ASME 2017 SA 312 Sublimentry Requirements

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18.1.1 When specified in the contract or order, the following

requirements shall be considered in the inquiry, contract or Specification Number ASTM A312
order, for agencies of the U.S. Government where scale free Tube T
Grade 304
pipe or tube is required. These requirements shall take prece- Outside Diameter 0.250
dence if there is a conflict between these requirements and the Wall 0.035
product specifications. SMLS OR WELDED WLD
18.1.2 The requirements of Specification A999/A999M for 18.1.5 Ordering Information—Orders for material under
pipe and Specification A1016/A1016M for tubes shall be this specification shall include the following in addition to the
applicable when pipe or tube is ordered to this specification. requirements of Section 4:
18.1.3 Pipe and tube shall be one of the following grades as
specified herein: Pipe or tube,
Grade UNS Designation Part number,
TP304 S30400 Ultrasonic inspection, if required,
TP304L S30403
TP304N S30451 If shear wave test is to be conducted in two
TP316 S31600 opposite circumferential directions,
TP316L S31603
TP316N S31651 Intergranular corrosion test, and
TP317 S31700
TP317L S31703 Level of preservation and packing required.
TP321 S32100
TP347 S34700 19. Keywords
18.1.4 Part Number:
19.1 austenitic stainless steel; seamless steel pipe; stainless
Example: ASTM A312/A312MPipe 304 NPS 12 SCH 40S
steel pipe; steel pipe; welded steel pipe
Specification Number ASTM A312
Pipe P
Grade 304
NPS 12
Wall 0.375


One or more of the following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified in the
purchase order. The purchaser may specify a different frequency of test or analysis than is provided
in the supplementary requirement. Subject to agreement between the purchaser and manufacturer,
retest and retreatment provisions of these supplementary requirements may also be modified.

S1. Product Analysis S3. Flattening Test

S1.1 For all pipe NPS 5 and larger in nominal size there shall S3.1 The flattening test of Specification A999/A999M shall
be one product analysis made of a representative sample from be made on a specimen from one end or both ends of each pipe.
one piece for each ten lengths or fraction thereof from each Crop ends may be used. If this supplementary requirement is
heat of steel. specified, the number of tests per pipe shall also be specified.
S1.2 For pipe smaller than NPS 5 there shall be one product If a specimen from any length fails because of lack of ductility
analysis made from ten lengths per heat of steel or from 10 % prior to satisfactory completion of the first step of the flattening
of the number of lengths per heat of steel, whichever number test requirement, that pipe shall be rejected subject to retreat-
is smaller. ment in accordance with Specification A999/A999M and
S1.3 Individual lengths failing to conform to the chemical satisfactory retest. If a specimen from any length of pipe fails
requirements specified in Section 7 shall be rejected. because of a lack of soundness that length shall be rejected,
unless subsequent retesting indicates that the remaining length
S2. Transverse Tension Tests is sound.

S2.1 There shall be one transverse tension test made from S4. Etching Tests
one end of 10 % of the lengths furnished per heat of steel. This S4.1 The steel shall be homogeneous as shown by etching
requirement is applicable only to pipe NPS 8 and larger. tests conducted in accordance with the appropriate portions of
S2.2 If a specimen from any length fails to conform to the Method E381. Etching tests shall be made on a cross section
tensile properties specified that length shall be rejected. from one end or both ends of each pipe and shall show sound

ASME BPVC.II.A-2017 SA-312/SA-312M

and reasonably uniform material free of injurious laminations, S9.2 The sample, of approximately 2–in. [50–mm] length,
cracks, and similar objectionable defects. If this supplementary shall be prepared from a production length of pipe. Depending
requirement is specified, the number of tests per pipe required on the size of the pipe, it is permitted to section the sample
shall also be specified. If a specimen from any length shows longitudinally to allow it to fit in the Erlenmeyer flask. As a
objectionable defects, the length shall be rejected, subject to minimum, the tested sample shall include the entire weld and
removal of the defective end and subsequent retests indicating adjacent area and the full length of base metal 180° across from
the remainder of the length to be sound and reasonably uniform the weld. All burrs and sharp edges shall be removed by light
material. grinding. Dust and grease shall be removed by cleaning with
S5. Radiographic Examination soap and water or other suitable solvents.
S5.1 The entire length of weld in each double welded pipe S9.3 The hydrochloric acid solution shall be prepared by
shall be radiographically examined, using X-radiation, in slowly adding reagent grade (approximately 37 %) hydrochlo-
accordance with Paragraph UW-51 of Section VIII Division 1 ric acid to an equal volume of distilled water.
of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. In addition to Warning—Protect eyes and use rubber gloves when han-
the marking required by Section 13 each pipe shall be marked dling acid. Mixing and testing shall be performed in a
“RT” after the specification and grade. Requirements of S5 protective enclosure.
shall be required in the certification. S9.4 The test container shall be a 1–L Erlenmeyer flask
S6. Stabilizing Heat Treatment equipped with ground-glass joints and an Ahline condenser.
The volume of the solution shall be approximately 700 mL.
S6.1 Subsequent to the solution anneal required in 6.2,
Grades TP309HCb, TP310HCb, TP321, TP321H, TP347, S9.5 The thickness of the weld and the base metal 180°
TP347H, TP348, and TP348H shall be given a stabilization from the weld shall be measured near both ends of the sample.
heat treatment at a temperature lower than that used for the These measurements shall be made with a micrometer with an
initial solution annealing heat treatment. The temperature of anvil shape suitable for measuring the thickness with an
stabilization heat treatment shall be as agreed upon between the accuracy to at least 0.001 in. [0.025 mm].
purchaser and vendor. S9.6 The sample sections, both weld and base metal, shall
be immersed in the flask containing the solution. Boiling chips
S7. Intergranular Corrosion Test
shall be added and the solution brought to a boil. Boiling shall
S7.1 When specified, material shall pass intergranular cor- be maintained through the duration of the test. The time of
rosion tests conducted by the manufacturer in accordance with testing shall be that which is required to remove 40 to 60 % of
Practices A262, Practice E. the original base metal thickness (usually 2 h or less). If more
S7.1.1 Practice E requires testing on the sensitized condi- than 60 % of the base metal thickness remains, it is permitted
tion for low carbon or stabilized grades, and on the as-shipped
to terminate the test after 24 h.
condition for other grades. The applicability of this test and the
preparation of the sample for testing for grades containing S9.7 At the end of the test period, the samples shall be
greater than 3 % molybdenum shall be as agreed by the removed from the solution, rinsed with distilled water, and
purchaser and manufacturer. dried.
NOTE S7.1—Practice E requires testing on the sensitized condition for S9.8 The thickness measurements as in S9.5 shall be re-
low carbon or stabilized grades, and on the as-shipped condition for other peated. The anvil shape of the micrometer used shall be
suitable for measuring the minimum remaining thickness with
S7.2 A stabilization heat treatment in accordance with an accuracy to at least 0.001 in. [0.025 mm].
Supplementary Requirement S6 may be necessary and is
S9.9 The corrosion ratio, R, shall be calculated as follows:
permitted in order to meet this requirement for the grades
containing titanium or columbium, particularly in their H R 5 ~W0 2 W!⁄~B0 2 B!
versions. where:
S8. Minimum Wall Pipe W0 = average weld-metal thickness before the test,
S8.1 When specified by the purchaser, pipe shall be fur- W = average weld-metal thickness after the test,
B0 = average base-metal thickness before the test, and
nished on a minimum wall basis. The wall of such pipe shall
B = average base-metal thickness after the test,
not fall below the thickness specified. In addition to the
marking required by Section 17, the pipe shall be marked S8. S9.9.1 The corrosion ratio for HCW pipe shall be as
specified in 11.5.
S9. Weld Decay Test
S9.9.2 The corrosion ratio shall be 1.25 or less, or as further
S9.1 When specified in the purchase order, one sample from
restricted in the purchase order, when the weld decay test is
each lot of pipe shall be subject to testing in a boiling solution
specified for welded (WLD) pipe.
of 50 % reagent grade hydrochloric acid and 50 % water.


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