Infectious Diarrhea: Ordering Stool Test For Investigation of Suspected
Infectious Diarrhea: Ordering Stool Test For Investigation of Suspected
Infectious Diarrhea: Ordering Stool Test For Investigation of Suspected
The above recommendations are systematically developed statements to assis practitioner and patient decisions about testing
that may be important for clinical management of specific clinical circumstances. They should be used as an adjunct
to sound clinical decision making.
1. Stool C & S Patients with bacterial enterocolitis typically present
with the acute onset of diarrhea and may have
Stool culture for the isolation and identification of associated fever, crampy lower abdominal pain and
enteric bacterial pathogens requires collection of an tenesmus. Although bloody diarrhea is more common
adequate stool sample, planting of the specimen when enterocolitis is caused by enteroinvasive
onto a number of selective and differential media, pathogens such as Shigella spp., not all such patients
incubation of the plates one or more times, selection with these infections will develop haematochezia. A
of appropriate colonies from incubated plates for stool C & S test must be done to diagnose suspected
identification, and in a limited number of cases, the enteric bacterial infection definitively.
provision of an antimicrobial susceptibility result.
Acute bacterial enterocolitis is acquired by ingestion
2. Stool O & P of the organism in food(s) and/or water contaminated
by feces of an infected animal or person. Commonly
Stool examination for the diagnosis of enteric parasitic implicated food sources include raw and undercooked
colonization and infection involves submitting a stool eggs and egg products, raw milk and milk products,
specimen in fixative to the laboratory, preparation meat, salads and poultry and their products. Direct
of the stool for staining and examination (i.e., contact with an infected animal (e.g., pet turtles or
concentration and/or filtration), and staining with a chicks) may also transmit Salmonellosis. The incidence
standard stain such as iron haematoxylin. of enteric bacterial infections is highest in travellers
to underdeveloped countries where food handling
3. C. difficile Toxin practices and sanitary conditions may be poor.
Epidemics may also occur in families, in groups
Stool testing for diagnosis of antibiotic associated attending a restaurant or social function where a
colitis involves submitting a stool specimen in a common contaminated food source is ingested, or
sterile container to the laboratory, for detection of in institutions such as daycare centres and nursing
C. difficile toxin(s) using a variety of different assay homes.
methods. There is controversy about the optimal
method of toxin(s) detection. Currently, the three In developed areas of the world, a limited number of
major assay methods include enzyme immunoassay bacterial pathogens are responsible for acute bacterial
for toxins A and B, latex agglutination assays for enterocolitis, as outlined in Table 1.
toxins A and B, and cell culture cytotoxicity assays
with specific neutralization of toxin B. Culture of
C. difficile from stool is not considered diagnostic Table 1. Enteric Bacterial Pathogens
since a significant number of children and adults carry
this organism as part of their normal colonic flora. • Campylobacter jejuni
• Salmonella spp.
4. Enteric Viral Infections • Verotoxin producing E. coli
(e.g., E. coli O157:H7)
Enteric viral infections are diagnosed by submitting • Shigella spp.
a stool sample in a sterile container using a variety • Aeromonas spp. (toxin producing strains)
of different methods depending upon the type of • Clostridium difficile
virus(es) being sought. Although rapid antigen • Yersinia enterocolitica
detection testing for Rotavirus infection in children is • Pleisiomonas shigelloides
widely available, most other viral tests are only done
by the Provincial Public Health Laboratories in
Calgary and Edmonton.
It remains controversial whether all or only toxin
producing strains of Aeromonas spp. from stool
samples are pathogenic.
Vibrio spp. infections are uncommon but are usually symptoms alone cannot distinguish between enteric
reported in travellers to underdeveloped countries infection with protozoa versus bacteria. Some patients
where sanitary conditions are poor (e.g., Vibrio who have recently travelled to or immigrated from
cholerae), or in people eating contaminated shellfish under-developed countries may have mixed infections.
(e.g., Vibrio parahaemolyticus). Microscopic examination of stool remains the main
technique for confirming the presence of enteric
In Alberta, enteric infections occur year-round but parasitic infection, although antigen detection
have a definite peak in the summer months. This techniques may assume a greater role in the future.
likely happens because of improper food handling
practices which are associated with outdoor activities. Colonization and/or infection with protozoa is
Infections which occur at other times of the year are therefore most common in people who have travelled
more likely to have been acquired while travelling in to an underdeveloped country where sanitary
underdeveloped countries. conditions may be poor, in children attending day care
centres, in institutionalized patients, and in homosexual
Table 1 reflects the order of incidence of pathogens. men.
Campylobactor infections are the most common
enteric disease in Alberta. There is also no difference Although all enteric protozoa encountered in a given
in the pattern or frequency of isolation of the types stool specimen may be reported, not all may require
of bacterial pathogens isolated from patients admitted specific antimicrobial treatment (Table 2).
to the hospital with a primary diagnosis of acute
enterocolitis, versus those attending out-patient areas
including the emergency room.1,2,3 Table 2. Pathogenic Enteric Protozoa
Until recently, 3 sequential stool samples (i.e., different However, due to the retrospective design of the study,
bowel movements) for stool C & S and stool O & P the clinical significance of any of these cases in terms
testing have usually been ordered for diagnosis of of patient symptoms or institution of treatment could
enteric bacterial and/or parasitic infection respectively. not be ascertained.
Historically, the Centre for Disease Control (CDC)
in the United States recommended the practice Evidence for Not Performing Stool C & S or
of performing multiple sequential stool O & P Stool O & P Tests on Hospitalized Patients
examinations based upon studies which showed (i.e., ≥ 4 days in hospital)
that the rate of recovery of E. histolytica from
asymptomatic patients increased from 50%, with It has been well documented that there is a very low
only a single stool sample examination to 90%, after yield of finding enteric infections (i.e., bacterial or
examination of 6 sequential stool samples.4 Several protozoal) with onset ≥ 4 days after hospitalization
other studies have also reported that multiple stool regardless of the age of the patient or their immune
specimens are required to achieve adequate sensitivity status.1,7-11 Stool C & S and stool O & P tests
of recovery of parasites on examination of stool are therefore not recommended in hospitalized patients
specimens.5,6 However, these studies were except in rare situations where the patient has recently
epidemiological in nature, aimed at primarily travelled to an underdeveloped area, or where an
diagnosing asymptomatic E. histolytica excretion in additional stool examination is required for follow up
patients in the underdeveloped world, and stool of a previously diagnosed infection.
concentration methods were not always used.
It has become clear that these guidelines may not Most diarrhea in hospitalized patients is due to
be applicable or appropriate for patients in the C. difficile toxin-mediated colitis when antibiotics
developed world where there is not a high incidence have been recently given, i.e., symptoms may occur up
of E. histolytica infection. There has also not been to 8 weeks after antimicrobial(s) were stopped. Viral
scientific evidence to support the routine ordering gastroenteritis, particularly Rotavirus infection, is a
of multiple sequential stool C & S samples, and common cause of diarrhea in children during the late
this practice was likely extrapolated from the fall and winter months and infection may be
recommendations for stool O & P testing. nosocomially transmitted in hospitalized children.
Other causes of viral gastroenteritis such as
Evidence for the Single Sample Rule Adenovirus 40/41 or other enteric viruses are much
less common but should be considered when other
Recent, predominantly adult studies have documented types of infection have been ruled out.
the high sensitivity of a single stool culture for enteric
bacterial pathogens and stool examination for parasites Experience with Implementation
in a large general hospital setting.7-11 Recently,
reported work from the Alberta Children’s Hospital Since these recommendations were implemented at
has also demonstrated the high efficiency for diagnosis the Alberta Children’s Hospital more than 2 years
of enteric infections of a single initial stool culture and ago, there has been a sustained reduction in both stool
stool parasite examination in both hospitalized and C & S and stool O & P testing. Physicians have been
ambulatory children.1,11 Most pediatric cases of very supportive of the initial rule of a single sample,
enterocolitis (190 of 194, 98%) are confirmed from and these types of stool tests are now rarely
a single stool culture, and a second sample is seldom requested for patients with prolonged hospital stays.
required.1,3 Most clinically relevant protozoal Nursing personnel and parents also appreciate not
infections (102 of 112, 91%) were also detected in the having to collect multiple stool samples.
first stool specimen examined.3 Infections which
would have been missed on a single stool O & P
specimen included 4 children with Giardiasis,
ADVICE TO PATIENTS 10. Asnis DS, Bresciani A, Ryan M, McArdle P, Mollura JL,
Ilardi CF. Cost-effective approach to evaluation of
diarrheal illness in hospitals. J CLIN MICROBIOL
Clear communication by physicians and other health 1993;31:1675.
care personnel to the patient and/or parents is integral 11. Kabani A, Cadrain G, Trevenen CL, Jadavji TJ, Church
to their understanding and compliance with the need DL. Practice guidelines for ordering stool ova and
parasite testing in a pediatric population. AM J CLIN
to test for diarrhea pathogens. It is important to PATHOL 1995;104:272-278.
explain the nature of their infection, the expected
duration of diarrhea and to outline the management Toward Optimized Practice (TOP)
plan. The proper stool sample collection methods Program
for different types of tests (i.e., stool C & S, stool
O & P, C. difficile, Rotavirus) should be outlined to
Arising out of the 2003 Master Agreement, TOP succeeds the former
ensure that the samples will be of acceptable quality Alberta Clinical Practice Guidelines program, and maintains and
to the laboratory (see patient collection instruction distributes Alberta CPGs. TOP is a health quality improvement
sheet). initiative that fits within the broader health system focus on quality
and complements other strategies such as Primary Care Initiative and
the Physician Office System Program.
An important part of managing patients with infectious
diarrhea is to tell them how they can remain well The TOP program supports physician practices, and the teams they
hydrated throughout their illness. For patients with work with, by fostering the use of evidence-based best practices and
confirmed bacterial enterocolitis, the reasons for not quality initiatives in medical care in Alberta. The program offers a
variety of tools and out-reach services to help physicians and their
routinely treating the illness with antibiotics should be colleagues meet the challenge of keeping practices current in an
explained. The potential side effects of antimicrobial environment of continually emerging evidence.
therapy must be outlined to patients (parents of
children) with severe bacterial enterocolitis or
pathogenic enteric protozoal infections who receive TO PROVIDE FEEDBACK
antibiotics. Patients should also be informed that
Public Health staff may contact them about what they The Alberta CPG Working Group for Microbiology is
have been eating or drinking to try to identify the a multi-disciplinary team composed of microbiologists,
source of a notifiable infection. general practitioners, and a gastroenterologists,
pathologist, university representative, member of the
SELECTED REFERENCES public and representative of Alberta Health and Wellness.
The team encourages your feedback. If you need more
1. Church DL, Cadrain G, Kabani A, Jadavji T, Trevenen C. information or if you have difficulty applying this guideline,
Practice guidelines for ordering stool cultures in a please contact:
pediatric population. AM J CLIN PATHOL
2. Siegel DL, Edelstein PH, Nachamkin I. Inapproprite Toward Optimized Practice Program
testing for diarrheal diseases in the hospital. JAMA 12230 - 106 Avenue NW
1990; 263:979-982. EDMONTON, AB T5N 3Z1
3. Fan K, Morris AJ, Reller LB. Application of rejection T 780. 482.0319
criteria for stool cultures for bacterial pathogens. TF 1-866.505.3302
J CLIN MICROBIOL 1993;31:2233-2235. F 780.482.5445
4. Alicna AD, Fadell AJ. Advantage of purgation in E-mail: [email protected]
recovery of intestinal parasites or their eggs. AM J Infectious Diarrhea - March 1997
CLIN PATHOL 1959;31:139-142.
5. Andrews J. The diagnosis of intestinal protozoa from Reviewed 2006
purged and normally passed stools. J PARASITOL
6. Morris AJ, Wilson ML, Reller LB. Application
of rejection criteria for stool ovum and parasite
examinations. J CLIN MICROBIOL 1992;30:3213-3216.
7. Koplan J, Benfari Ferraro MJ, Fineberg HV, Rosenberg
ML. Value of stool cultures. LANCET 1980;23:413-416.
8. Montessori GA, Bishcoff L. Searching for parasites in
stool: once is unually enough. CMAJ 1987;137:702.
9. Senay H, MacPherson D. Parasitology: diagnositc yield
of stool examinations. CMAJ 1989;140:1327-31.
Algorithm for Investigation of Suspected Infectious Diarrhea
Recent Antibiotic Use(c) Recent Antibiotic Use(c) Recent Antibiotic Use(c) Recent Antibiotic Use(c)
a) Some cases of watery diarrhea in these patients do not require investigation and are self limiting.
b) Bacterial enterocolitis is most often acquired in Alberta from late Spring (May/June) to Fall (October/September). Cases outside of these peak months occur most frequently in travellers/
immigrants from developing countries.
c) Antibiotic associated colitis (AAC) due to C. difficile may occur up to 8 weeks after antibiotics have been stopped. AAC is the most common cause of diarrhea in hospitalized patients.
d) Rotavirus infections occur predominantly in young infants/children (≤ age 3 years) and are epidemic in Alberta each year from early Winter (November/December) to early Spring (April/May).
Rotavirus infections may also be nosocomially transmitted between hospitalized children. Adenovirus 40/41 and other enteric viral infections occur much less frequently throughout the year.
e) Multiple, sequential stool ova and parasite examinations may be necessary for patients who have recently travelled and/or immigrated (i.e., usually with the past 6 months) from an underde-
veloped country in order to diagnose E. histolytica, G. lamblia and/or enteric helminth infections.
f) Rehydration is central to the management of patients with infectious diarrhea.
March 1997
Laboratory Appendix for
Ordering Stool Tests for Investigation of
Suspected Infectious Diarrhea