ABB Oil Filling Method of Statement
ABB Oil Filling Method of Statement
ABB Oil Filling Method of Statement
Table of Content
1 GENERAL----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
2 NECESSARY EQUIPMENT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
3 VACUUM TREATMENT WITH FINAL LEAK TEST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3
4 PROCESSING THE OIL BEFORE FILLING --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
5 FILLING PROCEDURE FOR THE MAIN TANK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
5.1 Filling from the tank lower filtering valve---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
5.2 Oil filling of on-load tap changer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
6 CIRCULATION OF OIL IN THE MAIN TRANSFORMER TANK -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
6.1 Oil circulation procedure------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6
7 FILLING OF SEPARATE COOLERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7
8 IMPREGNATION TIME BEFORE ENERGIZING --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
9 ADDITIONAL DRYING PROCEDURE ON SITE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
10 RE-FILLING AFTER INTERRUPTED PROCEDURES-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
11 APPENDIX : CONVERSION OF UNITS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
12 REVISION----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
1 General
This Product Information applies to oil filling of transformers shipped without oil in dry-gas. New transformers are
normally designed for oil filling under vacuum. Although the transformer tank is specified to be vacuum-proof, there
may be components that are not vacuum proof, which require certain precautions (insulating barriers between tap-
changer compartments and the main tank, parts of the cooling equipment and oil conservators). Check the Instruction
Manual and look out for warning signs. In case of doubt, check with the ABB representative.
2 Necessary Equipment
A high vacuum degassing unit with oil filter and thermostatically controlled heaters for the oil is required. The filter
equipment must be able to treat oil to fulfill the requirements in instruction 1ZBA4601-213.
Observe especially:
! The filter equipment should be capable of reducing water content in the oil to not above 10 ppm (at 50 –80
degrees C) and dissolved gas content to not above 0.2 percent.
The filter shall remove particles bigger than 5 micrometers.
The filter shall have a capacity not less than 2000 liters/hour
The filter shall raise the temperature of the outgoing oil to at least 60 but not more than 80 °C. For 80 degree
it is necessary to use condensers in the vacuum system.
! A vacuum pump with adequate capacity (example 250 m / hour for evacuation of the tank down to below 0.1
kPa (about 0.75 Torr).
! A vacuum gauge with a reading range covering the interval 0.02 - 1 kPa (0.15 - 7.5 Torr). If a mercury gauge
is used, a trap must be provided which will prevent mercury from entering the transformer.
! Vacuum proof oil hoses, valves and fittings for connections between transformer tank, filter, and storage
tanks. The "filter valves" on the tank that are to be used.. (See transformer Outline drawing)
! Transparent vacuum proof plastic tubing for the connection of instruments and for use as an oil level indicator
during filling.
! Thermometers.
! Also a cold trap for checking moisture extraction from the tank may be used (when drying is performed)
Pressure relief devices shall be assembled before application of vacuum and oil filling.
The conservators are not always vacuum proof this is indicated in the Oil Level Indicator Plate and in
drawings. See instruction 1ZBA4601-218 or -219 If the conservator is not vacuum proof the valve between the
conservator and the main tank shall be closed and the drain valve of the conservator opened.
If the valve between main tank and conservator is not vacuum proof, the connection between tank and conservator
shall be disconnected and the connection to the tank shall be blanked off.
If the conservator is vacuum proof and has the added rubber membrane option, care must be taken when pulling
vacuum. Special attention shall be given to maintaining the same pressure on both sides of the rubber membrane.
See Instruction in 1ZBA4601-219 and the specific instruction leaflets.
Note: Closed compartments of on-load tap-changers may have to be treated according to special instructions for the
tap-changer model supplied, see specific instruction leaflets.
1) Connect the vacuum gauge to a suitable valve on the tank. A compound gauge (vacuum over-pressure gauge)
shall be connected to the highest possible point of the cover or to the Bucholz relay for any transformer with a
conservator, which is not evacuated. This will allow a complete filling of oil to zero pressure before opening the
connection to the conservator.
2) Connect the vacuum pump to a valve on the transformer cover or to the conservator if a vacuum proof
conservator is available and used for oil filling.
3) Evacuate the tank until the pressure is below 0.3 kPa (about 2.3 Torr)
4) Shut the valve to the pump and wait for an hour, then take a first pressure reading. This reading is called P1 .
5) Take a second pressure reading 30 minutes later. This reading is called P2.
6) Note the total quantity of oil required, according to the rating plate, and express as a volume, V, in m3.
(P2 -P1) x V =L
The maximum permitted leakage is 20 mbar x liters /second. Continued readings at successive 30 min intervals may
be taken to confirm the result.
Maximum permitted Leakage at different Volumes and measuring time 0.5 and 1 hours can be found in Figure 1.
If the leak test is successful, the pumping shall continue, until the pressure has reached to 0.13 kPa (1 Torr). The
vacuum shall then be hold for the time given in Table 2 before the oil filling starts.
If the specified vacuum cannot be reached check first the vacuum pumps, if they works correct there is leaks in the
transformer system, which must be located and corrected (see previous section).
Pressure increase mbar
30 minutes
1.20 60 minutes
0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 00
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10
1) For low temperatures (active part below 10 ºC) steps have to be taken to heat
the active part and / or prolong the vacuum time.
Note : During oil filling, there must be kept permanently a positive pressure in the hose before the lower
2) For transformers without a conservator and for transformers with a vacuum proof conservator evacuated, the oil is
filled up until the oil level gauge indicates the proper level. Observe that the oil gauge will show normal level for oil
at 25 °C. See Product Information for Oil Conservators 1ZBA4601-218
The oil level has to be corrected for the oil temperature..
For transformers with a conservator not evacuated, fill oil until the oil level is closely below the tank cover. Close
the valve to the vacuum pump to avoid oil to come into the pump. Continue the oil filling slowly observing the
compound gauge and fill until the pressure is close to zero. Stop the oil filling, open the valve to the conservator
and close the conservator drain valve.
For conservators with rubber membrane air cell bag, See Product Information for Oil Conservators
4) For Sealed Tank Designs, fill to the correct oil level as indicated and then pressurize with the appropriate dry gas
blanket to the required pressure.
c o m po und g a uge
va c uum g aug e
tra nsparent hose for level
rela y
va c uum
va c uum filter p ump
stora ge
ta nk
Vacuum filter
1) The transformer is connected to the filter in a loop through the upper and lower filter valves. The direction of
circulation shall be from the filter to the transformer at the top and from the bottom of the transformer to the filter.
2) The temperature of the oil from the filter to the transformer shall be 60 to 80 °C.
3) The circulation shall proceed until a volume of oil has passed through the loop corresponding to 2 times the
total oil volume in the tank. (At freezing ambient temperature the circulation time is increased: circulate 3 times the
volume at temperature down to minus 20°C, increase to 4 times below that temperature).
Separate, vacuum proof cooler banks, suspended on the tank or pedestal mounted, may be left alone and shut off from
the tank during the main filling procedure. They are then filled separately, after proper vacuum leak checks as
performed on the main tank.
They should be filled with clean, degassed oil through the vacuum filter.
If the oil level is above the coil assembly, so that no cellulose insulation is exposed above the oil surface, the tank may
be filled up again with de-gassed oil.
If cellulose insulation has been exposed, complete re-filling has to be carried out. The oil is first removed from the tank.
The tightness is again checked under vacuum, and filling of the tank with core and coils is repeated, as described
Note. Pulling vacuum above the oil level when the oil has absorbed gas (air) is not recommended. Gas bubbles are
formed in the oil and may be trapped in the insulation system. Such bubbles may take a long time to be absorbed by
the oil and may cause dielectric failures.
12 Revision
A: 2001-02
B: 2001-09 Pg 2 (1)
C: 2002-05 Pg 7 (8.1.1); Pg 8 (fig 2)
D: 2003-01-02 new Form
E: 2003-05-30 It-format
F: 2003-06-02 Pg 2 (fig 2)
G: 2003-08-11 Revised
The information, recommendations, descriptions, and safety notations in this document are based on our
experience and judgment with respect to transformers. THIS INFORMATION SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED
TO BE INCLUSIVE OR TO COVER ALL CONTINGENCIES. If further information is required, ABB should be
ABB continually strives to make its instructions accurate, up-to-date, and easy to understand.
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