Vocabularul Lectolor 21 22: Accidental - Accidental

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accidental > (Eksldentl] - accidental

admirable :> [Edmar.lbl) - admirabil, extraordinar

to affect >(IU afekt] - a afecta

to age >LtueidJI - a imbatrani

10 bear >( lu bea'l - a suporta

bo,. >[00: - forma a doua a verhului "to bear"

borne >[ocr'n] - forma a treia a verbului "to bear"

coffin > [kolin l - sicriu

condolences :> [kandaulanslz - condoleanle

to congratulate :> I lu bngrLlfulertJ - a felicita

to control > ill kantraulJ - a controla; a stapani

corpse > ko.'psj - cadavru

cradle :> [heIdi) - leagan

to cremate >llukrunellJ - a incinera

cremation :> ("mne,'l1]

decay >ldi"cl] - putrezire; deadere, prabu~ire

to decay :> Lttl tllkeil - a putrezi; a decadea, a se prabu~i

deceased :> [dlShtl - decedat, raposat

to despise :> [Ill lhspallJ - a disprelui

to disinherit :> llu dlsmhent] - a dezmo~teni

emotion >[imau~nl - sentiment; emolie, senza\ie

emotional :> llm:l.u~llIJ - emotiv

enmity > (enmill - du~ma.nie

estate >lbll'll) - proprietate, avere; mo~ie

fortune :> [fo, hiln] - bogatie, avere

friendship :> (Irenl. lp] - prietenie

funeral >[liunarlJ - inmonnantare

funeral procession > {flu [lal pru:<e nJ - procesiune funerara

generosity > [djenerositi] - generozitate, bunatate

generous > [dJencras] - generos, damie

to give birth to >[tu glV harp IU] - a na~te, a da na~tere la

grave > [grciv] - grav, senos

gravity > [grEvity] - gravitate, seriozitate

hearse > [hil:'s] - drie, car funebru/mortuar

heir > [c:l1 - mo~tenitor, urma~

honeymoon > [hanllnu,ll] - luna de miere

to identify > {IU afdcnt1fal] - a identifiea

infant > {inl;mtJ - bebelu~, eopil mie

infant mortality > (inlimI1110rtElltl] - mortalilate infantila

to inherit > [IU mhcrlt) ~ a mO~leni

m mournmg > [in mo,rn1t1I~I] - in doliu, indoliat

lifelong > [lalflonl~!] - pe viala

lively >[131\11] ~ vioi, plin de viata

to lower > [tulaua'] - a dajos, a eobori; a darama

medieval > [mL:thi \I] - medieval

middle-aged > lmiulcldjd] - de varsta mijlocie

the Middle Ages > l D'a midi eldliz] - Evul Mediu

mlllor > [mama'] - minor, nesemnifieativ

to mOllrn > [tllmo:'n) - a deplange, a jeli, a boci

natural > [llEtsrl] ~ natural

of age > [;1\ CIUJJ - major

orphan > [0 'fn] - orfan

to overwhelm - a eople~i,a invalui

overwhelming - eople~itor, invaluitor

to pity > [Ill pill] - a eompatimi

to possess > [Ill razes] - a avea, a detine

rational > [rE~nl] - rational, rezonabil

resignation ~ demisie; renunVlTe; resemnare

sole >lsaul] - ume, smgur

solemn >lsolam] - solemn, grav

so<row > (sorau] - durere; regret, p1irere de rau

to starve - a Ii infometat; a mud de foame

starvation - foamete, inanitie

step >1~lerJ - pas, treaptA; etap!

suicide > IU 'lId] - sinucidere

to survive >ltusa,2lV - a supravielui

twins > 11m. - gemem

undertaker > a:lda'tella') - antreprenor de pompe funebre,


to value > tu \l!/U} - a pretui, a aprecia

will > - testament

wreath >[n T - coroanA de fIon

youth >( T - tinerele; tineri


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