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safe, efficient & easy


Blood Culturing System safe, efficient & easy

HiMediaLaboratories TM

HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Limited

For life is precious

Blood Culturing System safe, efficient & easy

B lood is one of the most

important specimens
received by the
l a b o r a t o r y. S i n c e
blood is normally sterile, blood cultures
are of great importance in diagnosing
Blood is collected from the patient (before commencing antibiotic
therapy preferably) using a sterile blood collection set and transferred
aseptically to HiSafe Blood Culture Bottle containing a suitable
blood - stream related infections growth medium (depending on the suspected pathogen). The bottle
such as endocarditis, typhoid is then incubated and observed for turbidity, colour change,
f e v e r, p n e u m o n i a , s u p p u r a t i v e
thrombophlebitis, infections of hemolysis, gas production.
vascular grafts etc. (1). In most cases of HiSafe Blood Culturing System
bacteremia the organisms are not
numerous, hence a relatively large
amount of blood has to be used as
i n o c u l u m . T h e b l o o d ’s n a t u r a l
bactericidal or bacteriostatic action as
well as antibiotics used in therapy may
delay or reduce the chances of obtaining
a positive culture (2). Hence substances
such as liquoid (Sodium polyanethol
sulfonate, SPS) may be used as a
non-toxic anticoagulant which enables
bacterial growth and prevents the action
of natural bacterial inhibitors of blood
(3,4,5). SPS inhibits the activity of
streptomycin (6), polymyxin B (7),
kanamycin and gentamycin (8).
Van Haebler and Miles (9) first
demonstrated the usefulness of SPS in
Blood Culture Medium.
The Hi-Safe Blood Culturing system is a
fast, efficient and simpler detection and
preliminary identification system for
microorganisms from blood. All
HiSafe Blood Culture media BHI - Brain
Heart Infusion, BHI - Supplemented w/
0.05% SPS, Columbia Broth, Fluid
Thioglycollate Medium w/0.05% SPS,
Glucose Broth Supplemented w/ 0.05
% SPS, Hartley Broth, Hartley Broth w/
0.05% SPS, Modified Wilkins Chalgren
Broth, Schaedler Broth, Thioglycollate
Broth, Tryptone Soya Broth, Tryptone
Soya Broth Supplemented w/
0.05%SPS, Tryptone Soya Broth w/
10% Sucrose have been developed to
support the growth of a variety of
clinically significant pathogenic
microorganisms and also fastidious Combination of Solid (20 ml) and Liquid (40 ml) media in single bottle.
Racks for Blood Culture Bottles (For details refer section under Accessories )
LA278 LA279
Blood Culturing System safe, efficient & easy

Specimen collection and handling Test Protocol

Collect the blood samples preferably before commencement of antibiotic 1. Label the ready to use blood culture bottle.
therapy. If antibiotics have already been administered, 2. Do not unscrew cap. Remove the top of the screw cap.
blood should be drawn just before the next dose is given. 3. Disinfect the part of the rubber stopper which is now exposed.
Blood samples should be obtained before meals, as hyperlipemia 4. Draw patient's blood with a sterile/disposable needle and syringe as
may mask growth in the liquid medium. explained in specimen collection and handling column.
Collection of blood samples should be done at intervals specially at the 5. Transfer the blood sample immediately into the culture bottle by
first sign of fever. puncturing the rubber stopper with the needle and injecting the blood.
Multiple blood cultures (1 to 3) may have to be performed at prefixed time 6. Venting : Use a sterile venting needle (LA038). Keep the bottle in an
intervals. upright position preferably in a biological safety cabinet, place an
The operator’s hands must be clean and dry. Sterile gloves may be worn to alcohol swab over the rubber stopper and insert the venting needle
protect the operator if there is a possibility of specific hazards such as with filter through it. Insertion and withdrawal of the needle should be
hepatitis B or AIDS. done in a straight line. Discard the needle and mix contents by gently
Clean the puncture site thoroughly with a swab soaked in 70% inverting the bottle 2-3 times. Do not vent the culture bottle for
isopropanal or ethanol and disinfect with a 2% iodine solution. Allow the anaerobic cultures.
skin to dry before puncture. 7. Incubate at 35±2oC for 18-24 hours and further for seven days.
Using a sterile (preferably disposable) needle and syringe to withdraw
patient’s blood as follows:
Results and Interpretation
Bacterial growth is usually evident by 48 hours. The bottles
should be incubated further for 7 days to confirm negative results.
Volume of Blood Volume of Liquid Medium Volume of Solid Medium
8-10 ml 70 ml (adults) —
Subculturing on suitable media is necessary for identification.
40 ml (adults) 20 ml Note : For further identification of microorganisms in positive blood cultures
users may follow the scheme suggested in Essential Procedures in Clinical
3-5 ml 20 ml (paediatrics) 7 ml
Microbiology (10) or any suitable Handbook of Clinical Methods.
1-3 ml 20 ml (paediatrics) —

Drawbacks of the procedure

Separate needle and syringe should be used for each patient. Various factors affect the recovery of microorganisms from blood :
Antimicrobial therapy before sample collection
For best recovery blood should be collected and immediately inoculated Bacteremia of transient nature
into HiSafe Blood Culture System preferably at the patient’s bedside . Contamination of patient’s blood by external microflora
Volume of blood drawn
If there is delay in processing, specimens submitted in blood culture
Selection of improper medium
vials should be held at room temperature until they can be appropriately
Discarding negative cultures prematurely.

Important Instructions : For in vitro diagnostic use only.

HiSafe Blood Culturing System Do not use bottles showing cracks or defects or signs of
contamination. Decontaminate all inoculated bottles prior to
discarding by autoclaving at 121oC for 15 minutes (15 psi pressure).
70 ml size
Loosen the cap and rubber stopper prior to autoclaving.

20 ml size
1. Manual of Clinical Micro., 1999, 7th Edition, Editor in Chief Patrick R. Murray, ASM Press.
2. Practical Medical Micro., 1996, 14th Edition, MacKie and McCartney Edited by J G Coller, A G Fraser,
B P Marmion, A. Simmons. Churchill Livingstone
3. Evans, G.L., T. Cekoric Jr., R.I. Searcy, 1968. Comparative effects of anticoagulants on bacterial growth in
experimental blood cultures. Am. J. Med. Technol., 34:103.
4. Evans, G.L., et al 1966. Effects of Anticoagulants on Antibacterial Action of Blood. Clin. Res., 14:484.
5. Garrod, P.R. 1966. The growth of Streptococcus viridans in sodium polyanethol sulphonate (Liquid). J.
Pathol., 91:621.
6. May, J.R., A.E. Voureka, A. Fleming, 1947. Some problems in the Titration of Streptomycin,
Br. Med. J., 1:627.
7. Jackson, D.M., E.J.L. Lowbury, E. Topley, 1951. Pseudomonas Pyocyanea in Burns - Its Role as a Pathogen
and the value of Local Polymyxin Therapy, Lancet., 2:137.
8. Evans, G.L., et al. 1967. Growth inhibition of mycoplasmas by sodium polyanethol sulphonate. Antimicrob.
Agents Chemother.1967: 687.
9. Van Haebler T., A.A. Miles, 1938. The action of sodium polyanethol sulphonate (liquoid) on Blood Cultures
J. Pathol. 46:245.
10. Essential Procedures in Clinical Microbiology, 1998. Isenberg Henry D. Editor -in- Chief,
ASM Press Washington D.C.

LQ media’s available sterile in packing of glass bottles only.

Blood Culturing System safe, efficient & easy

List of Products
LQ003A (Adults) 70 ml, LQ003 (Paediatrics) 20ml LQ008A (Adults) 70 ml, LQ008 (Paediatrics) 20ml
BHI - Brain Heart Infusion Schaedler Broth
A qualitative test for detection of microorganisms in blood. For the recovery of anaerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms in blood.

LQ004A (Adults) 70 ml, LQ004 (Paediatrics) 20ml LQ007A (Adults) 70 ml, LQ007 (Paediatrics) 20ml
BHI - Supplemented w/ 0.05% SPS* Thioglycollate Broth
A qualitative test for detection of microorganisms in blood. For the recovery of anaerobic and facultative microorganisms.

LQ006A (Adults) 70 ml, LQ006 (Paediatrics) 20ml LQ009A (Adults) 70 ml, LQ009 (Paediatrics) 20ml
Columbia Broth TSB - Tryptone Soya Broth
For cultivation of fastidious organisms from blood. A qualitative test for detection of microorganisms In blood.

LQ023A 70 ml, LQ023 (Paediatrics) 20ml LQ011A (Adults) 70 ml, LQ011 (Paediatrics) 20ml
Fluid Thioglycollate Medium w/0.05% SPS* TSB - Tryptone Soya Broth Supplemented w/ 0.05% SPS*
A qualitative test for detection of microorganisms in blood.
For cultivation of aerobes anaerobes and microaerophiles.

LQ010A (Adults) 70 ml, LQ010 (Paediatrics) 20ml LQ005A (Adults) 70 ml, LQ005 (Paediatrics) 20ml
Glucose Broth Supplemented w/ 0.05 % SPS* TSB - Tryptone Soya Broth w/ 10% Sucrose
A qualitative test for detection of microorganisms in blood. A qualitative test for detection of microorganisms in blood.

LQ013A (Adults) 70 ml, LQ013 (Paediatrics) 20ml

Hartley Broth Accessories
For the recovery of anaerobic and facultative microoorganisms.
Racks for Blood Culture Bottles
LA278 Combi System S.S.Rack LA279 Safe Blood Culture Bottle
For HiCombi Dual Performance Medium bottles S.S. Rack (for 8 bottles)
LQ095A 70 ml, LQ095 (Paediatrics) 20ml (for 8 bottles)
Hartley Broth w/ 0.05% SPS*
For the recovery of anaerobic and facultative microorganisms. *SPS : Sodium polyanethol sulphonate
Venting Metal Needles
LA038 HiAerator Needles Sterile metal needles for venting blood culture
LQ014A (Adults) 70 ml, LQ014 (Paediatrics) 20ml bottles are available from the HiMedia range.
Modified Wilkins Chalgren Broth
A qualitative test for detection of strict or facultative anaerobic microorganisms in blood.

Open the lid Clean the surface of stopper Collect patient’s blood Inoculate the medium w/ blood

LA038 Venting Metal Needles Incubate at appropriate condition

Venting not required for anaerobic culture
(Venting required for aerobic culture)

LQ media’s available sterile in packing of glass bottles only.


Blood Culturing System safe, efficient & easy

HiCombi Range of Products

A TWO in ONE STEP procedure involving inoculation and simultaneous isolation on
solid surface. Achieved in a HiCombi Dual Performance Medium.
Available in two sizes;
Solid phase (7ml) and Liquid (20 ml) medium and
Solid phase (20ml) and Liquid (40 ml) medium

HiCombi Media for growth and confirmation of Salmonella species

LQ029 HiCombi Dual Performance Salmonella Medium - SS LQ029A HiCombi Dual Performance Salmonella Medium - SS
A qualitative test for growth and confirmation of Salmonella. Combination of A qualitative test for growth and confirmation of Salmonella. Combination of
solid (7 ml) and liquid (20 ml) media in single bottle. solid (20 ml) and liquid (40 ml) media in single bottle.

LQ030 HiCombi Dual Performance Salmonella Medium - XLD LQ030A HiCombi Dual Performance Salmonella Medium - XLD
A qualitative test for growth and confirmation of Salmonella. A qualitative test for growth and confirmation of Salmonella. Combination of
Combination of solid (7 ml) and liquid (20 ml) media in single bottle. solid (20 ml) and liquid (40 ml) media in single bottle.

LQ031 HiCombi Dual Performance Salmonella Medium - DCA LQ031A HiCombi Dual Performance Salmonella Medium - DCA
A qualitative test for growth and confirmation of Salmonella. Combination of A qualitative test for growth and confirmation of Salmonella. Combination of
solid (7 ml) and liquid (20 ml) media in single bottle. solid (20 ml) and liquid (40 ml) media in single bottle.

LQ032 HiCombi Dual Performance Salmonella Medium - HEA LQ032A HiCombi Dual Performance Salmonella Medium - HEA
A qualitative test for growth and confirmation of Salmonella. Combination of A qualitative test for growth and confirmation of Salmonella. Combination of
solid (7 ml) and liquid (20 ml) media in single bottle. solid (20 ml) and liquid (40 ml) media in single bottle.

LQ035 HiCombi Dual Performance Selective Medium - HEA LQ035A HiCombi Dual Performance Selective Medium - HEA
A qualitative test for growth and confirmation of Salmonella. A qualitative test for growth and confirmation of Salmonella.
Combination of solid (7 ml) and liquid (20 ml) media in single bottle. Combination of solid (20 ml) and liquid (40 ml) media in single bottle.

LQ036 HiCombi Dual Performance Selective Medium - SS LQ036A HiCombi Dual Performance Selective Medium - SS
A qualitative test for growth and confirmation of Salmonella. A qualitative test for growth and confirmation of Salmonella.
Combination of solid (7 ml) and liquid (20 ml) media in single bottle. Combination of solid (20 ml) and liquid (40 ml) media in single bottle.

HiCombi Media for yeast and moulds

LQ034 HiCombi Dual Performance Fungal Medium Kit LQ034A HiCombi Dual Performance Fungal Medium Kit
recommended for the detection of yeasts and moulds from pathological specimens. recommended for the detection of yeasts and moulds from pathological specimens.
Combination of solid (7 ml) and liquid (20 ml) media in single bottle. For fungal Combination of solid (20 ml) and liquid (40 ml) media in single bottle. For fungal
selectivity, CC supplement, Modified (FD169B) is recommended. selectivity, CC supplement, Modified (FD169A) is recommended.
{Kit contains 10 bottles and 10 vials of CC Supplement, {Kit contains 10 bottles and 10 vials of CC Supplement,
Modified (FD169B)}. Modified (FD169A)}.

1. Open the lid 4. Replace the used needle 5. Insert fresh needle
2. Clean the surface stopper 3. Collect blood

8. Place the bottles horizontally

for a few seconds
for adsorption on solid surface
[Agar medium at bottom with
(liquid and blood)on agar surface] 7. Place the inoculated bottles in
9. Further incubate at 35±2 C 9. Further incubate at 35±20C stainless steel rack (LA278). 6. Inoculate the medium
for 18 - 20 hours for 18 - 20 hours
Incubate at 35±2 C for 4 hours w / blood
Venting not required for Venting required for aerobic culture
anaerobic culture

LQ media’s available sterile in packing of glass bottles only.

For life is precious


Blood Culturing System safe, efficient & easy

HiCombi Media for Enterobacteria, Pseudomonas, Staphylococci and Candida

LQ033 HiCombi Dual Performance Medium LQ012 HiCombi Dual Performance Medium
For growth of Enterobacteria, For growth of Enterobacteria,
Pseudomonas, Staphylococci and Candida. Pseudomonas, Staphylococci and Candida.
Combination of solid (7 ml) and liquid (20 ml) media in single bottle. Combination of solid (20 ml) and liquid (40 ml) media in single bottle.
(1pk contains 10 bottles)

Description HiCombiTM Dual Performance Medium

HiCombi Dual Performance Medium contains in a single

glass bottle, a combination of 40 ml of broth and one agar -
coated surface. Both the media are rich in growth factors
enabling detection of the obligate aerobes and facultative
anaerobes which cause septicemia. The special peptone Solid phase

used provides a variety of amino acids, yeast extract

provides vitamins, hemin and NAD are growth factors for
fastidious bacteria such as Haemophilus. The combination
medium is strongly recommended for rapid growth of
Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas species,
Staphylococci, Streptococci, Candida species.


* Test Protocol
1. Inoculate HiCombi Dual Performance medium as for
HiSafe Blood Culturing System .
2. Incubate for 4-6 hours at 35 ± 20C . Then tip the system
to allow complete flooding of the agar surface . DO NOT
3. Revert into an upright position and incubate for 18-24
hours at 35 ± 20C or longer if necessary.
4. Venting may be carried out for aerobic cultures as in
HiSafe Blood Culturing System. Liquid phase 2

* : Same Protocol is applicable for all 1 Solid and liquid phases of the biphasic medium as seen before inoculation.
HiCombi Dual Performance Media. 2 Colonies appearing on surface of solid phase after addition of
blood sample from a patient, and incubation for 24 hrs.
LQ media’s available sterile in packing of glass bottles only. Literature code : TL014_03/1109

HiMediaLaboratories TM

HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Limited

A-406, Bhaveshwar Plaza, Mumbai - 400 086, India.
Fax : 00-91-22-40951920 Phone : 40951919
Email : [email protected]
For life is precious

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