SAP Table Relations
SAP Table Relations
SAP Table Relations
This section includes an exercise on look and feel of SAP HANA Studio. In this exercise you will log on to the
WTS server, and get familiar with navigating in SAP HANA Studio. You will complete the exercise by creating
your own Information Package.
1. If you logon via VDI landscape please follow the instruction given by your instructor otherwise logon to the WTS
• Go to Start-Menu
• Start menu: Choose Common-Training
3. In the next screen you have to choose one of the available remote desktop servers.
Note: Type the name of the Server (specified by your instructor).
• Click → Connect.
4. In the Remote Desktop Connection dialog box enter user name and password given by the instructor.
.5. Now you are on the right desktop and can start the SAP HANA Studio by going to Start → Studio.
Note: If your HANA system is not properly connected to the SAP HANA Studio (status is red), choose Refresh
from the context menu If necessary, close and reopen the SAP HANA Studio.
10. The first customization you should do is now to adjust the default setting of the
default client in the studio preferences
Therefore go in the top menu and choose Window → Preferences...
11. Next, expand the Modeler node in the tree and click on Default Model Parameters
Now ensure that the client is 800.
• Maybe you must change it from dynamic to 800. Press the button Apply.
12. The whole perspective setup can be maintained via the Window menu on top.
• You have access via Window → Open Perspective → Other to all pre-delivered and saved perspectives.
• Please, open Modeler perspective.
13. To switch easily between different perspectives you can click on the toolbar on top on
the corresponding button
14. For the SAP HANA Studio the central point of Access is the Navigator View, which is
usually placed on the left side of the screen.
• In the Navigator tree you can incorporate several SAP HANA instances directly connected with the
appropriate user.
• Note that there are two main sections in the navigation tree.
Note: The Content node is only visible inside the Modeler perspective.
4. Use transaction RSA1 and navigate to your Info Area BW Training → User
Area → Group ##. Create your own DSO.
• Technical name: U##DSO1
• Description: U## DSO for Purchase Orders
• Use 0EPM_DS01 as a template.
(NULL not O)
Activate your new DSO Object.
You have now created a new standard (non-HANA-optimized) DSO.
6. Get the table names from your standard DSO. Write down the “table names”.
7. Open SAPCIA schema in the HANA modeler and find the original DSO table on DB side. Use the filter
dialog to find them.
8. Open the table definition and the data preview for you tables to control the content.
9. Click on the Export SQL icon to display the corresponding SQL statement in the table definition screen. The
SQL statement describes the create procedure for this table.
10. Control the volume of the “Active” table in the “Runtime” tab based on the “Definition” view
.Your active table has no data records at the moment.
11. Back to the BW system, create a dataflow for your DSO object and connect the DSO with the existing Data
Source 0EPM_PO.
Navigate to DSO 0EPM_DS01.
(NULL not O)
12. Use the dataflow copy tool to copy the transformation Choose Downwards and No to skip the collection of
DTPs and Info Packages.
13. Click on Continue for the first steps and choose YOUR DSO U##DSO1 as a target.
17. Create a DTP for loading data from the existing Data Source 0EPM_PO into your DSO. The Data Source
already contains data Set the DTP to Extraction Mode Full (to allow for several data loads of he same data for
comparison between non-HANA-optimized DSO and HANA-optimized DSO).
18. Start the DTP and check the load process.
19. Activate your DSO data and check the performance via activation log.
22. Choose your DSO U##DSO1 and the displayed settings and start the migration process
23. Open DSO Maintenance. Check Settings. Should be “In-memory optimized” and SID-enabled = “SID
generation during activation””. If not SID-enabled: Check the setting and re-activate DSO
24. Start the DTP again. Activate the data and check the activation log again.
26. Where you can find the Changelog on HANA side now?
It is a “Column View.
3. Choose your new cube U##CUBE1 as the target of the transformation and your DSO U##DSO1 as a
source. Activate the transformation.
4. Create a DTP using standard settings and load the data from your DSO into your cube.
7. Check the Info Cube tables directly on HANA side. Use the SAP HANA Studio and define a filter for your
cube (Schema SAPCIA).
2. You want to create HANA optimized DSO objects. Please mark the corresponding checkbox.
8. Complete the transformation and assign 0D_NW_CA to 0CALDAY. Activate your transformation
10. Use “Data Store Object” as Data Source and save the template.
11. Assign your DTP template to all DSO Part Providers. Generate all DTPs.
13. Assign your four DTPs per drag and drop to your process chain.
14. Generate the process chain. Use the default start process and set the parameter for scheduling to
1. Create a Virtual Provider in your Info Area U## to support direct reporting on a HANA View.
4. Choose following Info Objects direct and add them to the data model to create a smart view into the data.
5. Dimension 1
6. Key figures
7. Assign the HANA attributes and key figures to the BW Info Objects (mapping).
8. First the attributes. Please use the F4 value help.
9. Second the key figures.
10. Activate your new Virtual Provider. Ignore warning messages about field length.
11. Display data based on RSA1. Select some fields for preview.
Exercise : 7 - TransientProvider:-
1. Create a Transient Provider for direct reporting on a HANA model via BEx or BI reporting without any
additional BW content in RSA1
First, create your own HANA model, creating a copy from an existing analytic view in HANA studio
3. Switch to the BW system and call transaction RSDD_HM_PUBLISH. Create a new Analytic Index
.Catalog (package): training.general
SAP HANA Information Model: Analytical View SALES_DATA_##
Click on Create.
4. Confirm the suggestion for naming for the Analytic Index (Transient Provider), i.e., SALES_DATA_##.
6. Check the new Transient Provider by using a BEx report. Start the BEx Query Designer: Start → All
Programs → Business Explorer→ Query Designer
Hint: If you change something in your Analytic Index or create another one sometimes you must restart the
Query designer for refresh.
9. Create and save a query U##_TP1, using your own suggestions for columns and rows. Test your query via
transaction RSRT in BW.
Exercise : 8 - CompositeProvider:-
Exercise : 9 - DB Connect:-
In RSA1, navigate to the Data Sources tree for the DB Connect source system
Type DB user _SYS_STATISTICS (upper case) and select the HANA internal table HOST_VOLUME_FILES.
4. Please check all data types that have been assigned by the proposal. Change four of them according to the
A BW Workspace is a kind of ‘small sandbox’ which IT defines. IT sets the boundaries, IT sets the amount of
resources that a BW Workspace can consume and exposes some of the central data models to the BW
Workspace (data of the models and their related semantics). The BW Workspace exposes the central data in a
logical fashion only. The data is not copied over into the BW Workspace which means that no data replication
is needed. The goal is to enable the Key Business Users to use this functionality in a dedicated and separated
environment, which is deeply embedded and integrated in the existing BW landscape. The BW Workspaces
bridge the gap between the architected and the departmental data marts. Therefore, Workspaces are
integrated, independent, and they are completely in-memory.
Let us assume that you are working as a global sales account manager for a company, selling computer
hardware and corresponding accessories
In the central enterprise data warehouse, the SAP Net Weaver BW sales data (Purchase Orders) in Info Cubes
with a Multi Provider on top.
Additionally, the central SAP Net Weaver BW provides the company’s central ABC Rating information of
customers worldwide in an Info Provider, but you have an own ABC Rating available in a file you would like to
use to enrich the central sales data with your local information and report on the merged data. Moreover, your
company has not yet completely integrated the inventory management system and therefore the SAP Net
Weaver BW is not yet supplied with inventory data.
The colleagues from the inventory department provide you with the corresponding information (in stock, out of
stock, ordered) per product via flat file which you additionally want to merge with the BW sales data.
In order to keep the scenario simple and focus on the key aspects of the functionality we do not consider
details like time criteria or joins of key figures, but stick to an easy master data attribute enrichment example.
A BW Workspace has been created for your team by the IT department in the BW Workspace maintenance
inside the SAP Net Weaver Business Warehouse. Furthermore, the IT department provided the SAP Net
Weaver Business Client and corresponding roles for access to the BW Workspace Designer.
1. Open transaction RSWSP. Create your own Workspace.
Technical name: U##_Workspace
3. Check the usage for the “Central Provider”. This provider will be the master or “Central Provider” for further
4. Activate the SAP BW Workspace and leave the transaction. Otherwise you lock the workspace.
First please copy three files for preparation to your local “Documents” folder
• Business_Partner_Team.CSV
• Product_Status.CSV
• Business_Partner_ABC.CSV
Naviagte to folder Documents - HANA - BW362. Use user training and password hana read only for
authorization check. Save/Copy these files to your local “Documents” folder.
1. Open the Net Weaver Business Client to start the BW Workspace Designer.
Hint: The BW Workspace Designer can be started either via the “NW Business Client” or the “SAP Portal”. If
you use the Business Client, no Java Stack or SAP Portal installation is necessary.
Name: BW on HANA
Type: ABAP
Client: 003
Language: DE or EN
4. Verify that you are assigned to your workspace “U## First Workspace” (U##_WORKSPACE) by clicking on
tab “Workspace Tools”, choose your workspace and click on Save button
5. Click on tab “My Workspace” to create three “Local Providers” based on CSV files.
The first Local Provider is for the team information. Witch team is responsible for a customer. They have been
stored the data in a local flat file that you want to use for the new “Local Provider”.
7. Click on Browse to find the flatfile and select Business_Partner_Team.csv from your folder Documents
8. Log In for the file system and use the following parameters to load the flat file
• User : training
• Password : hanareadonly
Header: 1
First Data Row: 2
Separator: , (comma!!)
Name: U##_BP_TEAM
Description: U## Business Partner Team
Click on Next
9. In the second step choose the data type “Character String with Leading Zeros” for “Business Partner” to fill
up the data with leading zeros and choose Length 10 for the field length
Click on Upload Data.
10. Click on Display Data for checking the data quality. Now you have created your first local provider
11. The second Local Provider is for the ABC rating information. Each customer assigned to a rating group for
internal categorization. They have been is stored the data in a local flat file that you want to use for the new
“Local Provider”.
Click on Create button
12. The source type “File” is correct for your case. Click Start.
13. Click on Browse to find the flat file and select “Business_Partner_ABC.csv” from folder “Documents”.
15. In the second step choose the data type “Character String with Leading Zeros” for “Business Partner” to fill
up the data with leading zeros and choose Length 10 for the field length
Click on Upload Data.
16. Click on Display Data for checking the data quality. Now you have created your second local provider
17. The third Local Provider includes information about “Inventory Management”. The standard “Inventory
Management” is not in used at the moment and you must upload local information via flat file.
Click on Create button.
18. The source type “File” is correct for your case. Click Start.
19. Click on Browse to find the flat file and select “Product_Status.csv” from your folder “Documents”.
21. In the second step choose the data type “Character String with Leading Zeros” for “Product” to fill up the
data with leading zeros and choose Length 10 for the field length.
Click on Upload Data.
22. Click on “Display Data” for checking the data quality. Now you have created your third local provider
23. At last check that there are three local providers in your workspace. Choose “My Workspace” and tab
“Local Providers”.
1. Switch to the tab Composite Providers Click on Create to create a Composite Provider.
2. In this case we do not need a query as a template. Please click on Start directly.
4. In the next step you must define the relations between the “Central Provider” and your local providers
.The proposal for the relation type “Inner Join” is correct. Click on “Generate Proposal” for each local provider
to choose the right field, relation between the “Central Provider” and your locals.
5. Choose the default suggestions to analyze and find the proposals automatically. If you want to assign the
fields by your own, you can click on the Detail for Links button
.6. Check the relationships between the “Central Provider” and your local
1. Table View
2. Graphical View.
7. Click on Next.
8. Change the field description from “Ctry” to “Country” and check the key, figure assignments at the bottom of
the list
Ignore warning messages about missing compounding fields.
Click on Next.
9. In the following step, you can create a first “default” query for your new Composite Provider. Use “Standard”
for the query type and confirm the following suggestions, by clicking Next
1. ItelO is an international retail company with several subsidiaries world-wide that buys and sells computers
and accessories via a web shop. It organizes its daily business activities using SAP software. Now, reporting
should be realized using an SAP Net Weaver Business Warehousing solution As a consultant, you need to
design an Enterprise Data Warehousing architecture that not only supports the current reporting requirement
with good performance, but also supports the unkown for future reporting requirements.
Requirement Analysis:-
In a first step, you have conducted a requirements analysis. As a result you now know that reporting should
particularly answer the questions listed below. You need to evaluate whether a given reporting requirement
belongs to strategic or operational reporting and whether it operates on mass data or on selective data
• How much time passes on average per month between a purchase order and goods delivery? Is there a
trend over the years?
• How fast can we deliver after a sales order, dependent on product or supplier?
• How reliable are our suppliers in terms of quantity, quality, and speed of delivery?
• Sales revenue per employee, per customer, per product, per region in different time periods (week, month,
• Total weight and volume of goods delivered per city and month?
Transaction Data
• Purchase Order: main tables SNWD_PO and SNWD_PO_I, Data Source 0EPM_PO
A purchase order has five different status tags:
1. Create a draft of the BW architecture for transaction data only to realize the requirements from the case
study under consideration of the LSA principles
It is sufficient to use object templates, since we are not going to implement the complete scenario. The
purpose is to design the Enterprise Data
Warehousing Architecture.
When sketching your architecture, feel free to use all the available Info Provider types to represent the different
layers, and also keep in mind that logical partitioning can contribute to a good performance. Where adequate,
you may incorporate the existing Info Providers, Data Sources, and data flows.
Exercise : 17 - LSA → LSA, powered by SAP HANA
1. Inspect your LSA for the Enterprise Procurement Model from the previous Unit. A technical migration to SAP
Net Weaver BW, powered by SAP
3. How can you streamline your Enterprise Data Warehouse to arrive at a consistent flexible EDW core?
2. Solution:
• Query performance: Reading from columnar tables in memory is much faster and evaluation of aggregations
and calculations is done using the HANA engine
3. Inspection of the Business transformation Layer transformations shows:
• For Sales Orders: Quantity Conversion takes places. If this can be moved to the query - because the result
needs not be stored permanently – the Sales Order Info Cubes (or Info cube-SPO) can be deleted. The Sales
Order Multi Provider then sits directly on the Propagator DSO-SPO.
• Purchase Orders: The Order Lifecycle Status is determined using a routine. Thus, the transformation is
necessary and the Info Cubes cannot be deleted
.• Invoices: The transformationen are only 1:1. The Info Cubes (or Info Cube-SPOs) can be deleted.
3. Composite Provider: U##_CP1, U## Composite Provider
Solution: Agile Data Mart Layer. Union of Open Purchase Orders data from Info Cube (EDW core; architected
data mart layer) with agile sales data from Transient Provider (open ODS layer). The way the Composite
Provider is built does not conform to best practice, since the Info Cube is directly used. According to best
practice, the Info Cube should be wrapped in a Multi Provider (virtual wrap layer). Then, the Composite
Provider should be created on top of the Multi Provider and the Transient Provider (virtual composition layer).
5. Local Provider:
• U##_BP_TEAM, U## Business Partner Team
• U##_BP_ABC, U## Business Partner ABC
• U##_P_STATUS, U## Product Status
Solution: BW Workspace Layer. Additional departmental local master data that enhances the business partner
master data and the product master data are uploaded into BW and may be accessed by members of the
6. Composite Provider: U##_SALES1, U## Sales Analysis 1 (local)
Solution: Virtual Composition Layer. The Central Provider – of the BW Workspace that has been used – is a
Multi Provider that serves as a wrap on top of an Info Cube holding Open Purchase order data (EDW core;
architected data mart layer). It is combined with an inner join to local data from the Local Providers within the
given BW workspace (BW Workspace layer). This supports departmental reporting, where corporate data shall
be enhanced with local data that are of relevance only for a given single department: “I want to enhance the
BW report with my own Excel data.”
1. For a special marketing campaign in Italy, Spain, Greece, and Turkey, the products delivered have been
enhanced with local give-aways. A list has been manually created which type of give-away has been packed
to which sales order delivery. The local sales executives now want to know, whether the time between two
sales orders of their customers has been reduced in the month after the campaign as compared to
the months before the campaign, to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign. In addition, they want to know
whether the type of give-away has had an influence on customer behaviour.
2. Your Bangalore-based company has sales agencies in almost all countries of the world. However, in most
countries, the number of sales workforce is very small, so that a few employees cover the whole
country. Only the Indian market is large enough to split the country into sales regions. According to corporate
reporting guidelines, the corporate sales reports only report on country level. Consequently, the flexible
consistent EDW core uses the country as its most granular geographic Info Object. For the Indian market,
sales reporting should be permanently enhanced by incorporating the Indian sales region into the model,
without remodelling the central EDW core so as to not affect reporting in all other countries.
3. The Chinese New Year is approaching. Since in the US market, many customers of the ITelO Company are
of Chinese background, the local Sales department has conducted a text pattern search on the names of
all US customers. The external text mining tool returned all customers whose names suggest a Chinese
background as a CSV file. A mailing has been delivered to this group of customers, suggesting an ITelO
analyse the effect of the campaign by comparing the sales volumes product as a gift for Chinese New Year.
Now the sales executive wants to for the group of “Chinese” customers this year with the previous year
as well as the sales volume per customer for the group of “Chinese” customers versus “non-Chinese”