Samarium Cobalt Magnets Datasheet

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Samarium Cobalt Magnets,

SmCo Magnets Datasheet

Samarium Cobalt magnets (SmCo) is the sister Rare Samarium Cobalt magnets (SmCo) may be weaker than
Earth Magnet to NdFeB. SmCo is sometimes called a NdFeB magnets at room temperature but SmCo will
Rare Earth Cobalt magnet. SmCo magnets exist in two often outperform NdFeB above +150 to +180 deg C
alloy varieties. (subject to the application and grade).
SmCo magnets are ideal for aerospace, automotive,
Sm1Co5 (SmCo1:5) is the original SmCo alloy. sensor, loudspeaker, motor and military applications.
Sm2Co17 (SmCo2:17) is the more common used and In mission critical applications they are an ideal first
stronger SmCo alloy with SmCo26 being the most choice.
popular variety. SmCo magnets offer minimal change in magnetic
output over a small temperature change (with far less
Sm1Co5 contains mainly Sm and Co and contains variation than NdFeB or ferrite; only Alnico is better).
no iron (Fe) so it has excellent corrosion resistance -it
should never corrode with water. The Low Temperature Coefficient (LTC) versions have
less variation in magnetic output with temperature
Sm2Co17 is mainly Sm and Co but also contains Cu, change (due to added Gd and Er).
Hf &/or Zr, sometimes Pr, and Fe. The low free iron
content in Sm2Co17 means it is technically prone to a SmCo magnets performance over a massive range of
little surface corrosion when in water. temperatures (from near to -273 deg C up to +350 deg
Sm2Co17 is regarded as having good to very good The H versions Sm2Co17 have higher Hci and operate
corrosion resistance (far superior to NdFeB) in most up to +350°C rather than +300°C.
applications. A simple coating of NiCuNi will very likely
solve any risk of corrosion. SmCo and NdFeB could be interchangeable e.g.
SmCo30 should perform very similarly to N30 at
ambient temperature.

A world leader in magnetic technology

Product Information

Sm1Co5 (1:5 alloy)

Typical Range of Values
Br Hc (Hcb) Hci (Hcj) BHmax
T kG kA/m kOe kA/m kOe kJ/m3 MGOe

SmCo16 (1:5) 0.81-0.85 8.1-8.5 620-660 7.8-8.3 1194-1830 15-23 110-127 14-16

SmCo18 (1:5) 0.85-0.90 8.5-9.0 660-700 8.3-8.8 1194-1830 15-23 127-143 16-18

SmCo20 (1:5) 0.90-0.94 9.0-9.4 680-725 8.5-9.1 1194-1830 15-23 150-167 19-21

SmCo22 (1:5) 0.92-0.96 9.2-9.6 710-750 8.9-9.4 1194-1830 15-23 160-175 20-22

SmCo24 (1:5) 0.96-1.00 9.6-10.0 730-770 9.2-9.7 1194-1830 15-23 175-190 22-24

SmCo18S (1:5) 0.85-0.90 8.5-9.0 660-700 8.3-8.8 1433-2000 18-25 135-151 17-19

SmCo20S (1:5) 0.90-0.94 9.0-9.4 680-725 8.5-9.1 1433-2000 18-25 143-160 18-20

SmCo22S (1:5) 0.92-0.96 9.2-9.6 710-750 8.9-9.4 1433-2000 18-25 160-175 20-22

Low Temperature Coefficient Sm1Co5 (1:5 alloy)

Typical Range of Values
Br Hc (Hcb) Hci (Hcj) BHmax
T kG kA/m kOe kA/m kOe kJ/m3 MGOe

SmCo10LTC (1:5) 0.59-0.63 5.9-6.3 460-493 5.8-6.2 1430-1830 18-23 68-80 8.5-10

Rev.Temp.Coef. of Induction (Br), a, %/°C :-

(+20 to +100°C) = -0.004, (+100 to +200°C) = -0.021, (+200 to +300°C) = -0.041.

A world leader in magnetic technology

Sm2Co17 (2:17 alloy)
Typical Range of Values
Br Hc (Hcb) Hci (Hcj) BHmax
T kG kA/m kOe kA/m kOe kJ/m3 MGOe

SmCo24L 0.95-1.02 9.5-10.2 557-716 7.0-9.0 636-955 8-12 175-191 22-24

SmCo26L 1.02-1.05 10.2-10.5 557-748 7.0-9.4 636-955 8-12 191-207 24-26

SmCo28L 1.03-1.08 10.3-10.8 557-765 7.0-9.9 636-955 8-12 207-220 26-28

SmCo30L 1.08-1.15 10.8-11.5 557-795 7.0-10.0 636-955 8-12 220-240 28-30

SmCo32L 1.10-1.15 11.0-11.5 557-810 7.0-10.2 636-955 8-12 230-255 29-32

SmCo26M 1.02-1.05 10.2-10.5 716-780 9.0-9.8 955-1273 12-16 191-207 24-26

SmCo28M 1.03-1.08 10.3-10.8 716-796 9.0-10.0 955-1273 12-16 207-220 26-28

SmCo30M 1.08-1.10 10.8-11.0 716-835 9.0-10.5 955-1273 12-16 220-240 28-30

SmCo32M 1.10-1.13 11.0-11.3 716-845 9.0-10.6 955-1273 12-16 230-255 29-32

SmCo22 0.93-0.97 9.3-9.7 676-740 8.5-9.3 >1433 >18 160-183 20-23

SmCo24 0.95-1.02 9.5-10.2 700-750 8.7-9.4 >1433 >18 175-191 22-24

SmCo26 1.02-1.05 10.2-10.5 750-780 9.4-9.8 >1434 >19 191-207 24-26

SmCo28 1.03-1.08 10.3-10.8 756-796 9.5-10.0 >1435 >20 207-220 26-28

SmCo30 1.08-1.10 10.8-11.0 788-835 9.9-10.5 >1436 >21 220-240 28-30

SmCo32 1.10-1.13 11.0-11.3 811 -845 10.2-10.6 >1194 >15 230-255 29-32

SmCo24H 0.95-1.02 9.5-10.2 700-750 8.7-9.4 >1990 >25 175-191 22-24

SmCo26H 1.02-1.05 10.2-10.5 750-780 9.4-9.8 >1990 >25 191-207 24-26

SmCo28H 1.03-1.08 10.3-10.8 756-796 9.5-10.0 >1990 >25 207-220 26-28

SmCo30H 1.08-1.10 10.8-11.0 788-835 9.9-10.5 >1990 >25 220-240 28-30

Low Temperature Coefficient Sm2Co17 (2:17 alloy)

Typical Range of Values
Br Hc (Hcb) Hci (Hcj) BHmax
T kG kA/m kOe kA/m kOe kJ/m3 MGOe

SmCo22LTC 0.94-0.98 9.4-9.8 668-715 8.4-9.0 1194-1591 15-20 161-183 21-23

Rev.Temp.Coef. of Induction (Br), a, %/°C :-

(-50 to +20°C) = +0.005, (+20 to +100°C) = +0.012, (+100 to +200°C) = +0.006, (+200 to +300°C) = -0.025.

A world leader in magnetic technology

Bonded Samarium Cobalt Magnets
These magnets are specially made to customer specified dimensions. There may be a tooling fee and also a
magnetising coil fee (depends on magnetic pattern required). They are usually most cost efficient when ordered in
high quantities (e.g. thousands). The binder limits the maximum operating temperature to +120°C as heat affects
this first.
Bonded Sm1Co5 (1:5 alloy)
Typical Range of Values
Br Hc (Hcb) Hci (Hcj) BHmax
T kG kA/m kOe kA/m kOe kJ/m3 MGOe

SmCoB6 0.4 4.0 280 3.5 800 10 30-50 3.8-6.3

SmCoB10 0.5 5.0 320 4.0 800 10 50-65 6.3-8.2

Bonded Sm2Co17 (2:17 alloy)

Typical Range of Values
Br Hc (Hcb) Hci (Hcj) BHmax
T kG kA/m kOe kA/m kOe kJ/m3 MGOe

SmCoB10 0.6 6.0 360 4.5 800 10 65-80 8.2-10.0

SmCoB12 0.7 7.0 400 5.0 800 10 80-95 10.0-12.0

Plastic Bonded SmCo

Typical Range of Values
Br Hc (Hcb) Hci (Hcj) BHmax
T kG kA/m kOe kA/m kOe kJ/m3 MGOe

SmCoP3 0.3-0.4 3.0-4.0 199-279 2.5-3.5 716-1194 9.0-15.0 20-28 2.5-3.5

SmCoP5 0.35-0.55 3.5-5.5 247-358 3.1-4.5 716-1194 9.0-15.0 32-52 4.0-6.5

SmCoP8 0.55-0.68 5.5-6.8 334-462 4.2-5.8 716-1194 9.0-15.0 48-64 6.0-8.0

Max Working Temperature

(Please note - your application will affect the performance available)
Material Maximum recommended

Sm1Co5 (1:5) +250 degrees C

Sm2Co17 (2:17) +250 (L) / +300 / +350 (H) degrees C

Bonded Sm1Co5 (1:5) +120 degrees C (binder fails)

Bonded Sm2Co17 (2:17) +120 degrees C (binder fails)
Plastic bonded SmCo +120 degrees C (binder fails)

Temperature coefficients (values given for 20-100 deg C)

Rev.Temp.Coef. of Induction (Br), a, %/°C Rev.Temp.Coef. of Intrinsic Coercivity (Hci), b, %/°C

-0.050 (Sm1Co5) -0.30 (Sm1Co5)

-0.045 (Sm1Co5 S) -0.28 (Sm1Co5 S)

-0.035 (Sm2Co17) -0.20 (Sm2Co17)

-0.050 (Bonded Sm1Co5) -0.25 (Bonded Sm1Co5)
-0.030 (Bonded Sm2Co17) -0.20 (Bonded Sm2Co17)
-0.040 (Plastic Bonded SmCo) -0.20 (Plastic Bonded SmCo)

A world leader in magnetic technology

Corrosion Resistance
Corrosion resistance:- SmCo(1:5) Exellent (has no iron); SmCo(2:17) Good to Very Good (has some free iron).
SmCo magnets can usually be used in humid applications without any need for a protective coating. In wet
envrironments, coating of SmCo(2:17) in NiCuNi is recommended to avoid surface corrosion issues. NiCuNi plated
SmCo is claimed by some to limit chipping and allows for soldering as well but is rarely done.

Physical Characteristics (excluding bonded variants)

Characteristic Symbol Unit Value
Density Sm1Co5 D g/cm 3
Density Sm2Co17 D g/cm 3
Vickers Hardness Sm1Co5 Hv D.P.N. 500-600
Vickers Hardness Sm2Co17 Hv D.P.N. 450-500
Compression Strength Sm1Co5 C.S. N/mm2 900-1000
Compression Strength Sm2Co17 C.S. N/mm2 650-800
C// 10 /°C
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Sm1Co5
10 /°C
C// 10-6/°C 8-10
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Sm2Co17 T
C 10-6/°C 11
Electrical Resistivity Sm1Co5 r µ Ω.cm 5-6

Electrical Resistivity Sm2Co17 r µ Ω.cm 80-90

Electrical Conductivity Sm1Co5 s 106S/m 16.6-20
Electrical Conductivity Sm2Co17 s 106S/m 1.11-1.25
Thermal Conductivity Sm1Co5  k kCal/(m.h.°C) 11
Thermal Conductivity Sm2Co17  k kCal/(m.h.°C) 10
Specific Heat Capacity Sm1Co5  c kCal/(kg.°C) 0.08
Specific Heat Capacity Sm2Co17  c kCal/(kg.°C) 0.09
Tensile Strength Sm1Co5 sUTS or SU  kg/mm 2
Tensile Strength Sm2Co17 sUTS or SU  kg/mm 2
Young’s Modulus Sm1Co5  l/E 1011N/m 2
Young’s Modulus Sm2Co17  l / E 1011N/m 2
Flexural Strength Sm1Co5 s N/mm 2
Flexural Strength Sm2Co17 s N/mm 2
Compressive strength Sm1Co5 s N/mm2 650
Compressive strength Sm2Co17 s N/mm 2
Rigidity  E.I N/m 2
Poisson’s Ratio n 0.27
Curie Temperature Sm1Co5 Tc °C  700-750
Curie Temperature Sm2Co17 Tc °C  800-850

A world leader in magnetic technology

Example of a BH curve (second quadrant demagnetisation)
SmCo - SmCo26H grade 1kA/m=12.5665Oe, 1kOe=79.5775kA/m
Pc=B/H=1 Pci=Pc+1=2 1T=10kGauss, 1 Gauss=0.1mT
Minimum Values (at 20°C):-
Br=10.2kGauss (1.02T) 14
Hc=9.4kOe (748kA/m)
Hci>25.0kOe (>1990kA/m) 13
BHmax=24MGOe (191kJ/m3)
+350°C max working temp 12

Induced Field (Flux Density), B (kGauss)

Example BH curve shown
-40°C Intrinsic Br
Intrinsic working point
+20°C Intrinsic Bdi
+20°C Normal 'Knee'
+80°C Intrinsic
+150°C Intrinsic 6

+180°C Intrinsic Normal working point

+200°C Intrinsic 4

+250°C Intrinsic 3

+300°C Intrinsic 2

+350°C Intrinsic



Hci Hc Hd
Applied Field (Demagnetising Field), H (kOe)

Additional Notes
SmCo magnets will outperform NdFeB magnets at temperatures above +150 to +180 degrees C.

SmCo magnets can be used at cryogenic temperatures (i.e. towards absolute zero, -273 degrees C).

The magnet shape, its environment, and the actual application affect how the NdFeB magnet will perform. Tem-
perature is important as well as damp or wet conditions.

When determining suitability, you should analyse the Intrinsic curve not the Normal curve.

By keeping the intrinsic working point above the ‘knee’ and ideally at the BHmax working point maximum per-
formance is possible.
If you have any more questions, require technical assistance and would like a quotation, simply contact us.

Although we have made every attempt to provide accurate information, we do reserve the right to change any of
the information in this document without notice.

We cannot accept any responsibility or liability for any errors or problems caused by using any of the information

If you have any more questions, require technical assistance and would like a quotation,
simply contact us.
Eclipse Magnetics Ltd, Atlas Way, Sheffield, S4 7QQ, England
T +44 (0)114 225 0600 F +44 (0)114 225 0525 E [email protected]
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication please note that specifications may change without notice.

A world leader in magnetic technology

A Spear & Jackson Company

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