Group Work Daily Logs

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Group Work Daily Logs

Sketches and final product designs are kept in the first column for all members to refer back to. Create post-it notes for each of your
agreed upon design ideas/steps and put them in the “To Do” column. Then during the work time each student in the group takes one
idea to work on at a time, adds their initials to the post-it, and moves the post-it to “In Progress”. When completed move the post-it to
“Done” and get a new post-it.
● At the beginning of each day, spend 5-8 minutes asking each group member 3 questions, 1. What did you do? 2. What are
you working on now? 3. What concerns do you have? Then make adjustments to your Log below and continue work.

Product Ideas To Do In Progress Done

Agreed upon sketches and
final prototype criteria.

Modified “SCRUM” model.

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