2.2.2 Types of Motivation

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2.1 Introduction

This chapter focuses on definitions of relevant terms, types of motivation, techniques of

motivation, determinants of job performance, theories of motivation, empirical literature reviews
and research gap.

2.2 Conceptual Definitions

2.2.1 Motivation

Motivation theory is concerned with what determines goal directed behavior. It is about, how
behavior is initiated by needs and by expectations on the achievement of goals which will satisfy
those needs, how the achievement of goals and /or feedback on their achievement reinforces
successful behavior and how belief in one’s ability to carry out a specific task will actuate
behavior which is expected to achieve the successful performance of that task (Armstrong, et al.,

According to Hoy and Miskel (1987), employees’ motivation is the complex forces drives,
needs, tension states or other mechanism that starts and maintains voluntary activity directed
towards the achievement of personal goals.

Mullin (1996), refers motivation to the forces within a person that affect his or her direction,
intensity and persistence of voluntary behavior. He added that motivated employees are willing
to exert a particular level of effort (intensity), for a certain amount of time (persistence) toward a
particular goal or direction.

2.2.2 Types of Motivation

Motivation at work can take place in two ways:

Extrinsic motivation. This is refers to what is done to and for people to motivate them. It arises
when management provides such rewards as increased pay, praise or promotions (Armstrong,
2006). Extrinsic motivation is a behavior that is influenced by external rewards.
Intrinsic Motivation. This is derived from the content of the job. It can be described as the
process of motivation by the work itself in so far as it satisfies people’s needs or at least leads
people’s to expect that their goals will be achieved. Intrinsic motivation is self-generated in that
people seek the type of work that satisfies them. The factors affecting intrinsic motivation
include responsibility (feeling of the work is important and having control over one’s own
resources, freedom to act, scope to use and develop skills and abilities, interesting and
challenging work and opportunities for advancement (Armstrong, 2006).

2.2.3 Techniques of Motivation

According to Gupta, (2005), he mentioned two main approaches to motivation as explained


Carrot and stick Approach to Motivation

This approach is based upon the old belief that the best way to get work from a person is to put a
reward (carrot) before him or to hold out the threat of punishment (stick). Carrot is the reward for
working and stick is the punishment for not working. Under carrot and stick approach,
employees who perform the task well are given rewards in the form of bonus, pay raise and

(a) Reward (carrot) is more effective motivator when it is directly linked with performance.
Accurate and unbiased appraisal of performance consistent (equitable) reward structure and
prompt payment of reward are also helpful in improving the effect of reward.

(b) Punishment (stick) is more effective if applied at the time when the undesirable behavior
actually occurs.

(c) Punishment should be administered with extreme case so that it does not become a reward for
undesirable behavior.

(d) Punishment should be used to modify the behavior and to force person to adopt desirable
behavior, which is rewarded.

(e) The mixture of reward and punishment should be judiciously applied to reinforce desirable
behavior patterns.
Motivation through Job Enrichment

Job enrichment is a non-financial technique of motivation. It is an outgrowth of Herzberg’s’ two

factor theory of motivation. It is based on the assumption that factors surrounding the work are
not effective motivators of behavior. In order to motivate employees the job itself must provide
opportunities for achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancement and growth. Job
enrichment is an attempt to design job in such a way as to build in the opportunity for
achievement, recognition, responsibility and personal growth. It provides a worker greater
autonomy and responsibility in carrying out a complete task and with timely feedback on his
performance (Gupta, 2005).

2.2.4 Job Performance

According to Daniel et, al. (2002), job performance can be defined in terms of whether
employees’ behaviors contribute to organizational goals. Performance can be seen as an
individual, group, or organizational task performance. Organizations have a vital need to
understand how to improve employee’s performance, and therefore they try to find an
explanation as to why employees fail to perform (Muchinsky, 1993). Employee performance can
be defined as an employee ability to accomplish tasks assigned to him or her in an organizational
context (Arverty& Murphy, 1998).

2.2.5 Determinants of Job Performance

Job performance is a critical antecedent of performance management. A job consists of a number

of interrelated tasks, duties, and responsibilities which a job holder needs to carry out, whereas
performance is a behavior or action that is relevant for the organization’s goals and that can be
measured in terms of the level of proficiency or contribution to goals that is represented by a
particular or set of actions (John Campbell, 1988). This implies that job performance involves
certain functional as well as behavioral competencies. The factors tend to impact job
performance are as follows:

Knowledge. Knowledge is the acquaintance with facts, truth or principles, as from study or
investigation. Knowledge provides a tool to an employee to carry out tasks and activities in the
organizational context. However, knowledge can be categorized as either declarative knowledge
which is concerned with what an employee knows, or procedural knowledge that refers to what
an employee can do (A. Kohli, 2008).

Motivation of the employees. A mere possession of knowledge or the ability to perform a given
job cannot guarantee job performance, if the employee lacks the motivation to perform. Only
motivated employees will make a concerted effort to perform. Individual employees may be
motivated either based on individual factors like recognition and driving needs, or organizational
factors for example enabling culture, feedback environment, existence of effective performance
management leadership’s support and encouragement (A.S. Kohli, 2008).

Feedback. Employees tend to perform well at their jobs if they are provided with feedback that
is meaningful and constructive. Such feedback helps employees identify areas of improvement
and they tend to work harder to overcome the performance gaps. Existence of feedback oriented
workplace environment is crucial to improve performance of employees on an ongoing basis
(A.S. Kohli 2008).

Leadership. Leadership has a profound influence on the employee’s morale and motivation and
organizational culture Many times, top leaders had to leave their organizations, not because they
did not have the job knowledge or skills, but failure to set right the organizational culture.
Effective leaders tend to solicit employees involvement in steering their organization forward.
They encourage suggestion, trust them, encourage taking risk and elicit full mental participation
of their employees in improving organizational performance. (A.S. Kohli, 2008).

Personality. Personality is the key dimension of behavior, and behavior is a foundation

performance of employees. However, personality is shaped by various endogenous and
exogenous factors. Indeed, personality influences the behavior and impacts employees’ job
performance (A.S. Kohli, 2008).

2.3 Theoretical Literature Review

This part focused on various theories of employee motivation in relation to job performance.

2.3.1 The Hierarchy of Need Theory

Maslow hierarchy of need as a theory in psychology proposed by Abraham Maslow in his 1954
book Motivation and personality.

Maslow hierarchy of need is often portrayed in a shape of pyramid (Maslow, 1954) with the
largest and most fundamental level of needs at the bottom, and the need for self actualization at
the top. In ascending order, beginning with the most basic need, the needs are psychological,
safety, social, esteem and self actualization needs. According to Maslow, people are motivated to
satisfy the lower needs before they try to satisfy the higher need.

(i) Psychological Need

Psychological needs are literal requirements for human survival. Air, food and water are
metabolic requirements for survival for all humans. An individual to satisfy these psychological
needs is greater than the drive to satisfy any other type of need. These needs are satisfied through
the wages and salaries paid by an organization (Maslow, 1954).

(ii) Safety Need

With their physical needs relatively satisfied, the individual's safety needs take precedence and
dominate behavior. In the absence of physical safety – due to war, natural disaster, family
violence, childhood abuse, etc. – people may (re-)experience post-traumatic stress disorder or
trans generational trauma. In the absence of economic safety – due to economic crisis and lack of
work opportunities – these safety needs manifest themselves in ways such as a preference for job
security, grievance procedures for protecting the individual from unilateral authority, savings
accounts, insurance policies, reasonable disability accommodations, etc. Safety and Security
needs include: Personal security, financial security, Health and well-being, Safety net against

(iii) Love and Belonging

Human need to feel sense of belonging and acceptance, weather it comes from a large social
group, such as clubs, office culture, professional organizations, sport teams or small connections
(family members, inmate partners, mentors, confidents).They need to love and be loved by
others (Maslow, 1954).
(iv) Esteem Need

According to (Maslow, 1954), all humans have a need to be respected and to have self-esteem
and self-respect. Esteem presents the normal humans desire to be accepted and valued by others.
People need to engage themselves to gain recognition and have an activity or activities that give
the person a sense of contribution, to feel self-valued, be it in a profession or hobby.

(v) Self Actualization Need

Maslow theory makes three important contributions. Firstly, he identifies important need
categories which can help managers to create effective positive reinforces. Second contribution
is that, the theory is helpful to think of two general levels of needs, in which lower level needs
must be satisfied before higher level needs become important. Third, Maslow sensitizes
managers to the importance of personal growth and self actualization. However, Maslow theory
has some problems. There is lack of hierarchical structure of needs as suggested by Maslow.
Naturally, every person has to satisfy his needs in some order. The order may not follow
Maslow’s need hierarchy. Some people may be deprived for their lower needs but may try for
self-actualizing needs. However, some people regard self esteem as more important than social
needs. They had seen self- assertion as means to an end-love need. There is considerable
disordering among physiological needs, safety needs, social needs and esteem needs particularly
in organizational context (Rollison, et.al, 1998).

2.3.6 Reinforcement Theory

Behaviorist B.F. Skinner derived the Reinforcement Theory, one of the oldest theories of
motivation as way to explain behavior and why we do what we do. The theory may also be
known as behaviorism or operant conditioning which is still commonly taught in psychology
today (Management Study Guide 2013).

The theory state that, those employees’ behaviors that lead to positive outcome will be repeated.
And behavior that leads to negative outcomes will not be repeated. Managers should therefore
positively reinforcement to yield the best results, and the reward should immediately follow
performance so that so that the employees can effectively associate the reward with performance,
Skiner (1974).
This theory plays a great role on relating reward to perform which is perceived to be powerful
and widely used in the management approach to employee’s motivation at work place which is
incorrect, because employees at work place are not only motivated by money, but also with a
combination of many variables based on individual, management and organizational levels.

2.4 Empirical Literature Review

This part aims at explaining the various past studies in relation to this research study.

Orpen (1997), conducted study on the effect of formal mentoring on employee work motivation,
organization commitment and job performance in UK. The study revealed that mentoring can
improve employees’ attitude without necessarily raising their performance. The study mainly
focused on the aspect of mentoring on performance. It neglected the aspect of motivation on job
performance which my study intends to address.

Okan, v. Safakli and Mustafa, E. (2012), conducted a study on Universality of Factors

motivating employees in Banking Sector of Northern Cyprus. Their study revealed that the most
important factors motivating employees are equitable wage and promotion, extended health
benefits and working environment. Furthermore, when compared with a similar study in Finland,
it is found out that the most important factor motivating employees in both countries is wage.

This study shows the gap of place where it conducted in a developed country while a researcher
study is focused in banking sector located in Tanzania as a less developing country.

Abdul Hakeem (2008) conducted a research focused on the relationship between motivation and
job satisfaction on employee performance in University of Utera Malaysia. The Thesis found that
job satisfaction has significance positively influence to the employee performance rather than
motivation. In this study, there is a gap of time of 10 years to date.

Gure, Naima Abdullahi (2010), also researched on the impact of motivation on employee
performance at Nation link Telecom Somalia. On her thesis she found that motivation has strong
positive influence on employee’s performance rather than job satisfaction. Satisfaction has low
significant on employees performance. However, the study concluded that motivation among
support staff contributes more to the employees’ performance of support employees of Nation
link Telecom Somalia.
There is an industrial gap from the fact that it was conducted in Nation link Telecom which
provides telecommunication services, while the selected institution provides social security

Uzma Ghaznav (2011), conducted study on the employee motivation on job performance. The
purpose of his study was to determine the importance of employee motivation on Faysal Bank in
Karachi, Pakistan. Uzma in his study found that 50% of his employees were not happy about
their salary. That is to say salary was no given priority to employees, though employees were
satisfied with their job security.

Thomas Owusu (2012) conducted study on the effect of motivation on employee job
performance. The purpose of his study was to analyze and determine the motivational package
that influences the performance of employees at Ghana commercial Bank. The bank achieved its
corporate goals as well as employee job performance simply because the company was using
extrinsic motivation package which covers periodic enhanced salaries to employees, fringe
benefits and promotions. The study had a gap because it was conducted in different organization
background as compared to one in this study

Karanja Silvana (2012) conducted a research on the Effects of reward system on employees
performance in Cooperative bank headquarter in Nairobi, Kenya. The study adopted explanatory
research design. The target population was employees of Cooperative Bank of Kenya. The result
from his study revealed that motivation, creativity, job satisfaction and team work had a positive
and significant effect on employee performance. The gap of this study can be seen as it is
focused on the effects of rewards system on employee performance in cooperative bank in
Nairobi while a researcher study focused on the impact of employee motivation on job
performance in NSSF Tanzania.

Insimire Patricia (2011) researched on the Motivations and Sales performance of employees the
case of Niko Insurance Uganda. The objective of her research was to establish the relationship
between employee motivation and sales performance. From her findings, it revealed that, there
was various motivation techniques used by NIKO Insurance which include promotion,
delegation of authority, participation in decision making, bonus and commission to good
performers. It was also discovered that Niko sales performance was greatly affected by the
quality of supervision, increased employee commitment, level of education, condition under
which they perform their duties, the quality and management of operations and the number of
hours worked.

The above study shows that, there is industrial gap from the fact that it was conducted in Niko
Insurance which provides insurance services, while the selected institution provides social
security services. However, non-financial rewards like job security and recognition were not
given attention.

Nchorbune Dominic Abonam (2011) conducted a research on the Roles of Motivation on

employee performance in university for development Studies-WA Campus. He found that
motivational packages available to employees in the university were largely inadequate. Hostile
environment within the university were not promoting efficient work. Since workers were found
to be poorly motivated, this resulted into poor attitude towards work, lateness to work,
absenteeism and indiscipline hence poor job performance.

There is a gap in this study conducted by Nchorbune because his research was of motivation and
employee performance, but was this study is focusing on social protection services in Tanzania.

Opu Stella (2008) did a research focusing on motivation measures and improving workers
performance in Kitgum district in Uganda. She found that, workers were not performing well in
Kitgum district because salaries and allowances at the district were very inadequate and not able
to meet people’s basic needs. Team work was not there between managers and subordinates
which also hindering good performance. However, intrinsic motivators such as achievement,
advancement, responsibility and recognition were identified to be well expressed in the district.

There is gap in this study because some incentives seem to be in place, but on the other hand
some incentives were inadequate for the district to perform well.

Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Science (2012) conducted a study on the “Influences
on the Motivation, performance and Job satisfaction of Primary Health Care Provider in Rural
Tanzania. The aim of the study seeks to improve the quality of Maternal and Neonatal Health
(MNH) provider motivation, performance and job satisfaction.
The findings were that, the influences on MNH provider motivation, performance and
satisfaction are shown to be complex and to span different levels. Variations in the use of term
and concept pertaining to motivation are revealed, and further clarification is needed.

The study however, highlights the complex and spans different levels of motivation and
performance and provides suggestion for its improvement.

There is an industrial gap conducted on this study because it focused on Health and allied
Science while the selected Study is focused on social protection sector.

Newaho E. Mkisi (2008) conducted a study focused on Application of Human Resource

Management Initiative for Workers Motivation and Organization performance in
Telecommunication sector in Tanzania. The study used empirical evidence from three
telecommunication companies in Tanzania. The study found that the gap between public and
private is narrowed. That is to say, both public and private companies provide all the incentives
such as job security, fringe benefits, and salaries benefits to motivate its workers. She also found
that the difference in performance between public and private companies is not because of
incentives structure but rather than the performance management system practices (strategic
planning, clear organization mission, training sanction, workers job description clear
compensation policy and mentoring and performance appraisal). There is an industrial gap
conducted by Newaho because it focused on telecommunication services while the selected
institutions focusing on social protection services.

Wilfred, U. Lameck (2011) conducted study on Non-financial motivation as a strategy for

improving performance of police force a case study of police force headquarter in Tanzania. He
used purposive sampling to select the key informants for interview and stratified simple random
was used to ensure representation of respondents from different strata. His study revealed that
employees are quite positive towards the use of monetary incentives in the work place and can be
effective in motivating them and can be used to compliment monetary incentives.

His findings suggest that non-monetary incentives may have a high motivating power in this
organization if they are valued highly by the employees and management.
There is a gap in this study because it is focused on police force while the selected study is
focusing in banking sector.

Mtagwa, A.R. (1990) also conducted a study on Workers Motivation in Tanzania public and
private enterprises. He concluded that the problem of workers lack of motivation is caused by
lack of proper identification of worker’s needs. Workers in private enterprises were more
motivated to work than those employed in public enterprises.

There is a gap of time whereby the study was conducted 23 years ago.

2.5 Research Gap

From the above discussion, it can be seen that much has been done on employees’ motivation.
Kingazi (1986) conducted a study on the Understanding of the Impact of Incentives and
Motivation on Productivity at Tanzania Sisal Industry in Morogoro and Tanga regions, Mtagwa,
A.R. (1990) also conducted a study on Workers Motivation in Tanzania public and private
enterprises. The research revealed various findings and some of the findings are contradicting
because researchers have focused on different variables, organizations and even countries.
However, the question remains, why do organizations still experience motivational problems
which result in decreasing the degree of organizational performance. In addition, some of the
incentives motivators seem to be in place while other incentives are missing thus the study
establishes the research so as to fill the gap.

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