JCM Departmental Council Subjects - Final

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Postal Departmental council

Staff Side
D-2 Telegraph Place, Bangla sahib Marg, New Delhi –110001

K.V.Sridharan GirirajSingh

Leader Secretary

No. JCM/DC/2010 Dated 27th January 2010


The Chairman

Postal Departmental Council JCM

Dak Bhawan

New Delhi – 110001

Sub: Subjects for discussion from the Staff Side in the meeting of Departmental
Council JCM.

Ref: Your letter No. 6-2/2002-SR (Vol II) dt. 18.12.2009


Kindly find the list of new subjects in triplicate submitted for discussion in the ensuing
meeting of Postal Departmental Council Meeting of the Joint Consultative Machinery.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


[Giriraj Singh]

Secretary - Staff Side

Encl: List of subjects in triplicate.

1.Cadre Restructuring for all Non-Gazetted Group B & C cadres:
The change of postal operations from merely the traditional mail
handling and delivery to a modern commercial orient ted with
multifarious operations including a lot of diversified non-traditional
operations in both Postal and RMS justifies a cadre restructuring and
cadre training to be placed in better scales of pay. More over no such
cadre restructuring exercise was undertaken for a very long time even
though such exercises were periodically undertaken and implemented
for Group A and Gazetted Group B. Other Departments have taken
action for restructuring their cadres after the 6th CPC. This issue was
discussed in the meeting held by Secretary [P] on 13/01/2009 and was
decided that the department would go into the whole issue on
submission of full restructuring proposals from the Staff Side. The same
were submitted by the Staff Side also but no further progress was
made. The Staff Side urges for immediate finalisation of cadre review.

2. Creation of System Administrators Cadre.

The computerization of several postal operations has been carried out
with the help of System Administrators without creation of such a cadre
in the Department of Posts. The whole infrastructure of computerized
network in the department has been laid in place by these System
Administrators thus saving crores of rupees of expenditure. The role of
Mysore PTC technology wing System Administrators in developing our
own softwares for different operations of the department is also a
marvel. The work of System Administrators is equal to Computer
Engineers who attend to system faults; software installation; imparting
training to staff supervisory and operative; attending to trouble
shooting of all nature; installation of computers in offices; ensuring back
up of all data; attending to networking in offices and several other
operations for the smooth functioning of the system etc. The Staff Side
urges for creation of a separate cadre ‘System Administrators’ with the
nomenclature of “Computer System Assistant” in Pay Band 2 with
Grade Pay of 4200/- and allow a walk over for the existing System
Administrators into the new cadre as one-time measure. It can be
referred that the All India Council for Technical Education which is a
statutory body of Government of India has notified seeking volunteers
on deputation basis to work as Computer System Assistants with the
above Pay Band and Grade Pay.

3.Computation of proper norms for work allotment to existing

System Administrators and grant of certain essential amenities.
The System Administrators are at present working without any standard
work norms and work hours. There are no fixed responsibilities assigned
to them. They have not been provided with several essential amenities
and allowances commensurate to their work. Taking these into

consideration the Staff Side proposes for introduction of the under
mentioned facilities to System Administrators:
1. Special Allowance: - Notwithstanding with our demand of formation of
separate cadre of Systems Administrators in the Department of Posts
with separate pay scale till the augmentation, the existing incumbents
may be granted special allowance to the extent of 10% Pay plus Grade
pay as it is granted to care takers.
2. Issue of uniform duties & responsibilities: - There is no uniformity
in the duties and responsibilities. This varies from circle to circle even
regions with in the circle. A uniform viable duties & responsibilities may
be circulated from the Directorate. Identify adequate number of
systems Administrator’s post in each division/circles.
3. Providing Laptops: - The Systems Administrators find it difficult to
download and test the given patches and software with the non
availability of systems. One laptop may be provided for smooth
facilitation of the process and for mobility purposes in attending
computer related works in other stations.
4. Incentive for installation/upgradation: - Many software could be
installed only after the closing hours and will end in the midnight.
Incentive for installation/upgradation may be fixed and paid.
5. Training Allowance/honorarium: - For imparting training at WCTCS
and for MSE, the Systems Administrators may be granted Training
6. Accidental insurance: - For travelling extensively through two
wheelers to attend the technical problems, an accidental insurance
coverage may be provided.
7. Grant of Special disability leave: - The S. A. of Delhi West Division
met with a road accident after installing software in the night. No
special disability leave was granted to the official. Provision of special
disability leave on such happening should be ensured.
8. Grant of Excess Duty Allowance: - For keeping beyond 8 hours on
any day for any work, they should be granted with ‘Excess Duty
Allowance’ or OTA.
9. Provide cash imprest: - To meet out the immediate requirements
while attending problems in computers, a separate cash imprest may
be provided.
10. Grant of TA & Road Mileage Allowance: - Within urban cities,
the road mileage allowance and out stations, TA may be granted for
the journey performed for attending computers.
11. Mobile Phone & Recharge coupons: - Mobile phones may be
supplied to the system administrators & a minimum of Rs.500/- may be
allowed per month for recharging the coupon for the Mobile
12. Providing kit box: - They should be provided with kit bag
containing net driver set, CD bag, pen drive, handy vacuum cleaner
13. Providing a seat in office: - They should be provided a seat at
server. Now in many places, they have not been provided with
separate seating facility.

14. Keeping Panel: - A panel should be maintained at Divisional level
and the SAs should not be reverted back as Postal Assistant without
any sound reasons.
15. Possession of SQL Password: - The possession of SQL Password
may be conferred with the Head of the office after imparting training to
overcome the problem of immediate solution of technical problems as
this is now vested with the divisional heads.

4.Grant of Officiating Pay with all consequential benefits for staff

officiated in HSG-I vacancies:
On introduction of TBOP and BCR promotions to Postal Staff as per the
decisions of the Postal Departmental Council JCM, TBOP officials were
treated as LSG and BCR Officials were treated as HSG-II for all purposes.
All the posts of LSG and HSG-II were manned by these officials and the
holding of DPCs for filling up the posts of LSG/HSG-II was virtually
abandoned. The senior BCR and TBOP officials were posted for
officiating against HSG-I and HSG-2 vacancies. However the drawal of
HSG-I and HSG-2 officiating pay and allowances to the Officials
officiating against such vacancies was withdrawn all of a sudden
without taking into account of the whole background. The intervention
from the Staff Side was also negated. This situation had led to litigation
that ended in favour of officials who officiated against HSG-I / HSG-II
vacancies. In this background the Department instead of granting HSG-I
/ HSG-IIofficiating pay and allowances to all such officials has reportedly
taken a stand to grant it only for those officials who have gone to Court.
This is ethically an incorrect stand and the Staff Side urges upon for
reconsideration of the stand to facilitate drawal of HSG-I and HSG-II
officiating pay and allowances with all consequential retirement benefits
to all the officials from whom the higher responsibilities of HSG-I or
HSG-II were extracted through officiating arrangements.

5.Filling up of Residual Vacancies.

Despite clear orders to fill up the residual vacancies vide Department
letter no. 60-5/2007-SPB-I dt. 15.05.07, this has not been implemented
in many circles like Gujarat, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Orissa, Madhya
Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, West Bengal etc. 858 Posts are still kept
unfilled up in Tamilnadu Circle. In Maharashtra Circle also, this has not
been filled up due to some threat of a political party. In short, all the
circles are seeking Clarifications or approval from the Directorate
resulting in unwarranted delay in filling up such vacant posts. An RTI
filed in this regard has revealed that many circles have failed to fill up
these residual vacancies. Action is required to initiate the process of
recruitment against all the residual vacancies within a time frame.

6. Imparting training to non-matriculate Group D employees

promoted to Postman / Mail Guard or PA/SA Cadres after
1.1.2006 – reg
The Non-Matriculate Group D employees promoted to Postmen / Mail
Guard Cadre or PA/SA Cadre on or after 1.1.2006 but before the

implementation of 6th CPC pay scales are being denied 1800/- GP from
1.1.2006 for the duration of their Group D employment on the grounds
that they were not being imparted with the required training. No action
is also being taken in such cases to impart the same training as like
other non-matriculate Group D staff. The Staff Side urges for causing
instructions to arrange for imparting the same training to such
promoted non-matriculate officials also and grant 1800/- GP from
1.1.2006 to their date of promotion or else they may be deemed to
have been imparted the said training on the strength of their passing
the examination for a higher cadre.

7.Irregular mention of PB Slab for certain categories of Staff in

the MACP Orders issued by the Department of Posts.
The MACP orders issued by the Department of Posts vide No.4-7/
(MACPS)/2009-PCC Dated 18.09.2009 contains certain irregular mention
of lower Pay Band Slab in respect of PA/SA and Postmen/Mail Guard
even after their Grade Pay gets elevated to 4200/- which comes under
PB-2. This irregularity is not committed while mentioning the Pay Band
Slabs of other cadres like IPOs/ASPOs in the same orders. The Staff Side
urges for setting right this irregularity through appropriate corrigendum
since this irregularity will adversely affect the minimum pay entitlement
of the concerned cadre as well as the fixation of minimum pension
entitlement in future.

8. Restoration and improvement of ‘In Cadre Promotion’ to

Postmen/ & Multi Skilled Employees cadre.
The whole structure of regular promotions for Postmen / Mail Guards
and Group D in the same cadre stream like Sorting Postman, Head
Postman, Head Mail Guard, Jamedar, Head Jamedar etc had disappeared
consequent on introduction of TBOP and BCR promotion Scheme.
Hundreds of promotional posts like Head Postman, Head Mail Guard,
Jamedar etc were abolished. The unilateral shift in the status of
TBOP/BCR from promotion to financial upgradation and the current
change from TBOP/BCR system to MACP Scheme, the cadre of Postman,
Mail Guards and Multi-Skilled Employees have no promotional avenue at
all. Modified ACP is not a promotion but a financial upgradation where
promotion to officials is not available on completion of 10,20 and 30
years of service. The financial upgradation schemes are only an
addition to the regular promotion scheme and not a replacement. It can
be seen that all other cadres in the Department of Posts excluding
Postman, Mail Guards and Multi-Skilled Employees have their own in-
cadre promotional system. It is therefore urged upon to re-introduce the
regular promotional avenues to these cadres.

9.Enhancement of Double Duty and Holiday Duty Allowance for

The 6th Pay Commission has recommended vide Para 4.2.81 of its
Report for doubling of all allowances specific to different

Ministries/Departments/Organisations but not covered in its Report.
Accordingly the Double Duty Allowance and Holiday Duty Allowance
which are specific to the Postal Department and applicable to Postman
Cadre specifically requires to be doubled. The contention of the Official
Side that these Allowances are linked with OTA and unless the rate of
OTA is enhanced by the Government, these specific Allowances of
Postmen also cannot be enhanced is incorrect. In fact even when the
rate of OTA was not revised, these allowances of Postmen were
enhanced in the year 2003 by the Department vide Orders No.10-
7/2001-PE-II Dated 28.01.2003. Double Duty and Holiday Duty
Allowances are not given as the hourly basis OTA given to other Cadres.
Postmen double duty allowance is given for performing the entire duties
of another postman for the whole day. Holiday Duty if any is also not
like the Holiday OTA available for other categories of staff. The above
cited Postman specific Allowances should therefore be revised in the
back ground of the recommendation of the 6th CPC.

10. Replacement of Night Halt Allowance to Mail Overseers with

Night Halt is a condition arising out of a specific situation of attending
for Inspection of Post Offices out of Headquarters of the inspecting
officers. Therefore there cannot be a different yardstick applied to an
inspecting Officer and a Mail Overseer required to perform similar
function of inspection of offices outside their headquarters. The Staff
Side urges upon for the replacement of Night Halt Allowance to the Mail
Overseer officials with TA/DA as like other inspecting Officers.

11. Extraction of Data Entry Work from Postman and Multi-

Skilled Employees.
Recently the Department has started extracting data entry work from
the Postmen staff and Multi-Skilled Employees. The work of data entry is
Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant specific who are placed under the Pay
Band – 1 with Grade Pay 2400/- on par with the erstwhile 4000-6000
pay scales. The 6th CPC has recommended a uniform erstwhile 4000-
6000 pay scales for the data entry operators in all departments and the
same has been implemented by the Government also. In this situation,
the extraction of the data entry work from other officials like Postman
and Multi Skilled Employees who are placed in lower Grade Pay levels is
unjustified. Either the work of data entry should be entrusted only to
Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants or else the Grade Pay of other
Cadres from whom the work of data entry is extracted should also be
enhanced on par with the level recommended by the 6th CPC.

12. Increasing the number of chances to appear LGO

Examination and revision of LGO Exam syllabus.
The number of chances for sitting in the LGO Examination has been
restricted from the earlier position of unlimited chances. It has been
refixed as 6 chances subsequently. Inviting reference to the discussions
held on 19.04.2007 on strike demands, the Staff Side urges for

increasing the chances to at least 10 in order to motivate the officials
who could not get through the LGO Examinations earlier as well as
finalisation of revised syllabus in objective type as circulated earlier for
the LGO Examination.

13. Irregular computation of working hours for Postman in field

In many divisions, the speed post articles handled by Postmen staff are
not taken into account for establishment calculations of work load of
delivery staff in the name of payment of incentives. This is irregular.
The total number of speed post articles also shall be taken into account
in spite of the incentive paid to Postmen for maintaining performance
levels of delivery of speed post articles. The staff side urges for suitable
instructions to all circles in this regard.

14. Revival cash handling allowance to Postmen.

The cash handling allowance which was earlier granted based on
Arbitration Award had been withdrawn. The Staff Side urges for re-
introduction of the said allowance.

15. Removal of minimum cyclable distance for grant of cycle

maintenance allowance to Postmen / MSE.
At present a distance of above 16 K.Ms condition has been prescribed
for grant of Cycle Maintenance Allowance to Postmen / MSE. This is
unfair and unscientific. The Officials are using their own personal
cycles for the use of departmental work. Therefore the condition of 16
K.Ms should be removed and all officials who use cycles should be
paid said allowance.

16. Eligibility to appear LGO Examination.

As per the existing rules, either permanent or QPC is required to
appear in the LGO Examination. After delinking of confirmation with
permanent posts all officials are now treated as permanent on
completion of 2 years of service and the system of QPC has been
dispensed with. However in many divisions the officials who completed
2 years of regular service are not being allowed to sit for LGO
Examination stating that they have not completed 3 years period
which was meant only for QPC. The Staff Side urges for suitable
instructions in this regard.

17. Counting of Special Allowance for pay fixation case of PO &

RMS Accountants
The Special Allowance granted to JAO qualified official has been taken
for pay fixation benefits `on ACP promotion. Similar application may
be extended to PO & RMS qualified Accountants also.

18. Request for discontinuance of the practice of obtaining fidelity

/ security bond from the employees handling cash

The 5th CPC in its report vide para 62-13 recommended to discontinue
the practice of obtaining fidelity / security bond from employees. In
the present stage of handling huge cash, obtaining fidelity bond for
Rs. 3000/- to Rs. 5000/- does not serve any purpose. A lot of
manpower is being wasted in Accounts branch in maintaining these
records. Similar is the position of inspecting officials also. Only in rare
and exceptional cases, the guarantee money is received. The
employees are unnecessarily crediting premium every year to obtain
fidelity bond. It is requested to consider and discontinue the practice
of security bonds which has no longer serving any purpose.

19. Non-Drawal of HRA to the officiating SPMs working at offices

having attached quarters.
Despite clear instructions issued by the department in its letter no.
24/3/76/PAP dt. 20.8.79 also appeared in FR, SR Part IV in chapter X
that HRA may be granted for the maximum period of three months
when the official is posted to officiate in a post, to which rent free
accommodation is attached but not provided, the due HRA for three
months has not been drawn and paid to the officiating SPMs in many
places. Even though the senior BCR officials were ordered to look after
the charge of PM/SPM until regular posting, HRA has not been paid to
the officials who are officiating against such vacancies resulting loss in

Similarly, even though the power of de-quarterization of a post

attached Quarters is now delegated to Heads of Circle vide Directorate
letter no. 10-4/2003 - Bldg. dt. 6.5.03, the Circle heads are not
according proper sanction for dequarterisation/suspension of Quarters
for the periods of such officiating periods exceeding 90 days.

The officiating officials should not suffer a financial loss due to the
administrative problem of non-posting of a regular incumbent to the
vacant post within the stipulated period. Prolonged officiating
arrangement is an ultimate loss to an officiating official for no fault on
his side.

It is therefore requested to issue clarity instructions to all Circle heads

to settle the pending issues accordingly.

20. Protection of pay of defunct scale of PO & RMS Accountants

who opted for general line under Directorate letter No. 2-
22/88 - PE I dt. 01.12.92.
A kind attention is invited to the reference cited above in which
directorate letter, the case of late Natha Singh, Accountant Punjab
Circle was decided. The decision taken in the said case was purely a
policy decision and the contents of the said letter might have been
applied to all other similar cases. Unfortunately, the said decision was
not communicated to other circles which cause hardship to those
defunct scale Accountants who switched over to general line.

It is most pertinent to mention that while deciding the cases of pay
fixation of the officials working in SBCO/ Administrative offices under
TBOP/BCR scheme vide Directorate letter no. 202/92 - PE I dt.
01.12.95, they were allowed direct fixation in the pay scale of
TBOP/BCR. The Directorate letter dt. 28.05.02 is also based on the
similar analogy but has not been applied in any other circle except to
Punjab due to non-circulation of the contents.

It is therefore requested to cause necessary instructions to all Heads

of Circles based on the letter dt. 28.05.02 of the Directorate to settle
the problems if any prevailing similar to the case of Shri Natha Singh.

21. Enhancement of Savings Bank incentive to Postal Assistants

working in Savings Bank branches.
Consequent upon the implementation of Fifth CPC recommendations
with regard to all allowances, the S. B. incentive was enhanced from
Rs.60/- to Rs.150/- per month in respect of staff fully engaged in
savings bank work with effect from 08.10.2004. Similarly, a proposal
for enhancement of S. B. incentive after the implementation of Sixth
CPC, has to be forwarded to Ministry of Finance for approval of the
same. It is therefore requested to expedite the proposal for
enhancement of S. B. incentive and also to consider the same to all
those imparted training in Sanchay Post Software training while
handling transactions in computer.

22. Payment of honorarium/incentive for drawal of arrears on

implementation of Sixth CPC and GDS Committee.
After 5th CPC, the Directorate has fixed honorarium for the work vide
its letter no. 42-1/98-PAP dt. 05.06.98. The PA Admn. Branch had
already fixed and communicated the honorarium for the work
preferred 6th CPC for Postal Accounts staff. It is therefore requested to
cause similar type of orders early of the payment of honorarium for
the work relating to fixation of pay work as per RP Rules 2008 and for
drawal of arrears as a result thereof. Similarly, honorarium may please
be fixed for the work related to fixation of TRCA to GDS and drawal of
arrears as a result of at the earliest.

23. Stepping up of pay of senior officials on par with juniors in

case of anomaly arising out of fixation of pay on placement to
TBOP/BCR Scales Clarification.
Please refer Directorate Letter No. 1-3/2007-PAP Dated 6.10.2009. It is
rather dismayed to note that such a clarification at the time of coming
out from the TBOP/BCR scheme will cause unnecessary doubts in the
minds of Audit and DDOs.

Further, the TBOP/BCR schemes are the promotional schemes in lieu

of regular promotions as per the JCM Departmental council agreement.
Since there was no discussion or decision about the modification of

the decision of the JCM agreement, this unwarranted clarification may
lead to unwarranted queries and recoveries. Atleast the clarificatory
orders would have been given effect from the date of issue of the
order which is also silent in the contents.

It is therefore requested to rescind the orders or atleast may be given

effect from the date of issue in order to not to open the past cases
decided earlier.

24. Revision of Cash Allowance to the SPMs handling cash in the

absence of treasurer.
The cash allowance drawn to the SPMs working in Triple/Four handed
offices who are entrusted with the treasury work in the absence of
treasurer has been stopped in many places after the implementation
of Sixth CPC.

This is arbitrary, unjust and against the decisions arrived on the

subject. Further the amount requires revision based on the increase
after the Sixth CPC implementation.

25. Anomaly in fixation of Pay in respect of the officials promoted

on 01.01.96 under BCR Scheme.
According to Biennial Cadre Review (BCR), the officials are to be
placed in the higher pay scale w.e.f. 1st Jan or 1st July and had the
option to get their pay fixed from date of promotion in the higher pay
scale or from the date he earns his next increment in the lower pay

According to Rule 5 of CCS (Revised Pay) rules, 1997 “Save as

otherwise provided in these rules, a Government servant shall draw
pay in the revised scale applicable to the post to which he is

Provided that a Government servant may elect to continue to draw

pay in the existing scale until the date on which he earns his next
increment or any subsequent increment in the existing scale or until
he vacates his post or ceases to draw pay in that scale.”

According to Explanation 2 below Rule 5 of CCS (Revised Pay) Rules,

1977: -
“The aforesaid option shall not be admissible to any person appointed
to a post on or after the 1st day of January, 1996, whether for the first
time in Government service, or by transfer or promotion from another
post and he shall be allowed pay only to the revised scale.”

Consequent to this explanation, officials who were placed in BCR on

1.1.1996 could not get their promotion in the pre-revised pay scale
which resulted in drop in their emoluments. Had these officials been

allowed to get their promotion in the pre-revised pay scale on
1.1.1996, they were at the advantage.

Considering the above views, the Directorate vide its letter no. 1-
28/2004-PCC dt.23.08.06 addressed all circles seeking the information
about the no. of officials affected by the Explanation No. 2 below Rule
5 of CCS (RP) Rules 1997 and its financial implication.

Thereafter there is no improvement or action in this regard. The issue

remains unsettled so far due to which such officials affected due to the
explanation stated in pre-paras remained looser in the fixation of pay
after the Sixth Pay Commission recommendations.

It is therefore requested to kindly expedite action and accord orders at

the earliest.

26. Review of Short Duty Staff Scheme introduced w.e.f

14.08.2008- reg.
A kind attention is invited to the Dte. letter No.37-40/2007-SPB-I Dated
6.5.2009, in which it was stated that it has been decided to review the
scheme after completion of one year and our suggestion would be
considered then. Now one year is over in August 09 itself. As there is
heavy shortage in the Post offices, the limits in engagements of SDS
to six hours and restrictions in the number of days for engagement is
not practically helpful to mitigate the sufferings. The ceiling may be
lifted and the divisional heads may be authorized to decide the
quantum of engagement based on the requirements at the offices in
their jurisdiction.

27. Request to drop the Confirmation Examination – reg.

The Directorate had earlier agreed to drop the confirmation
examination since it became irrelevant and it was assured to
introduce the ‘certification’ by the Postal Training Centers itself in lieu
of the existing confirmation examination. After the Government had
issued orders delinking the confirmation for promotion etc, the
existence of confirmation examination has no relevance and it should
be dropped. It is therefore requested to kindly cause appropriate
action and accord orders early.

28. Enhancing the limit of cash to be remitted through leather

cash bags (LCB) & Special messengers.
According to Directorate letter No. 22-6/84 CI dt. 31.05.2000, the
maximum limit of cash that can be sent through cash bags is
Rs.20000/- in mechanized route and Rs.15000/- on foot and by cycle.
This requires revision due to manifold increase in the monetary
transactions at post offices. There are several practical difficulties
experienced in arranging special remittances every day in post offices.
It is therefore requested to consider and enhance the present

maximum limit to Rs.50000 in cash bags and also to enhance the limit
for cash remittance through special messenger.

29. Arbitrary and forcible allotment of Staff Quarters.

The officials posted as Sub Postmasters in Town Sub Offices are being
forced to occupy the staff Quarters in the Postal colony despite they
are having their own houses and other arrangements besides their
unwillingness to occupy the staff quarters. The Quarters are not post
attached one and the officials are losing the HRA due to non
occupation of Quarters. The SPMs can be compelled only if they have
been provided with the post attached Quarters as a service condition
and they should not be compelled to occupy the quarters which were
not occupied by any officials. It is therefore requested to cause
instructions to the concerned to withdraw the arbitrary procedure
prevailing in allotment of Quarters to the SPMs posted in town sub
offices in the Postal Colony.

30. Non-posting of Women Employees where basic amenities are

not available.
Percentage of women employees working in Post offices / RMS offices is
more than 30%. It is a fact that quite a number of Post offices / RMS
offices are not having all the basic amenities. The women staffs have
their own problems and it is extremely difficult for them to work in such
places which are lacking basic amenities. In order to ensure proper
facilities to lady members of the staff, it is requested to issue strict
instructions to the concerned to not to post women employees to such

31. Upward revision of Conveyance Allowance to PRI (P)

Consequent upon the increase in oil prices, there is every justification
to revise upwardly the quantum of conveyance allowance. It will also
be proper to segregate some of the works of PRI (P) relating to
marketing activities, verification of papers beyond 8 kms etc. and to
bring them under TA / DA rules so that they will be compensated

32. Non-Supply of Statement of Balance to the officials

brought under New Pension scheme 2004.
Since the year of implementation (2004), no statement of balance as
on 31st March from the years 2005 to 2009 has been furnished to the
employees who are brought under the new pension scheme. The
officials do not know their balance and the contribution made by the
Govt. in the absence of non supply of these statements. This should
have been compiled and circulated by the DA (P)s every year.It is
requested to cause necessary instructions to compile and circulate the
balance sheet as on 31.03.2009 immediately.

33. Conveyance of cash with police escort- Problems there


We have suggested considering the following to resolve the problems
pertaining to cash conveyance.
1. The present cash limit should be enhanced up to one lakh
per individual
2. Cash collection van should be arranged in all bigger towns
and the officials should not be asked to take unwarranted risks in
cash remittances.
3. Insuring the cash remittance amount shall be explored.
4. The officials shall not be penalized or brought under
contributory factors for the case if any theft or loss taken place
beyond the capacity of the officials who are engaged for such cash

The ADG (PO) vide his letter no 24-9/2007- P.O dt. 15.02.08 has
informed that in order to further process the matter, all the Heads of
Circles were requested to furnish their views and suggestions given by
this union. Considering the present day requirements, provision of
Armed Guard to HPO & major S. Os can also be considered to prevent
major burglaries and thefts during day & night hours.

It is requested to expedite action and cause appropriate orders at the


34. Discontinuance of Medical facilities availed from Ispat

General Hospital (IGH) Rourkela in Orissa Circle.
The Rourkela steel plant authorities had suddenly stopped the
treatment facilities in IGH to the Postal staff and family members in
Dec' 07. After the intervention of the Circle administration, the indoor
facilities have been extended to our staff despite the requests for both
indoor & outdoor treatments. It is also stated that the indoor facilities
have been facilitated after they have accepted adhoc advance of one
lakh rupees from the department.

The SSPOs, Sundargarh division has not yet carried out the decision
arrived with Rourkela steel plant authorities for extension of both the
medical facilities to the staff by issuing authorization cards. The staffs
are being compelled to deposit money to avail medical facilities from
the hospital at the time at urgency and due to no tangible action have
so for been taken, there is a total resentment amidst staff who have no
other medical facilities in that place. It is therefore requested to
intervene immediately and ensure appropriate immediate action to
issue identify/authorization cards to each postal employees on due
consultation with IGH authorities for availing both indoor & outdoor
treatment by the staff.

35. Fixing work norms to RPLI work at BOs/SOs - Request

immediate orders.
The Chief General Manager, PLI Directorate has informed on 14.03.08
in the workshop meeting held with union representatives that she had

submitted a proposal to Directorate Establishment section for fixing
norms for RPLI work and counting the RPLI transactions towards
income/cost of the Extra Departmental Branch Post Offices and Sub
Post Offices. The proposal, as learnt, is pending at the Directorate.
Since this is an area where the time factor has been requested for over
a decade and also recommended by various earlier committees, it is
requested to expedite action and cause orders duly fixing the time
factor for RPLI work.

36. Fixing of Uniform rate of incentive for computerized

work in POs.
The Chief PMG, West Bengal Circle has fixed Rs. 0.50 per S.B data
entry work for creation of Accounts and Rs. 0.15 for the subsequent
posting of deposit/withdrawal for the computerized work. This order did
not contain the quantum of incentive to the supervisors. Different
Circles are fixing different amount as incentive. The Staff Side urges for
issue of centralized orders by the Directorate for uniform application in
all places.

37. Officiating arrangement in Group B Posts earmarked

for General line.
According to the existing orders, six percent Group B Posts are
earmarked for General line and some of the Posts have not been filled
up for a long time. The unfilled up Posts earmarked for General line,
are being officiated by the IPO line officials and due chances to senior
general line officials have not been offered in such cases. It is therefore
requested to cause instructions to offer such officiating chances to
General line officials only for the vacancies earmarked under 6% quota
in PSS Group B

38. Introduction of new system of bag numbering.

After the introduction of the new system of bag numbering, it is
becoming compulsory to post one hand for mail work since it has
created more additional work. The following are few examples.

(i) The Mail Postal Assistant has to check in respect of each section /
office and each class of bag with the entries of the previous day.
(ii) If the bags are not in regular and after some days, the Postal
Assistant has to check the earlier date and verify the correctness of
the consecutive serials of bag numbers.
(iii) When more than one bag is closed, the other bags have to be given
subsequent numbers. So reference of the registers for each and
every closing of bags becomes inevitable.
(iv) To tie one label to the bag and place another in loose inside the bag
will render duplicate the existing work and writing two sets of labels
become additional work on the Postal Assistants.
(v) While opening the bags, if all these checks prescribed are to be
adhered, without assistance, it is impossible and it will cause delay in
sorting and sending out for delivery.

(vi) It is not possible in respect of the bags opened for the offices
received from other circles. It will be more difficult to deal the
normal mails more than the insurance articles.
(vii) Due to dislocation of trains or other means, if some bags lie in
transit and the bags closed thereafter received, it will become very
difficult to dispose the mails.
(viii) It will increase only the paper works and may cause practical
difficulties in numbering, maintaining, verifying the bags and may
warrant unnecessary correspondences.

The earlier system of closing of bags is a time tested one. The

provisions contained in the volumes and the procedures stated therein
to monitor the mail arrangements are practical ones. Under the
existing shortage, the new procedure has increased the workload to
the existing staff.

Under the existing shortage of staff in Post Offices and mail branches
and RMS Offices are being managed only with the cooperation of Group
D & GDS staff, it is not possible to maintain the new system. The age
old practice of due mail and sorting list be reintroduced once again in
order to mitigate the hardships.

39. Non grant of Special Allowance to unqualified

When TBOP / BCR Postal Assistants are ordered to officiate as
Accountants in HPOs, in the absence of qualified hands, the due special
allowance has not been drawn and paid since the DDOs are considering
TBOP as LSG. This is incorrect. Necessary clarifications may please be
issued for drawal of the allowance with retrospective effect. Further the
Accountants who are granted with MACP shall also be paid the
allowance if they are drafted to perform Accountant duties.

40. Incentive scheme for the Post offices retailing Mutual

Funds and Bonds along with funds for marketing & publicity
and suggested strategies.
In accordance with the Directorate letter No. 95-23/2000-SBC (P) (FS
Division) dt. 28.11.03, the incentive for retailing Mutual Funds and
Bonds granted to the Postal Assistant & Supervisor has been restricted
to the individual employees to the extent of not exceeding 1/3 of his
Basic pay plus DA in a year. Similarly in respect of individual
employees, who mobilized more threshold will not be granted any
incentive up to 1.5 lakh per year.

It is pertinent to note that the officials who possess AMFI certificate for
dealing mutual funds and bonds are entitled for the commission to the
extent of 25%. The above said two conditions are curtailing their due
incentives which are one of the factors that demotivate the employees
from procuring more business. It is noteworthy to mention that there is
no such condition in existence in respect of PLI Development officers.

They are entitled for full commission. As such restricting the due
incentive by imposing such conditions may be dispensed with.

41. Ensuring the standard of residential accommodation to

the SPMs provided with attached Quarters.
Many post attached quarters provided to the SPMs are either sub
standard or lack many basic amenities. The schedule of
accommodation as prescribed by the Department has not been
observed while fixing PO building particularly for the post attached

In rural areas, the total rent payable to the landlord for the whole
building housing the post office and Quarters does not exceed even to
Rs.800/- per month. It is not uncommon to see that a token amount of
Rs.50/- likewise is being charged for the post office and in all such
cases, the Postmasters are compelled to stay in the accommodation
which is unfit for inhabitation and also far below to the standards.
There are many post attached quarters lacking the basic amenities of

If the Department could not provide adequate accommodation for the

Quarters as prescribed in the SOA, and arrange basic amenities, it
should provide option to the SPMs to secure his own accommodation
and in such cases the due HRA may be paid to him. The policy of
providing post attached accommodation requires reconsideration after
the services of Telegraph has totally with drawn from Post offices.

42. Enhancement of Financial powers of HSG I, HSG II &

LSG Postmasters.
According to Directorate letter No. 18-7/92 CI dt. 2.07.93, the Financial
Powers given to HSG & LSG Postmaster on each occasion has been
revised to Rs.60/- & Rs.40/- respectively. The amount has been fixed
seventeen years before prior to installation of computers and mostly
the amount was prescribed to meet any urgent requirements for the
office. The escalation of prices has made the existing financial limit
meaningless. After the computerization, due to the shooting of many
problems, the urgent needs could not be purchased with these
financial powers and the Postmasters are facing problems in attending
any computer related problems and also during the power shut down
periods. Even minor electrical repairs could not be carried out with the
present financial limit. It is therefore requested to consider revision of
financial powers to the Postmasters working in the operative office’s
considering the present day requirements.

43. Budgetary allotment for Computer Advance.

After the total computerization of the P.O. and its functioning, the
officials who desire to purchase computers for their own should be
encouraged which will motivate them further in the computer
operations. There is a resentment prevailing amidst the officials due to

poor allotment of funds under this head. It is therefore requested to
allot more funds under this head and enable the officials to avail the
advance for purchase of personal computers.

44. Fixing Norms/ Time Factors to Postal Stores Depot;

Circle Stamp Depot & creation of establishment.
Since creation of Postal Stores Depot and Circle Stamp Depots, no
norms have been fixed so far to justify the workload and staff strength.
Merely the staffs from neighboring divisions are being drafted and the
posts are maintained without any justified augmentation. Resultantly,
the parent divisions are suffering with shortage of hand due to the
prolonged deputations to PSD & CSD. It is therefore requested to fix
work norms to the PSD & C.S.D and augment adequate posts at the

45. More Bonus in respect of PLI policies to the

Departmental employees.
It is pertinent to mention that the LIC is offering low premium to its
employees while comparing the tariff collected from the public for the
policies taken by the staff. Similarly the Bank employees working in
some nationalized banks & others are being offered more interest for
their investment made in their banks than the general public for their
investments. As such, similar concession may also be extended to the
postal employees either by reduced premium or by granting more
bonuses for the policies taken by them in PLI/RPLI. It will motivate them
further and will have the satisfaction about the concern of the
Department in the welfare of the staff.

46. Payment of Special Allowance to the staff working on

The letter No. 1-11/2008-PC dt. 30.10.08 withdrawing the payment of
special Allowance to the staff working on MPCMs without verifying the
previous decisions is causing a concern. After the Fifth CPC, the issue
was discussed by the Staff side and it was agreed to continue the
drawal of special allowance to the MPCM Counter Assistants
considering their responsibilities and jobs and the Directorate has
further clarified vide its letter No. 43/3/97-Tech. dt. 21.10.97 to grant
the special Allowance only to the Counter PAs. As such, the withdrawal
of the said allowance is arbitrary and unjust. Further the allowance is
granted for the extraneous and hard work performed by the Counter
PAs and not alone for the computer operations. It is therefore
requested to withdraw the orders dt. 30.10.08 and allow the drawal of
MPCM allowance to the officials deployed at the counter.

47. Grant of Tribal Area Allowance to the employees

serving in Tribal area of Igadpuri and other places of Nasik

The payment of Tribal area allowance to the officials working in Nashik
District was stopped from 31.03.02 due to the Maharashtra State
Governments order in replacing the allowance by a revised scheme by
its notification dated 06.08.2002. The state Government has declared
that its employees working in such areas which are declared as
Naxalite Threat areas and where the special compensatory allowance
was paid earlier are entitled for the new allowance which was fixed at
the rate of 15% of Pay subject to the Minimum of Rs. 200/- and
Maximum of Rs. 1500/-
The same allowance has not been extended to the Postal employees
working in the areas where the Tribal area allowance was drawn
earlier. The nomenclature of the allowance has alone been revised by
the State Government but the areas are still covered under the Tribal
areas as notified earlier by the State Government. The Chief PMG,
Maharastra Circle vide his letter no. Estt/4-1 (2)/HRA –CCA/2008 dt. 12-
09-2008 has sought clarifications about extension of such allowances
to our postal employees as per the State Government notifications
changing the nomenclature of the allowance and continues the
payment of Tribal Area Allowance. It is requested to accord sanction at
the earliest.

48. Grant of Financial Assistance & relaxation of rules in

granting Special disability leave to victims of terrorist / bomb
Postal Officials who became victims of terrorist action like bomb blast
etc are not being granted financial assistance and not even the rules in
granting special disability leave is relaxed in such cases. Such issues
like the case of Bhubaneswar letter bomb blast victim were also tabled
in the welfare meeting with the Communication Minister and though it
was assured no settlement of such cases have taken place. It is
requested that such officials who are the victim of terrorist activities
through Postal bomb should be granted the above assistances early.

49. Grant of Road Mileage Allowance to the staff entrusted

with the work of Clearance of cheques.
The work of clearance of cheques should not be brought under the net
of Conveyance Allowance since every day the officials entrusted the
work of Cheque clearance has to travel 40 to 45 Kms for local and
other area. A minimum of Rs.50/- is being spent by the official for cost
of petrol alone. In addition, he has to pay parking charges for his
vehicles every month for attending clearance work. For Example, the
payment of Rs. 2/- per kilometer to the postal Assistant who entrusted
with cheque clearance work at Chandigarh HO by using his own
vehicles in order to ensure same day clearance has been stopped by
the Senior Postmaster and a sum of Rs. 320/- per month is being paid
due to the objection of ICI party. It is therefore requested to grant Road
Mileage Allowance instead of Conveyance Allowance to the staff
entrusted with cheque clearance work besides granting some incentive
as if available in banking sectors.

50. Unilateral decision to close down Foreign Post offices
(i) Consequent upon the withdrawal of booking of international parcels by
surface mail and restricting the service only to Air Post, the volume of
international outward parcel will be reduced leading to financial loss to
the department.

(ii) In the name of improvement of Quality of international mail service,

Government has decided to consolidate all incoming foreign parcels
mails available in Chennai & Kolkata Foreign Post offices. We urges
upon the department to withdraw such retrograde decision which will
lead for closure of Foreign Post, Kolkata & Chennai.

(iii) The Department has unilaterally decides to discontinue the services of

international surface letter mail both inward & outward at Chennai,
Kolkata & Mumbai Foreign Post offices and has also decided to transfer
the said services to Air Foreign offices in respective circles which will
lead to shut down of Foreign Post offices.

(iv) The senior officials of Foreign Post, Delhi who were transferred along
with the work to DIMC I & DMIC II unilaterally shall be brought back to
Delhi Foreign Post.

51. Stop harassing staff on contributory factors for simple

and flimsy reasons by misusing the provision of ‘unbecoming
of Government Servant’ deviating the ruling contained in
Volume III, FHB etc.
The Directorate guidelines issued vide letter No. 6/8/59-Disc dt.
9.7.1959, 25/49/60-Disc dt.30.11.60 and 15-9/74-1NV dt. 10.2.75, and
subsequent orders are being violated and the officials being preceded
under contributory negligence factor for flimsy reasons and awarded
with huge recoveries. The provisions contained in Rule,106,107, 108 &
111 of Postal Volume III and the provision of honest errors can be
condoned contained in Rule 204 A (1) vol II and the provision of Rule
58, Appendix 4 of F.H.B. volume I in dealing of recovery have been
totally ignored and sidelined.

The main intention of the Government while deciding the degree of an

officer’s pecuniary liability, it will be necessary to look not only to the
circumstances of the case but also to the financial circumstances of the
officer, since it should be recognized that the tendency should not be
such as to impair his future efficiency. The Staff Side urges for proper
guidelines in the matter of contributory negligence to protect the
officials being harassed.

52. Recovery of alleged overpayment of pay and

allowances to postman on account of fixation from the officials
of Accounts branches of HPOs

The drawing & disbursing officers should not be made as scapegoats in
this case. According to Rule 87 of P&T FHB Vol. I, any excess payment
can be recovered at any time. The Apex Court also confirmed that any
excess paid due to administrative mistake, there is no rule which
prohibits such recovery (Udaysankaran Vs. Union of India JT 1996 (4)
SC). The most pertinent point is that the Inspection Parties of ICI and
Audit have approved and certified such drawal in many places. There
was confusion in interpreting the orders then for which Group C
officials are becoming the victims.

On 13.1.09 The Secretary (P) assured to reconsider the issue and

ensure no recovery on part of APM Accounts & Accountants. The
Secretary observed as unfortunate in the case of Rule 14 initiated
charges on the date of superannuation of Sri. V. V. Nargida, APM,
Accounts Pune city as he did not pay Rs.727671.61 towards
contributory factor for excess drawal to postmen on implementation of
5th CPC orders. It is therefore requested to stop such recovery and drop
action if initiated anywhere to recover the amount from the DDOs.

53. Enhancement of honorarium to RD premature closures

The rates fixed for RD PMC work a decade back needs revision. The
norms were also revised. During 1996, the PMC was permitted without
interest after one year. Now PMC is allowed only after three years with
SB interest. Resultantly IBB has to be worked out for more than three
years consuming more time. After RD decentralisation, it become very
difficult and risky too.

It is requested to revise the honorarium upward at the following rates.

Sub Postmaster - Rs. 5.00 per account

Postal Assistant - Rs. 10 per account
54. Counting of Special Allowance for pay fixation – case of PO and
RMS Accountants
A kind attention is invited to the letter No. 9 (1)/2004-PA Admn. I/501
to 504 dated 29-10-2006 from Shri T.K. Mitra, ADG (PA and Admn) of
the Directorate wherein it is informed that the Special Pay which is
now called as Special Allowance drawn in lieu of higher pay scale may
be taken into account for fixing pay under ACP to the JAO examination
qualified candidates on ACP promotion.

The above said instructions were issued in consultation with DOP&T

and the same and similar analogy should be applied in the case of PO
and RMS Accountants also and their Special Allowance should be
taken for fixation of pay in the higher cadre on promotion.

Further, vide letter No. 8 (1)/2004-PA-Admn/1/54 to 76 dated 23-04-

07, it was mentioned that this issue relates to operative offices, the
matter may be taken up with Directorate through CPMG which exhibits
lack of coordination among the branches in the Directorate.

It is, therefore, requested to cause immediate orders on the issue
which is hanging over ten years. Further the orders applicable to JAO
qualified official be applied to the similarly situated official working in
the post offices on acquiring TBOP / BCR promotion.


(i) The provision of officiating in higher post and grant of higher pay for
the officiating period beyond 14 days is very much in existence in the
Department of posts. This was not practically termed as adhoc
promotion. The officiating arrangements are being made for short
term arrangements.
(ii) Further pay scale of HSG II & BCR is one and the same. BCR officials
are holding the pay scale equal to HSG II and when they have been
ordered to officiate in HSG I, they are entitled for officiating pay. The
CAT Bangalore decision in OA No. 74/2008 dt. 18.08.09 categorically
held that as the pay scales of BCR & HSG II are identical, the applicant
is entitled to the salary of the HSG-I post. Further, Supreme court has
also dismissed the SLP filed against writ petition No. 13527 of 2008 of
A. P. High Court confirming the decision of entitlement of higher pay
for the officiating arrangement in HSG I. The CAT Jabalpur in a similar
case held that higher pay for officiating in higher post should not be
(iii) In some circles, regular HSG II officials have been ordered to work in
HSG I posts without any extra remuneration which is highly irregular.
(iv) In some circles like Tamilnadu, West Bengal, some senior officials
have been ordered to officiate in HSG I posts of more than one year
during 2002 to 2005 in the absence of clear cut clarifications and
circle heads has already referred the cases to Directorate to regularize
the arrangements beyond one year as one time measure which is
pending over two years. The due officiating pay had neither drawn nor
taken for retirement benefits.

1622 HSG I posts have been upgraded only on matching schemes by

axing 680 PA posts and as such the denial of due benefits/higher pay
is arbitrary, unjust and against to the canon of natural justice.

56. Tenure posting of officials in Single & Double Handed post

offices – request to withdraw the conditions
The condition that the SPM / PA working in Single / Double handed
offices should not be posted back to the same office during their entire
service is against the statutory rules of P&T Manual Volume IV. The
doubts about the integrity of all Postal Assistants / Sub Postmasters
will mar the interests of the officials and it is requested to withdraw
the conditions forthwith

57. Enhancement of honorarium for engaging the officials in
departmental examinations
At present, the following rate of honorarium is being paid to the
officials who are brought by the department while conducting the
departmental examination as per the sent letter No. 18/16/98-E dt.

(i) Supervisor -- Rs. 30/- per session.

(ii) Invigilators -- Rs. 20/- per session.
(iii) Clerk -- Rs. 25/- per day.
(iv) Group 'D' -- Rs. 15/- per day.
The remuneration is very meagre while comparing the strenuous job
carried out by the officials. Despite there is justification, either to
grant OTA or compensatory off, atleast the honorarium sanctioned
shall reach atleast to the extent of satisfactions of those employees
engaging for this purpose.

58. Restriction in posting of SPM due to minor penalties / CR

The Directorate has given instructions to all the Circle Heads from
investigation section dated 06-11-2006 that if an official is awarded
with anyone of the minor or major punishments or adverse entries in
the CR, he should not be posted as SPM throughout his career.

The suggestion given by the Investigation wing as a preventive

measure to minimise and eradicate the losses and frauds has been
circulated for implementation not only in the RT 2007 but also in the
existing cases.

The suggestion is practicable only if the department is having full staff

strength and it is not feasible to implement when the shortage
exceeds 30% in the Postal Assistant cadre. This will create hardship to
the officials. That too reverting the existing SPMs from their SPM posts
as Postal Assistant before completing their tenure is unjust and bad in
law and against to the natural justice. This will spoil their reputations
earned from the public by shifting them from SPMs post before
completing their tenure.

The other suggestion given by the same section earlier that not to
keep vacant in B & A class offices and fill up the Postal Assistant posts
has not been implemented. As such this will create many hardships to
all the officials who are unwilling to take position as Postmasters.

This is most pertinent to mention that after lapse of certain periods,

the officials inflicted with punishments become eligible to write the
promotional exams like IPO, JAO, Group B etc. As such, mere
imposition of even a minor penalty will be the disqualification to be a
SPM throughout his career is nothing but a farce and not maintainable.

If the suggestions implemented retrospectively, at one stage none will
be available for the post of post of SPM due to prevailing shortage, a
well senior official has to work as Postal Assistant under the
supervision of his most senior which will also be a punishment not
improvised in the CCS CCA Rules.

59. Allowing to appear in the Departmental Exam like IPOs – case

of physically handicapped officials
The Directorate has clarified vide its letter No. 7-8/04-SPB dated 28-
07-2005 that physically handicapped officials should not be allowed to
appear in the IPO Examination as they are unable to perform the
physically demanding nature of work.

This is unfortunate and total injustice to the physically handicapped

officials who fulfil all the required qualifications, skills etc. and could
perform the duties efficiently and effectively. There are many jobs in
IPO cadre which did not require any outdoor duties. Even in the case
of physically handicapped officials, they could also do the outdoor
duties with the vehicle, advance equipments or with the assistance.

Their disability should not be construed or taken as a ruse to deny

their justified right to appear in the examination which is against to
the canon of natural justice. It is, therefore, requested to reconsider
the decision and allow all physically handicapped officials to appear in
the exam under relaxed terms or at least fix some reservation of the
posts of IPOs which do not require any outdoor duties like circle,
regional offices.

60. Fixed Conveyance Allowance to Marketing Executives

The nature of duties of Marketing Executives has no fixed working
hours and they have to travel miles together to complete their
assignments. In metro cities, the amount spent by them to cover vast
areas by vehicles exceeds their capacity.

Taking into account of these, and indispensability of their services, a

fixed sum of Rs. 1000/- p.m. may be paid as Conveyance Allowance.

61. Revision of FSC

The Fixed Stationery Charges fixed to office / officials does not
commensurate with the expenses being incurred for the purpose due
to spiral increase of commodities & inflation. The GDS are now getting
ten times higher than the amount being paid to the Postal Assistants
now. The present amount does not meet the 1/10 th requirements and
the SPM In-charges are incurring expenses at their own cost. It is
requested to consider the same and revise the FSC with retrospective

62. Enhancement of Split Duty Allowance

Even though the MOF vide its OM No. 09 (11) – E II B dt. 29.08.2008
has enhanced the rate of split duty Allowance to Rs. 200/- P. M, the
same has not been communicated resulting non drawal of allowance
in the enhance rate. It is requested to cause orders at once.

63. Transfer of all HSG I Posts to General line

After upgrading the status of the ASPOs into gazetted one, continuing
their posting against non-gazetted HSG I posts is irregular. It is
requested that all HSG I posts earmarked now for IPO line may be
converted to General line Posts immediately. In addition intervention
is required to effect payment of Split Duty Allowance in places like
Punjab where arbitrarily the Circle Administration stopped payment of
this allowance.

64. Denial of ROHSC claim for emergent treatment due to non

circulation of Health Ministry OMS
The following two OMD issued by Dept of Health pertaining to
relaxation of Power for granting medical on emergency have not been
circulated so far.
(i) OM No. S 14025/7/2000 – MS dt. 28.03.2000
(ii) OM No. S 14025/46/92 – MS dt. 04.02.1993

Resultantly in many divisions, the ROHSC claims on emergent

treatment have not been entertained.

It is requested to communicate the same. Similarly, the OM related to

extension of CS (MA) rules to pensioner residing in areas not covered
by CGHS vide No. S-14025/4/96-MS dt. 05.06.98 has also not been
circulated yet resulting denial fo Medial treatment to pensioners.

65. Payment of honorarium to supervisors & Staff of Divisional

offices for processing of PLI and RPLI proposals.
The CGM PLI Directorate in the meeting held on 01.10.2007 has
agreed to revise the existing rate of honorarium and convert the same
as incentive since the cap of Rs.4000/- per annum as total ceiling per
officials has not been removed so far. However no orders have been
issued so far. It is requested to revise the rate and brought it under
incentive without any ceiling.

66. Providing administrative power to grant leave to staff by HSG-

I Postmasters.
At present, the administrative powers to grant earned leave in the
absence of casual leave are vested with the HSG I Postmasters IPO
line. But the said provision is not available to General line Postmaster.
This is a clear discrimination. The administrative powers provided to
IPO line HSG-I Postmasters may be extended to general line HSG-I
Postmasters also.

67. Grant of OTA/Excess Duty Allowance to the SPMs working in
single/Double handed Post offices.
(i) In the absence of PA, the SPMs working in ‘B’ class offices may be
granted minimum of 3 hours OTA to look after the duty of PA.

(ii) Similarly, in ‘C’ class offices, where the work load exceeds 8 hours
and more, compensation in the shape of Excess Duty Allowance may
please be considered.

68. Counting the training period for benefits of promotion under

TBOP / BCR scheme
Despite the clear instructions contained in Directorate letter No. 44-
47/98-SPB.II dated 31-07-2000 & 27-07-2001, that the period of
induction training may also be counted as qualifying service for the
benefit of TBOP / BCR promotions, this has not been implemented in
many circles.

To cite an instance, the circle IFA, Tamil Nadu Circle has denied such
kind of benefits to those recruited and deputed for training before 01-
01-86. Based on the opinion, the Chief Postmaster General, Tamil
Nadu Circle has issued instructions vide his letter No. STA/80-1/00/Rlgs
dated 21-02-2003 in which it was stated that the period of Induction
training can be taken for the benefit of promotion under TBOP / BCR
only if the person selected was under training on 01-01-86 or deputed
for training on or after 01-01-86, apart the fulfilment of other
conditions such as obligatory nature of such training, immediate
promotion on completion of such training.

Resultantly, the officials granted with BCR promotions based on the

Directorate orders dated 31-07-2000 taking into account of their
training period for promotion have faced recovery and re-fixation. The
opinion of the circle IFA to cut short the benefits from 01-01-86 is
wrong and arbitrary one. It is, therefore, requested to cause necessary
instructions to all the circle heads to count the training period without
any restriction and stop recovery immediately. Similarly, the induction
training period of the promotes to LGOs may also be taken as service
rendered in Postal Assistant cadre if opted for fixation and other

69. Granting Service benefits to erstwhile RTP candidates deputed

to APS taking into account of their service rendered on RTP
Consequent upon the dismissal of civil appeal No. 5739 of 2005, the
benefit was extended to the officials who approached court.
Meanwhile, all circle heads were called for to collect the particulars of
the similarly situated persons to extend the benefits. It is requested to
cause appropriate orders to extend the benefits to the similarly
situated persons.

70. Creating HSG-I Posts in MMS.

1622 HSG-I Posts were sanctioned during March 2001 by upgrading
the HSG-II and LSG posts to HSG-I for operative offices. No HSG-I post
was allotted to MMS divisions. Necessary steps may be taken to
sanction atleast one HSG-I post in each MMS Division.

71. Removal of eligibility Ceiling of Pay of Rs.6800 [Pre-revised]

for performing OT Duty.
Operative staff in RMS/POs whose basic pay was below Rs. 6800/-
[pre-revised] only is made eligible to perform OT Duty and this ceiling
is causing serious operational difficulties as there is heavy shortage of
staff. In certain Units staff is not available with less pay range to
perform OTA. In this situation mails subjected to detention for more
than 24 hours. The Staff Side urges for removing such ceiling and
bring all operative PA/SA officials, irrespective of their pay range, to be
engaged for performing Over Time Duty to meet the operational

72. Waival of Recovery of paid OTA.

In Circles like Gujarat, UP, Maharashtra & Chhattisgarh, OT duty was
ordered and OTA also was paid for some officials in pay level
exceeding pre-revised pay Rs.6800/-. As directed vide DOP letter No.
10-16/2004 PE-II dated 31-5-2005, the responsibility was fixed on
officers who ordered OTA to the officials in the above cases. This
direction of Directorate has been grossly mis-interpreted and even the
clerks prepared the OTA bills and or verified the bills etc at HRO/SRO
are also held responsible and thus sheltering the SSRM who
sanctioned the bills on his signature.
(i) The Department is not at loss as officials drawing even
higher pay have not been allowed any higher rate.
(ii) Even granting of compensatory off would have cost
(iii) Majority of officials and officers have retired.
(iv) A huge sum of OTA paid, if recovered from concerned
clerk is not justified.

In view of above the Staff Side urges that the above recovery be
totally waived or else the recovery be ordered from the Officer who
sanctioned the bills against the rules.

73. Removal of victimisation inflicted for refusal of OT Duty.

Officials are compelled to perform over time duties in RMS/MMS. They
find it difficult to continuously perform over time duty. Further on
some occasions due to health reasons they are forced to decline to
perform OT duty. All such cases are construed as deliberate refusal to
perform OT duty and action is taken and heavy penalty is being
imposed. Human approach to the problem is called for. Necessary
instructions may be issued to undo all sorts of victimizations in this

Norms in CRC , SPC, EPP & Logistics are still not fixed. In
Circles/Divisions the authorities are harassing the staff for Norms of
1000 articles in a day sets. It is not uniformly practicable to perform
1000 articles in 8 hrs duty. Authorities are of the view that the norms
of 1000 in CRC/SPCs, EPP & logistics is fixed by the Directorate. So far
no decision has been taken in consultation with the Staff Side in this
regard. It was reported that Circle authorities have ordered reduction
in staff strength in CRCs taking 1000 articles norms. Harassment to
the staff by ordering Diesnon, issuing charge sheets and transfer of
officials are reported from various Circles. Urgent steps may be taken
to fix the norms in CRCs, SPSs, EPP & logistics on scientific basis in
consultation with the Staff Side.


India post in recent past engaged private vehicles for conveying
Mails/Parcels etc. to long distance places instead of utilizing MMS
vehicles. Our MMS vehicles are not utilized for effective dispatch of
mails to the long destinations. It would certainly improve efficiency for
mail delivery if our System of Transport Services are utilized for long
distance Schedules. Effective steps may be taken for engaging MMS
Schedules for conveying mails/Parcels/logistics to long distance places
instead of Private Vehicles.


It is often reported that the vehicles allotted to MMS for operational
purposes are diverted as inspection vehicles for SSPOs, and Circle
/Regional offices. This adversely affects the efficiency of the Mail
delivery. Effective steps may be taken to guard against the
misuse/diversion of MMS Vehicles which are allotted for operational


IMM & AMM grades in MMS were merged into AMM w.e.f. 1.1.1996
since then no examination for the posts of AMM has been held.
Examination for the promotion to the pre-merged cadre was being
held every year along with the examination for promotion to IPI/IRM.
This is the only channel of promotion for the clerical staff of MMS. Most
of the posts in AMM cadre are lying vacant. Examination for promotion
to AMM cadre may be held at an early date.


There are four posts of Deputy Manager of MMS. DPC for promotion to
the cadre has not been held since long. Officials who are eligible for
promotion are retiring without getting promotion. DPC for Deputy
Manager MMS may be held at early date.

79. Posting of outsiders in the Accountable branches.
Outsiders should not be posted in the accountable branches as it
would be difficult to fix the responsibility in the case of loss of any
accountable article.

80. On appointment to the grade of Supdt. Stg in RMS.

There are 4 posts of Supdt. Stg ( Gazetted Group-‘B’) in RMS to be
filled by General Line officials of RMS on All India basis. But since years
together these posts are being manned by ASP cadre (in officiating
capacity as Gazetted Group –‘B’) or by regular Gazetted Group-‘B’
officials promoted from ASP cadre or through exam. This is irregular
and snatches away even the most minimum promotional avenue
available to the General Line Officials of RMS. The Staff Side urges for
issuing necessary instructions against utilization of non-General Line
officials against such employment of Group B vacancies earmarked for

Incidentally the feeder cadre of Supdt Stg is HSG-I (non-gazetted

Group-‘B’) with Pay Band + Grade Pay of 9300-34800 + 4600. The
same Pay scale has been shown for Supdt Stg vide DG Posts No. 4-
4/2008-PCC dated 23.04.2009. It needs to be rectified and shown as
9300-34800 + 4800 & 5400 (after 4 years) as in the case of Postal
Supdt. Similar treatment may also be given to AD(R).

Similarly out of 4 posts of AD Recruitment earmarked for the Postal

Administrative Offices Employees in Group B Cadre three posts are
kept vacant for years together. The Staff Side urges for immediate
filling up of these posts.

81. Framing of new Recruitment Rules for the cadre of HSG-I

i) The Dte vide its No. 137-4/2006-SPB-II dtd 30.05.2006 has already
amended the Recruitment Rules for both LSG and HSG-II posts in Post
Offices and RMS offices for filling up the posts by 100 % promotion
vide which 10 years service in PA/SA cadre will be the eligibility for
LSG and 3 years service in LSG will be the eligibility for HSG-II
ii) But till date no new Recruitment Rules have been framed for HSG-I
Posts in Post Offices and RMS Offices. Though this is always stated
that the same is being done as written in every order of continuation
of adhoc promotions made in the cadre of HSG-I (from 1st orders of
20.11.2006 till latest orders of 01.05.2009).
iii) As per Dte No. 137-10/96-SPB-II dtd 11.02.2002 regarding FTS, the
eligibility for LSG through selection-cum-seniority (through DPC) was
16 years service in PA/SA cadre but through Departmental merit
examination it was 10 years. Similarly for HSG-II, it was 10 years
service in LSG for promotion through selection-cum-seniority (through
DPC) and 8 years service in LSG for selection through Aptitude Test.
But now as seen in para (i) above these have been reduced to 10
years from 16 years for LSG and to 3 years from 10 years for HSG-II.

iv) This will be quite appropriate that the new Recruitments Rules for
HSG-I cadre, for both Post Offices and RMS Offices, may be framed in
such a way, so as to reduce the present eligibility condition of 3 years
regular service in HSG-II to 1 year, which is quite logical as done in the
case of LSG and HSG-II as shown in para (iii) above.
v) As of to-day almost all the HSG-I posts are lying vacant. The above
amendment can help to fill up these posts to some extent. Therefore,
it is requested that new Recruitment Rules for HSG-I as suggested in
para (iv) above may be framed and issued at the earliest.

82. Regarding regularization of adhoc promotions made in the

cadre of HSG-I
i) Due to non-availability of eligible candidates for promotion to HSG-I
cadre, efforts were made by the Dte. to relax the norms of eligibility of
regular service of 3 years in HSG-II, first by giving notional promotions
then reducing 3 years to 2 years and subsequently to 1 year and lastly
with a condition that one should be in HSG-II (without prescription of
any length of service) As such on each occasion some posts were filled
but soon became vacant due to early retirements etc.
ii) To redress this problem, the Dte. Started giving adhoc promotions by
its No. 4-16/2002-SPB-II dtd 20.11.2006 till latest orders of even No.
dtd 01.05.2009. But due to these adhoc promotions HSG-II posts from
which these are made, can not be treated as vacant. At the same time
all the HSG-I posts against which adhoc promotions are made can only
be termed as vacant.

iii) Therefore, it is suggested that till the new Recruitment Rules for HSG-I
are framed, present adhoc promotes to the cadre of HSG-I who has
completed say 1 year of adhoc promotion may be absorbed in the
cadre of HSG-I on regular basis by regularizing their adhoc promotion
from the date they joined HSG-I cadre on adhoc basis. This will help to
fill up HSG-I vacancies to some extent and at the same time do away
with issuing of extension orders at regular intervals. At the same time
more HSG-II vacant posts will become available for LSG cadre.
iv) Further the ICIR and Audit objected the pensionary benefits to the
Adhoc promotees in HSG-I and their last pay drawn was not taken into
account for computation of their pension and other benefits. This is
highly irregular.
83. Regarding acute shortage of ‘C’ bags :-
An acute shortage of ‘C’ bags is being faced in RMS/Post offices due to
short supply of ‘C’ bags. Only low-quality polythene bags are being
supplied having very short span of life. This hampers the work.
Moreover sometimes NSPCs need bigger bags than C-1 size for its
business which are not available. Therefore it is required that this
problem of acute shortage of ‘C’ bags as well as availability of big size
‘C’ bags needs to be solved at the earliest.

84. Promotion of Lower Grade Officials to the cadre of PA/SA

under the incentive scheme.

The incentive scheme for promotion of clerks ( PA/SAs) in accordance
with Directorate letters No. 60/11/62- SPB –I dt 30-5-1963 and
62/24/63-SPB-I dt 9-4-1964 is not being implemented for the last 8
years and was last implemented in the year 1999. Due to non-
implementation of the scheme many eligible officials are losing their
chances of promotion. The Staff Side urges for necessary instructions
to all concerned to take necessary action in this regard for facilitating
early promotion under this Rule to eligible officials.

85. Change of nomenclature of cleaners in M.M.S.

The officials who are in the pay band 4860-20200 in the Mail Motor
Service and who assist the Motor Mechanises in maintenance of
vehicle are now being called cleaners/motor vehicle cleaners. In the
background of changing social environment and improving economic
conditions the nomenclature” cleaner/motor vehicle cleaner” given to
them looks rather out of date and requires a change. our union
requests kindly to examine the issue and change their nomenclature
as Assistant Mechanic/ Helper.

86. Payment of interest accrued after 31-3-2004 on the delayed

Refund of GPF contribution to temporary status casual
No payment of interest accrued after 31-3-2004 on the GPF
Contribution quantum was made to the temporary status casual
labourers in the Delhi and Uttar Pradesh circles even though the GPF
Contributions were refunded to them much after 31-3-2004 on
introduction of New pension scheme. The Staff Side urges for early
orders for payment of interest for the period from 31.03.2004 to the
date of actual payment.

87. Change of Recruitment Rules ensuring parity in recruitment

to the posts of Postmen and Mailguards in the Department of
The prevalent discrimination in the matter of recruitment to the cadre
of Postmen from among the GDS officials of the postal wing and to the
posts Mailguards from among the GDS officials of RMS wing the desire
that the same will be ended at the earliest. It is know that the cadre
of postman and mailguard is identical. However there exists a
discrimination between Postal and RMS wing in the matter of
recruitment to the above posts from amongst the GDS staff while. the
posts of postmen are reserved to the extent of 50% to the GDS
officials in the Postal Side ( 25% seniority cum fitness 25% with
examination) while 50% of Postmen vacancies only are reserved and
allotted to Group’D’ staff in postal side, the 75% vacancies are allotted
RMS Group ‘D’ and GDS 25% (only with examinations). This
discrimination is causing discontentment among the GDS staff in RMS
who found themselves stagnated for years without any real chance of
absorption in the cadre of Mailguards. our union request for early

removal of this existing discrimination in order to ensure parity
between the GDS officials of Postal and RMS wings.

88. Non-filling up of GDS MM vacancies in RMS .

The GDS MM vacancies in all circles are not being filled for the last ten
years even though some instructions from Directorate for filling up
GDS MM Vacancies in RMS. The GDS MM vacancies which are available
in good numbers in RMS all circles are not being filled up. In this case
the eligible paid substitutes/casual labourers are deprived of the
chance of regularization. this situation is not only causing a heart-burn
in the prospective beneficiaries but also unjustly keeping then away
from accumulating much valuable service benefit. our union request
kindly to instruct the concerned to fill the vacancies without any
further loss of time.

89. Revision of OSA ( Out Station Allowance) to RMS sectional

The 6th CPC recommended for doubling of all Allowances in all
Department / Ministry / Organisation in specific vide Para No. 4.2.81 of
its Report. Outstation Allowance to RMS Section Staff is a Postal
Department specific Allowance but till date no orders for enhancing
the quantum of this Allowance is issued. The Staff Side urges for early
issue of orders.

90. Revision of OT A Rates.

Postal Department is an operative Department like Railways. It is
known that the employees of Railways are having their own unique
OTA Rates for the OT Duty performed by its staff and they are not
bracketed with the rest of the Government Employees. Therefore the
non-increase of rate viz., Rs. 15.85 per hour has no adverse effect on
the employees of Railways. The Staff Side urges for computation of a
separate OT Rate as applicable to Postal Employees which is also an
operative department like Railways.

91. Supply of Government Orders from all sections to Recognized

service unions.
Despite the Staff Side taking up several times and the Official Side
responding to issue instructions in this regard, again and again it is
found that several important orders are not reaching the recognized
Federations and Unions. It is requested that the mailing list of latest
addresses of all Federations and Unions be updated suitably for
ensuring correct posting of letters. The Staff Side also requests for
consideration of sending a copy of all orders through electronic mails
to the E-Mail IDs of Federations and Unions as an added measure to
ensure quick receipt of all orders by the Service Unions / Associations.

92. Non- Conduction of examination for filling up of vacant

Mailguard Posts in several Circles .

It is known that the Mailguard posts will be filled by conducting an
examination at Divisional level . The 50% vacancies would be
earmarked for DP quota meant for Mailmen and the remaining 50%
vacancies would be earmarked for the promotion of GDS employees
which comes under DR. Due to delay in release of ADR since 2006 to
2008 the DR vacancies could not be filled up. There is no objection to
fill up the vacancies earmarked for DP quota among Mail Man. Several
Circles complained to the CHQ that the examinations for filling up of
vacant Mailguard posts (earmarked for DP quota) since 2006 have not
been conducted which is creating unrest among the Mail Man. Now the
Screening Committee had also cleared ADR for 2006 to 2008.
Therefore it is requested to issue instructions to all Circles for
conduction of examinations for filling up of vacant Mailguard Posts
without further delay.

93. Recruitment in the cadre of erstwhile Group D upgraded as

Multi Skilled Employee in the Department of Posts
The Posts of Group D are used to be filled up form amongst the GDS
and Temporary Status and Casual Labourers with a 75%, 25% ratio.
The upgradation of posts of Group D into Group C shall not in any way
to stop the process of recruitment from amongst the GDS and
Temporary Status Casual Labourers. As otherwise the Temporary
Status Casual Labourers Scheme implemented by the Government will
lose its purpose and meaning and hundreds of TS Casual Labourers
placed in the pay scale with 1800/- Grade Pay will have to retire
without absorption and without any retirement benefits. Similarly
there are more than 3 lakhs GDS whose absorption chances will be
drastically reduced if recruitment do not continue to the upgraded
posts of Group D from amongst them.

The continued recruitment to the post of upgraded Group C [MSE] is

fully justified because of the fact that already the posts of Postmen
which are already in Group C and bearing a higher scale of pay than
the upgraded Group C [MSE] are being filled up from amongst the
eligible GDS through seniority-cum-fitness and through competitive
examination on 50:50 basis. Therefore when already Group C posts
are being filled up from amongst the GDS in the Department of Posts
for so many years, the recently upgraded posts of Group D into Multi-
Skilled Employees shall also continue to be filled up. If necessary the
same training offered to non-matriculate Group D before upgradation
can be imparted to the GDS also who are non-matriculates before
absorption. The Staff Side therefore urges to cause orders for the
continued recruitment against the vacancies of Multi Skilled
Employees from amongst the GDS and Temporary Status Casual
Labourers as before.

94. Request for exemption of Group’D’ posts from the purview of

screening committee While filling up of the posts from 2000-

All posts in different cadres will have D.R. and D.P. quota for filling up
of posts except in the cadre of Group 'D' for which all the posts are
being filled up from among the GDS and Casual Labourers in the ratio
of 75% and 25% respectively by treating them as outsiders (D.R). A
reference to the Action Taken Report circulated by the Department of
Posts in the high level meeting held by the Secretary [P] with the Staff
Side on 13/01/2009 mentions categorically that Group D posts are not
covered under Screening Committee. However it can be seen that
while filling up of Group 'D' during the period from 2000 to 2008,
invariably 2/3rd posts were abolished and either 1/3rd vacancies alone
were filed up or even that were not filled up on many years. In fact the
vacancies of Group 'D' are filled without examination as per seniority
cum fitness through DPCs and hence they come under promotional
quota (D.P) only. A reference to the judgment of Honourable High
Court of Kerala No. 3618 & 4956 of 2006(S) dt 22-3-2007; OA 33162
of 2009 (S) dated 23.12.2009 as well as the decision of the
Honourable Ernakulam CAT No. 346/2005 dt 2-11-2007 would
highlight this aspect. The Staff Side therefore urges for release of all
the vacancies wrongly abolished during the years 2000-2008 for filling
up from amongst the GDS and TS Casual Labourers.

95. Stopping further attempt of decentralization of Claim Cases

relating to PLI/RPLI and give due importance to the role of
C.O.s , R.O.s and office of the DPLI , Kolkata.
All the initiatives were taken for decentralization of PLI /RPLI through
Postal Directorate’s order of 9.5.2003 , the same was rolled back due
the lack of manpower , Hardware and with the apprehension of
deterioration of “After sale service” and the said order was issued on
20.9.2006 . Even then attempt is being made to decentralize the
PLI/RPLI works including claim settlement without taking the
experience of the past.

Since the introduction of PLI on 12th February, 1884, the Insurance

fund is being managed most efficiently through the Centralized
system of functioning of C.O.s and R.O.s and through the Central
accounting system of the office of the DPLI, Kolkata. Within the span
of almost 126 years of Insurance Business , the business increased
many fold . In 1992-93 PLI had 19,00,580 Policies with an aggregate
sum assured value of Rs. 3,621. 33 crores and now according to latest
information, number of Active Policies force as on 31.3.2008, stands at
3550084 with an aggregate sum assured of Rs. 314690052164 i.e.
more than 31000/- crores of Rupees. Another insurance product, Rural
Postal Like Insurance which was introduced only in March’1995,
without augmentation of Staff and without any infrastructural
development , is now having an aggregate sum assured value of
Rupees 33865,65,73000 i.e. nearly Rs.34000 crores . Premium
Income in PLI during the last year was Rs. 268 crores ( 1.4.2007 to
31.3.2008). and for RPLI was more than Rs. 64 crores during the same
period .

Thus, huge increase in business was possible through the “Check
valves” of Centralized structure of C.O.s and R.O.s and through the
Central Accounting System of DPLI office Kolkata but now ,through
overlapping of certain items of works , the role of “Check valves” like
C.O.s , R.O.s and DPLI are being ignored . But the reason is not known
and to combat with shortage of staff, Department’s and Insurant’s
interests cannot be compromised .

In the wake of technological developments and to face the competitive

environment in these days of alarmingly increasing scams and
frauds , the check valves like COs , R.O.s and the office of the DPLI
should be strengthened at all costs . When many new schemes like
“Micro Insurance” etc. are launched the role of Circle Offices ,
Regional Offices and the DPLI should not be lightened so that the
existing glory of huge increase in business and interests of the
Insurants are fully protected ensuring brighter future for the
Department of Posts.

96. Liberalization of syllabus for the LGO Examination for PACO

Cadre in Circle Administrative Office including the O/o the DPLI
Syllabus reflecting workable knowledge soothing to the needs of Circle
Administrative Offices require prompt attention and implementation
as Question papers of LGO Examination for Circle Administrative Office
in some Circle are often becoming of higher standard . An uniform
pattern of question through a centralized system may be effective .
PLI matters should be included in the syllabus.

97. Creation of more LSG/HSG-II/HSG-I Posts for Circle

Administrative Offices including DPLI.
Circle Administrative Office have not been properly provided with
sufficient number of LSG/HSG-II and HSG-I Posts. As a result while
many officials are being deprived in COs/ROs and DPLI, their
counterparts in Postal & RMS operative offices are getting promotion
much earlier causing the feelings of discrimination .

98. Huge shortage of Staff in Circle Administrative Office in

PACO Cadre
There was no employment in Circle Administrative Offices since long.
Implementation of TBOP/BCR for Circle Administrative Office w.e.f
26.6.93 at the cost of 10% of reduction of staff, started gradual
implementation only w.e.f 2000 & in the mean time the concept of
Screening Committee was imposed creating a lot of difficulties.
During the last 10-12 yrs, staff strength in Circle Administrative offices
has drastically been reduced . Many new schemes including “Project
Arrow” are being implemented. PLI /RPLI business is also increasing
many fold , but huge shortage of staff in Circle Administrative Office is
not being properly felt.

While the concept of reduction of volume of Mails cannot be treated as
true for the operative offices, as although letter Mails are decreasing ,
Business Mails are increasing , the work of Circle Administrative
offices does not at all depend on the Volume of Mails .

Vast areas of Postal Operations with so many new premium products

including successful implementation of project arrow, service
conditions of the Postal staff of a Circle as a whole, Disciplinary
proceedings, specialized knowledge of Control and functioning of
Savings Bank affairs and roaring growth of PLI /RPLI business require
more and more staff for Circle Administrative Offices and reduction in
Mail Volume and Lesser traffic, have no bearing with staff requirement
of Circle Administrative Offices. But this basic truth is not being
recognized by the Postal Directorate. While the order of re-
introduction of short duty staff scheme has been issued on 14.8.2008
“to cope with they acute shortage in Post Offices and RMS Offices, the
aspect of shortage staff of Circle Administrative Office has not been
considered whereas the situation deserves so.

99. Future of Director PLI office Kolkata

Since long past the staff of Director PLI office Kolkata have been used
to listen that the office would be computerized which have not been
proved true up to this date. In recent past it was informed by CGM, PLI
Dte. New Delhi through the meetings held on 14-3-2008 and 28-8-
2009 that the role of the said office will be reworked and this office
can work as a back up office for P.L.I. Even on one meeting with the
local authority and staff side Member (PLI) also remarked as above
though neither clear picture nor any information has come to light so
far. So the staff side is very much eager to know about the aim of
the Department of Posts regarding Director PLI Office, Kolkata.
100. Providing additional hand to single handed offices due to
decentralization of RD Work etc.
Based on the sub committee constituted under the scheme of JCM and
compulsory arbitration to deal with the items, it was approved to take
action immediately. The Secretary (P) and chairperson vide note No.
6-2/2006-SR dt. 23.7.06 ordered to frame norms for all items of work
handled in the smaller offices so that proper redeployment of staff can
be made to needy offices. But even after 3½ years no action has
been initiated . Immediate action is requested.

101. Implementation of recommendations of the 5th CPC with

regard to payment of cash
handling allowance to treasurers and Asstt. Treasurers in
Post Offices.
In the last departmental council Meeting vide item No.27 in file No.6-
1/2002-PAP it was agreed to take up with the sixth CPC and the item
was closed with the reply that the matter stands referred to Ministry of
Finance. Immediate action is requested.

102. Withdrawal of orders fixing responsibility on DDOs and APM
Accounts and Accountants for the overpayment of Pay
and allowances to Postmen on account of
fixation under Revised pay rules after 5th CPC.
As per the FR and SR there are distinct rules to recover the
overpayments made to the officials while paying the arrears. But
misinterpreting the CAT orders the drawing officials are humiliated
leaving the entire hierarchy. Therefore, it is urged to withdraw this
order immediately.

103. Relaxing minimum qualifying service of 3 years for HSG-II

Consequent on promotion of HSG-II officials to HSG-I as one time
measure, in many Circles the posts of HSG-II are vacant as there are
no LSG officials available having 3 years of service. The relaxation
may be extended to LSG officials also as one time measure so as to
enable to fill up the chain vacancies.

104. Allotment of separate code to all officials including GDS for

procuring RPLI business and payment of incentive on the spot.
As there is no code to the officials the incentive is paid to some other
officials. To improve the business separate codes may be allotted to
each individual official.

105. Removal of ceiling of 60 hours for engaging pensioners as

Now the pensioners are allowed to engage as SDPA only for 60 hours
in a month due to acute shortage of staff and as a stop gap
arrangement. The ceiling may be removed so as to engage the
pensioners for full month.

106. Third party risk covers insurance for MMS Vehicles.

The issue was discussed in the last Departmental Council Meeting. The
then Chairman agreed with staff side to re examine the issue in
consultation with nodal ministries. Several reminders on the issue
were sent to the Directorate. But no action has been taken in this

107. Payment of OSA and other benefits to MMS Staff on par with
RMS Staff:
Of late, MMS has introduced long distance schedules in c/w Logistics
Service. The drivers are denied OSA and other benefits as in this case
of RMS Staff. It is requested to grant of OSA to MMS Driers who work in
the Logistics Service.

108. Providing adequate man power in all RMS units.

68 RMS Divisions in the Country are functioning with 40% to 60%
shortage of Staff. This has resulted in poor quality of sorting and lack
supervision in Mail offices. Steps may be taken by the Department to
fill up all the vacancies.

109. Regularization of RTP Services and ending the

discrimination between APS RTP and
Other RTPs
(i) As per the Directorate letter dated 19.4.96, the implementation of the
Ernakulam CAT judgment granting the past RTP service as regular
service for all purposes was restricted only to the applicants of the
O.A. This is against to the decisions of the various judicial
pronouncements that the benefits should be extended to the similarly
situated persons.
(ii) During 1970 to 1974, even the pre training services of certain officials
engaged as postal clerk were regularized. The RTPs were trained and
utilized full time in the clerical posts to manage all the works of the
post office.
(iii) The CAT, Chennai held that the services rendered by the ex RTPs at
APS shall be counted as qualifying services for all purposes. The
Chennai High Court, on appeal by the department has upheld the
decision of the CAT in WP no 37117 to 37119 of 2002 and directed the
department to extend the benefits. Based on this the service redered
by RTP was regularized for several APS RTPs.
(iv) In another case, the Apex court under Civil Appeal No.5739 of2005
filed by Sri M. Mathivanan, Postal Asst, Cuddalore division upheld the
decision of extending the benefits and dismissed the appeal filed by
the department with costs. Several APS RTPS were regularized based
on this also.
(v) The Directorate has directed the Circle Heads to collect, compile and
furnish details of ex-RTPs deputed to APS to consider for extending the
benefits to all similarly situated persons. There after there is no action
in this regard.
(vi) The RTPs working in APS could thus get their period of RTP Service
regularised. The same yardstick is denied to those RTPS who were
employed in Post offices and RMS all over India. This causes a grave
discrimination between the RTPs employed in one place to another.
The Staff side requesst for ending this discrimination by ordering
regularisation of RTP service for all.
This demand is pending over decades and there should not be any
discrimination between two equals. It is requested to consider the
case and cause appropriate orders for counting the past services of
the RTP for all benefits.

110. Allot 19% Group B vacancies for General line and permit all
Group C officials in Postal, RMS, Admn and Postal A/Cs with
minimum 20 years of service to appear the exam by
dispensing with present reservation of posts to RMS & Admn

The Staff Side had submitted its proposal as far back as in February
2008 referring the pending item in the Postal Departmental Council
JCM and communicating the opinions of the internal staff side
In 1993, the staff side was asked to surrender 1/3rd of IPO vacancies
for direct recruitment to facilitate higher scales of pay to IPO/ASPOs
and during the course of discussions it was indicated that in lieu of this
the share of General Line in Group B might be improved. Though the
share of PA/SA cadre in IPO was reduced by 1/3rd as stated above, the
re-apportionment of Group B did not take place.
a) Our proposal is that 62% of Group B vacancies on seniority-cum-
fitness and 19% on merit exam basis amongst the IPO line;
b) Remaining 19% of Group B should be for General Line [Postal, RMS,
Admn and Postal A/Cs] on competitive examination basis for the
officials with 20 years of service. Since it is a tough competitive
examination there need not be any restriction that only from LSG and
above would be permitted. This condition require to be reconsidered
for liberalisation for the following reasons also.

After The fifth commission, the department, unmindful of the

amendment of the recruitment rules by due notification with the
approval of nodal ministries, has plunged into action to the
controversial decision in permitting only those officials holding
standard LSG post on regular basis, blocking out all TBOP /BCR
officials. Earlier bunch of TBOP, BCR officials passed the Group B
examination. As such a sudden switch over to standard LSG criteria
has caused a concern.

It is therefore requested to permit all the officials having 20 years of

clerical service irrespective of the fact whether they are LSG or TBOP
to write the Group B exam.

Justification for including Postal A/Cs in the Group B examination by

increasing the percentage to 19% is that the JAO examination meant
for Accounts wing had been opened to all officials in the DOP. At
present, from JAO to JTS/STS cadres more than 70% posts are enjoyed
by DOP officials belonging to other wings (including IPOs/ASPs), than
Postal Account and thus the promotional avenue/opportunity of PAO
officials has considerably shrunk. Under these circumstances, keeping
the PSS Group B examination limited to Postal Assistants and IPOs is
highly unjustified and must be opened to all officials of DOP; also
reallocation and redistribution of PSS Group B posts to IPOs/ASPs on
one hand and to others from DOP on the other hand must be done so
that brighter elements shall have better opportunity for the the well
being of the Department also.

111. ACP Scheme to wiremen and electrical staff.

The Staff Side contention is that there is no justification whatsoever to
leave out the categories of wiremen and electrical staff from the

purview of ACP, since they are not covered under any other scheme of
financial upgradation. As in the case of non-test category Group D for
whom the TBOP/BCR was not applicable, the Department extended
the scheme of ACP earlier. Similarly these categories also should have
been covered under ACP Scheme and non-grant of ACP is an anomaly
that has to be settled. The Staff Side urges at least apply the MACP
Scheme to these sections of employees.

Further the discrimination between the workmen and wireman in pay

band should be removed since both of them are performing the similar
type of duties in post offices.

112. Streamlining the work of Cash Certificates and causing

uniform work procedure.
Expediting the Work Study in r/o Cash Certificate and fixing
reasonable out-turn for various works in computer has become a
necessity in the DAP Offices. More over causing uniform procedure to
be followed in all PAOs in r/o these works so that the habit of issuing
oral instructions at various levels can be avoided and PAO officials can
be safe- guarded from penalty. The Staff Side also urges to stop
moves of outsourcing of C.C. Works in PAOs and fixing of Supervisory
responsibility to PAO officials for those works already outsourced.

113. Instructions to stop Irregular Rule – 37 Transfers.

Many Officers in different circles wrongly award Rule-37 Transfer to
some officials by way of disciplinary action. More over the application
of Rule-37 has been clearly defined under the said Rules. Rule-37
cannot be used for reasons beyond that are specified in the Rule-37.
The Staff Side urges for issue of suitable general instructions to all
concerned to be cautious in this matter to avoid violations.

114. Cause full-fledged functioning of newly opened PAOs.

The three newly formed PAOs of Raipur (from Bhopal) Ranchi (from
Patna) and Dehra Dun (from Lucknow) which were notified 5 years
back have became fully functional. Therefore the Staff Side urges for
settling the issue of sending man power as in the following order of
preference and not to send anybody against his will to avoid unrest:
1. Volunteers from parent PAO,
2. Volunteers from other PAOs,
3. Volunteers from other wings of the Dept of Posts, and further:
4. Transfer vacant posts to newly formed PAOs and recruit through
SSC, and
5. Until such time officials from parent office be sent on Deputation for
180 days.

Ensure fully functional the erstwhile formed PAOs, like Jammu,

Guwahati, Shillong, Sundar Nagar etc with their full sanctioned

strength, giving preference to volunteers if any or with Direct
115. Extending /expanding modernization in PAOs.
Extending /expanding the modernization and allowing due share of
structural betterment/face-lift to PAOs on a/c of Project Arrow is
proposed by the Staff Side.

116. Implement Pay protection under FR-15-A (Rule 38 transfer)

Implement Pay protection under FR-15-A (Rule 38 transfer) as decided
in the National JCM and consequential orders issued by DO P& T.
Rectify the erroneous interpretation and safeguard the spirit of the


(i) It was assured during the talks held on 19.4.07 to relax minimum
qualifying service for HSG II promotion in order to fill up the HSG II
posts in the absence of eligible LSG officials.
(ii) Further DOPT vide its OM No, 28036/01/2007-Estt (D) dt 14.11.08
delegated the power of relaxation to concerned Ministries/Department
in respect of Group C & D posts. Hence this may please be considered.


The instructions of DOPT dt. 16.6.2000, that only CRS for the year
immediately preceding the years of vacancy/Panel should be
considered if DPC are held later then the schedule prescribed in model
calendar” has not been taken note in many circles and current bench
marks were applied wrongly for the notional promotions. A
clarificatory orders may be issued to rectify the mistakes. Further in
some circles, the bench mark was applied for TBOP/BCR promotion,
despite the existence of clear cut orders from the Directorate that
Bench mark should not be applied for BCR promotions. Moreover, it is
requested to waive the application of Bench marks up to 2008 since
the seriousness was not felt in the dept and the CRS were written by
the divisional heads in a casual manner.


(i) Since the LSG notional promotion was granted on notional basis, in
some divisions due to more number of LSG posts in existence, the
juniors got their LSG promotions. In other divisions due to dearth of
LSG Posts, the seniors are deprived of notional promotion
(ii) Similarly, Rule 38 transferees could not get their LSG notional
promotion due to application of divisional Gradation list.

In order to mitigate the genuine grievances of the above said officials

in promotional aspects, modification of LSG by granting notional

promotion may be explored since the anomaly is prevailing due to
various changes made in the procedure of LSG/HSG II recruitment


In many divisions, the confirmation was not exercised for many years
after the introduction of TBOP, and only Divisional Gradation list was
maintained. When a new Circle gradation list is now prepared, it
should be on the basis of present rulings and since the confirmation
was delinked from seniority, this should not be insisted. It is requested
to reconsider the issue once again based on the Apex court judgment
and the recent pronouncement of the CAT, Bangalore.


Despite crystal clear orders in the R.P. Rules 2008 under Rule 13 (i)
that if the pay in the pay band after adding the increment is less than
the minimum of the higher pay band to which promotion is taking
place, pay in the pay band will be stepped to such minimum, this has
not been implemented in many circles in respect of promotees in
Postal Assistant cadre and also in the case of HSG-I promotions.
Similarly under Rule 7 1(A) (ii) while detailing the fixation of initial pay
in the revised structure, it was stated that if the minimum of the
revised pay band/pay scale is more than the amount arrived at as per
(i) above, the pay shall be fixed at the minimum of the revised pay
band/pay scale. The initial fixation has not been granted in many
places with the wrong notion that the initial pay is pertaining only to
the direct recruitments and not for others. Suitable clarificatory orders
may please be issued to rectify the mistakes in the pay fixation.


The ICIR party in many places had raised an objection about the grant
of increment on 01.07.2006 stating that one did not completed the
Qualifying service of six months in between 01.01.2006 to 30.06.2006
he is not entitled for increment on 01.07.2006 even though he had
completed six months service from the date of last increment he
drawn in 2005 and revised his date of next increment to 01.07.2007
This is highly irregular.

According to RP Rule 10, one period of six months should be taken

from the date of his last increment to 30.06.2006 and not for the six
monthly period from Jan’06 to June’06.

Suitable clarifications set aside the irregular objections being raised by
the ICIR party.


Ensure proportionate share of posts to PAOs in the ADR Plans 2005,
2006, 2007 & 2008 corresponding to retirements therein.
Engage Short Duty clerks (engaging retired Sr. Accountants in PAOs)
until regular recruitment takes place.

Initiate compassionate appointments in PAOs.

Speed up the process of filling all the existing and anticipated



Grant benefits of I & II ACP up gradations under the scheme 1999, and
I, II & III under MACP Scheme to DE passed promotee officials on par
with DR officials.


Strengthen PA Wing ensuring its autonomy and broadening the scope
of its Accounting & Internal Auditing (with up dated questionnaire) in
the DOP.

Impart induction training of 3 months duration to JA/SA and AAO

covering the entirety of our functions including the basics of Accrual
based Accounting system.

Restore the Member (Finance) post in the Postal Services Board and
integrate all accounting streams of DOP under Member (Finance).


Provide Departmental building to PAOs like Ahemdabad; provide
adequate /additional area in r/o PAOs like Hyderabad, Patna and


Ensure speedy verification of caste at Govt level and settle/deal it as
done in other Central Govt. Depts. situated in Nagpur/Maharastra,
and not to target PAO officials belonging to or originating from Nagpur


Reclassify the cadres in PAO and enable this Association to represent
all the cadres (up to AAO) included in the PB-1 and PB-2 for their
representation in Departmental /National JCM.


Rectify the anomaly due to promotion of Group-D officials straight to
LDC cadre, in PAOs while senior Group-D promotees remain in Sorter

Grant special pay/allowance to D.E passed Group-D/Sorter awaiting


Allow ACP benefit in the scale of Sorter to those Group-D officials who
had passed D.E prior to the year 2000 but denied promotion.

Count T/S service for ACP benefits as in the case of their pension

130. JA CADRE:
Restore residency period of 3 years from JA to SA retrospectively


Implement the recommendations of Re-structuring Committee ‘1998
in r/o DEOs
Chennai, PAO;

Grant the same scale of pay to DEOs of Chennai PAO as in the case of
DEOs working in other Departments under Central Government


Fill up all vacant posts in all the Departmental canteens in PAOs.

Allow the D.E passed canteen employees their promotion as onetime

relaxation in r/o Kolkata PAO.
1. Past declination of any promotion to LSG or HSG-II by officials should
be ignored and the condition in the MACP orders that declining
promotion would delay the grant of MACP until the acceptance of the
declined promotion should be applied only prospectively. This is to
benefit the officials who declined their promotion for certain reasons
before introduction of MACP Scheme.

2. The benchmark ‘good’ stipulated for upgradation to Grade Pay 4200/-

and above under MACP Scheme also should be waived for the years
prior to introduction of MACP Scheme. This is so because there is a
blind of giving ‘average’ without understanding its adverse effect on
officials while writing CRs in the Department of Posts and also the
absence of statutory automatic review of CRS of officials by higher

authorities as in other CG Departments. Until introduction of this
system of automatic revision of CRs to undo any blind CR writing, the
benchmark ‘good’ may kindly be not insisted for grant of upgradations
under MACP.

These two concessions would protect thousands of Postal Employees from

deprivation of their Modified ACP upgradations in the background of
switching over from TBOP/BCR Scheme to MACP Scheme.


As the Recruitment Rules for the Drivers and Despatch riders are one
and the same, the benefits applicable to Drivers shall be extended to
Despatch riders duly amalgamating both the cadres.


The Department has written to Staff Side that the issue of allowing lift
operators to sit in the LGO exam will be considered at the time of
revising the recruitment rules of PA/SA cadre.

The Staff side urges early action.

(Giriraj Singh)
Secretary, Staff Side


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