This document lists CSS properties and their possible values. It includes properties for backgrounds, borders, fonts, margins, paddings, text, and more. It also lists pseudo-classes like :hover and pseudo-elements like :first-letter that can be used to style links and specific parts of an element.
This document lists CSS properties and their possible values. It includes properties for backgrounds, borders, fonts, margins, paddings, text, and more. It also lists pseudo-classes like :hover and pseudo-elements like :first-letter that can be used to style links and specific parts of an element.
This document lists CSS properties and their possible values. It includes properties for backgrounds, borders, fonts, margins, paddings, text, and more. It also lists pseudo-classes like :hover and pseudo-elements like :first-letter that can be used to style links and specific parts of an element.
This document lists CSS properties and their possible values. It includes properties for backgrounds, borders, fonts, margins, paddings, text, and more. It also lists pseudo-classes like :hover and pseudo-elements like :first-letter that can be used to style links and specific parts of an element.
attachment background-color: color a color value background-image: location none, url(location) background- value position background-repeat value border: width, style, color value for width dotted, dashed, inset a color value border-bottom: width, style, color value for width dotted, dashed, inset a color value border-left: width, style, color value for width dotted, dashed, inset a color value border-right: width, style, color value for width dotted, dashed, inset a color value border-top: width, style, color value for width dotted, dashed, inset a color value clear: value none, left, right, both color: color a color value cursor: value auto, crosshair, default, hand, move, text, wait, help, n-resize, ne-resize, nw-resize, s-resize, se-resize, sw-resize, e-resize, w-resize display value block, inline font-family: familyName Times,Helvetica,serif, sans-serif, Courier, Western, cursive font-size: size xx-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large value in cm, mm, in, pt, px, pc Attribute Property Possible Values percentage font-style: style normal, italic, oblique font-variant: variant normal, small-caps font-weight: weight normal, bold, bolder, lighter, 100, 200, 300,... 900 height: value value in cm, mm, in, pt, px, pc percentage letter-spacing: value normal value in cm, mm, in, pt, px, pc line-height: value normal value in cm, mm, in, pt, px, pc percentage list-style-image: URL url(location) list-style-type: type disc, circle, square, decimal, none lower-roman, upper-roman, lower-alpha, upper-alpha margin: value value in cm, mm, in, pt, px, pc percentage margin-left: value value in cm, mm, in, pt, px, pc percentage margin-right: value value in cm, mm, in, pt, px, pc percentage margin-top: value value in cm, mm, in, pt, px, pc percentage padding: value value in cm, mm, in, pt, px, pc percentage text-align: alignment left, right, center, justify text-decoration: decoration none, underline, overline, line-through, blink text-indent: indentation value in cm, mm, in, pt, px, pc percentage text-transform: transformation none, capitalize, uppercase, lowercase vertical-align: alignment baseline, sub, super, top, middle, bottom, text-top, text-bottom visibility: visibility inherit, visible, hidden white-space value value in cm, mm, in, pt, px, pc percentage width: value value in cm, mm, in, pt, px, pc Attribute Property Possible Values percentage word-spacing value value in cm, mm, in, pt, px, pc percentage