Introduzione Alla Farmacologia - It.en
Introduzione Alla Farmacologia - It.en
Introduzione Alla Farmacologia - It.en
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Transcription of Alessia Liccardi 01/10/2015
Professor Gianfranco Di Renzo
The professor points out that the lesson is only introductory and you do not need to take notes.
The Program provides the general laws of Pharmacology at the beginning, because obviously this all drugs in the body
move and act according to these laws. After that we will begin to talk about the chemioantibioticoterapia (antibacterial,
antiviral, antiparasitic) while the anti-neoplastic chemotherapy will be made to the second half. We will continue with the
endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract, and will conclude with Prof Anninziato with adrenergic and cholinergic system.
In this first lesson there are no technical information but only the presentation of the course.
How did the exam : Written 60 domande, minimum score 33/60
Follow the lesson to figure out what to say considering the vastness of pharmacology today.
Medication as well as having a huge potential therapeutic imperative can also give harmful effects, in fact, the course also
includes a section dedicated to this drug toxicity.
The Pharmacology is the discipline that deals with the action of drugs on biological systems, but the action can be twofold
is favorable that on some other unfortunate. The result can be negative for the organism.
During the course you will do a couple of lessons on clinical trials and pre- clinical, since the drug before being available to
the physician has to undergo a series of vigorous controls both the biological effect that for histological effects.
Pharmacology is a single body but can be divided into many branches, each apparatus and system has the specificity that
can affect the therapeutic aspect and the action of drugs.
pharmacology sectors: Neuropharmacology, cardiovascular pharmacology, molecular pharmacology, biochemistry and cell
f, f behavioral, endocrine f, f clinical, chemioantibioticoterapia, toxicology, systemic and integrated f, discovery and drug
development and regulatory affairs. Faced by both exams.
The body of doctrine of pharmacology have increased enormously in recent years because it increased the basic
knowledge in many fields such as biochemistry, chemistry, molecular biology, physiology, general pathology, genetics
(there is also an aspect of pharmacogenetics that then we will know) and so on, so it knows much more about the
mechanisms of regulation of the endogenous functions.
These increased knowledge have enabled the development of a number of molecules that can intervene in many diseases,
such as a significant development as we have had in cancer chemotherapy, now it is estimated that approximately 50-60%
of cancers can be treated with chemotherapy, in addition to surgery and radiation therapy.
So medical progress and advancement of biomedical research has enabled a better understanding of the workings of our
body and therefore the chance to discover molecules that can act therapeutically.
Many pharmacological won the Nobel prize to witness how, the advancement of knowledge, has allowed the development
of increasingly effective molecules against diseases that previously could not be cured.
Even for about pharmacology the average age is gradually increased over the course of history, for example, after the
introduction of antibiotics there was a steep fall in deaths from lobar pneumonia and sepsis.
The pharmacy was founded by the current and also by local requirements demands. For example infectious diseases, to
which it is addressed the chemioantibioticoterapia, representing approximately 25% of mortality and 90% of these cases
occur in developing countries.
Over the past 25 years, the greatest number of drugs has been developed as part of the SNC and thus of
neurodegenerative diseases, and current research is focused mainly on three poles: neurodegenerative diseases,
cardiovascular diseases and neoplastic diseases (especially those with a defined target) .
History pharmacology
There are treated the Egyptians and Chinese pharmacology but there was great development with the acquisition of
knowledge in the medical field.
Homeopathy was founded by German physician Hanemann, who lived between the second half of the 700 and the first
half of 800, and based on the principle "the like similibus curantur", the basis of this therapy is the use of highly diluted
drugs ( at that time were of a vegetable nature, animal and mineral) and is used diluted preparations until the 30th power
(to better understand
At the same time the medicine was founded on the Hippocratic principle "contrary contrariis curantur", doctors resorted
frequently to bloodletting, to emetics, to purgatives and, in some cases, in place of blood-letting even the leeches (even in
1827 in France 32 million were used leeches).
Of course, most of these patients died, and also why Hanemann was a huge hit as preparing highly diluted medicines at
least not hurt.
The Phytotherapy instead is based on the use for therapeutic purposes of plant-derived compounds, namely the plants.
These compounds can still give side effects, even more so if accompanied by drugs. Therefore it is important during the
anamnesis verify the assumption of herbal teas, herbal medicine tablets. To understand whether there are interactions
between herbal medicines and you should check the package insert.
The first drug was morphine extracted from opium, then digital, then the 'aspirin, in the 20 animal insulin extraction,
around 40 years antibiotics and chemotherapy, until now with the advent of biotechnology and biologics as they call it
What is a drug?
-The drug pharmacologists define any substance capable of causing functional changes in an organism by means of a
chemical-physical action.
-L'OMS drug defines a substance capable of modifying pathological states with the patient's benefit.
-For the public the drug is a substance that can cause psychological changes and of course positive health effects. This is
more related to the concept of drugs, whose definition does not match the sensation perceived by the public. For drug is
meant a preparation of plant origin that in addition to the active ingredient comprises inert substances introduced into the
body that do not give any functional variation.
Considering our national healthcare system is appropriate for the administration of a drug is supported by clinical needs
and budget requirements, as the system provides for the repayment so you do not overload the state unnecessarily.
The difference between these two definitions is that that of the WHO is more optimistic and oriented in a therapeutic
sense, while that of the drug is a broader definition because the functional modification can be positive but also negative
(and here we fall back into toxicology).
A small part of the lectures will be devoted to explaining the path that makes a drug prior to registration, ie before it gets
the marketing authorization.
The marketing of a new active substance is strictly regulated by national health authorities, European and world.
These lectures will cover the preclinical testing and clinical trials.
The preclinical testing covers all those tests to which is subjected the drug before it can be tested in humans, and a part of
this pre-clinical trial is conducted in experimental animals, especially as regards pharmacokinetic and toxicological aspects.
In fact, we can use all the programs and computers that we want, all in vitro systems (cells, organs, DNA, protein isolate),
but these do not will never give information on how the drug should be administered, how it is metabolized, how is
eliminated , which are the serum levels and how they act in the body.
Animal testing however it is very small compared to the past and is strictly regulated, at first (first stage) by ethics
committees university composed of several professors of veterinary, medical and bioethicists, and at a later date (second
stage), also from the Ministry of Health and by the Higher Health. What is verified is the need of the trial and the absence
of pain for animals. No one can perform experiments on animals if you do not receive the consent of three committees,
before there were not all these rules.
Studying Tips
"Read carefully the examination program present on the student's guide, it is organized in accordance with the
classification of drugs to the various therapeutic groups, also it presents a classification depending on the mechanism of
"Do not read never more than a few pages without stopping to jot down the salient points of the argument.
After a chapter prepared schemes for key drugs.
This learning is active, only passive reading is far less effective, unless you have a photographic memory "
The advice I want to give you is to study immediately after the lesson because you have fresh argument, then the next day
will be treated to another subject that you go home and you study but in the meantime I recommend you review the
previous topics and so on in days later.
This way you avoid the "December crisis of the students" (perfectly right) when in spite of was repeated two or three times
the program does not remember anything, this is because the proper methodology, at least with regard to pharmacology,
is not to be studied everything and then repeat the start, but to study a little, day by day and to repeat the previous
Follow the lessons, except that it is compulsory, it is important to understand what is important and what is not and why in
class is done updating the drugs that are not on the books.