JCM Departmental Council Subjects - Final
JCM Departmental Council Subjects - Final
JCM Departmental Council Subjects - Final
Email: [email protected]
K.V.Sridharan GirirajSingh
Leader Secretary
The Chairman
Dak Bhawan
Sub: Subjects for discussion from the Staff Side in the meeting of Departmental
Council JCM.
Kindly find the list of new subjects in triplicate submitted for discussion in the ensuing
meeting of Postal Departmental Council Meeting of the Joint Consultative Machinery.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
[Giriraj Singh]
1.Cadre Restructuring for all Non-Gazetted Group B & C cadres:
The change of postal operations from merely the traditional mail
handling and delivery to a modern commercial orient ted with
multifarious operations including a lot of diversified non-traditional
operations in both Postal and RMS justifies a cadre restructuring and
cadre training to be placed in better scales of pay. More over no such
cadre restructuring exercise was undertaken for a very long time even
though such exercises were periodically undertaken and implemented
for Group A and Gazetted Group B. Other Departments have taken
action for restructuring their cadres after the 6th CPC. This issue was
discussed in the meeting held by Secretary [P] on 13/01/2009 and was
decided that the department would go into the whole issue on
submission of full restructuring proposals from the Staff Side. The same
were submitted by the Staff Side also but no further progress was
made. The Staff Side urges for immediate finalisation of cadre review.
consideration the Staff Side proposes for introduction of the under
mentioned facilities to System Administrators:
1. Special Allowance: - Notwithstanding with our demand of formation of
separate cadre of Systems Administrators in the Department of Posts
with separate pay scale till the augmentation, the existing incumbents
may be granted special allowance to the extent of 10% Pay plus Grade
pay as it is granted to care takers.
2. Issue of uniform duties & responsibilities: - There is no uniformity
in the duties and responsibilities. This varies from circle to circle even
regions with in the circle. A uniform viable duties & responsibilities may
be circulated from the Directorate. Identify adequate number of
systems Administrator’s post in each division/circles.
3. Providing Laptops: - The Systems Administrators find it difficult to
download and test the given patches and software with the non
availability of systems. One laptop may be provided for smooth
facilitation of the process and for mobility purposes in attending
computer related works in other stations.
4. Incentive for installation/upgradation: - Many software could be
installed only after the closing hours and will end in the midnight.
Incentive for installation/upgradation may be fixed and paid.
5. Training Allowance/honorarium: - For imparting training at WCTCS
and for MSE, the Systems Administrators may be granted Training
6. Accidental insurance: - For travelling extensively through two
wheelers to attend the technical problems, an accidental insurance
coverage may be provided.
7. Grant of Special disability leave: - The S. A. of Delhi West Division
met with a road accident after installing software in the night. No
special disability leave was granted to the official. Provision of special
disability leave on such happening should be ensured.
8. Grant of Excess Duty Allowance: - For keeping beyond 8 hours on
any day for any work, they should be granted with ‘Excess Duty
Allowance’ or OTA.
9. Provide cash imprest: - To meet out the immediate requirements
while attending problems in computers, a separate cash imprest may
be provided.
10. Grant of TA & Road Mileage Allowance: - Within urban cities,
the road mileage allowance and out stations, TA may be granted for
the journey performed for attending computers.
11. Mobile Phone & Recharge coupons: - Mobile phones may be
supplied to the system administrators & a minimum of Rs.500/- may be
allowed per month for recharging the coupon for the Mobile
12. Providing kit box: - They should be provided with kit bag
containing net driver set, CD bag, pen drive, handy vacuum cleaner
13. Providing a seat in office: - They should be provided a seat at
server. Now in many places, they have not been provided with
separate seating facility.
14. Keeping Panel: - A panel should be maintained at Divisional level
and the SAs should not be reverted back as Postal Assistant without
any sound reasons.
15. Possession of SQL Password: - The possession of SQL Password
may be conferred with the Head of the office after imparting training to
overcome the problem of immediate solution of technical problems as
this is now vested with the divisional heads.
implementation of 6th CPC pay scales are being denied 1800/- GP from
1.1.2006 for the duration of their Group D employment on the grounds
that they were not being imparted with the required training. No action
is also being taken in such cases to impart the same training as like
other non-matriculate Group D staff. The Staff Side urges for causing
instructions to arrange for imparting the same training to such
promoted non-matriculate officials also and grant 1800/- GP from
1.1.2006 to their date of promotion or else they may be deemed to
have been imparted the said training on the strength of their passing
the examination for a higher cadre.
Ministries/Departments/Organisations but not covered in its Report.
Accordingly the Double Duty Allowance and Holiday Duty Allowance
which are specific to the Postal Department and applicable to Postman
Cadre specifically requires to be doubled. The contention of the Official
Side that these Allowances are linked with OTA and unless the rate of
OTA is enhanced by the Government, these specific Allowances of
Postmen also cannot be enhanced is incorrect. In fact even when the
rate of OTA was not revised, these allowances of Postmen were
enhanced in the year 2003 by the Department vide Orders No.10-
7/2001-PE-II Dated 28.01.2003. Double Duty and Holiday Duty
Allowances are not given as the hourly basis OTA given to other Cadres.
Postmen double duty allowance is given for performing the entire duties
of another postman for the whole day. Holiday Duty if any is also not
like the Holiday OTA available for other categories of staff. The above
cited Postman specific Allowances should therefore be revised in the
back ground of the recommendation of the 6th CPC.
increasing the chances to at least 10 in order to motivate the officials
who could not get through the LGO Examinations earlier as well as
finalisation of revised syllabus in objective type as circulated earlier for
the LGO Examination.
The 5th CPC in its report vide para 62-13 recommended to discontinue
the practice of obtaining fidelity / security bond from employees. In
the present stage of handling huge cash, obtaining fidelity bond for
Rs. 3000/- to Rs. 5000/- does not serve any purpose. A lot of
manpower is being wasted in Accounts branch in maintaining these
records. Similar is the position of inspecting officials also. Only in rare
and exceptional cases, the guarantee money is received. The
employees are unnecessarily crediting premium every year to obtain
fidelity bond. It is requested to consider and discontinue the practice
of security bonds which has no longer serving any purpose.
The officiating officials should not suffer a financial loss due to the
administrative problem of non-posting of a regular incumbent to the
vacant post within the stipulated period. Prolonged officiating
arrangement is an ultimate loss to an officiating official for no fault on
his side.
It is most pertinent to mention that while deciding the cases of pay
fixation of the officials working in SBCO/ Administrative offices under
TBOP/BCR scheme vide Directorate letter no. 202/92 - PE I dt.
01.12.95, they were allowed direct fixation in the pay scale of
TBOP/BCR. The Directorate letter dt. 28.05.02 is also based on the
similar analogy but has not been applied in any other circle except to
Punjab due to non-circulation of the contents.
the decision of the JCM agreement, this unwarranted clarification may
lead to unwarranted queries and recoveries. Atleast the clarificatory
orders would have been given effect from the date of issue of the
order which is also silent in the contents.
allowed to get their promotion in the pre-revised pay scale on
1.1.1996, they were at the advantage.
Considering the above views, the Directorate vide its letter no. 1-
28/2004-PCC dt.23.08.06 addressed all circles seeking the information
about the no. of officials affected by the Explanation No. 2 below Rule
5 of CCS (RP) Rules 1997 and its financial implication.
maximum limit to Rs.50000 in cash bags and also to enhance the limit
for cash remittance through special messenger.
We have suggested considering the following to resolve the problems
pertaining to cash conveyance.
1. The present cash limit should be enhanced up to one lakh
per individual
2. Cash collection van should be arranged in all bigger towns
and the officials should not be asked to take unwarranted risks in
cash remittances.
3. Insuring the cash remittance amount shall be explored.
4. The officials shall not be penalized or brought under
contributory factors for the case if any theft or loss taken place
beyond the capacity of the officials who are engaged for such cash
The ADG (PO) vide his letter no 24-9/2007- P.O dt. 15.02.08 has
informed that in order to further process the matter, all the Heads of
Circles were requested to furnish their views and suggestions given by
this union. Considering the present day requirements, provision of
Armed Guard to HPO & major S. Os can also be considered to prevent
major burglaries and thefts during day & night hours.
The SSPOs, Sundargarh division has not yet carried out the decision
arrived with Rourkela steel plant authorities for extension of both the
medical facilities to the staff by issuing authorization cards. The staffs
are being compelled to deposit money to avail medical facilities from
the hospital at the time at urgency and due to no tangible action have
so for been taken, there is a total resentment amidst staff who have no
other medical facilities in that place. It is therefore requested to
intervene immediately and ensure appropriate immediate action to
issue identify/authorization cards to each postal employees on due
consultation with IGH authorities for availing both indoor & outdoor
treatment by the staff.
submitted a proposal to Directorate Establishment section for fixing
norms for RPLI work and counting the RPLI transactions towards
income/cost of the Extra Departmental Branch Post Offices and Sub
Post Offices. The proposal, as learnt, is pending at the Directorate.
Since this is an area where the time factor has been requested for over
a decade and also recommended by various earlier committees, it is
requested to expedite action and cause orders duly fixing the time
factor for RPLI work.
(i) The Mail Postal Assistant has to check in respect of each section /
office and each class of bag with the entries of the previous day.
(ii) If the bags are not in regular and after some days, the Postal
Assistant has to check the earlier date and verify the correctness of
the consecutive serials of bag numbers.
(iii) When more than one bag is closed, the other bags have to be given
subsequent numbers. So reference of the registers for each and
every closing of bags becomes inevitable.
(iv) To tie one label to the bag and place another in loose inside the bag
will render duplicate the existing work and writing two sets of labels
become additional work on the Postal Assistants.
(v) While opening the bags, if all these checks prescribed are to be
adhered, without assistance, it is impossible and it will cause delay in
sorting and sending out for delivery.
(vi) It is not possible in respect of the bags opened for the offices
received from other circles. It will be more difficult to deal the
normal mails more than the insurance articles.
(vii) Due to dislocation of trains or other means, if some bags lie in
transit and the bags closed thereafter received, it will become very
difficult to dispose the mails.
(viii) It will increase only the paper works and may cause practical
difficulties in numbering, maintaining, verifying the bags and may
warrant unnecessary correspondences.
Under the existing shortage of staff in Post Offices and mail branches
and RMS Offices are being managed only with the cooperation of Group
D & GDS staff, it is not possible to maintain the new system. The age
old practice of due mail and sorting list be reintroduced once again in
order to mitigate the hardships.
It is pertinent to note that the officials who possess AMFI certificate for
dealing mutual funds and bonds are entitled for the commission to the
extent of 25%. The above said two conditions are curtailing their due
incentives which are one of the factors that demotivate the employees
from procuring more business. It is noteworthy to mention that there is
no such condition in existence in respect of PLI Development officers.
They are entitled for full commission. As such restricting the due
incentive by imposing such conditions may be dispensed with.
In rural areas, the total rent payable to the landlord for the whole
building housing the post office and Quarters does not exceed even to
Rs.800/- per month. It is not uncommon to see that a token amount of
Rs.50/- likewise is being charged for the post office and in all such
cases, the Postmasters are compelled to stay in the accommodation
which is unfit for inhabitation and also far below to the standards.
There are many post attached quarters lacking the basic amenities of
poor allotment of funds under this head. It is therefore requested to
allot more funds under this head and enable the officials to avail the
advance for purchase of personal computers.
The payment of Tribal area allowance to the officials working in Nashik
District was stopped from 31.03.02 due to the Maharashtra State
Governments order in replacing the allowance by a revised scheme by
its notification dated 06.08.2002. The state Government has declared
that its employees working in such areas which are declared as
Naxalite Threat areas and where the special compensatory allowance
was paid earlier are entitled for the new allowance which was fixed at
the rate of 15% of Pay subject to the Minimum of Rs. 200/- and
Maximum of Rs. 1500/-
The same allowance has not been extended to the Postal employees
working in the areas where the Tribal area allowance was drawn
earlier. The nomenclature of the allowance has alone been revised by
the State Government but the areas are still covered under the Tribal
areas as notified earlier by the State Government. The Chief PMG,
Maharastra Circle vide his letter no. Estt/4-1 (2)/HRA –CCA/2008 dt. 12-
09-2008 has sought clarifications about extension of such allowances
to our postal employees as per the State Government notifications
changing the nomenclature of the allowance and continues the
payment of Tribal Area Allowance. It is requested to accord sanction at
the earliest.
50. Unilateral decision to close down Foreign Post offices
(i) Consequent upon the withdrawal of booking of international parcels by
surface mail and restricting the service only to Air Post, the volume of
international outward parcel will be reduced leading to financial loss to
the department.
(iv) The senior officials of Foreign Post, Delhi who were transferred along
with the work to DIMC I & DMIC II unilaterally shall be brought back to
Delhi Foreign Post.
The drawing & disbursing officers should not be made as scapegoats in
this case. According to Rule 87 of P&T FHB Vol. I, any excess payment
can be recovered at any time. The Apex Court also confirmed that any
excess paid due to administrative mistake, there is no rule which
prohibits such recovery (Udaysankaran Vs. Union of India JT 1996 (4)
SC). The most pertinent point is that the Inspection Parties of ICI and
Audit have approved and certified such drawal in many places. There
was confusion in interpreting the orders then for which Group C
officials are becoming the victims.
It is, therefore, requested to cause immediate orders on the issue
which is hanging over ten years. Further the orders applicable to JAO
qualified official be applied to the similarly situated official working in
the post offices on acquiring TBOP / BCR promotion.
57. Enhancement of honorarium for engaging the officials in
departmental examinations
At present, the following rate of honorarium is being paid to the
officials who are brought by the department while conducting the
departmental examination as per the sent letter No. 18/16/98-E dt.
The other suggestion given by the same section earlier that not to
keep vacant in B & A class offices and fill up the Postal Assistant posts
has not been implemented. As such this will create many hardships to
all the officials who are unwilling to take position as Postmasters.
If the suggestions implemented retrospectively, at one stage none will
be available for the post of post of SPM due to prevailing shortage, a
well senior official has to work as Postal Assistant under the
supervision of his most senior which will also be a punishment not
improvised in the CCS CCA Rules.
Even though the MOF vide its OM No. 09 (11) – E II B dt. 29.08.2008
has enhanced the rate of split duty Allowance to Rs. 200/- P. M, the
same has not been communicated resulting non drawal of allowance
in the enhance rate. It is requested to cause orders at once.
67. Grant of OTA/Excess Duty Allowance to the SPMs working in
single/Double handed Post offices.
(i) In the absence of PA, the SPMs working in ‘B’ class offices may be
granted minimum of 3 hours OTA to look after the duty of PA.
(ii) Similarly, in ‘C’ class offices, where the work load exceeds 8 hours
and more, compensation in the shape of Excess Duty Allowance may
please be considered.
To cite an instance, the circle IFA, Tamil Nadu Circle has denied such
kind of benefits to those recruited and deputed for training before 01-
01-86. Based on the opinion, the Chief Postmaster General, Tamil
Nadu Circle has issued instructions vide his letter No. STA/80-1/00/Rlgs
dated 21-02-2003 in which it was stated that the period of Induction
training can be taken for the benefit of promotion under TBOP / BCR
only if the person selected was under training on 01-01-86 or deputed
for training on or after 01-01-86, apart the fulfilment of other
conditions such as obligatory nature of such training, immediate
promotion on completion of such training.
1622 HSG-I Posts were sanctioned during March 2001 by upgrading
the HSG-II and LSG posts to HSG-I for operative offices. No HSG-I post
was allotted to MMS divisions. Necessary steps may be taken to
sanction atleast one HSG-I post in each MMS Division.
In view of above the Staff Side urges that the above recovery be
totally waived or else the recovery be ordered from the Officer who
sanctioned the bills against the rules.
Norms in CRC , SPC, EPP & Logistics are still not fixed. In
Circles/Divisions the authorities are harassing the staff for Norms of
1000 articles in a day sets. It is not uniformly practicable to perform
1000 articles in 8 hrs duty. Authorities are of the view that the norms
of 1000 in CRC/SPCs, EPP & logistics is fixed by the Directorate. So far
no decision has been taken in consultation with the Staff Side in this
regard. It was reported that Circle authorities have ordered reduction
in staff strength in CRCs taking 1000 articles norms. Harassment to
the staff by ordering Diesnon, issuing charge sheets and transfer of
officials are reported from various Circles. Urgent steps may be taken
to fix the norms in CRCs, SPSs, EPP & logistics on scientific basis in
consultation with the Staff Side.
79. Posting of outsiders in the Accountable branches.
Outsiders should not be posted in the accountable branches as it
would be difficult to fix the responsibility in the case of loss of any
accountable article.
iv) This will be quite appropriate that the new Recruitments Rules for
HSG-I cadre, for both Post Offices and RMS Offices, may be framed in
such a way, so as to reduce the present eligibility condition of 3 years
regular service in HSG-II to 1 year, which is quite logical as done in the
case of LSG and HSG-II as shown in para (iii) above.
v) As of to-day almost all the HSG-I posts are lying vacant. The above
amendment can help to fill up these posts to some extent. Therefore,
it is requested that new Recruitment Rules for HSG-I as suggested in
para (iv) above may be framed and issued at the earliest.
iii) Therefore, it is suggested that till the new Recruitment Rules for HSG-I
are framed, present adhoc promotes to the cadre of HSG-I who has
completed say 1 year of adhoc promotion may be absorbed in the
cadre of HSG-I on regular basis by regularizing their adhoc promotion
from the date they joined HSG-I cadre on adhoc basis. This will help to
fill up HSG-I vacancies to some extent and at the same time do away
with issuing of extension orders at regular intervals. At the same time
more HSG-II vacant posts will become available for LSG cadre.
iv) Further the ICIR and Audit objected the pensionary benefits to the
Adhoc promotees in HSG-I and their last pay drawn was not taken into
account for computation of their pension and other benefits. This is
highly irregular.
83. Regarding acute shortage of ‘C’ bags :-
An acute shortage of ‘C’ bags is being faced in RMS/Post offices due to
short supply of ‘C’ bags. Only low-quality polythene bags are being
supplied having very short span of life. This hampers the work.
Moreover sometimes NSPCs need bigger bags than C-1 size for its
business which are not available. Therefore it is required that this
problem of acute shortage of ‘C’ bags as well as availability of big size
‘C’ bags needs to be solved at the earliest.
The incentive scheme for promotion of clerks ( PA/SAs) in accordance
with Directorate letters No. 60/11/62- SPB –I dt 30-5-1963 and
62/24/63-SPB-I dt 9-4-1964 is not being implemented for the last 8
years and was last implemented in the year 1999. Due to non-
implementation of the scheme many eligible officials are losing their
chances of promotion. The Staff Side urges for necessary instructions
to all concerned to take necessary action in this regard for facilitating
early promotion under this Rule to eligible officials.
removal of this existing discrimination in order to ensure parity
between the GDS officials of Postal and RMS wings.
It is known that the Mailguard posts will be filled by conducting an
examination at Divisional level . The 50% vacancies would be
earmarked for DP quota meant for Mailmen and the remaining 50%
vacancies would be earmarked for the promotion of GDS employees
which comes under DR. Due to delay in release of ADR since 2006 to
2008 the DR vacancies could not be filled up. There is no objection to
fill up the vacancies earmarked for DP quota among Mail Man. Several
Circles complained to the CHQ that the examinations for filling up of
vacant Mailguard posts (earmarked for DP quota) since 2006 have not
been conducted which is creating unrest among the Mail Man. Now the
Screening Committee had also cleared ADR for 2006 to 2008.
Therefore it is requested to issue instructions to all Circles for
conduction of examinations for filling up of vacant Mailguard Posts
without further delay.
All posts in different cadres will have D.R. and D.P. quota for filling up
of posts except in the cadre of Group 'D' for which all the posts are
being filled up from among the GDS and Casual Labourers in the ratio
of 75% and 25% respectively by treating them as outsiders (D.R). A
reference to the Action Taken Report circulated by the Department of
Posts in the high level meeting held by the Secretary [P] with the Staff
Side on 13/01/2009 mentions categorically that Group D posts are not
covered under Screening Committee. However it can be seen that
while filling up of Group 'D' during the period from 2000 to 2008,
invariably 2/3rd posts were abolished and either 1/3rd vacancies alone
were filed up or even that were not filled up on many years. In fact the
vacancies of Group 'D' are filled without examination as per seniority
cum fitness through DPCs and hence they come under promotional
quota (D.P) only. A reference to the judgment of Honourable High
Court of Kerala No. 3618 & 4956 of 2006(S) dt 22-3-2007; OA 33162
of 2009 (S) dated 23.12.2009 as well as the decision of the
Honourable Ernakulam CAT No. 346/2005 dt 2-11-2007 would
highlight this aspect. The Staff Side therefore urges for release of all
the vacancies wrongly abolished during the years 2000-2008 for filling
up from amongst the GDS and TS Casual Labourers.
Thus, huge increase in business was possible through the “Check
valves” of Centralized structure of C.O.s and R.O.s and through the
Central Accounting System of DPLI office Kolkata but now ,through
overlapping of certain items of works , the role of “Check valves” like
C.O.s , R.O.s and DPLI are being ignored . But the reason is not known
and to combat with shortage of staff, Department’s and Insurant’s
interests cannot be compromised .
While the concept of reduction of volume of Mails cannot be treated as
true for the operative offices, as although letter Mails are decreasing ,
Business Mails are increasing , the work of Circle Administrative
offices does not at all depend on the Volume of Mails .
102. Withdrawal of orders fixing responsibility on DDOs and APM
Accounts and Accountants for the overpayment of Pay
and allowances to Postmen on account of
fixation under Revised pay rules after 5th CPC.
As per the FR and SR there are distinct rules to recover the
overpayments made to the officials while paying the arrears. But
misinterpreting the CAT orders the drawing officials are humiliated
leaving the entire hierarchy. Therefore, it is urged to withdraw this
order immediately.
107. Payment of OSA and other benefits to MMS Staff on par with
RMS Staff:
Of late, MMS has introduced long distance schedules in c/w Logistics
Service. The drivers are denied OSA and other benefits as in this case
of RMS Staff. It is requested to grant of OSA to MMS Driers who work in
the Logistics Service.
68 RMS Divisions in the Country are functioning with 40% to 60%
shortage of Staff. This has resulted in poor quality of sorting and lack
supervision in Mail offices. Steps may be taken by the Department to
fill up all the vacancies.
110. Allot 19% Group B vacancies for General line and permit all
Group C officials in Postal, RMS, Admn and Postal A/Cs with
minimum 20 years of service to appear the exam by
dispensing with present reservation of posts to RMS & Admn
The Staff Side had submitted its proposal as far back as in February
2008 referring the pending item in the Postal Departmental Council
JCM and communicating the opinions of the internal staff side
In 1993, the staff side was asked to surrender 1/3rd of IPO vacancies
for direct recruitment to facilitate higher scales of pay to IPO/ASPOs
and during the course of discussions it was indicated that in lieu of this
the share of General Line in Group B might be improved. Though the
share of PA/SA cadre in IPO was reduced by 1/3rd as stated above, the
re-apportionment of Group B did not take place.
a) Our proposal is that 62% of Group B vacancies on seniority-cum-
fitness and 19% on merit exam basis amongst the IPO line;
b) Remaining 19% of Group B should be for General Line [Postal, RMS,
Admn and Postal A/Cs] on competitive examination basis for the
officials with 20 years of service. Since it is a tough competitive
examination there need not be any restriction that only from LSG and
above would be permitted. This condition require to be reconsidered
for liberalisation for the following reasons also.
purview of ACP, since they are not covered under any other scheme of
financial upgradation. As in the case of non-test category Group D for
whom the TBOP/BCR was not applicable, the Department extended
the scheme of ACP earlier. Similarly these categories also should have
been covered under ACP Scheme and non-grant of ACP is an anomaly
that has to be settled. The Staff Side urges at least apply the MACP
Scheme to these sections of employees.
strength, giving preference to volunteers if any or with Direct
115. Extending /expanding modernization in PAOs.
Extending /expanding the modernization and allowing due share of
structural betterment/face-lift to PAOs on a/c of Project Arrow is
proposed by the Staff Side.
promotion may be explored since the anomaly is prevailing due to
various changes made in the procedure of LSG/HSG II recruitment
Suitable clarifications set aside the irregular objections being raised by
the ICIR party.
Restore the Member (Finance) post in the Postal Services Board and
integrate all accounting streams of DOP under Member (Finance).
Reclassify the cadres in PAO and enable this Association to represent
all the cadres (up to AAO) included in the PB-1 and PB-2 for their
representation in Departmental /National JCM.
Allow ACP benefit in the scale of Sorter to those Group-D officials who
had passed D.E prior to the year 2000 but denied promotion.
Count T/S service for ACP benefits as in the case of their pension
130. JA CADRE:
Restore residency period of 3 years from JA to SA retrospectively
Grant the same scale of pay to DEOs of Chennai PAO as in the case of
DEOs working in other Departments under Central Government
authorities as in other CG Departments. Until introduction of this
system of automatic revision of CRs to undo any blind CR writing, the
benchmark ‘good’ may kindly be not insisted for grant of upgradations
under MACP.
(Giriraj Singh)
Secretary, Staff Side