Tuneli I Konstrukcije
Tuneli I Konstrukcije
Tuneli I Konstrukcije
Ulf Linder. Johannes Hansson.
Greenwood Communications
Stockholm, Sweden .
Tel: +46 (0)8 411 85 11.
www.gre enwood.se
Croatia 2015
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Tunneling for fu
Editor or the Publisher.
Roma ni a
Bosni a-
Herzeg ovin a Ser .. ia
R1:las (bpco
SLOVAKIA IS PRESSING AHEAD with numerous invest- IN THIS SPECIAL EDITION of the Atlas Copco maga-
ments in infrastructure. Four new tunnels are now in zine Mining & Construction we invite you to take a
use with a total length of 8 015 m. There are currently look behind the scenes at some of the most important
eight tunnels under construction, with a total length developments designed to improve transport and com-
of 16 727 m. munication, and above all, prosperity for all.
he Ovciarsko tunnel in northern is behind schedule. Geotechnical p~oblems Western Carpathians. In fact, this formation
)) shank adapters and bits from Atlas Copco Another key piece of equi;>ment nsed for pressure Atlas Copco Serpent fans together
Secoroc. rock support is the Atlas C.Jpco MEYCO with 2.4 km of high quality PVC-coated
The rigs are also used for portal stabiliza- Potenza unit for wet mix concrete spray- ducting. All of the equipment is supported
tion work to install the Atlas Copco Secoroc ing, and there are two of these in OJ:eration. by a service contract which is managed
Symrnetrix system. This method involves MEYCO was acquired by Atlas Copco by ISOP, Atlas Copco's distributor in
the installation of steel pipes or casings, in April 2013 from chernical gian: BASF Slovakia, headed up by JozefParobok.
set in an umbrella pattern in the crown, Construction Chemical and this represents ISOP has a stipulated response time of
providing extra support ahead of drilling state-of-the-art concrete-spraying technol- two hours and workshops at both western
and blasting. ogy. Coincidentally, BASF also EUpplies and eastern portals. The larger of these at
The crews work seven days a week with ground support at the Ovcia::sko sit:e. the eastern portal can accommodate the
two 12-hour shifts per day. In each shift, When working in the soft rock, be team Boomer E2 drill rig, and there are con-
they try to get through a complete cycle of switches to MB 1700 hydraulic treakers tainers on site for spares and consum-
drilling and blasting the top heading and from Atlas Copco mounted on excEVators. ables. 0
bottom bench of the face, although this is Ventilation is provided by tvo high
not always possible. This does not mean that
the drill rigs have to stand idle, however.
When they are not drilling blastholes they The right technology has
are drilling holes for rock bolts. The bolts
comprise grouted, hydraulic and fibreglass to be used so we have to
variants as well as self-drilling anchors .
When installing the SDAs - a conm1on adapt
' ' to what we find.
solution for unstable ground such as sand,
gravel, silt, and clays - two Atlas Copco
M400NT Mai pumps are used for the injec-
tion grouting. Wire mesh is also used.
While the Pol'ana tunnel is under construction work goes 011 up afxJve to extend the 03 highway involving a total of 17 bridges.
including emergency passages and two lay- alignoent. Added to this is the extent of the only but eventually we'll have several faces
bys. Excavation of the tunnel started at the cross :;ectic·n up to 97 m2 and a maximum open, each going through these three steps.
beginning of 2015 and the construction is overbuden of 124 m which requires a huge And of course, the length of each step wi ll
scheduled for completion by summer 2016. earth removal operation. depend on the geology," says Petko.
The tunnel is being excavated using the Povazsky Chlmec also employs two
Drilling from the center New ,(ustrian Tunnelling Method (NATM), Potenza concrete sprayers from Atlas Copco
Excavation has started from the mid-section combining drill and blast with hydraulic MEYCO which are used for spraying con-
going in opposite directions towards the hamme rs mounted on excavators. " We crete as primary lining support after blast-
western and eastern portals. "Unlike most expecr 80 percent of the development to be ing and mucking out. The reinforcement
tunnels, this one is being developed from done ~asi n g dri ll and blast and 20 percent work also includes wire mesh, steel arches
inside out, rather than the other way round," using lhe hydraulic hammers and excava- and radial rockbolts.
says Petko. The construction will eventually tors," ::ays Petko. The equipment on site is supported by
be carried out simultaneously from six loca- Dri ling and blasting is being done ISOP, Atlas Copco's distributor in Slovakia,
tions with four faces in the center. with two Afas Copco Boomer E2 drill with additional support from Atlas Copco
Excavation of the western face started rigs, including a new model featuring the Czech Republic if required. The service
in February this year and preparation work latest RCS 5 rig control system. "This is contract includes spare parts and consum-
at the eastern portal is currently underway. the fir=t Atlas Copco Boomer with the lat- ables on site and a response time of up to
HOCHTIEF CZ expects about 250 tun- est RCS version in Slovakia," says Pavel two hours for a service technician.
nelers to be working two 12-hour shifts, Jindrit ~ek, Pr·)duct Manager Underground "I have worked with Atlas Copco equip-
24 hours a day, seven days a week. Rock 3 xcavation for Atlas Copco Central ment for many years, I know the machines
Simi lar to other tunnel projects in north- Europ ~. are good, but one of the main reasons we
ern Slovakia, PovazsicY Chlmec also has the The operators received training on this decided to go with them is the fact that
challenge of being developed in complex systerr:. at the beginning of this year and they're established in this market and are
and difficult geology. Again, the geology eventc.a lly there wil l be three Boomer well placed to offer us the best technical
is mainly composed of Flysch, featuring E2 rig:; on the site. Two of these will be support and service," says Petko.
alternating layers of claystone, sandstone used br drilling blastholes and one for "The schedule is a major challenge," says
and conglomerates. anchoring. Petko. "We have to excavate more faces and
"The most competent rock here is still Drilll ing, blasting and anchoring is with 97 m2 of cross section, that's a chal-
quite poor," says Petko, explaining that the carriec out in two 12-hour shifts per day. lenge in itself as it amounts to lots of muck-
quality varies widely throughout the tunnel "At the moment, we're working on one face ing. But we 're on track! " 0
Th e Atlas Copco Boomer E2C drill rig going into action. Constructing the roof of the "turtle" entrance to the Povaisky Chlmec portal.
Below, second from left: Jan Klein, Slovenske Tunely, Tomas Just OHL
with Atlas Copco representatives and a MEYCO Potenza urit.
Inset: The Boomer drill rig and drilling crew.
Preparing for
EU membership
n seeking to become a full member of The entire project, which is estimated bridges, for the state-owned company
Longest in Serbia
projects are currently underway, one of All iance Tunnels as the main partner and At 1.8 km, Manaj le will be the longest
which is the construction of the Manajle Roads & Bridges Ltd responsible for road tunnel in Serbia. It will be a twin
and Predej ane tunnels on Corridor 10 buildic g the corresponding roads and tube project (one for each direction of
between the southern Serbian city ofNish
and the Macedonian border.
At present, this section of Corridor I 0 We have been delayed by
only has two lanes and is often overloaded
with trucks heading south to Macedonia the geology which is more
and Greece. Accidents are frequent, espe-
cially in summer when the road is januned complex
' than we anticipated.
with European holidaymakers but the tun-
nels will ease the congestion and also bring
environmental and safety standards into line
with EU regulations. ))
traffic). Ten kilometres to the north is been delayed by the geological corditions of course, but because of the geological con-
the Predejane tunnel which has the same which are more complex than V"e first ditions, we've been forced to work this way,
design and construction team. One of the anticipated," says Petrovski. making progress slower," says Petrovski .
Predejane tubes wi ll be 870 m long and As in Slovakia, the geology eatures Advance rates depend entirely on the
the other 1 050 m. pockets of good, competent rock as well as geology. In good ground, it can be about
The operation at both sites is continu- poor ground. " It's not even p::-oper rmck; it's three meters per shift. "We don't neces-
ous and based on two 12-how- shifts with a pure clay," says Petrovski. This variability sarily see this as a huge problem though,"
combined workforce of 170. According to means that the proj ect requires frequent Petrovski says. "This is the situation and
Stojan Petrovski, General Project Manager changes of tunneling techno logy; d:"ill and we just have to deal with it." Helping them
for both tunnels, most of the engineers are blast in competent rock and hydraul c ham- deal with it is the equipment employed in
from Bulgaria and about 90% of them are mers and excavators in the poorer sections. each tunnel. Blasthole drilling in the good
ski lled. "It's difficult to find skilled work- The company uses the New Austrian rock sections at both sites is carried out by
ers here so we brought our own," he says. Tunnelling Method (NATM: that r.c-ovides Atlas Copco Boomer E2 and Boomer L2
"They have a lot of experience of working optimized tunnel suppori behind the: face. drill rigs. "We have two units, one of each
on other simi lar projects." model at each tunne l. The Boomer E2
Site preparations began in September Unpredictable advance rates rigs are from Atlas Copco Rental and the
20 13 and both projects are due for comple- According to the original project st.Jdy for L2 units are our own machines that we
tion in March 2016. Manajle and Predejane, the comp<Ily was brought over from Bulgaria," explains
Petrovski says: "So far we've developed expecting to use drill and blast for :nost of Velin Mahov, Construction Manager for
about 40 percent of the tunnels but we have the drive. "That would have bee:~ much faster both projects.
One of the rented rigs is a new unit fea- for cro?n sup}:ort. This gives less overbreak fans, one of which is a new Atlas Copco
turing the RCS 5 computerized rig control and em.ures safety for the workers . Here, Serpent AVH 125 which has a flow rate
system for positioning and high precision the Boomer :frill rigs come in handy once of 14-42 m 3/second and 37-110 kW of
drilling. When it arrived, Atlas Copco spe- again tc· drill the holes and install the pipes nominal power.
cialists were on hand to train the operators in an unbrella pattern. In addition, two All of the equipment is covered by a ser-
on how to use it with maximum efficiency. Atlas Copco Unigrout grouting units, one vice agreement which stipulates the pres-
When working in the poorer rock for eacJ.- ofthr.: tunnels, are used for grouting ence of an Atlas Copco service technician
Atlas Copco MB 1700 hydraulic break- the pipccs. on site from Mondays to Fridays to monitor
ers mounted on excavators are used. The In 011e shift, seven pipes, each 15 m the machines, conduct preventive mainte-
company has three of these which were also long, a~e installed . "This is normal," says nance and replace parts. Atlas Copco has
brought from Bulgaria: "They've served us Mahov. "We just need two days to finish a to respond to any issues within 24 hours .
well in other projects so now we're using whole ppe umbrella." Once the pipes have Besides Serbia, Euro Alliance is active in
them here," says Mahov. been in::talled, the company uses four Atlas tunnel construction projects in several
Copco IA400Tpumps for injection grouting countries at the same time including four
Pipe-roofing in weak zones of se l f- ~i llin g anchors . in Germany, two in Spain and two in
In the weaker zones, pipe roofing is used Ventilation is provided by five different Bulgaria. 0
s one of the five tunnels currently Energoprojekt Niskograndna r:1c has · adding that the quality of the rock is not
shotcrete only needs to be about 20 em Due tc this tmpredictability, pipe roofing IS the first time I have encountered
thick but often it can be over 30 em," he has ha:d to be used for about 70 percent this type of rock and if I hadn't seen
says, adding that this is proof of the poor of the tunnel The method reinforces the it, I wouldn 't have believed it. It's
quality of the ground. grounc ahe:~d of a tunnel face. A steel an interesting challenge but
Sarani also employs three Atlas Copco casing is in st:~lled in an umbrella pattern we are rising above
Unigrout grouting platforms, two of which around the runnel profile, forming a pro- it!" 0
are Unigrout Flex M E22 . Ventilation in tective arch under which the tunnel can be
the tunnels is provided by a fan fitted with advanced safely. The pattern consists of
I 400 m of Atlas Copco flexible ducting. 144 rra1 diam.::ter, 3 m long pipes for a wall
The work is non-stop, seven days a week thicknt ss of 6.3 mm.
and with two 12-hour shifts per day. "We "Ait1ough we can 't always use the
have about 150 workers here with most of rigs fo r drill and blast when the rock
them divided into three crews, so we can is ba.i!, the machines are
have two crews working and one resting," still h..ghly utilized and
explains Dusan Dovatov, Chief Engineer their productivity
of Technical Operations Maintenance, at is goc·d," says
Energoprojekt. KovaC:evc.
"For example, we could be drilling and "This
blasting for several shifts and then the qual-
ity of the rock changes and we could be
using the rigs for pipe roofing with the
Symmetrix system. If it changes
again, we could be drilling
to install the Atlas Copco
R32N and R32S