Surya Namaskara
Surya Namaskara
Surya Namaskara
The effulgent form of the Lord, who is present (even) in the solar orb and is of complete
auspicious qualities, is concealed from my vision; O Complete One, I pray to thee that thou
mayest disclose thine form (which I otherwise would never be able to see) to me, thy devotee.
3. Aum Hroom Sooryaya namah (The active one- Swadhistana- Navel Center)
4. Aum Hraim Bhaanave namah (The one who illuminates- Ajna– Brow center)
11. Aum Hraum Arkaya namah(one who is fit for please-Vishuddhi-Throat Center)
Hari OM