Iso 9624
Iso 9624
Iso 9624
First edition
1997~Q2- 15
0 IS0 1997
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International Organization for Standardization
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II Scope
This International Standard specifies the mating dimensions of flange adaptors of thermoplastic materials and the
corresponding dimensions of loose backing flanges to be used with thermoplastic pipes under pressure.
It applies to flange adaptors and loose backing flanges for use with pipes with nominal outside diameters dn from
16 mm to 1 200 mm and nominal pressures up to 16 bar’) (PN 16).
Tables 2 and 3 specify dimensions for socket fusion systems of polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) and
solvent-cemented systems of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-C)
and acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene (ABS).
Tables 3 to 5 specify dimensions for butt fusion systems of polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP).
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this
International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to
revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain
registers of currently valid International Standards.
IS0 161-I :1996, Thermoplastic pipes for the conveyance of fluids - Nominal outside diameters and nominal
pressures - Part 1: Metric series.
IS0 261: 1973, IS0 general purpose metric screw threads - General plan.
IS0 273: 1979, Fasteners - Clearance holes for bolts and screws.
IS0 727: 1985, Fittings of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U), chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (PVC-C) or
acryionitrile/butadiene/styrene (ABS) with plain sockets for pipes under pressure - Dimensions of sockets - Metric
IS0 7279:1984, Polypropylene (PP) fittings for pipes under pressure - Sockets for fusion using heated tools -
Metric series - Dimensions of sockets.
IS0 8085-I :-2) Polyethylene fittings for use with polyethylene pipes for the supply of gaseous fuels - Metric
series - Speci fLations - Part I: Fittings for socket fusion using heated tools.
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply:
3.1 nominal outside diameter, dn: A numerical designation of size which is common to all components in a
thermoplastics piping system other than flanges and components designated by thread size. It is a convenient round
number for reference purposes.
3.2 nominal diameter (DN): A numerical designation of size of a flange for reference purposes and only loosely
related to manufacturing dimensions.
The maximum admissible operating pressure of the pipeline to which the flange is connected may v‘aw from the nomin ressure
depending upon the operating conditions, particularly in the case of pipelines for gas, chemicals or ind ustrial liq uids.
4 Symbols
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following symbols apply:
dn nominal (outside) diameter of connecting pipe and nominal (inside) diameter of the socket
D outside diameter of loose backing flange
DN size designation of flange
Dl bolt hole diameter
D2 inside diameter of loose backing flange
D3 pitch circle diameter
D4 outside diameter of flange adaptor head
D5 outside diameter of flange adaptor shank
n number of bolt holes
5 Dimensions
5.1 For socket fusion and solvent-cemented systems, the dimensions of the flange adaptor shall conform to those
given in table 1. The dimensions of the loose backing flanges shall conform to those given in table 2 for nominal
pressure PN 10 (see also figure 1).
NOTE - The thickness of the flange adaptor face will be dependent on the material used in the manufacture of the adaptor and
on the nominal pressure for which it is designed.
5.2 For butt fusion systems, the dimensions of the flange adaptors shall conform to those given in table 3. The
dimensions at the loose backing flanges shall conform to those given in table 4 for nominal pressure PN IO and to
those given in table 5 for nominal pressure PN 16 (see also figure 2).
NOTE - The thickness of the flange adaptor face will be dependent on the material used in the manufacture
on the nominal pressure for which it is designed.
5.3 The nominal outside diameter dn of the pipe shall conform to IS0 161-1.
The outside diameter D of the loose backing flange shall conform to IS0 7005-I.
The pitch circle diameter D3 of the bolts shall conform to IS0 7005-I.
The bolt hole diameter Dl shall conform to IS0 273.
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0 IS0 IS0 9624: 1997(E)
The inside diameter D2 of the loose backing flange shall conform to the design of the flange adaptor. In some
applications, values of the inside diameter of the loose backing flange differing from those given in the tables may be
NOTE - The thickness of the loose backing flanges will be dependent on the material used in the manufacture of the flange
and on the nominal pressure (PN) for which it is designed.
Nominal diameter
of socket
d” D5 04
16 22 rt 0,l 29
20 27 + 0,15 34
25 33 t 0,15 41
32 41 + 0,2 50
40 50 + 0,2 61
50 61 t 0,2 73
63 76 + 0,3 90
75 90 + 0,3 106
90 108+0,3 125
110 131 &0,3 150
125 148 I!I 0,4 170
140 165 & 0,4 188
160 188 + 0,4 213
200 224 + 0,4 250
225 248 k 0,4 274
250 270 IL 0,5 306
280 305 + 0,5 329
315 342 + 0,5 380
NOTE - Socket dimensions shall conform to the following standards
3s applicable:
IS0 727 for PVC-U, PVC-C and ABS
IS0 7279 for PP
IS0 8085-l for PE
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IS0 9624: 1997(E) 0 IS0
Table 2 - Loose backing flange dimensions - Nominal pressure PN 10 for socket fusion
and solvent-cemented systems
Dimensions in millimetres
IO 16 90 23 60 14 4 Ml2
15 20 95 28 65 14 4 Ml2
25 32
25 105
115 42
34 75
85 14 4 Ml2
32 40 140 51 100 18 4 Ml6
40 50 150 62 110 18 4 Ml6
50 63 165 78 125 18 4 Ml6
65 75 185 92 145 18 4 Ml6
80 90 200 110 160 18 8 Ml6
100 110 220 133 180 18 8 Ml6
125 125 250 150 210 18 8 Ml6
125 140 250 167 210 18 8 Ml6
150 160 285 190 240 22 8 M20
200 200 340 226 295 22 8 M20
200 225 340 250 295 22 8 M20
250 280 395 310 350 22 12 M20
300 315 445 348 400 22 12 M20
1) These are standard steel flange dimensions. In some cases, different values may be used for D2.
2) Recommended permissible deviation for D2:
ALI*= & when D2 s 62 mm
AD*=-, o when D2 > 62 mm
3) Metric screw thread sizes in millimetres conforming to IS0 261.
Table 4 - Loose backing flanges for butt fusion systems - Nominal pressure PN 10
Dimensions in millimetres
15 20 95 28 65 14 4 Ml2
20 25 105 34 75 14 4 Ml2
25 32 115 42 : 85 14 4 Ml2
32 40 140 51 ; 100 18 4 Ml6
40 50 150 62 110 18 4 Ml6
50 63 165 78 125 18 4 Ml6
65 75 185 92 145 18 4 Ml6
80 90 200 108 160 18 8 Ml6
100 110 220 128 180 18 8 Ml6
100 125 220 135 180 18 8 Ml6
125 140 250 158 210 18 8 Ml6
150 160 285 178 240 22 8 M20
150 180 285 188 240 22 8 M20
200 200 340 235 295 22 8 M20
200 225 340 238 295 22 8 M20
250 250 395 288 350 22 12 M20
250 280 395 294 350 22 12 M20
300 315 445 338 400 22 12 M20
350 355 505 376 460 22 16 M20
400 400 565 430 515 26 16 M24
450 450 615 470 565 26 20 M24
500 450 670 517 620 26 20 M24
500 500 670 533 620 26 20 M24
600 560 780 618 725 30 20 M27
600 630 780 645 725 30 24 M27
700 710 895 740 840 30 24 M27
800 800 1015 843 950 33 24 M30
900 900 1115 947 1050 33 28 M30
1000 1000 1230 1050 1160 36 28 M33
1200 1200 1455 1260 1380 39 32 M36
1) Metric screw thread sizes in milllimetres conforming to IS0 261.
Table 5 - Loose backing flanges for butt fusion systems - Nominal pressure PN 16
Dimensions in millimetres
ICS 23.040.60
Descriptors: plastics products, pipes (tubes), thermoplastic resins, plastic tubes, pressure pipes, pipe flanges, flange collars, dimensions,
connecting dimensions.
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