How To Interpret Spirometry: Educational Aims

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interpret spirometry review.

qxd 18/02/2008 20:07 Page 3

Lung function testing feature: How to interpret spirometry

This article has been modified

from an ERS School Course held
in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
in 2007. The original slides,
webcast and material can be
found at

How to interpret spirometry

M.R. Miller

Department of Medicine
University Hospital Birmingham
NHS Trust
Selly Oak Hospital
B29 6JD
Fax: 44 1216278292
[email protected]

Competing interests
None declared

Adapted from an ERS School
Educational aims Course

k To explain how spirometry data can be interpreted in a clinical setting.

k To outline and explain some of the patterns of abnormality that may be seen.

Once spirometry has been carried out, it is vital to interpret the data properly. Before
starting, one should find out whether the testing was performed properly – although
some conclusions may be drawn from substandard data, it is best to proceed with
The next step is to look for abnormalities in the data, using the standard reference equa-
tions, and taking into account any peculiarities of the equipment. Certain patterns of
results are known to be indicative of particular problems, and clinicians should become
familiar with these, as spirometry is the key tool in lung function testing.

j Without interpretation, data collection is a

meaningless exercise. Even the most
painstakingly precise measurements of lung
Is this test OK?
It is important to know that the tests which
function are no use if the clinician does not were performed were of a satisfactory standard
understand what they mean or, worse still, the (figure 1). It is possible to use results from
clinician mistakenly thinks he understands patients where the accepted standards have
what they mean. This article aims to spell out not been met, but more caution is required in
the main principles of interpreting spirometry. the use of these data.

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Lung function testing feature: How to interpret spirometry

Figure 1 a) 10 b) c)
a) A normal flow–volume curve. b)
This patient gave up early. c) This 8
patient did not start from total
lung capacity.
Flow L per s


0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Volume L Volume L Volume L

Several errors are commonly made when record- negative than -1.645 means the index is abnor-
ing spirometry. mal. Thus, the physician must request that all
lung function data are presented with their SR
1) Failure to start from the true total lung values. A quick scan to see whether any are more
capacity (TLC). This means that forced negative than -1.645 will indicate whether there
expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), is an index in the "abnormal" range.
peak expiratory flow (PEF) and forced vital The % predicted value is not the correct way
capacity (FVC) will be low. to determine whether a result is abnormal [3],
2) Failure to continue to the true end of since the cut-off value that determines abnormal-
expiration. FVC will be low, FEV1/FVC ratio ity varies between spirometric indices and with
will be falsely high. sex, age and height of subjects. Thus, a single %
3) Mouth leak. PEF will be low and FEV1 pred value is never correct for all subjects in deter-
and FVC may be low. mining whether a subject is abnormal.

Normal or abnormal? Patterns of

Having acquired data from an individual, the first abnormality
step is to determine whether any of the test
In using spirometric data to help in clinical situa-
results are abnormal. Reference equations are
tions, certain patterns of abnormal results help to
available to predict expected lung function
categorise the clinical problem.
results for individuals. These take into account
ethnicity, age, height and sex. Predictions may
also need to take into account the type of equip- Low PEF and normal FEV1
ment used to make the measurements since, for Upper airway obstruction characteristically gives
example, volume accumulating spirometers may airflow limitation that significantly reduces both
have an error in their FEV1 measurements owing PEF and peak inspiratory flow without much
to inappropriate full body temperature and pres- effect (if any) on FEV1. This discordance is not
sure, saturated (BTPS) correction [1]. seen with other causes of airflow obstruction.
Such equations quote the various coefficients Another way to identify this is to look at the ratio
for age and height and also the residual standard of FEV1 in mL divided by the PEF in L per min. If
deviation (RSD; standard error of the estimate) for this is above 8, then upper airway obstruction is
the prediction. This latter number is sex-specific likely (figure 2) [4, 5]. This ratio is another way of
and is used to derive the deviation from predicted highlighting discordance between PEF and FEV1.
value as standardised residuals (SR) [2], where
SR = (recorded - predicted)/RSD. Low PEF, low FEV1 and low FEV1/FVC
SR values are dimensionless and indicate This pattern characterises intrapulmonary airflow
how many standard deviations the subject's obstruction, which is found in asthma, chronic
result is from predicted. So for a conventional obstructive lung disease and bronchiectasis
90% lower confidence limit, an SR value more (figure 3).

260 Breathe | March 2008 | Volume 4 | No 3

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Lung function testing feature: How to interpret spirometry

6 a) 8 Figure 3
Flow–volume curves from a) an
asthmatic and b) a patient with
6 chronic obstructive pulmonary

Flow L per s
Flow L per s

0 4


-6 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 b) 8
Volume L
Figure 2 6
A flow–volume curve illustrating upper airway obstruc-
tion. Note the elevated FEV1/PEF ratio. 4
Flow L per s

Low FEV1/FVC with normal FEV1 0

Sometimes the ratio of FEV1 to FVC is below the
lower limit of normal (-1.645 SR), with the FEV1 -2
being in the normal range but the subject's FVC -4
being much greater than predicted. There is some
uncertainty about the clinical picture here, but a -6
subject can be born with supra-normal lung func- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
tion, then later develop airflow obstruction, for Volume L
instance due to chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease or asthma. The FEV1 then falls from its certain of this finding, static lung volume meas-
previous abnormally high value to a lower one urements are needed as well. Many patients with
that is still within the normal range for the popu- significant restrictive defects have normal spirom-
lation. However, the FEV1/FVC ratio is low. This etry but abnormal static volumes, so spirometry
picture may also be a normal variant if the sub- alone is not the way to investigate or diagnose
ject has an unusually low residual volume relative this condition.
to total lung capacity, so raising the FVC relative
to the FEV1. If symptoms are present, it is best to
think of this as a form of airflow obstruction and
consider usual treatment.
Spirometry is the mainstay of lung function test-
Low FEV1 and low FVC with normal or ing and all clinicians need to ensure they are
supranormal FEV1/FVC familiar with the signals these data can provide –
This is the usual finding if a subject has a restric- and also the potential pitfalls – so that sound clin-
tive ventilatory defect, for instance as a result of ical decisions can be made for each individual
cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis. However, to be patient.

1. Pincock AC and Miller MR. The effect of temperature on recording spirograms. Am Rev Respir Dis 1983; 128: 894–898.
2. Quanjer PhH, Tammeling GJ, Cotes JE, Pedersen OF, Peslin R, Yernault J-C. Standardized lung function testing. Lung Volumes
and forced ventilatory flows. Eur Respir J 1993; 6: Suppl 16, 5–40.
3. Miller MR, Pincock AC. Predicted values: how should we use them? Thorax 1988; 43: 265–267.
4. Empey DW. Assessment of upper airways obstruction. BMJ 1972; 3: 503–505.
5. Miller MR, Pincock AC, Oates GD, Wilkinson R, Skene-Smith H. Upper airway obstruction due to goitre: detection, prevalence
and results of surgical management. Q J Med 1990; 274: 177–188.

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