowadays primarily constructed with prefabricated vertical drains

4. Write short notes on

(a) Dewatering
Dewatering is the process of continuous removal of water to lower the ground water table to the required
depth Different methods of dewatering are

• Sumps and ditches

• Well point system

• Deep well system

• Vacuum dewatering

• Electro-osmotic dewatering

(b) Heating
Heating or vitrification breaks the soil particles down to form a crystalline or glass product
It uses electrical current to heat the soil and modify the physical characteristics of the soil
Heating soils permanently alters the properties of the soil
Depending on the soil, temperatures can range between 300 and 1,000° C

The expected property changes are increase in shear strength and modulus of elasticity
Its application areas include immobilization of contaminant and soil

(c) Freezing
Ground freezing is the use of refrigeration to convert in situ pore water to ice
The ice then acts as a cement or glue, bonding together adjacent particles of soil or blocks of rock
to increase their combined strength and make them impervious
Freezing is mainly adopted for
• temporary underpinning
• support for excavation
• slope stabilization
• contaminant containment
• to prevent ground water from entering
excavation area
(d) Lime columns

Lime column is the process in which soft clays and silts are mixed with dry
unslaked lime to form a column of treated soil

This process uses a mixing tool that

combines the lime with in-situ material during treatment

The main applications of lime columns are in improvement of fills,

embankments and deep trenches

5. What are the factors influencing the selection of ground improvement techniques?

(AUC MAY/JUNE 2013)(AUC NOV /DEC 2010)

Selection of GIT

• Selection of Ground Improvement Technique depends on the following factors

Soil type
Area and depth of treatment required
Type of structure and load distribution
Soil properties
Permissible total and differential settlement
Material availability

Availability of skill and equipment

Environmental considerations
Local experience and preference

Ground Improvement
Type of Soil


Smooth wheeled roller Paving mixtures

Sheep foot roller

Clay and silty clays

Grid roller Coarse grained soils

Pneumatic rollers Low cohesive soils like
clayey sands and sandy clays and
cohesionless soils like gravels, sands and

Vibratory rollers Coarse grained soils

Dynamic compaction Best in cohesionless butn other types of soils
also can be compacted

Sumps and ditches Clean gravels and coarse sands

Well point system

Most effective in sands, sandy gravels to fine

Deep well system

Gravels to silty fine sands
and water bearing rocks

Vacuum dewatering
Fine grained soils with k in
the range 0.1 to 0.01

Electro-osmotic Silts, silty clays, soft clays

Dewateringb and peat

Preloading and Varved silts and clays Soft clays

Organic silt Dredged material
vertical drains

Lime Columns
Effective in clayey soils and expansive clays,
soft and loose inorganic fills

Fine grained soilsEspecially

For partially saturated clays, silts and

Heating loessial soils

Wide range of soil types like sands,
cohesionless silts and clays

Vibro-compaction Effective in sands and silty

sands, poor applicability in silts and cannot
be adopted in clays

Stone columns -
Granular and cohesive

Vibro-displacement soils Cannot be adopted for thick peats, very soft

clays, recently filled cohesive soils, collapsible
fills and hard ground

Blasting Loose cohesionless soils,

Saturated clean sandy soils.
Partly saturated sands and silts
After flooding

Chemical stabilization Different soils can be Stabilization treated by

Different varieties of chemicals and resins

Grouting Most grouts are suitable for gravels to silts.

Compaction grouting can be adopted for
partially saturated cohesive soils

Geosynthetics All soils

Earth reinforcement All soils

6. Explain in brief the various methods of ground improvement. (AUC NOV /DEC 2012)

Methods of Ground Improvement

• Compaction

• Drainage and Dewatering

• Pre-loading

• Pre-loading with Vertical Drains

• Lime Columns

• Heating

• Freezing

• Vibro-compaction

• Stone Columns

i. Vibro-displacement

ii. Vibro-replacement

• Electro-kinetic Method

• Blasting

• Chemical Stabilization

• Grouting

• Geosynthetics

• Soil Reinforcement


Compaction is the process of increasing the density of the soil by means of suitable compaction device

This method is predominantly adopted for cohesive soils

However, cohesionless soils can also be compacted


• Drainage and Dewatering

Dewatering is the process of continuous removal of water to lower the ground

water table to the required depth

Different methods of dewatering are

• Sumps and ditches

• Well point system

• Deep well system

• Vacuum dewatering

• Electro-osmotic dewatering

• Pre-loading

Preloading or pre-compression is the

process of placing additional vertical stress on a compressible soil to removepore

water over time

The pore water dissipation reduces the total volume causing settlement
Surcharging is an economical method for ground improvement

The various soils that can be treated using this method include
• Organic silt

• Varved silts and clays

• Soft clays

• Dredged material

The main applications of this method are reduction of post construction settlement, reduction of secondary
compression, densification and improvement of bearing capacity

Preloading With Vertical Drains

Vertical drains shorten the drainage path for the purpose of reducing

The consolidation time

The drains increase the rate at which excess pore water pressure is dissipated during consolidation
of compressible soils
Vertical drains are used to densify soft compressible soils in conjunction with preloading
The main applications of this method are in areas

Of transportation, highway embankments, housing projects, hazardous

Waste remediation and in reducing negative skin friction on pile foundations

Vertical drains are nowadays primarily constructed with prefabricated vertical drains
• Lime Columns

Lime column is the process in which soft clays and silts are mixed with dry
unslaked lime to form a column of treated soil

This process uses a mixing tool that

combines the lime with in-situ material during treatment

The main applications of lime columns are in improvement of fills,

embankments and deep trenche

• Heating

Heating or vitrification breaks the soil particles down to form a crystalline or glass product
It uses electrical current to heat the soil and modify the physical characteristics of the soil
Heating soils permanently alters the properties of the soil
Depending on the soil, temperatures can range between 300 and 1,000° C
The expected property changes are increase in shear strength and modulus of elasticity
Its application areas include immobilization of contaminant and soil

• Freezing

Ground freezing is the use of refrigeration to convert in situ pore water to ice
The ice then acts as a cement or glue, bonding together adjacent particles of soil or blocks of rock
to increase their combined strength and make them impervious

Freezing is mainly adopted for

• temporary underpinning

• support for excavation

• slope stabilization

• contaminant containment

• to prevent ground water from entering

excavation area

• Vibro-compaction

Vibro-Compaction, sometimes referred to as Vibroflotation, is the rearrangement of soil particles

into a denser configuration by the use of powerful depth vibrators
It is mainly adopted to reduce settlements, reduce liquefaction hazard and permit construction on
granular fills
It can be adopted in sands and silty sands with excellent to good results
Its applicability is poor in silts and cannot be adopted for clays
• Stone columns

The Vibro Rig displaces the soil by vibrating a mandrel into the ground to the
required depth or refusal, whichever is achieved first

The mandrel is withdrawn and the subsequent void filled with a clean stone
The mandrel is then re-introduced to the in-filled void and taken down close to
the base of the previously formed void, displacing the stone laterally into the

surrounding soil

The process is repeated with subsequent filling and compaction of the stone to
form a vertical stone column, with close

interlocking into the surrounding soils

This method provides the ground with the ability of increased load bearing characteristics

Stone columns - Vibro-replacement

Vibro-Replacement technique is a method by which stone columns are formed by

replacement of poor soils using stones and forming columns.

With Vibro-Replacement Stone Columns,

columns of dense, crushed stone are

designed to increase bearing capacity,

reduce settlement, aid densification and
mitigate the potential for liquefaction, and improve shear resistance

• Electrokinetic method

Electro-kinetic soil stabilization is the application of electro-osmosis to draw stabilizing chemicals

through soil
Electro-Osmosis is the process of using a cathode and an anode to create a direct current electrical
field and making water flow through fine-grained soil
The water is removed from the cathode side and is not replaced, consolidating the soil
The process has been applied to liquefiable sands where grout cannot pass to stabilize the soil

The soils that can be treated by this method are sands and dredgings

• Blasting

Blasting is the process of detonating small charges within loose cohesionless soils for the purpose
of densification
Due to blasting there is immediate and long term settlement
But already dense zones may loosen due
to blasting

• Chemical Stabilization

Chemical stabilisation is the process of bonding the soil particles with a cementing agent, the
primary additive being the
chemical that binds the soil by a chemical reaction with or within the soil

The primary additives generally used are lime, salts, lignins and polymers

• Grouting

Grouting is the process of ground

improvement attained by injection of a

fluid like material that is capable of forming a gel and binding the soil particles

Grouting can be permeation grouting,

compaction grouting or hydraulic fracturing

Permeation grouting involves the free flow of grout into the soil voids with minimal effect

Compaction grouts remain intact as a mass on grouting and exert pressure on the soil
Hydraulic fracturing process causes
fracture of rocks due to the intense

pressure of grouting and flows into the


Grout materials may be cement based

grouts or solution grouts or suspension

grouts, the latter two being chemical based


• Geosynthetics

They are artificial fabrics used in conjunction with soil for any construction


They are primarily two types

• Geomembranes – impermeable

• Geotextile – permeable

The different types available based on applications are geospacers, geogrids,

geowebs, geosynthetic clay liners, geomats, geofoam and geocomposites

They can be used for applications like separation, reinforcement,


filtration and barriers

• Soil reinforcement

It is provision of reinforcement to soil to increase its strength

Reinforcements can be steel bars, steel sheets, steel flats, geogrids, geotextiles etc.

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