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1595 A New Designer's Vision of Women's Fashion from the Standpoint of Biogeometry

A New Designer's Vision of Women's Fashion from the Standpoint of Biogeometry

Dr. Doha Mostafa EL Demerdash

Associate Professor, Apparel Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University, Egypt.

From Egypt, the cradle of civilization, modern science that balance the energy-quality Keywords:
of our lives, environment and technology have emerged. Biogeometry integrates the - Biogeometry ,
universal laws and natural dynamics of living energy systems that have been largely - Biosignatures ,
ignored in our modern civilization at the expense of our health and well-being.
- Biogeometry
Biogeometry is broadening in spectrum, including a growing body of knowledge and
scientific research that integrates, rather than divides our world-view, thus narrowing
design principles ,
the gap between the energy manifestations of spirituality and science. - Chakras.
In Biogeometry, proprietary shapes and design principles are developed to replicate
and amplify this highly beneficial natural subtle energy quality. The shapes interact
with the body’s own surrounding energy fields, according to the natural laws of
harmonics and resonance to introduce the energy quality balancing effect to the body’s
subtle energy system, and the harmonization of energy interactions with the
environment. In order to understand how the application of Biogeometry can
harmonize the energy qualities of environment, one should shift into the Biogeometry
Qualitative Worldview.
The aims of the present study has been to create new women's fashion designs
employing three named Biogeometry design principles. Designs introduced are
assumed to elevate the positive energy of the wearer. The validation project carried out
has introduced six women's designs using Biogeometry design principles,
Biosignatures and colors of chakras. Designs presented showed a tendency to
increase the level of positive energy of the wearer .
Paper received 26th of August 2015, Accepted 14th of September 2015 Published 1st of October 2015

1. Introduction: 2- Innovative design clothes increase the positive

Biogeometry is the patented science of using the energy to the wearer.
energy principles of shape to qualitatively balance Research methodology:
biological energy systems and harmonize their Descriptive and analytical method:
interactions with the environment. Balancing the In the analytical study for Biogeometry ,
activities of daily life, achieving harmony with our Biosignatures , Biogeometry design principles and
inner and outer environments, humanizing modern Chakras.
technology, and integrating science and Quasi experimental method:
spirituality is the work of Biogeometry science. It based on the innovation in the experiments of
(BioGeometry®, 2015) women's fashion designs which inspired from
Problem statement: Biogeometry science.
It is centered in how to implement Biogeometry 1-1-1.Biogeometry:
concepts and benefits to contemporary women's Biogeometry is a science that deals with the
fashion design. energy of shape; it uses shapes, colors, motion,
Research objectives: orientation and sound to produce a vibrational
1- Creating fashion designs for women's wear, quality that balances energy fields. Biogeometrical
using Biogeometry science to raise the positive shapes are two or three-dimensional shapes
energy of the user. specially designed to interact with the earth’s
2- Using Biosignatures, Biogeometry and its energy fields to produce balancing effects on
design principles in apparel and accessories multiple levels on biological systems. They were
field. developed and patented by Ibrahim Karim, in
This study is based on two explicit assumptions: Cairo, Egypt, during research since 1968. (Tarek
1- The ability to make fashion designs for women Abd Alrehman, 2010)
from the perspective of Biogeometry science The term Biogeometry is a proprietary name that
by using: design principles of Biogeometry, has been coined by its developer, Ibrahim Karim.
Biosignatures and colors of chakras. It is composed of the roots: Geo = Earth, Metry =

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International Design Journal, Volume 5, Issue 4, pp 1595-1607 1596

measurement, Bio=life. Thus, the word 1-1-2.Vibrational qualities of Biogeometry:

Biogeometry describes the measurement of energy Ancient Egyptians must have been able to interact
on Earth along with all living systems operating with nature in a more advanced way than we do
upon it. The application of Biogeometry goes even today, based on the study of the vibrational
a step further by offering methods to beneficially properties of the geometrical shapes they used in
affect the energy of all living systems and the their monuments, art, statues, amulets, and many
environment. (Lea Curtis, 2014) other aspects of life. The effects of energy went
And Biogeometry can be identified on the beyond the Pyramid shape; the Ancient Egyptians
philosophy of this science through verbal analysis used it in a very practical way in all aspects of
of the word Biogeometry that It consists of two their life. Unlike our modern energy forms that are
sections: "Bio" means Biological processes and highly amplified states of energies occurring in
"Geometry" means geometric shapes, So It means nature, this science dealt with forces on a natural
that this science is interested in studying the effect level as they occur in nature. That means that this
of geometric shapes on biological processes in the Ancient Egyptian science was more like a
human body.(Mohamed Samir Ahmed El Sawy, language that they used to establish two-way
2004). communication with nature. This two-way
To understand the effects of Biogeometrical information flow process was used to establish
shapes on the human energy system, we have to total harmony in all actions between man and
recognize that the human body has an energy field nature, to acquire a deeper knowledge about
around it, which has its own north-south axis. As anything by accessing information about it’s
we move around, the angle formed between our working principles on the energy level, and most
individual axis and that of the earth is constantly important of all to influence any action in nature
changing, and this in turn either strengthens or by manipulating its energy patterns to achieve the
weakens our energy field. The positive range is intended results.
very small, vulnerable most of the time, and is a Pythagoras was the first to introduce to the
major factor affecting our health and well being. western world the ancient Egyptian way of
Biogeometrically balanced energy, however, correlating musical qualities with quantifiable,
considerably strengthens our energy fields to such numerical values. The golden ratio of 1.618
an extent that we are not detrimentally affected by expressed as the ultimate proportion of harmony,
changes of orientation. In fact, it appears to cancel beauty and spirituality was used in the design of
obvious energy interactions predicted by currently sacred buildings in Ancient Architecture to
accepted physical laws. produce spiritual energy that facilitated
Biogeometry, the design language of shapes, is the connectivity with spiritual realms through resonant
proprietary science of using the energy principles prayer.
of Biogeometry to amplify an energy quality Ibrahim Karim has done extensive research and
manifest in nature that is found in the centers of all found that Biogeometry shapes have three primary
energy patterns of shape. This subtle energy vibrational qualities: (Ibrahim Karim, 2008)
quality is at the core of the forming process in 1. Negative green.
nature, and is responsible for maintaining the 2. A higher harmonic of ultra-violet.
harmony within energy structures of all systems 3. A higher harmonic of gold.
(animate and inanimate), and providing balance Only shapes, which produce energy fields with
among the different manifest energy qualities of all three components, termed the BioGeometry3
the components of the overall patterns of that (BG3) are Biogeometry shapes. (Tarek Abd
system (Fig.1). Alrehman, 2010)
1-1-2-1.Negative green:
Popular among spiritually significant shapes are
pyramids and hemispheres (e.g. the domes, that
are the basis of religious buildings, be it a mosque,
a church or a synagogue). These particular shapes
are energy emitters; they are shapes that produce a
type of penetrating carrier-wave which Chaumery
and De Belizal named, negative green (which acts
as carriers, like radio waves that carry sound
information). The vibrational quality of negative
Figure 1.Subtle energy forming levels from center. green gives it very strong communication

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1597 A New Designer's Vision of Women's Fashion from the Standpoint of Biogeometry

properties, which facilitate resonance with higher from the earth (believed to be a major cause of
realms in prayer. Negative green turned out to cancer) and different types of man-made pollution.
have other properties, however, which make it For specific healing purposes, research is being
very harmful under continuous exposure. In conducted in collaboration with medical doctors in
spiritual energy fields however only the horizontal the science of BioSignatures, which deals with
components of this energy is found; the vertical energy of shape in relation to specific functions of
components, which is the harmful part of this the body organs.
energy, is cancelled. (Ibrahim Karim, 2008) 1-2.Biogeometry design principles:
Note: we use here the words "horizontal" and The application of the Biogeometry design
"vertical" as in electromagnetic waves. The principles creates awareness to a center of rotation
negative green is not an electromagnetic wave and or a central axis of the design. The Centering
the words horizontal and vertical are used to process is fully achieved when the Biogeometry
distinguish two different aspects of the negative harmonic proportions are applied together with the
green, which can be measured with the so called design principles to achieve the BG3 subtle energy
"Cone fictive" pendulum. quality. (Ibrahim Karim, 2008)
1-1-2-2.Ultra violet: 1-2-1.Rotation:
You can speak about the presence of spirituality The principle of rotation (Fig.2) is a method of
when you can measure three components. One is activating a center in the design to create BG3
the above mentioned (horizontal) negative green, quality. When the rotation is applied according to
the second is a higher harmonic of ultra violet and specific angles from the Biogeometry harmonic
the third is the higher harmonic of gold. The system, the BG3 energy quality will fill the whole
higher harmonic of ultra-violet , an invisible light design creating the centering effect that is the main
which is related to the environment of angels and criterion for the harmonizing effect in the
other light beings. It is a very purifying and environment. (Samah Abdel Aty, 2015) In (Fig.3)
relaxing vibration, which balances overactive table is designed by Ibrahim Karim which
organ functions and has a calming effect on the Illustrates the concept of rotation around the axis.(
nervous system. (Johan van Vulpen., 2006) Maha Ibrahim, 2009). The direction of rotation is
1-1-2-3.Gold: very important, for example "Swastika" pattern
The higher harmonic of gold, although on a much (Fig.4) which is Nazi sign. If the direction of
higher vibrational plane, is in resonance with Swastika rotation is clockwise, it will give the
physical gold. You can see it depicted by the halos positive energy but if the direction of Swastika
around the heads of saints. It enhances wisdom rotation is anti-clockwise, it will give the negative
and prosperity in a broad sense. On the physical energy. So the Nazi movement chose it. (Eman
level, it has energizing effect that balances the Anis, 2010)
body's immune system. If a person is praying, with
radiesthesie you will find "gold" in the room. The
easiest way is to take some gold (as sample) in one
hand and the pendulum in the other.(Tarek
Abdalrehman, 2010)
Figure 2.Rotation
1-1-3.The effect of Biogeometrical :
The effect of Biogeometrical energy on health is
not specific and not precisely predictable. It
appears to amplify and balance the energy fields of
the body on all levels, and thereby give the body
greater power to heal itself. The healing process
resulting from a strengthening and balancing of
the immune system manifests differently from one
person to the other; certain results, however, have Figure 3.Table is designed by Ibrahim K.
been repeatedly observed.
Biogeometrical shapes balance the body energies
on different levels; positive effects are usually felt
on the emotional, mental, spiritual as well as the
physical level. They have been found to be
effective over a very broad range, including the
protection against harmful radiation emanating Figure 4.Insignia of Nazi

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International Design Journal, Volume 5, Issue 4, pp 1595-1607 1598

1-2-2. Interfacing:
One of the methods that allow form or shape to
create a harmonizing energy is principal of
'interfaces' (Fig.5). An interface is a boundary
between two things, where goes into other we
have two levels of boundaries: The First and Figure 7. Shifting
simple boundary level is what you find whenever
two surfaces of different materials meet in straight
line. These two surfaces have different energy
qualities so they create a boundary where we can
fine the subtle energy communicative quality
(Negative green) of a carrier wave. The second
level is when the boundary between two materials
is curved to forms an interface. An interface
usually creates an awareness of several interactive
centers in the shape of the boundary. A double Figure 8.Chair is designed by Ibrahim Karim
interface is even more potent as it creates two 1-2-4. Transparency:
centers. By using the proportions and angels, or This is an advanced form of shifting or rotation
other components from qualitative harmonic that is used to form the grid on which a design was
system of Biogeometry we achieve the centering made and is then only evident in background of
quality where the BG3 spreads through the whole the design (Fig. 9). (Ibrahim Karim , 2008.)
design. (Ibrahim Karim, 2008.) In (Fig.6) chair is Transparent means the ability to see details behind
designed by Ibrahim Karim which illustrates the the body or fabric, and the degree of transparency
concept of Interfacing between space and form. varies according to the amount of light, if the
(Lobna Shaker, 2014) amount of light increases also transparency will
increase. In (Fig.10) chair is designed by Ibrahim
K. which Illustrates the concept of
transparency.(Samah Abdel Aty, 2015)

Figure 5.Interfacing

Figure 9.Transparency

Figure 6.Chair is designed by Ibrahim Karim

1-2-3. Shifting:
It is the process of repeating the shapes in certain Figure 10.Chair is designed by Ibrahim Karim
way and in a certain direction, In shifting is put 1-3-1.Biosignatures:
hypothetical axis which the shapes repeat on it to Extensive research in energy field has shown that
spread the energy. (Samah Abdel Aty, 2015) all patterns on the surface of plants, animals,
When planes are superimposed in form of shifting insects and other living systems form an integral
(Fig.7), they create an impression of third part of the total energy system of that life form.
dimension of depth on a two-dimensional plane, This pattern is related to the peripheral energy
one or more central axis are created that produce flow on the surface of the body, which usually
BG3 quality. (Ibrahim Karim , 2008.) In (Fig.8) interacts with the environment to adapt the central
chair is designed by Ibrahim Karim which energy system to external changes. The existence
Illustrates the concept of shifting.( Maha Ibrahim, of a central and peripheral energy system in the

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1599 A New Designer's Vision of Women's Fashion from the Standpoint of Biogeometry

body is a fact that most alternative medical through to discover them. We know from the
practices recognize and work with. concept of interchangeability between scales, that
All objects interact with the energy of the earth to we can translate a color, like red for example, to a
produce a certain energy field around them, and musical note, or translate it to an angle. They are
when two energy fields are in proximity all scales expressing the same thing in different
they communicate and modify each other through languages. This means that the laws of one would
the law of resonance. Building on this energy apply to the other.
interaction the science of Biosignatures was With musical notes for example, we have the laws
developed. (BioGeometry®, 2015) of resonance as dealt with in the Science of
BioSignatures, are linear diagrams that by virtue Harmonics (Pythagoras, Von Thymus, Kepler,
of their design properties directly balance the Chaldni, Jenny, Keyser). Likewise we ask, if there
energy of body organs and their functions. can be also resonance of shape? If the energy
(Ibrahim Karim, 2008.) Similar in concept to qualities of sound, color, and angles (components
computer technology when activated by an electric of shape), are interchangeable, then there is
current the function is determined by the design of resonance between similar colors, shapes and
the circuit even when reduced to a micro level. motion. We shall see how we can make use of this
One important property of the energy of resonance of shape and discover new dimensions
geometrical shapes (three dimensional or linear) is in the energy patterns of the functions of organs in
that it flows along linear objects of any type, energy systems. (Ibrahim Karim, 2008.)
material or shape. Wires, strings, pipe, and other In his research, Dr. Karim found that he could
linear objects can channel energy that is why all trace the subtle energy pathways running through
shapes have a peripheral energy besides their main the human body. He discovered that these
central energy. Biosignatures on the other hand are pathways were regular patterns or shapes that
activated by the body’s peripheral energy could be drawn as diagrams. This led Dr. Karim to
channeled through these special shapes that create visual representations of the subtle energy
simulate the electrical path of different functions systems within the body and named these
of different body organs. The energy is conducted ‘Biosignatures’. Dr. Karim then linked these
through the linear diagram (like electricity through diagrams with The One harmonizing subtle energy
wires or running water along the stream of a river quality, ‘BG3′ thus creating representations of the
bed.). The flow of energy through the patterns ideal pathways of our organs and body functions.
enters into resonance with the functions of the If you think of your heart (Fig.11), you can
organ they represent as similar patterns at tune imagine it has an energy path that follows the
(much like the tuning of musical instruments) blood that runs through it, another energetic
causing a harmonic amplification which restores pathway is the muscular response that occurs to
the correct balance within the organ; this keep that blood moving, and so on. Dr. Karim’s
correction is instantaneous on the energy level. To visual representations of these energetic pathways
manifest on the physical however it may take act as “signatures” of the subtle energy systems
longer depending on the nature of the problem and within different organs, thus the name
the state of the organ concerned. If the signatures Biosignatures. Once they are linked to resonate
are not properly designed or not needed, they do with ‘BG3′ they become representation of the
not enter into resonance with the functional energy ideal. (Lea Curtis, 2014)
and produce no effect, thus there is no possibility
of harmful side effects. By balancing the energy of
the immune system, a general initial cleansing
effect can be produced in some cases, before the
final balance is achieved. (BioGeometry®, 2015)
Biosignatures are linear energy pathway diagrams
that enter into resonance with our body’s energy
flow patterns to enable our bodies to self-correct.
The Biosignatures target specific organs, glands,
Figure 11. Biosignatures of heart
and functions within all bodily systems. (Lea
1-3-3.Similar shapes enter into resonance with
Curtis, 2014)
each other (importance of Biosignatures):
1-3-2.The discovery of Biosignatures:
After studying the body from the physiological
Before going into how to use Biosignatures, it is
orthodox point of view, the Chinese system of
important to explain the process Dr.Karim went

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International Design Journal, Volume 5, Issue 4, pp 1595-1607 1600

acupuncture and its subtle anatomy of meridians, corresponding body function. If the Biosignature
and the Indian system with its energy centers produces the correct pattern, it will enter into
(charkas) and the energy paths joining them, we resonance with and therefore amplify the energy
discover new Biogeometry resonance of that corresponding organ function. This could
relationships. These relationships are on multiple instantaneously correct the flow of energy and
levels in the organs of our body and are expressed balance the organ function on the energy level.
as linear energy patterns of organ functions that (Ibrahim Karim, 2008.) It is important to note
we call Biosignatures. If we put a simple shape that we are producing energy balance of the organ
into this information exchange layer around the function. We are not speaking of the healing of the
physical body we will get resonance with organ on a physical level. Biosignatures have an
corresponding energy pattern of any similar shape energy balancing effect which supports other
inside the body with the exact geometric forms of orthodox medical treatments or
configuration. (Ibrahim Karim, 2008.) If we look alternative remedies. (Nermin Saad Fathalla,
for example at an organ, it can have ten functions, 2007)
which means that there are ten patterns of motion Sometimes when the energy is properly balanced,
of energy inside it that are superimposed. Each the body can produce its own healing, which can
pattern is on a different layer, with a different be instantaneous. This should not however delude
frequency. us into thinking that this is a form of alternative
Every pattern takes a certain shape because it medical treatment. It is still a form of energy
performs a different function. While the shape will balancing, which is nearer to an environmental
still be related to the primary shape, it will be ‘tuning’ activity that supports health. It is rather
more related to the internal energy patterns of like tuning of a musical instrument. When we look
shape within the organ, and will be of linear at it in this context, it is easy to understand the
design in order to conduct energy. All these simple scientific concept of Biosignatures.
patterns interact together at the end and form an In (Fig.12) examples of Biosignatures for many
energy grid. So, instead of entering into resonance organs and functions that we use them in practical
with only the primary shape, we go directly to experiment like ( from left to right: thymus ,
each individual energy pattern. This process can immunity, stomach, ovaries, prostate, colon, liver,
go to the smallest detail, even reaching the DNA intestines, lung, asthma, spine and central nervous
level. (BioGeometry®, 2015)We now have our system, rheumatism ,cancer protection, kidney,
Biosignatures, which when placed within the heart beads, heart balance, heart vessels, sinus,
body’s peripheral energy, conduct energy into energy balance, biogeometrical sign, depression–
their linear shape to form an energy pattern of the emotional problems. (Tarek Abd Alrehman, 2010)
same shape that enters into resonance with

Figure 12.Examples of Biosignatures

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1601 A New Designer's Vision of Women's Fashion from the Standpoint of Biogeometry

1-4.The Chakra: which is vitally important to our immune system.

There are seven energy centers in the body called Working with the heart chakra and the color green
“chakras”. The seven chakras parallel the spine, can balance our energy and our nervous system;
and each one has certain qualities and help our minds focus; connect us to compassion,
associations. (Fig.13) (Bee Bosnak , 2014) regeneration and empowerment; and lift our mood.
Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel" or The fifth chakra "Throat": The color blue is
"disk," and the seven chakras, located along the associated with the throat chakra, which acts as a
central axis of the body, represent its seven major channel connecting the heart and the mind. This
energy centers. Recognized by ancient chakra is associated with the thyroid and the
civilizations for thousands of years, these centers parathyroid glands, which aid in regulating
correlate to the major nerve ganglia branching out metabolism. Working with the throat chakra and
from the spine. The chakras are also said to the color blue can help us express ourselves
correlate to levels of consciousness and bodily peacefully and truthfully, freeing the voice to be
functions, among other things. And associated an instrument of healing (in words or song).
with each chakra is a color (Fig.14), based on the The sixth chakra "Third -Eye": The color
concept that the energy vibrating through each indigo is associated with the third-eye chakra, our
center has a different wavelength or quality of seat of intuition and wisdom, located between the
light. Color therapy involves working with color eyebrows. Meditation can be an excellent way to
in each of the chakras to help balance energy and develop the third-eye’s ability to "see within."
maintain health and well-being. (Cyndi Dale, This chakra is also associated with the pituitary
2009.) gland, the body’s master gland, and with the
Each of the seven main chakras contains bundles pineal gland, which is linked to our cycles of
of nerves and major organs as well as our sleeping and waking. Working with the third-eye
psychological, emotional, and spiritual states of chakra and the color indigo can help us develop
being. (Michelle Fondin, 2015) self-esteem, inner peace, discernment, intuition,
The first chakra "root": The color red is wisdom, clarity and happiness.
associated with the root chakra. This chakra is
located at the base of the spine and is related to
our connection with the earth. Working with the
root chakra and the color red can help ground the
body, connecting us to our sense of security,
stability and safety.
The second chakra "Sacral": The color orange
is associated with the sacral chakra, located 2-3
inches below the navel. This chakra is related to
the reproductive system, kidneys and adrenals;
also with sensuality, sexuality and pleasure.
Working with the sacral chakra and the color
orange can help us create a healthy balance
between body and mind.
The third chakra "solar plexus": The color
yellow is associated with the solar plexus chakra,
located between the navel and the lower end of the
sternum. The solar plexus can be imagined as our Figure 13.The position of chakras
own personal sun. The healing properties of this The seventh chakra "Crown": The color violet
chakra are connected with the pancreas, liver, is associated with the crown chakra, located at the
digestive system and gallbladder and with our top of the head. This chakra is related to the pineal
ability to absorb nutrition. Working with the solar gland in the brain. This gland is sensitive to light
plexus chakra and the color yellow is said to and produces neurohormones like melatonin that
encourage positive, empowered thinking and link help regulate our sleep cycles. The crown chakra
us to our creativity, well-being, pleasure and also bridges the right and left hemispheres of the
abundance. brain. Working with the crown chakra and the
The fourth chakra "Heart": The color green is color violet can stimulate dream activity, clarify
associated with the heart chakra, which is also our thinking and help us connect to our higher
connected to our lungs and to the thymus gland, spiritual self. (Idea Health & Fitness Inc., 2008)

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International Design Journal, Volume 5, Issue 4, pp 1595-1607 1602

Figure 15.Silver Figure 16. Bronze

Figure 14.Chakra color's Chart

Figure 17. Turquoise stone Figure 18.Brown agate
2-Method and experiment: stone
This research is aimed to for the employment of 2-1-2. L 66 Pendant in sterling silver: Wearing
Biogeometry science to create new women's this pendant provides protection from electro-
clothes to increase the positive energy. magnetic fields (EMF) by transmuting detrimental
2-1. Background Biogeometry products: energies into beneficial energies. The shape of the
The Biogeometry products are designed pendant also emits proven beneficial energy into
specifically for the purpose of introducing our own personal magnetic field (Fig.19).
essential energy qualities into the energy field of 2-1-3.EMF harmonization pendant: For EMF
the body to balance the body and harmonize its sensitivity and improved brain function this
interaction with the environment. Biogeometry is pendant represents a single Biosignature which
not a form of medical diagnosis or treatment, but works extremely well in eliminating headaches by
is long term environmental support for the body’s balancing the detrimental effects of EMFs
energy system and all types of treatment. Under (Fig.20).
no circumstances should Biogeometry products 2-1-4.Cell phone EMF harmonizer: The shapes
replace professional medical treatment. These on this product provide protection from electro-
products are designed to be worn on the body and magnetic fields (EMF) by transmuting detrimental
support human and biological energy systems. energies into beneficial energies (Fig.21).
They are all emitters of the centering energy 2-1-5.BioSignature ring in silver: This ring will
pattern (the BG3). The medallions also carry remind body’s organs, muscles groups, glands,
hundreds of BioSignatures that resonate with the etc. of their “ideal energetic operating pattern”.
organ systems. They are most often worn as The ring features multiple embossed
jewelry. “Biosignatures” and includes a clearing plate
2-1-1. Biosignature balancing pendant: (Fig.22).
The Biosignature Pendant helps the wearer
balance his or her body's energy systems and
protect against polluted surroundings. Developed
and created by Dr. Karim, the pendant features
over 150 embossed “Biosignatures”. The pendant
includes a “clearing plate” which removes daily
accumulation of detrimental energies in the metal
and it is made from multiple materials like: silver
(Fig.15), bronze (Fig.16), with turquoise stone
(Fig.17) and with brown agate stone (Fig.18)
Figure 19. L66pendant Figure 20. EMFpendant

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1603 A New Designer's Vision of Women's Fashion from the Standpoint of Biogeometry

2-2-1-1. Biogeometry sources:-

Biosignatures: In the top of dress in the chest area
Biosignature of heart balance - in the waist area
Biosignature of kidney – at the end of dress
Biosignature of immunity –the necklace consist of
cancer protection Biosignatures.
Biogeometry design principles: Around the end
of dress, the Biosignature of immunity achieved
rotation and in necklace, Biosignatures of cancer
Figure 21. Cell phone protection achieved rotation, shifting and
Figure 22. Ring
pendant transparency with body.
Colors of chakras: blue is color of the throat
2-2. Validation project: chakra - green is color of the heart chakra - yellow
Women fashionable designs inspired from is color of the solar plexus chakra - orange is color
Biogeometry are created with the objective to of the sacral chakra - red is color of the root
increase the positive energy. Therefore the chakra.
following three Biogeometry elements are used: 2-2-1-2. Suggested Fabrics and Implementation
1- Biosignatures. techniques:
2- design principles. Fabrics: stain for dress – silk for shawl – bronze
3- Colors of chakras. for necklace.
Also a variable set of clothes: Implementation techniques: Embroidery for
- Long pants like design.(3, 5), short pants like Biosignature motives.
design. (2) 2-2-2. Design 2: Suit consists of tight t-shirt
- Long dress like design.(1), short dress like (body) with long sleeve and Bermuda pants, with
design. (6) - Skirt like design. (4) silver necklace (Fig.24).
- Blouse without sleeve like design.(3), blouse
with long sleeve like design. (5) and blouse
with short sleeve like design. (2).
2-2-1. Design 1: Long fitted cocktail dress without
sleeve with silk shawl and bronze necklace

Figure 24. Design 2 and its color board

2-2-2-1. Biogeometry sources:-
Biosignatures: In the top of t-shirt in the chest
area biogeometrical signs - on the sleeve and in
the waist area Biosignatures of colon – on the
pants Biosignature of depression, emotional
Figure 23. Design 1 and its color board

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International Design Journal, Volume 5, Issue 4, pp 1595-1607 1604

problems –the Pendant in the necklace is Fabrics: cotton for t-shirt – viscose for pants.
Biosignatures of colon also. Implementation techniques: Printing for
Biogeometry design principles: Biosignatures of Biosignature motives on t-shirt and pants but
colon achieved shifting on the sleeve of t-shirt and embroidery for Biosignature motives on the
in the waist of pants, biogeometrical signs in the neckline of t-shirt.
top of t-shirt achieved interfacing with space. 2-2-4.Design 4: Ensemble consists of blouse with
Colors of chakras: green - yellow- orange - red. one long sleeve and skirt (Fig.26).
2-2-2-2. Suggested Fabrics and Implementation 2-2-4-1. Biogeometry sources:-
techniques: Biosignatures: On the top and sleeve of blouse
Fabrics: cotton for t-shirt – gabardine for pants – Biosignature of stomach– in the middle of blouse
silver for necklace. Biosignature of liver– around skirt Biosignature
Implementation techniques: Printing for of liver.
Biosignature motives on t-shirt but embroidery for Biogeometry design principles: Biosignature of
Biosignature motives on pants. stomach and liver around top and sleeve of blouse
2-2-3. Design 3: Tight t-shirt (body) without and skirt achieved shifting, rotation and
sleeve with wide pants (Fig.25). interfacing.
Colors of chakras: blue- green- red.
2-2-4-2. Suggested Fabrics and Implementation
Fabrics: chiffon for blouse- jersey (viscose) or for
Implementation techniques: Printing for
Biosignature motives.

Figure 25. Design 3 and its color board

2-2-3-1. Biogeometry sources:-
Biosignatures: On the neckline of t-shirt
Biosignature of thymus – on the t-shirt
Biosignature of lung- in the waist area
Biosignature of depression, emotional problems –
on the pants Biosignature of sinus.
Biogeometry design principles: Biosignature of
Figure 26. Design 4 and its color board
depression, emotional problems achieved shifting
2-2-5. Design 5: Tight t-shirt (body) with short
on the waist of t-shirt, Biosignature of sinus on the
sleeves with straight pants (Fig.27).
pants achieved shifting.
2-2-5-1. Biogeometry sources:-
Colors of chakras: green- orange- red.
Biosignatures: On the neckline and short sleeve
2-2-3-2. Suggested Fabrics and Implementation
of t-shirt Biosignature of energy balance – in the

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1605 A New Designer's Vision of Women's Fashion from the Standpoint of Biogeometry

middle of t-shirt and the end of pants Biosignature

of intestines.
Biogeometry design principles: Biosignature of
energy balance on t-shirt and Biosignature of
intestines on t-shirt and pants achieved interfacing
with space.
Colors of chakras: green- red.
2-2-5-2. Suggested Fabrics and Implementation
Fabrics: cotton for t-shirt – gabardine or denim
for pants.
Implementation techniques: Printing for
Biosignature motives on t-shirt and pants but
embroidery on neckline of t-shirt.
2-2-6. Design 6: short fitted cocktail dress without
sleeve and bronze necklace (Fig.28)
2-2-6-1. Biogeometry sources:-
Biosignatures: On the dress collection of
Biosignatures– the Pendant in the necklace is
Biosignatures of heart vessels.
Biogeometry design principles: collection of
Biosignatures on the dress achieved interfacing
with space.
Colors of chakras: green- yellow- orange- red.
2-2-6-2. Suggested Fabrics and Implementation
techniques: Figure 28. Design 6 and its color board
Fabrics: stain for dress – bronze for necklace.
Implementation techniques: Embroidery for 3- Results and discussion:
Biosignature motives. To prove that the suggested designs raise of
positive energy to the wearer's body there are
several devices used to measure and identify
power quality.
3-1.Instruments and pendulums to identify
Biogeometrical energy:
3-1-1. BG16 pendulum and BG3 emitter: Top of
FormBottom of Form The BG3 pendulum is based
on the energy-quality of the number 16 (the basis
of the Golden Proportion used in architecture
throughout history). It works through resonance of
number with the BG3 energy quality, and this
makes it very easy to use. This pendulum has the
advantage of detecting the holistic aspect of BG3
with all three components simultaneously. It was
developed by Dr. Karim especially for designers
with no previous experience in Radiethesia to
allow them to assess the BG3 quality in their
designs. This pendulum also emits BG3 from its
tip, and can be used as a harmonizing emitter on
the chakras and acupuncture points as well as to
charge things with the BG3 quality (Fig.29).
Note: Radiesthesia is the science of using the
vibrational fields of the human body to access
information about other objects of animate or
inanimate nature by establishing resonance with
Figure 27. Design 5 and its color board their energy fields, using specially calibrated

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International Design Journal, Volume 5, Issue 4, pp 1595-1607 1606

instruments and a scale of qualitative - Definition of Biogeometry science, its

measurement to decode this information. history, which dates back to the ancient
3-1-2. IK universal pendulum & BG3 emitter: Egyptians and its design principles.
Top of Form - Definition of Biosignatures, how discovered,
Bottom of Form it is a highly sensitive pendulum their products and their uses in producing
for dowsing detrimental energies, raises the energy energy balance of the body's organ function.
of the user and open the chakra in a few seconds. - Seven energy centers in the body "chakras
It energizes and balances acupuncture points The "and their colors which use in treatment and
IKUP Pendulum emanates the BG3 from its tip balance the energy of the body.
and its shape creates geometric resonance with the Research presented six women's fashion designs
planes of nature. The pendulums used in by using design principles of Biogeometry ,
Biogeometry work on the basis of the Physical Biosignatures and colors of chakras. And by
Radiesthesia method, as opposed to Mental testing and measuring of these designs have
Radiesthesia. That is, the practitioner does not ask proven their ability to raise the positive energy of
any questions, it is the shape itself that determines the wearer.
what energy quality or frequency is being 4- Conclusions:
detected, and when it is detected there is a positive The research highlights the importance of
clockwise swing (CW) or CCW (Fig.30). Biogeometry as a science that deals with the
energy of shape and as a design language.
Biogeometry is used in any activity in life.
Because everything has a shape and everything
has energy so there is no activity in life without it.
Also the research highlights its applications in
decoration, furniture, textile and clothing and its
history, which dates back to the ancient Egyptians
also its therapeutic impact to raise the positive
The study presents definitions of Biogeometry
design principles which are rotation, interfacing,
Figure 29. BG16 pendulum shifting and transparency. Also a definition of
Biosignatures, and how it is discovered, their
significance, their diversity, their shapes, their
therapeutic benefits in treatment organs of the
body and functions.
Definition of seven chakras which represent seven
energy centers in the body and thier colors which
are used in treatment and balance the energy of the
So the results of research are creating six women's
fashion designs by using design principles of
Biogeometry , Biosignatures and colors of
chakras. And testing and measuring these designs
Figure 30.IK pendulum that they have proven their ability to raise the
If the pendulum used to measure Biogeometrical positive energy of the wearer.
energy moves in a clockwise direction that means
the suggested designs increase the positive energy. 5- References:
But when pendulum moves in an anti-clockwise 1. Bee Bosnak (2014) the power of your chakras,
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1607 A New Designer's Vision of Women's Fashion from the Standpoint of Biogeometry

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