The Passing of Bhishma
The Passing of Bhishma
The Passing of Bhishma
the old warrior. Bhishma fought furiously and, rushing forward overtook and held
and beat the Pandavas back. Krishna, casting both his arms around
The Pandava forces were thoroughly him. "Stop, Krishna," he cried. "Do not
demoralised and were flying hither and break your pledge. You have promised not
thither, like cattle that had lost their way to use weapons in this battle. This is my
in the forest. work. I shall not fail. I shall send my
Krishna halted the chariot and said to arrows and kill the beloved grandsire
Arjuna: "Partha, you and your brothers myself. Pray, mount the car and take the
were looking forward to this day, after reins."
thirteen years. Do not hesitate to kill the Arjuna took Krishna back and the battle
grandsire. Remember the duty of a was resumed. The Pandava forces had
soldier." been handled roughly, but now the sun
Arjuna bent his head down and, without was down in the west and the fighting
looking up, replied: "I would much rather ended for the day.
have continued to be an exile in the forest 73. THE PASSING OF BHISHMA
than kill the grandsire and the teachers IT was the tenth day of the battle. Keeping
whom I love, but I shall obey you. Drive Sikhandin in front of him, Arjuna attacked
on." Bhishma. When Sikhandin's darts pierced
Arjuna's heart was not in the fight. his breast, sparks flew from the grandsire's
Unwillingly and in great distress of mind, eyes.
he proceeded to the combat. Bhishma, on For a moment the old warrior's anger rose
the other hand, burnt fiercely like the like flaming fire and his eyes glared as if
noonday sun. to consume Sikhandin. But, at once, the
When the army saw Arjuna's chariot grandsire restrained himself.
proceed towards Bhishma, it regained He decided not to be provoked into
courage and order once again prevailed. fighting Sikhandin, who was born a
Bhishma's arrows came thick and fast and woman and to strike whom it seemed
covered the advancing chariot so unworthy of a warrior.
completely that neither horses nor He knew, however, his end was near and
vehicles could be seen. calmed himself. Sikhandin went on
Krishna was unperturbed and drove on discharging his arrows, not minding the
with circumspection and skill. Arjuna's battle of emotions in his opponent's mind.
shafts hit Bhishma's bow and shattered it Arjuna also steeled his heart, and from
many times. But the grandsire went on behind Sikhandin aimed arrows at the
renewing his weapon. weak points in Bhishma's armor, even
"You are not fighting, Arjuna, as you while the grandsire stood still.
should!" exclaimed Krishna, and jumped Bhishma smiled as the arrows continued
down in a rage from the chariot and, to come down thick on him, and turning to
taking up his discus, he advanced towards Duhsasana, said: "Ah, these are Arjuna's
the grandsire. arrows! These cannot be Sikhandin's, for
Bhishma saw Vasudeva approaching. they burn my flesh as the crab's young
"Hail, O Lotus-eyed One!" he cried. ones tear their mother's body."
"Blessed am I to be separated from the Thus did the grandsire look upon his dear
body by you! Come, come!" pupil's arrows and, while saying this to
Duhsasana, he took up a javelin and