Design via frequency response Transient response via gain adjustment Consider a unity feedback system, where G(s) = - The closed loop transfer function is T (s) = ω s + 2ζωs + ω
Design via frequency response Transient response via gain adjustment Consider a unity feedback system, where G(s) = - The closed loop transfer function is T (s) = ω s + 2ζωs + ω
Design via frequency response Transient response via gain adjustment Consider a unity feedback system, where G(s) = - The closed loop transfer function is T (s) = ω s + 2ζωs + ω
Thus if we can vary the phase margin, we can
vary the percent overshoot, via a simple gain
Problem: For the position control system shown
below, find the value of preamplifier gain, K,
to yield a 9.5% overshoot in the transient re-
sponse for a step input. Use only frequency
response methods.
2. Use
− ln(%OS/100)
π 2 + ln2(%OS/100)
to find ζ = 0.6 for %OS/100 = 0.095, and then
ΦM = arctan r q
−2ζ 2 + 1 + 4ζ 4
to find ΦM = 59.2◦ for ζ = 0.6.
position constant
Kp = lim G(s),
velocity constant
Kv = lim sG(s),
and acceleration constant
Ka = lim s2G(s).
The value of the steady-state error decreases
as the steady error constants increases.
In the figure below, the uncompensated system
is unstable since the gain at 180◦ is greater
than 0dB. The lag compensator, while not
changing the low-frequency gain, does reduce
the high frequency gain. The magnitude curve
can be shaped to go through 0dB at the de-
sired phase margin to obtain the desired tran-
sient response.
Design procedure
Problem: For the same previous position con-
trol system, use Bode Diagrams to design a lag
compensator to yield a a ten-fold improvement
in steady-state error over the gain-compensated
system while keeping the percent overshoot at
Figure above; Bode plots showing lag compen-
sator design.