Process Instrumentation and Control and Safety Aspects: Production of LPG From Natural Gas

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Production of LPG From Natural Gas




It has been said truly that a modern refinery could not be operated efficiently and
economically without automatic control and recording devices. Flow rates, temperatures
and pressures must be maintained continuously and with very small variations at so many
points in a plant that only an army of men could do the work, and not very well at that
Instruments make it possible to operate so large and intricate a refinery plant with only
three or four men on a shift and always to have a complete and faithful performance record

A list of the more important of such devices reads something like this: Flow and
liquid level controllers, indicators and recorders, gage glasses, pressure gages, recorders
and controllers, back-pressure controllers, and temperature recorders and controllers.
Temperatures can be determined in any necessary part of any equipment through the
installation of thermocouples, the lead wires of which end in a single panel of the
instrument board. Thermometers, installed in wells, give local temperatures. Pressure relief
valves are employed to safeguard the equipment against overpressures. All but the locally
mounted instruments have their indicating and recording parts installed on an instrument
board, often centrally located near the pumps.

Production of LPG From Natural Gas


Instruments are used in the chemical industry to measure process variables, such as
temperature, pressure, density, viscosity, specific heat, conductivity, pH, humidity, dew
point, liquid level, flow rate, chemical composition, and moisture content. Automatic
control is the norm throughout the chemical industry, and the resultant savings in labor
combined with improved ease and efficiency of operations has more than offset the added
expense for instrumentation. (In most cases, control is achieved through the use of high-
speed computers. In this capacity, the computer serves as a vital tool in the operation of the
plant.) Effective utilization of the many instruments employed in a chemical process is
achieved through centralized control, whereby one centrally located control room is used
for the indication, recording, and regulation of the process variables. Panel boards have
been developed which present a graphical representation of the process and have the
instrument controls and indicators mounted at the appropriate locations in the overall
process. This helps a new operator to quickly become familiar with the significance of the
instrument readings, and rapid location of any operational variance is possible.

1. Take special care with all flange faces and any gasket connections. Carefully
examine all the flanges on vessels. Be ready to re-machine some flange faces to
ensure perfect surface finish.
2. Conduct complete unit leak tests with water and with nitrogen. Correct even the
smallest leaks before start-up.
3. Install H2S and hydrocarbon sensors around the perimeter and at key points within
the unit to optimize leak detection.


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