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TIP 0420-12

ISSUED - 1999
1999 TAPPI
The information and data contained in this document were
prepared by a technical committee of the Association. The
committee and the Association assume no liability or responsibility
in connection with the use of such information or data, including
but not limited to any liability under patent, copyright, or trade
secret laws. The user is responsible for determining that this
document is the most recent edition published.

Guidelines for measurement of vacuum pump air flow


This test procedure is described for cone ported, single stage, liquid ring vacuum pumps because these are
most common in the pulp and paper industry. This design of pump is typically equipped with two top suction
flanges and two side or bottom discharge flanges. Often the suction flanges are manifolded together as are the
discharge flanges. Other designs of single stage liquid ring vacuum pumps exist, such as flat plate ported, and the
test procedure can be adjusted to fit these style pumps.

Safety precautions

Caution should be taken when placing a stopper in an orifice plate hole. Vacuum may pull the tester’s finger
into the orifice hole.



Liquid ring vacuum pumps are key components of the paper machine. Vacuum pump performance not only
affects production, but it also affects felt life and dryer section steam requirements. The most commonly used
vacuum pump field performance testing technique is the Orifice Plate Testing procedure. The purpose of this
Technical Information Paper is to instruct mill personnel how to properly field-test their vacuum pumps.


Vacuum: The degree which pressure has been brought below atmospheric pressure.
Orifice: A reamed hole in the orifice plate calibrated to pass a determined volumetric flow rate of air at specific
vacuum levels.
Seal Water: The water supplied to a liquid ring vacuum pump which forms a barrier between the inlet and discharge
cone ports.
Suction Manifold: The pipe which joins the two suction flanges of a vacuum pump.
Discharge Manifold: The pipe which joins the two discharge flanges of a vacuum pump.
PTFE: Polytetraflouroethylene

Accuracy and repeatability factors

This test procedure is to be used as a benchmarking tool to empirically check vacuum pump output versus the
TAPPI Vacuum Selection Factors described in TIP 0502-01. Because of the many factors described in the next
paragraphs that affect the accuracy and repeatability of the test results, the calculated results are not intended to be
used to evaluate the pump performance as a comparison to the vacuum pump manufacturers’ marketing
performance curves. Tests performed by most vacuum pump manufacturers are done using the Heat Exchange
Institutes’ (HEI) guidelines for vacuum pump testing. The HEI test procedure requires the tests to be done under a
controlled testing atmosphere and has greater accuracy and repeatability than the Flat Plate Orifice Test Procedure.
Factors such as orifice sizes, pressure tap locations, and vacuum gauge accuracy will influence the accuracy
and repeatability of the test results. When comparing the test results of a single vacuum pump to a prior test of that
pump, one should use the same orifice hole sizes, the same pressure tap locations, and calibrated vacuum gauges.

Approved by the Maintenance & Mechanical Engineering Committee of the Engineering Division
TIP 0420-12 Guidelines for measurement of vacuum pump air flow / 2

Orifice plate construction and quality are very important influences on the test results. Accuracy and
repeatability will be greatly affected by plate thickness, material of construction, surface finish, squareness of orifice
hole edges, and the presence of burrs, chamfers, and dings. Recommended orifice plate construction material and
dimensions with tolerances are given in Appendix A. The plates should be free of burrs, chamfers, and dings
because they will negatively influence the accuracy of the test results.

The following materials are needed to perform an orifice plate test for vacuum pumps:
• vacuum gauge(s) - The vacuum gauges must be
calibrated, with 114.3 mm (4.5 inch) faces and accuracy of + 1%.
• pipe fitting - The pipe fittings must be sized to fit the
vacuum gauges to the gauge taps located on the
vacuum pump inlets
• PTFE tape - The PTFE tape is to protect and seal the
vacuum gauge and pipe fittings when installed.
• rubber gasket(s) - The rubber gasket(s) must be the size
of the pump or manifold inlet flange face(s) and are
used to provide a seal between the orifice plate(s) and
pump or manifold inlet(s). Schematics of gaskets per
pump size are shown in Appendix A.
• rubber stoppers - Rubber stoppers are used to plug
holes in orifice plate to create vacuum differential.
• orifice plate(s) - Schematics of orifice plates per pump
size are shown in Appendix A.
• lubricant - Lubricant is to help seal gasket to flange
and orifice plate.
• tachometer - Tachometer is used to determine pump
speed (RPM) if not known.
• thermometers - Thermometers are required to measure
seal water temperature. A magnetic mount type temperature gauge may be necessary to measure the seal water

Pump preparation for test

1. Determine if a “single plate” or “dual plate” test is to be performed. A single plate test is performed using one
test plate placed on the inlet of the pump suction manifold. A dual plate test is performed using a test plate
placed directly on each of the two vacuum pump suction flanges. Figure 1 shows the test set-up for the “single
plate test”. Figure 2 shows the test set-up for the “dual plate test”. Whenever possible, dual plate tests are
recommended so each end of the pump can be evaluated independently.

Test Plate
Inlet Manifold

FIGURE 1: Single Plate Test

3 / Guidelines for measurement of vacuum pump air flow TIP 0420-12

Vacuum Gauges
Test Plates

Suction Flanges

FIGURE 2: Dual Plate Test

2. Remove the necessary piping required to perform the test. If piping is lifted upward from and supported above
the flange(s) being tested, at least 610 mm (24 inch) above the flange should be allowed for the test.
CAUTION: Carefully secure all loose piping that is removed.

3. Carefully inspect the following areas for debris and clean if necessary. Clogging in these areas will affect the
test results.
pump or suction manifold inlets
seal water piping near pump
vacuum gauge taps located on pump suctions or inlet manifold
discharge manifold or discharge separator/silencer water drain

4. Thoroughly clean the pump inlet flanges or suction manifold inlet flange.

5. Lubricate the flange(s) evenly applying a thin coating.

6. Place specified rubber gasket(s) on inlet flange(s).

7. Lubricate the rubber gasket(s), again evenly applying a thin coating.

8. Place specified orifice plate(s) upon rubber gasket(s) and apply hand pressure to ensure a tight seal is formed
between the flange, gasket, and plate.

9. For single plate test, remove plug that is tapped into inlet manifold. For a dual plate test, remove one plug from
each inlet.

10. Install pipe fittings necessary to fit the vacuum gauge(s) to the tapped holes. The pipe fittings must be installed
so the vacuum gauges will be mounted in a vertical position (see Figures 1 and 2). Minimum piping length and
elbows should be used to prevent vacuum losses. Prepare all pipe threads with PTFE tape.

11. Mount the vacuum gauge(s) in a vertical position to the pipe fittings as shown in Figure 2. Prepare all threads
with PTFE tape.

12. Install some type of thermometer or temperature gauge in or on the seal water supply piping to measure the seal
water temperature during the test.

Test procedure

All testing data should be recorded on the “Vacuum Pump Data Test Sheet” located in Appendix B.

1. Open the seal water supply valve and ensure that there is adequate seal water flow to the pump. Check the
installation, operation, and maintenance manual to determine nominal seal water flow for the pump.
TIP 0420-12 Guidelines for measurement of vacuum pump air flow / 4

2. With all of the orifice holes open, start the pump.

3. Adjust the seal water flow to stabilize the vacuum at the highest obtainable vacuum level.

4. If the vacuum reading is at, or above, the lowest curve vacuum level plotted on the pump’s marketing curve,
record on the data sheet this vacuum level(s) and the number of open orifice holes.

5. If the vacuum reading is NOT at or above the lowest curve vacuum level, install one stopper into the orifice
plate(s) and read the vacuum level. Repeat until the minimum curve vacuum level is achieved.

Note: For dual plate tests, take data with the same quantity of orifice holes open on each end of the pump.

6. Repeat step 3.

7. Record the vacuum level(s) and the number of orifice holes open. Record on “Vacuum Pulp Data Test Sheet”
located in Appendix B.

8. Continue installing stoppers and adjusting seal water for each data point. Record the open holes and vacuum
levels for each data point until one hole is open (for each inlet) or until the maximum curve vacuum level is
achieved. Never plug all orifice holes. This will starve the pump of needed air flow and could cause damage.

9. Measure pump speed (rpm) with tachometer.

10. Record seal water temperature and barometric pressure.

11. Shut pump off.

12. Shut seal water supply off.

Calculations – Record on “Vacuum Pump Data Test Sheet”

1. Using Equation 1, correct recorded test vacuum levels for barometric pressures other than standard {760 mm,
(29.92 inch) HgA}. Record on “Vacuum Pump Data Test Sheet” located in Appendix B.

Equation 1:

Vc = 760 x Vt / Pb
or (Vc = 29.92 x Vt / Pb)
Vc = correct vacuum levels, mm HgV
(inch HgV)
Vt = recorded test vacuum levels, mm HgV
(inch HgV)
Pb = barometric pressure, mm HgA
(inch HgA)

2. Refer to Graphs 1-7 in Appendix B, “Flow Per Open Orifice”. For the specified orifice hole size, record the
m3/hr./Orifice (ACFM/Orifice) {Qoi-idle end, Qod-drive end} for each corrected vacuum level {Vc}.

3. Refer to Graph 8, “Seal Water Corrections for Temperature”. For each corrected vacuum level, record the seal
water correction factor {Wci-idle end, Wcd-drive end}.

4. For each end of the vacuum pump, using Equation 2 and Equation 3, calculate the “Total m3/hr. (ACFM)
Tested” {Qi-idle end, Qd-drive end}.
5 / Guidelines for measurement of vacuum pump air flow TIP 0420-12

Equation 2:

Qi = #Hi x Qoi x Wci

Equation 3:

Qd = #Hd x Qod x Wcd

#Hi = # of holes open on idle end
Qi = m3/hr. (ACFM) tested through
idle end
#Hd = # of holes open on drive end
Qd = m3/hr. (ACFM) tested through
drive end

6. Using Equation 4, calculate the “Total Tested m3/hr. (ACFM)” {Qt} for each vacuum level.

Equation 4:

Q t = Qi + Qd

Qt =total pump capacity, m3/hr. (ACFM)

Note 1: See Table 1 for SI metric conversion factors

Table 1: Conversion factors for SI Units

Quantity Customary units Multiply by To obtain

volume cu. feet, ft.3 0.0283 cu. meters, m3

length inches 25.4 millimeters, mm
pressure inches Hg 25.4 millimeters Hg

Add to & Multiply by

temperature deg. Fahrenheit, F -32 x 0.556 deg. Celsius, C


Field testing vacuum pumps has many benefits. The flat-plate orifice test method is the easiest way to show
pump capacities for the entire range of vacuum levels. Having the ability to field-test vacuum pumps enables mill
personnel to make critical decisions about their vacuum systems. Production is directly affected by vacuum and
inefficient vacuum pumps are often bottlenecks for paper machines. Replacing inefficient pumps will not only
eliminate such bottlenecks, but also reduce wasted energy, water, and dryer steam costs. Vacuum systems trouble-
shooting can be made easier with the orifice test method. By testing the vacuum pump of a troubled system while
isolated from the process, problems can be determined to be either pump or system problems. Once the problem is
determined, locating the root cause will be simpler.


Vacuum pumps, Seal water, Orifices, Field test

TIP 0420-12 Guidelines for measurement of vacuum pump air flow / 6

Additional information

Effective date of issue: January 29, 1999.

Task Group Members:
J.A. Pappalardo, Chairman
John Yolton


1. Vooner Vacuum Pumps, Inc., “Field Test of Vacuum Pumps,” Vooner Vacuum Pumps Training Services
Reference Manual, Section 26 (1997)
2. Adams, Harold E., “Accurate Air Measurement by Nash Orifice Method,” Bulletin No. 422-C, (1937)
7 / Guidelines for measurement of vacuum pump air flow TIP 0420-12

Appendix A Rubber Gasket Schematic

TIP 0420-12 Guidelines for measurement of vacuum pump air flow / 8

Appendix A Orifice Plate Schematic

9 / Guidelines for measurement of vacuum pump air flow TIP 0420-12

Appendix B Vacuum Pump Data Test Sheet

TIP 0420-12 Guidelines for measurement of vacuum pump air flow / 10

Graph 1 Flow per Open Orifice

11 / Guidelines for measurement of vacuum pump air flow TIP 0420-12

Graph 2 Flow per Open Orifice

TIP 0420-12 Guidelines for measurement of vacuum pump air flow / 12

Graph 3 Flow per Open Orifice

13 / Guidelines for measurement of vacuum pump air flow TIP 0420-12

Graph 4 Flow per Open Orifice

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Graph 5 Flow per Open Orifice

15 / Guidelines for measurement of vacuum pump air flow TIP 0420-12

Graph 6 Flow per Open Orifice

TIP 0420-12 Guidelines for measurement of vacuum pump air flow / 16

Graph 7 Flow per Open Orifice

17 / Guidelines for measurement of vacuum pump air flow TIP 0420-12

Graph 8 Seal Water Corrections for Temperature


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