INT Event Promoter Contract: Event Information For Flyer and Event Guide (Must Be Complete and Printed)

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The document outlines the roles and responsibilities of the event promoter when organizing an INT League water sports tournament. They are responsible for marketing, registration fees, following INT League guidelines, and potentially providing awards.

The event promoter is responsible for marketing and promotion of the event, collecting registration fees, adhering to INT League rules and guidelines, and may be responsible for legal costs arising from the event. They also commit to fees for the event coordinator.

Positions that need staffing for the event include dock starter, boat handler, boat judges, timers/rope handlers, scoring personnel, and an announcer. A minimum of two people is required for most roles.

INT Event Promoter Contract

Atachment A
Promoter Name: ______________________________________Print:___________________________________
Address: _____________________________ City: ___________________ State: _________ Zip: ___________
Contact: ______________________________ Phone: _______________________ Fax: ___________________
E-mail Address: __________________________________ Web Site: ___________________________________
Event Information for flyer and event guide (Must be complete and printed)

Dates of event(s): _________________________ Event name: _________________________________Stop No. ____

Lake name: ___________________________________ Address of site: _____________________________________
City: ___________________________State: _____ Largest metropolitan city near site: _________________________
Description of addition events: ______________________________________________________________________
Local contact for event: ___________________________Phone: _________________ E-mail: ___________________
Camping on Site (RV's and hook-up - Tents primitive, etc., are reservations needed, anything you can say about
Camping at the site:

Hotels close to site: _______________________________________________________________________________

INT League State Coordinator name:

This is a contract between the INT League State Coordinator listed above, who is an Independent Representative of the
INT Leagueand the Promoter listed above. This is an agreement whereby both parties have agreed to a joint venture,
by producing and promoting an INT League tournament. The dates of the event and site are listed above. This event
will be part of your state or regions INT LEAGUE AMATEUR WATER SKI, WAKEBOARD & KNEEBOARD
The Promoter will supply INT League with current cost of $175.00 for insurance due at signing. Promoter must
adhere to all policies and guidelines set forth by the insurance policy. A $50 fee will be charged on all returned checks.
This contract serves as a financial commitment of $50.00 Marketing and Management fee per event, due upon
signing. This fee includes National & Local Marketing and INT Staff Support. There will be a registration and service
fee of $3.00 per entrant. The Promoter will in return receive marketing and State Coordinator support staff for the
above mentioned event date(s) on the INT LEAGUE SCHEDULE. As the Promoter you have agreed to follow the
INT League format guidelines. You agree to accept all responsibilities for Court and Attorney's fees in conjunction
with any Court Case dealing with this contract or activities at your events that are not within the guidelines set by INT
League. This contract in contigent upon the signing of the WWA/INT Event contract.

Marketing and Management fees are non-refundable. Printed material is subject to deadlines. Late payments may limit
exposure due to print deadlines of marketing and promotional items. Due to site permits, minor alteration to the on-
site exposure may occur depending on restrictions. INT Amateur Tour is not responsible for cancellation due to
hazardous weather conditions, economic situations, or other unforeseeable conditions which may force INT to cancel
events or limit marketing materials.
Please make payments to:
___________________________________ ___________________________________
INT State Coordinator Promoter - Title
_________________________________ ________________________ Check number: ________
Date Date
Atachment B – Split Proceeds

This contract between the International Watersports Organization (IWSO) dba INT League, the INT League State
Coordinator ______________________________________________________, and event promoter
(Event Promoter)

This is an agreement whereby both parties have agreed to a joint venture, by promoting and producing #_____ events.

Name of Event____________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Name of Lake: ___________________________________________________________________

To be part of the ________________ INT League Tour.


This contract serves as a finacial commitment of $150 Marketing/Management fee per event, due to the INT State
Coordinator upon signing. There will be a registration service fee of $3.00 per entranct to be paid to Sunshine
Marketing dba INT League. The proceeds from the tournament will be split 50/50 after expenses. Fifty (50%) going to
the state coordinator and fifty percent (50%) going to the Event Promoter. The Event Owner will in return receive
marketing and State Coordinator support staff for the above mentioned event dates on the INT League Schedule. As
the Event Promoter you have agreed to follow the INT League format and guidelines and know the terms and
conditions, and understand the expenses that are incurred when hosting an event. In addition you accept all
responsibilies for court and attorney’s fees in conjunction with any court cas dealing with this contract or activies at
your events. Marketing/management service fees are non-refundable.

Please list all other distribution of responsibilites or additional terms: (Awards, Supplies, etc)






Please make payments to:

___________________________________ ___________________________________
INT State Coordinator Promoter - Title
_________________________________ ________________________ Check number: ________
Date Date
Promoter Benefits

TOUR ANNOUNCEMENT FLYERS -- Designed, printed, and mailed with your event(s) on the schedule.

INTERNET -- Your event published on the INT League home page on the Internet.

EMAIL MARKETING – INT will do at least three email marketing campaigns to the expensive data base.

INT SUPPORT STAFF -- INT League staff will set up all tour sponsors' banners. If needed, assist with on
site set up, scoring, announcing, etc. If your promoting organization needs additional personnel, the INT
League State Coordinator can assist you with qualified additional staff to assure a successful tournament at
additional cost to your club.

SOFTWARE PROGRAM -- "Mr. Judge" Software does all the registration, scoring, and "bumps" people
to the appropriate division.

INT EVENT INSURANCE - $175 per event weekend

MEDIA -- Your event will be published in local media.

PRE-REGISTRATION SYSTEM -- Assures your events have high skier participation and revenues. This
system is managed by the INT League State Coordinator and has proven to ease and simplify registration.

REGISTRATION FEES -- Your organization can retain entry fees, minus a service fee per entrant for INT
League staff support and local marketing.

INT TOUR T-SHIRT -- Each INT member will receive one FREE tour T-shirt for the tour season with no
additional expense to your club.

INT BOAT SPONSORS -- Will provide approved towboats on scheduled tournament dates.

HIGH PARTICIPATION LEVEL AT YOUR EVENTS -- Due to National Marketing Campaign and
"Tour" concept.

PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS -- Your tournaments will be announced at all other tour stops.

MARKETING -- Your organization has the right to use the tour logo upon INT League approval for
advertising or promoting these events.

EVENT POINT OF PURCHASE MARKETING -- Located at retail outlets, boat shows, etc.

PRACTICE DAY -- Promoter may determine practice fee to be collected and retains total amount collected
for the day.

OVER ALL AWARDS -- INT can provide Year End State Champion Awards.


(Agreement with Promoter)
According to the Water Sports Industry the INT LEAGUE AMATEUR TOUR is the largest national
promotional event in water sports history. With plans to expand these state championships across the United
States and worldwide, this concept is considered the largest single effort to create the "Little League" for
water sports. Therefore, the following format guidelines must be met to ensure consistency throughout the
INT League. We look forward to your organization joining us for the most exciting event ever in water sports

This is your Event; the INT League is a marketing and support service

 Adhere to the INT LEAGUE event format and state championship points system. Your club can add, but
not delete tour divisions. Additional divisions must be approved by IWSO. Any additional divisions will
not be tracked for overall state points. Please see attached Event Scoring Format for divisions and
 Marketing/Management service fees will not be refunded. The Marketing and Management Fee is
$50.00 and there is a $3.00 per entrant per round fee.

INSURANCE: Insurance payment $175.00 (subject to change each year) is due upon signing. Insurance
checks can be post dated 30 days prior to the event. Insurance fees are non-refundable.
1. Insurance policy comes with additional insured certificates. All additional insured’s must be listed at time
of contract signing.
2. INT Insurance policy does not sanction show skiing, airchair, ramps for wakeboarding and jumping.
3. All participants must be a member, or a guest member, of the INT League or WWA.
4. IWSO or AWSA Safety Coordinator must be on site for all practice and event days with required safety
5. NABLA Certified and IWSO Trained Driver must be on site for all practice and event days.
6. Your organization will be responsible for the owner’s deductible for damages to boats used.
7. Your organization is responsible for adhering to any other insurance companies requirements.

Your organization will need to supply:

1. Local Permits and Additional Insured if needed (two additional insured certificates are provided, due at
2. Slalom Course (regulation length) with green intermediate buoys set 13 feet in from outside buoys.
(Handi-cap & novice regulation course).
3. Supplies for registration (clipboards, pens, tables and chairs etc.) and petty cash for change at the event.
4. Multi-Channel radios for boats and shore (at least six). Adequate PA system with CD player.
5. Awards (prizes or trophies) for the first three places per class. (we recommend first 5 places for junior
6. Port-a-potties and garbage if necessary at site.
7. Power for P/A and Computer ( i.e. generator if local power is not available).
8. Adequate personnel to run an organized day long event, (if additional personnel is needed, a fee can be
charged by the state Coordinator).
9. Your club will supply a mailing list to INT League for mailing of event announcements.
10. Provide gasoline for event. Upon event completion, boats need to be cleaned entirely.
11. Your organization will receive money collected from pre-registration and registration within fourteen (14)
days of the completion of the event.
*INT Coordinator can supply items listed above, but your club will be responsible for all expenses.

* Local Sponsors -- All local sponsorships must be approved by the INT State Coordinator to avoid possible
conflicts with INT League national and local sponsors. Tour Sponsors will be allowed one (1) set of practice
and one (1) entry for no charge at the event.

* Hold at least one (1) practice day, where possible, and allow sponsors to hold clinics and/or demo products,
such as ski testing and boat testing, during specified hours. Promoter collects and retains all revenues.
* In the event that your organization members are allowed to ski or ride for free, there is a per entrant per
round service fees of at least $3.00 and INT/WWA membership must be purchased for each participant.
* State Coordinators will be allowed five (5) sets of practice, and a minimum of five (5) entries at No Charge
for the Supporting Tour Team Staff. In addition, we ask that if an EMT is on site there is No Charge for that

* Your Organization and/or site must allow Tour Sponsor Banners, P/A announcements and display areas for
local and National tour sponsors.

* Your organization is responsible for the administration and collection of practice and practice money.

PRACTICE DAY -- Personnel with an **beside their title must have a radio!
Practice Day Personnel Recommended: 6 (Minimum)

**Registration -- Practice day will require at least one person getting waivers signed and checking for INT
memberships, as well as, signing up participants as INT/WWA Members. Only INT League members will be
allowed to practice.
**Boat Driver -- At least two people will be needed to drive for practice. The drivers must be approved by the
NABLA Certified and IWSO / AWSA Certified Driver on-site. Check for certification card. NASBLA certified
drivered must be listed on the Insurance Request form.
**Safety -- An IWSO / First Aid & CPR Certified Safety Director must be on-site with their necessary
equipment. They will need at least one assistant to help throughout the day. It is very important that safety be
addressed the entire day.
**Dock Starter -- The dock starter position will require at least one person to regulate the list and get
participants ready. This person can also help with safety by checking all equipment being used; making sure it
is safe and approved.

EVENT DAY - Personnel with an **beside their title must have a radio!
Event Day Personnel Recommended:17 (Minimum) unless 75 pulls or less, then the number can be reduced to
**Event Director -- {This should be the INT Coordinator} One person should be chosen to oversee and
direct all activities and personnel throughout the day. They should have event experience. It is important for
the director to keep activities going all day. The director should also keep a watchful eye on the entire area.
Safety is the number one priority at all events, on the water, as well as, off.
**Registration -- This is where the event day begins. Therefore, it is important to get started correctly by
having an organized registration area. The registration area should be roped off and marked STAFF ONLY.
This will help eliminate an over-crowded working area. There needs to be a minimum of three people in
registration. This area should also have a lead person to supervise and assist. The lead person should have
some event experience and be well educated on IWSO requirements and rules, registration forms, and check-

in procedures of the INT League. Registration requires one person to run the registration table to assist
participants in registration and another to run the computer.
**Safety -- The Safety Coordinator will need at least two assistants who are trained in water rescue by the
Coordinator. The Coordinator and assistants will need to work from a safety boat, or as swimmers on shore
(properly equipped) throughout the entire event.
**Chief Judge -- Chief Judge needs to hold a riders meeting prior to the start of each event. The decisions of
the chief judge are final.
**Drivers -- The number of drivers needed, will change depending on the number of pulls. At minimum, you
will need two drivers, and a third if using a safety boat. The driver position is very important; the drivers
should all have experience driving an event ski boat. The Safety Director should meet with drivers prior to the
event to ensure basic safety skills are being used. All drivers must be appointed by an on-site NASBLA
certified and IWSO / AWSA Certified Driver.
**Dock Starter -- The dock starter plays a very important role. They are the conductor and can be very
valuable in keeping the event running smoothly. The dock starter must have the next participant ready and
properly staged. This position will require at least two people to rotate throughout the day.
Boat Handler -- One-person minimum to assist the dock starter by handling the incoming boats and helping
participants get in and out of the boats. He/she can also assist the boat crew with handle changes.
**Boat Judges -- A minimum of two people will be needed to judge the events (one per boat). Judges need to
be trained by the INT State Coordinator. Rules change each year and divisions and need to be reviewed prior
to the beginning of your season.

Timers/Rope handler -- A minimum of two people will be needed to time (one in each boat). The timer can be
valuable in assisting with handle changes, as well as unloading and loading of participants. Novice slalom
classes are not necessary to time.
**Scoring -- As the event is progressing you will need personnel to retrieve completed Judge’s Forms, as well
as input final scores into the computer. The same personnel used for registration can be used to input data. The
event will need at least three people working registration/scoring all day.
**Announcer -- The hardest position to fill. This job is important for keeping a festive atmosphere. You will
need at least one qualified announcer. No children please. Announcing, music and sponsor information should
be done from the beginning to the end of your event in a very professional way.

Awards - Please note if the Event Promotor or INT State Coordinator is responsible for selecting and
providing awards or trophies for the event. Each division offered should have a first, second and third place
Lake Rental Contract

Part one filled out by Owner

Name of Owner(s):_______________________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________ City: ________________________State: ________

Contact: _______________________________ Phone: _______________________ Fax: _____________

E-mail Address: __________________________________ Web Site: ______________________________

Dates of Event(s): ______________________________ Rental Amount:____________________________

Deposit Due Date: _________ Final Payment Due: __________

Lake Name: ________________________Address of Site: _____________________________________

City: _________________________________State: ________ Zip: ______________________________

Camping on Site: _______________________________________________________________________

Part 2 filled out by State Coordinator

Name of Party renting the lake: ____________________________________________________________
Description of Addition Events:

INT League State Coordinator: ______________________________________________ .

This is a contract between the INT League State Coordinator listed above, an Independent Representative of
the INT LEAGUE and the above listed Lake Owner(s). This agreement of rental is for the INT League to
promote and produce an amateur event at the date(s) and site listed above. The State Coordinator will supply
insurance to cover this event, and upon request will provide you with proof of insurance. This event will be
TOUR. The INT League State Coordinator retains all income revenues from this event. This contract serves
as a financial commitment between the Lake Owner and the INT League State Coordinator. This contract
maybe amended, by either party.

___________________________________ ___________________________________
INT State Coordinator Lake Owner or Representative

______________________________________ ______________________________________
Date Date

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