π. Prove that π is an automorphism of G if and only if P A = AP - (7 marks)

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Section B

4. Let G be a graph on n vertices and let A be the adjacency matrix of G.

Let π be a permutation of V (G) and P the permutation matrix representing
π. Prove that π is an automorphism of G if and only if P A = AP . [7 marks]
Suppose, from now on, that π is an automorphism of G. Show that if x
is an eigenvector of A corresponding to the eigenvalue λ, then P x is also an
eigenvector of A corresponding to λ. [3 marks]
Deduce that if λ is a simple eigenvalue of A and x is a corresponding
eigenvector with real components, then P x = ±x. [7 marks]
Hence show that if all eigenvalues of G are simple, then every non-trivial
automorphism of G has order 2. [7 marks]
Suppose now that the permutation π has s cycles of odd length and t
cycles of even length, when written as a product of disjoint cycles. Prove
that the number of simple eigenvalues of G is at most s + 2t. [10 marks]

5. (a) Show that if the automorphism group of a graph G contains a sub-

permutation group Γ acting regularly on V (G) then G is a Cayley graph of
Γ with respect to some S ⊆ Γ with S = S −1 . [10 marks]
(b) Let Γ be a finite group and S ⊆ Γ a generating set of Γ with S = S −1 .
Let G be the Cayley graph of Γ with respect to S. Show that if φ is an
automorphism of Γ such that φ(S) = S, then φ is also an automorphism of
the graph G. [7 marks]
(c) Now let G be any graph, and let Γ =Aut(G). Suppose Γ is abelian
and acts transitively on V (G). Show that Γ is an elementary abelian 2-
group. [You may assume that if an abelian subgroup of SY (the group of all
permutations on Y ) acts transitively on Y then it also acts regularly.] [7
(d) Let G be a connected cubic Cayley graph Cay(Γ, S) of an abelian
group Γ, and suppose that G has order 2n which is greater than 8. Show
that the elements of S are of the form α, β, β −1 where the order of α is 2 and
that of β is greater than two. Show also that the order of β is either n or
2n. [10 marks]

6. (a) Let G be a graph without isolated vertices. Show that the deck of G
is uniquely determined from the edge-deck of G.
[Any form of Kelly’s Lemma, if required, may be quoted without proof.] [12
(b) Assuming that the minimum degree δ of a graph G is reconstructible
from its edge-deck, show that a graph G is edge-reconstructible in each of
the following cases.
(i) G contains two adjacent vertices both of degree δ; [2 marks]

(ii) G contains a (δ + 1)-vertex adjacent to two δ-vertices; [5 marks]

(iii) G contains a triangle with one δ-vertex and two (δ + 1)-vertices. [3


(c) A graph is said to have property EAk if G − A 6' G − B for any

two distinct subsets A, B of E(G) with |A| = |B| = k. Prove that if G
has property EA3 then it can be reconstructed from any two edge-deleted
subgraphs in its edge-deck. [12 marks]

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