Ubd Simple Machines

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Simple Machines UBD Unit Plan

Established Goals:
3.2 The student will investigate and understand simple machines and their uses. Key
concepts include
a) purpose and function of simple machines;
b) types of simple machines;
c) compound machines; and
d) examples of simple and compound machines found in the school, home, and work

What essential questions will be considered?

Interpretation: What do compound machines reveal about human creativity?
Perspective: What are the limits to simple machines?

What understandings are desired?

Students will understand that

Interpretation: What do compound machines reveal about human creativity?
If children can answer this question, they understand that creativity and invention is
what makes technological advancement possible
Perspective: What are the limits to simple machines?
When students answer this question they understand that there are no limits to simple
machines. Students understand that there is potential that has not yet been reached.

What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of

this unit?
Essential Skills:
Essential Knowledge:
Identify the six simple
The six simple machines:
a simple machine is a basic mechanical device that
Explain the applications of
makes work easier
each simple machine.
lever: a stiff bar that moves about a fixed point
Identify simple machines in
(fulcrum). It is a simple machine that is used to push,
daily life.
pull, or lift things. Examples include a seesaw, crowbar,
Define each simple machine.
and shovel.
Explain the difference
Screw: an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder or
between a simple and
cone. A common use of the screw is to hold objects
compound machine.
together. Examples include a jar lid and wood screw.
Define a compound machine.
Pulley: a wheel that has a rope wrapped around it.
Recall examples of
Pulleys can be used to lift heavy objects by changing
compound machines.

Identify what simple

machines are in use within a
compound machine.
Form an opinion on how
creativity is related to
developing compound
machines and justify
reasoning. (EQ1)
Generate a list of tasks that
would make the day more
productive if there was
technology that made the
task more efficient/completed
the task on its own.
Generate a list of tasks that
would make the day easier
for a person with a different
Justify the potential simple
machines still have today.

the direction or amount of the force. Examples include a

Wheel and Axle: consists of a rod attached to a wheel.
A wheel and axle makes it easier to move or turn things.
Examples include bicycle wheels, roller skates, and a
Inclined Plane: a flat surface that is raised so one end
is higher than the other. The inclined plane helps move
heavy objects up or down. An example is a ramp.
Wedge: wide at one end and pointed at the other to
help cut or split other objects. Examples include a knife
or ax.
Compound machines:
A compound machine is a combination of two or more
simple machines.
Scissors: consist of two levers and two wedges. The
fulcrum of both levers is where they are joined together.
The blades themselves are wedges, with a sharp cutting
edge and a thicker dull edge.
Wheelbarrow: used to carry heavy objects. It consists
of two simple machines: a lever and a wheel and axle.
Effort is applied to the lever by picking up the handles of
the wheelbarrow. The rolling wheel turns the axle and
increases the force, making it easier to push the load.
Bicycle: The wheels and pedals each form a separate
wheel and axle system. The brakes and brake handles
are levers, and the seat adjustment is a screw.
Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1440
print became more accessible, the average joe now had
access to literature.
Made of simple machines like levers and screws.
Rube Goldberg went to school to be an engineer, and after
graduating, he decided to become an artist. He drew
cartoons of inventions that did simple things in very
complicated ways. His inventions involved many complex
systems of simple machines, all organized in logical
sequences, to accomplish simple tasks.

Performance Based Evidence (PBE)

Interpretation: What do compound machines reveal about human creativity?
If children can answer this question, they understand that creativity and invention is what
makes technological advancement possible
Title: Youre the Author!
Goal: Students show understanding that compound machines are technological
advancements spawned from human creativity and innovation.
Role: Author
Audience: Book publisher (public library librarians)
Situation: You have been asked to write a childrens book about an inventor and
their invention that made an impact on the world.
Product: A childrens book created on the app Book Creator
Perspective: What are the limits to simple machines?
When students answer this question they understand that there are no limits to simple
machines. Students understand that there is potential that has not yet been reached.
Title: Crazy Coasters!
Goal: Students show understanding that through creative thinking, simple
machines have limitless potential.
Role: Roller coaster engineer
Audience: The board of directors from Kings Dominion(high school AP Physics
Situation: You have been asked by the directors of Kings Dominion to design the
newest roller coaster.
Product: A model of the proposed roller coaster, and pitch explaining why your
design uses simple machines to create a new and unique experience roller
coaster riders will have never experienced before.
Other Evidence:
Test assessing:
o the six simple machines and their application
o three compound machines
o definitions of a simple and compound machine
o Know who Johannes Gutenberg and Rube Goldberg are and their
Quiz on the six simple machines and definition of a simple machine
Quiz on three compound machines and definition of a compound machine
Simple machine scavenger hunt where students find simple machines in their
everyday life
Observe students ability to label simple machines in a compound machine
Observe students in a discussion of machines they wish existed to make their
lives easier and how they would design the machines. Create a class list.

Collect students response to the prompt: What is an area of your life that a
machine could make easier? Draw a picture of the machine in use.
Discuss and observe about people of different backgrounds and different aspects
of their lives. Generate a class list of ways to make their lives easier.
Collect student response to the prompt: What is a machine you could invent to
make someone elses life easier? How would you design this machine?

How can you assess your knowledge of simple and compound machines and
their importance in your world?
Why do you think compound machines take creativity or do not take creativity?
Why are simple machines so important to technological advancement?
How well do you feel you understand what a simple machine is?
How well do you understand how simple machines can be transformed and
combined to create new inventions?
Why do you think technological advancement is or is not important?

(2003). Compound Machines: A Physical Science Activity. Retrieved from:
(2015). 4.48: Compound Machine. Retrieved from: www.ck12.org
(2015). 30.4: Compound Machines. Retrieved from: www.ck12.org/
Bendewald, M. & Zarske, M. S. & Yowell, J. (2007). Lesson: Rube Goldberg and the meaning of
machines. Teach Engineering: Curriculum for k-12 teachers. Retrieved from:
Wishnia, S. (2009, March 30). How did the printing press change history? Retrieved form:
Virginia Department of Education. (2012). VA standards of learning curriculum framework:
Grade three. Retrieved from: www.doe.virginia.gov

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