Rečnih Starih Izumrlih Jezika

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WordGumbo Indo-European Comparative Indo-European



1. Neroznak, V. Paleo-Balkan Languages. Moscow, 1978.

2. Fasmer, M. Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language. Moscow, 1986.
3. Georgiev, V. Ezyk na trakite.
4. Duridanov, I. Ezikyt na trakite, Sofia, 1976.

Notes for Glossary:

H = hydronym;
RN = river name;
VN = village name;
PN = place name
Lith., Lit. - Lithuanian
Latv. - Latvian
Russ. - Russian
Bulg. - Bulgarian
Ind. - Indic
Avest. - Avestan
Pruss. - Prussian
Pelasg. - Pelasgian
Goth. - Gothic
Icel. - Icelandic
Toch. - Tocharian
Alb. - Albanian

achel- ‘water (noun), water (adj.)’ [Lith. H Akele., Phryg. akala ‘water’].
aiz- ‘a goat’ [Armen. aic, Greek aix].
ala ‘current, stream’ [Latv. H Alaja, Lith. ale.ti ‘flooded’].
alonhon 'a spear'
alta(s) ‘current, stream’ [Illyrian RN Altus, Russ. (from Balt.) RN Al'ta].
an(a) ‘at, on’ [Avest. ana ‘along’, Greek aná ‘at, along’, Goth. ana ‘at, towards’].
ang- ‘curved, twisting’ [Old-Ind. ancati ‘a curve’, Greek ankos ‘valley, abyss’].
ant(i) ‘against’ [Old-Ind. ánti ‘against, nearby, the Lith. ant ‘towards, against’, Toch. ánt ‘through’, Greek antí
‘against’, etc.].
apa, aphus ‘water, river; a spring’ [Old-Pruss. ape ‘river’, apus ‘spring’, Old-Ind. ap- ‘water’].
apsa ‘aspen’ [Altin apse ‘aspen’, Old-Pruss. abse, Pol. osa (from Proto-Slavic *apsá), Old-HighGerman aspa
argilos - 'a mouse'
arma ‘swamp, bog’ [Lith. arma ‘bog, puddle’, armuo, -ens ‘the same’].

ars- ‘to flow; current, river’ [Old-Pruss. RN Arsio, Arse, Old-Ind. árs,ati ‘to flow’, Hitt. arљ- ‘the same’].
arta(s), arda(s) ‘current. river’ [Old-Ind. árdati ‘to flow’, Greek ardó ‘to bedew’].
arzas ‘white’ [IE *arg'- (white, clear)].
asa(s) ‘stone’, as(a)m ‘stony’ [Old-Ind. as’man ‘stone; heaven’, Avest. asman- ‘the same’, Pelasg.
asáminthos (stone) bath’, Lith. akmuo, -ens ‘stone’].
asa ‘colt’s foot (Tussilago farfara)’. That was its Bessian name according to Dioskurides. It is related to the
Lit. dial. asys ‘horse-tail, Equisetum’, Latv. aљi, aљas ‘horse-tail, sedge, rush’, which are probably related to
the Latv. aљs, ass ‘sharp’, Old-Bulg. ostrý, Lit. aљtrus ‘sharp’.
asn - 'I, me' , [IE *eg'hom, Lit. aљ 'I, me'].
at ‘at, towards’ [IE *ad-, Latin ad 'to, towards', Latv. ad ‘at, towards’, Old-Icel. at ‘at, opposite to’].
ath- ‘high, steep coast, a hill’ [Greek akté ‘steep coast, peninsula, cape’].
at(u) ‘current, stream’ [Latv. RN Adula, German Attel, Avest. adu- ‘current, stream, channel’].
balios 'white', [IE *bhel-].
bebrus ‘beaver’ [Lith. bebrus ‘beaver’, Old-Pruss. bébrus, Bulg. VN Bebrovo, Old-HighGerman bibar, etc.].
bend- ‘to bind’, marriage [Old-Ind. bándhana- ‘binding’, Avest. bandayaiti ‘to bind’, Goth, Anglo-Saxon
bindan, German binden ‘to bind’].
beras ‘brown, swarthy’ [Lith. be.ras ‘brown’, Latv. bers ‘the same’, Old-HighGerman bero ‘a bear’ (initially
berga(s) ‘hill, bank’ [Old-Icel. berg ‘mountain’, Old-HighGerman berg, German Berg ‘mountain’, Old-Bulg.
breg@, New-Bulg. brjag ‘bank, coast’].
berza(s) ‘birch’ [IE *bherg'- 'a birch', Lith. bérz'as, Latv. berzs, Old-Pruss. berse, Russ. ber'oza, Bulg. breza
bolinthos ‘wild bull, bison’. The word is attested in Aristotle, according to whom that animal lived in the
Messapian mountain, which separated the country of the Peonians from that of the Maideans (a Thracian
tribe inhabiting the middle course of Struma and upper course of Mesta), and that the Peonians called it
mónapos. Therefore, bolinthos was a Maidean, that is, a Thracian word. It is compared to the German Bulle
‘bull’ and is derived from the IE *bhun-ent.
bonassos 'a bull' [IE *gwou-, Latin bos, bovis 'a bull'].
bredas ‘pasture-ground’ [Russ. bred, bredina ‘pasture’, bresti, bredu ‘to cross by a ford’, Balt. (Zhemait.) RN
brentas (brendas) ‘deer’ [Messap. bréndon ‘deer’].
bria ‘town’ (Strab.; Steph. Byz. under the word of Messembria). Both authors state the word was Thracian. It
is often found as a second component of Thracian settlement names, for example: Messembria, Poltymbria,
Sélymbria, Skedabria, etc. The Thracian ‘bria’ is related to the Toch. A ri, B riye ‘town (a refuge on a hill)’ –
from the IE *wrijá.
brilón - 'a barber', [Slavic *briti 'to shave', Old-Ind. bhrinati 'he hurts', Persian burridan 'to cut'].
brink- ‘to swell’ [Lith. brinkti [brinkstu) ‘to swell’, Pol. na-brekac' ‘the same’].
briza ‘spelt, rye’ (Gal. de alim. facult. 1, 13/6 p. 514. Kühn). The author (Galen) saw this plant in Thracia and
in Macedonia and concluded the word was Thracian. It is very probable. There are several etymologies for
this word, that of A. Fick being the most acceptable one. A. Fick relates the Thracian briza to the Old-Ind.
vrihi-h, Pers. birinj, Afg. vriz'e ‘rice’, Greek orinda=óryza ‘rice’, from which the Bulg. oriz. There is an
alternative interpretation: the Thracian bryza is related to the Lith. brizdis ‘ling’, from the stem of the verb
brigzti ‘to be torn, to get unraveled’.
bruzas ‘quick’ [Lith. bruz'as ‘somebody who runs to and fro’, the Slavic *b@rz@, Bulg. br@z].
brynchós ‘guitar for the Thracians’ (Hesych.). The word is related to the Pol. brzek ‘a ringing, a tinkle’, Ukr.
brjak ‘a ringing, a sound’.
brytos (masc.), bryton (neuter) ‘a kind of ale from barley, a beer’ (Archil. Hecat. and others), brutos
(Hesych.), bryttion (Herodian.). The word was used by the Thracians, the Peonians and the Phrygians.
bur, buris (boris) ‘man’ [Alb. burrë ‘man’].
burt- (burd-) ‘a ford’ [Slavic *brod@, Bulg. brod ‘a ford’].

búzas ‘a goat’ [Avest. búza- ‘a goat’].
chalas ‘mud’ [Old-Bulg. kal@, New-Bulg. kal ‘mud’, Czech kal ‘swamp; mud. soft soil’].
dama ‘settlement, place for settling’ [Old-Ind. dháman- ‘place for dwelling’, Greek thaimós ‘house’].
daphas ‘a flood’ [Lith. dapas ‘a flood’, Norw. dial. dave ‘puddle, pool’].
darsas (dersas) ‘brave, courageous’ [Old-Pruss. dyrsos (pl.) ‘able, brave’, Avest. darљyu- ‘brave, strong’].
datan (datas) ‘place, settlement’ [Alb. datë ‘place, settlement].
dava - 'a town'
dentu- ‘clan, tribe’ [Latv. gens ‘clan, tribe’].
dero, dur 'a stockade', [IE *dhwer- 'a door, a gate'].
desa(s), disa(s) ‘deity, god’ [IE *deiwo-, Greek théos ‘a god’].
-didzos, -didza 'to create' [Russ. so-zdat 'to create', Lith. z'iedz'iu 'I form, I mould', Goth. deigan 'to puddle',
Old-Ind. déhmi 'I plaster', Old-Pers. didá 'a fort', Greek teikhos 'a wall', Latin fingo, fictus 'I puddle', Oscan
feihúss 'walls'].
dinga ‘fertile ground’ [Latv. dinga ‘fertile place’, Old-Icel. dyngia ‘dunghill’].
diza ‘fortress’ [Avest. uz-daéza ‘a heaping, a fortification’, Old-Pers. didá, New-Pers. diz, déz ‘fortress’].
dón ‘place, country(side)’ [Old-Ir. dú, Gen. don ‘place, country(side)’, Greek chthón ‘soil, land’].
douro- 'strong' [Celt. *duro-].
drenis ‘deer’ [Alb. dre, dreni ‘deer’].
dul 'a house, a family'.
dumas ‘dark’ [Lith. dúmas ‘dark, dark brown (for cattle)’, Latv. dúms ‘dark brown’].
dún- ‘hill, mountain’ [Celtic *dunum 'a hill', Anglo-Saxon dún hill, mountain’, German Düne ‘dune’].
ebros 'a goat' [IE *kapro-, Gaulish gabro- 'a goat', Old Irish gabor 'a goat', Irish gabhar].
e(i)b- ‘to flow, to drip’ [Pelasg. eibó ‘to drip, to flow (out)’].
ermas ‘fierce, mad’ [Alb. jerm ‘furious, mad’].
esko 'to eat' [IE *ed- 'to eat'].
esvas (ezvas), esb ‘a horse’ [IE *ekwo- 'a horse'].
gagila 'a jackdaw' [Slavic *gala 'a jackdaw'].
gaidrus ‘bright, clear’ [Lith. gaidrus ‘bright, clear (cloudless)’, Greek phaidrós ‘shining, bright, cheerful’].
gava(s) ‘county, countryside’ [Goth. gawi ‘county’, pre-Greek gaia, Att. gé ‘land, region’].
genton 'a piece of meat'.
germas ‘warm, hot’ [IE *gherm-, Old-Ind. gharmá- ‘heat’, Armen. j^erm’warm’, Greek thermós ‘the same’].
gesa ‘stork kingfisher’ [Old-Pruss. geeyse ‘kingfisher’, Latv. dzése ‘heron, kingfisher’].
gin- ‘to languish, to spoil, to dry out’ [Old-Kurian Ginulle (a stream), Latv. g'nins ‘to spoil, to languish’].
haimos (-on), *saimas (-an) ‘ridge, mountain chain’ [Old-Ind. simán- ‘ridge, boundary’, Irish sím ‘chain’].
heris 'a hand' [IE *khesro- 'a hand', Greek kheir 'a hand', Hittite keљљar 'a hand'].
ida (ide) ‘tree; forest’ [Old-Ir. fid, Gen. fedo ‘tree, trees, forest’].
iet(e)r (=jeter-) ‘quick, agile’ [Old-HighGerman átar ‘quick’, Latv. atrs ‘quick’].
iltea 'a chosen woman'.
íl(u)- ‘silt, mud’ [Greek ílys, -ýos ‘mud, silt’, Church Slavic il@ ‘the same’].
iúras (=júras) ‘water, river’ [Lith. júra ‘a sea’, Old-Nord. úr ‘drizzle’].
kaba(s) ‘bog, swamp’ [Engl. quab].
kalas ‘district, border region’ [Lith. galas ‘end, border of a field, meadow or forest’, Latv. gals
kalsas ‘dry, dried up’ [Latv. kálst (-stu, -tu) ‘to dry up, to wither’].
kamoles 'beloved'.
kapas ‘hill, slope’ [Latv. kapa, kape ‘long mountain strip, dune, slope’, Lith. kopa ‘and hill, dune’].
kel(l)a ‘a spring’ [Old-HighGerman quella, German Quelle ‘a spring’].
kenthas ‘a child, descendant’ [Latv. re-cens ‘fresh, young, new’, with another suffix in the New-Bulg chedo ‘a
kersas ‘black’ [Lith. kérљas ‘on black and white spots’, Bulg. cheren ‘black’, Old-Ind. krsná ‘black, dark’].

ketri-, ketre- ‘four’ [IE *kwetwores, Greek tetra ‘four’, Cymr. pedry- ‘four-fold’, Lith. keturi, Latv. c'etri, Bulg.
c'etiri ‘four’].
kik- ‘live, agile’ [Anglo-Saxon cwicu, Old-Nord. kvikr, kykr ‘live, agile’, Engl. quick].
kiri- [or kira] ‘mountain’, ‘forest’ [Old-Ind. girí-h ‘mountain’, Avest. gairi- ‘the same’, Lith. giria, gire ‘forest,
wood’. Latv. dzira ‘forest’].
knisa(s) ‘eroded place’ [Lith. knisti ‘to dig’].
kupsela ‘a heap, a hillock’ [Lith. kupse.lis ‘heap, hillock’].
kurp- ‘to burrow’ [Lith. kurpti (-i?) ‘to burrow’, Russ. korpat’ ‘to burrow’].
kurta ‘groove, wood’ [Old-Pruss. korto ‘groove’ from the Baltic *kurtá].
laza (-as) ‘clearing (in forest), glade’ [Serbo-Croat läz ‘clearing’, Russ. laz ‘animal pathway to a river (lake)’,
lazina 'clearing’].
lingas ‘depression, meadow’ [Lith. lénge ‘low land’, PN Linge, Bulg. long@ ‘meadow’].
mandakes ‘a binder for sheaves’
marieus 'lime' [IE *mar- 'dirty, unclear'].
mar- ‘water, river, bog’ ["European" *mar- 'sea', Gaulish mor- 'sea', Anglo-Saxon merisc ‘swamp’, Old-Icel.
moerr ‘swampy country’].
marka ‘bog; swampy country’ [Lith. mark? ‘a pit for steeping flax or hemp’, Ukrain. morokva ‘bog’].
melda(s) ‘marshy reed’ [Lith. melda, méldas ‘marsh reed’, Latv. meldi ‘reed’, Old-HighGerman melta].
mér- ‘large, great’ [IE *mér-, Church Slavic personal name Vladi-mer@, Old-HighGerman Volk-már, Hlodo-
már, Old-Icel. már ‘big’].
mezéna ‘a horseman’ [Alb. mes, mezi ‘stallion’, Roman. (substrat) mînz ‘stallion’].
midne 'a settlement'.
muka ‘seed, clan, posterity’ [Iran. muka- in the Osset. mug? ‘family’, muggag ‘seed, clan’].
mukas ‘swampy country, a bog’ [Latv. muka ‘swamp, where one can sink’, mukls ‘swampy’, Lith. RN Múke.].
musas ‘moss, mould’ [Old-HighGerman, Anglo-Saxon mos ‘moss, swamp’, German Moss ‘moss’, Church-
Slav. m@h@ ‘moss’, Lith. musai, pl. ‘mould on yoghourt’].
neos 'new' [IE *newo- 'new'].
nest- ‘rumbling, roaring’ [Old-Ind. nádati ‘to rumlble, to roar’, nadi- ‘river, current’].
niva 'snow' [IE *sneigwh- 'snow'].
óstas ‘river mouth’ [Lith. úostas, uosta ‘river mouth; a port’, Latv. uosts-, uosta ‘the same’, Latin óstium ‘river
mouth’, Old-Bulg. uostije ‘the same’].
pa(i)vis ‘child, son’ [Greek Homer pavis, Att. paus, pais].
paisa(s) ‘soot’ [Lith. paiљai ‘soot’].
pala ‘swamp, bog’ [Lith. palios, pl. ‘big swamp. bog’, Latv. pal,as, pal,i ‘swampy banks of a lake’, Latin palus
palma ‘swamp, bog’ [from pala with the suffix -má].
pan(i) ‘swamp, quagmire, peat-bog’ [Old-Pruss. pannean ‘quagmire’, Goth. fani ‘silt’, etc.].
para, phara ‘settlement, village’, marketplace [from the IE *(s)porá as ‘village’].
paurakis 'small' [Latin paucus 'small'].
pauta(s) ‘foam’ or ‘foaming’ [Old-Pruss. RN Pauta, Lith. puta ‘foam’, putóti ‘to foam’, Latv. putas ‘foam’].
per ‘boy, son’ [Lat. puer ‘child, boy, son’].
per(u)- ‘a rock’ [Hett. peruna- ‘a rock’, Old-Ind. párvata- ‘mountain’].
pés ‘boy, child’ [Greek paus, pais ‘child’, Cypr. pas ‘the same’].
pi - 'beside, more'
pinon 'a drink' [IE *poi-, *pi- 'to drink', Latin pibo 'I drink', Slavic *piti 'to drink'].
pitye 'a treasure'
piza(s) ‘bog, meadow’ [Latv. písa ‘deep swamp’, Greek písea, pl. ‘damp places, meadow’].
poltyn 'a fortress'
pras- (resp. *praus-) ‘to wash, to splash, to bedew’ [Lith. prausti ‘to wash, to sprinkle’, Latv. prauslat ’to
splash, to besprinkle’, Old-Ind. prusnó'ti ‘to splash’].

puis, pus, pys ‘child, son’ [-pu(i)s = Greek Att. paus ‘child, son’].
pupa ‘beans’ or ‘hill’ (?) [Lith. pupa ‘beans’ or Alb. pupë ‘hill’].
pura- ‘maize, spelt’ [Greek pyrós ‘maize’, Lith. púrai ‘winter maize’, Church Slavic p@iro ‘spelt’].
purda ‘swampy, damp place’ [Latv. purdul,i ‘a snivel’, Greek pardakos ‘damp, wet’].
puris, poris, por, pyris, pyros, pyr ‘son, boy’ [Latin pure ‘child, boy, son’ in Latin PN Marci-por, Nae-por, óli-
por, Etr. nei-pur, naei-purs].
pus, pys ‘child, son’ - see puis.
pusinas ‘spruce forest, pine forest’ [Lith. puљynas ‘spruce forest’ from puљis ‘pine, spruce’].
putras ‘bawler, squaller, babbler’ [Old-Latv. personal name Putre, Latv. putruôt, putrât ‘to cry, to speak fast’].
raimas ‘motley’ [Lith. ráimas ‘motley, particoloured’].
raka(s) ‘eroded place, a gully’ [Lith. rakti ‘to burrow’].
ramus ‘quiet, calm’ [Lith. ramus ‘quiet’, Old-Ind. rámate ‘to stay quiet, to rest’].
raskus ‘quick, agile, live’ [Old-HighGerman rasc ‘quick’, German rasch ‘the same’, Engl. rash].
rera ‘stones, stony ground’ (from an earlier *lera) [Alb. lerë, -a ‘stones, fallen stones’].
rézas (resas) ‘king’ [Latin rex ‘king’, Old-Ind. raj- ‘the same’].
ring- (rink-) ‘quick, skillful’ [Old-HighGerman (ge)-ringi ‘light’, Middle-German ge-ringi ‘light. quick’, Greek
rhimpha ‘quickly, skillfully’].
romfea 'an arrow, a staff'
rudas ‘red, reddish’ [Lith. RN Rud-upe., adj. rudas ‘(red-) brown, reddish’, Latv. ruds ‘reddish’].
rumba(s) ‘edge; rapids’ [Lith. rumbas ‘periphery’, Latv. rumba ‘waterfall, rapids’].
rús-a (-as, -is) ‘a pit’ or rus- ‘slowly flowing’ [Old-Pruss. PN Russe (a village and a swamp), Lith. rúsys (and
rúsas) ‘potatoe’s pit; hut’, Latv. rúsa ‘pit; or the Litv. ruse.ti ‘to flow slowly’].
sabazias ‘free’ [Old-Bulg. svobod' ‘free’].
saldas, saltas (instead of *zaldas) ‘golden’ [Old-Bulg. zlato (from the Proto-Slavic *zalta) ‘gold (noun)’ , New-
Bulg. zlato ‘gold’, zlaten ‘golden’].
sara ‘current, stream’ [Old-Ind. sará ‘river, stream’].
sartas ‘light-red’ [Lith. sartas ‘light-red (for horses)’, Latv. sarts ‘red’].
satras (satrus) ‘live, quick, agile’ (?) [Lith. љatrus ‘live, quick, agile, row’].
saut-is (-as) ‘lazy’ [Latv. sautis ‘lazy man, who sleeps all the time’].
sei(e)tuva ‘deep place in the river’ [Lith. sietuve. ‘deep place in the river’].
seina(s) ‘village, settlement’ [Armen. љén, Gen. sini ‘village’, Greek Rhod. kroina ‘residence’].
sékas ‘grass, greenery; hay’ [Lith. љe.kas ‘recently mowed down grass’, Old-Ind. s'áka- ‘vegetable’].
sem(e)la (= zeml’a) ‘land, earth’ [Old-Bulg. zemlja, Russ. zemlja, Lith. zeme, Latv. zeme].
serma, sermas ‘current, stream’ [Old-Ind. sárma-h ‘current’, Lith. RN Sérmas].
siltas ‘warm, pleasant’ [Lith. љiltas ‘warm, pleasant’, Latv. silts ‘warm’, Cymr. clyd ‘warm, warming’].
sind(u)- ‘river’ [Old-Ind. sindhu- ‘river’, Old-Pers. hindus ‘the same’].
singas ‘low land, depression’ [Goth. sigqan, Old-HighGerman sinkan, German sinken ‘to sink, to collapse’].
siros 'a granary'
skaivas ‘left’ [Greek skaiós ‘left’, Latin scaevus ‘the same’].
skalme 'a sword'
skalp- ‘to beetle, to hit’ [Lith. skalbti (-biu, -biau) ‘to beetle, to dolly (for laundry)’].
skaplis ‘axe’ [Lith. skaplis ‘axe’].
skapt- ‘to dig’ [Lith. skaptúoti ‘to cut, to carve (in wood)’, Greek skápto ‘to dig’].
skaras (-is) ‘quick’ [Old-Bulg. skor@, Russ. skor@j ‘quick’, etc. (Proto-Slavic *skar@)].
skarké 'a coin'
skarsas ‘transverse, slanting’ [the Greek en-kársios, epi-kársis ‘curved, bent, transverse’, Lith. skersas
‘transverse, oblique].
skilas ‘quick, impetuous’ [Lith. skilti ‘set fire’ and ‘run mad’]
skreta ‘circle, circumference’ [Lith. skrete. ‘a (round) disk’, skrite. ‘circumference’].
skumbr-as (or -is) ‘hill, mountain’ [Lith. kumbrys, kumbris ‘hillock, hill, mountain peak, small mountain’].

spinda(s) ‘clearing (in the forest)’ [Lith spindis ‘clearing in the forest’].
spinos 'coal'
stra (from an earlier *strava) ‘current, torrent’ [Lith. srava ‘current’, Latv. strava ‘current, torrent’].
strambas ‘stubble-field’ [Old-Pruss. strambo ‘stubble-field’, the Latv. struobs ‘a spray, a stem, a straw’ ].
strumá, strumón ‘current, river’ [Old-HighGerman stroum, German Strom ‘current’ river’, Lith. sraumuo, -ens
‘fast current’, srúti (srúvu, dial. srúnu) ‘to fill with water’ and ‘to flow, to outflow the banks (for a river)’].
strúna ‘current, river’ [Lith. sriti ‘to fill with water, to outflow’].
stur(ia) ‘country, countryside’ [Old-Bulg strana (Proto-Slavic *starná) ‘country’, Bulg. pro-stor ‘expanse,
suchis, sukis, suku(s) (-os) ‘girl’, resp. ‘boy, juvenile’ [Cymr. hogen ‘girl’, hogyn ‘boy, lad’, Lith. súnus ‘son’,
Old-Bulg. s@in ‘son’, etc.].
suka ‘a crack, a gorge, a pass’, [Lith. љuke. ‘a gap, a crack’].
sula ‘groove’ [Greek hýle ‘forest, groove’].
sunka ‘sap, fluid’ [Lith. sunka ‘sap (of a tree); fluid’].
sura (zura) ‘current, stream’ [Old-Ind. sirá ‘current. stream’].
suras ‘strong, brave; a hero’ [Old-Ind. súra-h ‘a hero, a warrior’, Avest. súra- ‘brave, courageous; a hero’].
suras ‘salty, bitter’ [Lith. súras ‘salty’, Latv. surs ‘salty, bitter, sour’].
svit- ‘to shine, to twinkle’ [Lith. љvite.ti ‘to shine, to twinkle’, Old-Bulg. svüteti sia) ‘to shine’].
tarpas, terpas ‘a gap, a crack’ [Lith. tárpas, térpü ‘an interstice, a crack’, Proto-Slavic *tarp@ ‘a pit, a ditch’].
taru- ‘spear’ [Greek dóry ‘tree’ and ‘spear’, Hett. taru- ‘tree, trees’, Old-Ind. dáru- ‘tree’].
therm 'a tribe'
thin- ‘to hold, to carry’ [Latin teneó, -ere ‘to hold’].
thurd- ‘to crash, to collapse’ [Old-HighGerman sturzen, German stürzen ‘to overthrow, to fall’].
tirsas ‘thicket’ [Lith. tirљtis ‘density, thickness’ and ‘thicket, brush-wood’, tirљti (tirљtu) ‘to thicken’].
titha ‘light, radiance’ [Greek titó' ‘morning glow; morning, day’, Alb. ditë ‘day’].
tón 'a present' [IE *dó- 'to give'].
tranas ‘rotting’ [Lith. RN Tranys, trene.ti ‘to rot, to decompose’].
traus- ‘to break, to crumble’ [Lith. trauљti ‘to break, to crumble’, trauљus ‘brittle’, the Latv. trauss, trausls
‘brittle, fragile’, Old-Russ. troh@ ‘lazy; sad’].
tri 'three' [IE *treyes, *trí 'three'].
tund- 1. ‘to push, to knock’; 2. ‘river’ [1. Latin tundó, -ere ‘to push, to knock’, Old-Ind. tundaté ‘to push’. 2.
Old-Icel. ?und ‘river’].
tuntas ‘a flock, a flight; a heap’ [Lith. tuntas ‘a flock, a flight; a heap, a pile’].
turm- ‘a run, a flight’ [Old-Ind. drámati ‘to run’, Greek drómos ‘a run’].
udra(s) ‘otter’ [IE *wed-, *wod-, Old-Ind. udráh ‘water animal’, Avest. udra- ‘otter’, Greek hydros, Old-
HighGerman ottar, Lith. údra, Bulg. vidra ‘otter’].
udrénas ‘water, aquatic’ [IE *wed-, *wod- 'water'].
úkas ‘mist; misty, turbid’ [Lith. úkas ‘a mist; clouding; fume, vapour’, úkanas ‘cloudy, turbid’].
upa ‘river’ [Lith. úpe. ‘river’, Latv. upe ‘river, stream’].
-upula 'apple?' [IE *amlu-, *samlu- 'apple'].
urda(s) ‘stream’ [Lith. urdulys ‘(mountain) stream, pool’, Latv. urdavin,a ‘stream’].
usku- ‘water; aquatic, marshy’ [Old-Ir. u(i)sce ‘water’, Old-Cymr uisc, Irish esc ‘water, bog, swamp’].
utos ‘water, river’ [IE *wed-, *wod-, Old-Ind. ud-án- ‘water’, Greek hydos ‘the same’].
vair-as (-us) ‘spinning’ [Lith. vairus, vairas ‘spinning’, Swed. vírr ‘a spiral’].
varpasas ‘whirlpool’ [Latv. várpats ‘whirlpool’, the Lith. varpyti (-pau, -piau) ‘to dig, to burrow’].
veger- (resp. *veker-) ‘damp; to bedew’ or ‘haymowing’ [Dutch wak ‘damp’, Latv. vedzere etc.].
veleka(s) ‘place for washing’ [Lith. vele.kles ‘a place, used for washing’, vele.ti ‘to wash (with a paddle)’].
ver- ‘to spring, to issue’ [Lith. vírti (vérdu, viriau) ‘to boil, to bubble’, the Old-Bulg. v'reti v'rion ‘to spring, to
verza(s) ‘a barrier used for fishing; dam’ [Latv. varza ‘dam’].

zalmos 'a skin'
zan 'a clan, a family' [IE *g'en- 'to give birth, a kin'].
zbel- (from an initial *zibel-) ‘shining; a thunderbolt, a lightning’ [Latv. zibele ‘shining’, zibelêt ‘to flash, to
twinkle, to shine’].
zburul- ‘light (noun); shining’ [Lith. z'iburys ‘light’ (noun)’].
zeira 'a kind of chiton'.
zelas - 'wine'.
zelmis ‘an offspring, descendant’ [Lith. z'elmuo, -ens ‘plant’ and ‘an offspring’].
zenis, zenés ‘born, born in’ [=genes in the Greek personal name of Dio=génes, from the IE *g'en- ‘to give
birth’ in the Old-Latin geno ‘to produce, to give birth’].
zéri- (from an earlier *zvéri-) ‘an animal, a beast’ [Lith. z've.ris ‘a beast’, Old-Bulg. zver@ ‘the same’, Greek
zetraia 'a pot'.
zi- ‘god’ [shortened from ziu-, zia- and similar, IE *deiwo- 'sky god', Greek Zeus].
zilas ‘grey, turned grey’ or ‘blue’ [Lith. z'ilas ‘grey-haired’, Latv. zils, zilљ ‘blue’].
zilma(s) ‘greenery’ [Latv. zelme ‘green grass or wheat’].
zombros 'a bison?' [Slavic *zo.brü, Latv. subrs 'a bison', Old Prus. wissambris 'a bison', Old Icel. visundr 'a
zum-, zuml- ‘dragon’ [Old-Bulg zm'i ‘dragon’, zm'ia ‘snake’].
zvaka(s) ‘bright, white’ [Lith. z'vake. ‘light (noun)’].

WordGumbo Indo-European Comparative Indo-European



1. Neroznak, V. Paleo-Balkan Languages. Moscow, 1978.
2. Fasmer, M. Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language. Moscow, 1986.

Phrygian Indo-European
ab- (near, nearby) (in abberet - he will bring) *ad- (to, near, by, towards)
adamna (a friend)
addaket, addaketor (he has made) *dhé-k- (to set, to put)
adio- (unviolable)
agorani (they are buying) < Greek agora (market)
akala (water) Thracian achel- (water), Lithuanian Akele. (the name of the river)
alu- (a priest) Hittite alwu- (magic), Lydian alus' (priest)
arg- (silver) *arg'- (to shine, white)
arg- (to direct) Greek arkhó 'I rule'
attagos (a goat)
azena (a beard) (acc. pl.)
bago- (the good)
balaios (large, fast) *belo- (power, strength)
balén (a king) *belo- (power, strength)
bambalon (a penis)

bedu (water, a river) *wed-, *wod- (wet, water)
bekos (bread)
belté (a bog) *bhel- (white)
ber- (to bear) (in eber - he has brought, abberet - he will bring) *bher- (to carry, to bring)
bonekos (a wife) *gwen- (a wife, a woman)
cin (a sort, a kind) *g'en- (to be born, a knee, a kin)
dadón (they gave) *dó- (to give)
dahet (he sets) *dhé-k- (to set, to put)
daos, davos (a wolf: "who kills") *dhaw- (to press, to kill)
dareios (a keeper)
dúmos (an assembly) *domu- (a house, a building)
edaes (he put, he has set up) *dhé- (to put, to set)
eistani (they are setting) *stá- (to stand)
eksis (a hedgehog) Slavic *ezji, Greek ekhinos, Armenian ozni, Lithuanian ez'ys (a hedgehog)
en-park (to raise) *bhergh- (high)
es' (a donkey) *ekwo- (a horse)
eti (and) Latin et (and), Greek eti (also, more), Gothic iþ (and, but)
ev- (kind, good) *wes- (ggod)
gelaros, gallaros (sister-in-law) *g'al- (brother's wife)
germe (warm) *gwher-, *gwher-m- (hot, heat)
glanos (a hyena)
glunea, glúros (gold) Avestan zaranya-, Slavic *zlato, Gothic gulþ (gold)
glúron (a lawn)
gordum, zordum (a city) *gher- (to fence), *ghro-dh- (a stockade)
garman (a battle)
iman (a cult image) Hittite himma-
ios (which, that; relative pronoun) *yos (relative pronoun - dialectal in Proto-IE: Sanskrit yas, Old Persian ya-,
Greek hos)
kan (to pronounce) *ghan- (to open mouth)
kavar- (a sacred place) Lydian kave (priest) < IE *k'eu- (to foresee)
kimeros (a mind, a desire)
knuman (a tomb)
kunes (dogs; nom. pl.) *kwon- (a dog)
matar (a mother) *mátér- (mother)
meka- (great) *megh- (large, great)
memevais (an advisor) < Hittite mema- (to speak)
mosuna (a tower)
orú (upwards) *or- (to stand, to rise up) - only for inanimate
pikerion (an ointment)
satine (a chariot)
semou(n) (this; dat. sg.) *so- (this), Celtic *sindos
sideto (let him be a success) *seidh-
tiama, teama (a stele) *dhé- (to put)
tios (gods) *deiwo- (sky god)
thri (three) *treyes, neut. *trí (three)
tiveia (a goddess, a divine she) < Luwian tiwat- (god of daylight)
tov- (to sacrifice) *dheu- (to sacrifice)
vaso (good, kind) < Hittite wesu- (good)
ve, oe (self) *swe- (self)
wit- (to know) *weid-, *wid- (to know, to see)

witeto (he looked) *weid-, *wid- (to know, to see)
zelkia (vegetables) *g'hel- (green, grass)
zemeló- (a slave, a person, man on ground) *dhghom- (ground), Slavic *zemja, Lithuanian zeme. (ground)
zetna (a gate)
zeuman (a jet, a stream; *gheu-, *gheu-d- (liquid, to pour)

Фригийски речник:

Meaning PIE root Symbol Sequence

ΑFΤΥΝ self
ΑΒ- near ad, bher-
ΑΒΑΣ personal name
ΑΒΒΕΡΕΤ will bring ad-, bher-
ΑΓΑΡΙΤΟΙ ungracious
ΑΓΔΙΣΤΙΣ she from mount Agdos, epithet of Cybele
ΑΓΙΠΕΙΑ personal name
ΑΓΚΥΡΑ city of Phrygia, anchor
ΑΓΛΑFΟJ shining
ΑΓΟΡΑΝΙ they are buying
ΑΓΤΑΕΙ leader
ΑΔ- to, by, at ad-
ΑΔΑΜΝΑ friend
ΑΔΔΑΚΕΤ causes, does, make, afflicts dhe-k-, dhe-
ΑΔΔΑΚΕΤΟΡ he makes for/causes himself
ΑΔΕΙΤΟΥ to become
ΑΔΙΘΡΕΡΑΚ personal name
ΑΔΙΚΕΣΕΙ unjustice
ΑΔΟΙΚΑFΟΙ a title, probably religious one
ΑΕJ to be
ΑΖΕΝΑ beard
ΑΙ if
ΑΙΝΙ and, or
ΑΙΠΟΣ steep hill
ΑΚΑΛΑ water akw-A
ΑΚΑΡΑΓΑJΥΝ sarcophagus, stair-way, part of the monument
ΑΚΚΕ and to
ΑΚΜΟΝΙΑ personal name ak-
ΑΚΡΑJΟ high, elevated
ΑΚΡΙΣΙΑΣ Cronus / Saturn
ΑΚΡΟΔΜΑ a part of the grave
ΑΝ modal particle
ΑΝΑΝΚΑΙ ill fate, mischief
ΑΝΑΡ man, husband
ΑΝΕΓΕΡΤΟJ reconstruct, rebuild
ΑΝΠΕΛΕΙΤΗΣ epithet of Zeus
ΑΠΕΛΑΝ god Apollo, personal name, assembly

ΑΠΝΕΚΡΟΙΥΝ to die, be killed
ΑΠΟ- away (preverb)
ΑΠΟΛΑ personal name
ΑΡΓΜΕΝΑ first pieces of a sacrifice to be given
ΑΡΓΟΥ because of, for the sake of
ΑΡΕJΑΣΤΙΝ epithet of the great mother
ΑΡΚΙΕFΑΙΣ patronym, son of Arkias
ΑΡΤ around, near, nearly / just, about now
ΑΣ to, by h1ens
ΑΣΚΑΝΙΗ placename
ΑΤΑΝΙJΕΝ personal name, Athenian, from Ataniya (Adana)
ΑΤΑΣ personal name
ΑΤΕΣ Common name in Anatolia
ΑΤΤΑΒΟΚΑΟΙ Priests of Cybele at Pessinus
ΑΥΤΟ Self auto
ΑΩΡΩ prematurely
ΒΑΒΑ personal name
ΒΑΒΑΣ personal name
ΒΑΒΕΙΣ personal name
ΒΑΓΑΙΟΣ epithet of Zeus, great, fast bhag-
ΒΑΓΟ name of a deity
ΒΑΛΑΙΟΝ big, fast
ΒΑΛΗΝ King gwal
ΒΑΜΒΑΛΟΝ coat, vagina bhel-, bhlē-
ΒΑΣ name of a deity
ΒΕFΔΟΣ personal name
ΒΕΔΥ water (a)ku̯edu
ΒΕΚΟΣ bread
ΒΕΝΑΓΟΝΟΣ personal name gene
ΒΕΝΝΟΣ society of the faithful
ΒΕΡ- to bear, carry bher-
ΒΕΡΕΚΥΝΤΑΙ tribe name
ΒΕΥΔΟΣ statue
ΒΟΔΩΡΙΣ personal name
ΒΟΝΟΚ- woman, wife gwena
ΒΡΑΤΕΡΑΙΣ brother bhrā́ter-
ΒΡΑΤΕΡΕ brother bhrehter
ΒΡΕΙΤ breaks bhreyH-
ΓΑΛΛΑΡΟΣ personal name
ΓΑΛΛΟΙ priests of the mother of gods
ΓΑΝΟΣ hyena
ΓΔΑΝ ΜΑ earth mother
ΓΕΓΑΡΙΤΜΕΝΟΣ devoted to, at the mercy of ghrH-i-t-
ΓΕΛΑΡΟΣ sister in law ĝ(e)lōu̯ -
ΓΕΡΜΕ warm gwher-

ΓΙΣΑ stone ĝeis-
ΓΛΟΥΡΟΣ gold ĝhel-
ΓΟΡΔ- town, city, yard
ΔΑ to put, to place
ΔΑΔΙΤΙ he gave for do-
ΔΑΚΕΡ part of a monument
ΔΑΟΣ wolf dhau-
ΔΕFΟΣ gods
ΔΕΚΜΟΥΤΑΙΣ tenth dekmt
ΔΕΩΣ god
ΔΙΚΕ justice
ΔΙΝΔΥΜ the mother of gods, mountains of Phrygia
ΔΙΟΥΝΣΙΝ God Dionysos
ΔΟΥΜΕ religious community, assembly
ΕFΑΙΣ patronymic suffix
ΕFΕΤΕΚΣΕΤΕJ good birth, beneficent
ΕFΚΟΒΕJΑΝ victorious
ΕΓ- to hold, to experience segh-
ΕΓΕΔΟΥ he shall injure (?) / Let him bear (?) / let him suffer
ΕΓΕΣΕΤΙ (he) will do
ΕΓΚΕΡΑΥΛΗΣ Phrygian flute
ΕΔΑΕΣ set (up), he has made, has placed dhē-
ΕΔΕΣΣΑ placename
ΕΖΙΣ hedgehog eĝhi-
ΕΙΡΟΙ untimely or children
ΕΙΤΟΥ to go, to become hey-
ΕΚΑΤΑΙΑ personal name
ΕΚΕJ there
ΕΚΕΙ there
ΕΛΕΓΟΣ poem or song of lament, dirge
ΕΝ in
ΕΝΕΠΑΡΚΕΣ wrote this
ΕΝΣΤΑΡΝΑ to stand in, to place inside
ΕΡΑ then
ΕΡΜΟΛΑΟΣ personal name
ΕΡΟΚΑ progeny, family
ΕΣΤΑΕΣ stand, establish
ΕΤΙ out, further eti
ΖΕΙΡΑ hand / children / living
ΖΕΛΚΙΑ cabbage
ΖΕΜΕΛΩΣ man, human being dhghemelo, ĝhðem-,
ΖΕΤΝΑ gate ghed-
ΖΕΥΜΑΝ spring ĝheu-

ΖΩΣ living
FΑΝΑ king
FΑΝΑΚΤ Overlord, King of Kings
FΕΝΑFΤΥΝ himself
FΕΤΕΙ year
FΙΤΑΡΟΝ second
FΟΙΝΕΣ personal name
FΡΕΚΥΝ Phrygian tribe name
ΦΑΓΛΥΝ personal name
ΦΕΛΙΞ personal name
ΘΑΛΑΜΕΙΔΗ sepulchral chamber
ΘΙΜΒΙΣ personal name
ΙΑΝΑΤΕΡΑ husband’s brother’s wife i̯énǝter-
ΙΒΕJΑ epithet of the great mother
ΙΚΤΕΣ personal name
ΙΛΗ personal name
ΙΜΑΝ sanctuary, sacred area, stele, monument
ΙΟΙ her
ΙΟΣ he, whoever ei-, i-
ΙΟΣΑΙΣ personal name ?
ΙΡΤΕΡ to sacrifice
ΙΣ for
ΙΣΓΕΙΚΕΤ to have, hold
ΙΤΥF may he become
ΚΑΚΟΝ bad, evil, harm kaw
ΚΑΛΙJΑ personal name
ΚΑΛΛΥΡΙΑΤΙΣ personal name
ΚΑΝΤΥΙΞ personal name
ΚΑΡΑΤΥ let him sacrifice
ΚΕ and kwe
ΚΕΛΑΙΝΑΙ placename
ΚΕΛΜΙΣ one of the Idaean Daktyls
ΚΕΝΕΜΑΝ tomb, hole or inscription (scratching) kenh1-mn
ΚΕΝΟΣ generation
ΚΙΚΛΗΝ giant bear, wagon kʷel-
ΚΙΝΝΑ personal name, town name
ΚΝΑΙΚΑ woman
ΚΝΟΥΜΑΝ grave, tomb
ΚΟFΙΣ being aware of, cognizant of, perceiving
ΚΟΡΟ place, space, ground
ΚΤΕ to possess
ΚΤΕFΟ property
ΚΤΟΝ earth, ground
ΚΥΒΙΛΕJΑ the great mother
ΚΥΛΙJΑ personal name
ΚΥΝΕΣ dogs

ΚΥΡJΑΝΕJΟΝ commander, ruler, ethnic name
ΚΥΡΥΝΙΣ personal name
ΛΑFΑΓΤ leader of the people
ΛΑΚΕΔΟΚΕΥ may he be cursed
ΛΙΚΕC personal name, it is permitted
ΛΟΙΔΙΜΟΝ made of beams / lastly
ΜΑ sheeps
ΜΑΪΣ personal name
ΜΑΚΡΑΝ long, tall, high
ΜΑΜΥΤΑΣ personal name
ΜΑΝΚΑ stele
ΜΑΝΤΑΛΟΣ personal name men-
ΜΑΣ name of a deity
ΜΑΤΑΡ the great mother mātér-
ΜΕ among, away
ΜΕJΟΝ smaller, less
ΜΕΒΕΡΕΤ carry away, transfer
ΜΕΚΑ great meg-
ΜΕΜΕFΑΙΣ patronym, son of Memes
ΜΗΝ good mā-
ΜΗΝΟΓΑΣ personal name
ΜΗΝΟΥΔΟΥΤΟΣ personal name
ΜΗΤΕΡΕ Mother [the great mother] mater
ΜΙΔΑΣ King Midas of Phrygia
ΜΙΣΤΡΑΒΟΥΤΑΣ personal name
ΜΙΤΡΑΦΑΤΑ name of a deity
ΜΟΔΡΟFΑΝΑΚ the smith / King of Modros
ΜΟΝΤΑΝΟΣ early christian spiritual leader
ΜΟΥΡΟΥΝ stupidity
ΜΡΟΣ funerary monument
ΜΥΚΣΟΣ personal name
(Ν)ΑΔΡΟΤΟΣ rich, powerful
ΝΑΝΑ personal name
ΝΙ if, may ani
ΝΙΝΑ personal name
ΝΙΟΙΣΙΟΣ fateless, unlucky
ΞΕΝΩΝΕΣ mens room
ΞΕΥΝ- host, stranger, personal name ghosti-s, ghos
ΟYENAYIA personal name
ΟΙ to him
ΟΙΝΙΣ (the) wine

ΟΙΟΥΘΒΑΝ salvation
ΟΜΟΥΣΑΣ personal name
ΟΝΟΜΑΝ name h3nh3mn
ΟΝΟΜΑΝΙΑΙΣ mentioned
ΟΠΟΡΟΚΙΤΙ to lay with, add
ΟΡΟΥΑΝ guardian, warden, father
ΟΤΥFΟΙ eight ok̂tō(u)
ΟΥΑΝΑΚΤΑΝ Overload, King of Kings
ΟΥΕΒΑ- tombstone, monument
ΟΥΕΒΡΑ memory
ΟΥΕΛΑ- family, relatives leudh-
ΟΥΡΑΝΙΟΝ celestrial
ΠΑΝΤΑ all, everything panta
ΠΑΝΤΑΚΕΝΑΝΝΟΥ let everything be empty / may they be altogether
ΠΑΡΤΗΣ for the sake of
ΠΑΡΤΥΣ for the sake of
ΠΑΤΗΡ father
ΠΑΤΡΙΖΙ to the fathers
ΠΕΙΣ dead
ΠΕΝΘΕΡΩ father in law
ΠΕΡΒΕΔΑΝ surrounding (of the tomb)
ΠΙΝΚΕ five
ΠΟΔΑΣ feet
ΠΟΔΑΣΚΑ small fetter
ΠΟΚΡΑΙΟΥ personal name
ΠΟΛΟΔΡΑΤΕΣ personal name
ΠΟΡ / ΠΟΥΡ for
ΠΟΡΚΟΡΟ for the place
ΠΟΡΜΑΤΕ- personal name
ΠΟΥΚΡΟΣ personal name
ΠΟΥΝΤΑΣ pontic
ΠΡΟΙΤΑFΟΣ son of Proitos, honourific title
ΠΥΡΠΑΤΟJ be impure, defile
ΡΟΔΑΝ personal name
ΣΑΓΓΑΡΙΟΣ a river of Phrygia and Lydia
ΣΑΥΝΑΜΑΝ foundation of the grave
ΣΕΙΛΗΝ stele
ΣΕΜΟΥΝ this k̂o-, k̂e-
ΣΙ↑ΙΔΟΣ personal name
ΣΙΠΥΛΟΝ mountain of Phrygian and Lydia
ΣΚΕΛΕΔΡΙΑΣ ossuary, skeleton
ΣΚΡΠΟΥ personal name
ΣΟΡΟ- corpse, tomb, coffin
ΣΥΚΧΟΙ shoes

ΤYBETI chop down
ΤΑΔΟΣ personal name
ΤΑΠΗΣ carpet
ΤΑΣ those
ΤΑΤΑΣ personal name
ΤΑΤΕΣ personal name
ΤΕΑΜΑΣ part of the monument
ΤΕΔΑΤΟJ set up, dedicated dheH
ΤΕΚΜΟΡ sign or omen
ΤΕΤΙΚΜΕΝΟΣ cursed, stigmatized eti-
ΤΕΥΤΟΥΣ people
ΤΗΜΝΟΝ mountain name tem-
ΤΙ an emphatic particle used after demonstrative pronouns
ΤΙFΕΙΑ goddess
ΤΙFΟ steal
ΤΙΔΡΕΓΡΟ unenjoyable, innutribile dis-dhregwh-ro-
ΤΙΗΙΟΝ belonging to the gods
ΤΙΟΣ god, Zeus
ΤΟ self
ΤΟΤΟΣ personal name or alas
ΥΑΤΤΑΣ personal name
ΥΔΩΡ water au(e)-, aued-, auer-
ΥΚΕ nor
ΥΡΓΙΤΟΣ personal name
ΥΨΟΔΑΝ above, on top
ΦΑΓΛΥΝ personal name
ΦΕΛΙΞ personal name
ΧΡΕΙΣΤΙΑΝΟΙ christians
ΨΥFΑΨΑΡΟΣ personal name

WordGumbo Indo-European Comparative Indo-European


Old Macedonian

1. Neroznak, V. Paleo-Balkan languages. Moscow, 1978.
2. Katicic, R. Ancient Languages of the Balkans. The Hague, 1976.
3. Fasmer, M. The Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language. Moscow, 1986.

Macedonian Indo-European
abagna (a rose)
abroutes (eyebrows) *bhrú- (an eyebrow)

agéma (avant guarde, guards;
agkalis (a sickle)
ahrounoi (boundary stones; nom. pl.)
alié (manure)
alixa, aliza (an alder) *ol-, *el-, Slavic *jelïxa (alder), Lithuanian alksnis (alder), Old High German elira, Old
Icelandic alr, Latin alnus
amalé (gentle; fem.) *am- (to love), Latin amare, Lydian amas (loving)
argipous (an eagle)
arkon (leisure, idleness)
axos (wood)
bedu (water) *wed-, *wod- (wet, water)
danón (a murderer) Greek thanatos (death)
danos (death) Greek thanatos (death)
hetairoi (comrades; nom. pl.)
grabion (a sort of oak) *grabh-, Slavic *grabü (a hornbeam), Old Prussian wosigrabis (euonymus), Umbrian
Grabovius (a god of oak)
ilas (a little oak)
kanadoi (jaws; nom. pl.)
klinotrokhon (a maple?) Bulgarian klen (a maple), Old Icelandic hlynr, Welsh kelyn, Lithuanian klevas (a
kombous (molars; acc. pl.) *gombh- (a ledge), Russian zub (a tooth), Lithuanian z'ambas (a sharp thing),
Sanskrit jambhas (a tooth), Albanian dhamp (a tooth), Tocharian kam (A), keme (B) (a tooth)

WordGumbo Indo-European Comparative Indo-European



1. Neroznak, V. Paleo-Balkan languages. Moscow, 1978.
2. Katicic, R. Ancient Languages of the Balkans. The Hague, 1976.
3. Fasmer, M. The Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language. Moscow, 1986.

Glossary: Illyrian Indo-European

alt- (a stream) (in Altus - a hydronym)

barba- (a swamp) (in Metubarbis - a toponym) Albanian berrak (swampy soil), Sanskrit barburam (water),
Greek borboros (slime)
bra' (brother! (vocative)) *bhra'te'r 'a brother'
brisa (husks of grapes)
cleves- (famous) (in Vesclevesis - a personal name) *kleu- (to hear, to listen), Latin clarus (famous), Greek
kleos (fame)
lugo- (a pool)
mag- (great) *meg- (great)
metu- (between) (in Metubarbis - a toponym) *medyo- (medium, between)
oseriates (lakes) Slavic *ozero (a lake), Lithuanian ez'eras (a lake)
plo- (strong, powerful) *plu- (numerous)?
rinos (clouds)

sybina (a spear)
tertigio (a merchant) Slavic *türgü (a market), Lithuanian tirgus, Albanian trege" (a market)
teuta- (people, a tribe) "European" *teutá- (people, a tribe), Oscan touta (a tribe), Gaulish teuto- (people)
ves- (kind, good) (in Vesclevesis - a personal name) *wesu- (good, kind)



1. Ivanov, V. The Hittite Language. Moscow, 1963.

2. Ivanov V. Common Indo-European, Proto-Slavic and Anatolian Language Systems. Moscow.
3. Gamkrelidze T., Ivanov V. The Indo-European Language and Indo-Europeans. Moscow, 1984.
4. Bajun, L. The Experience of the Comparative Studies of Hitto-Luwian Languages. Moscow, 1990.
5. Bajun, L. The Language of Hittite Hieroglyphs. Moscow, 1986.


Common Anatolian Indo-European Anatolian

*do'- (to give, to take,
*da - to give
Hittite taru- (a tree), Luwian
*daru - tree *deru- (firm, solid, a tree),
tarweja- (wooden)
*dhew - to install, to set *dhe'- (to put, to set up)
Hittite tiw- (god of sun), Palaic
*diu - god of daylight *deiwo-, *dyeu- (god of sky) tijaz, tiuna-, Luwian tiwat-
(supreme god)
*ed - to eat *e'd- (to eat)
Hittite ekw-, akw- (to drink),
*ekw - to drink *ekw-, *akw- (water, to drink) Palaic aku-, Luwian ahw- (to
Hittite es'har- (blood), Luwian
*eshar - blood *eso'r-, *esr- (blood)
Hittite gienu-, kinu- (a knee),
*genu - a knee *g'enu- (a knee, a clan)
Palaic ginu-
*gwana - a woman *gwen- (a wife, a woman)
Hittite & Palaic kis't- (to
*gwes - to put the light off *gwes- (to extinguish fire)
extinguish fire)
*hanta - before *Hant- (before) Hittite hantezzija (fore, first)
Hittite hap- (wealthy), Palaic
*hap - a treasure,
*Hap-, *op- (wealth) hapari (to bargain), Luwian
*hapar - a bargain
happina- (wealth)
Hittite hapa- (a river), Luwian
*hap - a river, a stream *Hap- (water)
hapi-, Palaic hapna-
*hasta - a bone *kost-, *ost- (a bone) Hittite hastijas (bones)

*hawa - a sheep *owi- (sheep) Luwian hawi- (a sheep)
Hittite hams- (a grandson),
*hnosa - a descendant
Luwian hams'a-
*kes, ke,s - to scratch *kes- (to scratch) Hittite kiљa- (to scratch)
Hittite kes's'ar- (a hand),
*khesro - a hand *g'hesro- (a hand)
Luwian is's'ari-
*khwen - to beat, to hit *gwhen- (to kill) Hittite kinu- (to break)
Hittite kir-, Palaic kart- (a
*krodi - a heart *kerd- (a heart)
*lohai - to pour *lei- (to pour) Hittite lila'i-
Hittite lukk- (to light), Luwian
*luk - to shine *leuk- (to shine, light)
Hittite melit-, Palaic malit-
*melit - honey *meli-, *meli-t- (honey)
Hittite nepis' (sky), Luwian
*ntephes - sky *nebho- (sky)
*phargui - pure, clean Hittite parkui- (clear)
Hittite parku-, Luwian parrai-
*phrokhu - high *bherg'- (high)
Hittite palhi- (wide), Luwian
*ploha - wide *pl-t- (wide, full)
*roh - external
*ser - top, above Luwian љarri- (big)
*srei - to flow *sreu- (to flow, to swim) Hittite sarlata- (libation)
*sta - to stand *sta'- (to stand)
*suwa - to fill Hittite љuwái- (to fill)
*thei - to feed
Hittite tekan- (ground),
*thekkan - ground *dhg'hom- (ground)
Hyeroglyphic takama-
Hittite tar- (to speak), Luwian
*tro - to speak
tatar- (to damn)
*wawa - a bull Hittite wawa- (a bull)
Hittite werija- (to speak),
*wer - to speak *wer- (to cry, to speak)
Palaic wer- (to call)
*weth - to bring *wedh- (to bring)
*weth - to build *widhu- (wood, tree) Palaic wete- (to build)

WordGumbo Indo-European Comparative Indo-European



1. Ivanov, V. The Hittite Language. Moscow, 1963.

2. Ivanov V. Common Indo-European, Proto-Slavic and Anatolian Language Systems. Moscow.

3. Gamkrelidze T., Ivanov V. The Indo-European Language and Indo-Europeans. Moscow, 1984.
4. Bajun, L. The Experience of the Comparative Studies of Hitto-Luwian Languages. Moscow, 1990.
5. Bajun, L. The Language of Hittite Hieroglyphs. Moscow, 1986.


agniљ - fire
aia, ai - to do, to make
aiљ - a mouth
ak - to die
alkistan - a branch
alpa - white
anda - in, inside
annijazi - he does, makes
aráí - to pray
arawa - free
arija - to ask
arkamijala - a musician
arma - moon
arnumi - I bring
arsina, Nesian harsi - bread
arљ- - the same
aruni - a meal
aruwa- - to respect
as, Nesian es- - to sit
asa, asana - a chair
asa, sa, Nesian es-, Palaic aљ- - to be
así - to love
aљљu - good, kind
asu, aswa - horse
at, Nesian et-, ud-, Palaic ata- - to eat
atiman - a name
da - to give
dalugaeљ - long
dankui - dark
daљљuљ - strong
ekw, akw, Palaic aku- - to drink
epp - to take, to seize
erha - a boundary
eљha - an owner
eљhar - blood
etri (Nesian) - a meal
gank - to hang
genzuwala - friendly
gienu, kinuwaaљ (, Palaic ginu - a knee
gima- - a winter
gurta - an enclosed place
halki - grain, bread
halugan - a message

hantezzija - first, front, fore
hap-, Palaic hapari - wealth, to make a bargain
hapa, Palaic hapna - a river
happár - a price
happaraizzi - sells
hara - to destroy, to pound
haraљ - an eagle
harawa - a road
hark - to have
harkiљ - white
harmahi - a head
harљ - to loosen
hartagga - a bear, a wild animal
harti - to call
haruna - a barn
has - to derivate, to generate
hasmi - a kin, kinship
haљљa, hams - a grandson
hastijas, haљtái - bones
hatuas, hatuars - a letter
hatura - to write
hilan - a yard
hiљљa - a beam
huha - a grandfather
huiљ - to live
hulana - wool
humati - a base, a foundation
hurnái - to splash
hurta - to damn
igái - to grow numb
ilalija - to wish
irhai - to limit
irmalant - sick, ill
iљha - an owner, a master
iљhamai - a song
iљkallái- - to break, to divide
iљnija - to link, to tear
istanza - a soul
istark - an illness
iúkán - a yoke
kardi-, kir, Palaic kart- - a heart
keљљar - a hand
keta - he lay
kikla - grass
kikkula - a vessel
kinu - to break open, to burst
kinun - now
kiљ - to become (medium voice)
kiљa - to scratch
kiљt, kastas - famine,

kiљt- (Palaic) - to extinguish
kula - an army
kurant - a cripple
kusatara - to build, a wall
kwen - to kill
lala - a language
lamen - to name, to call
lami - to strengthen, to fortify
lapani - to graze
lila- - expiation
lilái - to release
lukkái - to light, to shine
luttais - window
mald - to ask
malla- - to grind
maninkuwant - shortened (participle)
mehur - time, a month
meikki -, much, many
mekiљ - large
melit, Palaic malit - honey
mema - to speak
mina, mini - a city
miti - a servant
mugái- - to complain, to oppose
muri - a berry
murijan - a bunch of grapes
nahhan - respect
nameљha - spring
namuwaí - a son
narљam - a head
nasusara - a queen
natta - no
nega - a sister
neku - to get dark
nekumanza - naked
nepiљ - sky
newa- - new
ninikzi - he lifts, raises
pahљi, pahhaљ - to protect, to graze
pahwár - fire
pai, pija - to give
pai - to go
palhi - wide
paltanaљ - a shoulder
pangarija- to spread
pankur - a conference, a meeting
papparљ- - to splash
papratar - desecration
parái - to blow
parjanaza (Hieroglyphic) - to know

parku - high
parkui - pure, clean
parkunu - to clear
parn, pir - a house
paљ - to swallow
pata - a foot
pattar - a wing
pedan, pieti, pídi - a place
pera - a bird
peruna- - a rock
piddái - to run
piddái - to pay
sái - to press
љakhar - dirt
љakuwa - eyes
љaligai- - to spit
љalli - large
salp - sewage
љamana - a base, foundation
sanawaí - kind
sarlata - a libation
љarnink - to reimburse
љarpa - a sickle
sasa - printing
љaљta - a bed
љehur - urine
љipantahhi - I sacrifice
љittar - a star
љiu, љiun - a god
љiwat - a day, daylight
љumanza - a cord
љupparija - to sleep
uppi - pure, sacred
surna - a horn
љuwái - to fill
suwana - dog
ta- - to take
ta- - to come
tahukappi - a vessel
taiљtai - to load
tájezzi - he steals
takљ - to make
takљan - a half
tamaљ - to torment
tanata - a wall
tapariála - to rule
tar- - to speak
tarh- - to win
tarkasni - a donkey
taru - a tree

tati - a father
tawana - exact, correct
te- - to put
tekan, Hieroglyphic takama - ground
tepu - small, low
teљha - a dream, a revelation
tethima - thunder
tija - to come, to approach, to become
tijaz, tiuna (Palaic) - a god
tupi - to beat
turp - bread
tuwarsa - a rod, a vine
tuzzi- - an army
uija - to send
uitti - a year (dat.-loc. sg.)
uraí - large
usamuwami -, esteemed,
usanuwa - esteemed (participle)
usiti - to purchase, to buy
uwate - to bring, to lead
walá - to lift
wali - great
wappija - to bark
warsa - dew
wasa - to esteem
wasu - the good
waљa- - to put on
waљtai - a sin
watar (, wetenaљ - water
wawa - a bull
werija, Palaic wer- - to speak, to call
wete- (Palaic) - to build
wiána - wine
zamankur - a beard
zena - summer, autumn

WordGumbo Indo-European Comparative Indo-European



1. Ivanov V. Common Indo-European, Proto-Slavic and Anatolian Language Systems. Moscow.

2. Ivanov V. The Hittite Language. Moscow, 1963.
3. Gamkrelidze T., Ivanov V. The Indo-European Language and Indo-Europeans. Moscow, 1984.
4. Bajun, L. The Experience of the Comparative Studies of Hitto-Luwian Languages. Moscow, 1990.
5. Korolev, A. Hitto-Luwian Languages. Languages of Asia and Africa, vol. 1. Moscow, 1976.
6. Fasmer, M. Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language. Moscow, 1986.

a- (he) [Hittite a-, e-]
adduwali- (angry) [Hittite idalu-]
ahha (how, when)
ahw- (to drink) [IE *ekw- (water, to drink), Common Anatolian (CA) *ekw- (to drink)]
aja- (to make) [Hittite aia-]
anarummi- (strong) [IE *ner-, *aner-t- (man's strength)]
anda (in, inside) [IE *en- (in, inside), Hittite anta (in, inside)]
annan (under)
anni- (to lead out) [Hittite anija-]
anni- (mother) [Hittite, Palaic anna- (mother)]
apa- (this, that) [IE *ebho- (that), Hittite, Palaic apa-]
appa- (back, backwards) [Hittite appa]
arai- (long) [Hittite ara-]
as- (to be) [IE *es- (to be)]
asi'- (to love) [Hittite assija- (to love)]
aљhanuwant- (bloody) [IE *esor- (blood), Hittite eљhanuwant-]
aљhar- (blood) [IE *esor- (blood), CA *eshar- (blood)]
at-, az- (to eat) [IE *ed- (to eat), CA *ed- (to eat)]
-au- (here!) [Hittite -u- (here!)]
da- (to take) [IE *dó- (to give, to take, to exchange), CA *da- (to give)]
dakam- (ground) [IE *dhghom- (ground), CA *thekkan- (ground)]
daruљ- (a statue)
elhai- (to pour) [IE *lei- (to pour), CA *lhai- (to pour)]
erhuwa- (to limit) [Hittite erha- (a border)]
gaљi- (a visit) [IE *gasti- (a guest)]
haiani (a temple) [Latin omen, Hittite ha'- (to believe)]
halali- (pure, clean)
halta- (to call, to shout) [Hittite halzai-]
hamљa- (a grandson) [CA *hnosa- (a descendant)]
hapi- (a river) [IE *Hap- (water), CA *hap- (a river)]
happina- (a wealth) [IE *op-, *Hap- (wealth), CA *hap- (wealth)]
happiљa- (a part of body) [Hittite happeљљar]
harmahi- (a head) [Hittite harmahi-]
hasami- (a clan, people)
haљљanitti- (an oven)
hattulahit (health) [Hittite haddulatar]
hawi- (a sheep) [IE *owi- (a sheep), CA *hawa- (a sheep)]
hiљhija- (to bind) [Hittite iљhija-]
huitwalahit (life)
*hulani (wool) [IE *wl-n- (wool), Hittite hulana-]
hutarli (a servant)
i- (to go) [IE *ei- (to go)]
iљљari- (a hand) [IE *g'hesro- (a hand), CA *khesro- (a hand)]
iљta- (to stand) [IE *stá- (to stand), CA *sta- (to stand)]
kaluti- (a turn, a circle) [IE *kwel- (to turn, a wheel)?]
kui- (which, that) [IE *kwi- (relative pronoun), Hittite kui-, Hieroglyphic hwa-]
kummi- (pure) [IE *k'eu- (to shine), Lycian A cumezeine (to pay)]
kuwati (how)

lawar- (to break) [Greek labra (a path in a rock)]
luha- (a light) [IE *leuk- (to light), CA *luk- (to light)]
maddu- (honey) [IE *medhu- (honey, honey drink)]
malhaљљaљљi- (belonging to the victim)
mallit- (honey) [IE *meli-t- (honey), CA *melit- (honey)]
mammana- (to say) [Hittite mema-]
mammijan- (a word) [Hittite memija-]
man (if) [Hittite man]
mana- (to see)
masahani- (to favour)
maљљana- (a god)
mawa- (four) [Hittite meu, muwa (four)]
muwattalli- (strong, mighty)
nanaљri- (a sister)
nani- (a brother)
nanun (now) [IE *nú- (now)]
nawa (not, no) [IE *n- (not)]
ni-, niљ- (not; negative particle) [IE *n- (not)]
niљnija- (to link)
owaљљa- (to dress) [IE *wes- (to dress), Hittite waљanzi- (they dress)]
palha- (wide) [IE *pl-, *plú-, *pl-t- (flat, wide, full), CA *plha- (wide)]
para-, papra- (to pursuit)
parna- (a house) [Hittite parn-, pir- (a house)]
parrai- (high) [CA *phrkhu- (high)]
parran, pari (forward, across) [Greek para, peri, Latin pro, Hittite para]
pati- (a foot) [IE *ped- (a foot), Hittite pata-]
pijama- (given) [Hittite pai- (to give)]
sarhija- (to attack) [Hittite sarh- (to attack)]
љarri, љarra (above, up) [CA *ser- (up)]
taluppi- (clay)
tappaљ- (sky) [IE *nebho-, *nebh-es- (sky), CA *ntephes- (sky)]
tarhunt- (thunder god) [Hittite tarh-]
tarkummija- (to announce) [Hittite tarkummai-]
tarpalli- (a change) [IE *terp- 'to turn']
tarweja- (wooden) [IE *deru-, *derw- (a tree), CA *daru- (a tree)]
tasi'- (a stone stele)
tatar- (to damn) [CA *tr- (to speak)]
tati- (a father)
tawi- (an eye)
tideimi- (a son)
tijammi- (ground)
titita- (a nose) [Hittite titita-]
tiwat- (god of the sun) [IE *deiwo- (sky god), CA *diu- (god of daylight)]
tupai- (to beat) [Hittite tupi- (to beat)]
tuwa- (to put, to put)
ura- (big)
uљљa- (a year) [IE *wes- (old, a year), Hittite usa-]
uwalant- (dead)
wanatti- (a woman) [IE *gwen- (a wife), CA *gwana- (a woman)]
waralli- (own, proper)

wassina- (a body)
waљ- (to dress up) [IE *wes- (to dress), Hittite weљ-, waљ-]
waљtara- (a cattleman) [Hittite weљtara-]
ziti- (a person, a man)

WordGumbo Indo-European Comparative Indo-European



1. Ivanov V. Common Indo-European, Proto-Slavic and Anatolian Language Systems. Moscow.

3. Gamkrelidze T., Ivanov V. The Indo-European Language and Indo-Europeans. Moscow, 1984.
4. Bajun, L. The Experience of the Comparative Studies of Hitto-Luwian Languages. Moscow, 1990.
5. Shevoroshkin, V. The Lydian Language. Moscow, 1977.
6. Shevoroshkin, V. The Carian Language. Modern stage of development and studies. Matters of Indo-
European Linguistics. Moscow, 1964.
7. Korolev, A. Hitto-Luwian Languages. Languages of Asia and Africa, vol. 1. Moscow, 1976.
8. Fasmer, M. Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language. Moscow, 1986.
9. Bajun L., Orel V., Language Relations between Phrygian and Anatolian. Moscow, 1989.

Notes for Dictionary:

T - in linguistic literature is written and pronounced like Ancient Greek "tau" [t]
D - written and pronounced like Ancient Greek "delta" [d]
L - written and pronounced like Ancient Greek "lambda" [l]
N - written and pronounced like Ancient Greek "ni" [n]
ã, ê - nasal vowels [a] and [e]
s' - firm [s]
s - soft [s']
More about Lydian phonetic system


aara - a yard, an estate

afaLa - a bad man [Hittite appala'i- (to mislead)]
afari - a deed of conveyance [Latin ops 'wealth', Hittite happara'i- 'to sell']
akTa - belonging to a dead man [Hittite akk- (to die)]
alus' - a priest [Hittite alwu- 'magic', Phrygian alu- 'priest']
ama- to love [IE *am- (to love), Latin amo (I love)]
amu I, me [IE *mé (me), Hittite ammuk (I, me)]
arlili- own [IE *arjo- 'a master', Hittite ara'ija- 'to assume']
ãrTe- to define
as'aa- kindness [IE *wesu- (good, kind)]
as'êmi- beloved? [Hittite assija- 'to love']
as'trho-, as'tarho- a defender [IE *wesu- (good, kind)]
avka- legal
aLas' - other, another [IE *al- / *ol- (beyond)]

basos'akNãki- to do harm
bi- to give [Hittite peja- (to give)]
bi- he, this [IE *ebho- (that), Hittite, Luwian apa- (he, that)]
bifers't - he, she will define
bira- a house [Hittite par-, Luwian parna- (a house)]
borli-, forli- a year
brafr- a member of the commune [IE *bhrátér- (a brother)]
brvãs' - a year
-bu-, -buk or
da- to give [IE *dó- (to give)]
daul- to press [IE *dhaw- (to press, to kill)]
dêt- property
do- up to [Russian do-]
Da-, Di- to devote
Divi- a god [IE *deiwo- (a god)]
DivNali- divine [IE *deiwo- (a god)]
Duve- to construct [Luwian tuwa (to put)]
e- to be [IE *es- (to be)]
ebad - here, there [IE *ebho- (that), Hittite apa- (this)]
êmi- my [IE *mé me, my, Hittite ammel (my)]
es- this [IE *s- (demonstrative pronoun), Hittite asa-, asi- (that)]
es'a- a grandson [Hittite hassa-, Luwian hamљa 'a grandson']
êna- mother
ên-sarb- to write in [IE *en- (in, inside)]
êt- in- [IE *en- (in, inside)]
êtam- a prescription
êtos'- to surround
êtqra- to complete
fa- on-, upon [Slavic po-, Lithuanian pa-]
fênani- to complete
fênsLifi- to spoil
fêtamN- to define
fabaLko- broad
fadol - he constructed
fakarse- to destroy
fakatvãmi- to go forward
fakorfi- to spoil
fas'fên- to grasp, to steal
faTa- defense
fra- across, through, by- [Lithuanian pra-, Latin pro]
fratinid - does, effects
i- to do [Hittite aia-, ai- (to do)]
ifrli- a robber
isqasãnvN- we possess
istamin- a family
-k and [IE *-kwe (and), Lycian -ke (and)]
kan- - a dog [IE *kwon- (a dog)]
kantoru - I trust
kardal - he made, constructed
karTT- to abolish

katanil - he has built
katsarloki- to curse
kave- a priest [IE k'ou- 'to foresee', Phrygian kavar- 'a sacrwed place']
kaTTadmê- an inscription
kLida- land
ko- to discover
kofu- water
kot he swears
kot how [IE *kw- (interrogative pronoun stem), Hittite kuwat (how)]
labrus - a pole-ax [Luwian lawar- 'to break']
lailas - a sovereign [Hittite lahhijala- 'a warrior']
laLe- to speak [Greek lalos (talkative), Hittite lala (a tongue)]
laqrisa- a wall
mêtrid - he breaks
mruvaa- a stele [Avestan mrav-, mru- 'to speak', Lycian B mrBBa 'a word, speech']
mLvênda- a part
nãrs'- virtue, valor [IE *ner-, *aner-t- (man's strength), Luwian anarummi- (strong)]
ni- not (negative particle) [IE *@n- (negative pronoun), Luwian ni-, niљ- (not)]
ora- a month
qaLmLus - a king
qelis- everything, anything
qela- an area
qên- to kill [IE *kwen- (to kill), Hittite kwen- (to kill)]
qi-, qy- which, that [IE *kwi- (relative pronoun) Hittite kui- (which)]
qira- property
sav- the good
savênt- they flourish
savtarid- he approves
serli- a leader
s'fa- self (reflexive pronoun) [IE *swe- (reflexive pronoun)]
s'fard- Sardis [Hittite ispart- 'to tower over']
silavad - to take care
s'rfas'ti- upper [Luwian sarri (up)]
tarb-, trfno- to possess
tas'e- a column
tavs'a- powerful [IE *teu- 'powerful', Hittite *taw-, Lycian B tewê 'evil']
ti- this [IE *to- (that), Hittite ati- (that very, the same)]
tro-, tor- to speak [Anatolian *tr- (to speak), Luwian tatar (to curse)]
Tên-, Dên- to sanctify
Tes'a- a sarcophagus
u-, uve- to prescribe
vanã- a tomb
ves'fas' - elder
vis'i- good [IE *wesu- (good)]
viD- to build [IE *widhu- (wood, tree), Palaic wete- (to build)]
vs'ta- a heir
vDbaqên- to destroy, to eliminate

WordGumbo Indo-European Comparative Indo-European



1. Ivanov V. The Hittite Language. Moscow, 1963.

2. Gamkrelidze T., Ivanov V. The Indo-European Language and Indo-Europeans. Moscow, 1984.
3. Bajun, L. The Experience of the Comparative Studies of Hitto-Luwian Languages. Moscow, 1990.
4. Bajun L. The Language of Hittite Hieroglyphs. Moscow, 1986.
5. Korolev, A. Hitto-Luwian Languages. Languages of Asia and Africa, vol. 1. Moscow, 1976.
6. Shevoroshkin, V. The Carian Language. Modern stage of development and studies. Matters of Indo-
European Linguistics. Moscow, 1964.
7. Bajun L., Language relations between Phrygian and Anatolian. Moscow, 1989.

Notes for Glossary:

T - a special Lycian sound usually marked as Greek "theta" [q]
B - a special sound usually marked as Greek "beta" [b]
L - a sound of Lydian transcribed as Greek "lambda"
M - a nasal [m] sound
ã, ê - nasal vowels of Lycian
ñ - the nasal [n] sound


ada- (a fine)
aha- A (to sit) [IE *es- 'to sit', Hittite as-]
ahãma A (beloved) [Hittite assija- 'to love']
aitãta- (eight)
ala (beyond, upon) [IE *alyo- (other), Lydian aLa- (other)]
alb- (clear, white) [IE *albho- 'white']
amu, êmu, êmi, -mu (I, me, my) [IE *me' 'my, me', Hittite ammuk 'me, I']
arawemi- (released, liberated) [Hittite arawa- (free)]
asati, astti- B (to sit) [IE *es- 'to sit', Hittite as-]
cetu (imperative), ciciciti (present) B (to put, to lie) [IE *k'ei- 'to lay, to lie', Hittite kikki-]
ci, cezi, cedi B, cehi A (he, that) [Hittite ka's (this)]
cumezeine A (to pay) [IE *k'eu- 'to shine', Luwian kummi- 'clear']
cupriti, cuprimi B (?, but something positive) [IE *kupro- 'to desire']
da- B (to give) [IE *do'- 'to give']
dde- A, de- B (up to, until)
ddelupeli- B (earthenware) [Luwian taluppi- 'clay']
ddenewe- (thin)
ddewe- (a city)
dewi- B, ddawa- A (constant) [Hittite tawana- 'constant']
dezi B (strong) [Hittite tassijawar 'strength']
ebe- (this, he, that) [IE *ebho- (that), Hittite apa-, api- (that)]
ecãnc- (a death), ece- (dead people)
epeqzze- (posterity)
epide (ready) [Hittite appa'i- (to be ready)]
epirije- A (to appropriate) [IE *arjo- 'a master', Hittite araija- 'to assume']

epñ (after, for, back)
eri- (from, out of)
erite A (he managed, he won), inf. erijeinela (to win) [Hittite ara'i- 'to stop, to prevail']
esbedi (cavalry) [IE *ekwo- (a horse)]
esêne-, asa'na- B (blood) [IE *esór-, *esr- (blood), Common Anatolian (CA) *eshar- (blood), Luwian aљhar-
êke (how)
ênê (under)
hãkka- A (to demand) [Hittite sanh- 'to attempt']
hebeli- (a river) [IE *Hap- 'a river, water', Hittite ap- 'water']
hla- (to glorify) [IE *k'leu- (to hear; fame), Slavic*slaviti (to glorify)]
hri- (above) [CA *ser- (up), Luwian љarri (top)]
hrppi, hri (above, for)
izre- (a hand) [IE *g'hesr- (a hand), CA *khesro- (a hand), Luwian iљљari- (a hand)]
kbane A (to surrender)
-ke (and) [IE *-kwe (and), Lydian -k]
kerþþi- (a city)
kiki- (to beat, to punish) [IE *ghéi- 'to be empty']
klusa B (hostility, a quarrel) [Hittite halluwa'i- 'to be at odds']
kpparãma A (sold) [Latin ops 'wealth', Hittite happara'i- 'to sell']
kride- (a heart) [IE *kerd- (a heart), Hittite kir-, kardi-, Palaic kart- (a heart)]
kTTãna, kTTa A (relatives) [CA *has- 'to give birth']
kttba- (harm)
kudrehila A (a name of a servant) [Luwian hutarli- 'a servant']
kudi (where)
kultti A (he will beat?) [Hittite hulla'i- 'to win']
kzzãta B [Hittite hassant- 'a son']
laBra- B (a stone plate) [Luwian lawar- (to break)]
laka- B (a battle) [Hittite lahha- 'a campaign']
lebi, lelebi B (an agressor?) [IE *lebh- 'to grasp']
lihbezi A (a bodyguard) [Hittite lipsa'i- 'to repel']
luga- B (to burn down) [IE *leuk- 'to shine, light', Hittite lukk- 'to put light on']
mahañ A (a god)
mãmre B (to die?) [IE *mer-, Hittite mer- 'to die']
maskkM (wealth, good) [Hieroglyphic masahani- 'to help']
me- (here; an introductory particle)
medi, metu (to destine?) [IE *me- 'to aim at']
meri- B (a man, a warrior?) [Hittite *mari-]
mireñ- (a man)
mla-, mle- (an offspring, a clan) [IE *ml- 'to appear']
mrBBa- B (a word) [Avestan mru-, mrav- 'to speak', CA *maruwa-]
mrskka- B (to falsify) [Hittite marsahh- 'to falsify']
mukssa (a prayer) [Hittite mukessar 'a prayer']
muni B (a ritual mask) [Hittite munna'i- 'to hide, to conceal']
ne- (direct object particle)
nei, na-, nija-, neitala B (to lead, a leader) [Sanskrit nayati 'he leads', Hittite nija- 'to lead']
nênije- B (to lead) [Hittite nannija- 'to turn out']
ni- (not) [IE *n- (negative particle), Luwian ni-, niљ- (not)]
nice... nice (neither..., nor...)
ñke (how, when)

ñte, ñtepi (in, inside) [IE *en- (in, inside)]
ñuñtãta- (nine) [IE *newn (nine)]
pabrati A (to turn out) [Luwian papra- 'to turn out']
pdde- (a place) [Hittite pedan, pieti, pídi (a place)]
pe- (on, upon)
pere (forward) [Slavic *pro- (forward), Sanskrit pra- (before)]
pije-, pibije- (to give) [Hittite pai-, pija- (to give)]
pina- B (to present) [Hittite pijana'i- 'to present']
plqqka- (wide) [IE *pl-t- (wide), CA *plha- (wide), Luwian palha (wide)]
pri- (over-) [Slavic *pre- (over-), Lithuanian per (over, across)]
prije-, pruwa- (high) [IE *bhergh- > CA *phrkhu- (high), Luwian parrai- (high)]
prñna- (a house) [Luwian parna- (a house)]
prñnawa- (to build) [Luwian parna- (a house)]
puce- B (to beat) [IE peug- 'to beat, to push', Hittite pugga'i- 'to hate']
putu (let him press) [Hittite puwa'i-]
pzzi-, pssa- B (to throw) [Sanskrit asyati 'he throws', Hittite pessija- 'to throw']
qaja B (a temple?) [Latin omen, Hittite ha'- 'to believe']
qehñ A, qzze B (descendants) [Hittite hassa- 'grandsons']
qezMmi, kezM B (people) [Hieroglyphic hasami- 'people, a nation']
qidri- B (a personal name) [Hittite hatra'i- 'to write']
qirze B (a ritual share) [Hittite harsi 'bread for rituals']
qlija- (a place of worship)
qñza- B (posterity, a descendant) [Hittite hanzassa 'descendants']
qrbblali B (an altar) [Hittite harpali- 'a religious thing']
qretu (let him destroy) [Hittite harra'i- 'to destroy']
qtti- (to beat) [IE *Het- (to beat)]
sbirte B (a monument) [Hittite ispart- 'to rise, to tower']
si- (this, he)
se-si (him)
sla- B (to propitiate) [IE *selH- 'to favour']
slamati- (to keep memory)
sñta (one) [IE *sem-, *sm- (one, alone)]
ta-, tti-, stta- (to put, to set) [IE *stá- (to stand, to set), Luwian iљta- (to stand)]
tabahaza A (sky) [IE *nebho-, *nebh-es- (sky), CA *ntephes- (sky), Luwian tappaљ- (sky)]
tali (a priest) [Hittite tallija- 'to call gods']
tas-, tesêni B, tah-, teseti (a priest) [Hieroglyphic tasi'- 'a stele']
te-, teli (here) [Lydian tL]
tetbe B, teb- A (to spoil) [Hittite tep-aweh- 'to humiliate']
tewê B (evil) [IE *teu- 'powerful', Lydian tavs'a 'strong']
Tri- (to speak) [CA *tr- (to speak), Luwian tatar- (to damn)]
tedi- (a father) [Lithuanian te.tis (a father), Greek tetta (a father)]
teteri (four) [IE *kwetwores (four), Greek tettares]
teTTi- (paternal)
trei, trije (three) [IE *treyes (three, neuter *tri), Hittite tara- (three)]
trppali, trbbdi B (he turns), trbbi A (against) [IE *trep- 'to turn', Luwian tarpalli- 'a change']
tuta B (an army) [IE *teuta- 'people', Hittite tuzzi- 'an army']
tuwa (two) [IE *duwo, *dwo' (two), Hittite tuwa- (two)]
uni (that)
utã-, uten- (a priest)
utetu (imperative), utaci B (to bring) [IE *wedh- (to bring), CA *weth - to bring]

uwe- (a person), uwedri (a community) [IE *swe- 'self', Hittite uwa- 'a masculine']
uwêti- (writes)
wakssa- B (courage) [Hittite wahessar 'sacred']
warasija-, wirasaja- B (an assistant) [Hittite warri- 'help']
wawa (a bull) [CA *wawa - a bull, Hittite wawa]
wazzis- (an army), wazala- A (a warrior) [IE *wedh- 'to thrust']
wedri- (a city)
xabe- (a river) [IE *Hap- (water) CA *hap- (a river), Luwian hapi- (a river)]
xabwa- (a sheep) [IE *owi- (a sheep), Luwian hawi- (a sheep)]
xñna (a mother)
xñta- (first) [Gaulish cintu- (first), Old Irish ce't (first)]
zajala B (a criminal) [Hittite za'i- 'to cross, to overdo']
zazati B (he puts) [IE dhe'- 'to put, to set']
zbali- (a deity) [IE *deiwo- (the sky god), Hittite љiwali- (a deity)]
zini B (a destroyer) [Hittite zinna- 'to eliminate']
ziw- (god) [IE *deiwo- (the sky god), CA *diu- (god of daylight), Luwian tiwat- (god of the sun)]
zrêtêni A (a renegade) [Hittite sarra- 'to separate']
zrigali- (a warrior)
zrqqi- B (to fight, to attack) [Hittite sarh- 'to attack', Luwian sarhija-]
zusi (Zeus) (borrowed from Greek) [IE *deiwo- (the sky god)]

WordGumbo Indo-European Comparative Indo-European



1. Bajun, L. The Experience of the Comparative Studies of Hitto-Luwian Languages. Moscow, 1990.
2. Shevoroshkin, V. The Carian Language. Modern stage of development and studies. Matters of Indo-
European Linguistics. Moscow, 1964.

Notes for Glossary:

T - a Carian palatal sound usually transcribed as Greek "tau"
t_ - a Carian sound usually written as t with a line under it; pronounced [t], while Carian t sounded [th]
N - nasal [n]


Carian Indo-European Anatolian

avka (definition, situation) Lydian avka- (a situation)
cehi (him) Lycian se-si (him)
ebad, epad (here) *ebho- (he, that) Lydian ebad- (here, there)
glous (a robber, a pirate) Hittite halluwa'i- (to be at odds)
kaphe'nos (a personal name) Latin ops (wealth) Hittite happinant- (wealthy)

Hieroglyphic hasami- (a
kas- (a personal name)
kave (a priest) Lydian kave (a priest)
kuo (which, that) *kwi- (relative pronoun) Hittite kui- (which)
lile (atonement) Hittite lila- (atonement)
lukk- (a Leleg) Luwian lulahi- (a Leleg)
mava (goddess Ma) Lycian mawa, Lydian mavs'
mesna (a deity) Lycian mahaN (a god)
mukwar (a prayer) Hittite mugawar (a prayer)
nt_a (in, inside) *en (inside) Lycian Nte (in)
p-, -p, -b (he) *ebho- (he, that) Hittite apa- (he, that)
Greek para, Latin pro, Slavic
para- Lycian pri-
ravmi (liberated) Hittite arawa- (free)
sangodos (a personal name) *sen- (old)
Latin per, Lithuanian per,
sar (up, above) Lycian hri (up)
Slavic po-
sav- (to glorify)
sav, sava (something good) Lydian sav- (good)
sfes (self; reflexive possessive Lydian s'fa- (self; reflexive
*swe- (reflexive pronoun)
pronoun) pronoun)
sla-, slars (to honour the memory) *selH- (to favour) Lycian hla- (to glorify)
st_esas (a tomb)
-t-, -T- (this) Lydian ti- (this)
tavse (powerful) *teu- (powerful) Lydian tavs'a- (power)
truoles (a personal name) *treu- (to flourish) Hittite tarawa'i- (to get rich)
uk (I, me) *eg'hom (I, me) Hittite uk (I, me)
ul-, velvu- *wel- (to wish) Hittite walla- (to praise)
ussos (a spear), ussollos (a spear-
*wedh- (to thrust, to beat) Lycian A wazzis- (an army)

WordGumbo Indo-European Comparative Indo-European



1. Bajun, L. The Experience of the Comparative Studies of Hitto-Luwian Languages. Moscow, 1990.
2. Ivanov, V. The Hittite Language. Moscow, 1963.
3. Ivanov V. Common Indo-European, Proto-Slavic and Anatolian Language Systems. Moscow.
4. Gamkrelidze T., Ivanov V. The Indo-European Language and Indo-Europeans. Moscow, 1984.
5. Friedrich J., Kammenhuber A. Hethitisches Worterbuch. Hdlb., 1975-1989.

Notes for Glossary:
љ - a sound [s] written in that way in cuneiform


Palaic Anatolian Indo-European

aku- 'to drink' Hittite eku-, aku- 'to drink' *ekw- 'water'
aљ- 'to be' Hittite es-, Luwian Hieroglyphic asa, sa 'to be' *es- 'to be'
ata- 'to eat' Hittite et-, Luwian Hieroglyphic at- 'to eat' *ed- 'to eat'
ginu- 'a knee' Hittite kinu- 'knee' *g'enu- 'a knee'
hapari- 'to bargain' Hittite happaraizzi 'sells' *Hop- 'to trade'
hapna- 'a river' Hittite hapa- 'river, stream' *Hap- 'a river, water'
kart- 'a heart' Hittite kir-, kardi- 'heart' *kerd- 'a heart'
kiљt- 'to extinguish' Hittite kiљt-, kasta- 'hunger' *gwes- 'to extinguish'
malit- 'honey' Hittite melit- 'honey' *melit- 'honey'
tijaz, tiuna 'god' Hittite tiwat- 'god of sunlight' *deiwo- 'god of sunlight'
wer- 'to call' Hittite werija- 'to call' *wer- 'to call'
wete- 'to build' Lydian viD- 'to built' *wedh- 'to construct'

WordGumbo Indo-European Comparative Indo-European



1. Whatmough J. The dialects of Ancient Gaul, Cambridge, 1970.

2. Kalygin, V. The Language of the ancient Irish poetry. Moscow, 1986.
3. Kalygin V., Korolev A. Introduction to the Celtic Philology. Moscow, 1989.
4. Lewis G., Pedersen H. Vergleichende Grammatik der keltischen Sprachen, Goettingen, 1909-13.
5. Mac-Bain, F. The etymological Dictionary of Celtic languages.
6. Fasmer, M. The etymological dictionary of the Russian language. Moscow, 1986.

Notes for Glossary:

a', e', i', o', u' - long vowels: [a, e, i, o, u] respectively
CC - Common Celtic
OI - Old Irish
MI - Middle Irish
MB - Middle Breton


aballo- (an apple) [IE *amlu-, *samlu- 'apple'?, OI uball]

adiat (aspiration)
aesus (m) (an age) [Latin aes, Irish aois]
allos (other, second) [IE *alyo-, OI aile]
ambi- (around)
ardus (high) [IE *er@d- 'high', CC *ardwo-]
are (before, at, on) [IE *par-, Greek para, Latin prae, OI ar]
arganto-, argento- (silver) [IE *arg'- 'white, to shine']
art- (a bear) [IE *arkt-, *Hart- 'a bear']
artuas (stone plates; pl.)
ater (m) (father) [IE *pa'te'r 'a father']
atespos (m) (an answer)
aus (an ear) [Latin ausus]
bagaudas (guerilla fighters) [OI ba'gaim 'I fight']
bardos (m) (a poet) [OI bard, Greek phrazo' 'I speak']
beber, bibro- (a beaver) [IE *bebhro- 'a wild animal, a beaver']
beccus (a beak) [Old English becca 'a hoe', Middle High German bicke]
bedo- (a channel)
bekos (a bee) [IE *bhey- 'a bee', OI bech]
bel- (white; in Belenos, Belisama) [IE *bhel-, *bhal- 'white, to shine']
benn- (a top, a peak) [English knoll, Irish beann]
benna (a carriage) [OI buinne]
bitu- (world, life) [IE *gwei- 'to live', OI bith 'world']
boduus (m) (a raven) [OI bodb 'raven']
brace (malt) [IE *mar- 'dirty', OI mraich]
bratu- (to judge) [OI bra'th 'court']
briga (f) (a hill)
bri'ua (f) (a bridge) [Germanic *bro'wo', *bruwwi' 'a bridge', Old Church Slavonic brivno 'a log']
bru'kos (a pen)
caballos (m) (a working horse)
caddos (saint) [MI cád 'holy']
cambios (n) (exchange)
cambos (m) (a slope)
cammano- (a pitch, a step)
camulos (war god) [MI cuma 'woe', MB caffou 'woe']
candetum (a hundred feet long) [CC *cant-pedum, IE *ped- 'a foot']
cant- (an edge, a circle) [IE *kem- 'to cover', Welsh cant]
capt, coept (captured, taken; participle)
carb- (a wagon)
carros (m) (a wagon)
catu- (a battle) [IE *kot- 'a battle', Greek kotos 'rage', Middle High German hader 'a quarrel', OI cath 'a battle']
cauaros, cavarillus (a giant) [Welsh cawr, Cornish caur]
cervesia (f) (beer)
cet, cait (wood)
cingeto- (m) (a warrior) [OI cingim 'I step, march', cing 'a warrior', Welsh & Breton cam 'a step']
cintu-, cintus (first) [Latin recens 'fresh, young', Greek kainos 'new', Sanskrit kani'nas 'young', OI ce't, ce'tna]
com- (with, together with) [Latin, Umbrian com-,cum-]

couer (appropriate, worth-while)
courmi (a sort of beer) [Latin cremor 'dense juice', Russian korm 'forage', OI coirm 'beer']
crix (curly)
crodio- (hard, difficult)
-cue, -pe (and) [IE *kwe 'and']
cumba (dishes)
dag- (kind)
decametos (tenth) [IE *dekmot 'ten']
dede (he put; 3rd sg. perf.) [IE *dhe'- 'to put, to set', OI dál]
delgu (I hold; 1st sg. pres.)
dervo- (a tree) [IE *deru- 'a tree, wood']
deus (m) (a god) [IE *deiwo- 'a deity']
dexs (right) [IE *deks- 'right, correct']
dibu e debu (to the gods and goddesses) [IE *deiwo- 'a deity']
divertomu (we turn; 1st pl. pres.) [IE *wer-t- 'to turn, to roll']
doenti (they give; 3st pl. pres. Celtiberian) [IE *do'- 'to give']
doro (a mouth) [IE *dhwer- 'a door, a gate']
drungus (m) (a crowd) [OI drong]
dubi- (black) [IE *dhubh- 'to smoke', OI dub 'black']
du'la- (a leaf) [MI duille, Welsh dalen, Middle Breton del]
dumno- (world) [OI domun 'world']
dunum (n) (a fort) [Germanic *tu'na- 'town']
dusios (a demon) [OI da'sacht 'rage']
eimu (we go; 1st pl. pres.) [IE *ei- 'to go']
embrekton (a dipped piece of food) [IE *mer- 'wet']
eporeto- (a chariot) [IE *ekwo- + *ret-]
epos, eqwos (a horse) [IE *ekwo- 'a horse']
es, ex (from, out of) [IE *eghs 'out', OI acht 'but']
esok- (a salmon) [Latin esox, Early Irish co', Welsh, Breton eog, Welsh ehawc, Cornish ehog]
essedum (a two-seat wagon) [IE sed- 'to sit', OI saidim 'I sit']
gabi (take!; 2nd sg. imp.) [IE *gebh-, OI gabaim 'I take', Gothic giban 'give', Lithuanian gabe'nti 'bring']
gabro- (a goat) [OI gabor, Welsh gafr]
gaesum (n) (a spear)
geistl- (a lien)
gena (f) (a cheek)
geno-, gnatos (born) [IE *g'enu- 'a knee, a kin, to know', OI gnó]
giam- (a winter) [IE *gheim- 'winter']
glastu- (light blue) [Early Irish glass 'pale', Welsh, Old Welsh, Breton glas 'green', German glast 'sheen']
gobbo- (a mouth) [IE *gonbho- 'a ledge', Irish gob]
gutus (m) (a voice) [Irish guth]
inter (between) [IE *en-ter 'between']
iouin- (young) [IE *you-n- 'young']
isarno- (iron) [IE *esro-no- 'red, bloody metal'?; or IE *ayos-, *ayes- 'metal']
landa- (a field) [IE *lendh- 'open land', OI land]
lanu- (flat, plain) [IE *plo-no- 'full, plain, flat']
lautro- (a bath) [Latin lavare 'to wash', OI lo'athar]
legasit (he laid), lega' (laying; participle pres.) [OI lige 'a bed']
leux, lugus (light) [IE *leuk- 'light, to shine']
lexo- (a slope)
litano- (wide, broad) [IE *plotno- 'wide', OI lethan 'wide']

logan (a grave) [IE *legh- 'to lie']
luct- (a tribe, a part) [IE *leug- 'to break', OI lucht 'a part']
magus (young, a servant, a boy) [IE *maghu- 'a young person']
magu- (a field) [OI mag 'field']
maniakys (a neck bandage) [IE *moni'- 'a neck']
maponos (a son) [Ogham Irish maqq 'a son']
marka (a horse) [OI marc]
maru- (great) [IE *mar-, *mor- 'great']
marvos (dead) [IE *mer-, *mor- 'to die']
mat- (kind, good) [IE *ma- 'good', Irish ma'ith]
medios (medium) [IE *medhyo- 'medium, middle']
mesga (to mix) [IE *meik- 'to mix']
more-, -mori- (a sea) [Latin mare, OI muir, Slavic *more, Lithuanian marios]
naumetos (ninth) [IE *newno 'nine']
nemeton, nempton (a temple) [OI nemed 'a temple']
nertos (force, strength) [IE *@ner-, *ner-t- 'strength, power']
novio- (new) [IE *newo- 'new']
odocos (an elder) [Old Prussian addle 'a fir', Latin ebulus 'elder', Czech jedle 'silver fir']
ogros (cold) [IE *oug- 'cold', OI u'ar]
oinos (one) [IE *oino- 'one']
ollon (all, the whole) [MI oll 'big']
ouindho-, vindo- (white) [IE *weid- 'to see', OI find]
oxtometos (eighth) [IE *októ 'eight']
penno- (a head) [OI cenn, cend]
petri (four) [IE *kwetwores 'four']
petrudecametos (fourteenth)
petsi- (a thing)
pinpetos (fifth) [IE *penkwe 'five']
recto- (right) [IE *reg'- 'to rule', OI rigid]
re'da (a chariot) [IE *ret- 'to run, to roll', Irish ri'adaim 'I ride']
ritu- (a ford)
rix (pl. riges) (a king) [IE *reg'- 'to rule']
roudo- (red) [IE *reudh- 'red, rust', OI ruad]
sam- (a summer) [IE *sem- 'summer']
sapo- (soap)
sedlon (a saddle, a seat) [IE *sed- 'to sit', Slavic *sedlo 'a saddle']
sego- (a victory)
selua (a possession)
seno- (old) [IE *sen- 'old']
sirom (a star)
sistat (he stands, stays; 3st sg. pres. Celtiberian) [IE *sta'- 'to stand']
slug- (a servant) [Slavic *sluga 'a servant', Lithuanian slauga 'service', OI sluag 'an army unit']
smer- (fat) [Early Irish smir, Welsh mer, Old High German smero 'grease', Old English smeoru 'lard']
sosin (that)
suadu- (pleasant) [CC *sved- 'sweet', Latin suavis, English sweet]
suextos, sextos (sixth) [IE *sweks 'six']
tarvos (a bull) [IE *tauro- 'a bull']
tigern- (a house) [OI tech]
teuto-, touto- (people) [Oscan touto, Lithuanian tauta, Gothic thiuda, OI tu'ath]
trag- (a foot) [OI traig 'a foot']

tri (three) [IE *treyes, *tri 'three']
trougo- (unhappy)
uediiu (I pray; 1st sg. pres.)
ueramos (supreme, the highest)
uerno- (an alder)
uesu-, uisu- (king, cheerful) [IE *wesu- 'good']
uinom (wine; Lepontic) [Latin vinum, Greek oinos, Armenian ginu]
uiro- (a man, a husband) [IE *wiro- 'a man']
uros (a bull)
uxello- (high) [IE *upo-s- 'above', Greek hypsi 'high', OI uas 'above', Polish wysoki 'high']
vasso- (a servant)
ve'co- (fury, rage)
ver (above) [Russian verh 'up, above', Latvian virsus 'up', Sanskrit 'height', Latin verruca 'a rough',
OI ferr 'better']
vidu- (wood) [OI fid, Welsh guid, Cornish guiden, Old English wudu, Old High German witu]

WordGumbo Indo-European Comparative Indo-European

Irish Ogham


1. Kalygin, V. The Language of the ancient Irish poetry. Moscow, 1986.

2. Kalygin V., Korolev A. Introduction to the Celtic Philology. Moscow, 1989.
3. Lewis G., Pedersen H. Vergleichende Grammatik der keltischen Sprachen, Goettingen, 1909-13.
4. Korolev, A. The most ancient documents of the Irish language. Moscow, 1984.
5. Mac-Bain, F. The etymological Dictionary of Celtic languages.


Irish Ogham Celtic & Indo-European

IE *nem- (to call, to assign), *@nomon- (a name), Common Celtic (CC)
anm (a name)
avi (a grandson, a
CC *avios, Latin avus (a grandfather), Old Irish ua
IE *worn- (a raven), Slavic *vorna (a crow), Tocharic wraun'a (a crow),
brana (a raven)
Lithuanian varna
celi (a servant) CC *keiljo- (a way-farer)
coi (here)
cuna (a wolf, a dog) IE *kwon- (a dog)
eqa (a horse) IE *ekwo- (a horse)
essi (he is) IE *es- (to be)
iarn (iron) IE *ayos-, *ayes- (metal), CC *eisarno- (iron), Gaulish isarno- (iron)
inigena (a daughter) IE *en (in, inside), *g'en- (kinship), CC *enigena

CC *ivos (a yew), Lithuanian ieva (a bird cherry tree), Russian iva (a
iva (a yew)
willow), Old High German iwa (a yew), Armenian aigi (a vineyard)
CC *levink- (a stone), Old Irish lia, German lei (a stone, a rock), Italian
lie (a stone)
lavagna (a slate)
maguno (a servant, a
IE *maghu- (a young person), CC *makw-, Gaulish magus (a servant)
maqi (a son) IE *maghu- (a young person), CC *makw-
me (my) IE *mé (me, mine)
mosac (a boy)
mucai (a descendant)
IE *wedh- (to lead), CC *to-vessiko- (a leader), Irish Taoiseach (Prime
tovisaci (a leader)
tria (three) IE *treyes, *tri (three)
vail (a wolf) CC *vailo- (a wolf), Armenian gail (a wolf)
vics (a warrior) CC *vikt-, Old Irish fichim (I fight), Latin vinco (I win), Gothic veihan
IE *wel- (to see), CC *velit- (a one who sees), Germanic Veleda (a
velitas (a poet)

WordGumbo Indo-European Comparative Indo-European



1. Neroznak, V. Paleo-Balkan languages. Moscow, 1978.

2. Katicic, R. Ancient Languages of the Balkans. The Hague, 1976.
3. Fasmer, M. The Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language. Moscow, 1986.
4. Bourcier, E. Basic Romance Linguistics. Moscow, 1952.
5. Korletyanu, N. Research in Popular Latin and its links with Romance languages. Moscow, 1974.
6. Lindsey, W. Brief historical grammar of the Latin language. Moscow, 1948.
7. Tsvetaev, I. The Corpus of Oscan Inscriptions. Kiev, 1877.
8. Tronsky, I. A Historical Grammar of the Latin Language. Moscow, 1960.

Notes for Dictionary:

á, é, í, ó, ú - long vowel sounds in Oscan and other languages: [a, e, i, o, u] respectively


aamanaffed - Latin perfecit - he has completed

acum - agere - to do [IE *ag'- 'to do, to lead']
aesaí - arae - refuge, protection (
aeteis - partis - a part (
aídil - aedilis - aedil
aíkdafed - aedificavit - he has built
aiso - sacrum - sacred (neut.)

allo - alia - other ( [IE *alyo- 'other']
altrei - alteri - other ( [IE *al-ter- 'other of the two']
amfret - ambiunt - they go around, circuit
ammíd - causa - because of
amprufid - improbe - dishonestly
amvíanud - ambitu - a border (
anafaket - devovet - he devotes
angetuzet - proposuerint - they had proposed
ant - ante - before, in front of [IE *ant-, *Hant- 'fore, front']
anter - inter - between [IE *en-ter 'between']
aragetud - argento - silver, money ( [IE *arg'- 'white, clear']
aut - at - and, also
auti - aut - or
az - ad - to, towards, at [IE *ad- 'to, towards']
bivus ( - vivus - alive [IE *gwei- 'to live']
cadeís - incommodi - inconveniences (
caíla - templum - a temple
caranter - they feed
carneis - partis - a part (
casnar - senex - old
castrid - fundo - I pour
castrous - mani - a hand (gen. sg.)
cebnust - venerit - he will come
censaum - censere - to estimate, to evaluate
cevs - civis - a state, a city
com - cum - with [Gaulish com, Old Irish co n-]
comenei - in comitio - at the meeting
comono - comitia - a meeting, a conference
cúmbened - convenit - he came together
dat - de - from, out of
deded - dedit - he gave [IE *dó- 'to give']
dedícatted - dedicavit - he didicated
deicans - dicant - speaking (participle) [IE *deik'- 'to say, to show']
deíkum - dicere - to say, to speak [IE *deik'- 'to say, to show']
deívaí - divae - goddesses (nom. pl.) [IE *deiwo- 'a deity']
deivaid - iuret - he judges
didest - dabit - he will give [IE *dó- 'to give']
diíkúlús - dies - a day
dikust - dixerit - he had said [IE *deik'- 'to say, to show']
diúveí - Jovi - Jupiter ( [IE *deiwo- + *pátér]
dolom - dolum - a deceipt
dúnúm - donum - a gift [IE *dó- 'to give']
egmo - res - business
ehtrad - extra - extra, from
eítiuvad - pecunia - money
eizazunc - illarum - that ( fem.)
embratur - imperator
etanto - tanta - such in quantity (fem.)
ex - sic, ita - that way
ezum - esse - to be [IE *es- 'to be']

factud - facito - let him do [IE *dhé- 'to put, to set']
famelo - familia - a family
fefacit - facerit - he will have done [IE *dhé- 'to put, to set']
feíhúss - fimes - walls (
fiiet - fiunt - they become
fortis - forte - strong (adverb)
fratru'm - fratrum - a brother ( [IE *bhra'te'r 'a brother']
fructatiuf - fructus - a fruit
fufans - fuerunt - they have been [IE *bhú- 'to be']
fust - erit - he will be [IE *bhú- 'to be']
futreí - filiae - a daughter (
hafiest - habebit - he will have
herest - volet - he wants
hipid - habuerit - he would have
húrz - templum - a temple
íp - ibi - there
kerssnais - cenis - meals (
kúmparabeneís - consilii - advice (
lamatir - veneat - he would come
leígúss - legiones - legions
leikeit - pollicitus est - is promised
ligis - legibus - laws (
líísd - solvit - he releases, loosens
líkítud - liceto - it is allowed
limu - fames - hunger
liokakeit - collocavit - he called over
loufrud - libero - freeman ( [IE *leudh- 'free, free people']
loufir - velit - he would like [IE *leudh- 'free, free people']
maatreís - Matris - the name of the feminine deity [IE *mátér 'a mother']
mahiis - magius - more
maimas - maximae - the largest, the most ( fem.)
mais - magis - more
mallom - malum - an apple
manim - manum - a hand (
manins - manos - hands (
medicatud - magistratu - a public officer (
mefiaí - mediae - medium, middle ( fem.) [IE *medhyo- 'medium, middle']
memnim - monumentum - a monument
mins - minus - less
minstreis - minoris - the least (
miricatud - mercato - trade, merchant
moltam - multam - many ( fem.)
moltaum - multare - to increase, to multiply
múíníkad - communi - common (
nei - non - not, no [IE *@n- 'not']
ner - nobilis - a nobleman [IE *@ner-, *ner-t- 'strength, power']
nesimois - proximis - the nearest, the closest (
ni - ne - not [IE *@n- 'not']
nú - novius - new [IE *newo- 'new']
patensíns - aperirent - they would uncover

patír - pater - a father [IE *pátér 'a father']
peeslúm - templum - a temple
peremust - perceperit - he had understood, gained
pert - trans - across, through
pertumum - perimere - to destroy
perum - sine - without
pocabit - quandoque - of one time or another
posmom - postremum - subsequent (
poteram - poculum
praesentid - praesente - presence (
preivatud - privato - by oneself, in private
promom - prímum - at first [IE *pro-mo- 'first, fore']
pru - pro - for, instead of
prúfatted - probavit - he has shown, proven
pruter - prius - before (conjunction)
puf - ubi - where
purasiaí - igniariae - a furnace (
púst - post - after
pústiris - posterius - posterior
pustmas - postumae
putíans - possint - they would be able
púuttram - pontem - a bridge (
puz - ut - how, when (conjunction)
regatureí - rectori - a leader, a guider ( [IE *reg'- 'to lead, a leader']
rufru - rubus - red, rust [IE *reudh- 'red, rust']
saahtúm - sanctum - saint (
sakahíter - sacratur - he is consecrated
salavs - salvus - safe
scriftas - scriptae - written (fem. pl.)
serevkid - cura - curing, care
set - sunt - they are [IE *es- 'to be']
sivom - totum - all (
slaagid - loco, regione - a place, a region (
staít - stat - he stands [IE *stá- 'to stand']
svae - si - if
sverruneí - dicanto - to a speaking person ( participle)
tadait - censeat - he would evaluate
tangineis - sententiae - opinions (
taurom - taurum - a bull ( [IE *tawro- 'a bull']
tedur - illic - there
teerúm - terra - land [Irish tír 'a country']
tefúrúm - sacrificium - a victim
teremnatúst - terminata est - is finished (fem.)
toutíks - publicus - public [Oscan touto 'people', Gaulish teuto- 'people, a tribe',
touto - civitas, populus - people, a country [Oscan touto 'people', Gaulish teuto- 'people, a tribe',
tríbarakavúm - aedificare - to build
tríbúm - domum - a house, home (
trstus - testis - a witness [Italic *terstis, IE *ter 'thrice']
trutum - definitum - defined (participle)
úíním - omnium - all, every (

úíttiuf - usus - used (participle)
úlleis - illius - that (
úp - apud - by, near
úpsannam - operandam - working (gerund; fem.)
urtam - votum - a vote
ururú - curva - curved, bent (fem.)
urust - oraverit - he had spoken [IE *or- 'to speak, to shout']
valgemom - optimum - the best (
veru - portam - a door, a gate ( [IE *dhwer- 'a door, a gate']
vía - via - a road
vincter - convincitur - it is overcome
víteliú - Italia - Italy [Italic *vitell- 'a little bull']
volloíom - exstruere - to destroy
vorsus - a measure of arable soil
zicelei - die - a day (

WordGumbo Indo-European Comparative Indo-European



1. Bourcier, E. Basic Romance Linguistics. Moscow, 1952.

2. Korletyanu, N. Research in Popular Latin and its links with Romance languages. Moscow, 1974.
3. Lindsey, W. Brief historical grammar of the Latin language. Moscow, 1948.
4. Tsvetaev, I. The Corpus of Oscan Inscriptions. Kiev, 1877.
5. Tronsky, I. A Historical Grammar of the Latin Language. Moscow, 1960.
6. Fasmer, M. The Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. Moscow, 1986.

Notes for Glossary:

r' - a special sybylant in Umbrian, written like Czech [rz]
ç - another peculiar Umbrian sound, written like in French commençons


Umbrian Latin Indo-European

ager (a field) ager IE *ag'ro- (a field)
ahesnes (copper; aenis
alfu, Pelignan alafis (white) albus IE *albho- (white)
ander (inside) in (in, inside) IE *en (in, inside)
anglome (to the edge) ad angulum IE *ang- (a corner, an edge)
Lithuanian auti (to put on shoes), Armenian
anouihimu (he dresses) induo (I put on)
aganim (I dress), Avestan aoðrem (a shoe)

arçlataf (a round cake;
arculatas IE *argw- (a bow and arrows)
arsfertur (a priest) IE *bher- (to carry, to bring)
arsie (a victim;
arsueitu (I bring, I lead)
atru, adro (black; pl. neut.) atra IE *atr@- (open fire)
berus (a spear; abl. pl.) verus IE *gwerw- (a wooden spear)
bum (a bull; bos, gen. bovis IE *gwou- (a bull)
cringatro, krenkatrum (a Russian krug (a ring), Norse hringr, Old English
bandage on the shoulder) hring (a ring)
destrame (to the right) in dextram IE *dek's- (right)
dirsa, dida- (Pelignan) (I do (I give), dedi (I
IE *dó- (to give)
give) gave)
eho (I, me) ego IE *eg'hom (I, me)
eiscurent (they demanded)
emantur (they are being
emuntur IE *em- (to take, to distribute)
enuk (that way)
ere, erek; esmei,
is IE *so- (this) eru (this)
esaristrom (a temple;
esono- (saint)
Greek eti (more, over), Phrygian eti, Indic atas
et (and) et
etants (such in quantity) tantus IE *to- (this)
etru (other;
fakust (makes) facet IE *dhé- (to put)
far (farine) far IE *bhar- (a herb, millet)
ferar (they will bring) ferunt IE *bher- (to carry)
fertu (I carry) fero IE *bher- (to carry)
fesnafe, fesnere (to the
feriae IE *dhey- (a god?)
foner (people who favour) faventes Slavic *govêti (to fast), Norse ga (to respect)
fratrom, fratrum (brothers;
fratrorum IE *bhra'te'r 'a brother'
furo, furu (a forum) forum IE *dhwer- (an enclosed place, a door)
Grabovius (a god of oak)
hortitur (he Russian zarkij (greedy), Indic haryati (he adores),
heriest (he will wish)
encourages) Greek khairo (I am glad), Gothic gaírns (greedy)
herter (wants) see above
ier (they go) eunt IE *ei- (to go)
iuenga (a heifer) IE *yun- (fresh, young)
iupater, iuvipatri
Juppiter IE *deiwo- (a deity)
karu, karne (a part)

Norse hathna (a goat-cub), Serbo-Croatian kotiti
katel, gen. katles (a puppy) catulus
se (to whelp)
manuve (a hand; mano IE *man- (a hand; power)
mehe, me (me) mihi, me IE *me (me)
ner (a man) IE *ner-, *@ner- (power, strength)
nome, numem (a name) nomen, nominis IE *@nm- (to name, a name)
nos (we) nos IE *nosmes (we; me and them)
onse (a shoulder;
peracri (the best;; sharp) acer IE *ak'- (sharp)
per'i, persi (a foot; pes, pedis IE *ped- (a foot)
pihaclo (propitiation;
pir (fire) IE *paur- (inanimate fire)
pir'e (something) quidquid IE *kwi- (relative pronoun)
poei (who, which) qui, quod IE *kwi- (relative pronoun)
pracatarum (boundaries;
privus (peculiar,
prever (alone) Old Russian oprich (besides)
the only)
pune (because) cum < quom IE *kw-
purdouitu (I have given) perdedi
putres-pe (which of the two;
utrique IE *kwater- (which of the two)
rubus (reddish,
rofu (red) IE *reudh- (rust, red)
salu (salt; sal, salis IE *sal- (dirty, grey; salt)
sent (they are) sunt IE *es- (to be)
stahu (I stand) sto IE *stá- (to stand)
sve (if) si
terkantur (let them see)
Gaulish touta (a tribe, people), Gothic thiuda
tota (a country) (people), Old Prussian tauto (people), Hittite tuzzi-
(an army)
traf (across, through) trans IE *tra- (through)
tu, dat. tefe, abl. te (thou) tu, tibi, te IE *tú (thou)
tuplak (double) IE *duwo- (two) + *plek- (to spin)
ocris (a steep
ukar, ocar (a capitol) IE *ok'- (sharp, steep)
ull (that) ille
umtu- (let him smear)
umen (an ointment) unguentum
ute (or) aut
utur (water; une) IE *wed- (wet, water)
vinu (wine) vinum Hittite wiana, Greek oinos, Armenian gini
viru, veiru (a man) vir IE *wiro- (a man, a human)
vos (you; pl.) vos IE *yus, *wosom (you)

Latin-English lexicon.

abalienato transfer of property, alienation

abavus great-great-grandfather
abbas abbatis father, abbot
abbatia abbey, monastery
abdico to renounce, reject, abdicate, disapprove of
abdo put away, remove, hide, conceal
abdomen belly, gluttony
abduco to lead, take away, detach, withdraw
abeo to go away, retire, depart from life, die
abeo to digress, change, vanish, disappear
abeo to pass, to have been
aberro to wander, deviate, escape
abhinc ago, back from now
abicio to thrown down, dispense with, get rid of
abiego to send away, send off
abigo to drive off, drive away, rustle cattle, steal
abiungo to unharnass, separate, detach
abiuro to deny by oath
abluo to wash clean
abnego to deny, refuse
abnepos great-great-grandson
abnocto to spend the night out, to stay away all night
aboleo to destroy, abolish, annul, do away with
abolesco to die, perish, vanish
aborior to set (as in "the sun sets")
abortio miscarriage
abortivus one prematurely born
abrogo to repeal, annul, remove, take away
abrumpo to break off, sever, remove, dissociate
abruptio separation, divorce
abscido to cut off, to separate, take away
absconditus hidden, concealed
abscondo to hide, conceal, secrete
absens absent, missing, away, gone
absentis absent, missing, away, gone
absisto to go away, desist
absit god forbid
absorbeo to swallow, gulp down, carry away, engross
absque (+ ablative) without, except
abstergo to wipe off, clean away
abstulo to take away, withdraw
absum to be absent, to be away, to be missing
abundans abundant, overflowing, abounding in
abundantia abundance, bounty, plenty
abutor to use abusive language

abutor to make full use of, to abuse
accedo to approach, come near
accelero to quicken, hasten, speed, accelerate
accendo to kindle, illuminate, inflame
acceptius suitable for receiving
acceptus welcome, pleasant, agreeable
accido to fall down, to happen, occur, to hack, to ruin
accipio to consider oneself indebted, receive, learn
accipio receive, accept
accommodo to adjust, adapt, accommodate oneself
accusator accusor, plaintiff
accuso to accuse, blame, find fault with
acer sharp, keen, eager, severe, fierce
acerbitas harshness, bitterness
acerbus bitter, gloomy, dark
acervus a heap, mass
acidus sharp, sour
acies keeness, edge, sharpness, battle-line
acquiro to acquire, gain, get, obtain
adamo to fall in love with, find pleasure in
adapto adapt, adjust, make ready, or fit
adaugeo to make greater, add, increase
addo to give, bring, place, inspire, cause, add, join
adduco to lead, induce, persuade
ademptio a taking away
adeo to approach, visit, come to, undertake
adeo to such a point, such an extent, so far, so long
adeptio attainment, obtaining, achievement
adepto to obtain, get, acquire
adfectus affectus influenced, worked upon
adfero affero to cause, bring about, contribute
adficio to affect, afflict, weaken, sap, exhaust, drain
adflicto affligo to injure, weaken, discourage, damage, break
adhaero to hang to, stick to, adhere
adhuc till then, till now, still, even now, besides
adicio to direct, address, apply, to throw to
adimpleo to fulfill, perform
adipiscor to come up to, overtake, obtain
adiuvo to help, aid, assist
adjicio to add, to turn towards, move towards, suggest
adjungo to join connect
administratio giving of help, administration, government
admiratio wonder, astonishment, surprise, admiration
admiror to wonder at, admire, marvel at
admitto to admit, receive
admoneo admonish, advise
admonitio warning, reminder
admoveo to move to, bring up, apply
adnuo to nod assent
adopto to wish for oneself, adopt, select, pick out

adservio to aid, help, assist
adsidue assidue continuously, without remission
adstringo to draw together, tighten, compress, compact
adstringo bind (persons), oblige
adsuesco assuesco to grow accustomed to, used to, make familiar
adsuetudo custom, habit
adsum to assist, be present, be near, be in attendance
adsumo (assumo) to take to oneself, claim, appropriate, call
aduentus arrival
adulatio fawning, flattery, sycophancy, buttering up
adulescens young man, youth, lad
adulescentia youth
adultus (adj.) grown up, mature, adult, of age
aduro (adustum) to set fire to, burn, singe, kindle, light
advenio to come, arrive, reach
adversor to oppose, resist, fight back
adversus (prep. + acc.) toward, against, facing
adverto to turn towards, direct one's attention to
advoco to summon, call, call in an advisor
aedificium building, structure
aeger eger sick, ill
aegre egre (adv.) hardly, scarcely, with difficulty, laboriously
aegresco egresco to fall ill, become troubled, grow worse
aegretudo egretudo sickness, mental illness
aegrotatio egrotatio sickness, illness
aegrus ill, diseased, unwell
aeneus made of copper or bronze, brazen
aequitas justice, fairness, equity
aequus level, even, calm, equal, favorable, just
aer air, atmosphere, ether, weather
aeris air, atmosphere, ether, weather
aestas estas summer
aestivus estivus pertaining to summer
aestus estus heat, tide
aetas an age, stage, period of life, time, era
aeternus eternus eternal, everlasting, without end
affero to bring, give, impart, turn over
ager land, countryside, fields
ager (agri) farm, field, acre
aggero to make a mound, heap up, increase
aggredior to go to, approach, address, attack
agito to put in motion, move, rouse
agnitio recognition, knowledge
agnosco to recognize, understand, perceive
agnosco acknowledge
agnosco to know again, recognize, report, understand
ago (egi actum ) to spend time, live / manage, drive, lead
ait he says
aiunt they say
alibi else where, in other respects

alienus somebody else's, foreign, alien, strange
alii ... alii some ... others
alioqui otherwise
alioquin otherwise, in some respects /in general
aliqua some
aliquando at any time, sometimes, occasionally, at last
aliquanta moderate, or some size
aliquanto somewhat, considerably
aliquantum a good deal
aliquantus of some size, moderate
aliqui some
aliquid someone, somebody, something
aliquis someone, anyone, anything, in any respect
aliquo in some direction
aliquot some, several
aliquotiens some times
aliquoties several times
alius other, another, someone else, something else
allatus (=adfero) having been brought
allec herrings
alo (alui altum) nourish, cherish, support, sustain, maintain
alquod some
alter otherwise
alter altera alterum the second, the other one
alter ... alter the one ... the other
altus high, deep
alumno nurseling, student, disciple
alveus hollow, basket, bed (of a river)
amaritudo bitterness
ambitus border, edge, extent /going around, circuit
ambulo to walk
amicitia friendship
amiculum cloak, cape
amicus friend, comrade
amissio loss
amita father's sister, paternal aunt
amitto to dismiss, send away, lose, let slip away
amo to love, like, be fond of, cherish
amoena pleasant [of a place]
amoenitas pleasantness [of a place]
amor love, affection, infatuation, passion
amotio removal
amoveo to move away, remove, take out, shift
amplector to embrace, surround
amplexus an embracing, surrounding, loving embrace
amplio to enlarge, increase, improve
amplitudo size, breadth, dignity, grandeur, greatness
amplus large, spacious, ample /great important
ancilla maidservant
andron corridor, aisle

anethum dill, anise
angelus angel
angulus corner, niche
angustus narrow, limited, strait, tight, constricted
animadverto to turn the mind to, take notice of, see
animi at heart
animosus courageous, ardent, passionate, furious
animus character, intellect, memory, consciousness
animus courage, vivacity, bravery, will, spirit, soul
annona yearly produce
annullo to obliterate, destroy, annihilate
annuo to nod, consent, give assent to /approve, favor
annuo to allow, grant, promise /designate
annus year
ansa a handle
anser goose
ante before
antea before, previously, formerly
antepono put before, prefer, favor, promote
antequam before (in time)
antiquus ancient, old, hoary
aperio to uncover, lay bare, reveal, make clear
aperito an opening
aperte openly, frankly
apertio an opening
apparatus equipment, gear, machinery/ splendor
appareo to become visible, appear, manifest
appello to land
appello to call, name, summon
appono to appoint a person, to add something
appono to place near, put to, serve, put on the table
appositus placed near, approaching, appropriate
approbo to approve
appropinquo to near, drawn near, come close
apto to fit, approve
aptus fitted, connected, fastened /prepared
aptus suitable, appropriate, fitting
apud among, in the presence of, at
aqua water
aquila eagle
aquilo the north wind
aquilus dark colored, swarthy
ara altar /refuge, protection
aranea spider's web
arator plowman, cultivator
aratrum plow
arbitro arbitror to witness, bear witness / judge, arbitrate
arbor tree
arbustum a vineyard planted with trees
arbustus planted with trees

arca archa chest, box, money box, coffin, cell
arceo to shut up, enclose
arcesso; accerso to bring, fetch, summon, call for
arcus bow (BOW and arrows), arch, bend, arc
argentum silver, money
argumentum proof, evidence
arguo to show, make clear, attempt to show /censure
arguo to blame, accuse /prove, expose, convict /declare
arista the point of the ear
arma arms, weapons
armarium cupboard, chest, safe (for food, clothing
armiger arms-bearer
armo to provide arms, arm, equip, fit out
aro to plow
ars; artis skill method, technique, conduct, character
articulus a moment, crisis
artificiose skillfuly
artificiosus skillful, accomplished, skillfuly made
arto to press together, reduce, abrdiged
arx citadel, stronghold, fortress, keep, donjon
ascia carpenter's axe, mason's trowel
ascio to take up, adopt as one's own
ascisco to receive, admit/ adopt / take up, approve
asper rough, harsh, severe
asperitas roughness, severity/ harshness, fierceness
aspernatio contempt
aspicio to look at, behold, gaze at, see
asporto to carry off, take away
assentator flatterer, sycophant, yes-man
asser a stake, pole
assero claim, defend
assimilares similar
assimulo simulate, immatate, represent
assuesco to accustom
assus dried, roasted, grilled
astrum star, constellation
astus cunning
atavus great-great-great grandfather, ancestor
ater atra atrum dark, gloomy
atqui and yet, still
atrocitas hashness, cruelty, frightfulness, barbarity
atrox terrible, cruel, horror
attentus attentive, careful of one's property
attero to weaken, ruin, rub against, rub away, erode
attero destroy, waste, weaken, impair
attollo to raise, lifet up, elevate/ excite, exalt
attonbitus frantic, inspired, thunder-struck, stunned
auarca leather sandal worn by pyrenean peasants
auctor author, originator
auctorita authority, power

auctoritas authority
auctus growth, enlargement, increase
audacter; audaciter boldly, proudly, fearlessly
audax bold
audentia boldness, courage
audeo to dare. (part. ausus )
audio to hear, hearken, listen to
auditor hearer, listener
aufero to carry away, remove /steal, carry off
augeo increase, enlarge
augeo to increase, strengthen
aureus golden
auris ear
aurum gold
austerus strict, rigid, stern
aut...aut either...or
autem moreover, however, but, also
autem but, on the other hand, however, moreover
autus increase, enlargement, growth
auxilium aid, help, assistance, support
avaritia avarice, greed
avarus greedy, avaricious
aveho to carry away, remove
averto to turn away, avert, avoid. turn back
avoco to call away, divert
baiulus porter, pall-bearer
balaena whale
balanus acorn, chestnut, date
balatro fool, buffoon, jester
balbus stammering, stuttering, fumbling
balbutio to stutter, stammer /speak obscurely
balineum balneum bath, bathhouse, bathing-place
balnearius pertaining to the bathhouse /bathhouse
balneator keeper of a bathhouse
balo to bleat
balsamam balsam tree /balsam gum
barathrum pit, abyss /the underworld
barba beard, whiskers
bardus stupid, slow, dull
basium kiss
beatus blessed, fortunate, sometimes "saint"
bellicus martial, military, war-like
bellum war
bellus beautiful, pretty, charming, handsome
bene well
beneficium benefit, favor, service, privilege, right
benevolentia benevolence, kindness, good will
benigne kindly, generously
bestia animal, beast
bibo to drink, quaff

bis twice
blandior to flatter, caress
blanditia blandishments, attractions, allurement, charm
bonus good (melior : better / optimus : best )
bos (bovis ) cow, ox. bull
brevis short, small, brief
brevitas shortness, brevity
breviter briefly
cado to fall, drop, plummet, topple
caecus blind, sightless
caedo to fall, kill
caelestis heavenly, celestial / noun, a god
caelum sky, heaven
caetera the rest, that remaining
calamitas calamity, misfortune, disaster
calamus anything made or reed -- pen, arrow, pipe, etc
calcar spur
calco to tread, trample upon
calculus pebble, stone
caligo to make dizzy
calix a vessel for drinking
callide skilfully, cleverly / cunningly, slyly, subtly
callidus clever, dextrous, experienced, skilful / cunning
caltha marigold
calumnior to accuse falsely
calvus bald
calx the heel /stone, pebble /lime /goal, aim
camera vault, vaulted room /small boat
caminus a forge, large hearth
campana bell
campus level place, field, plain
camur curved, bent, hooked
canalis channel, canal /pipe
candela taper, candle
candeo to shine, glow, grow brilliant, sparkle
candide openly, clearly, candidly
candidus bright, shining, white
canis dog
canities grey hair /old age
canonicus canonical, according to the canons, legal, lawful
canonus canon, member of a cathedral chapter or canonry
canto to sing
capillus hair
capio to rent, hire /seize, arrest
capio to seize, take, choose/ attack
capistro to halter, put a halter on a horse
capistrum halter, harness, mazzle
capitagium poll tax
capitale cattle, possessions, chattels
capitulus chapter, chapter meeting, chapter house

captivas captivity
capto to grab, try to get, grab at
capulatio decapitation
caput head /top, summit /chief
caput ieiunius Ash Wednesday
carbo carbon, coal, charcoal
carcer prison, cell, jail, dungeon
careo be without, be deprived of, lack
caries rottennes, corruption, decay
cariosus rotten, decayed
caritas dearness, affection / charity
carmen song, poem
carpo to pluck, seize, grab, lay hold of, hold on to
carus dear, beloved /costly, high-priced, expensive
casso to bring to naught, destroy, annul, make void
caste purely, spotlessly, purely, uprightly, chastely
casus downfall
casus a falling /occasion, opportunity /event, accident
casus accident, chance, fortune
catena chain, fetters
caterva crowd, troop, flock
catervatim in troops, in masses
cattus cat
cauda the tail of an animal
causa on account of, for the sake of
causa case at law, case, law-suit /situation
causa cause /reason, motive, pretext /interest
caute cautiously, with security
cautela caution, precaution, security
cautus careful, cautious /[things] secure
caveo beware, avoid
caveo provide for
cavus hole, pit
cedo to go, proceed /turn out, happen/go away
cedo give ground to, submit to
cedo cessi cessum to grant, yield
celebratio large crowd, audience, assembly
celebrer renowned, well known, popular, famous
celebritas crowd, multitude /celebration /fame, renown
celebrus abounding in, rich in, much frequented
celer quick, swift, rapid, speedy, fast
celeritas speed, swiftness, rapidity, quickness
celeriter rapidly, quickly, swiftly, speedily
cella room, store-room, garret
celo to hide, conceal, keep secret
celox fast, rapid, swift, fleet
celsus elevated, lofty /arrogant, proud, haughty
cena dinner, meal
cenaculum garret, attic
ceno to dine

censeo estimate, assess, evaluate
censura judgement
census wealth, property /census
centum one hundred
cerno to separate, sift, distinguish /decide, resolve
cernuus faling headlong
certamen contest, contention, rivalry of any kind
certe certainly, assuredly
certo to contend, settle, dispute, to settle by combat
certus undoubted, certain, sure, settled, resolved
cervus stag. deer
cesso to leave off, cease /linger, delay
cetera for the rest, otherwise
ceteri the remaining, the rest, the others
ceterum otherwise, moreover, but
ceterus the other, the rest
charisma gift, present
chirographum autograph
cibo food for animals
cibus food for men and animals
cicuta hemlock
ciminatio accusation, calumny, charge
ciminosus reproachful, slanderous
cinis cineris ashes, embers
circumvenio to beset, assail
circumvenio to come around, surround, cheat, defraud
citara a harp
citatio summons, call
citatus summons, citation
citatus quick, speedy
citivolus swiftly flying
cito quickly, rapidly, speedily
cito to be moved, aroused
civilis civil, civic
civis citizen, townsman, bourgeois, burgess
civitas state, citzenship, city-state
clam secretly, in secret
clamo to call, shout, cry aloud, proclaim, declare
clamor loud shouting, cry
claro to make bright or clear, make clear in the mind
clarus clear, bright /renowned, famous, illustrious
claudeo to limp, halt, be lame, to hobble
claudo (clausus) to confine, shut up, close, blockade, besiege
claudus lame
claustrum bolt, bar, prison, den, pen, enclosure/ cloister
clementia indulgence, forbearance, humanity, mercy
clibanus oven, furnace/ tray for bread making
coacto to force, compel, coerce
coactu by force, under compulsion
coactum force, compulsion, coercement

coadunatio a gathering together, a summing up, a uniting
coaegresco to become sick at the same time
coepi began, started, undertook
coepto to begin, undertake
coerceo surround, enclose, restrain, confine
cogito to think, ruminate, ponder, consider, plan
cognatus related by blood (noun) a relative
cognomen surname, family name, nick-name
cognosco to examine, inquire, learn
cogo to bring together, drive, draw
cogo to compel, restrict, confine /force, compel
cohaereo to cling to, correspond to
cohaero cohero cohesi cohesum to adhere, stick together
cohibeo confine, restrain, hold back, repress
cohors a yard, enclosure /troop
cohortor to encourage, incite, exhort
colligo legi, lectum, to collect, gather together
colloco to place, put, arrange
collum neck
colo colui cultum cultivate, cherish
color color
coloratus colored /dark-complexioned
coloro to color
coma hair of the head, leaves, rays of light
combibo to drink up, suck in
comburo to burn up, to ruin, consume
comedo comedi comesum to eat up, consume /waste, squander
comes comitis companion, friend, comrade /count
cometes comet
cometissa comitissa countess
comis courteous, kind, friendly
comitatus accompanied
comitatus train, retinue, following /war band
comiter courteously, in a kindly, friendly manner
comito to accompany
comitto to entrust, commit
commemoro to remind, relate, mention/ to keep in mind
commeo To go up and down, back and forth, in and out
commessatio; onis eating together
comminor to threaten
comminuo to scatter, weaken, damage
comminus hand to hand, in close combat
commisceo to intermingle, join, mix
commissum undertaking, that which is entrusted
commodo to furnish, lend, give
commodo to make fit, adapt, please, oblige, serve
commodum convenience, advantage, opportunity, comfort
commodum suitable time, opportunity, convenience, use
commodus proper, fit, commodius
commoneo to impress upon one. to remind

commoneo to remind someone forcibly of somthing
commoneo to remember, recollect
commoror remain, stay, abide, linger
commoveo to move violently, disturb, shake /excite, upset
communis common, general, run of the mill
comparo to compare
compater the godfather of a man's child
compatior to suffer with one, feel pity, have compassion
compello to drive together, collect, force, compel
comperio to disclose fully, find out with certainty
comperio to learn, find out
comperte on good authority
compescor to fasten together, hold in check, restrain, curb
compescor to suppress, repress, check, restrain
competo to be appropriate, suitable, fit
complectus embrace, grasp
compleo to fill up, man, bring up to strength, fulfil
compleo to finish
complexo encompass, embrace
complico to fold together
compono to put together, compose
compositio composition, agreement, pact/ arrangement
compositus orderly, matching, made up of pieces
comprehendo to grasp, take together, unite /comprehend
comprehendo to seize, arrest, take prisoner
comprehendo to embrace, take firmly, include, seize
comprobo to approve fully/ to confirm, prove, establish
compromitto to agree to refer to arbitration
comprovincialis born in the same province
comptus a head-dress, a hairband
conatus exertion, effort / undertaking / impulse
concavo to hollow out
concedo to concede, yield, allow, grant, withdraw
concepta measures, capacity
concero connect join, twine, join in conflict
concido to fall down, sink, perish / (wind) subside
concido to be ruined, fail /cut up, cut down, destroy
concilio to assemble, bring together /win over, reconcile
concilium council
concipio to take or lay hold of, receive, take in
concisus cut up, broken, brief, concise
concito to move violently, stir up, excite, arouse
conculco to tread under foot, despise, oppress, suppress
concupiscentia avarice, covetousness
concupisco to covet, aim at, desire eagerly
concurro to concur
concutio to shake together, agitate, alarm, disturb
condico to agree, fix, settle, make arrangements
condo erect, establish, build
conduco hire, employ for wages

confero discuss, debate, confer/ betake oneself, devote
confero to bring together, put together, collect/
confestim speedily, rapidly, immediately, without delay
confido have confidence in, be confident of, rely upon
confingo to fabricate, make up
confirmo to confirm
confiteor confessus to confess, own up, admit, acknowledge
conforto to strengthen much
confugo to flee, have recourse to, take refuge
confundo to pour together, mix, blend /confound, confuse
confusim in a confused way, fumbling
confusio mingling, mixture /confounding, confusion
confusus confused, disorderly /embarassed, troubled
confuto to check, repress, stop, halt, turn back /silence
confuto to confute /restrain, check, repress
confuto supress, keep silent /convict
congelo to congeal, harden, freeze
congregatio assembly, society, union
congrego to gather together, assemble, convene
congressus a meeting, association
congrue adv, suitably
congruo coinside, agree, conform
congruus agreeing, fit, suitable
conicio to hurl, throw /put together, conjecture
coniecto to throw together, infer, guess, conclude
conitor to press upon, to struggle to reach
coniuratio conspiracy, plot
coniuratus conspirator, plotter
coniuro to take an oath together, plot, conspire
conor to undertake, try, venture, presume, attempt
conqueror to complain loudly
conscendo to ascend, mount, go up
conscientia conscience, consciouness, knowledge
conscindo to tear in pieces
conscius conscious of, aware of
conseco to dismember, cut into pieces, chop up
consecro to dedicate, consecrate
consectatio striving, pursuit
consenesco to grow old, weak, feeble, infirm
consensio agreement, harmony, cooperation /plot, conspiracy
consentio to agree, consent /plot, conspire
consequentia consequential, relating
conservo to preserve, conserve, maintain, keep, hold to
considero to look at, regard carefully
consido to set down, settle
consilio intentionally, on purpose, designedly
consilium deliberation, consultation, assembly, council
consilium advice, suggestion, wisdom, plan, purpose
consimilis adj, similar
consisto to be formed of, consist/ stop

consisto to depend on, rely on
consisto to take one's stand, stand still, stop
consitor sower, planter
consolatio encouragement, amelioration, consolation
consonum harmonious
conspergo to sprinkle, bestrew
conspicio to catch sight of, perceive, behold, understand
constans steady, firm, unchanging, constant, unwavering
constanter steadily, firmly
constituo to fix, station, place, cause to stand, set
constituo to arrange, decide, appoint, settle, found
constituo to set up, place, establish, post, station
consto to be established, stand firm, stop, endure
constrictio to bind together, draw together
constupator ravisher, debaucher
constupro to ravish, corrupt
consuasor advisor, counselor
consuefacio to accustom, acclimate, become used to
consuesco to accustom, inure, habituate
consueta customary, usual
consuetudo custom, usage, habit /intimacy
consulatio deliberation, inquiry, full consideration
consulo to look to the interests of
consulo look to the interests of/consult
consulo to reflect, consider, ponder, reflect
consulto to consider carefully, weigh, ponder
consulto to ask the advice of, consult
consultum decree
consummatio completion, summing up, adding up
consummo to add together, sum up, make perfect, complete
consumo to spend, employ, use up, finish, waste away
consuo consui consutum to sew together, stitch
consurgo to stand up, rise up /to arise, break out
contabesco to waste slowly away, decline in health
contactus touching, contact /contagion
contages a touch, contact
contagio contagium contagion, infection /touching, contact
contamino to pollute, infect
contego to cover, shield, protect, defend
contemno to think meanly of, despise, condemn, hate
contemplatio survey, contemplation
contemplor to mark out, regard, consider carefully, survey
contemptim contemptuously
contemptio scorn, disdain, contempt
contemptus despised, despicable, contemptible
contendo to compare, contrast /compete
contendo to assert, maintain /shoot (a missile), cast
contendo to contend, strive, struggle, hasten
contente eagerly, earnestly
contentus contented, satisfied

contentus strained, stretched /eager, zealous
contigo to happen, befall
contineo to keep in, surround, contain, confine, include
contineo hold together, keep together, connect, join
contineo to touch, reach, grasp, affect, infect
contineo to hold back, restrain
contineo to hold, to keep togethere, to contian
contingo to touch /(intransitive) to happen, befall, occur
contingo to touch closely, happen to, befall
continuo to join (together), to be after
continuo immediately, at once
continuus connected together, continuous, uninterrupted
contra against
contradico to speak against, oppose verbally, gainsay
contradictio a speaking against, contradiction
contradictio contradiction, opposition
contrado to deliver together, or wholly
contraho to gather together, assemble, draw up, unite
contraho to conclude (an agreement)/ to reduce, contract
contrarius contrary, opposed
contrecto to touch, handle, feel
contremisco to tremble, shake, quake /be afraid of
contremo to tremble, shake
contristo to sadden, afflict, damage (of crops)
contristo to make sad or gloomy
conturbo to confuse, scatter, throw into confusion
conventus coming tohether, assembly, union, congress
conversatio way, manner of life /monastic life
converto to turn around
converto to convert
convinco to overcome, to demonstrate
convoco to call together, convene
copia abundamce, supply
copiae copie supplies, troops, forces
copiose fully, at length, copiously
copiosus wealthy, rich, abundantly provided
Corbeiam Corbie
cornu horn
corona crown, diadem
corpus corporis body, corpse
correptius more shortly
corrigo o make correct, make right
corripio to seize, snatch up, steal, attack (of a disease)
corroboro to strengthen
corrumpo to falsify / (character) to corrupt
corrumpo to break up, destroy, annihilate /spoil, weaken
corruo to fall to the ground, sink down /be ruined
Corturiacum Courtrai
coruscus flashing, twinkling, shaking, trembling
cotidie daily, every day

Courtacum Courtrai
crapula wine-drinking, intoxication, drunkenness
cras tomorrow, on the morrow
crastinus of the morrow, the morrow
creator creator, founder
creatura creature, servant
creber thick, frequent, numerous
crebro repeatedly, often, one after the other
credo to believe /trust, commit / trust in
creo to create, make
crepido foundation, base / pedestal / pier
crepitaculum a rattle
crepito to rattle, creak, rustle
creptio taking by force, seizure
crepundia a toy, rattle, plaything
crepusculum dusk, twilight
cresco to grow, increase, expand / spring forth
creta chalk, fuller's earth
cretatus chalked, in white
cretosus abounding in chalk
cribro to sift
cribrum sieve
crimen an accusation, charge / fault, guilt
criminatio accusation, charge, calumny
criminator accuser
criminor to accuse / complain of
criminose reproachfully
criminosus slanderous, reproachful
crinis hair
crinitus long haired
crispans wavy, curly
crispo to curl / move rapidly / brandish, wave
crispus curly-haired, curly / trembling, quivering
crista crest, plume / rooster's comb
cristatus crested, plumed
croceus yellow, golden, saffron-colored, of saffron
crocinus yellow, saffron-colored / saffron oil
crocodilus crocodile
crocotula saffron-colored robe
crocus crocus, saffron / yellow, saffron-colored
crotalia ear-rings
cruciamentum torture, torment
cruciatus torture, torment
crucio to torture, torment
crudelis cruel
crudelitas cruelty, inhumanity
crudeliter cruely
crudesco to become violent, become hard
cruditas an overly full stomach
crudus green, fresh, immature

crudus bleeding / raw
cruento to make bloody, stain with blood
cruentus bloody, bloodthirsty, blood-red
crumens bag, purse / funds, store of cash
cruor bloodshed, murder, slaughter, gore
crur; cruris leg, shank, shin, also foot
crusta rind, peel, bark, shell / inlay, embossing
crustulum pastery, cookie
crustum bread, cake
crux crucis cross
crypta vault, grotto, covered gallery
crystallinus of crystal
crystalus a crystal, crystal drinking cup
cubans sloping
cubicularis pertaining to a bedroom
cubicularius bed-chamber servant, chamberlain
cubiculum bedroom, sleeping chamber
cubile bed, lair, den
cubitalis a cubit long
cubito to lie down often
cubitum the elbow /a cubit
cubitum ire to go to bed, retire
cubitus a lying down, rest
cubo to lie down, recline / be ill in bed
cuiusmodi of what kind
culpa fault, blame
culpo to blame, censure, accuse
cultellus a little knife
cultor cultivator
cultura cultivation
cum when
cum with
cum when, as, while, since
cunabula cradle
cunae nest for young birds
cunctatio delay
cunctator delayer, procrastinator
cunctor to delay, impede, hold up
cunctus all, all collectively, the whole
cupiditas ambition, avarice, party spirit, eager desire
cupido passion, desire, wantining, yearning, longing
cupio to desire, wish, long for, desire
cuppedia delicacies, candies, sweetmeats
cupressus cypress, cyrpess wood, a cypress-wood casket
cur why, wherefore
cura management, administration, care, concern
curatio attention /medical attention, healing, curing
curator guardian, overseer
curia court
curiositas curiosity, inquisitiveness, nosiness

curiosus careful, attentive/ curious
curis quris a spear
curo to see to a thing being done / cure
curo to care for, trouble about, pay attention to
curo manage, administer /provide money
curriculum a running, race, lap around the track, course
currus cart /a plow with wheels
cursim hastily, quickly, rapidly
cursito to run up and down
curso to run back and forth
cursor runner, carrier, messenger
cursus a race, a running, race course, race track
curto to shorten, abbreviate
curtus shortened /mutilated, defective /gelded
curvo to bend, arch, curve /influence
curvus arched, bent, bowed, curved, crooked
cuspis point, the pointed end /spear
custodia protection, custody
custodiae custodie guards, wardens
custos guardian, keeper, watchman, attendant
damnatio condemnation
damno to condemn, damn
damnum loss, damage, injury /a fine
dapifer senescal
de down from, from, concerning
debello cnquer, vanquish /end a war
debeo to owe, to be morally bound to, to be bound by
debilito to weaken, ennervate, sap, exhaust
debitum debt
decens; decenter properly, fittingly, suitably
decentia propriety, decency of behavior
decerno to decide, determine
decerpo to pluck off / to gather, take away
decertatio a contest, contention
decerto to contend, fight to the finish
decessio a retreat, withdrawal / departure
decessor someone who retires / a predecessor
decessus retirement / withdrawal / departure / death
decet it is seemly, comely, suitable, proper
decido to fall down / fall dead, die / sink, fall
decido to cut down, cut off / arrange
decimus tenth
decipio ensnare, trap, beguile, deceive
declamo to declaim, orate / speak loudly
declaratio a clarification
declaro to explain, explain
declino to turn aside, deflect
declive a slope, decline
decoctor a spendthrift, bankrupt
decollo to behead

decolo to trickle away
decolor pale, without color
decoloratio discoloration
decoquo to boil down
decoquo to waste / become bankrupt
decor beauty, grace
decoro beautify, embellish, adorn
decorus beautiful, graceful, charming, proper, fit
decrepitus infirm, decrepit
decresco to decrease, grow smaller
decretum decree, judgment, edict, order
decumbo to fall, fall into, lie down
decurro to sail downstream
decursio a charge, manoeuver
decursus a running down / charge, manoeuver
dedecor unseemly, shameful, disgraceful, dishonorable
dedecus shame, dishonor, disgrace, crime
dedico to dedicate
deduco to lad out colonists, found a colony
defaeco to cleanse, purify, purge
defendo to defend, ward off, protect, shelter
defero to carry, to bear, to bring
defero to hand over, carry down, communicate, offer
defessus weary, tired
defetiscor (defessus)to grow tired, weary
deficio to fail, to weaken, to be in want
deficio weaken, to be in want
defigo fasten down, secure, fix firmly/ concentrate
defleo to bewail, weep for
defluo to flow down, waste, disappear
defluo to flow away, disappear, be lost
defungo to discharge one's duties, quit, retire, die
degenero to be unlike one's kind, fall off, degenerate
degenero to cause to degenerate, disgrace by degeneracy
degero to pass time, live
degusto to taste
deinde next, then, thereafter, from that place
deinde adv, afterwards
delectatio delight, pleasure, enjoyment
delecto to attract
delego to transfer, commit, assign, impute, attribute
deleo to destroy, wipe out, erase
deleo blot out, erase /annihilate, destroy
delibero to consider, deliberate
delicate luxuriously, delicately, slowly
deliciae allurements, charms, delights
delinquo to fail, be wanting/ fail in duty
deludo to mock, cheat
demens insane, mad, out of one's mind
demergo to sink, plunge into, dip under, go into debt

demitto to let down, lower
demitto set dowwn
demo to take away, subtract
demonstro to indicate, show, describe, explain
demoror to loiter, linger, tarry, belay
demulceo to stroke down, caress by stroking
demum at length at las, finally
denego to refuse, deny, reject
denique at last, finally, again, in short
dens tooth
denuncio declare, give notice, announce
denuntio to announce officially, pronounce, declare
denuo anew, again, a second time, afresh
deorsum downwards
depereo to perish, be utterly ruined
depono to put down, lay aside
depopulo to lay waste, ravage, devastate
deporto to carry off, to take away
deposco depoposci to demand
depraedor depredor to plunder, lay waste, pillage, ravage
deprecator intercessor, one who pleads on behalf
deprecor to entreat for, beg for /intercede /curse
deprecor to beg by entreaty, to excuse oneself / curse
deprehensio detection
deprimo (depressus) to press down, depress, low-lying
depromo to take down, produce, fetch out
depulso push aside, thrust away
deputo to count, estimate/prune, cut off
derelinquo to forsake, desert, abandon
derideo to laugh at, mock, deride
derigo to set straight, put in order
deripio to tear down, snatch away
deruptus broken off
desero to leave, abandon, foresake
desiderium wish, longing /regret, grief /want, need
desidero to long for, wish for greatly, to miss
desidiosus lazy, unmotivated
designo to define, describe, designate
designo designate, define, describe, mark out
desino leave off, give over, cease, stop, end, desist
desino (desiit) to leave off, give over, cease, stop, desist
desipio to act foolishly, play the fool
desolo to leave desolate, abandoned, to forsake
desparatus given up on / desparate
despecto overlook, dispise, look down upon
despero to have no hope, despair, give up
despero to be without hope, despair / despair of
despiciens contemptuous
despicio to look down, regard from above, despise
desposco to demand

destinatus resolute, firm, determined
destino to fasten down, make fast
destituo to place /leave in the lurch, abandon
desum to fail, err, fall short, be missing, absent
desumo to select, elect, choose, take out
desuper from above
detego to uncover, lay bare, disclose
determino to fix the limits of, set boundaries to, delimit
detineo hold off, hold back, detain
detrimentum damage, loss, detriment
deus god
devenio to come to, arrive at, reach
devito to avoid
devoco to call away, call down, call aside
devotio piety, devotion, zeal
devoveo to consecrate, sacrifice, devote /curse
dexter right, on the right
dextera the right hand
diabolus devil, Satan
dico to say, tell, speak, name, call
dictata things dictated, lessons, presents
dictator dictator
dictito to say often, reiterate
dicto to say often, dictate, get written down
dictus dictus a saying, a speech
didico to be told
dido dididi didtum to separate, divide, distribute
dies diei day
diffama spread around, made known
differo to delay, postpone / to differ, be different
differo to spread news / delay, defer, postpone
differo to spread about, spread news / harrass, disturb
differtus stuffed full, crammed, jammed
difficilis difficult, hard, troublesome
difficultas difficulty, need, trouble, distress
digestor arranger, composer, one who makes a pattern
dignitas merit, worth, prestige, dignity
dignosco dignosco to distinguish, recognize as different
dignus worthy of, meritorious
dignus worthy
digredior digredi digressus to depart, deviate, digress
digressio separation, departure, digression
digressus separation, departure, digression
dilato to spread out, extend, expand, increase
dilgenter attentively, earnestly, carefully, diligently
diligens diligent, careful
diligentia diligence, industry, perseverance, persistence
diligo to choose out, esteem highly, prize, love
diluculo dawn, daybreak
diluo to remove, resolve

dimidium half
dimitto to break up, dismiss, leave, abandon
directus plain, simple, direct, open, straightforward
diripio to separate, tear apart /pillage, devastate
diripio to tear in pieces, lay waste, devastate, plunder
dirunitas long duration
diruo to destroy
diruo to demolish, destroy, ruin
dis rich, possessing wealth or worth
discedo to break up, depart, go away
discedo to depart from, deviate, leave
discerpo to dismember, disjoint, sever /divide, break up
discessio management, ordering, direction
discidium separation, division, disagreement
discipulus disciple, student, learner, pupil
disco to learn, become acquainted with
discrepo to differ, to be diifferent, vary, disagree
dispono to arrange, put in order, draw up (troops)
disputatio debate, dispute, discussion
disputo discuss
dissero to examine, treat of, discuss
dissimilis unlike, different, disparate, dissimilar
dissimulo to ignore, leave unnoticed
dissimulo to conceal, disguise, keep secret
dissolutus lax, weak, wanting in energy, dissolute
distraho distract /(property) sell up
distraho distraxi distractum to pull apart, pull in pieces
distribuo to distribute, divide
districtus (f. distringo) strict, severe /hesitating /busy
dito to enrich, make wealthy
dito to enrich, endow, make wealthy
diu by day, for a long time, a long time ago
diu adv. a long while, long time, for a long time
diutinus lasting a long time, enduring, long-lived
diutius longer, too long (a period of time)
diuturnus lasting a long time, of long duration
diversus different, unlike, opposed, hostile
dives rich, opulent, wealthy
divinatio prediction, divination
divinitus divine influence, admirably, nobly
divinus divine, sacred
divitiae divitie riches, wealth
do dare dedi datum to give, offer, convey, offer, donate, furnish
doceo docui doctum to instruct, teach, tutor
doctor teacher
doctrina doctrine, teaching, instruction, learning
doctus taught, instructed, learned, tutored
dolens painfully
doleo to suffer pain, to be pained, grieve
dolor pain, grief. misery, pain, suffering

dolose slyly, deceitfuly
dolosus crafty, cunning, sly, deceitful
dolus fraud, deceit, guile, treachery, a trap
domesticus domestic, civil
domina lady, mistress
dominatus rule, mastery, tyranny, domination
dominica demesne
dominus domno master, lord
domito to tame, subdue, break in
domus house, home, residence
donec up to the time when, until, as long as, while
donum gift, present, donation
dormio to sleep, slumber, siesta, nap
dubito to doubt, hesitate
dubium doubt, hesitation, reservation
duco to lead on the march, marry a wife, command
duco to draw, shape, construct/ (time) spend, delay
duco to calculate, count, reckon, esteem, considered
duco to lead, draw, esteem, consider
duco to charm, influence, mislead, draw in
dudum for a long while, a long while ago, some time ago
dulcedo sweetness, pleasantness, charm
dulcidine sweetly, pleasantly, charmingly
dulcis sweet, pleasant, agreeable
dum while, as long as, until
dummodo provided
dumtaxat at least, not less than / at most, not more than
duo two
duro to harden, last, endure
durus hard, harsh, tough, strong,enduring, rough
Dusiol petram Duissenpierre
dux ducis leader, guide, commander, general, duke
eatenus so far, thus far, up to then
ebullio to boil up, bubble up, to appear
ecce Lo! Behold! See!
ecclesia church
econtra against, opposite
ecquando at any time? ever?
edico to announce, declare
edificium building, structure
editio the publishing of a book, an announcement
edo put forth, give out
edo edi essum to eat, consume, devour, waste
edoceo to inform fully, instruct thoroughly
educo to draw out, lead out, march out/bring up
edulis edible
eduro to last endure, persist
edurus hard
effector producer, someone who causes something
effectus doing, execution, performance, effect, result

effercio to cram, stuff, fill
effero to carry out, bury, lift up, exalt
effertus stuffed, jammed, crammed
efferus savage, wild, untamed, undomesticated
effervo to boil up, swarm out (like bees)
efficaciter effectively, efficiently
efficax effective, efficient
efficens efficient, effective
efficenter efficiently, effectively, powerfully
efficio to do, produce, effect, make/ bring about
effigies idol, likeness /ghost, appartition /ideal
effingo to form, fashion, make /duplicate, copy
efflagito to plead urgently
effligo to wipe out, obliterate, destroy
efflo to breathe out, blow out
effloresco to blossom, bloom, break out
effluo to vanish /be forgotten /pour out, leak
effluvium an outlet /seepage
effodio to dig out, excavate /to gut
effor to speak, express /state /declare
effreno to let go without reins
effrenus wild, unrestrained, unchecked, unbridled
effringo to break, break open
effugio flee from, escape, elude, run away
effundo to pour out, pour forth, shed, utter
effusio a pouring form, effusion, exhilaration
effutio to gab, chatter
egelidus thawed, lukewarm, tepid
egenus in want of, in need of, destitute
egeo to need, lack, want, be without
ego I, self
egredior to go out, leave, depart, exit
eicio to throw out, eject, drive out
elatus puff-up, proud of oneself, arrogant
electus chosen, select
elementum first principle, element, basic constituent
elemosina alms
elemosinarius almoner, person in charge of providing charity
eligo to pick out, select, choose
eloquens eloquent, persuasive, fluent
eloquentia eloquence, readiness of speech, fluency
eloquor to speak out, express oneself, declare
eluo to wash out, rinse cleanse /squander, waste
eluvies a flowing over, flood, innundation
eluvio inundation
emanio to flow out, spread /arise, emanate, originate
emendo to amend, correct
emercor to buy up
emergo to arise, come up, rise up, occur
emerio to obtain by service, earn completely

emineo to stand out, project, be remarkable
eminor to threaten, menace
eminus at a distance, from a distance
emiror to wonder at exceedingly
emo emi emptum to buy, purchase
emoveo to move away, remove, take away
emptio a buying, a purchase
eneus made of copper or bronze, brazen
enim for, in fact, truly
enim in fact, truly, indeed
enumero to count, count up, enumerate
eo ire itum to go, advance, proceed, travel, move along
episcopalis episcopal
episcopus bishop
epistola letter, epistle, missive, message
epistula letter, epistle, missive, message
epitaphium funeral oration
epithalamium wedding song
epitoma abridgement, summary
epitome abridgement, summary
epops the hoopoe (a bird)
epos epic poem
epotus drunk up, drained / swallowed up
eptheca an addition
epulae a banquet, feast / food / dishes
epulo sumptuous food, banquet, feast
epulor to feast, banquet, dine
epulor to feast, feast on
epulum a banquet, feast
equa a mare
eques equitis horseman, cavalry man rider (classical)
equester equestrian, relating to cavalry
equidem indeed, truly, for my part
equinus equine, relating to horses
equitas justice, fairness, equity
equitatus cavalry, horsemen (classical)
equito to ride on horseback
equus horse, steed, mount
equus level, even, calm, equal, favorable, just
era mistress, lady
eradico to root out, destroy, obliterate, get rid of
erado to scratch out, erase / destroy
erectus upright
erepo to creep out, creep over, creep up
ereptio seizure, taking by force, confiscation
ereptor thief, robber
erga toward, about
ergastulum a workhouse for slaves
ergo accordingly, then, therefore
ergo on account of, because of

ericius hedgehog, chevaux de frise
erigo ; erexi to erect, raise, set up / arouse, encourage
erilis relating to a master or mistress
eripio to snatch away, take away / rescue, free
erogatio payment, expenditure
erogo to ask for / to pay out, expend, disburse
errabundus wandering
erratio a wandering, straying
erratum fault, error, mistake
erratus wandering, straying
erro to wander, stray, rove / be mistaken, err
error error, mistake
erubesco to blush to, blush for, respect
erubescundus something to be ashamed of, worth blushing over
eruca a colewort (plant)
eructo to vomit, throw up /to cast out, throw out
erudio to polish, smooth / instruct, teach, educate
eruditio instruction, teaching / knowledge, learning
erumpo to break out, burst forth / (milit.) attack
erumpo to break open, vent, discharge, erupt
eruo to dig up, pull out / raze, demolish
eruptio an eruption, bursting forth / sally, attack
erus master, owner, lord
ervum a bitter weed, vetch
esca food / bait
escendo to ascend, go up, climb, to go inland
escensio a movement inland / milit. marching inland
esculentus succulent, delicious, ripe
esito to continue eating
essedarius one who fight from a chariot
esurio to be hungry, to hunger / long for, desire, yearn
esuritio hunger
et ... et both ... and
etenim for indeed
ethologus a mimic
etiam actually? really? in truth?
etiam yes (answering a question), certainly
etiam as yet, still / even, also, besides
etiam atque etiam again and again
etiamnun yet, still, until now
etiamsi even if, although
etiamtum even then / until then
etsi even if, although, nothwithstanding
eu good! well done! good job!
eunuchus eunuch
evado to go out
evagor to wander out, stray off
evanesco to vanish, disappear / pass away
evangelium the gospel
evanidus vanishing, disappearing / passing away

evasto to lay waste, devastate
evello to tear out
evello to happen, occur
evenio to come to pass, happen, befall
eventus consequence, issue, result, occurrence
everbero to strike violently, to hit hard
everriculum a fishing net, seine / a clean sweep
everro to sweep out, plunder, pillage
eversio an overturning, destruction, ruin
eversor a destroyer
everto to destroy, ruin, demolish
everto to turn out, throw out
evestigatus found out, discovered. tracked down
evidens clear, distinct, plain, visible, evident
evidenter clearly, distinctly, plainly
evigilo to awaken /be alert
evincio to tie up, bind
evinco to conquer, subjugate, enthrall, defeat
eviscero to disembowel
evito to shuun, avoid; also, to kill
evoco to draw out, draw on, produce
evolo to flee, escape, fly away, rush out
evolutio unrolling and reading of a scroll
evolvo to untangle, extricate, detach, disclose
evomo to vomit forth
evulgo to publish
ex out of, from within
exaequo exequo to be like, equal/ make level or even, relate
exaresco to become dry, arid
exaro to plow up, dig up /write on a wax tablet
exaudio to listen to, hear plainly, hear favorably
excedo to exceed, leave, pass beyond
excellentia excellence, merit, worth
excessum departure, death, digression
excipio to take out, except /take
excito call forth, bring about, wake, raise up
exclamo to shout, cry aloud, exclaim
excludo to shut out, exclude
excolo to honor (a deity), polish, adorn, refine, serve
excorio to shave /scalp, flay /oppress /peel
excrucio to torment, torture, cause great pain
excusatio excuse
excuso to exempt from blame, excuse, make excuses
executio to seize, recover
executor adminstrator, executive officer
exemplar model, pattern, original, prototype
exemplum pattern, model, example
exempoator m, model, example
exerceo to train, cultivate, keep at work, exercise
exercitus army

exertus tested, tried, approved, experienced
exesto extra esto
exheredo to disinherit
exheres disinherited
exhibeo exibeo to produce, show, display, offer, allow, cause
exhilaro to make cheerful
exhorresco to be horrified, to shake, shudder /dread
exigo complete, finish, determine, decide, settle
exigo drive out, force out, exact, demand, sell
exilis thin, slender, meager
eximietate uncommonness, excellence
eximius extraordinary, excellent, fine, superb
eximo to free, release, take out, remove, waste
exinde thence, next/ thereupon, after that
exinde thence, furthermore
exitium destruction, ruin
exitus going out, going forth, exit, end, finish
exordium the beginning (especially of a speech)
exorior to rise, spring up, issue, appear, come forward
exorno to furnish, provide, supply
exoro to prevail upon a person, entreat successfully
exorsus begun
exosus loathing, fiercely hating, despising
expalpo to lure out, coax out
expedio to release, set free, clear /explain, clarify
expedio to free from a snare, disentangle /ready, settled
expedite freely, easily
expeditione military operation, military force, expedition
expeditus unimpeded, unchecked /(mil.) light-armed
expello (expuli expulsum ) to drive out, expel, force out, banish
experior (experiri; expertus ) to try, test, experience, prove
expers wanting, destitute of, not sharing in
expetens desirous, eager
expeto to fall upon
expeto to demand, require / desire, strive after
expilatio plundering, taking booty
expiscor to fish out, find out, discover
expleo to make losses good/ fulfil, discharge (duties)
expleo explevi expletum to fill, fill up, complete, finish
expletio satifying
expletus perfect, complete
explicatus explanation, exposition
explico to unfold, unroll, disentangle / explain
expono (exposui expositum ) to set forth, explain, expose
expositus open, accessible, exposed
expostulo to demand earnestly / to make a claim
expugno to capture, overcome, subdue, take by storm
exquisitus sought after, exquisite,excellent, fine
exsequor to execute, avenge, punish /relate, describe
exsequor to maintain, keep up, carry out, fulfill

exsequor exequor to follow to the grave, follow to the end
exsertus exertus project, thrust forward
exsilium exile, banishment
exsisto to emerge, appear, exist, be
exsisto existo to stand forth, arise, appear
exspecto to look for, expect, await, wait for
exsto to stand out, be extant, appear, project
extermino exussum, burn down, burn, set on fire
externus outer, foreign, outside, external
extollo to lift up, raise up, erect /elevate, exalt
extollo to praise exaggerate /decorate, adorn
extorqueo to twist, wrench, dislocate /extort by force
extra beyond, outside
extraho prolong, protract/ bring forward
extraho extraxi extractum drag out, extract, remove
extraneus outside, exraneous/ foreign, strange/ a foreigner
extrarius outward, external/ strange, unrelated, foreign
extremitas end, farthest part
extremus outermost, last, extreme
extrico disentangle, free, extricate, clear up, unravel
extrinsecus outwardly, externally, from the outside
extundo drive away, repel violently, extort
extundo to form by beating with a hammer, invent, devise
exturbo to drive away, thrust out
exubero to grow thickly, abound
exulcero to aggravate, exacerbate, irritate, make worse
exulto to exult, be joyful
exululo to howl loudly
exundo to overflow, abound
exuo to lay aside, put away, store/strip, deprive
exuro; exussum burn down, burn, set on fire
exustio burning up, conflagration
exuviae dress, clothing/ spoils
faba broad bean
faber skilled, ingenious
faber craftsman, artisan
fabre skillfully, ingeniously
fabrica manufacture /craft, trade, art /trick, device
fabula fable, story, tale, play
facesso to work zealously, do, accomplish
facies face, visage, countenance /aspect, appearance
facile easily
facile easily, without difficulty
facilis easy, agreeable, affable, pleasant
facillimus easiest, most agreeable, pleasantest
facina -oris bad deed, crime, villainy/ deed, action
facinarose viciously, scandalously
facio to make, do, act, perform, cause
facio to sacrifice, suit, help, be of service
facio to give permission/ to experience

facis a bundle, packet
facticius artificial, man-made
factum deed, accomplishment, work, act, achievement
facultas feasibility, opportunity, resources.\, abundance
facultas power, means, opportunity, capacity, ability
facunde eloquently, fluently
facundia fertile, productive, profitable
facunditas fertility, qickness or readiness of speech
facundus eloquent, fluent, ready of speech
faenum hay
falsus false, deceptive
fama talk, report, rumor, gossip, tradition
familia family, household
familiaris belonging to a household / friendly, intimate
familiaritas confidential friendship, intimacy
famosus much spoken of, renowned /notorious
famulatus servitude, slavery
famulor to be a servant, to serve
famulus servant
famulus serving, servile /a servant, slave
fanaticus enthusiastic, inspired, frenzied
fanum a temple or church with the land around it
far farris spelt, grain, meal
farci; farci; fartum to fill up, stuff
farina meal or flour
farrago mixed fodder for cattle, mash /mishmash, medley
farratus provided with grain
fartim stuffing, filling
fartor one who fattens fowls
fas divine law or command/ fate, destiny/ lawful
fas est it is right, it is fitting, it is lawful
fascia bandage, band, girdle, girth
fascino to bewitch, envy
fastidio to dislike, have an aversion to, loathe
fastidiosus squeamish, dainty, fastidious
fastidium disgust, dislike, sqeamishness /scorn, disdain
fastidium aversion, loathing
fastigate slantingly
fastigatus pointed down, sloping down
fastosus pride, haughtiness
fateor to confess, admit, allow, reveal, make known
fatigo worry, fatigue, vex, harass, tease
fatua foolish
fatum fate, destiny, doom, lot, weird
fautor favorer, promoter, patron, partisan, supporter
faveo To be inclined to do
faveo be favorable to, aid, support, help
feculentia dregs, lees, impurities, filth
feculentia dregs, lees, impurities, filth
fefello to be failed by, disappointed by something

feliciter happily
felix felicis lucky, fortunate, happy
femina woman
fenestra window
fere almost, near;y, not quite, generally
feretrum bier, litter
feritas wildness, savageness
ferme; fere almost, about
fero tuli latum to carry, bring, tell, relate, and much else
ferocia high spirit, courage /arrogance, ferocity
ferocitas courage, untamed spirit /arogance
ferociter with spirit, courageously /arrogantly
ferox spirited, courageous, warlike /wild, arrogant
ferramenta tools made of iron, or shod with iron
ferrarius of iron /a blacksmith /iron mines
ferratilis in chains (slaves and prisoners)
ferreus made of iron /hard, unfeeliing, cruel, unbending
ferrugineus rust colored, dusky
ferrugo the color of rust
ferrum iron, sword
fertilis fruitful, fertile, productive
fertilitas fertility, fruitfulness
ferula the herb fennel /a rad to beat children with
ferus fierce, wild, savage, untamed
fervefacio to heat, boil, melt
fervens glowing, hot, heated /(character) heated, fiery
ferventer hotly, warmly
ferveo to be boiling hot, boil, seethe
fervesco to become hot, begin to glow or boil
fervidus boiling, seething, foaming /fiery, passionate
festinatio speed, haste
festino to hasten, hurry, speed
festinus hastening, hasty
feteo to have a bad odor, stink
ficus fig tree
fidelis faithful, loyal, true
fidelitas fidelity, loyalty, homage
fidens confident, without fear, courageous
fides promise, assurance, word of honor, engagement
fides trust, confidence, reliance, belief, faith
fiducia confidence, trust, assurance
fiendo same as faciendo, the making
filia daughter
filius son
fimus dung, dirt, filth, manure
fines finium boundaries, limits, territory
fingo-finxi-fictum to touch, conceive, contrive
finis end, limit, boundary, purpose
finitimus finitumus neighboring, adjacent, related to, similar
fio; fieri; factus be made, be done, become

firmo to assert, maintain/ strengthen
firmus firm, strong, reliable, solid
flamma flame, fire
flatus blowing, blast, breathing, arrogance
flax; falcis sickle, bill-hook, pruning hook
fleo to weep, cry, shed tears, sob
flere to cry, shed tears
fluctus billow, wave
flumen river
fluo to flow, pour, stream
fodio to prick, sting, jab
foede fouly, in a filty manner
foedis-e foul, fithly
foedus compact, covenant, agreement / law
foeteo to smell bad
foetes dirt
foetidus smelly, stinking
foetor a bad smell, a stink
foliatus leafy
folium leaf
folliculus small bag, small purse, little sack
follis a leather bag, purse, bellows, puffed-out cheeks
fomentum poultice / alleviation
fomes tinder
fomeus smoky, smoke-filled
fons fountain, spring / fresh water / source, origin
fonticulus small spring, little fountain
for say, speak, talk about
forabilis penetrable
foramen hole, opening, aperture
foras outside, without
forca pitfall, snare, trap
forceps pincers, tongs
forda a cow with calf
fore; forem future infinitive of sum
forensis legal
forensis relating to the forum / relating to legal business
forfex scissors, shears
foris out of doors, outside, abroad / from abroad
foris a door, opening, entrance
forix arch, vault / arcade / an arched sallyport
forma shape, beauty
formalis having a set or standard form, formal
formamentum conformation
formator a former, fashioner, maker
formatura forming, fashioning, shaping
formica ant
formidilose dreadfully, teribly
formidilosus causing dread, fear, terror
formido dread, terror / dreadfulness / scarecrow

formido to be terrified, frightened, afraid
formo to shape, form, fashion
formose beautifully
formositas beauty
formosus beautiful, well-shaped
formula physical beauty / formula / rule, principle
fornacalis relating to an oven
fornacula a small oven
fornax oven, furnace, kiln
fornicatus arched, vaulted
foro to bore, pierce, make a hole, penetrate
fors-itis chance, luck
fors fortis chance, luck, fortune
forsit forsan forsitan perhaps, probably
fortasse perhaps
forte by chance, by luck, accidentally
fortis strong, brave, powerful, robust, steadfast
fortiter strongly, bravely
fortitudo physical strength, courage, moral bravery
fortuito accidentally, by chance
fortuitus accidentally, by luck, casual
fortuna fortune, luck, fate, chance
fortunate fortunately, happily
fortunatus fortunate, lucky /wealthy, rich
fortunatus fortunate, lucky, happy
fortuno to make happy, to bless, to prosper
foruli book-case
forum market place, town square
forus gangway of a ship
fossa ditch, trench, channel, moat
fossio an excavation
fossor a digger, ditcher, sapper / fool, boor, clown
fossura digging, delving, sapping, ditching
fovea a pit, trap for game, pitfall
foveo to cherish / to warm, keep warm, caress
foveo to foster, support, encourage
fraga strawberries
fragilis fragile, easily broken / fleeting
fragilitas frailness, weakness, fragility, frailty
fragmen a breaking / fragments, remains, ruins
fragor a crash, crack
fragosus roaring, crashing, rough /broken
fragro to smell, be odiferous, redolent
frango to break in pieces, shatter
frater brother
fraudatio fraud, deceit, trickery
frendo to gnash one's teeth, bruise, crush, grind
frendo gnash the teeth, crush, bruise, grind
freno curb, restrain, hold back, restrain
frenum reins, bridle, bit /restraint

frequentatio frequency, crowding
frequentia a large concourse, population, numerous assembly
frequento to crowd, collect in large number, visit
fretus relying upon, depending on, banking on
frigus cold, coolness, cold of winter /dullness
frons forehead, brow, front
fructuarius fruitful, fertile
fructus fructus fruit, profit, enjoyment, produce
frugalitas frugality, economy, pinching pennies
frumentum grain
fruor to have the benefit of, to enjoy
frustra in vain, mistakenly, wantonly, without reason
frustra esse to be deceived, to be mistaken
frustro to deceive, dupe, trick, disappoint
frux; frugi fruits of the earth
fuga flight, escape
fugio to flee, escape, runa aaway /avoid, shun
fugitivus deserter, runaway slave
fugo to put to flight, chase away, drive into exile
fulcio to support, strengthen, uphold/ to besiege
fulgeo (fulsi ) to flash, shine, beam
fultus supporter
fumidus smoky, smoke-filled
fumo to smoke, steam, reek
fundatio-onis foundation
fundator founder
funditus totally
fundo to pour, pour out (like molten metal), melt
fundo to rout, scatter, defeat, put to flight
fungor; fungi; functus to occupy oneself, perform, do, execute
funiculus a thin rope, cord, string
funis rope, cord, line
funis -is rope, cord, line
furax inclined to steal
furca a fork, pitchfork /narrow pass
furcillo to act as a support
furor madness, rage, frenzy
furs thief
furtificus thievish
furtim by stealth, stealthily
furtum theft, robbery
fusus spread out, extended, wide, copious
futurus absurd
galactinus the Milky Way
galbinus a greenish-yellow color
galea helmet
gallina hen
gallo cock
Gandavum Ghent
ganea ganeum brothel

garrio to chatter, babble
garrulus noising, talkative
garum a fermented fish sauce
gaudeo to rejoice, take delight
gaudeo to take delight in
gaudium joy, delight, happiness
gauisus rejoicing, joyous, glad, happy
gelamen assembly, gathering
gelide coldly, weakly, feebly
gelidus cold, frosty, icy, freezing
gelo to freeze
gelu frost, chill, cold
Gemblacensis Gembloux
gemino to double
geminus twinned /double /paired /half and half
gemo to sigh, groan, wail
generasco to be produced, to be born
generatim by kinds, according to classes /generally
genero to beget, engender, produce, create
generose nobly
generosus of noble birth, aristocratic, well-bred
gens clan, race, nation, people, tribe
genus kind, sort, class, category
gero to have, bear
gero to carry, bear, wear /bear
gesto to carry, bear about
gestum (gero) carrying about, conduct (oneself)
gestum (gero) carriage, bearing / having borne
gigno (genuit) to bring forth, bear, beget, father
glacialis icy, frozen, full of ice
gladius sword
gloria fame, renown, glory
glorifico to glorify, adorn, exalt
glorificus glorious, full of glory
glorior to glory, boast, pride oneself
glorior to pride oneself, boast, glory in
gluten glue
gluto glutton
gluttio to swallow, gulp down
gnaritas knowledge
gnarus knowing, acquainted with, expert
grano; onis hailstorm
grassor go about, go ahead, proceed, attack
grate freely, willingly, happily
gratia on account of
gratia gratitude, favor
gratia in order to, for the sake of, to
gratia agere to thank
gratulor to wish a person joy, congratulate
gravatus sick, oppressed, ill

gravis heavy, weighty, serious, important /severe
gravitas weight, seriousness, dignity, importance
graviter heavily, seriously
gravo to oppress, burden, make suffer
gregatim in flocks, herds, troops, crowds
gregatim in troops, or crowds
gubernatio-ionis direction, government
gusto to taste
gutter neck, throat, gullet
habeo habui habitum to have, hold, possess /consider, regard
habito to have frequently /dwell
habitus disposed, in a certain condition
hac this side, this way, here
hactenus hitherto, up to this point, so far
haereticum heretical
Hasnonium Hasnon
haud no, not at all, by no means
Heniis Harniis Hames
hereditas inheritance
hesito (haesito) to be unsure, uncertain, wavering
hic here
hic haec (hec ) hoc this, the latter /he, she, it
hilaris cheerful, merry, gay
hinc from this place, hence
hodie today
hodiernus of today
Hoienses huy, belgium, between liege and namur
homo hominis human being, man
honeste respectfully, properly, suitably, appropriately
honestus honorable, respectable /fine, beautiful /proper
honor honor, esteem, public office
honorabilis respectful
hora hour, time
hordeum; ordeum barley
horrendus horrible, dreadful
hortor exhort, incite, encourage
hortus ortus garden / pl. grounds, park
hospes guest, host, stranger
hospitium hospitality /guest chambers, inn
hostes hostium the enemy
hostis an enemy of the state
humanitas kindness, culture, refinement
humanus pertaining to man, humane, humane, cultured
humilis lowly, humble
humo cover with earth, bury
humus ground, earth, soil /land, country
Hunnam Bunna
hypocrita hypocrite
iaceo to lie, lie prostrate, lie dead
iacio to throw, cast, hurl, lay, scatter, diffuse

iactantia bragging, boasting
iaculator thrower, javelin man, spear thrower
iaculum dart, javelin, short spear
iam now, by now, already/ presently, immediately
iam moreover, henceforth, indeed, just, further
iam pridem now for a long time
iamdiu now for a long time
iamdudum now for a long time
ianitor doorkeeper, porter
ianua door
ianus arcade, covered passage
ibi there
ibidem in the same place, at the moment, in that matter
Ico to strike, hit, wound /strike a bargain
ictus blow, bite, stroke, bolt, thrust
ictus blow, wound, stabbing, thrust
idcirco on that account, for that reason
idem eadem idem the same
identidem again and again, repeatedly
ideo for that reason, on that account, therefore
idoneus proper, worthy, fitting, deserving, capable
iecur the liver
ieiunitas hunger, emptiness /meagerness, poverty
ieiunium fast, abstinence, hunger /leanness, thinness
ientaculum breakfast
iento to eat breakfast
igitur therefore, consequently, for this reason
ignarus ignorant, not knowing
ignavus lazy, listless, inert, sluggish cowardly
igneus fiery, ardent, burning
ignis fire
ignoro to be ignorant of, not know /rarely neglect
ignotus unknown, obscure, ignorant, ignoble
ile guts, intestines
ilicet it is finished /right away, immediately
ilico on the spot, immediately
ilico on the spot, in that very place /immediately
illac over there /along that path, in that direction
ille illa illud that, the former, the famous /he, she, it
illic there, at that place, therein, in that matter
illuc thither, to that place, to that matter
illudo-si-sum to mock, to scorn
illudo illusi illusum to mock, make fun of, ridicule
imago image, likeness
imber rain shower, rain storm, pelting rain
imbibo imbibe, drink in /think up, conceive
imbrium of rain
imbuo to soak, steep, saturate /to stain
imcomposite adv from incompositus; also incompositione
imitabilis that which can be imitated

imitor to imitate
immanitas savagery, frightfulness
immerito undeservingly, without merit, unjustifiably
immineo to hang over, be imminent, threaten
immo nay, should I say, on the contrary
immo by all means, by no means, on the contrary
immodicus immoderate, excessive, beyond measure
immortalis immortal
immotus unmoved
immunda unclean, impure, dirty, foul
immundus foul, impure
impedimentum hindrance, impediment, obstacle, difficulty
impedio entangle, ensnare, obstruct, surround, hinder
impeditus entagles, hindered /embarassed, prevented
impedo to entangle, ensnare, hinder, prevent, obstruct
impello to drive against, strike upon
impello impuli impulsum to set in mortion, impel, urge on
impendeo to hang over, threaten, menace, be imminent
impendo to lay out, expend, weigh out
impenetrabiilis impenetrable
impensa expense, outlay
imperator commander in chief, general, emperor
imperceptus unperceived /unknown
imperiosus imperious, dominering, powerful
imperium power to command, authority, command, rule
impero to give orders, command /to rule, hold sway
impervius unpassable
impeto to attack, head for
impetro to get, accomplish, effect, obtain (by asking)
impetus attack, rush, assault /impulse, sudden passion
impiger diligent, active
impingo to hurl against, strike
impius without respect, irreverent, unpatriotic /wicked
impleo to fill up, content, satisfy
impono to place, set, stow /embark /cheat, deceive
importunus unsuitable, unfavorable
impraesentiarum for the present, in present cirumstances
imprimis especially, particularly, specifically
improbus inferior, bad, wicked, persistent, perverse
improvidus improvident, negligent, thoughtless, feckless
improviso unexpected/ (ex improviso) suddenly
impudens impudent, shameless, insolent, presumptuous
impudenter impudently, insolently, presumptuously
impugnatio attack
impugno to attack, assault
impunitus unpunished, unrestrained, safe
imputo to lay to a charge, enter in an account
in into, toward, against
in praesentia for the present
inanis empty, vain, inane

inasnum foolish, insane
incassum in vain
incedo to awake, march, go, enter into
inceptor beginner
inceptum beginning, attempt, enterprise
incertus uncertain, doubtful, unsure, hesitant
inchoatus unfinished, only begun
incido to fall in or on, fall in with /happen, occur
incido in mentionem to happen to mention
incipio to take in hand, begin, commence
incito to excite, spur, inspire, increase /hasten
inclino to bend, incline, turn, change / fall back
includo to shut in, enclose, establish a siege, surround
inclutus inclitus celebrated, famous, renowned
incogitania thoughtlessness
incogitatus thoughtless, inconsiderate / spontaneous
incogito to plan, arrange, contrive, think out
incognitus unknown, unexamined / unrecognized / unclaimed
incoho to begin, start upon, turn to, start
incol resident
incola resident
incolo to inhabit, reside somewhere, dwell (in)
incolumis uninjured, safe, scatheless, unharmed
incolumitas safety
incomitatus alone, unaccompanied, without followers
incommendatus without a protector, without a lord
incommode inconveniently
incommoditas inconvenience, uncomfortable / disadvantage
incommodo to be troublesome, unpleasant, annoying
incommodus inconvenient, troublesome, irksome, disagreeable
incommutabilis unchangeable
incomparabilis without compare, peerless, incomparable
incompertus unknown
incomposite irregularly, in a disorderly manner
incompositus disorder, lack of regularity
incomprehensibilis impossible to catch, incomprehensible
incomptus unkempt, untrimmed / rude, rough
inconcessus forbidden, prohibited, not allowed
inconcinnus awkward, clumsy / without elegance / absurd
inconcussus firm, unshaken, stable
inconditus disorderly, not arranged, unplanned, confused
incongruens not agreeing, inconsistent, out of place
inconsiderate thoughtlessly, without consideration
inconsideratus without thought, inconsiderate/ reckless
inconsolabilis inconsolable / uncurable
inconstans inconsistent, changeable, fickle
inconstanter inconstantly, changeably, inconsistently
inconstantia changeability, inconsistency / faithlessness
inconsulte indiscreetly
inconsultus without asking advise, precipately / imprudent

inconsumptus unconsumed, undiminished, not depleted
incontaminatus pure, unadulterated, unpolluted
incontentus unstretched, not extended, unstrained / untuned
incontinencia lack of restraint, incontinence
incontinens incontinent
inconveniens not suiting / dissimilar
incorrectus unimproved, uncorrected, not emended
incorruptus uncorrupted, genuine, pure, untainted
increbresco to grow strong, prevail, increase, wax
incredibilis incredible, unbelievable
incredulus incredulous
incrementum growth, increase / offspring
increpito to call out to, to rebuke
increpo to chide, rebuke
incresco to grow in, or upon
incruentatus bloodless
incruente without bloodshed
incubo to hang over
inculco to crowd in, press in, trample in / impress upon
inculpatus innocent, without blame, guiltless
inculta waste, desert
incultus untilled, uncultivated / unpolished, rude
incultus neglect, lack of cultivation
incumbo to apply oneself, concentrate / favor
incumbo to lie or lean upon, lean over, overhang
incunabula swddling clothes / infancy, birthplace / source
incuratus unhealed, uncured, untended
incuria carelessness, neglect
incuriose negligently, carelessly
incuriosus neglect, careless, negligent
incurro to run into, assail, attack, raid into
incursio clash, collision / attack, raid, foray, invasion
incurso to collide with, strike against / attack
incursus an attack, assault / efforts, impulses
incurvo to bend, curve, make crooked
indagatio investigation
inde thence, from there, for that reason, thereafter
indebitus not owed, not due
indicium data, information, evidence
indico to proclaim, make publicly known, announce
indifferens neither good nor bad
indifferente indifferently
indigeo to require, need, stand in need of
indignatio indignation
indignus unworthy, lacking in merit, unfit
indo (past indidi) to establish, cause, occasion
indomitus untamed, wild
induco cover, put on clothing, erase writing, revoke
induco to bring, lead, conduct
induco bring in, introduce, induce, persuade / decide

induco-are to lead
induco indux inductum to lead in, introduce, induce, influence
industrius industrious, diligent, assiduous, hard-working
indutiae truce, armistice, suspension of hostilities
induviae clothes, clothing, garb
inedicabilis unexplainable, inexplicable
inefficaciter ineffectually, vainly, in vain
inefficax ineffectual, unproductive, profitless /weak
ineo to enter, go in /begin, commence, undertake
ineptio to play the fool, to trifle
inexpugnabilis impregnable, unconquerable
infamo to put to shame, disgrace
infantia infancy, babyhood
infector dyer
infectum reddere to revoke, render impossible, make voil, annull
infectus unworked /not done, unfinished, incomplete
infecunditas barrenness, sterility
infecundus barren, sterile
infelicitas bad luck, misfortune
infeliciter unhappily
infelix the gallows
infelix unfruitful, barren, unproductive, infertile
infenso to attack, avenge
infensus hostile, agressive /(arms) aimed
inferi those down below, the dead
inferne on the lower side, below
infero bring on, occasion, cause
infero to infer, conclude
infero to carry in, put or place on
inferus below, under, southern
infervesco to come to a boil, become hot
infeste in a hostile manner, belligerently
infesto to attack, disquiet
infestus aggressive, hostile, dangerous
inficio infeci infectum to tinge, dye, stain, imbue
inficio infeci infectum to poison, taint, corrupt
infidelis unfaithful, disloyal, untrue
infidelitas faithlessnes, disloyalty
infideliter faithlessly, disloyally
infidus untru, disloyal
infigo to fix, fasten /to imprint, impress
infindo infidi infissum to cut into
infinitas infinitio eternity, infinity, endlessnes
infinitus unlimited, infinite, without bounds, boundless
infirmatio weakening /refusing /invalidating
infirme weakly, faintly
infirmitas weakness, feebkeness /instability, fickleness
infirmo to weaken /shake /invalidate, annull/disprove
infirmus not strong, weak, feeble /(sometimes) sick, ill
infit he, she, or it begins, begins to speak

infitialis negative, containing a no, rejection
infitias ire to deny
infitior to deny /deny a debt, refuse to return something
inflammo to set on fire, inflame, to torch, kindle
inflatio inflation, flatulence
inflatius too pompous /on a grander scale
inflatus blowing into, blast, inspiration
inflatus pompous, swollen, puffed up, inflated
inflecto to warp /change, sway, affect
inflecto inflexi inflectum to bend, bow, curve
infletus unwept, unmourned, unlamented
inflexio a bending, swaying
inflexus bending, curving
infligo inflixi inflictum to strike, hit, knock /cause damage
inflo to blow
influo influi influxum to flow in /to rush in, steal in
infodio infodi infossum to dig in, bury
informatio concept, idea
informis formless, shapeless /deformed, hideous
infortunatus unfortunate, unhappy, unlucky
infortunium misfortune, bad luck /punishment
infra below, under /(time) later than
infra below, underneath /to the south
infra inferius infimus low down
infractio a breaking /infractio aninimi dejection
infractus broken, weakened, impaired
infragilis unbreakable, strong
infremo to growl
infrenatus without a bridle
infrendeo to gnash the teetch
infrenis infrenus unbridled
infreno to bridle, check, restrain, break in
infrequens scanty, thin
infrequentia scantiness, emptiness, loneliness
infringo infregi infractum to beak, weaken, impari, discourage
infructuosus unproduction, infertile, unfruitful
infucatus colored
infula insignia of office, headband, fillet
infula headband (worn by a priest), insignia
infundo infudi infusum to pour in or over /(+ dat.) administer
infusco to make dark, blacken
ingemino to redouble, repeat /be redoubled, increase
ingemisco to groan, sigh over
ingemo to groan, sigh over
ingenero to plant, implant, generate
ingeniose cleverly
ingeniosus able, talented /neturally fit, adapted
ingenium innate character, talent, nature
ingens of immoderate size, vast, huge, monstrous
ingenuitas free birth, noble-mindedness, frankness

ingenuus free-born, noble-minded, upright, honorable
ingero to go off to, betake oneself to, pour forth
inglorius without fame, unddistinguished, inglorious
ingluvies crop, maw
ingrate ingratiis ingratis unwillingly, ungratefully
ingratus ungrateful, unpleasant, disagreeable
ingravesco to become heavy, a burden, weary, pregnant
ingravo to weight down, aggravate, afflict
ingredior to enter upon, begin on /(with inf.) to begin to
ingredior ingredi ingressus to step in, enter, go in, walk
ingressio an entering /beginning
ingressus entering, going in /inroad, movement
ingruo to fall upon, assail, attack, assault
inguen the groin
ingurgito to glut oneself, gorge
ingustatus untasted
inhabilis unmanageable, ill-fit, poorly adapted, unsuiited
inhabitabilis uninhabitable, unfit for man or beast
inhabito to inhabit
inhaeresco inheresco to adhere to, begin to cling to
inhaero inhero to stick in, cling to, cleave to
inhalo to breathe upon
inhibeo to hold in, check, restrian /back water /practice
inhio to gape /yearn for, desire, want, covet
inhoneste dishonorably
inhonesto to disgrace, dishonor
inhonestus degraded, dishonored /dishonorable
inhonoratus unrewarded, not honored
inhonorus dishonored
inhorreo to bristle
inhorresco to begin to bristle, shudder, quiver, shake
inhospitalis inhospitable
inhospitalitas lack of hospitality
inhospitus inhospitable
inhumane inhumanly
inhumanitas curelty, inhumanity/ incivility
inhumaniter discourteously
inhumanus cruel, savage, barbarous, inhuman, uncivil
inhumatus unburied
inibi therein, in that place /(time) near at hand
inicio inieci iniectum to throw on, put on, don /inspire
inimicus personal enemy, foe, opponent
iniquus unequal, unjust, unfair
initium beginning, start, commencement, origin
iniuria injury, damage, hurt /injustice, wrong
iniustus unjust, inequitable, unfair
innotesco to become know, noted
innuo to give a nod to, give a sign to
innuo to hint at, suggest, mean
inobedio-ire disobident, disloyal

inolesco to grow in or on
inops poor, helpless, in need
inquam I say
inquis you say
inquisitor juror, member of an inquest, trustee
inquit he, she, it says
inreto ensnared, entrapped, entangled
inrideo to laugh at, mock, ridicule
inritus irritus void, invalid, in vain, useless, ineffectual
inruo irruo to rush in, fling in
insania insanity, irrationality, madness, folly
insanum foolish
insciens unknowing, unaware, ignorant
inscribo inscribe, entitle, enlist
insensatus irrational
insequor to follow, pursue, assail, reproach, rebuke
inservio to be a slave, serve, be devoted to
insideo sit upon something, be firmly placed
insidiae treachery, ambush, plot, conspiracy
insignio to put a mark upon, adorn, distinguish
insinuo to insinuate, work one's way in, intimate
insisto to enter upon [a journey] tread; (with d.) follow
insolita unaccustomed, unusual
insolitus unaccustomed /unusual, strange, uncommon
insons insontis guiltless, innocent
insperatus unexpected, unlooked for, unanticipated
insquequo until
instabilitas constant motion, restlessness
instanter urgently
instar a form, figure, after the fashion of, like
instigo to goad, incite, stimulate, urge
instituo to establish, found, institute
instituo-ui-utum put in place, begin
instituta apostolica canon law
insto to pursue eagerly, devote oneself to
instructus trained, taught
instructus (from instruo) equipped, trained, supplied
instruo prepare, provide /draw up an order of battle
instruo to built in, set up, construct, furnish /train
insuadibilis adamant, immovable, not to be persuaded
insudo exert oneself in
insula island
Insula Lille
insulto to leap at or on /revile, insult, deride
insultus attack, assault
insum to be in or on, contained in
insumo get one's wish, obtain one's desire
insumptuosus inexpensive, cheap, economical
insuper as mentioned above
insurgo insurgi insurrectum to rise up, rebel, revolt

integer whole, untouched, unhurt, undamaged /complete
intempestivus understanding, being understood
intemporaliter eternally, without end
intendo to extend, aim, direct, direct one's course
intendo to stretch, strain, try to prove
intenta earnestness, seriousness
intentio effort, exertion, attention, intent / attack
intentor informant
intentus thorough, tense, anxious, strict
inter between, among
inter approximately, about, around, roughly
inter canem et lupum at twilight
interdico to forbid, prohibit, outlaw, gain an injunction
interdico to place an interdict
interdum sometimes, now and then, at times
intereo to perish, die
interfectio-onis a killing
interfixus paved, made firm
interpono to place between, interpose /intervene
interrogatio interrogation, inquiry
intertio arrest, seize, take into custody
intervigilium a nap, a doze, forty winks
intestina-us-um internal
intolerabiliter unsupportably
intorqueo twist, distort
intrepidus eager, hot-blooded
intro to walk into, enter, make one's way into
introduco to lead in, introduce
intueor to look at attentively, gaze at, consider
intumesco to swell up, increase, swell with anger
intus within
inultus unavenged, unpunished
inundantia flood, overflowing, inundation
invado to undertake, go in, enter, get in
invado to assail, usurp, seize, attack, fall upon
invalesco to gather strength, become stronger
invenio to come upon, find, discover
inventor inventor, discoverer
investigo to track down, investigate
inveteratus hardened by age, of long-standing
invetero to give duration, to render old
invicem one after the other, by turns, mutually
invictus unconquer, unconquerable, undefeated
invideo to envy, be jealous of, look upon with envy
invidia envy, jealousy, hatred /censure
inviso to go to see, visit, inspect, look at
invisus hated, hateful
invito to invite, summon
invitus unwilling, against one's will
invocatio invocation, an invoking

ioco iocor to joke, jest, make merry
iocus joke, jest, jape, gag
ipse ipsa ipsum himself, herself, itself
ipsemet his own very self
ira anger, wrath
irascor iratus to be angry, to be wrathful
iratus angry, wrathful
irrito to irritate, exasperate, excite
irritum nothingness, worthlessness, vanity
irritus vain, useless, ineffectual, of not effect
irritus undecided, void, unfixed, of no effect
irruo to rush into, rush upon, attack
is ea id this, that /he, she, it
iste ista istud that /sometimes pejorative
ita and so; (with adj. or adv.) so
ita so, thus
ita ut in such a way that
itaque and, so, therefore
item likewise, moreover
iter itineris road, route, journey
itero to repeat, say again, iterate
iterum again, a second time, once more
iubeo iussi iussum to order, command /tell someone to do
iucunditas pleasure, charm
iucundus agreeable, pleasant, gratifying
iudex judge, juror
iudicium judgment, decision, opinion, trial
iudico to judge, consider
iugis iuge perpetual, continuous
iugo to bind together, connect, couple
iugosus mountainous
iugulum iugulus the throat
iugum crossbar, beam of scales /crest, ridge
iugum yoke /a team of oxen, a pair /bond
iuguolo to cut the throat, butcher, kill, destroy
iumentum beast of burden
iunceus made of rushes
iunctio connection, joining
iunctura a joining, joint /rekationship, combination
iunctus united, connected, joined together
iuncus the rush
iungo iunxi iunctum to join, unite, cinnect /yoke, harness /to mate
iuniperus the juniper tree
iuratus under oath
iureiuro to swear an oath
iurgium quarrel, altercation, brawl
iurisdictio administration of justice, extent of competence
iuro to swear, to make an oath
ius iuris justice, law, right /broth, soup
iussu at the command of, by order of

iusta due forms /funereal rites
iuste fairly, justly, rightly
iustitia justice, fairness, equity
iustum what is right
iustus just, right, equitable, fair, lawful, proper
iuvenalis iuvenilis youthful
iuvenesco to reach the prime of life
iuventus youth (between 20 and 45)
iuvo to help, aid, assist /to please, delight
iuxta just short of
iuxta close to, near to/ (time) just before
iuxta close by, near/ in like manner, equally
iuxtim equally
ivi past tense of eo
jaceo-ere-ui to stand (that which is stated)
jaculum dart, javelin
judicium trial, legal investigation, judgement, decision
judico to condemn, judge, try
jugis continual, ceaseless, perennial, constant
jugiter continually, perpetually, constantly / instantly
jumentum draft animal
juvenis young man, youth
juventus the age of youth (20-40 years)
juxta in a like manner, likewise
labasco to give way, totter
labecula a slight stain, minor disgrace
labefacio labefeci labefactum to shake, loesen /impair
labefacto to weaken, disturb /shake violently
labellum a little lip /a small washing vessel
labes labis stain, blemish, disgrace, infamy /misfortune
labiosus having large lips
labo to totter, sink, begin to fall
labor hardip, fatigue, distress
labor laboris labor, work, toil
labor lapsus to slip, glide, slide
labores solis eclipse of the sun
laboriose laboriously, with great effort
laboriosus toilsome, laborious /(persons) industrious
laboro to work, toil, suffer, be afflicted
labrum lip, edge, rim /bathing tub
labrusca wild grape vine
labruscum the wild grape
lac lactis milk
lacer torn, mangled, cut to pieces
laceratio a tearing, mangling
lacero to tear to pieces
lacerta lizard
lacertosus muscular, powerful
lacertus the upper arm /strength
lacesso to harass, attack

lacrima tears /exudations from some plants
lacrima Heliandum amber
lacrimabilis lamentable, deplorable, woeful
lacrimo to weep, shed tears /exude, drip
lacrimosus tearful, mournful, shedding tears
lactans giving milk
lactatio enticement, come-on
lacteus milky, of milk, milk-white
lacto to allure, entice, wheedle
lactuca lettuce
lacuna a hole, empty space /pond, pool /deficiency
lacuna missing letters, words
lacunar panelled ceiling
lacus a hollow /lake, pool, pond, troough, tank, tub
laedo ledo strike, hit, hurt, damage, offend, annoy
laesio lesio rhetorical attack /wounding
laetabilis letabilis joyous, glad
laetans rejoicing, joyous
laetatio letatio rejoicing, joy
laetifico letifico to fertilize /cheer, galdden, delight
laetificus letificus gladdening, joyous, spreading happiness
laetitia joy, gladness, delight
laetitia letitia leticia fertility /richness, grace /joy, delight
laeto leto to cheer, gladden, make joyful
laetor letor to rejoice, be joyful
laeve leve left-handedly, awkwardly
laevus levus the left hand, left side, left-handed
laevus levus foolish, silly /unlucky, unpropitious
laganum a cake
lama bog, slough
lambo to lick /(of rivers) to wash
lamenta (neut. pl) weeping, wailing
lamentabilis lamentable, mournful
lamentatio weeping, wailing, lamenting
lamentor to weep, wail, lament /(trans.) to bewail
lamia witch, vampire
lamnia lammina lamna sheet of metal, coin, knife blade, nutshell
laniatus a tearing, ripping, mangling, mutilating
lanx dish, platter, plate
lapsus fall, fault, error, sliding, gradual movement
laqueum noose, halter, snare, trap
laqueus snare, trap, noose
largior lavish, bestow, grant, give abindantly
lascivio to run riot, play, be wanton
lasesco to become tired, grow weary
late broadly, widely, extensively
latenter secretly, in a concealed manner
latito to lie hidden, be concealed
latrator a barker (such as a dog)
latratus barking

latro to bark, bay / rant /runble, roar
latro hunter
latrocinor serve as a mercenary / to rob, steal
latrunculus highwayman, robber, brigand
latus broad, wide, extensive
latus -eris sides, flank / lungs
laudabilis praiseworthy, laudable
laudabiliter in a laudable fashion
laudatio praise, commendation
laudator praiser
laudo to praise, extoll, commend /name, mention, cite
Laudunum Laon
laureatus crowned with laurel, laureate
laureola a laurel branch, crown of laurel / victory
laurifer carrying laurel, crowned with laurel / tiumphant
laurus the laurel, bay tree / triumph, victory, success
laus praise, glory, fame
lautitia splendor, elegance
lautumiae stone quarry
lautus washed, bathed, cleaned / fine, elegant, refined
lauvabrum a bath
lavatio washing, bathing
lavo to wash, bathe/ moisten, get wet / wash away
laxamentum a widening, expansion / rest, respite
laxe widely, loosely / unrestrained
laxitas wideness, expansiveness, roominess
laxo sell formally, give up, loosen / widen, extend
laxo to relieve / release, set free
laxus wide, spacious /later, postponed / lax, loose
lea lioness
lebes copper kettle, basin, cauldron
lectica litter, bier
lectio selection, picking out / reading, perusal
lector reader
lectulus a small bed, cot
lectus bed, couch
legatarius legatee
legatio office of legate / office of ambassador
legatus deputy, ambassador, envoy / commander of a legion
legens a reader
legio a selection / chosen body / legion
legitiums lawful, licit, right, proper, legitimate
lego to gather, choose, collect, pass through
legumen a bean, pea, legume
lemiscus a ribbon
lemma theme, title, epigram
lemures ghosts, phantoms
lenimentus alleviation, impreovement, mitigation
lenio to mitigate, relieve, make better
lenis smooth /gentle, kind, mild

lenitas lenitudo smoothness, gentleness, mildness
leno procurer, go-between
lenocinium enticement, allurement
lenocinor to pander, flatter, make up to /to promote
lente slowly, calmly, cooly, deliberately
lentesco to become soft, flexible, sticky /to weaken
lentitudo slowness, sluggishness / apathy
lento to bend
lentulus rather slow, a little slow
lentus lethargic, inactive /slow, lingering
lentus tough, resistant, tenacious /supple, pliant /
leo lion
Leodie Liege
Leodium Liege
lepide charminly, wittily, elegantly, pleasantly
lepidus charming, witty, pleasant, elegant
lepor lepos charm, wit, elegance
lepus hare, rabbit
Lesciense; monastery of Liessies
letalis mortal, deadly, fatal
letaliter mortally, fatally
letanie litany
lethargus drowsiness, apathy, sleepiness, coma
letifer deadly, mortal
leto to kill, slay
letum death, ruin, annihilation
levamen alleviation, mitigation, solace, refreshment
levamentum comfort, easing, alleviation, consolation
levatio alleviation, mitigation, solace
leviculus empty-headed, vain, silly
levidensis thin, slight, poor
levis light, slight, trivial /beardless
levis rapid, swift /unimpotant /fickle
levitas lightness, levity /fickleness
leviter lightly, softly, slightly
levo to raise, lift up /relieve, ease /diminish
levo to smooth, polish
lex legis law, statute /covenant, agreement
libatio libation
libellus little book
libenter willingly, with pleasure
liber child, offspring
liber libera; liberum free, independent, unrestricted
liber libri book
liberalis courteous, generous, gentlemanly
liberaliter courteously, generously, honorably
liberatio release, liberation, aquittal, setting free
libere freely, openly, frankly
libero to lift (an obstacle), raise
libero to set free, deliver, liberate, release /exempt

libertas freedom, liberty, independence / frankness
libido whim, caprice, violent desire
licens unimpeded, free, unrestrained, unchecked
licentia license, leave, authorization /freedom
licentio to authorize, permit, dismiss
liceo to be valued at, be for sale
liceor to offer a price, to offer to buy, bid, proffer
licet granted that, although
licet granted that, although / it is allowed
licet it is right, just
licitus permitted, allowed
lift tondeo totonsi tonsum shave, shear, clip, mow, reap, browse
ligamen string, thread
ligatio imprisonment, bondage, captivity, servitude
lignarius carpenter
lignator wood-cutter
ligo to bind, tie
lima file, polishing, revision
limen limina threshold
lingua language, tongue, speech
lino to smear, befoul, dirty
linteum linnen, napkin
liquidus fluid, flowing, liquid / clear, evident, certain
litigo to quarrel, dispute
littera letter (of the alphabet)
litterae letter, epistle, missive, note /literature
loci passages in literary works
loco to place, put, position
locupleto to enrich, make wealthy
locus place, location, situation, spot. [monastery]
loginquitas distance, remoteness, isolation
longe far
longe lateque far and wide
longus long
loquax talkative, loquacious, garrulous
loquor to say, speak, tell, declare
lorica hauberk [a coat of chain mail]
loricatus wearing armor, armored
lubricus oily, slippery, slick
lucerna lamp
lucidus shining, bright, clear
lucinaria lamp
lucror to gain, profit, win
lucrosus profitable, gainful
lucrum gain, profit
luctisonus sad-sounding, mournful, baleful
luctus lamentation, mourning, grief
ludio actor, player
ludo to play, sport /imitate, banter /delude, deceive
ludus game, sport, school

lues plague, pestilence, calamity
lugeo to mourn, be in mourning, grieve/(tans
lumen light, lamp
luminare window shutter
luminarium light, lamp
luminosus bright
luna moon
lunatus crescent-shaped
lupus wolf
Lutosensis Leuze
lux lucis light
luxuria luxury, extravagance, opulence
macellarius butcher, slaughter-house
macer thin, lean
macero to soften, weaken, reduce, torment
macies thiness, gauntness /poverty barrenness
macresco to become lean, skinny, thin
mactabilis deadly, lethal
macto to magnify, glorify, honor /slay, fight, punish
macula stain, mark, spot/ blemish, fault, flaw
maculo to stain, blemish, defile, pollute
maculosus spotted, speckled, poluted
madesco to get wet
madide drunkenly
madidus wet, moist, soaked, boiled, soft, drunk, dyed
mador maero to grieve, sorrow
maeror meror mourning, grief, sorrow
magis more, to a greater extent, rather, for preference
magister master, canon / master of a school, professor
magnopere magnus opere very, very much
magnus maior maximus large, great, important
magus magical
maiestas majesty, dignity, greatness
maiores ancestors
Malbodiensis Maubeuge
male peius pessime badly, ill, wrongly
malens preferring
maligo-are to do/contrive evil
Malmundarium Malmedy
malo to choose, prefer
malo mallui malus to choose, prefer
malum evil, misfortune, misdeed, crime, injury, damage
malus peior pessimus bad, wicked, evil
mancipo mancepo to sell formally, turn over, give into charge
mandatum order, decree, mandate, instruction
mandatum commission, charge, entrust
mando to commit, entrust, order, command
mane morning, early in the morning, early
manentia permanency
maneo to remain, stay, stay the night, last, endure

mano to flow
mansuetus mild, soft, gentle
manus manus hand, band, handwriting
Marcieniensis Marchiennes
mare maris sea
maritus husband
marmoreus like marble
maro to apply marl to the soil
martyr-yris martyr
martyrium n, martyrdom
mater matris mother
matera vat for the fermentation of beer
materia material, substance, matter
matertera maternal aunt
matrimonium marriage
maxime greatly, exceedingly, to the highest degree
maxime especially, particularly, principally
medicor to heal, cure
medicus doctor, physician
medie moderately
mediocris ordinary, average, fair, moderate, mediocre
meditatio practice, preparation
meditor to reflect upon, consider, ponder /practice
medium everyday life, the common good, the public eye
medius middle, the middle of, central, midst
mei my
mel mellis honey
melior better
mellitus honeyed, sweet as honey
membrana thin skin, film, parchment, membrane
memini meminisse to remember
memor mindful, remembering, grateful, thoughful
memoratus mentioned
memoria memory, remembrance, recall, recollection
mendiosus full of mistakes, shot with errors
mendosus faulty, full of faults
mendum menda fault, blemish, mistake, error
mens mentis mind, thought, intention, intellect
mensa table
mensis mensis month
merces mercedis pay, reward, recompense, compensation
mereo deserve, gain, obtain, serve as a soldier
mereo mereor deserve, earn, be entitled to, merit
meretrix meretricis prostitute, whore, harlot
meridianus midday, afternoon, south
messis the harvest, in-bringing, crop
messor reaper, harvester
mestitia misfortune?
Metim Metz
metuo to fear, dread, be frightened

metus fear, dread, anxiety
meus my
mica crumb, morsel, grain /small loaf
micans twinkling, sparkling, shining, gleaming, flashing
michina nostril
mico glitter, gleam, shine, sparkle, flash, be bright
mico to serve /quiver, shake, palpitate
miles militis soldier, warrior, knight
milia thousands
militaris -e of a soldier, military, martial
militus ground, milled (of grain)
mille a thousand
millies milies a thousand times
minae battlements, parapets /threats, menaces
minagium duty of the sale of grain
miniatus damaged, diminished, lessened, decreased
minime in the least degree, very little/not at all
minimus least, smallest, slightest
ministro to serve, wait upon, provide, supply
ministro to attend, wait upon, assist
minor smaller, less, slighter
minuo to draw blood, let blood, to bleed (someone)
minuo minui minutum to less, diminish, decrease, grow smaller
minutor miner
miracula a miracle play
miraculose miraculously
mire wonderfully, mervellously, uncommonly
mirifice wonderfuly, marvelously, extraordinarily
miro to wonder
miror to marvel at, admire, wonder
mirus wonderful, astonishing, extraordinary
misceo miscui mixtum to mix, mingle, blend
miser wretched, unfortunate, miserable
miserabile sadly, mournfully, wretchedly
miserabilis sad, wretched, mournful, plaintive
misere wretchedly, miserably
misereo to pity
misericordia pity, mercy
missa holy mass
mitesco to grow mild, ameliorate
mitigo to make mild or ripe, make smooth, pacify
mitis mild, gentle /ripe, mature
mitto to send, dispatch
modestus orderly, within bounds, moderate, restrained
modica moderate, within bounds, limited
modicus ordinary, undistinguished, within bounds
modio a grain measure, a bushel basket
modo now, just now, only
modo...modo at one time ... at another
modus measure, bound, limit /manner, method, mode, way

moenia walls, fortifications of a city /ramparts /castle
Moguntium Mainz
moleste take annoyance
molestia annoyalce, troublesomeness /stiffness
molestus troublesome, disagreeable, annoying
molior to build, erect, construct, contrive, toil
mollio to soften, make pliant
mollis soft, pliant, flexible, easily moved, gentle
monachus monk
monasterium monastery, abbey, convent
moneo to warn, admonish, remind, advise, instruct
monitio admonition, warning
mons montis mountain, mount
monstro to show, appoint, point out, ordain, appoint
monstrum portent, omen, monster
mora delay
moratlis mortal
morbus sickness, disease, illness
mores; morium ways, conduct, character, morals
morior to die, wither away, decay
mors mortis death
morsus a biting, bite, also, sting, pain
mortalitas the state of being mortal/ death, a dying
mortifera deadly things
mortuus dead, deceased, passed away, gone West, departed
motus-us motion (earth quake)
moveo moti motum to move, arouse, affect, influence
mox soon, presently, then, thereupon
mucro a sharp point, edge, dagger point
mugio to groan, bellow, roar, low
mulier woman
multi many, numerous /the common herd
multiplex manifold, many-fold, many times / tortuous
multipliciter in many ways, in various ways
multo by much, by far, by a great deal, by a lot
multum much, greatly
multus much, great
multus plus plurimum much, a lot
mundo to clean
mundus clean, neat, elegant
mundus world, universe
munero/munerior to give, present
munimentum fortification, protection, defenses
munio to fortify, defend, protect /build a road
munitio fortifying, defense works, bridging
munus service, office, function, duty /gift
mus muris mouse
mussito to grumble, mutter
mutatio change, alteration, transformation
muto punish, fine, mulct

muto to change, alter /exchange
mutuo borrowed, lend
mutuus interchanged, mutually, reciprocal / reciprocity
mutuus a loan
nam for, for example, instance
nam but now, on the other hand /surely
Namucense Namur
narro to make known, say, speak, narrate
nascor nasci natus to be born, spring forth
natalis natalis birthday
natio nation, people
natio nationis nation, race, people, breed /pagan people
natu by birth
natura nature
nauta sailor
navale ship's station, dockyard
navigatio voyage, navigation
navigo to sail, navigate
navis navis ship, vessel, boat
navitas energy, get up and go
ne that ... not, in order that ... not
ne ... quidem not ... even
nebulosus misty, foggy
nec conj, and not
nec ... nec neither nor
nec tamen and yet ... not
necdum (neque dum) and not yet
necessarius necessary, needed, essential, necessary
necesse necessary, unavoidable, indispensable
necne or not
necnon and also
neco to kill, slay, put to death
necto to tie up, bind, fasten
nefas wrong, sin
nego to deny, refuse a request
negotium employment, business, task, occupation, pains
nemo no one, nobody
nemorosus wooded, covered with trees, forested
neo to spin, interweave. (to spin thread and yarn)
nepos nepotis grandson
nequam worthless, good for nothing, bad
nequaquam by no means, not at all
neque ... neque neither ... nor
neque nec and not, nor
nequeo not to be able, to be impossible
nequequam by no means, not at all
nequiter wretchedly
nequitia nequities worthlessness, badness, wickedness
nescio to be ignorant, be unaware, not know
nichilominus nevertheless

nidor vapor, smell, reek, odor
niger black
nihil nothing
nihildom nothing as yet
nihilominus nevertheless
nihilominus nichilominus nevertheless, notwithstanding
nihilum nothing
nimirum of course, undoubtedly
nimis adv. too much, overmuch, excessively
nimis too much, overmuch, excessively
nimium too much, overmuch, excessively
nisi if not, unless, except
niteo to shine, glitter, be bright, glow, be sleek
nitesco to begn to shine /to grow fat or sleek
nitesco to begin to shine, grow sleek
nitidus bright, shining /fat, sleek /flowering
nitor to rest, lean, support oneself / trust in
nitor to strive, exert oneself, make an effort
nitor splendor, glow, elegance, brilliance, brightness
nitor brillance, brightness, glow, elegance, splendor
Nivellensem Nivelles, city and monastery
niveus white, snowy
nixor to lean against /strive, strain, labor, struggle
nixus strain, effort
no to swim, float, fly, sail
no being done, made
nobis us /the world belongs to US
nocens bad, wicked, injurious, culpable, evil
noceo do harm, inflict injury
noceo to do harm to, inflict injury, hurt
nolo to be unwilling, wish not to, refuse
nomen name
nomen Romanorum Roman power
nominatim by name, expressly
nomine tenus nominally, in name
non not
nondum not yet
nonnisi not? not unless?
nonnullus some /pl. several
nonnumquam sometimes
nonus ninth
nosco to become acquainted with, get to know
noster nostra nostrum our, ours
nota mark, token, note, sign
notabilis noteworthy, notable, notorious
notarius stenographer (class.), notary, legal scribe
noto-are make note, mark down
novem nine
novitas newness, novelty, strangeness
novo to make anew, refresh, revive, change, alter

novus novel, unusual, extraordinary /news, novelty
novus new, fresh, young, inexperienced, revived
nox noctis night
nullus not any, no, none
numerus total, category, class, number
numquam at no time, never
nunc now, at the present time, soon, at this time
nunc quidem at one time...then
nuncupo to call, proclaim
nunquam never
nuntio to announce, report, relate
nuntium-i messenger
nuntius messenger, message
nuper newly, recently, not long ago
nusquam nowhere
nusquam nowhere, in no place, nothing, for nothing
nusquam esse not to exist
nutrimens food, nourishment
nutrimentus nourishment
nutrio to suckle, nourish, bring up, rear
nutus a nod, command, will / gravitation
nutus a nodding, nod, command, will
obdormio to fall asleep
obduco to draw over, cover/ lead against / pass, spend
obduro to be hard, persist, endure, last, hold out
obicio obieci obiectum to offer, throw in someone's teeth
obligatus bound, under an obligation
obliquo to turn sideways, turn aside
oblittero to cancel, blot out
oblivio forgetfulness, oblivion
obruo to overwhelm, destroy
obsequium indulgence, pliancy, submission
obses hostage, security, pledge, surety
obsideo to sit near /haunt, frequent /besiege, invest
obsido blockage, besiege, invest
obstinatus firm, resolved, staunch
obtestor to implore, entreat, beg, call as a witness
obtineo to hold, keep, possess, maintain /to continue
obviam in the way, on the way, toward
obviam on the way, in the way /(+ dat.) towards
obviam ire to go to meet, oppose /help, remedy
obvius on the way, in the way / (in dat.) open
obvolvo to wrap up, cover
occasio favorable moment, opportunity
occasus setting (of the sun, etc)/ the west /fall
occatio harrowing
occidio slaughter, massacre
occido to fall, fall down/ (for the sun) to set
occisor murderer
occludo to close, shut up, close off

occulco to trample (down)
occulte secretly, in secret, by stealth
occulto to hide, conceal, cover
occultus hidden, concealed /secretly
occumbo to fall, topple, drop /fall dead
occupo to take possession, grasp, seize, enjoy
occuro to occur, come about, happen
occurro to occur / run to meet, attack /oppose
occursus a meeting
ocius quick. fleet, sooner, faster
oculus eye
odio to hate, despite, hold in contempt
odium hatred
odorus keen scenter, sharp nosed
oestrus horse-fly, frenzy
offa lump, swelling /pellet, shot /mass of something
offendo to knock, hit, strike /shock, offend
offensio striking, knocking, hitting against, blow
offensus collision, shock /dislike, displeasure
offero to bring forward, place before, present, offer
officina workshop, factor
officiosus respectful, attentive
officium duty, service, job
olim at that time, formerly, once
omitto to omit, leave out /let go
omitto to let slip, lose, pardon
omnigenus of all kinds
omnino altogether, entirely, wholly, certainly
omnipotens all-powerful, almighty, omnipotent
omnis all, every
onero to load, burden, oppress, fil up
onus load, burden, weight, trouble / charge
opera work, pains, labor
operor to work, labor, toil, take pains
opes means, wealth, abundance, riches
opinio opinion, report, rumor, conjecture, report
opinor to be of the opinion of
opisthotonos A disease where the body is curved backward
oporotheca place for keeping fruit
oportet imper v., to assume it shall be, reasonable
oportet it is fitting, it is proper, reasonable, becoming
oportet it is proper, one should, one ought
oportunitas convenience, fitness, advantage, opportunity
oppono opposui oppositum to set against, oppose, be opposite
opportune opportunely, conveniently
opportunitas fitness, suitability, convenience, advantage
opportunus opportune, fit, convenient, suitable
opprimo oppressi oppressum to suppress, overwhelm, overpower, check
opprobrium reproach, disgrace
oppugno to fight against, attack, assault, assail

optimates the aristocratic party
optimus one of the best, aristocrat, noble
opto to desire, wish for, want
opulens rich, wealthy / powerful, mighty / splendid
opulente richly, wealthily
opulentia riches, wealth / power, might / opulence
opus operis work, labor, work done, completed work, building
opusculus a little or small work, a small book
ora edge, rim, border, boundary / coast, coast-line
ora region, clime, district
oraculum a solemn statement, oracle, prophecy
oratio speech, address, oration
orator orator, speaker. spokesman, envoy, ambassador
oratorie oratorically
oratorius oratorical / oratory
oratu by request
orbis circle, orb, ring, disk, orbit
orbis lacteus the Milky Way
orbis signifer the Zodiac
orbis terrarum the world, the Earth
orbita a wheel rut
orbitas bereavement, loss of children, loss of parents
orbus deprived of children or parents
orca a pot or jar
orchas a type of olive
orchestra theater space reserved for the Senate / senators
ordinarius according to order, regular, ordinary
ordinatim regularly, ordinarily
ordinatio rule, government, order, arrangment, regulation
ordinatus arranged, orderly
ordine; ordinem regularly, appropriately, properly
ordino to set in order, regulate, arrange
ordior to begin, start (esp. of speaking)
ordo rank, class, order
orexis appetite, desire
organum instrument, musical instrument
orgia a festival of mysteries, orgy
orichalcum copper ore / brass
oriens rising, the rising sun / east / morning
origo origin, start, source, beginning / ancestor
orior rise, become visible, appear
orior oriri ortus rise, become visible, appear
oris face, countenance, sight / expression
oriundus arising from, springing from, coming from
ornamentum weapons / honor, distinction
ornamentum equipment, kit
ornate splendidly, ornately, elegantly
ornatus dress, attire, equipment, ornament
orno to equip, furnish, supply / decorate, adorn
ornus mountain ash

oro to speak, argue, plead, orate, beg, entreat
orsa beginning, start, undertaking / first few words
orsus a beginning, undertaking, initiative
ortus birth, origin, rising / origin, source
oryx gazelle, wild goat
oryza rice
os a bone
os mouth, opening, source / a mask
ostendo show, reveal, present, make plain, declare
ostendo to show, to exhibit
ostium entrance, door
otium free time, leisure, ease, peace, repose
ovis ovis sheep
paciscor to make a bargain or agreement, covenant, deal
paciscor to make an agreement, covenant, pact
pactum treaty, pact, contract
pactum agreement, contract, covenant, pact
pactus agreed-upon, stipulated, betrothed
paecipio to warn, admonish /teach, instruct
paene; pene nearly, almost
paganus countryman, peasant, pagan
pagatim in vilages, in a village manner, in a rusticway
pala spade, peel for putting bread in the oven
palam openly, publicly, in the presence of
palea chaff
palestra gymnasium, wrestling school
paliurus a plant, Christ's thorn
pallens pale, wan, pale yellow, pale green /weak
palleo be pale, be yellow
pallesco grow pale at
pallidus pale, wan; causing paleness
pallium coverlet, mantle, cloak
pallor paleness, fading
palma palm
palmarium excellent, splendid, outstanding
palmula blade of an oar
palor to wander, stray, err
palpito throb, tremble, shake
palpo carress, stroke /coax, cajole, flatter
paludosus swampy, marshy, boggy
palus pale, stake /swamp, bog, marsh
paluster marshy, swampy, boggy
pando to stretch out, spread out, extend
pandus curved, crooked, arched, bowed
pango to fix, hammer in, drive in, fasten
panis bread
pannus rag, patch, piece of cloth
panthera leopard, panther
papas tutor
papaver poppy

papilla teat, breast, nipple
pappo to eat
papula a pimple
par equal, like
paratus prepared, ready, equipped; (of persons) skilled
paratus preparation, fitting out, equipment
parce moderately, economically
parco avoid, spare, keep oneself from
parco to spare, refrain from injuring
parcus sparing, thrifty, economical, moderate
pardus panther, leopard
parens parent
pareo to be obedient to, obey
paries parietis wall (of a house)
parilis similar, like, equal
pariter alike, at the same time, together
pariter equally, in like manner, as well
paro to prepare, get ready/ set, put/ furnish
pars partis part, share /direction
partim partly /some
parum too little, too few, not enough
parum minus minime little, too little, not enough
parumper for a short time, for a little while, for a bit
parvulus child, infant, young, little /very small, tiny
parvus minor minimus small, little
pasco to graze, forage, browse
passer sparrow
passim far and wide, everywhere
patefacio to disclose, expose, open, make open
patella dish, platter, plate
pateo to be revealed, to stand open, to be clear
pateo to be open, be exposed
pater patris father
paterna of a father, paternal, native
paternus of a father, paternal, native
patesco to be laid open, bare, exposed, to be revealed
patibilis endurable, bearable, sufferable
patiens patient /(+ gen.) capable of enduring
patientia patience, suffering, endurance
patina a dish
patior to suffer, endure, permit
patria fatherland, one's native country, homeland
patricius a nobleman
patrocinor to protect, defend, support, patronize
patronus patron, protector
patruus paternal uncle
pauci few, a few, some
paulatim gradually, litle by little
paulisper for a little while, for a short time
paululum very small, very little

pauper beggar, person without means
pauper poor, with few means, poverty-stricken
paupertas beggardry, poverty, humble circumstances
pax pacis peace
pax pacis peace, truce, treaty
peccamen sin, fault, error
peccatus sin
pecco to do wrong, err, sin, go astray
pecto to comb, card, thrash (to card wool)
pectus heart, breast
peculium a bit of money, a small property
pecunia money
pecuniosus rich, wealthy \profitable, lucrative
pecus a single head of cattle
pedes going on foot, walking /foot-soldier, infantryman
peior worse (see malus)
pello pepulli pulsum to hit, beat /exile, drive away, banish
peloris a clam
pelvis font
pendeo to hang, depend, be suspended /be uncertain
pendo to weigh, value, consider, judge, esteem
penetrabilis capable of being penetrated / penetrating
penetralis interior, inner rooms
penetralis passing through, penetrating / internal, inner /
penetranter deeply, penetratingly, searchingly
penetro to put into, pass through, penetrate
penicullus a painter's brush, pencil, stylus
peniculus a sponge, brush
penintentiarius confessor, penintentiary
penis tail (кур/хуй)
penitens a penitent
penitentia penance
penitio to do penance
penitus accurately, thoroughly, wholly, entirely
penitus inside, widely, through and through
penitus inward, inner, internal, interior
penna feather, wing
pennatus winged, with feathers
penniger winged, with feathers
pennipes wing-footed, swift, fleet
pennipotens capable of flight
pennipotenti birds
pensilis hanging
pensio a weighing out / paying, payment
pensito to weigh carefully, weigh out / pay / ponder
penso to weigh out / estimate, ponder
penuria lack, want, penury
penuriosus penurious, poor, poverty-stricken
penus; us provisions, supplies, victuals
peplum robe of state

per through, with, by
per because of, on account of
per through, along
per throughout, during
per very, excessively, quite
per antea before, formerly
per sic quod on condition that, with the understanding that
pera wallet, purse, bag
peractio completion, finishing, end
peracto to carry through, complete, accomplish
peraeque quite equally
peragito to harass, push around
perago to prosecute to the end
perago to harass, disturb / mention / complete
peragro to wander through, travel through
percipio percepi perceptum to gain, learn, perceive, understand
percontor percunctor inquire, interrogate, investigate
perculsus a shock
percutio (percussum) to strike hard, pierce, transfix /shock
perdignus very worthy
perditio loss, destruction
perdo to lose, destroy
perdo to destroy, ruin, waste, scatter, squander
perduco to lead through, conduct, carry through
perduco perduxi bring through, spread over
peregrinus wanderer, foreigner, stranger / pilgrim
pereo to pass away, be destroyed, perish
perfectus complete, finished, done /perfect, without flaw
perfero to bear, suffer, endure
perfero pertulit to endure, undergo
perficio to do thoroughly, accomplish, bring about
perfidia treachery, faithlessness
perfidiosus treacherous, faithless
perfringo to break through, penetrate /shatter
perfruor to execute completely, enjoy to the full
perfusus steeped, soaked, drenched
pergo to continue, proceed, go on with
periclitatus put in peril, endangered
periclitor to test make a trial, put in peril, endanger
periculosus hazardous, dangerous
periculum danger, risk
perimo peremi peremptum to destroy
peritus skilled, expert
periurium perjury, oath-breaking, foreswearing an oath
perlustro to pass through, survey, look, examine
permaximum the very greatest
permeo to pass through
permitto permissi permissum to allow, permit, let
permoveo to excite, agitate, stir up, move
perniciosus pernicious, destructive

perperam wrongly, falsely
perpetro to complete, accomplish, perform
perpetuus perpetual, lasting, continuous, uninterrupted
perscitus very clever, exceedingly sharp
perscribo to write out, write down, place on record
perseco to cut through, dissect, cut away
persequor to persecute, hunt down, track, trail
persequor persequi persecutus to follow, pursue, take revenge
perseverantia perseverence, persistence
persevero to persist, persevere, continue
persisto to persist, persevere
persolvo to unloose, explain, expound /pay off a debt
persona actor's mask, part, role /character, personality
persona one holding an honor, official
personam gero to act a part
perspicuus transparent, bright, clear, evident
persto to persist, remain firm
persuadeo persuasi persuasum to persuade
perterreo to terrify
pertimesco to become very much afraid
pertinacia firmness, obstinacy, stubborness
pertinaciter stubbornly, obstinately
pertinax persistent, firm, mean, stubborn, obstinate
pertineo to pertain to, relate to, concern
pertingo to stretch out, extend
pertorqueo to twist, distort
pertraho to drag, forcibly conduct, entice, allure
perturbo to disturb, trouble, perturb, disrupt
perturpis very disgraceful
peruro perussi perustum to burn up, consume /inflame, gall, chafe
pervalidus very strong
pervenio to reach, attain, reach, be passed to
perverto perverti perversum to turn upside down, overturn, overthrow
pervideo pervidi pervisum to look over, survey, inspect, discern
pes pedis foot
pessimus worst (see malus)
pessum to the ground, to the bottom, downward
pessum dare to destroy, ruin, wreck
pessum ire to sink, be ruined, destroyed, be put to an end
pestifer pestilential, injurious, damaging, plaguey
pestifere destructively, injurously
pestilencia pestilence, plague
pestis pestis plague, epidemic, pestilence /destruction, curse
petitus inclining toward
peto to make for, go to, seek, strive after
peto to ask for, beg, request, demand / to sue for
Pevela Pevele, near Cisoing
pharetra a quiver
phasma phasmatis ghost, spirit, specter
philologus scholar, learned man / adj. learned, literary

phthisis consumption, tuberculosus
physiologus a natural science
pia pium honest, godly, holy, pious, dutiful, patriotic
piaculum a victim, sacrifice, atonement, punishment /a sin
pica jay, magpie
picea the spruce tree
pictor painter
picturatus painted / of cloth, embroidered
picus woodpecker
pie adv, piously, religiously
pietas dutifulness, dutiful comduct, piety, devotion
piger pigra pigrum lazy, slow, dull
pignus pawn, pledge, token
pilo to shave, sut the hair
pilosus hairy, covered with hair
pilum heavy javelin
pilus a single hair /a trifle
pinetum pine wood
pingo to paint, embroider, draw /stain, dye /decorate
pinguesco to grow fat, sleek
pinguis fat, oily, rich, sleek, fertile
pinguitudo fatness, rotundity
piper; piperis pepper
pipio to chirp, tweet, pipe
pirum pear
pirus pear tree
piscator fisherman
piscis piscis fish
pius dutiful, godly, holy, upright, kind, honest
placeo to please, be agreeble to
placet it is agreed, it is resolved, it seems good
placide quitely, gently
placidus quiet, still, gentle
placitum accord, agreement, pact /assembly for judgment
placitum judgment, case/ plea, litigation / defense
placo to placate, appease
plaga a blow, stroke, wound, buffet
plaga district, zone, region
plaga plague (Vulgate), affliction, scourge
plagiarius kidnapper, plagiarist
plane plainly, clearly
plango planxi planctum to strike, beat /bewail, mourn
platea street, courtyard
plaustrum wagon, cart
plebs plebis the common people, the masses, the crowd
plecto to punish
plector to be punished
plene completely, wholly, fully
plenus full, complete, full, satisfied, rich, mature
plerumque for the most part, generally, commonly, mostly

plerusque very many, a great number, a large part
plico to fold
plorabilis deplorable
ploratio lamentation, mourning, weeping
plorator a lamenter
ploratus weeping, lamenting
ploro to lamen, weep, weep over
pluit it is raining, a shower is falling
pluma feather /featherbed /pen
plumbeus leaden, made of lead /dull, stupid, heavy
plumbum lead, a bullet, lead pipe
plumbum album tin
pluo to rain, shower, sprinkle
plura more numerous, several, many
plures more numerous, several, many
pluries often, frequently
plurimi at the highest price, of the highest worth
plurimus most, very many
pluris at a higher price, of a great value
plus more
plusculus somewhat more, rather more
pluvia rain, shower
pluvialis pertaining to rain, of rain
pocius potius rather, preferrably
poema poematis poem, verse, rhyme
poena pain, punishment, penalty
poeta poet
polenta pearl barley, barley groats
pollen fine flour, fine meal
polleo to be strong, powerful, able
pollex thumb, big toe
polliceor to promise, offer
pollicitus promised, a promise
pomum fruit, apple
pondera balance, equilibrium
pondero to weigh, consider, reflect
pondus a pound's weight /weight, mass, load /heavy body
pono posui positum to lay, place, put, set /(milit.) post, station
pons pontis bridge
populatio devastation, wasting /population
populus people, the people, nation, crowd, multitude
porro forward, further, next, in turn
porta gate, entrance
posco to call upon, ask ernestly, request
positus position, place, arrangment
possessio possession, property
possum posse potum to be able, avail, have influence
post after, behind
post modum afterwards, presently, shortly
postea afterwards

posteri posterity
posterus; postremo subsequent, following, next, future
posthabeo to put after, consider of less account
postpono to put after, consider secondary
postquam after
postulatio a demand, request, desire /complaint
postulator plaintiff, complainant
postulo to complain /contain, measure /need, require
postulo to ask, demand, require /summon, prosecute
potens able, mighty, powerful, strong
potentia might, power, authority
potestas power, ability, authority /opportunity
potior to possess, hold
potissimum chiefly, most of all
potissimus best of all, chief, principal
potius in order that, rather
potius rather, preferably
prae before, in front of
prae dulcis exceedingly sweet
prae pre before, in front
prae quam in comparison with
prae se ferre / pre se ferre to show, exhibit, on account of
praebeo to show oneself, present oneself
praebeo to offer, hold out, supply, provide, allow
praecedo to go, result
praecedo to precede, go before /surpass, excell
praecelsus exceedingly high
praecepio precept, preconception
praeceptum precept
praecido to cut short, lop, mutilate
praecipio to instruct, advise, warn, anticipate
praecipue especially
praecipue especially, chiefly
praeclarus excellent, famous, beautiful, striking
praeconor to be a public crier, to herald, proclaim
praecox ripe beforehand, premature
praeda plunder, booty, spoils of war, loot, gain, prey
praedicare to preach
praedicatio preaching (s), foretelling (s), condemning
praedico to warn, admonish, instruct, foretell
praeeo to go before
praefatus-i before mentioned
praefero anticipate, carry by, ride by
praefero to carry in front, display, prefer
praefinio to appoint ahead of time
praefoco to choke, suffocate
praegravo to press heavily upon, weigh down, oppress
praeire to go before
praemitto to send forward, dispatch, send in advance
praemium reward, prize

praemo to press down, strike down
praenuntio to foretell, announce before hand
praenuntius foretelling, harbinger, omen, token
praeparo to prepare, ready, make ready, arrange
praepono to set over, prefer
praepositus prepositus prior
praeproperus preproperus over-hasty, precipitate
praesentia presentia presence, presence of mind, effect, power
praesidium presidium guard, garrison, detachment /protection
praesieo-sedi-ere to sit before, preside, command
praestans prestans excellent, distingished, imminent
praestantia prestantia superiority, excellence
praesto to stand before, be outstanding, excell, surpass
praesto presto to answer for, be responsible for
praesto presto to do, perform, display, fulfill, offer, present
praestolatio prestolatio the waiting for, expectation
praesul presul dancer /presider, protector, director
praesum to be before
praesum presum to be at the head of, be in charge of
praesumo presumo to anticipate, take for granted
praeter beyond, after
praeter except; prep. + acc., besides, beyond
praeterea besides, moreover, as indeed it is
praeterea besides, further, hereafter
praetereo to pass over, pass by, omit
praeteritus past
praetermissio neglect, passing over, omission
praetorgredior to pass betond, go beyond
praevenio get the start of
praevenio; prevenio to come before, anticipate
praevius previous, former
pravitas crookedness, depravity, deformity, perversity
pravus depraved, wicked, evil, perverse
precipio to anticipate, instruct, advise, warn
precipue especially, particularly, chiefly
precipue chiefly, especially, particularly
precipuus excellent, distinguished, special, extraordinary
precor to pray, beg, entreat, invoke
prehendo to seize, snatch, grasp, detain, arrest
premo squeeze, press down, strike down
premo pressi pressum to squeeze, press down, strike down
prenda booty, loot, stolen goods
prepositus reeve, steward, provost, prior, abbot
presertim praesertim especially, chiefly
pretereo to go by, pass by, escape
pretium price, vaue, reward
prevenire to come to, go before hand, attend
prex precis request, entreaty, prayer
primitus first, for the first time
primo first, at first, at the beginning, at the start

primordia atoms
primordium first beginning, origin
primoris first, foremost, at the top, uppermost
primoris first, foremost /most distinguished, first
primum as soon as possible
primum at first, for the first time, in the first place
princeps chief, prince
principatus rule, dominion, pre-eminence, first place
principium beginning
prior former, prior
priores forefathers, ancestors
priscus ancient, antique, former, old days, venerable
pristinus former, venerable, ancient
prius before, formerely
priusquam before
privatus private, unofficial, a private person
privigna step-daughter
privo to deprive
privus deprived of
pro in return for, instead of /for, as
pro eo because of the fact, because, for this reason
probatur from probo-are, to judge, test, examine
probitas probity, uprightness, honesty
probo to show, prove, demonstrate, approve, find good
procedo to go ahead, proceed, advance, continue
procedo to go out, come out /result
procella storm, tempest, gale; (milit) charge, onset
procer chief noble, prince
procinctu prepared or ready for battle
procul far, at, to, from a distance
procuratio management, administration, diretion
procurator manager, bailiff, agent
procuro to take care of, manage
prodeo advance, go forward, appear, go forth
prodico to put off, delay
prodigentia profusion, prodigiality
prodigialiter amazingly, wonderfully
prodigiosus unnatural, wonderful, miraculous, amazing
prodigium prodigy, portent / monster, unnatural thing
prodigo drive forth, waste, spend, expend
prodigus rich, extravagant, abound in, profuse
proditio treason, betrayal
proditio betrayal, treason
proditor traitor, betrayer
prodo deliver, transmit, hand over
prodo publish, bring forth, appoint /abandon, betray
prodoceo teach, inculcate, indoctrinate
prodromus forerunner
producto produxi productum promote, divulge, bring to light
producto produxi productum produce, bring forward, bring out

proeliator warrior
proeliator preliator fighter, warrior, combatant
proelium battle
profano profane, desecrate
profanus not sacred, uninitiated, ordinary, common
profectio departure, source, origin
profecto truly, really, indeed
profero to enlarge, extend/ delay, postpone
profero to carry out, bring forth/ advance, impell/cite
professio declaration, profession/ trade, art, craft
professor authority, expert
professorius authoritative
proficio advance, assist, help, aid, be of use
proficio to make progress, advance
proficiscor to depart, set out, to start forward, to arise
proficuus to start forward, set out, depart, arise
profiteor to make a public statement / to declare oneself
profor profari profatus to speak out
profugus fleeing, fugitive, banished, migratory
profundo frofui profusum to pour forth, gush, stream
profundum a depth, abyss, chasm /the sea
profundus deep, profound, high, thick, dense, boundless
progener husband of a grand-daughter
progenero to produce, engender
progenies descent, lineage, progeny, offspring
progenitor founder of a family, ancestor
progigno progenui progenitum to engender, briing forth
prognatus born, sprung from /son
progredior to go forth, advance, proceed, go out
progressio advance, progress, increase
progressus advance, going forward, increase
prohibeo to prevent, hinder, restrain, prohibit, forbid
prohibitio prohibition, restrain, forbidding
proicio to throw forth, fling, abandon
proinde consequently, therefore, as a result
proinde quasi just as if
prolabor to slide forward, slip forward, fall forward
prolapsio a slipping or sliding
prolatio a bringing forward
prolato to enlarge, lengthen, extend /put off, defer
prolecto to entice, allure
proles offspring, descendants, posterity
proletarius a citizen of the lowest rank
prolicio prolixi to lure forth, entice
prolix long, stretching
prolixus wide, broad, long / willing, obliging, favorable
proloquor to speak out, declare openly
proluo prolu prolutum to wash away, wash clean
prolusio preliminary exercise, prelude
proluvier innundation /scouring /discharge

promereo to deserve, merit
promeritum desserts, merit, credit
prominens jutting out, standing out /a projection
promineo to stand out, jut, extend
promisce indiscrimately
promiscus promiscuus mixed, indiscriminate /commonplace, usual
promissio a promise
promissor a promiser, suretor, guarantor
promitto to let go, send forth, undertake, promise
promitto to let go forward, send forth, promise
promo prompsi promptum to produce, disclose, bring forth
promontorium peak, mountain crest, ridge, promontory
promoveo promovi promotum push forward, move ahead, advance
prompte promptly, resolutely, readily
promptu to have read, display, have on show
promptu to be ready, to be easy, to be clear
promptu to make clear, reveal, disclose
promptus prepared, resolute, prompt
promptus ready at hand, visible, apparent
promulgatio publication, promulgation (of a law)
promus steward, butler
promutuus prepaid, arragned beforehand
pronepos proneptos great-grandson
pronuntio to proclaim, announce, declaim
propago-are to spread, propagate
prope near, nearly, not far from, just now, closely
prope near, near to, not far, not long from now
propello to drive before one, drive away
propero to hasten / accelerate, speed up
propero to hasten, speed, move rapidly, come quickly
propinquo to come near, draw near, approach
propinquus near, close, similar, nearly related
propitius favorable, gracious
propono display, publish, relate, tell, propose, promise
propositum a design, purpose, scheme, theme of discourse
proprie exclusively, particularly, peculiarly. properly
proprius characteristic, particular
proprius one's own, permanent, special, peculiar
propter near, close, on account of, because of
propugnaculum fortification, rampart, defense
prorsus forward, straight ahead, to sum up, utterly
prosequor (prosecutus) to attack, go with, pursue, attend
prosper favorable, fortunate, lucky, prosperous
prosperitas propserity, good fortune
prospicio to look into the distance, contemplate
prosterno to knock down, cast down /destroy, ruin
prosum to be useful, do good, benefit
prosum (profuturus) to be useful, of benefit, do good
protestor; protesto to declare in public, affirm, bear witness
prothonotario protonotary

protinus forward, further on, continuously, immediately
protraho (protractus) to draw out, rpotact, defer, make known
prout as, just as, according to
provectus aged, old, advanced in years
provectus advanced, advanced in age
proveho to carry on, carry forward, advance, promote
proventus a growing up, increase, crop, yield, or issue
provideo to foresee, provide, make provision for
provisor one who provides for, or against
provolvere se to throw oneself down, abase oneself
proximus nearest, closest, next
prudens prudent, wise
prudenter wisely, discreetly
prudentia foresight, wisdom, discretion
Pruma Prums
publicus of the people, public, open to all
puchre beautifully, finely, handsomely
pudendus shameful, disgraceful
pudeo to be ashamed
pudicus modest. chaste
pudor modesty, bashfulness
puella girl
puer boy
puerilis childish, boyish, folish, foolish
pueriliter boyishly, childishly, foolishly
puga pyga buttocks
pugna fight, battle, conflict, set-to
pugnacitas the desire to fight, pugnacity
pugnaculum fortress
pugnax fond of fighting, combative, stubborn
pugno to fight
pugnus the fist
pulchellus pretty
pulcher pulchra pulchrum beautiful, handsome, fine
pulchritudo pulchritudinis beauty, fineness
pulex the flea
pullulo shoot up, sprout, burgeon
pullus young animal /chicken, chick
pullus dark-clorored, blackish /sad
pulmentum anything eaten with bread, sauce or relish
pulmo the lung
pulpa flesh
pulpitum platform, stage
pulso to strike (the hours)
pulsus beating, blow, push, impulse, influence
pulvis dust, powder /arena, scene of action
pumilius pumilio a dwarf
punctum a prick, little hole, puncture /a point, spot
pungo pupugi punctum to prick, puncture, stab /touch, move
pungo pupugi punctum to penetrate /sting, annoy, harrass

puniceus purple, red
punio to punish, avenge, gave vengeance
punitor punisher, avenger
pupa doll /little girl
pupillus pupilla orphan, ward
puppis stern of a ship, the poop
pupula pupil of the eye
purgamentum rubbish, trash, filth, sweepings
purgatio cleaning out, cleansing /excsuing, justification
purgo to clean, cleanse, purify/ clear away
purpura purple dye, purple cloth /high rank, emperorship
purus pure, free from, spotless, without stain
pusillus tiny, puny /petty, mean
putator pruner
puteo to stink, be redolent, smell bad
puter rotten, decayed, putrid /loose
putesco to putrefy, day, rot
puteus well, pit
puto to clear, settle up, consider, think, believe
putus pure, unmixed, unadulterated
pyropus bronze
pyus pyxidis a little box, casket
qua by which route, where
quadraginta forty (Indecl.)
quadratus square, a square
quadrigae four-horse team
quadrivium second stage of the medieval curriculum
quadrivium crossroads, place where four roads meet
quadrum a square
quadruplator an exaggerator, informer
quadruplor to be an informant
quaero to seek, search for, get, obtain
quaero quero to seek, search for / ask, enquire, search for
quaero quero to miss, want / seek to know / obtain, get
quaesitio quesitio investigation, interrogation
quaeso queso to seek for, ask for
quaestio questio seeking, searching /inquiry, investigation
quaestuosus questuosus profitable, fond of gain, rich
quaestus questus profit, a source of profit, gainiing, getting
qualis of what kind? of the kind that
qualiscumque of any kind whatever, any whatever
qualislibet of what sort you will
qualitas quality, property, nature
qualiter just as, in whatever manner/way
quam how, than, as ... as possible
quam plures as many as possible
quamdiu such a long time
quamobrem for which reason, on which account, why
quamobrem; quam ob rem wherefore? why? for which reason
quamquam though, although

quamquam nevertheless
quamvis ever so much
quamvis however much
quando when
quandoque of one time or another
quandoquidem since, because
quanti for how much, at what price
quanto by how much (+ comp. adj. or adv.)
quantocius quantotius the sooner the better
quantocius quantotius as quickly as possible
quantum regard to, as much as, the more, the greater
quantum how much?, how much!, as much as
quantum as much of ... as
quantum in me est as much as in me lies
quantus how great, as great as
quantus how great?, how great!, how much, as great as
quantus ... quantus as great as, as much as
quantuslibet as much as you will, as great as you will
quantuvis as great as you please, however great
quapropter wherefore
quare wherefore, why, because of which thing
quartus fourth
quarum their envy and jealousy
quas the fates
quasi as if, just as, just as if, as it were /a sort of
quassatio a shaking
quasso to shake violently, shake to pieces, break
quatenus/quatinus since, as, in order that, that
quatenus/quatinus how far, to what extent, where, seeing that
quater four times /again and again
quattuor four (indecl.)
quemadmodum just as, lust like
quemadmodum how, in what manner
quendam a certain (one, thing, someone)
queo to be able
quercetum an oak grove, and oak forest
quercus oak tree
quereia querella complaint, complaining
queribundus complaining, plaintive, whining
querimonia complaint, a charge in court
queritor to complain excessively, whine, gripe
quernus oaken
queror to complain, lament, bewail (dogs) whine
querulus complaining, whining, lamenting
questus complaint, lament
qui quae que quod which, what, that
quia because
quianam why?
quiane why?
quibus the beards

quibus his sons
quibus the good fortune
quicquid whoever, whatever, whatsoever, anything at all
quicum with whom, with which
quicumque whatsoever, anthing that, all that
quicumque any (one, thing, etc.) available
quid how much? how many?
quid ita why so?
quidam quaedam quedam quidam a certain person or thing / a kind of
quidem adv, certainly, at least, indeed
quidem indeed, certainly, at least
quidne why not?
quies quietis quiet, rest
quiesco to rest, sleep
quiete quietly, calmly
quietus resting, sleeping, undisturbed / neutral / quiet
quilibet anyone, anything, whatever (or whomever) you like
quin but come now, rather, indeed
quin etiam why even, in fact, moreover
quinam quaenam quenam quodnam which? what?
quindeciens fifteen times
quingenti five hundred
quinquagesimus fiftieth, a fiftieth part
quinque five
quinquennis five years old
quinquiplico to multiply by five
quinymo quinimmo no, rather
quippe certainly, to be sure, indeed, of course
quiris a spear
quiritatio a scream, cry, shriek
quirito to scream, cry out
quis who?, what?, which?
quis anyone, anybody, anything
quislibet anybody, whom you will, all, any
quisnam; quidnam who, what
quispiam anyone, anything / someone, something
quisquam anyone, anything
quisque each one, each person
quisquiliae rubbish, trash, garbage, refuse
quisquis whoever, whatever, whatsoever, anything at all
quo to which place, to what place, whither, where
quod and, but, now
quod because, whereas, the point that, the fact that
quodammodo in a certain way, in a certain measure
quomodo in what manner, how/ in whatever way, somehow
quondam formerly, once, at one time, ertswhile
quoniam since, whereas, because
quoque also, too
quorum dangers
quot how many, as many (indecl.)

quotiens often
quotienscumque however often
quovis to whatever place you will
rabidus raging, crazy
rabies madness, fury, frenzy
rabiose savagely, furiously
radicitus by the roots, utterly
rapio rapui ratum to seize, snatch, carry away
rare thinly, rarely, uncommonly
rarus rare, uncommon /far apart /thin, scanty
ratio system, manner, method, procedure, manner
ratio reckoning, account /reason, judgment
re vera in truth
recedentia retreat, ebbing, disappearance / distant, far
recedo retire, withdraw
recedo to go back, retreat, retire, disappear
recessus a going back, retreat /place of retreat
recipio recepi receptum to go back, retire, recede, retreat
recito to read aloud, recite
recognosco to recognize, recollect, recall
recolligo gather, regather, flock together
recolo reflect upon, consider, recall
recolo to cultivate, work again, resume, rehabilitate
recolo to recall, reflect upon, rework, resume
reconcilio to restore, repair / (of persons) unite
recondo lay up, store, hoard
recordatio recollection, memory, recall
recordor to remember, think of, recollect, ponder over
recro to recreate, restore, revive
rector guider, leader, director, ruler, master
rectum virtue, right
rectus right, correct, proper, upright, natural, plain
recuperatio recovery, recuperation
recupero to regain, recoup, recover
recuso to refuse, decline, reject, be unwilling
recuso to refuse
redarguo disprove, refute. with gen. prove guilty
reddo to give back, restore, return /answer, translate
reddo to repeat, recite, represent, imitate, pay up
redemptio ransoming, redemption, buying back
redemptor redeemer (Christ)
redeo to fall back upon, be reduced to, be brought to
redeo to go back, come back
redeo to be reduced to, fall back upon
redigo (redactum) to bring or reduce to a condition, lessen
redimio to crown, bind around
redimo to redeem, ransom, buy back /hire, buy, procure
redintegro to repair, fix, restore
reditus return /income, revenue /reward
redivivus rennovated, reconstructed, rebuilt /recycled

redono to give back, give up
reduco to lead back, bring back, return
redundantia overflowing, redundancy
redundo to overflow, stream over, overflow, excess
refectorium refectory, monastic mess hall
refercio to stuff, cram
refero to say back, reply, answer
refero to put down
refero to bring as expected, pay up, deliver
refero to carry back, bring back, return
refero to bring again, restore, repeat, echo, reproduce
refero retuli relatum to bring back a message, refer
refert retuli it makes a difference
refertus stuffed, crammed
reformo to form again, mould anew
refugium refuge
regalis of a king, royal, regal
regina queen
regius royal, regal
regnum rule, authority, kingdom, realm
rego rexi rectum to guide, direct, to rule
regula rule / monastic rule
relaxo to loosen, enlarge, relax, ease, lighten
relego relegi relectum to read again, re-read
relevo to lift again, lighten, alleviate, relieve
relictus having inherited, been bequeathed
relinquo to leave behind, bequeath/abandon, forsake
reliquum remainder, what is left, leavings
relucesco to become bright again
reluctor to struggle against, resist
remando to send back word
remaneo to remain, stay, continue
remaneo to remain behind, stay, continue
rememdium cure, remedy, nostrum, medicine
removeo to draw back, set aside, take away
remuneror to repay, reward
renovatio renewal, renovation, restoration
renovo to revive, renew, restore, repair, repeat
renuntio to declare, announce, report, give notice
renuo to deny, refuse, reject
reor to think, suppose, decide
reparo to restore, renew, make good /buy, purchase
repecto to comb back
repello to drive back, repel
rependo to ransom, pay back, requite
repens sudden, unexpected, fresh, recent
repente suddenly, unexpectedly
repere to crawl
reperio to get again, find, ascertain, dicover, invent
reperio get again, find again / discover, invent

repetitio repetition
repeto to seek again, ask back
repeto to return to, begin again, deduce, recall
repleo to replenish, fill up, fill up again, fill
repletus filled, full
repo repsi reptum to creep, crawl
repono to deposit, lay up, store / requite
reprehendo to blame, reprove, refute, hold back, check
reproba false
reprobo reject, disaprove, condemn
repuo to reject
reputo to consider, judge
requietum to rest
requiro to ask for, look for, demand, desire, miss
res publica commonwealth, state, republic, public business
res rei thing, matter, busines, affair
resarcio to repair, mend, patch
reseco to cut back, cut short, diminish
reservo keep back, hold back, reserve /keep, preserve
resisto to resist, make a stand, oppose
respergo to sprinkle, splash
respicio to look back, provide for, respect
respiratio respiration, exhalation
respiro to breathe /breathe again /recover /decline
respondeo respondi responsum to answer, reply, respond
responsal deputy, representative
responsiva a written reply, answering letter
restio rope-maker
restituo restore, put back, replace, reinstate, repair
resumo (resumpsi; resumptum) to renew, repeat, resume
resurrectio resurection, awakening, renewal
retardo to impede, slow down, obstruct
retendo to slacken, unbend, become flexible
retineo to hold back, restrain, detain, keep, maintain
retraho to draw back, pull back
retribuo to give again, give as due
reus defendant, accused, answerable, bound
revenio to come back, return
reverto to go back, return, revert
revertor reverti reversus to return, come back
revoco to call back, recover, refer, revoke
revolvo to unroll a book, go over again, repeat
rex regis king
rhetor rhetorician, teacher of rhetoric
rhetoricus rhetorical
rideo risi risum to laugh at, laugh
ridiculum ridiculous
riginta thirty
rigor stiffness, hardness, sterness
ritus usage, ceremony, rite

rogo to ask, ask for
rogo eum ut +subjunctive to ask someone to do something
rostrum bill of a bird, beak
rota wheel
Rotomagense Rouen
rotundus wheel-shaped, round
rubor redeness, blush, modesty, shame, disgrace
rudimentum trial, attempt, essay
rudis rude, raw, rough, uncultivated
rudo to bellow, roar
rufus red, ruddy
ruga a wrinkle
ruinosus falling down, going to ruin
rumex sorrel
rumino to chew the cud, ruminate
rumor rumor, gossip
rumpo to break, shatter, interrupt, annull, violate
runa a dart
runco to thin out, weed, cull
ruo to rush, fall, be ruined
rursus on the other hand, in return, back, again
rus the country, countryside, rural area
rustice boorishly, in a peasant manner
rusticus rustic, rural /peasant
ruta bitterness, unpleasantness, the herb rue
rutila a spade, shovel
rutilus red, golden, auburn
sabbatum sabbath
sacculus purse, little bag, little sack
sacrificum sacrifice
sacrilegus sacrilegious, impious
saepe often, frequently, repeatedly
saepe hedge, fence, enclosure, haye
saepenumero repeated, again and again
saepius sepius often, frequently, repeatedly
saeta hair
saeta equina horse-hair
saevio to rage, be furious, take violent action
sal salt, wit
salsus salty, witty
saltem at least, at all events
saltem at least
salus health, safety, well-being
saluto to wish well, greet, visit, reverence
salutor visitor, caller
salveo to be well, be in good health
salvus safe, sound
sanctifico to sanctify, make holy
sanctimonia purity, charity, virtue, sanctity, sacredness
sanctimonialis nun, sister

sanctus holy, sacred, saint
Sanctus Egidius St. Gilles
Sanctus Eleutherius St. Eligius
Sanctus Rodoenus St. Ouen
sane rationally, sensibly, really, indeed, to be sure
sane rationally, soberly /really, indeed
sanitas health, soundness of mend, sanity
sano to heal
Santiago st. james
sanus sound, healthy, sane
sapiens wise, judicious
sapiens a wise man, philosopher
sapienter wisely, judiciously
sapientia wisdom
sarcina bundle, pack, burden, load
satago to pay a creditor, satisfy a creditor
satago have one's hands full, have enough to do
satio to satisfy, sate
satis enough, sufficient /sufficiently
sato to sow, plant
satura satire
saturo to fill, satisfy
satus origin, start, beginning /planting, sowing
scaber scabby, rough
scabies the itch, mange, a rash
scaccarium chessboard, game of chess
Scaldus Scheldt
scamnum bench, stool
scaphium (sciphus pot, bowl, drinking vessel
scapulare sword-belt
scapulus the shoulder
sceleratus to pollute with guilt
scelestus wicked, accurse, infamous, criminal
scelus sceleris crime, sin, evil deed, wickedness
schola school /elite troop of soldiers
scientia knowledge, science, skill
scilicet rightly, it is just
scilicet evidently, certainly, of course, no doubt
scindo to cut, rend, split/divide, separate
scio to know, understand
scisco investigate, ask, inquire/ vote, ordain, resolve
scribo; scripsi scriptum to write, compose
scrinium bookcase, case for papers
scriptor writer, author, scribe
se astringo to commit oneself to
se gero to conduct oneself, conduct, carry on
se habere to keep oneself
secedo to go apart, withdraw
secerno secrevi secretum to separate
seco to settle (as to settle an argument)

seco to cut, hurt, wound, amputate, divide, part
secundum following, after, during, according to
secundum after, behind
secundum accordingly, in an accordance with
secundus second
securis axe, hatchet, battle-axe
securus safe, secure, free from care, unworried
secus just so
secus otherwise, not so
secus wrongly, badly, not as one would wish
secus + atque or quam differently from, otherwise than
secuutus follower, pursuer
sed but/ and indeed, what is more
sedeo sedi sessum to sit
seditio dissension, quarrel, insurrection, mutiny
sedo to settle, smooth, calm, allay
seductor seducer
seges wheatfield, wheat crop, field of wheat
semel a single time, for the first time, even once
semen-inis seed, kin
semper always, ever
senectus old age, dotage
senex senis old, aged, old man
sensus feeling, sense
sententia opinion, thought, way of thinking, meaning
sentio to judge, suppose, vote
sentio feel, perceive, experience, hold an opinion
seorsum apart, separately
sepelio to ruin, destroy, bury
septem seven
sepulchrum grave, tomb, sepulcher
seputus buried, sunk, immersed
sequax following, attending, pursuing
sequor sequi secutus to follow, trail
serio seriously
serius serious, grave, solemn
sermo discussion, talk, common talk, conversation
sero to sow, plant. Also, late, at a late hour
servio to be a slave to, serve
servitus serviude, slavery
servo to watch over, keep, protect, observe, save
servus slave, serf
sese himself, herself, itself
sesqui one and a half times
sessio sitting down, loitering, hanging around /chair
severitas severity, rigor, sternness, strictness
si if
sibimet to them themselves
sic so, thus /yes, that is so, that is right
sicco to dry up, out

siccus dry, thirsty/ sober, temperate
sicut as, just as, as it were
sidus constellation, star
signum sign, seal, indication, sign/ mark /token
silens silent, still
silenti etc the dead
silentium silence, stillness, quiet, repose, obscurity
sileo to be still
silex silicis (med. cilicis) hard stone, sharp, rock, flint
siligo wheat, wheat flour
silva woods, forest
similis similar, like, resembling
similis like, similar, resembling
similitudo likeness, resemblance/ uniformity
simplex simple, unaffected
simul together
simul at once, at the same time, together
simul atque as soon as
simulatio pretense
sine without
singularis alone
singularis alone of its kind, solitary /machless, unique
singulariter one by one, exceedingly, especialy
singuli one each, one apiece, single, separate
singultim stammeringly
singultus sobbing, gasping, death rattle
singulus single, separate, one at a time, one each
sino allow, suffer, permit, let
sinus curve, fold, bend /pocket, lap /bay
siquidem since, indeed
sis if you wish, are willing, want, prefer
sitio to be thirsty
sitis thirst, dryness, drought, eager desire
sive on the one hand, but if, if...or if
sive seu or if
socer father in law
socius partner, comrade, associate, ally, fellow
socius sharing, associated, allied
socius-i companion
socus plowshare
sodalitas fellowship, companionship, secret society
sol solis sun
soleo to be accustomed, be used to
solitas lonliness, solitude, being alone
solito to be accustomed, to have the habit of
solitudo loneliness, solitude
solitus accustomed, usual, habitual, ordinary, customary
solium chair of state, throne / bath-tub
sollers clever, skillful
sollicite anxiously, worriedly

sollicito to stir up, incite, arouse
sollicitudo uneasiness, anxiety, disquiet, apprehension
sollicitudo concern, anxiety, solicitude, worry
sollicitus uneasy, worried, anxious, restless, agitated
sollicitus troubled, anxious, concerned, worried
solum alone, only
solum land, country, soil, ground/ bottom, floor
solus alone, only, the only
solutio loosening /payment /solution /explanation
solvo to loosen, untie, release, free, dissolve
somniculose sleepily, drowsily
somniculosus sleepy, drowsy
somniculosus sleepy, drowsy
somnio to dream /(+ acc.) to dream of
somnio to dream /+ imagine foolishly
somnium a dream, fancy /foolish nonesense
somnium dream, fancy, day-dream /foolishness, nonsense
somnus sleep
sonitus noise, sound
sophismata falso conclusions, logical fallacies
sopor deep sleep
sordeo to be dirty, appear vile
sordes filth, meanness, stinginess
sordesco to become dirty
sortitus casting lots, deciding by lot
spargo sparsi sparsum scatter, strew, spread
spatior to stoll, walk around, take a walk, amble
specialis secret
specialissimus very strange, peculiar, individual
specialitas special friendship /peculiarity
speciosus beautiful, handsome
spectaculum spectacle, show
specto to look at, watch, see/aim at, tend towards
speculum mirror
specus cave, cavern, grotto, den
spensa storehouse
spera hopes
sperno sprevi spretum to scorn, despise, spurn
spero to hope for, hope
spes hope
spiculum sharp point, sting, spear, dart
spiritus breath, breathing /life /spirit
spoliatio plundering, looting, stripping, robbing
spolio to strip, plunder, despoil, rob, loot
spolium spoils, plunder, booty
sponte willingly, of one's own accord, unaided
St. Richarius St. Riquier
stabilis firm, stable, steadfast
stabilitas firmness, stability, durability
Stabulaus Stavelot

statim instantly, immediately
statim firmly, steadfastly, on the spot, at once
statua statue, image
statuo to give a ruling, make an arrangment, decide
statuo to hold, to establish
statuo to cause to stand, establish, place, set up
status stage
stella star
sterilis barren, useless, unproductive
stilla a drop (of liquid)
stillicidium dripping moisture, rainwater from the eaves
stilus a pike, pale /a stylus for writing /writing
stipatio a crowd of attendants, a following
stipator an attendant of a nobleman
stipatores following, retinue, attendants, bodguard
stipes log, stump, tree trunk, branch, post, club
stipo to compress /to press around
stips small coin, gift
sto to stand, stand still, stand firm
stolide stupidly
stolidus dull, obtuse, dull-witted, dumb
strages massacre, bloodbath, carnage /debris
strenuus brisk, active, vigorous/ turbulent, restive
strues piles, heaps, masses
studio to study, pursue eagerly, be eager for
studiose eagerly
studium eagerness, zeal
stultus foolish /a fool
suadeo to recommend, advise (a person)
suasoria persuasive discourse
sub under, up under, close to
subcribo to write beneath, sign /prosecute
subcriptio subscription, signature / register
subdo to subject to
subiecto to put down, to put under
subito adv. suddenly, unexpectedly
subitus sudden, unexpected
subiungo to yoke beneath, join, attach, subdue, subjugate
subjectio forgery, falsehood
subjungo to join, yoke
subligo to bind below, bind on
sublime on high, aloft
sublimis lofty, raised, elevated, sublime
sublimitas loftiness, height, elevation, sublimity
subluceo to gleam faintly, glimmer, glow
subluo to wash beneath /(rivers) flow beneath
sublustris faintly glimmering, faintly gleaming
subnascorto grow out of
subnecto to bind on beneath, to tie
subnego faintly deny, partially refuse

subnixus subnisus propped up, supported
subnoto to mark beneath, notice secretly
subnuba a rival
subnubilus partly cloudy, somewhat cloudy
subo to be in heat
subobscenus risque, faintly obscene
subobscurus somewhat obscure
subodiosus rather unpleasant
suboles shoot, sprout, offspring, progeny
subolesco to grow up, mature
suborior to arise in succession
suborno to furnish, equip, provide /instigate secretly
subrepo surrepo to creep up or crawl up from below
subrideo subrisi subrisum to smile
subrigo; subrexi subrectum to raise up, elevate
subringor to make a face
subruo subruti subrutum to undermine, overhtrow, destroy
subseco to cut away, pare
subsentio to notice secretly
subsequens ensuing, following
subsequor to follow after
subservio to be subject to, comply with
subsidarius in reserve
subsidium reserve troops, auxiliary troops /support, help
subsido to crouch down, settle, sink
subsilio toleap up, spring up
subsisto to stand, withstand /stop, halt, cease /stay
substantia substance, essence, means of subsistence
substerno to spread out beneath, lay under, set out
substo to stand form
substrictus narrow, contracted, small
substringo to draw together, bind up
substructio base, foundation
substruo to build beneath, lay a foundation
subsulto to spring up, leap up
subsum subesse to be near, close at hand, be under, be subject
subter supter below, beneath, underneath
subterfugio to escape
subterlabor to glide away, flow under, slip away, escape
subvenio to come up to aid, relieve
subvenio to come to the aid, succor, relieve, help
subvertio to destroy, overthrow
succedo to approach, submit, etc. etc
succendo to kindle, set afire from below
successio succeeding, succession, descent, descendant
succurro to run up under /aid, assist, help
sufficio to be sufficient, suffice, be enough
suffoco to strangle, choke, suffocate
suffragium vote, franchise /approval support, aid
suggero to bring up, supply, provide, add

sui himself, herself, itself
sulum each, every
sum fui futurus to be, exist
summa the highest part /whole, sum
summisse humbly, softly, calmly, modestly
summissus (from summitto) let down, lowered, gentle, mild
summitto to condescend, submit /raise, rear
summitto to send as help /to send secretly
summitto to let down, lower /subject, subordinate
summopere very much, exceedingly
sumo to take, choose, obtain, buy./ take for granted
sumptus expense, cost
supellex supellectilis furniture, apparatus, gear
super over, above /concerning, about
super over, above, besides, beyond, moreover
superabundo-avi to be very abundant
superbia pride, arrogance
superbus overbearing, arrogant, haughty, proud
superficies surface, top
superfluo flow over, overflow, be superfluous
superna northeast by north wind
superne from above, above
supernus above, superior
supero to be above, have the upper hand, surpass
superstes survivor of another's death
supersum to be superfluous, to remain
supervacuus superfluous, unnecessary
supervenio to arrive, come up, arrive unexpectedly
suppellex suppellectilus household articles, furniture, goods
suppellex suppellectilus ornaments
supplanto to trip up
supplex kneeling, entreating, suppliant
supplicium punishment
suppono subpono to put in place of, substitute, forge
suppono subpono to put under, subject /put next to, add
supra above
surculus shoot, sprout
surgo surrexi surrectum to get up, arise
sursum upwards
sursum deorsum up and down
suscipio to raise up, maintain, support, accept, receive
suscipio take up, support, raise /accept /undertake, begin
suscitatio rekindling, awakening
suscito to stir up, arouse, excite
suscriptor the signer of a document
susicivus left over, to spare, extra, superfluous
suspectus suspected
suspendo suspendi suspensum to suspend, hang
suspicio to look upward at, esteem, respect /to suspect
suspiro to sigh, draw a deep breath /long for

sustento to maintain, sustain
sustineo to hold up, sustain, endure
sustituo to put next, put under, put in place of
suus sua suum his, her, its, their own
synagoga synagogue
tabella writing tablet
tabellae letter, document
tabernus booth, hut, cottage, hove, small shop, inn
tabesco to melt, waste away, pine, be spoiled
tabgo tetigi tactum to touch
tabula board, plank, gaming board, painted panel
taceo to be silent, say nothing, pass over
taceo tacuitacitum to be silent, leave unmentioned
tactus sense of feeling, touch
taedium; tedium disgust, weariness, boredom
talarius having to do with dice or dice-playing
talea rod, stick, stake, bar /cutting, slip
talio; -onis retribution
talis of such a kind, such
talus the ankle, ankle bone
tam adv, so, to such a degree
tam to such a degree, so, so far
tam ... quam as ... as possible
tamdiu for such a long time
tamen however, but
tamen nothwithstanding, nevertheless, yet, still
tametsi even if, although
tamquam tanquam as, just as, like as, just as if
tandem at last, finally
tango-tetigi-tactum to touch, touch upon, to speak of
tanquam adv, just as, as if, like as
tantillus so little, so small
tantum only
tantummodo only just, just so long as
tantundem adv, just so much, just as far as
tantus so large, so great, of such a size
tardus slow, late, tardy
Taruennam Therouanne
tego texi tectum to cover, bury, conceal, hide, protect, shield
tela a web, that which is woven, cloth, tissue
telum javelin, spear, arrow, bolt, dart
temerarus rash, imprudent, heedless
temeritas rashness, temerity
temperantia moderation, self-control, temprance
tempero be moderate, control oneself
tempero to mix properly, temper, regulate, mitigate
tempero o control, use with moderation, spare
tempero to keep from, refrain from
tempestas storm, weather
templum sacred precinct, temple

temporalis-e transitory
temptatio trial, temptation
tempus temporis time, stage, epoch, era
tenax grasping, stingy, cligning, frugal, obstinate
tendo to direct, try, attempt, stretch, extend, present
teneo to hold, keep, possess, maintain
teneo to keep on, persist, persevere, endure
teneo to grasp, know, understand
tener tenera tenerum tender, delicate, soft, young
tentatio-onis trial, attack, duration, temptation, judgement
tenuis thin, slight, feeble, slim, slender
tenura holding, tenure, feudal holding
tenus as far as, up to, to, down to
tepesco to cool, grow lukewarm, decrease
tepidus warm, luke-warm, tepid
ter three times, thrice
terebro to bore through, perforate
teres rounded, polished, smooth, fine, elegant
terga dare to flee, retreat, run awar
tergeo tergo tersi tersum to wipe, scour, clean
tergiversatio backwardness, reulctance, evasion
tergo (a tergo ) in the rear, fom behind
tergum skin, hide
tergum back, rear
tergus the back /skin, hide, leather
termes a tree branch (especially olive)
terminatio termination, determination
termino restrict, define, close, set a limit to
terminus a boundary mark, limit, end, border
tero trivi tritum to rub, wear out
terra earth, ground, land, country, soil
terrenus-a-um earthly, temporal
terreo to frighten, terrify, scare away, deter
territo to fighten, terrify, intimidate
territo to scare, frighten, intimidate
terror friight, fear, terror
tersus clean, neat, correct
tertius third
testimonium proof, evidence, witness, indication
testis one who gives evidence, witness
texo to weave, twine together, plait, construct
texo the main verb for weaving of cloth
textilis woven fabric, piece of cloth
textor textrix weaver
textus woven cloth, web
thalassinus sea-green
theatrum theater
theca case, envelope, covering
thema subject, topic, theme
thema thematis theme

theologus theologian
thermae warm springs, warm baths
thesaurus treasure, horde /store-room, treasury
thesis proposition, thesis
thorax breastplate
thymbra the herb savory
thymum the herb thyme
timeo to fear, be afraid, dread
timidus fearful, timid
timor fear, dread, object causing fear
titulus label, title, placard
to distraho to break up, dissolve
tolero to tolerate, bear, endure, sustain
tollo sustuli sublatumto lift up, raise, elevate, carry away
tonsor barber
Tornacense Tournai
torpeo to be sluggish, inert, numb, inactive, immoveable
torqueo to twist, curl, rack, torture, torment, distort
tot so many
tot so many
totidem just as many
toties; totiens so many times, so often
toto all togther, completely towards
totus whole, entire, complete, all
traba a beam of wood, a timber /tree-trunk, ship
tractare to handle, manage, perform
tracto to drag, handle /treat, discuss, deal with
tractus course, progress, movement /space, time
tractus a dragging, drawing, pulling /territory, tract
trado surrender /hand over /transmit, teach
traho to drag, pull /derive, get
Traiectensium Utrecht
Traiectum Maastricht
trans across
transeo to go over, pass over, cross over, go past
transfero transtuli translatum carry across, transfer, convey
transitus crossing, passing over, transit /changing
transmitto to send, carry, or convey across
transporto send, carry, or convey across
tredecim thirteen
tremo to tremble, shake, shudder
trepide with trepidation, in confusion
tres tria three
Treverim Triers
tribuo to give out, divide, allot, assign, grant, give
tricesimus lasting three days
triduana lasting three days
triduanus three days' duration, lasting three days
triduum a period of three days
trilustralis lasting for fifteen years

tripudio to leap, jump
tripudium joy, rejoicing
tristifico to make sad, cause sadness, sadden
tristis sad, mournful, sowerful
triticeus sown in wheat
tritico thresh
triticus wheat
triumphus triumphal procession, triumph
trucido to kill cruelly, slay, butcher, massacre
truculenter wildly, savagely, fiercely, cruelly
trunco maim, mutilate, mangle /imperfect, not whole
tu you
tubineus cone shaped
tum at that time, then /thereupon, in the next place
tumbarius keeper of a tomb
tumbus tomb
tumeo to puff up, swell /to be pompous
tumesco to swell up with anger /swell, swell up
tumulo to bury, inter
tumulosus hilly
tumultus uprising, disturbance, riot, tumult
tumulus mound, grave, heap of earth
tunc then, at that time, next, and then
Tungris Tongres
turba uproar, disturbance /mob, crowd, multitude
turbatio disturbance, confusion
turbatus angered, exasperated/ disturbed, restless
turbo to disturb, upset, throw into disorder, confuse
turbo; onis hurricane. tornado, that which spins
turpe a disgrace
turpis foul, ugly, disgraceful, morally corrupt
tussio to cough
tussis a cough
tutamen defense, protection
tutela protection, guard, charge /guardianship
tutis protected, safe, secure
tyrannus tyrant, absolute ruler
ualeo to be able to, to succeed in (doing something)
uber productive, fertile, abundant, rich
uberrime most luxuriantly, most abundantly
ubertas bounty, plenty, abundance
uberte abundantly
ubi when, as soon as / wherein, whereby, whereas
ueraciter more veracious, more truly
ueratius more true
ulciscor to take vengeance for
ullus any
ulterius farther, more advanced, more remote
ultio ultionis avenging, punishment, revenge
ultra farther (than), more (than)

ultra beyond, on the far side of
ultrix avenging
umbra shade, shadow
umerus humerus shoulder, upper arm
umquam ever, at any time
una in one, together
uncia a twelfth, an ounce
unciatim little by little
unde whence, from where /how, from whom
undique from all sides, everywhere, on all sides
undisonus resounding, loud with waves
undo to surge, wave, undulate /to flood
unguentum salve, balm, ointment
universe generally, in general
universi all together
universitas the whole, total, universe, world /university
universum universe, the world
universus combined in one, whole, entire
unus one, only one, at the same time/ single, alone
upilio opilio shepher
urbanus urban, urbane, pertaining to the city
urbs urbis city
uredo blight of plants
uredo a plant blight
urino to dive
urinor a diver
usitas customary, usual
usque all the way, up (to), even (to)
usquequaque always
ustilo ustulo to burn, scorch
usura using, enjoying
usurpo to take for oneself, use, employ, enjoy /perceive
usurpo to obtain, acquire, get possession of
usus use, experience, skill, advantage, profit
ut when, as
uter either of the two
utercumque whichever of the two
uterlibet whichever of the two you wish
uterque both, each side, each party
uterus womb, belly, lower stomach
Uticensium Evroul
utilis useful, advantageous, helpful
utilitas utility, usefulness
utique at any rate, certainly, at least
utor uti usus to use, employ, possess, enjoy/ associate with
utpote seeing that, inasmuch as, inasmuch as, since
utrimque from both sides, on both sides
utroque to both sides
uxor wife, spouse
vaco to be free from work, of a master, of property

vacuus empty, devoid of, free from
vado go, hasten, rush
vae woe, alas, woe to
valde intensely, very much, extremely, greatly
valde strongly, powerfully /very, exceedingly
valde great, exceedingly
valens stong, powerful, healthy /able, worthwhile
valeo to be strong, have power, be well
valetudo health. good health, bad health
validus strong, robust, able
validus strong, mighty, powerful, exceeding
vallum palisade, earthen wall, entrenchment, rampart
vapulus flogged, beaten, knocked about
varietas variety, differences, diversity
varius various, varied
vastatio devastation, ravaging
vegetus lively, fresh, vigorous
vegrandis diminutive, small, tiny
vehemens violent, furious, impetuous
vehementer violently, forcefully, strongly, exceedingly
vehiculum conveyance, vehicle
veho to sail, ride, drive, etc
veho vexi vectum to carry, convey
vel vel ... vel either ... or
vel or, even, actually, for example
velamen covering, garment
veles light-armed troops
velico to pluck, twitch /criticize, taunt
velitatio skirmish, bickering, dispute, wrangling
velius hide, fleece, skin
vello to pull, pluck out
velociter quickly, rapidly, swiftly
velox quick, rapid, swift, fast
velum sail, covering, awning, curtain
velut just as, like, even as
vena vein /stream /vein of ore /streak
venalia venial sins /supplies
venalicium market
venalis to be sold, up for sale /a slave
venaliter by bribery, corruption
venatio hunting, game, the chase
venator hunter, huntsman
venditio sale /closing of a bargain
vendo to sell, offer for sale, advertise /betray
Vendolius Vendeuil
veneficus poisonous, magical /witch, wizard
venenifer poisonous
venenum drug, poison, potion
veneratio respect, reverence, honor, veneration
venia grace, indulgence, favor, pardon, forgiveness

venio to get into a certain state, to fall into
venio to come /happen, come about, come to pass /arise
veno for sale
venor to hunt
ventagium winnowing
venter the stomach, belly, abdomen
ventilo to fan /to wave something
ventio a coming
ventito to come often, to visit frequently
ventorium winnowing fan
ventosus full of wind, windy, breezy
ventulus breeze, soft wind
ventus wind, rumor, favor
venum for sale
venustas loveliness, charm, attractiveness, beauty
vepres thorn-bush, briar
ver spring, the production of spring
verbera blows, a beating, thrashing
verberantia a flogging
verbum word
vercundus bashful, modest
vere in fact, real, true
vere truly, really, actually, rightly
verecundia feeling of shame, shame, bashfulness
vereor to respect, fear, be in dread of, to be afraid
vergo to bend, incline, verge, to draw to an end
veritas truth
Vernandense Vermandois
vero in truth, indeed, to be sure /however
versus line, verse
verto to turn, turn around, turn up / to put to flight
verto to flee/ interpret, understand/ upset, overthrow
verum-i truth, truly, in fact
verumtamen verumptamen notwithstanding, nevertheless
verus true, real, proper, right
vesco; vescor to feed, to eat
vesica bladder, bladder-like tumor
vesper evening star, evening
vespera eening prayer, vespers
vespillo undertaker
vester vestra vestrum your, yours
vestigium footstep, trace, mark
vestio vestivi vestitum to clothe
vestis clothing, garment, covering, blanket, carpet
vetus old
vexamen shake-up, upheaval
vexillum flag, banner, standard /troop, company
vexo to vex, annoy, irritate /shake, toss
via road, way, street
viaticus pertaining to a journey, a journey /money

viator traveller /messenger
vicinus neighbor/ (med.) resident
vicissitudo change, alteration
victor victor, winner
victoria victory
victualia supplies, foodstuffs, provisions
victus living, manner of life / nourishment, food
videlicet it is clear/ (adv.) clearly, plainly, namely
videlicet of course, to be sure
video vidi visum to see, observe, understand, comprehend
videor to be seen, seem, appear
viduata deprived, widowed, bereft
viduatus widowhood
viduo to deprive
vieo to weave together, stitch, plait
vietus shriveled, withered, shrunken
vigilo to be awake, watch, be vigilant /to keep vigil
vigor vigor, liveliness
vilicus; villicus pertaining to an estate, overseer, steward
vilis cheap, worth little
vilitas cheapness, low-price, worthlessness
villa country house, country estate /(med.) manor
vinco vici victum conquer, overcome, master, win, surpass, excel
vinculum bond, fetter, tie
vindico to avenge, punish, liberate, deliver, protect
vindico to liberate, deliver/ punish, avenge/ claim
vindico (vindicatum) claim, arrogate, assume, appropriate
vinea vineyard
vinitor vine-dresser (a man who prunes grape vines)
vinum wine
vir man, hero, man of courage
virga a green twig, rod, stick, wand, broom, streak
virgo maiden, virgin, young girl
viridis green
viriliter manfully
virtus manliness, excellence, character, worth, courage
vis violence /a large number, quantity
vis vires (pl.) force, power, strength, might, influence
viscus flesh, internal organs, bowels, entrails, heart
visio likeness, face, visage
vita life, way of life
vitiosus vicious, full of vice, corrupt
vitium fault, vice, crime
vito to avoid, shun
vitualis-e manliness, virtures
vituperium insult
viva vox an oral statement
vivificus live-giving, life-restoring
vivo vixi victum to live, be alive
vix scarcely, hardly, with difficulty, barely

vociferor to cry aloud, shout
voco to call, summon, name invite
voco in dubium to call into question
volaticus winged, flying /inconstant, unreliable/ flighty
volatilis wuged, flying /swift, rapid /fleeting
volens willing, favorable
volito to rush back and forth, flutter
volo to fly, speed, move rapidly
volo to wish, want, will, ordain, suppose
volo (sibi velle) to mean, signify, denote
volubilis rapid, fluent, voluble
volubilis rolling, revolving, turning around /changeable
volubiliter fluently
voluntarius voluntary
voluntas wish, will, inclination / good will
voluntas last will, testament / meaning, sense
volup agreeably, pleasantly
voluptarius pleasant, one devoted to pleasure
voluptas pleasure
voluptuosus delightful, pleasurable
volutabrum pigsty, slough
volva womb (particularly that of a sow)
vomer plowshare
vomica ulcer, sore, boil /plague, curse
vomito to vomit, vomit forth, throw up
vorago chasm, pit, abyss
vorax gluttonous, voracious
voro to eat greedily, swallow up, consume
votum prayer, wish, desire /vow, promise to God
voveo vovi votum to promise to God, vow, pray for
vox vocis voice, word /(med.) power, right, authority
vulgaris common, ordinary, usual
vulgariter in the common way, ordinary manner
vulgivagus wandering, vagrant, intinerant
vulgo to spread, publish, impart, make accessible
vulgus the common people, mob, rabble
vulnero to wound, injure, hurt, harm
vulnus wound
vulpes volpes fox
vulticulus look, aspect, appearance
vultuosus grimacing, affected
vultus the face
vultus expression of the face, countenance, look
xiphias sword-fish
ymber rain shower, rain storm, pelting rain
ymo (immo) on the contrary, by no means/ by all means

WordGumbo Indo-European Comparative Indo-European



1. Tocharian Languages. Edited by V.Ivanov. Moscow, 1959.

2. Windekens, A.J., Le tokharien confronté avec les autres langues indo-européennes. Louvain, 1976.
3. Burlak, S. The Historical Phonetics of Tocharian languages. Moscow, 1995.
4. Gamkrelidze T., Ivanov V. Indo-European Language and Indo-Europeans. Moscow, 1984.
5. Fasmer, M. The etymological dictionary of the Russian language. Moscow, 1986.

Notes for Dictionary:

general - Common Tocharian or Tocharian A words
italic - Tocharian B words
á, í, ú - long [a], [i] and [u] sounds
ç - a sound like in Sanskrit açva or in English cashier
ä - a sound similar to German Käse (cheese) or English band
ñ - a soft [n'] sound
s' - palatal [s] usually written as a little line over it
n., m., r., s. - cerebral sounds
@ - the Indo-European 'schwa' sound

Dictionary (192):

açc- - a beginning, a start (Sanskrit ásad- - to get down, ádis - a start, Slavic *jézda - a riding)
ak, ek - an eye (IE *okw- - an eye)
akmal - a face (see ak + malañ)
amokyo - art (
asam.khe - a variety
as's'i - exactly (particle)
ats - exactly
ámpi - both (IE *ambh- + *bhó - both)
áñc - down
ánt - through, across
ánt, ánte - a forehead (IE *ant- - fore, forehead)
ant-api - both (see ámpi)
ákás'acc - to the sky
ánte - a plain
áre - a plough (IE *ár- - to plough)
árki , árkwi- - white (IE *arg'- - white, shining; silver)
ártimár - we should love
ásta - bones (IE *kost-, *ost- - a bone)
ati - grass (IE *ad- - to grow?)
bime - a thought, an idea
cake - a river (IE *tek- - to flow, to run)
ckácar, tkácer - a daughter (IE *dhutér- - a daughter)

çtwar, çtwer - four (IE *kwetwores - four)
e-, ai- - to give (IE *ay- - to give, to take)
eçane - an eye
ents-, en'k - to bear (IE *nek'- - to bear, to carry)
i- - to go (IE *ei- - to go)
íkam - twenty (IE *wíkmot - twenty)
kaklyus.u - on hearing (verbal adverb) (see klyos-)
kakmu - on coming (verbal adverb)
kaltr - he stops
käm- - to come (IE *gwem- 'come')
kam, keme - a ripple, a tooth (IE *gonbh- - a ledge)
känt, kant, kante - a hundred (IE *kmotom - a hundred)
kanwem - knees (dual, IE *genu- - a knee)
káryap - harm
kuryar, karyor - a purchase (IE *kwreya- - to buy)
kus - who? (IE *kwis - who)
käs - to go out, to extinguish (IE *gwes- - to extinguish)
kast - famine
kay-urs, ka-urs.e - a bull (IE *wers- - a bull)
kektseñe - a body
kerciye - a palace (IE *gher- - to stockade; a settlement)
kláw - to declare, to announce (IE *kleu- - to hear)
klots, klautso - an ear (IE *kleu- - to hear)
klyos- - to hear (IE *kleu- - to hear)
knán - to know (IE *gnó- - to know, from *gen- - kinship, a knee)
ko, keu - a cow (IE *gwou- - a bull)
krons'e - a bee (IE *k'ers- - an insect)
ksaise - old
ktsai - to grow old
ku - a dog (IE *kwon- - a dog)
kukäl, kokale - a wagon (IE *kwel- - round, a wheel)
kulmänts - reed (IE *k'al@m- - straw)
kuras', krost - cold (IE *krus- - an edge of ice?)
kwyall - why?
laks, läks - a fish (IE *lak'@s- - fish, a salmon)
lap - a skull (Greek lophos - a nape, a hill, Slavic lob - a forehead)
lip- - to remain, to stay (IE *leikw- - to stay)
lk-, lyk- - to see (IE *léuk- - to see, to look)
lw - a beast
lyukemo - illuminated (participle) (IE *leuk- - light)
lyutár - excessively (Welsh llid < *lúto- - rage, Russian lyuty - angry, terrible)
má - not (Greek má, mé - not, Sanskrit má - don't)
mácar, mácer - a mother (IE *mátér- - a mother)
makí - much (IE *mag'- - large, many)
malañ - a cheek
malk-, mälk - to milk (IE *melg-, *melk- - to milk)
malto - for the first time (IE *mal-/*mel- - a top)
malyw, mely - to press (IE *mel- - to grind)
mañ, meñe - a month (IE *men-es- - moon, a month)
mänt - how

mäs's'unt - brains (IE *mazgh- - brains)
men'ki - less (IE *manw- - small, little)
misa - meat, flesh (IE *méms- - meat)
mit - honey (IE *medhu- - honey)
nás - us (IE *nosmes - we)
ñkat, ñakte - a god (IE *nekt- - a deity)
ñom, nem - a name (IE *nem- - to call, to assign)
ñu - new (IE *newo- - new)
ñú - nine (IE *newno - nine)
nut, naut - to die (IE *náw- - a corpse, to die)
okat, okt - eight (IE *októ - eight)
oki - like (conjunction)
om-post-am. - after that (IE *po- - after)
onkaläm - an elephant
orkäm - gloom, darkness (Greek orphnos - dark, dark brown)
orto - up (Latin orior - I rise)
pältsäkk - a thought
pák, páke - a section (IE *bhag- - to share with smb)
pácar, pacer - a father (IE *pa'te'r - a father)
päk- - to cook, ripen (IE *pekw-/ *pokw- 'to cook')
päl, píle - a wound (IE *bhal- - ill, sick)
pält, pilta - a leaf (IE *bhel- 'leaf')
pañä, piç, pis' - five (IE *penkwe - five)
pant, pin.kce - fifth (see above)
papaks.u - something boiled (*pek-, *pekw- - to bake)
pärkär - long
pärwán, pärwáne - an eyebrow (IE *bhrú- - an eyebrow)
pärvat, pärwes.s.e - the oldest, a wizard (see parwe)
parno, perne - shining (participle)
parwe - at first (?) (IE *pro-wo- - forward, first)
pás, pásk - to graze (IE *pá-, *paH- - to secure, to graze)
pe, pai - a foot (IE *ped- - a foot)
pin'kam. - he writes (IE *peik'- - to draw signs)
plák - to be agree
plewe - a ship, a boat (IE *pleu- - to sail)
pokem. - a hand (IE *bhághu- - a hand)
por., puwar - fire (IE *paur- - inanimate fire)
porat, peret - an axe (IE *pelk'- - to chop) - could be borrowed from Iranian
pracar, procer - a brother (IE *bhrátér- - a brother)
prak, pärk - to ask (IE *prok'- - to ask)
pres'ciye - ooze
put-k - to judge, to divide (Latin putare - to think, Russian pytat' - to torture)
rake, reki - speech, a word (IE *rek- - to speak)
ratre, rtär, ratrem. - red (IE *reudh- - red, rust)
ri, riye - a city
rit - to search
s.äk, skas - six (IE *sweks - six)
s'äk, s'ek, s'ak - ten (IE *dekmot - ten)
sále, sályi - salt (IE *sal- - grey, dirty; salt)
sälk- - to pull out (IE *selk- - to drag, a furrow)

salu, sol - whole (IE *salw- - whole, healthy)
s.älyp, s.alype - fat, oil (IE *selp- - fat)
s.amáne - a monk
s'äm, s'ana - a wife (IE *gwen- - a wife, a woman)
s'ánmaya - he was proclaimed, - a sister (IE *swesór- - a sister)
särk, sark - an illness
sas, se, s.eme - one (IE *sem- - one, the only, alone)
s'cirye - starry
se, soyä - a son (IE *sú- - to be born)
se (masc.), sá (fem.), te (neut.) - this (IE *so, *sá, *tod - this)
s'is'kiss - a lion (
skente - they are (IE *es- - to be)
smimám. - smiling (participle) (IE *smey- - to laugh)
soma-, somo- - the same, similar (IE *smoo- - the same, some)
s.päm, s.päne - a dream (IE *swep- - to sleep, *swep-no- - a dream)
s.pät, sukt - seven (IE *septom - seven)
spin- - a hook, a peg (IE *spey- - a peg)
s.tám, stám - a tree (IE *stá- - to stand), s.tow - a stick (IE *stúp- - a branch, a stump)
su (masc.), sá (fem.), tu (neut.) - that (see se)
súwa - to eat (Slavic *z'vati - to chew, Latvian z'aunas - gills, Old High German kiuwen - to chew, Armenian
kiv - arboreal resin, Persian javiden - to chew)
suwam. - it is raining (IE *seu-, *su- - to rain, to flow)
swase, swese - rain (see above)
täm - this (IE *to- - demonstrative pronoun)
tän'k-, tan'k- - to interfere (IE *tnog- - heavy, hard)
tápärk - now (Russian teper' - now?)
tek - to touch
tetriwu - he pounds (IE *ter- - to rub)
tkam, kem - ground (IE *dhghom- - ground)
tmäk - that is why
tmäs' - then
träm-, tärm-, treme (pl.) - to shiver, a shiver (IE *trem- - to shake)
tri, traiy - three (IE *treyes, *trí - three)
trit, trite - thrice (see above)
tsar@ - a hand (IE *g'hesro- - a hand)
tsär - rough, shaggy (IE *khar- - sharp)
tsatsápau - warmed (participle) (IE *tep- - warm)
tsik - to generate
tsirauñe - power, strength
tsras'i - strong
tsu- - to link, to bind (IE *dhów- - to bind)
tu - thou (IE *tú - thou)
tumane, tumám. - ten thousand
tunk - love
wac - a quarrel, struggle (IE *wod- - to speak, to shout)
waiwalau - dizziness (IE *wel- - to turn, to twist)
wak, wek - voice (IE *wekw-/ *wokw- 'voice')
wäl, walo - a prince (IE *wal- - strong, powerful)

wäl - to die
walke - long
wälts, yaltse - a thousand
want, yente - to fly, to breathe
wáp - to weave
wär - water (IE *war- - water, wet)
warto, wärto - a garden, a grove (IE *wer- - to defend, to close)
wäs - gold
wätk-, watk- - to order (see wac)
wes - we (IE *wei- - we, me and you)
weskemane - speaking (participle)
wramm - a thing
wrauña - a crow
wu (masc.), we (fem.) - we two (see wes)
wu, wi - two (IE *duwo, *dwo - two)
yam, ya, yám - to do (Hittite aia- - to do)
yok - to drink
yokani - thirsting (participle)
ysar, ysár - blood (IE *esór- - blood)
ysäs. (3rd sg. pres.), yayásau (participle) - to boil (IE *yes- - to boil)
ytár (f) - a path, a way (see i-)
yuk, yakwe - a horse (IE *ekwo- - a horse)


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