Introduction of General Theory of Electrical Machines Into University Courses

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Averaging over a cycle, the power transfer is The terms in brackets are approximately unity in both

4IA2a2L2 (cos 8fiL-i eqns. 14 and 15, so that

•* v
As determined in Section 7.1, the power transfer involving (16)
the Ez field is '
321 A2L3 f 1 - cos Sj8L - (8j8L/2) sin 8pL
For the experimental guide this ratio is 176; so we conclude
that the error in neglecting the power used in deflecting the
(15) beam is negligible.

Discussion on

Introduction of general theory of electrical machines

into university courses
Prof. M. G. Say: Modern ideas of electrical machines with both the steady-state and transient performance of
are (in terms of the racing stable) by Kron out of Park. linearised electrical machines. It also provides a logical basis
Kron's work is better known, but Park, whose classic paper for the simulation of machines by computer and is therefore
appeared in the General Electric Review of 1926, when he a vital topic for system analysis. It should be included in any
was about 25 years old, was the originator—which shows modern course in electrical engineering at university level.
what really splendid ideas come from the young. There are, however, two aspects of machine theory: the
I am wholeheartedly in favour of the author's method, so electromagnetic aspects related to the physical structure of
lucidly set out in paper 4487 S, for a university second-year machines, and the analytical aspect related to machine
course, except for the rather heavy weather made of performance. It is the latter which is covered by the generalised
the transformations. While some academics will object to theory. The author has quite rightly stressed the importance
treating the particular after the general, instead of showing of the former, but one wonders how much time can be devoted
the general to be a logical outcome of the particular, there is to this in his syllabus. Does he have sufficient time to deal
sound sense in the exposition in Sections 2 and 4.1, respec- with m.m.f. distribution in terms of space harmonics and
tively. Generalisation should not, however, be overadvertised. winding factors? This is an important topic for both con-
In the last few lines of Section 2 the author states that Fig. 7 ventional and generalised analysis, being used in the latter
applies to all electrical machines under all conditions. It does case to establish the nature of the inductance parameters of
not, for the exposition is particular to rotating machines, in the circuit model of a machine.
which at least one of the elements is cylindrical. Another important topic is the combined voltage/m.m.f.
My views on realised, workable, generalised machines diagram for a synchronous machine. How would the author
have changed almost as often as the political allegiances of introduce this? Would he derive it from the circuit equations
the Vicar of Bray. At present, I feel that there is a place in of the synchronous machine, or would he revert to his initial
the teaching laboratory for such a machine, but not for its introductory work on m.m.f.s and physical structure? I pose
wholesale and almost exclusive use as exemplified in the these questions because our treatment of electrical machinery
author's laboratory. Generalisation is a concept: as soon as must cover both the mundane and the more esoteric needs
realisation is attempted something is lost; rather as one finds of our students. It would appear to me that, whilst presenting
if one tries to produce those ideal voltage and current sources a linear theory of electrical machines on the one hand, we
that appear in network theory. To realise a concept we have must also still include some reference to those utilitarian
to make sacrifices. diagrams that are of value for assessing steady-state per-
Here the sacrifices are: first, we see too little of the machine formance.
itself; secondly, the equipment fails to show the electromag- Referring to the 3-phase/2-phase transformation, I prefer
netic torque developed; and thirdly, the important trans- to introduce this for the case of a 2-phase winding stationary
formations are not very readily demonstrable. The unifying with respect to the 3-phase winding, with a and a phases
principles could be better shown with simpler elements,
stripped down to essentials and fed with d.c. and very-low- aligned and having a turns ratio N2plt = A / l l / 3p/r
frequency a.c, as well as with normal-frequency, supplies, to equating m.m.f.s, having defined /0 = (My/3)(ia + h + *c)>
show, in principle, the necessary air-gap conditions common this leads to the simple orthogonal matrix, A:
to all machines within the field concerned. This could then
be followed up by appropriate steady-state and transient
tests on real machines with normal parameters. 1 1
Mr. J. G. Henderson: The value of a new method of 1
teaching can be judged by the extent to which it can embrace ~2 ~2
the principal concepts of the conventional approach whilst
also offering some further advantages, such as a saving in
time or a wider view of the subject. The generalised circuit
theory of electrical machines has the merit that it can deal
4 -4
1 I l
Paper 4487 S by ELLISON, A. J. [see 111, (7), p. 1359]
Read before the Science & General and Power Divisions, 2nd November '0 V2 V2 V2
1964 and the Rugby Sub-Centre at Rugby, 17th March 1965
1802 PROC. IEE, Vol. 112, No. 9, SEPTEMBER 1965
for which A, = A~l. Voltages and currents then transform and the torque/speed curve has a dip which would make the
by the same law, and one need remember only one trans- motor unusable. As a shunt commutator motor with short-
formation matrix rather than the four matrixes of Section 4.1. circuited 2-phase brushgear, which, according to the cross-
This choice of turns ratio can easily be justified by con- field theory, ought to be equivalent to an induction motor,
sidering the requirement for power invariance between there was a very large change of current and power factor on
balanced 2-phase and 3-phase systems, coupled with the switching over the rotor connections. Does an unduly imper-
desire to transform voltages and currents in the same way. fect machine fail to bring out the fundamental action, or
is it beneficial in emphasising the importance of the errors
This leads to V2ph = ^ / ( - ) V3ph and I2ph = caused by the basic assumptions? Any such benefit would
In order to maintain the same total polyphase m.m.f., and depend on how far the student attained a full understanding of
what was involved.
to produce voltages A / - times as large from the same value Prof. P. L. Alger {UnitedStates): We have 160 students
in our senior electrical engineering class at Rensselaer Poly-
of gap flux, we need N2ph = ^N2ph. technic Institute; so we would need 40 machines to follow the
author's programme. This does not seem practical. Our point
I think this is a transformation worth exploiting, for the of view is that we should rather teach students how to use
only rotating-axis transformation then needed is the ctfijdq machines than how to make them, so that our courses deal
transformation of Section 4.2. with the terminal characteristics, and say very little about the
Dr. A. G. J. MacFarlane: I would like to make a few windings.
brief remarks about the complementary part of the course When I first started to teach I made up my own concise
outlined in the paper. 'Generalised machines' is taught at version of the generalised machine theory, and tried to
Queen Mary College as part of a course called 'Power and present it to my students in the simplest possible way. After
Control'. The machine theory takes about two thirds of the a while, the boys appointed a delegate to tell me very politely
course, and I teach the remaining third. This remaining third that they were not listening—they wanted to know about
is essentially an introduction to a generalised network theory. particular machines and not about generalised theory. Also,
This part of the course, concerned with generalised circuit they were more interested in doing things for themselves than
theory, is based on defining a system as an assembly of they were in listening.
components, and defining each component in terms of a I asked one of my best students to tell me how to make a
pair of measurements carried out with respect to a pair of course in machines interesting. He said, 'It is obvious: throw
points in space. System variables are then classified as all the books in the wastebasket and write a good book'. It
'spatial-intensive' or 'through' variables, and 'spatial-exten- appears that a good book must start from the point the
sive' or 'across' variables. These are essentially generalisations student has reached in his previous courses, and this point
of the current and voltage variables of electrical network is quite different from what it used to be for students of years
analysis. In this way, one can devise a generalised network ago. Therefore, there may be good reason for the spate of
theory which includes the analysis of electrical, mechanical, new books on machines that are coming out. One book*
thermal and fluid systems. One can then incorporate the explains at length the transfer of energy between electrical,
results of the generalised machine theory in a unified network magnetic, and mechanical systems, as in a solenoid, before
theory of the type advocated by Henderson, and this gives one going into machine theory.
immediate access to an analogue-computer representation for If a student is interested, he will do an astonishing amount
a machine. The course finishes with a very brief introduction of work. If he is not, he will do little work, and that little
to the concepts of information, signals and feedback. will be of small avail. I am spending all my time nowadays
Dr. B. Adkins {communicated): The author makes the on devising projects that will give the students scope for
important claim that the students are inspired into enthusiasm original work, so that they will have fun in the laboratory. If
by the novel approach. It is a continual dilemma in teaching they have fun, they will learn something.
that the fundamental matters on which the action of any Mr. R. A. French: We have installed six of the smaller
device depends do not excite interest as readily as a more sets in our college laboratory, but we have not been using
superficial study of special conditions. How far can the them along the author's lines, nor are we using only
generalised machine be used to overcome this difficulty ? generalised machines in the laboratory course. We are making
The primary purpose of the general theory is for predicting no attempt to demonstrate, for instance, the characteristics
the performance of practical machines. Consequently, the of an induction motor using this machine, since its charac-
assumptions on which the theory is based, and the errors teristics are not similar to those of an industrial machine.
occasioned by them, are important matters. I often suspect Students are introduced to the generalised machine in their
that the so-called 'circuit theory of electrical machines' tends second year, when half the laboratory course is spent on them.
to give too little attention to the imperfections. These arise We demonstrate the common principles involved in electrical
from such things as harmonics, losses and saturation, which machinery, such as m.m.f., induced voltages, effects of different
cannot be included in the theory. Nevertheless, application winding connections, commutators and slip rings. They are
of the theory to practical problems gives quite remarkably given the task of wiring the terminal panels, using plugs (not
accurate results in many instances. The reason for this happy connections) to obtain their d.c, single-phase, 2-phase and
situation is that the skill of the designer, developed after 3-phase m.m.f.s, making use of the search coils to display
much travail over many years, is directed toward the elimina- them on an oscilloscope. This fits in very well in a 3 h period,
tion of just these factors. A machine designed from the theory and keeps the students extremely busy and active mentally;
without any knowledge of design techniques would probably it also consolidates the work that is being done in a parallel
not obey the theory at all. lecture course, since the whole class can be on the same
A generalised machine, intended to operate in many laboratory investigation, timed to come after the relevant
different ways, cannot be a good machine for all the alter- lectures.
natives, and is liable to be a bad one for most of them. I think there is a lot of enthusiasm amongst the lads
We have tested a generalised machine (not the author's) in taking this course. They have said that, for the first time, the
various ways. As an induction motor it has excessive load loss, * MESSERLE, H. K.: 'Dynamic circuit theory' (Pergamon Press 1965)
PROC. IEE, Vol. 112, No. 9, SEPTEMBER 1965 1803
80 S31
laboratory course has come alive and they really have some- Thus, if the voltage in coil A (the reference coil) is
thing interesting to do. We do not give long elaborate
laboratory sheets, but a very short instruction sheet of a few vA = Mcos 0 — — /Msin 0 -
lines telling them what they have to investigate. A 'conference' dt dt
is held after the laboratory period, at which each group
presents verbally to the class the work they have done and axis of coil
the conclusions they have drawn.
Mr. J. F. Perrin: I received my training well over
50 years ago at the Finsbury Technical College, and I would
like first to ask why the circle diagram is now obsolete. It
direct axis
may cause a smile, but in my day that was one of the 'must'
experiments in the electrical laboratory, just as was the
indicator diagram in the mechanical laboratory. Silvanus
Thompson used to teach that, if one had a circle diagram of
an induction motor, one could predict everything about it.
Secondly, why does the author think the separation of core Fig. A
losses in a transformer is obsolete? This was a fairly frequent
examination question in the past. and for coil B it is
Who, in these days, wants to convert 2-phase to 3-phase
or vice versa? I thought 2-phase was as dead as the dodo. vB = M cos (0 + <f>) j - /M sin (0 + 0) j
Just after the First World War there was quite a considerable
amount of 2-phase supply still in existence, and for 3-phase the voltage between the quadrature-axis brushes is
machinery it was quite essential to convert. One big factory
which originally had a 2-phase supply, which was changed to
3-phase, installed a Scott-connected transformer rather than
change all the machinery.
Mr. A Draper (at Rugby): I am not sure that it is J.TM. I —

advisable to introduce first-year students to the subject in TT dt

the way the author suggests. It is rather similar to teaching and between the direct-axis brushes is
swimming in a pool with no shallow end. On the other hand,
since much of the work of the unified machine theory is an *=(Tt/2-6)
extension of generalised circuit theory, it is surely unnecessary VsR = g~
to delay any mention of machines until the necessary ground- t-n/2-6)
work of mathematics and circuit theory has been completed. 2g di
There is much to recommend the traditional approach to the = —M—
IT dt
d.c. machine, transformer and induction motor in the first
year concurrently with an introduction to matrix methods and The first of these is rotational voltage only and the second
and elementary treatment of network theory and transients. transformer voltage only.
This lays the foundation for unified theory in the later part It is relatively easy to appreciate that current in a com-
of the course. mutator winding produces an m.m.f. pattern fixed relative
The particular advantage to be gained by the use of the
generalised machine in the laboratory lies in having a machine
in which the axis currents in the rotor, id and iq, are real and
measurable. Students have difficulty in accepting transformed axis coil B
or fictitious currents.
As an alternative treatment to Section 4.2 of the paper, the
values of the commutator voltages of the generalised machine •''axis coil A
can more simply be derived in the following manner:
direct axis
Considering the mutual inductance between a stator and
rotor coil (Fig. A), for sinusoidal flux distribution
M(0) = M cos 0
and the voltage generated in the rotor coil
d<f> _ d(M cos 6)i
dt dt
Fig. B
= M cos 0 — — iM sin 0 — to the brush axes and consequently a commutator winding
dt dt
and brushgear can be replaced by pseudostationary coils in
which is seen to have two components, a transformer voltage which the above voltages are generated.
and a rotational voltage. Mr. D. D. Stephen (at Rugby): The phase transforma-
A commutator winding consists of a number of such coils tion shown in Fig. 4 of the paper and identified by the matrix
(Fig. B), and the voltage picked off between brushes is equal equation is restricted in that the possible turns ratio depends
to the sum of the instantaneous voltages in the coils between on the actual machine winding. The result of this is that the
them. In other words, it can be obtained by finding the student may not appreciate the generality of the transforma-
average voltage in these coils and multiplying by g the tion. I have found that students seem to appreciate the more
number of coils. general approach of first resolving an unbalanced system of
1804 PROC. IEE, Vol. 112, No. 9, SEPTEMBER 1965
currents in the 3-phase system into the well known sym- without any physical basis, the same transformation for
metrical components i0, iu i2, and then converting to a 2-phase voltages, has little justification. It does not lead to power
system which can have any convenient turns ratio. The result invariance (without the use of a per-unit system), and does
of this operation is that the id and iq current system is shown not appear pedagogically sound so far as introductory courses
to depend only on /, and i2 and is completely independent of are concerned.
t0, which can, in fact, be ignored in this form of analysis. I The general theory is of growing importance because of
regret that the author has used the symbols /« and ip in the need to analyse machines in systems. Dr. MacFarlane's
associated with J'O, since these have been used for many treatment of general-system dynamics is of great valuefor this.
years to represent an alternative system of symmetrical The assumptions on which the theory is based, and its
components and could easily lead to confusion. approximations when applied to practical machines, have the
Mr. A. J. Ellison (in reply): I would first like to point crucial importance pointed out by Dr. Adkins and must be
out the inadvertent omission of a factor of 2/3 which should part of a course. The circuit theory of electric machines is
have appeared before the matrix on the right-hand side of often lacking in these respects. One of the reasons for the
the second equation from the bottom of page 1362. faults of some generalised machines, referred to by Dr.
In reply to Prof. Say, I have found that the physical Adkins, is their small size. A generalised machine with gross
approach to transformations usually leads to an understand- imperfections uncharacteristic of real machines is, in my
ing whereas the brief mathematical approach does not. I view, unsuitable for use by students, who have sufficient
agree that Fig. 7 applies only to almost all electric machines. difficulties anyhow. The machine described in the paper has
With suitably equipped generalised machines the funda- an air-gap length which is a mechanical minimum and gives
mentals of electromechanical energy conversion can be a characteristic performance as an induction machine. As a
studied, together with their application to different types of synchronous machine it has a short-circuit ratio of about 0 • 4,
machine and other devices, in the short time available. The which is characteristic of a turboalternator. When given the
many other machines in the laboratory are seen and informally test described by Dr. Adkins, there was no appreciable
discussed, and some are studied by power students in the change in primary current or power factor.
third year. However, the best place to see real machines is I am grateful for Prof. Alger's interesting contribution;
surely in industry, during practical training. The major aim but I do not follow his arithmetic. At Queen Mary College,
of a university course is to achieve an understanding of four machines are required for 36 students at 3 per group and
principles. 3 half-days per experiment. My philosophy is based on the
Regarding sacrifices, firstly, I feel that the new course view that an engineer cannot use machines intelligently
shows more of the machine itself: many courses using real unless he understands the principles of their operation, and
machines study only their terminal characteristics. Secondly, this is what the new course tries to achieve.
it is physically impossible, because of inertia, to measure In view of the performance of Mr. French's generalised
electromagnetic torque directly except in the steady state. machines, it is not surprising that he finds it necessary to
The torquemeter is at the mechanical terminals, which is use other machines in his laboratory course. Although there
not the case with a dynamometer-load machine. Thirdly, the is scope for some initiative in the experiments of the second-
transformations are readily verified using the generalised year course described in the paper, I use initiative experiments
machine and the methods are described in the paper. I feel only in the third-year course.-
that the course provides in a practicable way what Prof. In reply to Mr. Perrin, the traditional circle diagram of the
Say feels desirable, and the particular generalised machine induction machine is obsolete because the first step in its
used was carefully designed and has almost the same para- construction is inadmissible. In this step, the magnetising
meters as real machines. branch of the equivalent circuit is transferred to the terminals.
I agree with Mr. Henderson on the importance of harmonics Designers of modern highly rated induction machines use
of m.m.f. distribution and winding factors: they are studied the correct equivalent circuit for predicting their performance.
both theoretically and practically in the course (see Table 1). Core loss is calculated using steelmakers' curves of peak-
Regarding the combined voltage/m.m.f. diagram for a flux-density/total-loss. There is rarely any point in trying to
synchronous machine, I always keep terminal voltage, which separate eddy-current and hysteresis components, and, again,
is a time-varying quantity, quite separate from m.m.f., which this is usually done only by making inadmissible assumptions
is a space-varying quantity. However, a 2-axis phasor diagram about the variation of hysteresis loss with peak flux density.
for a balanced polyphase synchronous machine can also be Mr. Draper has provided a useful simple derivation of the
regarded as a vector diagram giving the voltage and current rotational and transformer voltages of the generalised
spatial distributions and the steady rotational voltages and machine. I am not in favour of introducing machines in
currents of the 2-axis representation. These matters are of first-year university courses in electrical engineering. But it
fundamental importance and are fully covered in Reference A. is important to cover thoroughly such fundamental matters
Reference B, to be published, will cover the laboratory work. as Faraday's law and self and mutual inductance, including
I agree that our courses must include commonly used steady- the transformer. Machines, and other electromechanical
state performance diagrams. energy transducers, can be included in the second year.
Regarding the 3-phase/2-phase transformations, I prefer, In reply to Mr. Stephen, symmetrical components are not
as a theoretical basis, the cutting of end connections and introduced until the third year and cannot therefore be used
reconnection to make one winding from another, the current- in the second-year course described in the paper. There is
and voltage-distribution patterns remaining unaltered. When no confusion with another system as no other system is used
this is understood, it follows simply that the number of turns in the course, a and j8 are also widely used as 2-phase suffixes.
of one of the windings can be altered to give identical voltage
and current transformations. The invariance of power also
follows—and can scarcely be otherwise if the physical basis References
is kept in mind. The common practice of deriving in a semi- A ELLISON, A. j . : 'Electromechanical energy conversion' (Harrap, 1965)
physical way a transformation for currents and then taking, B ELLISON, A. J. : 'Generalized electric machines' (Harrap, 1966)

PROC. IEE, Vol. 112, No. 9, SEPTEMBER 1965 1805

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