1 11 Douglas Ls Newsletter

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ISSUE #18 JANUARY 11, 2019


Bible: Jesus Is Tempted
Memory Verse: Psalm 119:11-“I have
hidden your word in my heart that I
might not sin against you.”
Daily 5 student independent work
Story - “The Big Circle”
Skill - Sequencing
Combinations ir and ur; Soft
(Cedilla) c; Digraph ow
Spelling: Test over Spelling List #13
English: Proper Nouns - Days,
Months, Holidays
Math: Understanding Tens & Ones
Science: Shadows
Visual Arts - Monday
Spanish - Tuesday
Performing Arts - Wednesday
Performing Arts - Thursday
Science Lab - Friday
Chapel - Wednesday and Friday

We look forward to seeing you Thursday evening, January 24, for our STEAM Night.
We look forward to showing you the work we have done in the areas of science,
technology, engineering, art, and math with the story Peter Pan. This come-and-go
event will be from 4:30 until 6:30.

Accelerated Reader Online Enrollment Spelling and Memory Verse

Students are starting over with new Please remember to complete We will have a spelling test and a
reading goals for Accelerated Reader memory verse test next week on
your child’s online enrollment by
for the second semester.. Your child’s Friday over Spelling List #13 and
Friday, January 30, to be sure that Psalm 119:11. These are both being
new goal was sent home on
Wednesday in your child’s your child has a place reserved in sent home today in your child’s
homework folder. I am sending it second grade for next year. We folder.
home again today along with the love our Harding families, and Spelling List #13: me, run, thing,
reading level that your child needs to we want all of you to receive the take, she’s, looking, little, title,
use when choosing AR books.. LION PRIDE discount that comes will, shell, one, two
Please encourage your child to read
with completing your enrollment Frank goes to class at twelve.
as much as possible and take AR
by the January 30 deadline. He’ll take a test at one.
tests over the books read.
He needs to make a good grade.

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