01 - Cobley IJSNEM - 2011 - 0014
01 - Cobley IJSNEM - 2011 - 0014
01 - Cobley IJSNEM - 2011 - 0014
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 2011, 21, 451 -461
© 2011 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during muscle contractions is associated with muscle fatigue and
damage in the short term and adaptive responses in the long term. When adaptation is inconsequential acute
antioxidant supplementation may be able to attenuate muscle fatigue and damage to enhance performance. This
study aimed to determine the effects of acute oral N-acetylcysteine (NAC) supplementation on Yo-Yo Intermit-
tent Recovery Test Level 1 (YIRT-L1) performance after repeated bouts of damaging intermittent exercise. In
a pair-matched design, 12 recreationally trained men engaged in 6 d of either NAC (n = 6) or placebo (n = 6)
supplementation. After a treatment-loading day, participants completed 3 testing sessions, on alternating days,
consisting of a preexercise isokinetic dynamometry (IKD) test, a damaging intermittent-exercise protocol,
YIRT-L1, and a postexercise IKD test. Another IKD test was completed on the 2 intervening d. NAC treatment
resulted in a significant preservation of YIRT-L1 performance (p ≤ .0005). IKD performance significantly
deteriorated over time at all contraction speeds, and this deterioration was not influenced by treatment group.
Plasma creatine kinase values increased significantly over time (p = .002) and were significantly greater in
the NAC group than in the placebo group (p = .029). NAC induced mild gastrointestinal side effects. NAC
supplementation may be a useful strategy to enhance performance during short-term competitive situations
when adaption is inconsequential. Titration studies to elucidate a treatment dose that enhances performance
without inducing side effects are now required.
Transient accumulation of reactive oxygen spe- is essential, such as during competitive tournament situ-
cies (ROS) during muscle contractions is associated ations that are characterized by short recovery intervals
with muscle fatigue and damage in the short term and between demanding excise bouts. It follows that acute
the promotion of adaptive responses in the long term antioxidant supplementation may be beneficial in these
(Ferreira & Reid, 2008; Powers, Durate, Kavazis, & situations, although this hypothesis has yet to be fully
Talbert, 2010). ROS can activate signal-transduction explored.
pathways to induct a stress-resistance response that N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is a promising candidate
protects against some of the toxic outcomes of ROS to attenuate fatigue and muscle damage during suc-
generation (Powers et al., 2010). This response involves cessive bouts of damaging high-intensity contractions.
the up-regulation of antioxidant enzymes and heat- NAC may act in several ways to influence cellular redox
shock proteins (Powers & Jackson, 2008). Reports of state. NAC deacetylation releases cysteine, which can
diminished adaptation to exercise training with long- be used to support glutathione synthesis, a process
term antioxidant supplementation have confirmed that rate-limited by cysteine availability (Ferreira & Reid,
ROS can function as essential signaling biomolecules 2008). Glutathione is an abundant cellular thiol that can
in vivo (Gomez-Cabrera, Borrás, Pallardó, Sastre, Ji, & serve as a substrate for the hydrogen peroxide scavenger
Viña, 2005; Gomez-Cabrera et al., 2008; Ristowet al., glutathione peroxidize and recycle vitamins C and E
2009). It is therefore apparent that chronic antioxidant (Ferreira & Reid, 2008). In addition, NAC can scavenge
supplementation is ill advised when training adaptation several reactive species directly and inhibit S-thiolation of
is desired (Powers et al., 2010). There are, however, redox-sensitive enzymes and proteins that may preserve
scenarios in which training adaptation is inconsequential, their function during contractions (Lee, West, Phillips,
and ameliorating the negative short-term effects of ROS & Britz-McKibbin, 2010).
Several authors have reported that acute NAC admin-
istration delays fatigue during submaximal endurance-
type exercise in humans (Lee et al., 2010; Matuszczak et
The authors are with the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, al., 2005; McKenna et al., 2006; Medved, Brown, Bjork-
Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK. sten, & McKenna, 2004; Reid, Stokic, Koch, Khawli,
452 Cobley et al.
Figure 1 — Overview of experimental design and procedures. Note that a 5-min break was allotted between the Loughborough
Intermittent Shuttle Test (LIST) and Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test Level 1 (YIRT-L1; not shown for clarity). Note. Black arrows
denote capillary blood-sampling time points, white arrows denote venous blood-sampling time points, and gray arrows indicate
treatment-ingestion times. IKD = isokinetic dynamometry; NAC = N-acetylcysteine; L indicates treatment-loading day.
intensity was similar between individuals and hence Twenty-meter-sprint time was recorded on a handheld
treatment groups. Although precision is sacrificed device that measured the elapsed time between the
when estimating VO2max with this approach, it did breaking of the infrared beams separating each pair of
have the advantage of incorporating rapid accelera- timing lights. Heart rate (HR) was recorded after every
tion–deceleration actions that enabled LIST intensity sprint using wireless telemetry (Polar, Kempele, Finland).
to be more accurately prescribed. To eliminate Two 60-s and one 180-s recovery periods were allotted
learning effects, two muscle-function and YIRT-L1 at 15, 45, and 30 min, respectively. Rating of perceived
familiarization sessions were performed. The greatest exertion (RPE) on a 6–20 Borg scale was determined
YIRT-L1 familiarization score attained represented every 15 min (Borg, 1973). Water was consumed ad
each subject’s baseline score to enable the calculation libitum throughout the LIST. The amount consumed was
of the deterioration in YIRT-L1 performance during the recorded and repeated during subsequent trials. Capillary
experiment. Subjects completed a 15-min LIST block blood was extracted from a fingertip site and analyzed
only to ensure that no significant muscle damage was for lactate using a portable device (Lactate Pro, Arkary
invoked before commencement of the study. Factory Inc., Japan) pre- and post-LIST. The device was
calibrated according to the manufacturer’s instructions
Muscle Function before each testing session.
Figure 2 — A: Mean (SD) relative Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test Level 1 (YIRT-L1) performance across time. B: Mean (SD)
absolute YIRT-L1 performance across time. Note. NAC = N-acetylcysteine. *Denotes a significant treatment effect.
antioxidant (vitamin C and NAC) supplementation signal to limit ROS toxicity (Reid, 2008). According to
in humans (Childs, Jacobs, Kaminski, Halliwell, & this hypothesis, attenuating ROS-mediated fatigue would
Leewenburgh, 2001). The physiological relevance of this be expected to increase the susceptibility of muscle to
finding is unclear because Childs et al. did not determine contraction-induced damage (Reid, 2008). It should,
muscle function. In the current instance, it is conceivable however, be noted that this increased susceptibility to
that elevated CK levels with NAC were the biochemical exercise-induced muscle damage was not accompanied
manifestation of an ability to perform more work with by a corresponding increase in the perception of muscle
NAC and hence induce greater muscle damage. Our soreness and decrease in muscle-force production (IKD
results are compatible with the redox-brake hypothesis of tests) in NAC-treated subjects. The results of the current
Reid (2008), which postulates that the fatiguing actions study, along with those of previous investigations,
of ROS during contractions act as a negative feedback indicate that NAC treatment increases the susceptibility
N-Acetylcysteine and Fatigue 457
Table 1 Side-Effect Incidence and Severity by to contraction-induced damage but that this does not
Treatment Group impair short-term muscle function. It is apparent that
future work employing histological techniques and
No Mild Severe measures of oxidative stress that are influenced by NAC
incidence incidence incidence administration such as 3-methylhistidine is required
Side effect (0) (1–5) (6–10)
to further elucidate the relationship between NAC
Sweating supplementation and muscle damage.
NAC 6 0 0 The fact that acute NAC supplementation reverses
placebo 6 0 0 fatigue implicates ROS in the etiology of muscle fatigue
during contractions (Ferreira & Reid, 2008; Matuszczak
Light-headedness et al., 2005; McKenna et al., 2006; Medved, Brown,
NAC 6 0 0 Bjorksten, Murphy, et al., 2004; Powers & Jackson, 2008;
placebo 6 0 0 Reid et al., 1994; Travaline et al., 1997). The applied
nature of the current investigation means we are unable to
link improvements in intermittent-exercise performance
NAC 0 5 1 with acute NAC supplementation to a physiological
placebo 6 0 0 mechanism. It should, however, be noted that taking serial
Indigestion muscle biopsies to reveal mechanistic insights would
have been prohibitive in the current instance because of
NAC 2 4 0
the confounding influence of the inflammatory response
placebo 5 1 0 that accompanies serial biopsies. This reasoning does not
Conjunctivitis apply to blood-borne redox markers; hence, the lack of
NAC 6 0 0 these measurements represents a limitation of the current
study. Nevertheless, in terms of potential mechanisms,
placebo 6 0 0
recent work suggests that ROS oxidize sodium (Na+),K+
Other pumps to accelerate K+ loss, which is associated with
NAC 6 0 0 impaired membrane potential and reduced contractil-
placebo 6 0 0 ity (McKenna et al., 2006). Consistent with this, NAC
treatment can salvage Na+,K+ activity (McKenna et al.,
Note. Incidence reflects number of cases. Severity reflects subject 2006). Sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase is another
perception of the side effect on a 0–10 Likert scale with 0 indicating
no incidence and 10 severe incidence. redox-sensitive protein important to force production
(Powers & Jackson, 2008). Specifically, ROS exposure
Figure 3 — Mean (SD) plasma CK activity across time by treatment group. Note. NAC = N-acetylcysteine; CK = creatine kinase.
*Denotes a significant treatment–time interaction effect.
458 Cobley et al.
Figure 4 — Mean (SD) scores on the visual analogue scale (VAS) across time by treatment group. Note. NAC = N-acetylcysteine.
can inhibit the function of sarcoplasmic reticulum cal- Reid, 2011). It will be necessary to confirm the findings
cium ATPase by disrupting ATP binding and calcium of the current study with further titration studies and to
uptake after ATP hydrolysis (Powers & Jackson, 2008; conduct pharmacokinetic studies on high-dose oral NAC
Scherer & Deamer, 1986; Xu, Zweier, & Becker, 1997). supplementation before this nutritional strategy can be
ROS may also interfere with calcium sensitivity during recommended as a safe and effective means of enhancing
contractions via several mechanisms, notably through athletic performance.
altering cross-bridge kinetics (reviewed in Smith & Reid,
2006). Fascinating insights may be derived from further
research focusing on how NAC is able to attenuate muscle Conclusion
fatigue during contractions. It has been demonstrated for the first time that acute oral
In an exercise setting, Matuszczak et al. (2005) were NAC supplementation preserves YIRT-L1 performance
the first to adopt an oral NAC supplementation strategy in after repeated bouts of intermittent damaging contrac-
humans. They observed a 32% increase in time to fatigue tions at the expense of inducing mild gastrointestinal side
during submaximal handgrip exercise after acute oral effects. This novel finding supports the efficacy of acute
NAC ingestion (150 mg/kg dissolved in 100 ml saline). oral NAC supplementation for performance preservation
This supplementation strategy induced several mild side during demanding short-term (≤14-day) athletic events
effects including erythema, conjunctivitis, puritis, light- where adaptation is inconsequential. In light of the role
headedness, drowsiness, dysphoria, nausea, dyspepsia, of ROS in stimulating adaptive responses, chronic NAC
and diarrhea (Matuszczak et al., 2005). The fact that supplementation may be ill advised. It is recommended
none of these side effects were evident in placebo-treated that titration studies be performed to elucidate a supple-
subjects who ingested 100 ml saline (Matuszczak et mentation strategy that enhances performance without
al., 2005) supports the notion that reduced side-effect inducing side effects.
incidence in the current study was attributable to a
decreased treatment dose that was consumed twice Acknowledgments
daily. Nevertheless, our strategy did induce mild
gastrointestinal side effects. Despite the performance We would like to thank all subjects for their sterling efforts
benefits of NAC, the occurrence of gastrointestinal side during data collection. Christopher Thompson and Rebecca
effects may limit its use in practical settings (Ferreira & Lockhart are thanked for their valued assistance during data
Reid, 2008). Recent work by Mike Reid’s group indicates collection. Dr. Gordon Lowe is thanked for advice regarding
that a 70-mg/kg dose of orally ingested NAC does not laboratory analysis. Dr. Stuart Galloway is thanked for his
cause significant adverse reactions (Ferreira, Campbell, & critical reading of the manuscript.
Table 2 Twenty-Meter-Sprint Time, Heart Rate (HR), and Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) by Day, Block of the Loughborough
Intermittent Shuttle Test (LISTB), and Treatment Group, M (SD)
Day 1 Day 3 Day 5
20-m-sprint time, s
placebo 3.44* 3.45* 3.51* 3.61* 3.59* 3.68* 3.71* 3.71* 3.64* 3.62* 3.61* 3.66*
(0.26) (0.25) (0.22) (0.18) (0.28) (0.28) (0.23) (0.23) (0.24) (0.26) (0.28) (0.25)
NAC 3.27* 3.23* 3.24* 3.20* 3.34* 3.30* 3.34* 3.41* 3.31* 3.33* 3.37* 3.36*
(0.15) (0.15) (0.14) (0.21) (0.13) (0.08) (0.14) (0.15) (0.12) (0.09) (0.16) (0.16)
HR, beats/min
placebo 147.4 154.6 156.7 162.0 144.4 153.0 156.5 160.1 147.0 151.0 154.0 158.5
(4.5) (7.1) (5.2) (6.0) (10.8) (10.9) (8.9) (10.2) (10.3) (7.6) (6.3) (7.3)
NAC 149.7 156.3 158.4 162.8 148.2 155.5 158.8 161.5 149.9 155.3 154.9 156.8
(4.5) (7.3) (5.8) (7.8) (7.4) (5.9) (6.6) (6.4) (7.0) (5.5) (5.8) (5.2)
placebo 14.0 15.7 16.5 17.8 14.5 15.8 16.5 17.2 14.7 16.1 17.0 17.7
(1.1) (1.0) (0.8) (1.7) (2.4) (2.3) (1.9) (1.6) (1.2) (2.2) (2.1) (1.4)
NAC 12.7 14.8 15.7 16.5 12.8 14.3 15.7 16.5 12.0 13.5 14.5 15.5
(0.5) (2.4) (2.0) (2.0) (0.8) (1.0) (1.0) (1.6) (0.6) (0.8) (0.8) (1.4)
460 Cobley et al.
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