Analysis On The Effect of Machining Parameters On MRR Using Different Coolants
Analysis On The Effect of Machining Parameters On MRR Using Different Coolants
Analysis On The Effect of Machining Parameters On MRR Using Different Coolants
In the present paper, by using Taguchi Robust Design methodology, the Turning of EN-36 Steel Alloy is carried out
in order to optimize the turning Machining parameters. The present work deals with the optimization of selected
Machining parameters, i.e. Type of Lubricant, Cutting Speed, Feed rate and Depth of cut. The experiments are
carried out using L9 (34) orthogonal array. Taguchi method stresses the importance of studying the response
variation using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and signal to noise (S/N) ratio, resulting the minimization of
quality characteristic variation due to uncontrollable parameter. The Material Removal Rate (MRR) is considered
as the quality characteristic in the concept of “the Larger the better”. The Material Removal rate (MRR) measured
from experiment and their optimum value for MRR are calculated. Analysis of Variance suggests that the selected
cutting parameters are significant for the MRR.
Keyword: - Taguchi Method, EN-36 Steel Alloy, Material Removal Rate (MRR), Analysis of Variance (ANOVA),
Signal to noise (S/N) ratio etc.
Quality and productivity play significant role in today‟s manufacturing market. From customers‟ viewpoint
quality is very important because the extent of quality of the procured item (or product) influences the degree of
satisfaction of the consumers during its usage. Therefore, every manufacturing or production unit should concern
about the quality of the product. Quality of a product can be described by various quality attributes. The attributes
may be quantitative or qualitative. Our present study is based on the analysis of machining parameters on Material
Removal Rate (MRR) on EN 36 steel alloy using Carbide tool on CNC lathe. Taguchi methodology is used to
determine the optimum cutting conditions more efficiently. Four control factors viz. type of lubricant; cutting speed;
feed rate and depth of cut are investigated at three different levels. The work piece material used is EN 36 Alloy.
Taguchi methodology is used to optimize the process parameters using signal-to-noise ratio for turning process of
the work piece material. Experiments are carried out using L9 (34) orthogonal array [1-14].
Turning is a machining process in which a cutting tool, typically a non-rotary tool bit, describes a helical
tool path by moving more or less linearly while the work piece rotates. The tool's axes of movement may be literally
a straight line, or they may be along some set of curves or angles, but they are essentially linear [1]. Turning
machines used in manufacturing are classified as engine, automatics, and computer numerical control etc. The
Turning used for machining in this work is CNC Turning machine. Basically Turning machines are classified
according to the operation required [2].
In this work, the output parameter Material Removal Rate. Robust design is an engineering methodology
for improving productivity during design and development so that high quality products can be produced at low
cost. EN 36 is nickel- chromium high hardenability, case hardening (carburizing) steel, generally available in the
annealed condition with a maximum brinell hardness of 255, characterized by high core strength, excellent
toughness and fatigue resistance in relatively large sections with case hardness upto RC62 when carburized,
hardened and tempered. EN 36 can also be used (uncarburized) as high tensile steel which when suitably hardened
and tempered can be utilized for various applications requiring good tensile strength and excellent toughness [1][6].
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The four control factors Type of Lubricant (A), Speed (B), Feed Rate (C) and Depth Of Cut(D) are selected
with three levels and the corresponding orthogonal array L9 (3 ) is chosen with respect to its degrees of freedom[1]
and are tabulated in Table No.1. Steel bars of 28mm diaX110mm length are prepared for conducting the experiment.
Using different levels of the process parameters as per the experimental design shown in table no.2, the specimens
have been machined in CNC Lathe Machine accordingly, the Cutting Temperature is measured precisely with the
help of a portable Digital Thermometer tester.
Table No. 1: Control Factors & Levels
Factors Type of Lubricant Speed (B) Feed (C) Depth Of Cut (D)
/Levels (A) (rpm) (mm/min) (mm)
1 Without Lubricant 350 0.4 5
2 Veg Oil 500 0.5 7.5
3 Veg Oil+ Boric Acid 650 0.6 10
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Table No. 2. Experimental Design and results of MRR with corresponding S/N ratios
The best condition for Type of Lubricant factor is level 3 (Veg Oil+ Boric Acid), for Speed is level 3 (650rpm), for
Feed is Level 1 (0.4 mm/min) and Depth of Cut is level 3 (10mm). Thus, the optimum conditions chosen were: A3-
B3-C1-D3. A confirmation test is performed with the obtained optimum machining parameters, the MRR is
calculated and the S/N ratio is obtained for this condition. The conformation test and the predicted values are
tabulated in the table no 5 & 6.the corresponding ANOVA table no in 7.
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Depth Of Cut
Factors Type of Speed (B) Feed (C)
/Levels Lubricant (A) (rpm) (mm/min)
Veg Oil+ Boric
Optimum 650 0.4 10
η predicted -25.3109
η conformation -25.7807
MEAN 0.01066179 1
ST 0.01191301 18
The objective of the work is to find out the set of optimum values for the selected factors in order to
improve material removal rate. Taguchi methodology is successfully implemented, to determine the optimum
cutting conditions more efficiently considering the control factors viz. type of lubricant; cutting speed; feed rate and
depth of cut are investigated at three different levels for EN 36 Steel Alloy
Analysis of Variance suggests that the selected control factors are significant for the Material Removal
In the present experimentation the optimum Type of environment obtained using Tauguchi Robust
Design Methodology is Veg oil + Boric Acid. Similarly the results obtained for speed and feed are
650m/min and 0.4mm/min respectively. The optimum Depth of cut obtained is 10mm.
Hence it can be concluded that the control factors obtained are valid and within the range of EN 36
machining standards.
The S/N ratio of predicted value and verification test values are valid when compared with the
optimum values. It is found that S/N ratio value of verification test is within the limits of the predicted
value and the objective of the work is full filled
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