RECongress 2019 Registration Guidebook
RECongress 2019 Registration Guidebook
RECongress 2019 Registration Guidebook
General Info
sponsored by the
Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Office of Religious Education
3424 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90010
Web •
Email • [email protected]
Info • (213) 637-7348
Register online at
Facebook • RECongress
Youth Day
Twitter • LACongress
Pinterest • LACongress
Instagram • LACongress
Conferencias............................................................. 75-90
Eventos del RECongress.......................................... 68-69
Eventos de los Adultos Jóvenes............................... 68-69
Horario.......................................................................... 70
Indice y Categorías........................................................ 73
Información General................................................ 90-91
MARCH 21, 2019 (YOUTH DAY) Informaciones de la Forma de Inscripción.................. 100
& MARCH 22-24, 2019 (ADULT DAYS) Mensajes del Arzobispo y del Director......................... 71
Mensajes de las Coordinadoras del RECongress.......... 72
GENERAL INFORMATION Mensaje del Coordinadores de
About RECongress ...................................................... 2-3 Ministerios Catequéticos............................................72
Adult Days Schedule........................... Inside Front Cover
Archbishop’s Welcome.................................................. 5 EXHIBITORS/TRAVEL/HOTEL INFORMATION
Asian/Pacific Events...................................................... 23 Airline Tickets Information........................................... 96
Catechist Formation Coordinators’ Welcome................. 6
Anaheim Area Map....................................................... 92
Co-Coordinators’ Welcome........................................... 6
Featured Advertisers ..................................................... 94
Convention Center Information.................................... 99
Director’s Welcome....................................................... 5 Hotel & Suites Information........................................... 93
Endowment Fund Information...................................... 97 Shuttle/Transportation Information............................... 95
Liturgies & Prayer Services.......................................... 22
Ralph’s Club Information.............................................. 97 REGISTRATION INFORMATION
Speaker Categories (by topic)....................................... 25 Continuing Education Credit
Speaker Index (alphabetical)......................................... 4 – Loyola Marymount University................................98
Workshop Recording Information................................. 99 Deaf/Hard of Hearing/Disabled Services.......................99
Young Adult Events ...................................................... 24 Deaf/Hard of Hearing Request Form...........................100
YOUTH DAY (March 21) Parking Information.......................................................99
Welcome from the Youth Day Coordinator................... 7
Registration Form................................. Inside Back Cover Travel/Hotels
Registration Form Information.....................................100
Youth Day Registration Form....................................... 15
Youth Day Registration Information............................. 14 Ticket/Program Book Pick-Up ....................................100
Youth Day Schedule..................................................... 8-9
Youth Day Workshop Information........................... 10-13 At RECongress, be sure to pick up your Program
Book, which includes:
DAILY EVENTS / ASSEMBLIES • Daily schedule, workshops and highlights
Friday, March 22 ..................................................... 16-17 • Maps to the Anaheim Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A,
known as the “Los Angeles
Religious Education Congress.”
And since 1970 (when Orange
County was still a part of the
Los Angeles Archdiocese), the
Anaheim Convention Center has
been home to our annual event.
Last year, RECongress was
among the first events to use the
new ACC North building. This
year, we have moved all our Hall
B (“Spanish Arena”) events to
the 200 level – the upper level –
of ACC North. Both Youth Day
and our Adult Days will utilize
the new “North Hall.”
(Thursday through Sunday)
One of the unique features of Come enjoy our 2019 Art Ex-
RECongress is that it annually hibit located in the Arena Lobby.
offers a variety of liturgies of Each year RECongress features
different character. This year we a display of works of art –
will be offering 14 Eucharistic whether by a local artist or a
Liturgies – from Byzantine Di- display to bring to light some
vine Liturgy to a Mass Promot- current and important issues of
ing Harmony – along with daily our day. Drop by to view and
morning and evening prayer experience this year’s display.
experiences. (See page 22.) (Arena Lobby)
General Info
Over the four days, RECongress Admission to RECongress in-
2019 will offer 308 workshops cludes free lunchtime and eve-
presented by 192 speakers, with ning concerts presented by well-
topics ranging from personal known and loved RECongress
growth to music to spiritual topics artists – ranging from contempo-
– in three languages: English, rary Christian music to the lead-
Spanish and Vietnamese. And ing Latino composers and artists.
our Saturday Keynote speakers Enjoy the variety of musical
in English and Spanish are again styles from around the world.
ensconced in our Morning Praise. (Friday through Sunday)
Spend some time in a quiet place,
Several of the performing artists
in prayer before the Blessed at the Religious Education
Sacrament, participating in the Congress have scheduled time
sacrament of reconciliation or to appear at the Performance
experience the ancient practice Stage, located in the southeast
of walking the labyrinth. Note the area of Hall A. The stage
new location in ACC North: Sa- showcases 20-minute sets of
cred Space in North 151-152 and live music. Stop by for a listen
confessions in North 153/156. and check the on-site schedule.
(Thursday through Sunday) (Friday through Sunday)
The Exhibit Hall is one of
AND MORE . . . There is
much more to Los Angeles
the busiest locations during Religious Education Congress,
the Religious Education Con- whether you attend just Youth
gress, where you can find a Day or spend the whole weekend
variety of exhibitors – includ- long, you will find a variety
ing departments of the Los of constant events from early
Angeles Archdiocese. And be morning through the evening. Be
sure to stop by the ORE Booth sure to experience the sampling
(photo) and the RECongress of all that the RECongress has
Technology Center. to offer.
(Exhibit Hall A)
General Info
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
On behalf of the whole family of God here in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, I want to welcome you to
our 2019 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress!
Our time together begins with our annual Youth Day. This year’s theme is “Trust! God’s Gotchu.” I look
forward to this day every year – it is a great time to pray and worship and spend time with our young
people and to call them to a deeper love for Jesus Christ.
The theme that draws us together for the Adult Days of RECongress is “Thirsting for Justice.” And of
course, we hear in this theme Our Lord’s promise from his Sermon on the Mount: “Blessed are those
who hunger and thirst for righteousness.” Righteousness in the Scriptures means “rightness” or jus-
tice. Things are righteous or just when they are the way God wants them to be.
We are born with this thirst inside us – a thirst for holiness, for love and mercy, for a society that
reflects God’s beautiful intentions for creation. This is how God calls us to live – to walk with Jesus and
to grow in holiness, to seek his Kingdom through works of justice for the poor and vulnerable.
What we are all thirsting for is Jesus Christ. We are like that woman from Samaria who meets Jesus at
the well and asks him: “Give me this water, that I may not thirst.”
And Jesus longs to give us the gift of God, the living water that brings eternal life. As we thirst, so does
Jesus. His final words on the cross are words of desire: “I thirst.”
I pray that these days will be a time of renewal for all of you. May you come to a new awareness of
how Jesus thirsts for your love and a new dedication to following him in seeking holiness in your life
and justice in our world.
In your prayers this weekend, please remember me and our ministry here in Los Angeles. I entrust
you all to the loving heart of Our Blessed Mother Mary.
Dione L. Grillo
Coordinator of Catechist Formation
Youth Day
debut our new format and hope that this new model might serve you better.
Youth Day still features two tracks; however, these tracks now offer a stag-
gered start and end time. All Youth Day participants will hear our Keynote
speaker, experience the Arena general session, participate in a Spirit-filled
Liturgy, and attend two workshops (chosen on site). All workshops will be
in ACC North, the new Convention Center expansion space. Workshops are presented in a variety
of settings, such as round tables to allow for group processing and rooms with open space to allow
for movement. When registering your group, you will only need general group information and the
names of your Chaperones. Youth badges are now able to be purchased without assigning a name
to the badge.
It is our hope that these changes will help you to more fully engage in the day. As you continue to
prepare, I invite you to dialogue with us online. Follow us across all social media platforms
@LAYouthDay. Use #LAYouthDay and this year’s official hashtag #TrustGodsGotchu in your
posts. Make sure to download our app and visit our website – – for the
most current information.
Thank you for your willingness to share this opportunity with those you serve. Our team looks for-
ward to welcoming you at Youth Day 2019: Trust! God’s Gotchu.
The first reading gives a warning to those who place their trust in others and not in the Lord. Like a bar-
ren bush in the scorching desert, those without hope in the Lord will receive no relief. However, those
who hope in the Lord should not fear, for they will be rewarded. The passage reminds us that the Lord
alone knows our struggles and will judge “everyone according to the merit of his deeds” (Romans 2:6).
We see God’s judgment later in the Gospel as we hear of Lazarus and the Rich Man. Lazarus had little
and suffered greatly throughout his life. Through it all, his faith never wavered. Though he sat at the
door of the rich man’s house, he received no comfort or aid. When he died, he was carried away by an-
gels and brought to a place of peace. The rich man also died but found himself in a place of torment. He
had a vision and saw Abraham with Lazarus in heaven. He begged Abraham for mercy, yet Abraham re-
plied, “My child, remember that you received what was good during your lifetime while Lazarus received
what was bad.” The rich man begged for Lazarus to be sent to his family to warn them so they would
not suffer as he did. Abraham reminded the man that his family had Moses and the prophets, saying,
“If they will not listen to them, neither will they be persuaded if someone should rise from the dead.”
These passages invite us to reflect upon our own trust and disbelief. In what ways are we Lazarus?
In what ways are we the Rich Man? As those who have hope in the Lord, how are we being invited to
deepen our trust in God’s goodness? In modern jargon when someone says “I gotchu” it means that
they have you covered and that you can lean on them for support. Trust! God’s Gotchu offers a mes-
sage of comfort and hope to young people attending the day. It is a reminder that when we persevere
in faithfulness, we will be rewarded. Our theme is broadly applicable and transcends time and circum-
stance. Young people will discern their own faith journey and be called to renew their commitment to
trust in Christ. They will leave challenged to joyfully embrace this message of hope. Whatever you are
experiencing, whatever struggle or burden – Trust! God’s Gotchu.
12:45 PM – FIRST WORKSHOP Volunteers interested in serving at Youth Day are asked to be available for the en-
tire day beginning at 6:30 am. Your service will conclude by 4:00 pm. All new and
Track 1 participants will be able to attend two of the returning volunteers are asked to attend a Volunteer Meeting prior to the event as
14 workshops offered. New this year: You do not well as a morning gathering on the day of the event.
have to register ahead of time for any of the Youth
Day workshops. Large groups are welcome to split Youth Day volunteer positions include:
into smaller groups as long as young people are Area Captain: Those who are responsible for overseeing a specific area of
chaperoned. space, such as the Arena or ACC North.
Chairperson: Those who are responsible for overseeing a specific room.
2:15 PM – SECOND WORKSHOP People Moving: Those who will assist with the traffic flow and crowd control
Track 1 participants will be able to attend a second of during the day.
the 14 workshops offered. Hospitality: Those who serve as a welcoming face to young people. These
individuals may also be used to assist in giving information and directing
3:15 PM – DISMISSAL participants.
After being reminded to be Jesus for others every day Prayer Team: Those who are committed to praying for the young people
and everywhere – in our parishes and schools, homes throughout the day.
and communities, online and in the entire world – par- Those interested in volunteering are asked to contact Anitra and Robert Gil at
ticipants will be sent out to live as missionary disciples. [email protected].
SACRED SPACE ON YOUTH DAY one of the 14 workshops offered. New this year: You
do not have to register ahead of time for any of the
Sacred Space provides a quiet place to pray, Youth Day workshops. Large groups are welcome to
visit the chapel or walk the labyrinth. It offers a split into smaller groups as long as young people are
Youth Day
place to take a respite from the busy day and chaperoned.
enter a space dedicated to facilitating a sense of
spiritual rejuvenation through quiet prayer with 9:45 AM – SECOND WORKSHOP
Christ. Each year a themed multi-media exhibit Track 2 participants will be able to attend a second of the
is presented that both inspires and challenges 14 workshops offered.
the people of God to live the Gospel more fully.
10:45 AM – LUNCH
Sacred Space will be open from 7:30 am-
Following the two workshops, Track 2 participants will
4:00 pm and can be found in ACC North 151-
break for lunch. Food is available for purchase inside the
152 (lower level).
Convention Center, in the Youth Day food court (Hall C)
The Youth Day App is available in the AppStore 12:00 PM – ARENA SESSION
for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch and in the For those registered in Track 2, the excitement of Youth
Google Play Store. With this app, you can stay Day 2019 continues in the Arena
up to date with all Youth Day speakers, musi- with a General Session led by
cians and performers by following them on so- young people from the Los An-
cial media, viewing their websites and reading their workshop synopsis. Learn more geles Archdiocese, and music by
about Sacred Space, vendors and other Youth Day features. Find useful maps and WAL. The General Session will
links to all our social media channels. also include:
Each year, a collection is taken during our Youth Day liturgies. A portion of this col-
Our featured keynote speaker,
lection goes to support the Youth Ministry Division’s efforts to form youth leaders
Fr. Mike Schmitz, is known for his
and encourage youth participation in our various programs and leadership camps.
presence in the digital world. He will
These funds make scholarships available for those local, regional and national op-
challenge participants to Trust God in
portunities. The other part of our collection is donated to key organizations in an
all circumstances as he breaks open
effort to support their work.
the theme: “Trust! God’s Gotchu.”
Our primary collection beneficiary is chosen by young people who serve as part of
the Youth Day Coordinating Team. This year, Catholic Charities of Los Angeles 3:30 PM – DISMISSAL
was selected. The young people have asked that funds be split to support Disas-
ter Relief, and Immigration and Refugee Services. To find out more about Catholic After being reminded to be Jesus for others every day
Charities, visit their website at You are also encour- and everywhere – in our parishes and schools, homes
aged to stop by their booth in our exhibit area on the 100 level of ACC North. Thank and communities, online and in the entire world – partici-
pants will be sent out to live as missionary disciples.
you in advance for your generosity.
ARENA KEYNOTE Both Youth Day tracks get to see our Arena speaker. In addition to the Arena Keynote, you
make your choice of two Convention workshops from the remaining 14 sessions – all held in the new ACC North.
Title: UNSTOPPABLE CONFIDENCE: TRUST IN We face so many trials, is it possible to hold on to
A WORLD WHERE EVERYONE DIES IN THE END hope when things do not go our way?
Speaker: Fr. Mike Schmitz Fr. Michael Schmitz is Director of Youth
Location: Convention Arena and Young Adult Ministry for the Dio-
cese of Duluth, Minn., and Chaplain for
Have you ever had someone ruin a movie for you by say- the Newman Center at the University
ing, “It was good, but I didn’t like how everyone died in of Minnesota-Duluth. He has present-
the end”? Spoiler much? And yet, that’s the truth when it ed and preached to youth and young
comes to every one of our stories: no one gets out alive. adults across the country, including
This world is dangerous. In fact, if you live long enough, the Steubenville Youth and Young Adult
Conferences. Fr. Schmitz offers weekly homilies on iTunes
something in this world will kill you. How is a person sup- and has appeared in programs for youth and young adults
posed to be able to walk through life with trust in God? Is through Ascension Press, as well as through regular short
real joy possible in a world of danger, pain and suffering? video messages on Ascension Presents.
Youth Day
how by using a few simple skills and remaining connected Films and owner of Monarch Catholic Minis-
to Jesus you can help your friends while taking care of tries, based in Helena, Mont. He has over 20
yourself. years of professional ministry experience, trav-
eling to over 75 dioceses in the past 20 years
For 20 years, Roy Petitfils has ministered in teaching, keynoting conventions and training
parish, school and diocesan settings. Today, he youth ministers. Tooke has spoken at World Youth
is a counselor in private practice in Lafayette, Day, the National Catholic Youth Conference, the
La., and hosts a podcast, “Today’s Teenager,”
National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry and continues to
to help adults understand, reach and influence
serve as a leader in the field.
teens. He continues to present at regional and
national conferences and workshops in over 30
dioceses across the United States. He has spoken Title: DISCONNECTED
at TEDx and has published several articles and books; his latest ti- Speaker: Mike Patin
tle is “Helping Teens with Stress, Anxiety, and Depression: A Field
Guide for Catholic Parents, Pastors, and Youth Leaders.” Location: ACC North 155-157 (lower Level 100)
Times: 8:15 am & 12:45 pm
All you wanna do is livestream, post, chat or text. Then
you lose your signal or connection – so frustrating! Today,
we’re gonna look at SIN. We are all sinners. How does sin
disconnect, frustrate, weaken us? And how do we get the
Title: MY GOD IS BIGGER “signal” back? Fear not. “Trust! God’s Gotchu.”
Speaker: Fr. Rob Galea Mike Patin, the “engaging” Cajun, lives in La-
Location: ACC North 155-157 (lower Level 100) fayette, La. He has served the church as a high
Times: 9:45 am & 2:15 pm school teacher, coach and diocesan staff person.
Sometimes we just don’t realize how BIG God is. We limit
Patin previously was with the CYO/Youth Minis-
try Office for the New Orleans Archdiocese and,
God in our lives because we don’t know what He is ca- since 2003, he has been a full-time “ faith hor-
pable of. He is bigger than your anxiety, bigger than your ticulturist” addressing groups across the United
worries, bigger than sickness, death and the universe as we States and Canada as parish mission presenter,
know it. Come and be amazed at the greatness of my God! trainer, retreat facilitator and more. He has published two books:
Fr. Rob Galea will use music and story in this workshop “A Standing Invitation” and “This Was Not in the Brochures: Les-
sons from Work, Life and Ministry.”
to remember.
Fr. Rob Galea is a parish priest and university MAP OF LOWER LEVEL OF NEW ACC NORTH BUILDING
chaplain in the Diocese of Sandhurst, Victoria,
Australia. He is also founder and Director of
FRG Ministry and, in 2008 (with the late Austra-
lian Bishop Joseph Grech) founded the Stronger
Youth Program “By God’s Grace.” Fr. Galea
speaks and sings at schools, churches and con-
ferences across Australia and around the globe.
The singer/songwriter has seven CD releases and has written a
number of songs for various campaigns and international confer-
ences, and his latest book is entitled “Breakthrough.”
Youth Day
never look at the Mass in the same way again. away with a desire to trust in God
and the confidence to
say, “God’s Gotchu.”
Robert Feduccia Jr. was founding director of the
national Youth Liturgical Leadership Program Christina Lamas made her way into
the field of
at Saint Meinrad School of Theology in Indiana. Youth Ministry after 10 years of volu
nteering at
In addition to his work as a parish youth minister, her home parish. She went on to serv
e as Associ-
keynote speaker and retreat leader, he has been ate Director and Division Coordinator
of Youth
an instructor in deaconate formation programs Ministry in the Los Angeles Archdioc
ese. Lamas
and a speaker at various diocesan and major na- has presented to national and inter
national au-
tional youth conferences. Feduccia has led dioce- diences. Currently, she is serving as
san in-services in over 20 dioceses. He has several publications and Director of the National Federatio
lic Youth Ministry and brings with her n for Catho-
is a regular contributor to “Youth Ministry Access” by the Center for more than 20 years of expe-
Ministry Development and to “Today’s Liturgy,” a magazine from rience in catechesis and youth mini
OCP. Now based in Tennessee, he now serves as Vice President of
Christian Faith Events for Declan Weir Productions.
Youth Day
Stamp Number
Total Registrants _____________
Check Number _______________
City________________________ State __________ Country __________ Total Amount _______________
CONTACT (If attending, please also include your name below as a Chaperone.)
It is the responsibility of the Contact Person to ensure that all attending adults are in compliance with their Diocese’s Safe Environment policies and
procedures (fingerprinting/background checks).
Email __________________________________________________________________________________________
7:30 am Doors Open 7:30 am Doors Open
If Track is not indicated, we reserve the right to
make the assignment for your group. 8:00 am Arena Session 8:15 am Workshop 1
OF BADGES 3:15 pm Dismissal 3:30 pm Dismissal
By checking this box, you are acknowledging that the Chaperones listed are at least 21 years of age and in compliance with your diocese’s
Safe Environment Policies and Procedures.
First Name Last Name First Name Last Name
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
SERVICES • Any special service needs? Sign Interpreter Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) Wheelchair access
Number in group requiring assistance: _____
Mail form with check or money order to: RECONGRESS, PO BOX 761157, LOS ANGELES CA 90076-1157
1-09 Discover the Way to Help Faith Come to 2-10 Thirst and Hunger in John 4: What Can the - Fr. Richard Fragomeni
Life! (*) - Steven Ellair Samaritan Woman Teach Us About Justice?
(*) - Fr. Felix Just 3-09 Curses of the Apple (*)
1-10 Thus Says the Lord: Making God’s Voice - Anne Frawley-Mangan
Heard (*) - Amy Florian 2-11 Sacramental Preparation and Ritual Prayer
(*) - Tom Kendzia 3-10 Administration as a Spiritual Journey (*)
1-11 Creating Catholic School Culture: Why and - Ann Garrido
How (*) - Dan Friedt 2-12 Where Is Justice in the Suffering of Human-
ity? (*) - Sr. Grace Duc Le 3-11 Educating in Faith that Does Justice (*)
1-12 The Permission to Be You in a FOMO
2-13 God at the Movies - Fr. Richard Leonard - Dr. Thomas Groome
(Fear of Missing Out) World (*)
- Rev. Terry Hershey 2-14 Stand Up and Pray: Movement and Ges- 3-12 Baptism: Welcome to a Lifelong Journey
1-13 What is Spirituality? Do I Need Some? tures for All Ages (*) of Faith (*)
- Monica Luther & Nicole Masero - Marty Haugen & Diana Macalintal
Where Do I Get It? (*) - Douglas Leal
2-15 From Status Quo to Status Grow (*) 3-13 YOU Are the Beloved: Praying and Cele
1-14 The Future of Learning in the Digital Cul- - Jesse Manibusan
ture and Its Implications for Faith Formation brating the Daily Living Reminder
(*) - Dr. Charlotte McCorquodale 2-16 Showing Welcome and Respect to LGBTQ - David Haas
People in Our Parishes (*) 3-14 A Multidisciplinary Approach to Human
1-15 Living the Sacraments: Helping People Find - Fr. James Martin
God at the Intersection of Heaven and Earth Formation (*) - Dr. Josephine Lombardi
2-17 Race and the Limits of Dialogue (*)
(*) - Dr. Joe Paprocki - Fr. Bryan Massingale 3-15 Sing Justice, Live Justice! Using Music to
1-16 Human Sexuality and the Catholic Church Promote and Inspire Social Justice in Lent
2-18 Why Is Immigration So Important to the and Easter (*) - Michael Mangan
(*) - Fr. Chris Ponnet Church? (*) - Bishop David O’Connell,
1-17 The Synod on Youth: Why It Matters Linda Dakin-Grimm & Dr. Luis Zavala 3-16 As We Forgive – Freedom Through Forgive-
and What We Must Do (*) de Alba ness (*) - Fr. Jim Marchionda
- Katie Prejean McGrady 2-19 Keeping Your Family Happily Catholic (*) 3-17 “We are Parthians, Medes and Elamites”:
1-18 Reforming Church Governance: What Pope - Rev. Leo Patalinghug The Bible on Our Multicultural Church
Francis Has Done and What He Needs to 2-20 Poetry to Enrich, Refresh and Deepen (*) - Fr. J. Patrick Mullen
Do - Fr. Thomas Reese Our Spiritual Journey (*) 3-18 Amazon, Sears and Google: Ministering to
1-19 The Power of Ecumenism in an Immigration - Sr. Edith Prendergast Families Today (*) - Mike Patin
Crisis (*) - Rev. Alexia Salvatierra, Dr. 2-21 What Does the Catholic Church Teach
About Assisted Reproductive Technology? 3-19 How to Do Ministry Without Destroying
Juan Martinez & Fr. Michael Gutierrez Your Vocation (*) - Bob Perron
(*) - Angelique Ruhi-Lopez & Carmen
1-20 Inspiring Middle Schoolers with Social Santamaria 3-20 The Sex Abuse Crisis: A Church that Needs
Justice (*) - Susan Searle
2-22 Thirsting for Justice: Religious Education to Take Action - Fr. Thomas Reese
1-21 Songs of the Refugees in the Bible and To- and Children with Disabilities (*)
day (*) - Prof. Daniel Smith-Christopher 3-21 God, Christ, the Churches and the Poor –
- Sr. Kathleen Schipani Knowing Our Tradition (*)
1-22 How to Make a Convincing Case for the 2-23 Moments, Missions and Milestones: Three - Fr. Ronald Rolheiser
Pro-Life Movement – Especially for Young Things Every Family Needs to Grow Their
People (*) - Fr. Robert Spitzer Domestic Church (*) - Michael Theisen 3-22 Social Media and Digital Catholic Leader-
ship (*) - Paul Sanfrancesco
1-23 Sitting at the Table, Not Staring at the 2-24 Ministering with Youth in a Non-traditional
Screen: Music to Engage Children in Lit- Setting (*) - Doug Tooke 3-23 Reclaiming the Fire of Parish Life (*)
urgy (*) - James Wahl 2-25 Bring Life and Relevance to Your School - Julianne Stanz
1-24 Crowns, Castles and Commoners; Royalty Liturgies – Prayer and Praise Through 3-24 Islam, Conflict, Peacemaking and the Mod-
and the Thirst for Justice (*) - David Wells Music (*) - Christopher Walker ern World (*) - Jihad Turk
1-25 Early Childhood Faith Formation: From A 2-70 Vietnamese Workshop (Our Male and Fe- 3-25 Accompaniment: Leading Seekers to En-
to Z (*) - Dr. Joseph White male Bodies are Temples of the Holy Spirit) counter Christ (*) - Nick Wagner
(*) - Bishop Louis Nguyen Anh Tuan
1-70 Vietnamese Workshop (The Dominance of 3-70 Vietnamese Workshop (The Heart That
a Culture of Relativism) (*) and (*) are recorded sessions. Moved: A Way Toward Life-Fulfillment and
- Dr. Nhung Vu Arena sessions are in color. Wholeness) (*) - Sr. Bich Quyen Ly
Andrew Chinn & James Wahl ValLimar Jansen host a lunchtime concert celebrating the gifts of women.
1:00 - 2:30 pm
Period 5 Workshops ACC NORTH HALL (upper level):
3:00 - 4:30 pm
Period 6 Workshops
John Burland, Michael
5:15 pm Mangan, Andrew Chinn &
Eucharistic Liturgies James Wahl
& Prayer Services
(see page 22)
“Kids at Heart”
8:00 pm Come and share lunch and sing at the “kids’ Burland Mangan Chinn Wahl
Concert (Arena) table” with Australian children’s composers John Burland, Michael
– ValLimar Jansen Mangan, Andrew Chinn and James Wahl. These four have dedicated
8:30 pm much of their adult lives composing for, and singing with, children,
Sacred Illuminations 2019 helping them to learn their faith and celebrate with all their heart. An
(Convention 213)
afternoon of joyful song, including songs of justice – featuring students
9:00 pm
from local Catholic elementary schools. Here’s an event for the young
Taizé Prayer
(Convention 303) ... and the young at heart!
9:00 pm Note that our typical “Hall B” events are now located in the “ACC North Hall” space on the upper level of the North building.
Young Adult Dance
(Marriott) EVENING CONCERT Arena – 8:00 pm
ValLimar Jansen: “I Will Live Until I Die”
Exhibit Hours
8:00 am - 5:00 pm Join ValLimar Jansen and some of your favorite RECongress musicians and dancers as
(Hall A) they perform “I Will Live Until I Die,” a dynamic musical on the life of African-American
Sacred Space
nun Sr. Thea Bowman, FSPA. In the late 1980s and prior to her death in 1990, Sr. Bowman
10:00 am - 9:00 pm was a renown international speaker, including presentations at the RECongress. The U.S.
(ACC North 151-152) bishops endorsed the sainthood cause of Sr. Bowman on November 14, 2018, during their
Confession: 11:30 am - 2:30 pm fall assembly in Baltimore. Her prophetic life and her work toward an end to racism left
(ACC North 153-156) a lasting mark on U.S. Catholic life in the late 20th century.
Speaker Signings
11:30 am - 5:00 pm
(Northwest side, Hall A) Convention 213 – 8:30 pm
Massage Chairs Join us for Sacred Illuminations: A mystical choreography of
(Hall A Prefunction Lobby) light and sound. Incorporating her newest liturgical and fine art
A.A. Meeting photography and reflections, Sr. Rose Marie Tulacz, SND will
Noon (Marriott) San Diego bring us to encounter in a deeper way, the love and power of the
Sacred Illuminations 2019 Father’s love, transforming the reality of our daily lives.
giveness (*) - Ivan Diaz Let’s Talk (*) - Tom East
4-09 What Can and Cannot Change: Understand- 5-10 Using Learning Styles to Enliven Religious 6-09 Building Bridges with Catholics Who Are
ing the Dynamics of a Living Tradition (*) Education (*) - Steven Ellair Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or
- Dr. Richard Gaillardetz Questing (*) - Dr. Arthur Fitzmaurice &
5-11 Must We Forgive? The Difficult Demands Fr. Chris Ponnet
4-10 Sex Abuse in the Church: Binding and Heal- of Just Relationships (*) - Amy Florian
ing the Wounds - Dr. Greer Gordon 6-10 Teaching Creativity and Leadership (*)
5-12 The Worm at the Core: Terror Management - Dan Friedt
4-11 Faith for the Heart (*) Theory and Christian Discipleship (*)
- Dr. Thomas Groome - Fr. Richard Fragomeni 6-11 The Church’s Banquet: Retrieving Ne-
glected Insights on the Eucharist and the
4-12 Morality, Conscience and Vocation (*) 5-13 Integral Ecology: Being Catholics for a Church (*) - Dr. Richard Gaillardetz
- Fr. James Heft Small Planet (*) - Paul Hicks
6-12 Spiritual Tools for Important Life Decisions:
5-14 #PrayingWithHashtags (*) The Sacred Art of Discernment (*)
4-13 Instructions for Living a Life: Pay Attention.
- Douglas Leal & Margaret Matijasevic - Richard Groves
Be Astonished. Tell About It. (*)
- Rev. Terry Hershey 5-15 Living the Christian Encounter (*) 6-13 Praying the Psalms: Ancient Words, New
- Tom Kendzia Inspiration (*)
4-14 Neuroscience and Well-Being: Technology,
Our Brains and Our Spiritual Lives (*) 5-16 Thirsting for Hope in the Church (*) - Sarah Hart & Steve Angrisano
- Anne Kertz Kernion - Fr. Richard Lennan 6-14 Our Story and Our Vision: The Heritage of
5-17 The Pastoral Leader as Virtuous Leader Scripture in Christian Sung Prayer
4-15 Jesus the Migrant: Contextual Christology (*) - Dr. Josephine Lombardi - Marty Haugen
and the Signs of the Times (*)
- Dr. Robert Lassalle-Klein 5-18 Your Parish Is the Curriculum: RCIA in 6-15 Pope Francis’ Guide to Holiness: Becoming
the Midst of the Community (*) Friends of God and Prophets (*)
4-16 Just How Thirsty Are You? (*) - Diana Macalintal - Fr. Daniel Horan
- Megan McKenna 5-19 Connecting Junior High and High School 6-16 Yes, You Can! – If Only You Will (*)
4-17 Mary: Who Is She Really and Why She Students with the Volatile Immigration Is- - ValLimar Jansen
Matters (*) - Rev. Leo Patalinghug sues (*) - Cardinal Roger Mahony 6-17 Super Girls and Halos: In Search of Our
4-18 Come Alongside: The Art of Accompanying 5-20 Being a Listening Church: Engaging Your Own Heroic Virtue (*)
Hurting Youth (*) - Roy Petitfils Community in the National Dialogue (*) - Maria Morera Johnson
- Dr. Charlotte McCorquodale 6-18 The Mission of Listening (*)
4-19 “Take Five”: Basic Principles for Cultivat- 5-21 “I Started in Genesis, but Died in Leviticus”: - Christina Lamas
ing Catechists (*) Bringing Beginners to the Bible (*)
- Jayne Ragasa-Mondoy 6-19 Hatch, Match & Dispatch: A Catholic Guide
- Fr. J. Patrick Mullen to Sacraments - Fr. Richard Leonard
4-20 The Hidden Perils of Distraction (*) 5-22 Beyond Conviction: Healing Through 6-20 Jesus and the Virtuous Life (*)
- Rev. Michael Schmitz Victim Offender Dialogue (*) - Suzanne - Fr. Bryan Massingale
4-21 GDC … NDC … Easy as 1, 2, 3 (*) Neuhaus & Cheryl Ward-Kaiser
6-21 Three Great Men of the Bible: Abraham,
- Julianne Stanz 5-23 “Don’t Bring Home No Graveyard Dirt!” – Moses and David (*)
Living in Peace (*) - Fr. R. Tony Ricard - Rabbi Michael Mayersohn
4-22 Catechesis from the Margins (*)
- Victor Valenzuela 5-24 The Primacy of Prayer: Interior Renewal, 6-22 How to Renew, Re-Energize and Transform
Outward Impact (*) - Dr. Edward Sri Your Parish NOW! (*) - Dr. Joe Paprocki,
4-23 Forgive Us Our Wrong Notes as We For- 5-25 Of Womb and Tomb: Whole-Community Dr. Ansel Augustine, Fr. David Loftus, Dr.
give Our Music Director (*) Ministry for Families Who Struggle with Veronica Rayas & Julianne Stanz
- Christopher Walker Infertility, Miscarriage and Stillbirth (*) 6-23 Thirsting for Justice: Biblical Perspectives
4-24 Sacred Movement: Instrument for Justice - Kate Williams (*) - Sr. Barbara Reid
and Liberation (*) - John West 5-70 Vietnamese Workshop (The Heart That 6-24 What Now God? Discerning God’s Call
4-25 Women Deacons: Yes or No? (*) Moved: Be an Instrument of Love and (*) - Stacey Sumereau
- Dr. Phyllis Zagano Healing) (*) - Sr. Bich Quyen Ly
6-25 Naked Stewardship (*) - Tracy Welliver
4-70 Vietnamese Workshop (Seeking Justice in 6-70 Vietnamese Workshop (Where is Justice in
Vietnamese Family Life) (*) and (*) are recorded sessions. the Suffering of Humanity?) (*)
- Prof. Quyen Di Arena sessions are in color. - Sr. Grace Duc Le
- Anne Frawley-Mangan & Douglas Leal Mystics (*) - Sr. Nancy Usselmann
8-10 Combatting Stigma: HIV/AIDS, the Latinx
7-10 Racism: Hating God’s Image in My Neigh- 8-23 Countering the “Fake News” About RCIA
Community and the Catholic Church (*) -
bor - Dr. Greer Gordon Dr. Arthur Fitzmaurice (*) - Nick Wagner
7-11 Four Spiritual Stages of Mature Adulthood: 8-11 Shut Up and Love Me (*) - Fr. Rob Galea 8-24 Transforming the Ordinary into the Extraor-
Living into the Mystery (*) dinary (*) - Tracy Welliver
- Richard Groves 8-12 Redeeming Conflict (*) - Ann Garrido
8-13 Thirst and Hunger in Luke: What Can the 8-25 Mary, Our Mother: Spirituality Through a
7-12 When Every Day Is Hump Day: A Primer Mother’s Eyes (*) - Kate Williams
for Workplace Restoration (*) Third Gospel Teach Us About Jesus’ Vision
- Sarah Hart for Justice? (*) - Fr. Felix Just 8-70 Vietnamese Workshop (Family: The Icon of
8-14 Tradition and the Thirst for Change (*) the Divine Mercy) (*)
7-13 Not Because of Sin: A Renewed Spiritu-
ality of the Incarnation (*) - Fr. Richard Lennan - Bishop Louis Nguyên Anh Tuan
- Fr. Daniel Horan
and (*) are recorded sessions. Arena sessions are in color.
7-14 Women of the Word (*)
- ValLimar Jansen
7-15 Upgrading Your Ministry Tool Box: A
Community Organizer’s Approach to Youth
Ministry (*) - Sergio Lopez
7-16 I’ve Got A Song About That! Integrating Mu-
sic into a “Friendly Format” (*)
- Michael Mangan
7-17 Our Lady of Guadalupe: Theology and
Pedagogy for Justice (*)
- Sr. Hilda Mateo
7-18 Silver Saints: Growing in Age, Grace and
- Bro. Michael O’Neil McGrath
7-19 Quenching the Thirst of Jesus (*)
- Sr. Norma Pimentel
7-20 What’s Your Story? A Personal Engagement
Process for Parish Leadership (*)
- Jayne Ragasa-Mondoy
7-21 The Other Voice: Biblical Prophets Then and
Now (*) - Prof. Daniel Smith-Christopher
7-22 Science and the Shroud of Turin: New
Evidence of Jesus’ Resurrection (*)
- Fr. Robert Spitzer
7-23 Walking with Mary: The Model Disciple
(*) - Dr. Edward Sri
7-24 Family: The Missing Piece in Religious
Education (*)
- Dr. Joseph White
7-25 The 12 Steps and the Sacraments: A Catho-
lic Approach to Addiction Recovery (*)
- Scott Weeman
7-70 Vietnamese Workshop (Hope in a Culture
of Relativism) (*)
- Dr. Nhung Vu ORE Booth in Hall A
Taizé Service
Evening Prayer (5:15 pm) Sergio Lopez Sarah Hart
United States at the beginning of the third millennium is a teaching moment.
Lithuanian Community
It is also a teaching moment because of the welcoming spirit to which we are
called in “The Church in America (Ecclesia in America)” and in the recent
pastoral statement “Welcoming the Stranger Among Us: Unity in Diversity,”
The Church in the United States is enjoined “to offer a genuine and suitable
welcome [to newcomers], to share together as brothers and sisters at the same
table, and to work side by side to improve the quality of life for society’s mar-
ginalized members.”
The Church is blessed with Asian and Pacific pastors, social workers, educa-
tors, diocesan directors and lay leaders who are actively and selflessly contrib-
uting to building the Kingdom of God in this country. The number of Asian and Igbo Nigerian Community
Pacific Catholics who have been given responsibility in church structures or are
well-known in their fields of endeavor is growing.
Besides these living role models, Asian and Pacific Catholics come to the
United States with a long heritage of extraordinary witness of life and martyr-
dom. The Church recently recognized many Asian saints and martyrs; however,
the total number of saints and martyrs could fill an entire Asian and Pacific
Litany of Saints.
– Asian and Pacific Presence, Harmony in Faith
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Polish Community
7-70* Dr. Nhung Vu
8-70* Bishop Louis Tuan Nguyen Indonesian Community
8-07* 8-08* 8-13* 8-17* 8-18* 8-20*
HUMAN GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 7-19* 7-21* 7-23* 8-07* 8-09* 8-13*
1-05* 1-11* 2-19* 3-03* 3-08* 3-10*
3-14* 3-19* 4-04* 4-14* 5-06* 5-08
2-22* 4-22* 8-19*
AFRICAN-AMERICAN PERSPECTIVE 5-09* 5-17* 6-24* 7-05* 7-06* 7-18
2-17* 7-20* 8-12* 8-20* SPIRITUALITY
CATECHESIS HUMAN SEXUALITY 1-03 1-05* 1-08* 1-08* 1-12* 1-13*
1-15* 1-16* 2-04* 2-05* 2-08* 2-09*
1-04* 1-07* 1-09* 1-25* 2-02* 2-03* 1-16* 2-16* 2-21* 3-06* 3-20 6-09*
2-12* 2-20* 3-03* 3-04* 3-05 3-08*
2-06* 2-12* 2-22* 2-23* 3-06* 3-07* INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE 3-10* 3-12 3-16* 3-19* 3-23* 3-24*
3-09* 3-11* 3-13* 4-06* 4-08* 4-12* 3-24* 7-05* 7-06* 4-01* 4-04* 4-07* 4-11* 4-13* 4-14*
4-17* 4-19* 4-21* 4-22* 5-10* 5-15*
4-17* 4-20* 5-04* 5-05* 5-06* 5-08
5-19* 5-21* 5-23* 5-24* 6-01* 6-05* JUNIOR HIGH
1-02 1-20* 2-09* 3-09* 3-18* 6-18* 5-09* 5-11* 5-12* 5-13* 5-14* 5-16*
6-13* 7-04* 7-09* 7-13* 7-16* 7-24* 6-01* 6-04* 6-06* 6-12* 6-15* 6-16*
8-01* 8-04* 8-06* 8-07* 8-08* 8-11* JUSTICE & PEACE 6-17* 6-21* 6-24* 6-25* 7-01 7-03*
8-18* 8-19* 8-22* 8-23* 1-05* 1-08* 1-08* 1-19* 1-20* 1-21* 7-07* 7-08* 7-11* 7-13* 7-18 7-23*
CHRISTIAN INITIATION 2-15* 2-17* 2-18* 3-01* 3-03* 3-11* 7-25* 8-04* 8-05* 8-14* 8-15* 8-16*
2-02* 2-10* 3-02* 3-13* 3-25* 5-18* 3-15* 3-21* 4-01* 4-04* 4-16* 5-03* 8-24* 8-25*
6-19 8-23* 5-11* 5-13* 5-19* 5-22* 6-14 6-15*
6-23* 7-03* 7-05* 7-06* 7-07* 7-10
CONFIRMATION 7-19* 8-03* 8-05* 8-09* 8-13* 8-16* 4-05* 4-19* 5-13* 6-25* 8-24*
3-07* 6-18* 8-17* TECHNOLOGY
EARLY CHILDHOOD LIFE ISSUES 3-22* 6-05* 6-10* 8-18*
1-23* 1-25* 3-14* 6-06* 6-17* 1-03 1-11* 1-12* 1-16* 1-22* 2-18* THEOLOGY
ECCLESIOLOGY/CHURCH 2-21* 3-04* 3-05 3-14* 3-16* 4-13* 2-01* 2-19* 3-21* 3-24* 4-03 4-09*
4-20* 5-01* 5-03* 5-11* 5-12* 6-03 4-14* 4-25* 5-16* 6-11* 6-15* 7-13*
1-01 1-06* 1-18 2-01* 2-05* 2-18*
6-10* 6-12* 6-21* 7-11* 7-25* 8-11* 7-17* 8-09* 8-14* 8-22*
3-11* 3-20 4-09* 4-11* 4-25* 5-01*
5-16* 6-11* 7-02* 8-14* LITURGY VIETNAMESE
1-10* 2-07 2-14* 2-25* 3-15* 4-03 1-70* 2-70* 3-70* 4-70* 5-70* 6-70*
4-23* 5-05* 5-07* 5-15* 5-18* 5-25* 7-70* 8-70*
6-13* 7-09*
MEDIA 3-19*
1-02 1-09* 1-11* 1-23* 2-03* 2-25* 1-07* 2-13 5-14* 8-22*
3-09* 5-10* 6-06* 6-10* 7-16* 7-24* WOMEN’S ISSUES
8-06* MORALITY 2-01* 4-25* 6-03 6-16* 6-17* 6-23*
2-17* 3-06* 4-12* 6-20* 7-14* 8-20*
1-01 1-06* 1-10* 1-14* 1-15* 1-17*
1-18 1-24* 2-05* 2-06* 2-13 2-15* 3-01* 3-17* 4-24* 6-03 7-10 7-21* 1-13* 1-17* 1-22* 2-07 2-20* 3-22*
2-19* 2-23* 2-24* 3-01* 3-02* 3-23* 8-03* 4-02* 4-08* 5-02* 5-20* 6-02* 6-07*
3-25* 4-06* 4-10 4-17* 4-18* 4-21* MUSIC 6-08* 7-22* 8-02* 8-21*
4-22* 5-04* 5-08 5-20* 5-23* 5-24* 1-02 1-21* 1-23* 2-03* 2-07 2-11* YOUTH MINISTRY
6-09* 6-16* 6-22* 7-04* 7-08* 7-14* 2-14* 2-25* 3-12 3-15* 4-03 4-23* 1-14* 1-17* 1-20* 2-09* 2-24* 3-07*
7-15* 7-22* 8-01* 8-02* 8-03* 8-08* 5-07* 5-15* 5-18* 6-06* 6-14 7-01 3-18* 4-02* 4-07* 4-18* 5-02* 5-19*
8-15* 8-21* 7-12* 7-16* 8-06* 8-11* 8-25* 5-20* 6-05* 6-18* 7-15* 8-02* 8-21*
What is vitally needed today is a renewed apologetics ABOUT THE JOURNEY OF HEALING
and catechesis in church communities. Having attended This workshop is intended for those whose lives have
the Synod on Youth, Faith and Vocational Discernment been impacted by sexual abuse – as victim-survivors,
in Rome, Bishop Robert Barron will share his experi- loved ones, ministers and/or concerned Catholics. The
ence of the Synod – the characters, personalities, sights stages of healing will be discussed in the context of our
and sounds. He will explore the play between listening experience. In our role as victims’ assistance ministry
and teaching, the advantages and disadvantages of so- coordinators, we have witnessed time and again how
cial media, spiritual mentorship and much more. powerful spirituality can be in the healing process of an
abuse survivor.
Bishop Robert Barron
Most Rev. Robert Barron serves as Auxiliary Heather Tweddle Banis, PhD
Bishop of the Los Angeles Archdiocese and Dr. Heather Banis is a licensed clinical psychol-
founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries. ogist with an extensive background in trauma
He is host of several DVD series, including psychology. After serving as a clinical consul-
“Catholicism,” an award-winning documenta- tant to the Los Angeles Archdiocese for 10 years,
ry about the Catholic faith that aired on PBS. Bishop Barron she assumed the role of Victims Assistance Min-
has lectured widely in the United States and abroad and is istry Coordinator in 2016. As such, Dr. Banis has spoken at
a best-selling author who has published numerous books, schools, community organizations and professional confer-
essays and articles on theology and the spiritual life. He is ences. Her past experiences running a non-profit for medical-
also a religion correspondent for NBC and has appeared on ly ill children, serving as a school psychologist and building
Fox News, CNN and EWTN. a private practice also inform her efforts in her current role.
Suzanne Healy, MFT
Suzanne Healy is a retired Marriage and Family
1-02 ENGAGING AND RETAINING YOUTH IN MUSIC Therapist with 20 years of experience. She most
MINISTRY recently served the Los Angeles Archdiocese as
From children’s choirs to ensembles, youth cantors and Victims Assistance Coordinator from 2007-2016.
instrumentalists, David Anderson will help you discover In that role, Healy ministered to victims of child-
hood sexual abuse by members of the Church. The former
ways and develop a plan to welcome, mentor, engage school counselor and private practice therapist has presented
and journey with young people through the many facets at a number of conferences, including those sponsored by the
of music ministry in the parish. Los Angeles Department of Mental Health.
David Anderson
David Anderson serves as organist and Director 1-04 STOP THE STAMPEDE: HOW ENGAGING PAR-
of Music at Ascension Church in Oak Park, Ill., ENTS CAN KEEP KIDS IN THE CHURCH
where, for the past 26 years, he has led and co-
ordinated a monthly service in the spirit of Taizé Do you have as many families in your programs as you
that continues to welcome hundreds of Chris- used to? How many do you still see at Mass after bap-
tians of all ages. Anderson presents at various conferences tism, first Eucharist or confirmation? And how many of
throughout the year on topics of liturgy and music for the par- those children will we still see as they enter adulthood?
ish and frequently leads services and retreats for musicians Study after study shows us that parents are the most
and pastoral ministers. In addition, Anderson is Editor-at- important factor in influencing if children will remain
Large for GIA Publications in Chicago.
Catholic. That means we as pastoral leaders need to
learn to speak parents’ language, harness their motiva-
THE BEGINNINGS The origins of the Los Ange-
les Religious Education Congress spring from the Confra-
tions and coach them to share faith with their children.
Gain strategies and tools for attracting parents and mak-
ternity of Christian Doctrine, popularly known as CCD, a ing a real difference with families.
ministry that actually began in Los Angeles in 1922 Paul Canavese
under Bishop John Cantwell (photo) to teach refu- Paul Canavese with his wife, Ann, are co-Di-
gees of the Mexican Revolution. Bishop Cantwell had rectors of The Pastoral Center and the websites
appointed Fr. Leroy Callahan, pastor of San Antonio (focused on daily life) and
de Padua in East Los Angeles, to work in this min- (focused on coaching
istry. The first CCD program was parents). He is creator of various electronic re-
established at Immaculate sources and is a frequent conference speaker at parish, dean-
Conception Church on 9th ery and diocesan events and has worked in a wide range of
Street in Los Angeles in 1922, parish ministries, most recently as a pastoral consultant at St.
followed by parish units estab- Augustine in Oakland, Calif. Canavese lives with his family
lished throughout the Archdio- on a mini-urban farm in Alameda, Calif.
cese, with Fr. Robert E. Lucey
as the first Director of the Confra-
ternity of Christian Doctrine.
and plan based on what God wants, not what parishio- ValLimar Jansen serves the Church as a compos-
ners want; 2) remembering that multiplying disciples er, singer, storyteller, speaker and evangelizer.
was a command; 3) getting out from behind the desk; 4) She received critical acclaim for her solo albums
holding people accountable; and 5) admitting we have a “You Gotta Move” and “Anointing,” winning
spiritual crisis in the Church. UNITY Awards recognition in 2008 and 2010.
Jansen was MC for the National Catholic Youth Conference
Rich Curran in 2011 held in Indianapolis and co-MC for the U.S. Confer-
Based in Appleton, Wis., Rich Curran is founder ence of Catholic Bishops’ gatherings at the 2016 World Youth
and Executive Director of Parish Success Group, Day in Krakow, Poland and in 2017, she was an invited panel-
a Catholic nonprofit for missionary-focused par- ist for the USCCB’s Convocation on Evangelization.
ishes and schools. He is a regular presenter of
parish missions and staff leadership days, he has
keynoted 30 diocesan leadership conferences, and speaks at
national Catholic conferences, including the National Catho-
lic Youth Conference, the National Conference on Catholic LIFE!
Youth Ministry and the National Conference for Catechetical In this workshop, we will explore the keys to creating a
Leadership as well as numerous regional conferences. learning environment with children in which faith can
thrive! Focus will be on core approaches, strategies and
engaging activities that can be used to affect both hearts
and minds. If you’re looking to create a learning envi-
People learn best through stories. That is why Jesus ronment that best fosters faith in children, look no fur-
preached with parables. Likewise, young people enjoy ther. Don’t miss this one!
reading fiction today much more than their textbooks.
So, how do we help teach them to have faith using the Steven Ellair
stories they love most? Using ideas from novels, short Steven Ellair is a Managing Editor and Content
stories, fables, parables and other forms of fiction, Jared Engagement Specialist for Saint Mary’s Press.
Dees will offer a series of strategies to connect fiction He has been involved in catechetical ministry for
27 years and has served as a parish catechist,
with faith formation. youth minister, Catholic schoolteacher and arch-
Jared Dees diocesan educational consultant. Ellair has been involved in
Jared Dees is creator of the website TheReligion Catholic publishing over 14 years and continues to write and that offers resources and teaching speak nationally on issues related to Catholic education and
strategies to religious educators. He is author of strategies for engaged learning. He has presented at national
several books, including “31 Days to Becoming religious education events for nearly 22 years.
a Better Religious Educator,” “To Heal, Pro-
1-10 THUS SAYS THE LORD: MAKING GOD’S VOICE us – as Jesus said – and we were meant to shine? What
HEARD if, as children of God, there are resources to draw upon, a
The Scriptures are God’s Living Word among us. But reservoir of kindness, compassion, hope and resilience?
how often are they read like ancient words that don’t im- Rev. Terry Hershey
pact us today or, even worse, like a page out of the Wall Terry Hershey is an inspirational speaker, hu-
Street Journal? What can you do to proclaim readings morist, author, dad, Protestant minister and
in ways that bring God’s shining light to the world? If landscape designer on Vashon Island in the
you are involved in liturgies in any way – Mass, Rite of Puget Sound near Seattle. The internationally
Christian Initiation of Adults, Children’s Liturgy of the renowned speaker and retreat facilitator regu-
Word, weddings or funerals, etc. – this practical train- larly travels throughout the United States and Canada. His
work has been featured on The Hallmark Channel, CNN, PBS
ing session will give you the information you need to and NPR and his gardens and books have been featured in
help Scripture leap off the page and into your assembly’s magazines and newspapers of the Pacific Northwest.
Amy Florian
Amy Florian is a liturgy and bereavement con- 1-13 WHAT IS SPIRITUALITY? DO I NEED SOME?
sultant, and CEO of Corgenius Inc., a company WHERE DO I GET IT?
that teaches professionals how to support clients Are faith, religion and spirituality really the same thing?
in transition and loss. She has 30 years of parish
and conference experience, taught in the gradu- How can we connect with young adults and adults who
ate ministry department of Loyola University Chicago for 10 are “spiritual but not religious” or have “no faith” if we
years, and has authored over 150 articles and four books. don’t know the difference among these? And which of
Florian travels the country presenting workshops, training these do we need ourselves? We’ll explore the relation-
sessions and retreats. ship among faith, religion and spirituality, find out which
ones we really need, and share some practical advice on
how to get them and get the most from them so we can
live our lives to the fullest!
Are you a teacher or administrator in a Catholic school? Douglas Leal
If so, this talk is for you. Dan Friedt brings more than 38 Douglas Leal is Vice President of Mission Inte-
years of teaching experience with 20 years as an admin- gration with Providence St. Joseph Health, based
istrator to share about building Catholic school culture. in Irvine, Calif. He previously led the Division of
Adult Faith Formation for the Los Angeles Arch-
Topics include: mission/vision building; weekly assem- diocese. Leal has also worked as a management
blies; no announcements and why; creating liturgical consultant and a professional actor and director. He is author
celebrations (including the music) with total student in- of the skill-building book for lectors, “Stop Reading and Start
volvement; staff meetings on a budget of time and learn- Proclaiming!” and co-author of the 2017 and 2018 editions
ing; and leadership skill building for students and staff. of Liturgy Training Publications’ “Workbook for Lectors and
Dan will take you on a journey of learning to support Gospel Proclaimers.”
your Catholic school culture, knowing you will come
away with more than one idea to use immediately.
Dan Friedt is a Sessional Instructor at Concor-
dia University of Edmonton, Canada, and a re- MATION
cently retired principal with Edmonton Catholic You find the ubiquity of digital technology everywhere,
Schools. He has more than 38 years of teaching with the current generation surfing between three and
experience from kindergarten to grade 12, with five digital devices on a regular basis. This workshop
20 years of administrative experience. Friedt is recognized as will explore the implications of our digital culture on
an Apple Distinguished Educator who has presented through-
out North America, including British Columbia, Alberta, Sas-
how we form people in faith and what every catechist
katchewan, Quebec and even California. needs to know about using digital technology before,
during and after the learning experience.
Dr. Charlotte McCorquodale
OF MISSING OUT) WORLD Louisiana native Dr. Charlotte McCorquodale
has been President of Ministry Training Source
There will always be some voice telling me that whoever since 2000. Her recognitions include receiving
I am today is not enough. The challenge is accepting the the 2002 National Youth Ministry Award from
reality that each one of us has the capacity for bounteous- the National Federation for Catholic Youth Min-
ness. Yes, we want to love other people without holding istry for contributions nationally to the field of Catholic Youth
back. We want to feel authentic. We want to breathe in Ministry. Dr. McCorquodale’s professional career in Catho-
lic youth ministry and lay ecclesial ministry has spanned al-
the beauty around us. And yet, we listen to inner voices most four decades, serving in parish, school, diocesan and
that keep our life small. We live stuck. But what if we university ministry settings.
are truly the light of the world, a light already inside of
1-16 HUMAN SEXUALITY & THE CATHOLIC CHURCH ways we can incorporate the initiatives proposed, and
discuss how best to serve the youth today and tomorrow.
The Book of Genesis tells us that all creation is “good,” Katie Prejean McGrady
which would include human sexuality. Using the biblical Katie Prejean McGrady is a freshman theology
framework on Church sexual teaching, we will explore teacher at Saint Louis Catholic High School in
the blessings and challenges of human sexuality. It is the Lake Charles, La. She has spoken at various
moral principle of an informed conscience that helps us events in 38 states and three countries. McGrady
balance church teaching with human living. In this ses- is also author of several books, including “Room
sion, we will start with a process of identifying those ar- 24: Adventures of a New Evangelist” and “Follow: Your Life-
eas of struggle and areas of beauty. By the end, you will long Adventure with Jesus,” and host of the podcast, “The
Electric Waffle.” In addition to being one of three delegates
have concrete steps of action to live out the blessed Irish chosen by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
gift of anam cara (soul friend), the ancient and eternal to attend the 2018 Pre-Synod Gathering, McGrady was also
union of two people, when each person’s deep love and a presenter at that year’s USCCB General Assembly Meeting.
friendship is reflected in that of the other.
Los Angeles-native Fr. Chris Ponnet serves as POPE FRANCIS HAS DONE AND WHAT HE NEEDS
Director of the Office of Catholic HIV/AIDS TO DO
Ministry for the Los Angeles Archdiocese and as
the archbishop’s Spiritual Director for Catholic When Pope Francis was elected pope almost six years
Ministry with Lesbian and Gay Persons. Since ago, many hoped that he would reform the Roman Curia
1994, Fr. Ponnet has also served as Pastor and Chaplain at and other governance structures in the Church. In this
St. Camillus Center for Spiritual Care in Los Angeles. He has session, we will take a look at what he has accomplished.
spoken for many years at the archdiocesan RECongress and But what still needs to be done?
regional congresses in addition to Pax Christi Peace and Jus-
tice conferences and other local and national gatherings. Rev. Thomas J. Reese, SJ
Fr. Thomas Reese is a writer and Senior Ana-
lyst with Religion News Service. Previously, the
In 1957 the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Jesuit priest wrote for the National Catholic Re-
“CCD” Institute moved to Bishop Conaty Catholic Girls porter and America magazine. He has presented
High School and saw attendance double in size. In sub- at numerous parish and university talks across
sequent years (1958-1966), attendance continued to the country. His books include “Inside the Vatican,” “A Flock
increase at Loyola University; and culminated with over of Shepherds” and “Archbishop: Inside the Power Structure
4,000 attending the event at Immaculate Heart College. of the American Catholic Church.” Fr. Reese frequently ap-
pears in the media discussing Catholic issues.
youth events, including the National Catholic THE DOMINANCE OF A CULTURE OF RELATIV-
Educational Association convention in Pitts- ISM
burgh, the Archdiocese of Atlanta Eucharistic Congress, and Today’s culture proclaims that there is no basis in estab-
the GO! Gulf Coast Faith Formation Conference in New Or- lishing our values, and no solid proof that any one thing
leans. Wahl is presently Director of Liturgy and Music at St.
Francis of Assisi Church in Raleigh, N.C. He has two CD/
is better or more valid than another. This way of think-
songbooks of music for young children. ing that we refer to as relativism is self-destructive and
devours itself, “leading to a world of spiritual poverty of
our age” (Pope Francis).
1-24 CROWNS, CASTLES AND COMMONERS; ROYAL- Chị Vũ Nhung, Dược Khoa, Cao Học Thánh Kinh
Chị Maria Vũ Nhung tốt nghiệp tiến sĩ Dược
The Netflix series “The Crown” has been critically ac- Khoa tại Xavier University of Louisiana năm
claimed throughout the world. What are we to make of 1997 và tốt nghiệp cao học Thánh Kinh tại Uni-
the widespread curiosity with Queen Elizabeth and the versity of Dallas, Texas năm 2017. Với trên 25
House of Windsor? Throughout her reign, the Queen has năm kinh nghiệm phục vụ trong việc giảng dạy
seen her position as a calling, a service and a vocation. giáo lý và sứ vụ tông đồ dành cho giới trẻ, chị được đánh giá
Does our thirst for justice render royalty extravagant and cao trong việc áp dụng các tư tưởng thần học vào lĩnh vực
mục vụ và truyền đạt Đức Tin cho người trẻ.
unnecessary or is there a place for crowns and castles
in a just society? Using stories and illustrations, David Nhung Vu, PharmD, MTS
Wells will take a brief look at recent history to discuss if Dr. Nhung Vu received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree in
earthly royalty can contribute meaningfully to the real- 1997 at Xavier University of Louisiana in New Orleans, and
ization of the Kingdom of God here on earth. her master’s degree in Theological Studies with concentra-
tions in Biblical Studies in 2017 at the University of Dallas in
David Wells Irving, Texas. Dr. Nhung has over 25 years of experience in
David Wells began his career as a teacher, be- ministry with a strong emphasis on catechesis and ministry
fore becoming a research assistant for the Bish- with young people. She is highly regarded for her pastoral
ops’ Conference in England and Wales, and now applications of theological thought to pastoral ministry and
serves as Religious Education Consultant and faith formation.
Advisor to the Diocese of Salford, England. His
recent work as a consultant involves assisting dioceses, par-
ishes and schools to rethink their approach to missionary dis-
cipleship. Wells has also contributed numerous articles for
magazines and compilations. He is author of two books, “The
Reluctant Disciple” and “The Grateful Disciple,” and the re-
cently produced a DVD series called, “Beloved Disciples.”
John Burland
DID THEY DO? ARENA John Burland is an educator and composer of
religious music for children and adults and has
This session will present an exploration of the history of over 250 songs and has published 14 music col-
deacons in the church. What do we know about wom- lections internationally. With an extensive ca-
en deacons in the early Church? Were they ordained? reer in school and parish communities, Burland
What did they do? How did the diaconate – of men and currently is the Education Officer for Liturgy and Music for
women – die out, and why? Sydney Catholic Schools in Australia, and the National Music
Consultant for Bayard, Inc. He is a regular speaker at con-
Dr. Phyllis Zagano ferences and gatherings across Australia, New Zealand, the
Dr. Phyllis Zagano is Senior Research Associ- United Kingdom and North America.
ate-in-Residence and Adjunct Professor of Re-
ligion at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y.
She has authored or edited hundreds of articles
and 22 books, including “Holy Saturday: An 2-04 THE CHALLENGES OF BIBLICAL VOCABULARY
Argument for the Restoration of the Female Diaconate in
the Catholic Church” and “Women Deacons: Past, Present, We’ve all grown familiar with biblical texts – some more
Future.” In 2016, she was appointed to the Papal Commis- than others. But often the peculiar challenges of translat-
sion for the Study of the Diaconate of Women. ing the ancient language of the Bible can alter signifi-
cantly how we understand those familiar texts. During
this talk, we will look at some familiar key words and
2-02 RCIA AND CHURCH: MYSTAGOGIA – WHAT IT IS phrases from the Bible that will open up the meaning
AND WHAT IT IS NOT of these texts in surprising ways – words like baptize,
Mystagogia is the ancient art of helping people enter into Christ, Holy Spirit, and others.
deeper union with Jesus by unpacking the liturgies, sea- Fr. William L. Burton, OFM
sons and sacraments we celebrate. The Rite of Christian
Fr. Bill Burton, a Franciscan friar priest of the
Initiation of Adults sets forth the entire season of Easter Sacred Heart Province, has taught for more than
to reflect upon the Easter story, the Triduum and the Eas- 20 years. He is currently Professor of Scripture
ter sacraments. This session will explore the ins and outs at the Dominican School of Philosophy & Theol-
of this final period of the RCIA process. We will con- ogy in Berkeley, Calif. Outside the classroom, he
sider why only one page in the RCIA text is devoted to has guided hundreds of students and pilgrims on study tours
it and hopefully come to the realization that it is a thread and pilgrimage travels throughout the Holy Land, Greece
that runs through the entire process. Let’s discover what and Turkey. He has many published articles and several DVD
series, including “The Biblicist Series.”
it is and what it’s not and determine a process for ef-
fectively uncovering the sacramental life of the Church.
Mary Birmingham is the former Director of Lit- CRATED LIFE?
urgy, Music and Christian Initiation at Ascen- How does the Church define “consecrated life,” and
sion Parish in Melbourne, Fla. She has been
involved in RCIA ministry on a national level whom does Christ call to it? How does it differ from the
since 1992 and travels extensively throughout universal call to holiness addressed to all the baptized,
the United States and Canada providing diocesan workshops. and what special witness is it expected to give? The past
Birmingham is a former team member of the North American 50 years has seen a dramatic decline in vocations to the
Forum on the Catechumenate. She is author of several works, religious life and the emergence of new forms of conse-
including “Confirming Adult Catholics” and her most recent, cration. If the consecrated life is one of Christ’s gifts to
“Purified and Enlightened: RCIA Sessions for Lent.”
the Church, we need to understand what it is supposed
to be and do. The reputation of saints like Mother Teresa
2-03 PRAY, LEARN AND CELEBRATE THE TRUTHS OF and Padre Pio gives us a clue!
OUR FAITH Sr. Sara Butler, MSBT
In this workshop, John Burland, Australian composer Sr. Sara Butler, a Missionary Servant of the Most
and religious educator, will help teachers and catechists Blessed Trinity, is Director of New Evangeliza-
accompany children in their journey of faith through tion at the Mother Boniface Spirituality Center
song and movement. You will learn a variety of engag- in Philadelphia and Professor Emerita of Dog-
ing songs that deepen understanding, add enjoyment matic Theology at the University of St. Mary of
to learning, increase knowledge and foster celebration. the Lake in Mundelein, Ill. Sr. Butler has lectured around
the world. She has published over 50 scholarly articles and
These songs and associated activities will enrich and authored several books, including “The Catholic Priesthood
energize faith formation across a range of catechetical and Women: A Guide to the Teaching of the Church.” Her
themes including Scripture, doctrine, the liturgical year, most recent publications deal with the Second Vatican Coun-
Catholic prayer and sacraments. Join us as we joyfully cil’s teaching on the consecrated life.
move our bodies and raise our voices in songs that help
us to pray, learn and celebrate our Catholic faith.
In this workshop, Chris de Silva will offer ways to cele spoken at various diocesan and major national youth confer-
brate young adults and different cultures from his expe- ences. Feduccia has been published in several publications.
Now based in Tennessee, he is currently Vice President of
rience of working in a diverse university setting, creat- Christian Faith Events for Declan Weir Productions.
ing a place to belong, to believe and to become. This
workshop begins a conversation on changing church
demographics and seeks to build faith communities of
Christian welcome and discipleship. 2-10 THIRST AND HUNGER IN JOHN 4: WHAT CAN
Chris de Silva JUSTICE?
Composer, arranger and recording artist with The biblical story of Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan
GIA Publications, Chris de Silva shares his gift woman in John Chapter 4 is so much deeper than you
of music ministry – from parish and diocesan
retreats and concerts to national conferences
might realize, dealing with themes of thirst as well as
across the United States, Canada, Europe and hunger, on the physical and spiritual levels, for both in-
Asia. He has served at several faith communities in the Los dividuals and communities. This workshop will explore
Angeles Archdiocese and is presently Associate Director of in depth this important Johannine story, which is read on
Music and Liturgy at Loyola Marymount University in Los the Third Sunday of Lent and used in the Rite of Chris-
Angeles. His musical collections include “Pilgrim,” “Castle tian Initiation of Adults Scrutinies.
of the Soul” and his latest sequel, “Colours 2.”
Fr. Felix Just, SJ
Jesuit priest Fr. Felix Just is Minister of the
2-08 THIRSTING FOR R.E.S.T. Loyola House Jesuit Community in San Fran-
Are you exhausted from the overwhelming demands of cisco, Calif. He formerly taught at all three Jesuit
career, ministry and family life? Do you feel pulled in universities in California – Loyola Marymount
a million directions with no time for rest? You’re not University, the University of San Francisco, and
Santa Clara University. He conducts adult faith formation
alone! As a wife, mother and pastoral minister, Becky programs and leads biblically-based days of prayer, parish
Eldredge understands the challenges of juggling many missions and retreats. Fr. Just has produced seven audio-CD
roles in our rapid-paced life. She’s discovered ways to programs with Now You Know Media and maintains the in-
incorporate rituals that “Renew Energy in Spirit Time” ternationally recognized website
(R.E.S.T.) in daily life. Becky will guide you through a
process to create rituals of R.E.S.T. that will renew and
sustain you. You will leave with a plan of action that you
can implement immediately to rest, to prevent burnout
and to continue to give generously to others.
New York and Washington, D.C., and has suc-
them and their families, as well as give insights from cessfully handled numerous jury and bench tri-
parishes that have successful outreach communities. als, appeals and arbitrations. Since 2016 she has
Rev. James Martin, SJ concentrated her practice on pro bono matters
in immigration proceedings with children and has organized
Based in New York, Jesuit priest Fr. James Mar- a group of interpreters/mentors to assist them. Dakin-Grimm
tin is Editor at Large of America magazine. He is speaks on faith and immigration-related issues in schools and
author of numerous award-winning books includ- parishes throughout Los Angeles and at legal conferences
ing “My Life with the Saints,” “The Jesuit Guide across the United States, in Bermuda and London.
to (Almost) Everything,” “Between Heaven and
Mirth” and, most recently, “Building a Bridge.” Fr. Martin Dr. Luis Eduardo Zavala de Alba
is a frequent presenter to parish groups and at retreats and Based in Monterrey, Mexico, Dr. Eduardo Za-
national conferences. He has given presentations at the Reli- vala is Director of Casa Monarca, which offers
gious Education Congress for the past several years and has humanitarian aid for migrants. He is a Visit-
appeared on various CNN documentaries. ing Professor at Yale University and academic
advisor and consultant to many human rights
organizations, including “Community of Democracies,” an
2-17 RACE AND THE LIMITS OF DIALOGUE international panel of experts. Dr. Zavala has been a Visiting
Scholar at numerous universities including the Autonomous
Dialogue is the default setting for Catholic responses University of Barcelona in Spain, the University of Essex in
to racial conflicts and tensions. This session will look England, and the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at
at how such appeals have functioned in response to the Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government.
Black Lives Matter movement, showing their limitations
and a possible way to a more adequate engagement in
the light of faith. The first
Youth Rally was held
Rev. Bryan N. Massingale, STD
in 1971 for high
Fr. Bryan Massingale, a priest of the Milwaukee school students and
Archdiocese, is Theology Professor at Fordham set the pattern for
University in New York. A noted authority on what has become
Catholic moral theology and social ethics, he Youth Day, which
has lectured extensively on ethical and racial now annually at-
justice issues throughout the United States and internation- tracts about 14,000
ally. A previous Religious Education Congress keynote, Fr. on the Thursday
Massingale is former President of the Catholic Theological
opening of the Con-
Society of America and has been a leader of the Black Catho-
lic Theological Symposium. gress event.
2-19 KEEPING YOUR FAMILY HAPPILY CATHOLIC the underlying causes of infertility that upholds the dig-
Parents, religious educators, priests and lay minsters nity of the couple and the child they hope to conceive.
battle getting their kids to church and struggle with This session will elaborate on what the Church teaches
how to communicate the beauty of the Catholic faith to with regard to in vitro fertilization, surrogacy and more.
children of all ages. What should we do and how do we By explaining licit reproductive technologies and de-
explain our faith in ways that keep families inspired by scribing the Catholic treatment alternatives, this session
their faith? We will learn and share some “best practic- will offer a clear understanding of Church teaching on
es” from those who have intact Catholic families and be these bioethical issues.
inspired by those who have overcome many challenges Angelique Ruhi-Lopez
in communicating and sharing their faith and now have Based in Miami, Fla., and inspired by her own
“happily Catholic” families. Fr. Leo Patalinghug’s ap- infertility journey, Angelique Ruhi-Lopez is
proach is easy to understand, entertaining and encourag- co-author of “The Infertility Companion for
ing! Catholics: Spiritual and Practical Support for
Couples,” written as a resource to provide an-
Rev. Leo E. Patalinghug, IVDei swers on the Church’s view on infertility and adoption. The
Fr. Leo Patalinghug, born in the Philippines but freelance journalist and editor, Ruhi-Lopez has traveled
raised in the Baltimore area, is a priest member across the nation to speak on infertility. She has served on
of a secular institute of consecrated life called the Archdiocese of Miami’s Synod committee on the family
Voluntas Dei (The Will of God). He is founder and serves with her husband as NFP promoters and marriage
and host of Plating Grace and founder and preparation ministers.
Chairman of The Table Foundation, which connects food to
Carmen L. Santamaria
faith. Fr. Patalinghug is a best-selling author, internationally
renowned speaker, host of the “Savoring Our Faith” TV se- Carmen Santamaria is an attorney who lives in
ries on EWTN, contributor to SiriusXM radio and host of the Miami, Fla., and is co-author of the award-win-
podcast, “Shoot the Shiitake with Fr. Leo.” ning book, “The Infertility Companion for Cath-
olics.” She has traveled the nation speaking at
more than 20 Catholic infertility/marriage/pro-
2-20 POETRY TO ENRICH, REFRESH & DEEPEN OUR life workshops, retreats, radio and TV shows. Santamaria is
SPIRITUAL JOURNEY on the Board of Directors of the Couple to Couple League,
she serves on the Archdiocese of Miami’s Planned Giving Ad-
Poetry provides a wonderful way to explore and express visory Council and is a Legatus Chapter Administrator. She
the rich meaning and symbolism at the heart of great and her husband are catechists, serve in marriage prepara-
works of art and literature. The invitation to engage in tion and are NFP instructors.
poetry has the power to start a fire in the heart and bring
one’s whole attention to the present moment. This session
will invite us to step into the company of great men and 2-22 THIRSTING FOR JUSTICE: RELIGIOUS EDUCA-
women such as Mary Oliver, Jessica Powers, Antonio TION AND CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES
Machado, David Whyte, and more. These creative voices
will companion us and speak to us. We will unfold lay- Gleaning from the newly revised U.S. Conference of
ers of wisdom embedded in themes of journey, transfor- Catholic Bishops’ “Guidelines for the Celebration of the
mation, mindfulness, hope, death and resurrection – all Sacraments with Persons with Disabilities,” this work-
equally experienced in the Lenten-Easter season. shop will examine how promoting the active engage-
ment of youth with disabilities in faith formation and the
Sr. Edith Prendergast, RSC sacraments is an expression of our thirst for justice. A
Sr. Edith Prendergast, a Religious Sister of Char- variety of models of fostering belonging, effective teach-
ity, is former Director of the Office of Religious ing methods, best practices and resources that will as-
Education for the Los Angeles Archdiocese. She sist catechetical leaders, catechists and parents will be
is a frequent keynote and workshop presenter at shared.
local, national and international conferences.
Sr. Prendergast has written and contributed to several ar- Sr. Kathleen Schipani, IHM, MEd
ticles on spirituality and catechesis, and is author of “Grace Sr. Kathleen Schipani, a sister of the Immaculate
Abounds.” In 2015, she received the “Evangelii Gaudium – Heart of Mary, is Director of the Office for Per-
Joy of the Gospel” Award from St. John’s Seminary, and in sons with Disabilities and the Deaf Apostolate
2017, she was awarded the “Religious Service Angel Award” in the Philadelphia Archdiocese. She formerly
from the Catholic Association of Latino Leaders. served as Board Chair for the National Catholic
Partnership on Disability. Sr. Schipani has 39 years of teach-
ing experience with children and adults of all abilities. She
2-21 WHAT DOES THE CATHOLIC CHURCH TEACH has collaborated in national and international projects re-
ABOUT ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOL- lated to disabilities, presented workshops and trainings and
OGY? co-authored teacher guides and DVD curricula to prepare
A common misconception is that the Catholic Church individuals who are deaf for the sacraments of initiation.
says “NO” to most reproductive technologies when, in
fact, the Church says a loving and merciful “YES” to
some reproductive technologies and to a way of healing
Rural, small, clustered, combined are all unique ministry John Paul II that features three basic dimensions: sexu-
environments. Come explore some incredible, dynamic, ality, sociality, and fertility. From there, we will discuss
successful practices and strategies for long-term success! the issues affecting marriage and family: sexuality, ho-
Doug Tooke
mosexuality, adultery, separation, divorce, cohabitation,
trial marriage, generation, contraception, abortion, in vi-
Based in Helena, Mont., Doug Tooke is Direc- tro fertilization, etc.
tor of Partnerships for ODB Films and owner
of Monarch Catholic Ministries. He has over 20 Giám mục Louis Nguyễn Anh Tuấn
years of professional ministry experience, travel- Đức Cha Louis Nguyễn Anh Tuấn gốc Quảng
ing to over 75 dioceses in the past 20 years teach- Nam, Đà Nẳng, Cử nhân Khoa học, ngành Toán
ing, keynoting conventions and training youth ministers. và Vi tính trước khi gia nhập Đại chủng viện
Tooke has spoken at World Youth Day, the National Catho- Thánh Giuse Sài Gòn. 1999 Thụ phong Linh
lic Youth Conference, the National Conference on Catholic Mục cho TGP Sài gòn / Thánh Phố HCM. Từ
Youth Ministry and continues to serve as a leader in the field. 2007 Giám đốc Chủng sinh dự bị, trưởng ban Mục vụ gia
đình Giáo Phận và thư ký Ủy ban Mục vụ gia đình thuộc
2-25 BRING LIFE AND RELEVANCE TO YOUR SCHOOL HĐGMVN. 2017 ĐGH Phanxicô bổ nhiệm Cha Louis Nguyễn
Anh Tuấn làm Giám Mục Phụ Tá TGP Sài gòn.
MUSIC Bishop Louis Nguyen Anh Tuan
Children can find church boring. We will look at ways to Bishop Louis Nguyen, born in Quang Nam, Da Nang, Viet-
nam, graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Math-
energize our school liturgies from the beginning of the ematics and Computer Science before he entered St. Joseph
school year to graduation. Through well-planned liturgy Seminary in Saigon and was ordained a priest for the Arch-
and music, we can help our children connect their wor- diocese of Saigon, Vietnam. In 2007 he was named Rector of
ship experiences to real life. the preseminary of St. Paul Loc, Director of the Commission
on Family Life, and Secretary of the Episcopal Commission
Christopher Walker on Family Ministry. In 2017, Pope Francis appointed him
Internationally known church composer and cho- Auxiliary Bishop for the Archdiocese of Ho Chi Minh City
ral conductor, Christopher Walker is Director of (Saigon).
Music at St. Paul the Apostle Church in Los Ange-
les, Calif., and formerly served at the Clifton Ca-
thedral in the United Kingdom for 18 years. He is
a worldwide speaker on church music and liturgy, choral and
cantor techniques and children’s spirituality and has appeared
in six recent broadcasts on the BBC Network. Walker’s music
for adults and children is sung in churches worldwide. His lat-
est work is entitled “Love Beyond Knowledge.”
YOUTH Mangan is also Creative Director of Litmus Productions,
What would it be like if your parish ministry of con- which produced “Good News: Dramas from Luke’s Gospel.”
firmation was built around providing youth with expe-
riences of faith, relationships with faith witnesses and
engaging commitments for ministry, leadership and ser- 3-10 ADMINISTRATION AS A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY
vice? Youth would learn and grow in their faith through Administration is often critiqued both by those within
this journey of hands-on faithful living. This workshop the profession and outside as work that takes fun-loving
will explore ways to recreate your preparation and fol- people and turns them into anxious curmudgeons, but it
low-through for confirmation to share faith with youth doesn’t have to be that way. Speaking out of her own ex-
and their families in vibrant ways. perience as an educational administrator and parish lead-
er, Ann Garrido will look at practices of administration
Tom East that can be potentially trans formative, making us not
Based in Gig Harbor, Wash., Tom East is Direc- only effective administrators but holier, healthier Chris-
tor of the Center for Ministry Development, He is tians. Participants will be invited to reassess their own
editor and author of numerous books, including daily tasks with an eye toward how they might serve not
“Leadership for Catholic Youth Ministry.” Pre-
viously, he served as Director of Youth Ministry only the greater Reign of God, but their own personal
and Associate Director of Religious Education for the Los spiritual journey.
Angeles Archdiocese. East is a popular speaker at youth min- Ann M. Garrido
istry and religious education conferences nationwide and has
presented at conferences sponsored by the Center for Minis- Ann Garrido is Associate Professor of Homile
try Development and all the major national conferences. tics at Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis,
Mo., and Director of their Spiritual Formation
for Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies-Catechesis
3-08 “ROW, ROW, ROW YOUR BOAT”: WISDOM FROM of the Good Shepherd Program. She also serves
as a Consultant with Triad Consulting Group, a conflict medi-
A CHILDHOOD DIDDY ation and communications team based in Cambridge, Mass.
“Row, row, row your boat/ Gently down the stream/ Garrido is a recognized formation leader for the National As-
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily/ Life is but a dream.” sociation of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. Her books
This delightful 19th-century nursery rhyme can teach us include “Redeeming Conflict,” “Preaching to the Choir” and
much about consciously aligning our human nature with “Redeeming Administration”
our divine nature. Jesus makes many references to chil-
dren in the Bible and advises us to “be like children and
to come to him full of faith and trust.” This session will
be an “exploration of rowing.”
3-11 EDUCATING IN FAITH THAT DOES JUSTICE of God! Then and only then can we live out the “daily re-
In this time of intensified political polarization, it is im- minder” of our primary vocation, to be living witnesses
perative that Catholics renew our commitment to a living of this love. Let’s take some time to be reflective, to al-
Christian faith. Such faith demands the works of justice. low ourselves to simply “sit” and dwell in the Spirit of
We must be clear about what justice, why justice and this most awesome gift. Let’s take some time to listen,
how to intentionally educate in faith that does justice. reflect, pray, sing and give thanks!
Dr. Thomas Groome
Dr. Tom Groome is Professor of Theology and
Religious Education at Boston College School
of Theology, and Director of their Church in the FORMATION
21st Century Center. The award-winning author St. Pope John Paul II called for heralds of the Gospel
has written or edited 10 books and numerous ar- who are “experts in humanity,” meaning people who
ticles and essays. Dr. Groome has made over 800 public pre- understand the human condition. In this workshop, Dr.
sentations throughout the last 42 years, both nationally and Josephine Lombardi will examine certain factors that in-
internationally. A favorite speaker of the Religious Education
Congress; this marks his 38th year of giving presentations. fluence human behavior and place limits on human free-
dom and the formation of conscience. She will explore
prenatal, postnatal, environmental and genetic factors,
3-12 BAPTISM: WELCOME TO A LIFELONG JOURNEY including early childhood trauma. This information will
OF FAITH offer pastoral-care providers insights into certain types
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. of human behavior, showing how grace is the greatest
For Christians, the most important single step is baptism, influence.
the beginning of a lifelong journey of faith and the door- Josephine Lombardi, PhD
way to all the sacraments. How do you prepare an adult
Dr. Josephine Lombardi has worked in a va-
or a child and their family to make that first step toward riety of ministries and is currently Associate
lifelong faith? How do you engage the entire community Professor of Pastoral and Systematic Theology,
to celebrate that first step powerfully as they enfold the Professor of Field Education, and Director of
newly baptized into the community of disciples? This Lay Formation at St. Augustine’s Seminary in
workshop will help you prepare, celebrate and reflect on Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. She is an author and retreat
the baptismal liturgy as the premier sacramental sign of leader who has presented at numerous conferences. Dr. Lom-
bardi has worked in radio and television and been appointed
our Christian mission. Series Theologian for the new Growing in Faith, Growing in
Marty Haugen Christ Religious Education program for Ontario, Alberta,
Saskatchewan and the Northwest Territories.
For 40 years, composer Marty Haugen has pre-
sented workshops, concerts and presentations
across North and Central America, Europe, Asia
and the Pacific Rim. His music appears in hym- 3-15 SING JUSTICE, LIVE JUSTICE! USING MUSIC TO
nals for United States, Canadian and Australian PROMOTE AND INSPIRE SOCIAL JUSTICE IN
Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians and other
Protestant denominations. His latest works are “The Liturgi- LENT AND EASTER
cal Ensemble” and “Pilgrims and Companions.” Marty and The seasons of Lent and Easter are central in our Church
his wife, Linda, live in Minnesota. year, and justice is at the core of Gospel values. How can
Diana Macalintal we combine the two to actively promote justice during
our annual journey from Ash Wednesday to Pentecost?
Diana Macalintal is a presenter and co-founder
of Team RCIA. She has been keynote at several Join Australian composer Michael Mangan as he shares
national gatherings, including the Mid-Atlantic a range of suitable songs for Lent and Easter that will in-
Congress and the Collegeville Conference on spire and motivate our school and parish communities to
Music, Liturgy and the Arts, in addition to her live justice every day. Bring your voice ... and be ready
appearances at the L.A. Congress as prayer leader. A for- to use it!
mer Director of Worship for the Diocese of San Jose, Calif.,
Macalintal is author of several publications, including “Your Michael Mangan
Parish IS the Curriculum: RCIA in the Midst of the Commu- Michael Mangan is a composer, teacher and mu-
nity” and the liturgical year resource, “Living Liturgy.” sic liturgist from Brisbane, Australia. The former
Elementary School Specialist Music Teacher has
over 250 compositions that are used in schools
3-13 YOU ARE THE BELOVED: PRAYING AND CELE- and parishes throughout the United States,
BRATING THE DAILY LIVING REMINDER Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Mangan is President
of the Australian Pastoral Musicians Network, a member of
David Haas (see bio 7-01)
the Australian Academy of Liturgy, and Music Director at All
We cannot move forward in any aspect of our spiritual Saints Catholic Parish in Brisbane.
life and mission of discipleship without first claiming
and celebrating our being God’s true beloved – we are
awesomely loved and adopted as the daughters and sons
mands of spirituality as a whole? Knowing our tradition
3-18 AMAZON, SEARS AND GOOGLE: MINISTERING helps answer these questions.
TO FAMILIES TODAY Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, OMI
Times have changed, and are changing. Families, en- Ronald Rolheiser, a Roman Catholic priest and
tertainment, information and shopping look different. member of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Im-
The pace of life is so fast and other dimensions of mod- maculate, is President of the Oblate School of
ern culture can leave ministers scratching our heads or Theology in San Antonio. The well-known lec-
turer’s books have been translated into many
feeling hopeless that faith and the community life we languages and his weekly column appears in more than 80
celebrate are becoming obsolete. We, as ministers, are publications worldwide. Fr. Rolheiser formerly taught at
“thirsting” ... but so are they. Let’s discuss how we find Newman Theological College in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada,
Living Water. and served as Provincial Superior of his Oblate Province and
on the General Council for the Oblates in Rome.
Mike Patin
Mike Patin, the “engaging” Cajun who lives in
Lafayette, La., has served as a high school teach- 3-22 SOCIAL MEDIA AND DIGITAL CATHOLIC LEAD-
er, coach and diocesan staff person. He was pre- ERSHIP
viously with the CYO/Youth Ministry Office for
the New Orleans Archdiocese and, since 2003, Today, everyone is connected by mobile devices and so-
he has been a full-time “ faith horticulturist” addressing cial media, and sometimes that light shines brighter than
groups across the United States and Canada as parish mis- a lighthouse. But who is forming our current and future
sion presenter, trainer, retreat facilitator and more. Patin has Catholics in the ethics, morals and faith-based realities of
published two books: “A Standing Invitation” and “This Was technology? Learn how schools, administrators, pastors
Not in the Brochures: Lessons from Work, Life and Ministry.” and catechists across the world are implementing these
faith-based, religious, technology-infused programs!
YOUR VOCATION Paul Sanfrancesco is a National Technology
Doing ministry can be hazardous to your vocation. Find- Consultant for William H. Sadlier, Inc. For over
ing balance can often be difficult when we are called 24 years, he has worked in Catholic, private and
to ministry. Whether a priest, religious or lay leader, public education, including as Director of Tech-
nology for the 200-plus schools of the Philadel-
it is critical we continue to care for our primary voca- phia Archdiocese and in teaching at Saint Joseph’s University
tion. This workshop will give practical steps to keep us in Philadelphia. Sanfrancesco has been featured in several
healthy in ministry. publications and presents at local and national convocations.
We are excited to offer this one-day track on college dents and served as National Coordinator for the ESTEEM
campus ministry. Participants will spend all three work- Leadership Program for four years. She also holds an ap-
shops with a community of those who serve college stu- pointment to the Alliance for Campus Ministry, an advisory
body to the Secretariat for Catholic
dents, faculty and staff on university Education within the U.S. Conference
campuses, and will come away with of Catholic Bishops.
enriching conversations, connec-
tions and tools to improve your min- Fr. Michael T. Martin,
istry. Please be sure to register for all OFM Conv
three Saturday sessions: 4-02, 5-02 Fr. Michael Martin, a
and 6-02. Conventual Franciscan,
has served as Director
4-02 MISSION DRIVES SCHEDULE, of Duke Catholic Center
AND MONEY FOLLOWS MIS- at Duke University in North Carolina
SION since 2010. A lifelong educator, he has
held a variety of teaching, coaching
Mission drives every facet of church and administrative positions, includ-
life, impacting planning, program, ing campus ministry, school leader-
preaching and personnel. It deter- ship, personnel and facility planning.
mines what we say “yes” to and Fr. Martin has served on a number of
when to say “no.” It is the heartbeat boards and commissions and is a pre-
of a congregation’s movement as a senter on strategic issues facing cam-
pus ministry and Catholic schools to-
community. When mission is well articulated and lived day. In 2007, he received the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice medal
out in our college campus ministries, money follows. service to the Church from Pope Benedict.
This workshop will give practical advise on how to help
Rosie Chinea Shawver, MDiv
articulate your college campus ministries’ mission, how
to live the mission on our college campuses, and how Southern California native Rosie Shawver was
money follows mission. at the University of New Mexico before becom-
ing Parish and Faith Community Outreach Li-
Kathryn Diller aison for Catholic Charities in the Archdiocese
Katie Diller is Director of Campus Ministry at of Santa Fe, N.M. She is now Director of Cam-
St. John Catholic Student Center at her alma pus Ministry at Our Savior Parish & USC Caruso Catholic
mater, Michigan State University, and Coor- Center at the University of Southern California. She is on the
dinator of Campus Ministry for the Diocese of Board of the Catholic Campus Ministry Association and is a
Lansing, Mich. She has led international mis- consultant for the Secretariat of Education at the U.S. Confer-
sion trips and taught for study abroad course for college stu- ence of Catholic Bishops.
This workshop is both an encounter of healing through Paul Canavese (see bio 1-04)
word, song and action, as well as a session filled with We may know that faith is caught rather than taught, but
inspiration and practical ideas for sharing moments how should that affect what we do in family faith forma-
of healing prayer with your parish or with small faith tion? The early Jesus movement went “viral” long before
groups. John Angotti and Fr. James Marchionda will social media, exploding as the Gospel spread from person
help you discover the healing power of Jesus, and ways to person. Learn how we, as Catholics, understand evan-
to share this gift with others in your community through gelization and how we can help families pass on the faith
music, Scripture and other forms of prayer. from one generation to the next and one family to the next.
John Angotti This practical, realistic workshop will offer key insights
Based in Memphis, Tenn., John Angotti is a full- and many specific, real-life examples about how the faith
time music missionary providing concerts, work- can be shared among catechists, parents, and children.
shops, retreats and worship. He is a frequent pre-
senter at parish missions as well as diocesan and
regional conferences across the United States 4-07 FREEDOM & DISCIPLINE: LENT AND FREE WILL
and abroad. Angotti is an accomplished composer with nu-
merous works under the World Library Publications label. In For millennia, humanity has debated the question: Is our
2013, John Angotti Music Mission (JAMM) debuted his origi-
nal musical, “Job: The NOW Testament.” future predetermined or do we have choice? Catholic
teaching answers this question in support of free will,
Fr. Jim Marchionda, OP but is choice possible in a world governed by laws of
Dominican priest Fr. Jim Marchionda is a physics? In this presentation, we will explore two relat-
preacher, composer and woodwind instrumen- ed questions: What does science tell us about free will?
talist who has been engaged in full-time parish How do Lenten practices increase the exercise of our
mission preaching since 1994. In 2015, he was
named Provincial of the Chicago Dominican
free will? Participants will learn how understanding the
Province of St. Albert the Great. In addition to his adminis- science of free will has deep implications for our rela-
trative responsibilities, Fr. Marchionda maintains a limited tionship with God and why it makes sense to leverage
preaching schedule. He has several CDs, and one of his com- Lenten practices to empower our choices.
positions, “I Was Hungry,” was sung during communion at
Prof. Michael Dennin
the funeral of St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
Michael Dennin has served for 21 years as Pro-
fessor of Physics and Astronomy at the Univer-
sity of California, Irvine, where he is also Vice
4-05 WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD: BIBLICAL COV- Provost for Teaching and Learning. He has
ENANT AND LAUDATO SÍ regularly engaged schools and adult education
“We are not God,” Pope Francis declares. But we walk forums on science and superheroes for the past 18 years as
this Earth as if we are. This is a problem for our beauti- well as appearing on numerous television programs, YouTube
series and podcast/radio shows. Prof. Dennin is a popular
ful planet, which is also our home. Scripture and science speaker at churches and schools, building on his book: “Di-
agree that the universe as we know it will come to an end vine Science: Finding Reason at the Heart of Faith.”
one day. What’s our responsibility to this fragile plan-
et while it’s still in our power to act? This session an-
ticipates the upcoming California Catholic Conference 4-08 WHAT OUR YOUNG ADULTS ARE THIRSTING
bishops’ pastoral on our common call to stewardship for FOR
the environment. At Pentecost, the first disciples were propelled forth by
Alice Camille, MDiv the Spirit, from the comfort of the Upper Room out into
the world to evangelize. Do our parish and catechetical
Alice Camille is a full-time freelance lay Catho-
lic author and retreat leader, religious educator
ministries embrace Pope Francis’ call to remember that
and conference presenter. She is a Scripture col- “Jesus is the Lord of risk, of the eternal ‘more,’ not the
umnist and contributor to “Give Us This Day” Lord of comfort, security and ease” (World Youth Day
daily prayer guide. She is also author of many 2016). How can we leave our comfortable Upper Rooms
articles, serials, audio materials and books, including her (even virtually!) to make connections with a generation
most recent, “For Everything There is a Season.” Camille’s that has shown that they will not come knocking on our
work has received numerous awards, including the Catholic door? Fr. Dave Dwyer will speak about how we can be
Press Association Book Award and their Best Regular Col-
umn Award, in addition to the Midwest Independent Publish- more proactive in reaching young adults.
ers Association Award. Fr. David Dwyer, CSP
Paulist priest Fr. Dave Dwyer is Executive Di-
rector of Busted Halo Ministries, publisher of and YoungAdultMinistrylna, presenter of the “Sacraments 101”
videos and host of “The Busted Halo Show” on
coming Church of Pope Francis.” In 2018, Barry University Marianist priest Fr. James Heft is Alton Brooks
in Florida conferred on Dr. Gaillardetz the Yves Congar Professor of Religion at the University of South-
Award for Theological Excellence. ern California in Los Angeles and President of
their Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies. He
is author and editor of 12 books and over 190
articles. Fr. Heft taught at the university level for 40 years,
4-10 SEX ABUSE IN THE CHURCH: BINDING AND many of those at the University of Dayton in Ohio in roles as
HEALING THE WOUNDS Provost, Chancellor and as Chair of the Theology Depart-
Rape, molestation, seduction, sexual exploitation and ment. In 2011, the Association of Catholic Colleges and Uni-
sexual harassment have all become exposed in the versities honored him with the Theodore M. Hesburgh Award
for his long and distinguished service to Catholic higher edu-
Church. The perpetrators and their silent accomplices cation.
who hid or overlooked such acts are slowly being identi-
fied. Sadly, not all are known. The whole of the Church
must learn how to recognize, report, protect and guard
against this evil – and must participate in healing the 4-13 INSTRUCTIONS FOR LIVING A LIFE: PAY ATTEN-
brokenhearted and wounded in our midst. This session TION. BE ASTONISHED. TELL ABOUT IT.
will address the sexual exploitation crisis in the Church. Rev. Terry Hershey (see bio 1-12)
An analysis of what has happened will be presented, Today, let us practice the sacrament of the blessed pres-
while offering concrete suggestions as to how the whole ent. Using American poet Mary Oliver’s wise instruc-
of the Church should proceed in correcting this problem. tions: Before we decipher life, let us see life; before we
Dr. Greer G. Gordon give in to “if only,” let us hear this moment; before we
Dr. Greer Gordon is a theologian, whose work trade in this life for the life we should have, let us taste
has included the faculty positions at Regis Col- this life. We make the choice to be open, available, will-
lege and at the University of Massachusetts; ing to be surprised by joy, to know there is power in the
and as Diocesan Director in Washington, D.C., word “enough.” We carry this capacity to honor the pres-
Oakland, Boston and Baton Rouge. Her publica- ent into every encounter and relationship. We honor the
tions include books, a video program and numerous articles. dignity that is reflected by God’s goodness and grace, a
Dr. Gordon was the first woman to deliver the Baccalaureate
Address for Boston University and is a frequent speaker at
place to invite mercy, encourage, heal, reconcile, repair,
RECongress, having delivered the keynote and Sunday morn- pray, celebrate, restore, refuel. Count me in. Join me.
ing addresses. She is currently a theological consultant for a
social service collective in South Louisiana.
Young Adult Conferences. Fr. Schmitz offers weekly homilies TICE AND LIBERATION
on iTunes and has appeared in programs for youth and young
adults through Ascension Press, as well as through regular Through movement enriched by vocal prayer and song,
short video messages on Ascension Presents. participants will join one another in supplication, prayer
and praise to God for all those who thirst for justice.
Through this workshop, in the spirit of St. Paul, we will
use our bodies as “weapons of justice for God” (Romans
4-21 GDC … NDC … EASY AS 1, 2, 3
6:13). Participants are encouraged to come with inten-
Julianne Stanz (see bio 3-23) tions and the names of loved ones in heart and in hand.
The General Directory for Catechesis (GDC) set forth John West, Obl OSB, MEd, MA
the process of evangelization – and the place of cate-
John West is a sacred and liturgical dance work-
chesis within that process – and continues to be an in- shop leader and clinician. His Religious Educa-
dispensable tool for all those engaged in ministry. As a tion Congress experience began in 1970, and
companion to the GDC, the National Directory for Cate since 1991, he has served on the Congress Lit-
chesis (NDC) builds upon the core themes of the GDC. urgy Committee. An Oblate of St. Andrew’s Ab-
In many ways, the GDC and the NDC can be thought of bey in Valyermo, Calif., he is a member of the North American
as addressing the how of evangelization and catechesis. Academy of Liturgy, on the Board of Directors of the Sacred
The Holy See has recently issued a revision to the GDC. Dance Guild and co-producer for Wordnet Productions. West
has led local, national and international workshops, and his
Wondering what that revision looks like? Come and see! articles appear in various liturgy and sacred dance journals.
Our catechetical efforts should reach everybody in the
Dr. Phyllis Zagano (see bio 2-01)
parish, including those who are at the margins of society.
Today, many are struggling with how to relate and iden- Women perform and have performed diaconal ministry
tify with the Church. If we listen carefully to the chal- throughout the history of the Church. What’s the prob-
lenge of Pope Francis, we need to bring mercy to those lem with women deacons? Can they be ordained to the
people that are forgotten by society. In this workshop, diaconate today? Why? Why not? There are two strands
we will focus on five strategies that will pull us out of of thought to think about.
our everyday routine in catechesis and look for ways to
align our catechetics with those who normally do not
“fit” into our definition of catechesis. We will discuss
Tìm kiếm công lý không phải là điều chỉ cần thực hiện Trước 1975, Giáo-sư Quyên-Di là Phụ-tá Giám-
ở những môi trường rộng lớn. Tìm kiếm công lý là điều đốc Ban Tu-Thư, viện Đại-học Đà-Lạt. Hiện
cần phải thực hiện trước nhất ngay trong gia đình. Tình nay ông huấn-luyện giáo-chức dạy tiếng Việt
trạng “chồng chúa vợ tôi” và tình trạng “phụ xử tử vong, trên toàn thế-giới. Phục-vụ trong Uỷ-Ban Giáo-
Lý Việt-Nam tại Hoa-Kỳ gần 30 năm nay. Ông
tử bất vong bất hiếu” có phải là truyền thống trong văn dạy ngôn-ngữ, văn-chương và văn-hoá Việt-Nam tại UCLA
hoá gốc của người Việt Nam không? Chắc chắn là không. & CSULB; dạy sư-phạm tại CSUF. Là giáo-sư thỉnh-giảng
Dựa vào nền văn hoá truyền thống của dân tộc Việt Nam tại trường thần-học Oblate School of Theology. Ông cũng là
và dựa vào Thánh Kinh, các phần tử trong gia đình Việt linh-hướng và cố-vấn về gia-đình.
Nam sẽ tìm thấy công lý trong gia đình mình. Professor Quyen Di, PhD
SEEKING JUSTICE IN VIETNAMESE FAMILY LIFE Before 1975, Prof. Quyen Di served as Assistant Director of
the Board of Textbook and Curriculum Preparation at Dalat
Seeking justice is not only something to be done through University in Vietnam. He now teaches the Vietnamese lan-
large institutions. Rather, fairness and integrity begin guage around the world, and has served on the Vietnamese
in the home with family interactions and activities. The American National Catechetical Committee for nearly three
situations where “husband is lord and wife is servant” decades. He lectures on Vietnamese language, culture and
or “father tells child to die, child does not obey, there- literature at the University of California, Los Angeles and
fore child is disloyal” are certainly not in traditional at California State University, Long Beach. He also lectures
on education and teaching methodologies at California State
Vietnamese culture. Based on the moral traditions and University, Fullerton. He is a visiting professor at the Oblate
values of the Vietnamese culture and the Bible, members School of Theology in San Antonio. He is a trained spiritual
of Vietnamese families will find integrity and fairness in director and family counselor.
their own families.
Musician, composer and youth minister, Steve Sr. Kathleen Bryant, a Religious Sister of Char-
Angrisano has made countless appearances from ity, ministers as a retreat facilitator, spiritual
diocesan gatherings to major events around the director and workshop presenter. Her special
world. He has been featured at numerous con- interests are in spirituality, formation, women’s
ferences, including seven World Youth Days. An- spiritual development and abolition of human
grisano served as MC for several National Catholic Youth trafficking. Sr. Bryant has authored numerous articles and
Conferences, the National Pastoral Musicians Conference, books and presented workshops in Australia, Ireland and Af-
and the L.A. Congress & Youth Day. He has shared his music rica as well as throughout the United States.
– songs like “Go Make A Difference” and “We Are the Light
of the World” – with thousands of people in more than 200 Rev. Jim Clarke, PhD
dioceses for nearly 20 years. Fr. Jim Clarke is Director of New Evangelization
for the Los Angeles Archdiocese. He taught for
over a decade at St. John’s Seminary in Camaril-
lo, Calif., and remains an Adjunct Professor at
5-05 DANCING OUR WAY TO THE HOLY WELL: CEL Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.
TIC PRACTICES FOR LIBERATING THE BODY OF Fr. Clarke is also an Associate Spiritual Director at the Car-
CHRIST dinal Manning House of Prayer for Priests in Los Angeles.
How can we dip into the well of refreshment and be He is widely traveled with his work and education. His latest
freed for our journey of faith and justice? Let’s dance book is entitled “Soulful: Spirituality for People on the Go.”
our way to the holy well! Come explore a handful of
soul-deepening and enlivening Celtic practices through
simple dance prayers. This series of embodied prayer In 1973 the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
songs was commissioned by Abbey of the Arts to help (CCD) office was renamed
explore the incarnational aspects of Celtic spirituality. as the Office of Religious
Drink in the practices (such as thresholds, encircling and Education and the event
seasonal cycles) as a wellspring of inspiration and come became the “Los Ange-
away with simple dances to help liberate the Body of les Religious Education
Christ in your community! Congress.” Workshops in
Spanish were offered for
Betsey Beckman, MM the first time that year.
Betsey Beckman is a dancer, teacher, spiritual And in subsequent years
director, author and founder of The Dancing the number of work-
Word: Embodying the Sacred in Liturgy and Life. shops escalated as did the
Her ministry includes liturgical movement, on- crowds swarming to hear
line prayer resources created with Abbey of the the speakers.
#NeverAgain #blacklivesmatter #womensmarch #bring- with a special interest in the work of Karl Rahner. Fr. Len-
backourgirls – have inspired revolutionary responses of nan is author or editor of seven books. He has also served as
President of the Australian Catholic Theological Association.
solidarity all around the world, uniting humanity in in-
spirational ways. Centuries ago, St. Ignatius of Loyola
offered a revolutionary view that God’s presence could 5-17 THE PASTORAL LEADER AS VIRTUOUS LEADER
be found in all places and circumstances. How does
#hashtagging offer an opportunity to explore today’s Josephine Lombardi, PhD (see bio 3-14)
largest storytelling space – social media? Here, partici- Human formation is just as important as spiritual for-
pants will get a chance to prayerfully engage that space mation. Cultivating good habits in Catholic leadership
with some of the meditations, prayers and contemplative is a must. Dr. Josephine Lombardi will examine various
practices Ignatius outlines in his Spiritual Exercises. virtues with special attention given to the four main hu-
Douglas Leal man or cardinal virtues: self-control; prudence; justice;
Douglas Leal is Vice President of Mission Inte- and courage (Wisdom 8:7). She will relate the virtues to
gration with Providence St. Joseph Health, based a variety of pastoral scenarios, encouraging participants
in Irvine, Calif. He previously led the Division of to think about their level of self-knowledge and leader-
Adult Faith Formation for the Los Angeles Arch- ship style.
diocese. Leal has also worked as a management
consultant and a professional actor and director. He is author
of the skill-building book for lectors, “Stop Reading and Start
Proclaiming!” and co-author of the 2017 and 2018 editions
of Liturgy Training Publications’ “Workbook for Lectors and In addition to offering workshops in English,
Gospel Proclaimers.” Spanish and Vietnamese, the 2007 Religious Education Con-
gress was the first to offer a workshop in Korean. Katherine
Margaret Matijasevic Ja-Eun Cho (photo) presented a workshop titled (in Eng-
Margaret Matijasevic is Executive Director of lish) “Ministry with Korean-American
the National Conference for Catechetical Lead- Youth and Young Adults – Is There Still
ership, based in Washington, D.C. She previously Hope?” She returned to present again
worked for 14 years in parish and diocesan roles in 2009 with the workshop “Challeng-
in the Los Angeles Archdiocese, focusing on lead- es of Catechesis for Korean-American
ership through collaboration and the utilization of technology Youth and Young Adults: How Do We
to spread the Gospel. She has presented at local, regional Ignite Their ‘Yes’?” That year, Roland
and national gatherings, is published in Catechist magazine, Kim, PhD also presented a workshop
writes a column for Catechetical Leader Magazine, and ap- in Korean.
pears in a video series.
You’re exhausted from preparing all your Rite of Chris- Dr. Charlotte McCorquodale (see bio 1-14)
tian Initiation of Adults sessions (don’t even mention The focus of the Church has been on youth and young
year-round!). You fret about the newly initiated who adults – the recent Fifth Encuentro focused on young
disappeared right after Easter. And even with announce- Catholic Hispanics and the October 2018 General As-
ments and the lure of free food, you still can’t get enough sembly of the Synod of Bishops focused on the theme of
parishioners to help. Stop doing RCIA in a silo and stop “Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment.”
trying to get the parish involved in it. The life-changing, A National Dialogue has been called for by the U.S. bish-
surprisingly simple answer is this: Start getting the cate ops to respond to both events and continue the process of
chumens and candidates involved in the parish! When listening to the young church so that, as ministry lead-
you make your parish the curriculum, you will form not ers, we can transform our ministry practice with young
only your RCIA group but your entire community into people and invite them to become missionary disciples.
lifelong disciples. Come to this workshop to learn how your parish, school,
Diana Macalintal campus, movement or diocese can participate.
Diana Macalintal is a presenter and co-founder
of Team RCIA. She has been keynote at several 5-21 “I STARTED IN GENESIS, BUT DIED IN LEVITI-
national gatherings, including the Mid-Atlantic
Congress and the Collegeville Conference on
Music, Liturgy and the Arts, in addition to her Fr. J. Patrick Mullen, PhD (see bio 3-17)
appearances at the L.A. Congress as prayer leader. A for- This session is for those who want to help their students
mer Director of Worship for the Diocese of San Jose, Calif.,
Macalintal is author of several publications, including “Your take modern Bible scholarship seriously. It will offer
Parish IS the Curriculum: RCIA in the Midst of the Commu- parish Bible catechists ways to assist beginners to jump
nity” and the liturgical year resource, “Living Liturgy.” into successful Bible study.
1971 The first Youth Rally was held on March 26, 1971
for high school students. The annual Confraternity of Cath-
Cheryl Ward-Kaiser was an early supporter of
victims-driven restorative justice and is now an
advocate. She has spoken on the victim impact of
olic Doctrine Congress with the theme, “You Shall be my violence for 37 years to women and men in pris-
Witnesses to the ends of the Earth” (Acts 1:8), had just ons, young people in juvenile hall and students.
moved to the Anaheim Convention Center the year prior. Ward-Kaiser shares her story of a crisis pregnancy and her
This afternoon event for youth set the pattern for what has family’s encounter with unspeakable violence during a home
developed into Youth Day. invasion. Her mantra of restorative justice brought her to vic-
tim/offender mediation with three of those offenders.
– but only if you make the interior life of prayer more of ta? Sống trong thế giới tràn ngập khổ đau và biến động
a priority. hôm nay, lời mời gọi trở nên khí cụ của Tình Yêu và
Dr. Edward Sri
chữa lành càng trở nên khẩn thiết! Nhưng tại sao tôi phải
bạn tâm đến khổ đau của người khác? Cả tôi nữa, có thể
Theologian and author Dr. Edward Sri is an tôi cũng cần được yêu thương, được chữa lành. Tôi phải
internationally known Catholic speaker. He
is a founding leader of FOCUS (Fellowship of bắt đầu từ đâu và bằng cách nào để Tin Mừng trở nên
Catholic University Students) and serves as Vice sống động trong cuộc sống của tôi? Đâu là những cách
President of Formation. He is also Professor thế đơn giản, nhỏ bé mà tôi có thể cam kết dấn thân để
at the Augustine Institute in Denver, Colo.. and former Vice có thể là người chuyển tải tình yêu, niềm vui và hy vọng?
President of Mission. Dr. Sri has spoken to audiences of laity,
catechists, clergy and religious. He is host of the video series, THE HEART THAT MOVED: BE AN INSTRUMENT
“Symbolon,” and author of the recently released “Rethinking OF LOVE AND HEALING
Mary in the New Testaments” and “Into His Likeness.”
Sr. Bich Quyen Thi Ly (see bio 3-70)
God created humankind in His own image (Genesis
5-25 OF WOMB AND TOMB: WHOLE-COMMUNITY 1:27). The seeds of goodness and love are planted in our
MINISTRY FOR FAMILIES WHO STRUGGLE WITH hearts. How can we allow these seeds to grow and flour-
INFERTILITY, MISCARRIAGE AND STILLBIRTH ish more abundantly in our lives? Living in our troubled
The loss of a child before birth is an often forgotten or world today, God’s call for us to be instruments of love
unseen grief. Through storytelling, pastoral resources and healing is becoming more urgent. But why do I need
and prayer, open our hearts to make space within our to care for others? Where and how to make the Gospel
communities for families who struggle with infertility, alive in me? What are some of the simple and small ways
miscarriage and stillbirth. that I can commit to in order to be a bearer of love, joy
Kate Williams and hope? This workshop hopes to inspire and motivate
you through discussions and lived experiences.
Kate Williams is a musician and workshop lead-
er who presents workshops and conferences in
the Chicago area as well as nationally. In her
role as Senior Managing Editor at GIA Publi-
cations, Inc., she is an integral member of the
editorial and manuscript teams, cultivating relationships and
coordinating projects with composers. Williams also serves
as a music minister in parishes around the Chicago Arch-
diocese, most recently as Director of Music Ministry at St.
Nicholas Church in Evanston, Ill.
and refugee crises, Caroline Brennan of Catholic Relief
Services will share insights from current international The focus was on the catechist – referred to
humanitarian backdrops, revealing insights and aspects then as “CCD worker or teacher” – and his or her skills in
far from news reports or coverage. Having returned re- the classroom. The latest in audio and visual media tools
cently from the field, she will bring real, pressing and were showcased in workshops such as “Super 8 Movies
relevant stories and perspectives home for deeper un- and the CCD Student.” Issues of race and culture began to
derstanding, and in a way that directly links to people’s be addressed in the mid-’70s with a few workshops offered
lives and connects to our greater world, and each other. in Spanish and topics such as “The Black Experience.”
WLP composer James Wahl has been perform-
ing children’s music for nearly 20 years. Over 6-09 BUILDING BRIDGES WITH CATHOLICS WHO ARE
the past 10 years, he has presented at various LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, TRANSGENDER OR
youth events, including the National Catholic QUESTIONING
Educational Association convention in Pitts-
burgh, the Archdiocese of Atlanta Eucharistic Congress, and How do we incorporate the gifts of all Catholics into the
the GO! Gulf Coast Faith Formation Conference in New Or- life of the Church? This workshop will begin by present-
leans. Wahl is presently Director of Liturgy and Music at St. ing best ministry practices for building bridges to wel-
Francis of Assisi Church in Raleigh, N.C. He has two CD/ come LGBTQ Catholics, who are trying to be faithful,
songbooks of music for young children. (back) into the life of the parish. We will then discuss the
value of moving from “welcome” toward an “apprecia-
tion/acceptance” so that LGBTQ Catholics can share in
full and active participation in our Church communities,
Can you find God through dating? The world of modem universities, schools and parish life.
romance may not seem a match for a contemplative life-
style. Yet, finding real connection may hinge upon ex- Arthur Fitzmaurice, PhD
ploring the very places where contemplation brings us. Dr. Arthur Fitzmaurice is a freelance speaker
It’s not about finding the right person, it’s about being the who currently resides in Tanzania, in east Africa.
right person. Along the way we’ll provide a strategy to He has served 13 years in ministry with LGBTQ
approach dating differently and introduce a “Safe Con- Catholics as Chair of the Catholic Ministry with
Lesbian and Gay Persons for the Los Angeles
versations” communication practice to help keep things Archdiocese and has received their Lumen Christi Award. Dr.
moving. Don’t bumble around or get down. Swipe right Fitzmaurice has spoken at various professional and religious
and come learn what contemplative dating is all about! conferences. He also appears on several YouTube episodes
Michael DiPaolo, PhD produced by the Ignatian News Network.
Dr. Michael DiPaolo is a clinical psychologist Fr. Chris Ponnet
and certified Imago Relationship Therapist in Los Angeles-native Fr. Chris Ponnet serves as
private practice in Los Angeles who works with Director of the Office of Catholic HIV/AIDS
individuals and couples. He has counseled over Ministry for the Los Angeles Archdiocese and as
1,000 couples in marriage preparation through- the archbishop’s Spiritual Director for Catholic
out the Los Angeles Archdiocese. Dr. DiPaolo is a speaker, Ministry with Lesbian and Gay Persons. Since
workshop presenter and retreat leader who has presented 1994, Fr. Ponnet has also served as Pastor and Chaplain at
for several years at parish and archdiocesan gatherings. He St. Camillus Center for Spiritual Care in Los Angeles. He has
is author of “The Impact of Multiple Childhood Trauma on spoken for many years at the RECongress and regional con-
Homeless Runaway Adolescents.” gresses in addition to other local and national gatherings.
Dan Friedt (see bio 1-11) INSPIRATION
Welcome to an exciting, experiential presentation com- From “woe is me” to “praise the Lord!” – the psalms
bining the power of leadership with the gift of technol- are a rich emotional journey through faith and a great
ogy to support the learning of all students. Using “The gift to the church. They invite us to connect with God
7 Habits of Highly Effective People” and demonstrating at a deeply powerful place. Still, facilitating prayer with
the power of iPads within the learning environment, Dan psalmody is no easy task, sometimes bewildering mu-
Friedt will take you on a journey of learning. From de- sicians and catechists. This workshop presents pastoral
scribing how each habit supports learning and behavior, ministers with the opportunity to engage their hearts in
to connecting with apps to unleash student creativity, this the psalms and to learn how to engage the hearts of those
presentation will impact your classroom immediately. we serve. Come ready to dig deep, sing with gusto and
Bring your iPad and be prepared to try something new pray the psalms in a renewed way, with great stories and
for all your students. Learn how the determined teacher fresh musical settings that draw upon the rich and often
(no matter how many failures) has a different approach. underappreciated meaning of the psalms.
Sarah Hart
6-11 THE CHURCH’S BANQUET: RETRIEVING NE- Based in Nashville, Tenn., Sarah Hart is a singer,
songwriter, retreat author and keynote speaker.
GLECTED INSIGHTS ON THE EUCHARIST AND The “itinerant minister” has authored four re-
THE CHURCH treats for parish missions, women’s retreats and
Dr. Richard Gaillardetz (see bio 4-09) adult catechesis, which she presents nationally.
Hart has performed for countless conventions and events,
One of the great contributions of Catholic theology over and for Pope Francis at St. Peter’s Square. A Grammy-nomi-
the last century is the rich recovery of the full breadth of nated songwriter, her songs have been recorded by numerous
Eucharistic theology. In spite of this, too many Catho- recording artists, and have appeared in TV, film and com-
lics remain captive to a reductive and inadequate under- mercials. Her works are visible in hymnals across the globe.
standing of the role of the Eucharist. This workshop will Steve Angrisano
draw from a variety of theological perspectives to both Musician, composer and youth minister, Steve
deepen and broaden our appreciation for the role of the Angrisano has made countless appearances from
Eucharist in the life of the Church. diocesan gatherings to major events around the
world. He has been featured at numerous con-
ferences, including seven World Youth Days. An-
6-12 SPIRITUAL TOOLS FOR IMPORTANT LIFE DECI- grisano served as MC for several National Catholic Youth
SIONS: THE SACRED ART OF DISCERNMENT Conferences, the National Pastoral Musicians Conference,
Each of us will be faced with issues that require making and the L.A. Congress & Youth Day. He has shared his music
critical decisions that will impact ourselves and those we – songs like “Go Make A Difference” and “We Are the Light
of the World” – with thousands of people in more than 200
love. The great mystical traditions offer profound, prac- dioceses for nearly 20 years.
tical insight and tools for how to approach life’s most
challenging times. While we typically trust our heart and
intellect during periods of stress and transition, the soul 6-14 OUR STORY AND OUR VISION: THE HERITAGE
can offer more trustworthy guidance. For the past 20 OF SCRIPTURE IN CHRISTIAN SUNG PRAYER
years, workshop presenter Richard Groves has offered “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, … singing
one of the world’s first inter-spiritual, international train- psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your
ing programs for spiritual directors. This presentation hearts to God” (Colossians 3:16). From the very begin-
offers the core of its teaching and experience for every ning, the Church has prayed, celebrated, given thanks
spiritual seeker regardless of age or profession. and cried out to God through the song of Scripture. The
Hebrew Scriptures (especially the Psalms) and the New
Richard F. Groves
Testament (especially the life and teachings of Jesus)
Richard Groves is Executive Director of the Sa- have been an inexhaustible source of wisdom and inspi-
cred Art of Living Institute in Bend, Ore., which ration, ever-ancient and ever-new, in every language and
he founded with his late wife Mary in 1997. He
has spent more than 30 years as a health-care ed- culture. We will explore how God’s Word is singing to
ucator and hospice chaplain. Groves is an inter- and through us today, to a world thirsting for justice.
nationally popular teacher, author and retreat director. His Marty Haugen
work has appeared in numerous national and international
journals. He is co-author of “The American Book of Living For nearly 40 years, composer Marty Haugen
and Dying,” which has been translated into many languages, has presented workshops, concerts and presen-
and author of “The Soul and Science for Caregivers.” tations across North and Central America, Eu-
rope, Australia, Asia and the Pacific Rim. His
music appears in hymnals for United States,
Canadian and Australian Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists,
Presbyterians and other Protestant denominations. Haugen’s
most recent work, “Choose to Hope,” is set for release in
2019. He and his wife, Linda, live in Minnesota.
Ministry in the Los Angeles Archdiocese. Lamas
ones who are supposed to have it all together? Isn’t it a has presented to national and international audiences. Cur-
sign of weak faith if we were to admit, “I feel afraid” or rently, she is Executive Director of the National Federation
“Listen, I don’t have all the answers.” Find freedom in for Catholic Youth Ministry and brings with her more than 20
facing weaknesses and learn to “strengthen your droop- years of experience in catechesis and youth ministry.
ing hands and your weak knees” (Hebrews 12:12). In her
dynamic, unique style of presentation, ValLimar Jansen
will inspire us to support one another, as together we 6-19 HATCH, MATCH & DISPATCH: A CATHOLIC GUIDE
face the challenges of the ministry God has entrusted to TO THE SACRAMENTS
each of us. Rev. Richard Leonard, SJ (see bio 2-13)
ValLimar Jansen We are commissioned to act justly at every sacrament
ValLimar Jansen serves the Church as a compos- we celebrate and sustained to do so by the gifts of God
er, singer, storyteller, speaker and evangelizer. we obtain there. Most sacramental resources, however,
She received critical acclaim for her solo albums are either for the neophyte or for the serious theologi-
“You Gotta Move” and “Anointing,” winning cal scholar. This workshop will explore an accessible,
UNITY Awards recognition in 2008 and 2010.
Jansen was MC for the National Catholic Youth Conference engaging and educational approach to the history, liturgy
in 2011 held in Indianapolis and co-MC for the U.S. Confer- and theology of the seven sacraments, as well as the Rite
ence of Catholic Bishops’ gatherings at the 2016 World Youth of Christian Burial, where our faith and our thirst for jus-
Day in Krakow, Poland and in 2017, she was an invited panel- tice intersect.
ist for the USCCB’s Convocation on Evangelization.
MOSES AND DAVID Fr. David Loftus worked at the Office of Reli-
Much of the biblical narrative is told through the ex- gious Education at the Los Angeles Archdiocese
periences and character of three great men – Abraham, as Coordinator/Consultant of Catechist Forma-
Moses and David. Their leadership, personal qualities tion and Adult Education before taking up his
and life challenges provide us tremendous insight into current assignment as Pastor at Our Lady of
Lourdes Church in Northridge, Calif. He has consulted with
the greatest teachings and principles of the Hebrew parish staffs and presented at diocesan offices and national
Bible. Abraham is the man of faith who enters into a conferences both in the United States and abroad. Fr. Loftus
covenant with God; Moses leads his people through a has authored various articles for Catechetical Leader, maga-
physical and spiritual wilderness; and David creates a zine of the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership.
nation as a poet warrior. Their examples of imperfec- Dr. Veronica Rayas
tion, integrity and faith are examples to us through the
ages to our own day. Dr. Veronica Rayas is Director for the Office of
Religious Formation in the Diocese of El Paso,
Rabbi Michael Mayersohn Texas. She formerly served as Program Coor-
Rabbi Michael Mayersohn is a Reform Rabbi dinator for the Tepeyac Institute in the diocese
who teaches the Bible, both Hebrew and New and previous to that served as Co-Director of
Testament, offering Jewish insights into Sacred Youth Ministry in the New York Archdiocese. Dr. Rayas has
Scriptures. Since 2003 the rabbi has taught and extensive experience in various ministries, including roles
spoken at over 20 churches in Orange County, as pastoral associate, catechist, youth minister and Catholic
San Diego and Arizona, teaching Jewish roots of Christianity school teacher. She has presented in different dioceses and at
and Bible studies. He has presented at the Religious Educa- several conferences in Dallas and Washington D.C.
tion Congress since 2010. His latest book is entitled, “I Was Julianne Stanz
There: The Jewish Olive Grower Who Knew Jesus.”
Born in Ireland, Julianne Stanz is a nationally
known speaker, retreat leader and storyteller.
She has extensive workshop and presentation
6-22 HOW TO RENEW, RE-ENERGIZE AND TRANS- experience both locally and nationally and is au-
FORM YOUR PARISH NOW! thor of several articles and books, including her
two most recent: “Developing Disciples of Christ” and “The
Your parish doesn’t need to be rebuilt ... it needs to be Catechist’s Backpack: Spiritual Essentials for the Catechist’s
renewed, re-energized and transformed! In this unique Journey.” Stanz is Director of Discipleship and Leadership
session, five dynamic and popular RECongress speak- Development for the Diocese of Green Bay, Wis., and a con-
ers will deliver an engaging, high-energy TED-style sultant to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Commit-
talk designed to provide you with concrete suggestions tee on Catechesis and Evangelization.
for renewing, re-energizing and transforming the way
your parish: 1) thinks; 2) functions; 3) worships; 4) 6-23 THIRSTING FOR JUSTICE: BIBLICAL PERSPEC-
forms people in faith; and 5) engages the world. At a TIVES
time when so many are thirsting for justice, your par-
“Justice” in the Bible does not mean that everyone gets
ish must (and can!) be the place where that thirst is
what they deserve. Rather, biblical justice is right relation
with God, self, others and all creation, which is achieved
Joe Paprocki, DMin first by God’s initiative and boundless mercy along with
Joe Paprocki has over 35 years of experience in our response to this gift. We will explore God’s justice in
pastoral ministry and currently serves as Na- relation to God’s mercy and biblical portraits of justice
tional Consultant for Faith Formation at Loyola toward the neighbor and the stranger (Luke 10:29-37;
Press, based in Chicago. He has presented in John 4), economic justice (Matt. 6:12; 20:1-16), justice
over 100 dioceses in North America, including
Canada, Alaska and Hawaii. Paprocki is author of numer- in the face of aggression (Matt. 5:38-48), forgiveness
ous books on pastoral ministry and catechesis, including “A and justice (Matt. 18:21-35), and the virtue of persis-
Church on the Move: 52 Ways to Get Mission and Mercy in tence in the pursuit of justice (Luke 18:1-8).
Motion” and “Beyond the Catechist’s Toolbox,” and also Sr. Barbara E. Reid, OP, PhD
serves as a catechist and blogs about the experience.
Sr. Barbara Reid, a Dominican Sister of Grand
Dr. Ansel Augustine Rapids, Mich., is Professor of New Testament
Based in his hometown of New Orleans, Dr. Studies at the Catholic Theological Union in
Ansel Augustine has worked for over 18 years Chicago, where she has taught since 1988. She
around the country. He is currently Residence maintains speaking engagements throughout the
Minister for Student Leadership and Faith For- United States, Canada, Mexico, Thailand, Guatemala, Bolivia,
mation at St. John’s University and is on the fac- Peru, Ireland, New Zealand and Australia. Sr. Reid is General
ulty of the Institute for Black Catholic Studies at Xavier Uni- Editor of the Wisdom Commentary Series and General Editor
versity of Louisiana. Dr. Augustine serves on the Board for for the forthcoming revision of the “New Jerome Biblical Com-
the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry. He has mentary.“ Her most recent book is titled “Wisdom’s Feast: An
presented at various national conferences and has written for Invitation to Feminist Interpretation of the Scriptures.”
numerous publications related to ministry.
Do you have trouble knowing what God is calling you HAY KHÔNG?
to? Are you scared God might call you to something you Tại sao nhân loại phải trực diện với đau khổ và những
don’t want? Stacey Sumereau was living her dream as a đau khổ có công bằng hay không? Làm thế nào để chúng
Broadway performer when she felt pulled toward a radi- ta nhận ra ơn cứu độ qua những nỗi đau buồn trong
cally different lifestyle, that of a nun. Her discernment cuộc sống? Thuyết trình viên sẽ dùng chính những kinh
took an unusual path as a star of Lifetime’s reality docu- nghiệm bản thân, đồng thời dựa vào linh đạo Thánh Giá
series called “The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns.” Su- “Lâm Bích” để tìm giải đáp cho một câu hỏi thật khó trả
mereau will share her journey with humor and a heavy lời: Tại sao con người phải đau khổ? Đây là một buổi
dose of empathy for those making big life decisions. nói chuyện thực tế, năng động với các hình ảnh và sẽ đòi
You’ll leave better equipped to understand and interpret hỏi sự tham gia của người nghe. Bên cạnh đề tài chính,
God’s voice in your life. sẽ có những sinh hoạt và trò chơi giúp đem lại niềm vui
Stacey Sumereau và sự hy vọng.
Stacey Sumereau serves as Program Coordina- WHERE IS JUSTICE IN THE SUFFERING OF HU-
tor for the Avila Institute of Gerontology, the MANITY?
educational arm of the Carmelite Sisters for the
Aged and Infirm, based in New York, where she
Why is humanity inundated with suffering, and where
also coordinates mission trips. Sumereau has is justice in our struggles? How can we transform our
spoken to groups ranging from local young adult, youth and pain and sorrow into redemptive suffering? In this highly
middle school to national youth conferences in addition to TV visual, practical, interactive session, Sr. Grace Duc Le
appearances on the “Today Show,” “Access Hollywood” and will base this presentation on both her own experience
“Fox & Friends.” She is a contributor to “The Living Word: of struggles and the Lambertian Spirituality of the Cross
Sunday Gospel Reflections and Activities for Teens.” to help answer the difficult question of why one suffers.
Throughout the session, she will share different activi-
6-25 NAKED STEWARDSHIP ties and games that bring about joy and hope.
What is true stewardship spirituality all about? Let’s tear Sơ Grace Lê Đức, LHC
away all the layers of misconception out there and reveal Grace Đức Lê thuộc Hội Dòng Mến Thánh Giá
the life-changing power of everyday stewardship spiritu- Los Angeles, một Hội Dòng đã được thành lập do
ality. This is a workshop about everyday stewardship in Đúc Cha Lambert de la Motte. Soeur có trên 24
everyday language for everyday people. năm kinh nghiệm làm việc với nhiều lớp người
khác nhau: 8 năm dạy học ở trường Công Giáo,
Tracy Earl Welliver 8 năm làm Giám Đốc Ơn Gọi cho Hội Dòng, và 8 năm làm
Based in Milwaukee, Tracy Welliver is Director Giám Đốc Chương Trình Giáo Lý.
of Parish Community and Engagement at Li- Sr. Grace Duc Le, LHC
turgical Publications Inc. (LPi). He has experi-
Sr. Grace Duc Le is a member of the American Branch of
ence as an author and Gallup-certified strengths
the Congregation of the Lovers of the Holy Cross founded in
coach. For more than 25 years he has served as
Vietnam in 1670 by Bishop Pierre Lambert de la Motte. She
a catechist and public speaker, speaking across North Amer-
has more than 24 years of working with different groups of
ica, New Zealand and Australia. Welliver also serves on the
people: eight years as a Catholic schoolteacher, eight years
Board of Directors for the International Catholic Steward-
as Director of Vocations for her community, and eight years
ship Council, which awarded the Archbishop Murphy Award
as a Director of Faith Formation in a thriving parish.
for stewardship excellence to St. Pius X Catholic Church in
Greensboro, N.C., the parish where he served for 22 years.
DOM OF GOD! ARENA Mary Birmingham (bio 2-02)
Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation, Gaudete et Ex- The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults ministry is as
sultate (“Rejoice and Be Glad”), presents a “spiritual effective as our willingness to share our own stories of
curriculum” for the people of God. We are being invit- faith, the stories of the saints, stories from our church,
ed to sing, rejoice and be glad in becoming a “Sermon stories from literature, stories from Scripture. We all
on the Mount” people! Through song, reflection, story- need to be better, more effective storytellers. Jesus was
telling and prayer – we are all invited to sign up for and the best storyteller who ever lived. His stories and deliv-
celebrate the “master class” of authentic discipleship ery caught the attention of his listeners. This session will
– all pointing toward a lifelong journey and practice explore what skills are needed to be an effective story-
of asking ourselves: What does this life “in Christ” re- teller and the dynamics of what constitutes a good story.
ally look like? Come and join David Haas, along with All ministries could benefit from this session.
friends Lori True, Zack Stachowski and other artists, to
examine, reflect, sing and celebrate the adventure and
David Haas Sean L. Callahan (see bio 3-03)
David Haas is Director of The Emmaus Cen-
ter for Music, Prayer and Ministry, as well Despite what you hear from the 24-hour news cycle, the
as Animator for Cretin-Derham Hall Taizé state of our world is not as dire as it sometimes seems. In
Prayer Community in St. Paul, Minn. He has the last 25 years, we have seen the peoples of the develop-
composed and produced over 50 collections of ing world rise up like never before in our human history.
liturgical music and authored more than 35 books. Haas At this moment in time, humanity is experiencing signs of
was founder and Executive Director for 19 years of “Mu- an emerging culture of encounter marked by increasing
sic and Ministry Alive!” Together with Michael Joncas and
Marty Haugen, the three were recipients of the 2017 Pax global solidarity. Come and hear the untold story of the
Christi Award from St. John’s Abbey and University in Col- global poor, the power of possibility and how the Catholic
legeville, Minn. Church is part of world history in the making.
to engage your church, classroom or ministry in faith
and Scripture through vibrant proclamation. No more “Here’s to another day of outward smiles and inward
heads buried in books (or phones), as you get people to screams.” If this is your daily mantra, then this workshop
turn and be captivated by the Word. With lots of practical is for you! In our working situations, it doesn’t take long
advice from our two experienced coaches, everyone will to go from that initial excitement and joy to the feeling
learn the skills to bring Scripture to life. of just going through the motions. In our various jobs,
we are thrust into a family-like atmosphere. Sometimes
Anne Frawley-Mangan we feel overworked and underappreciated. So how are
Based in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Anne we to be as Christ in this environment, and how do we
Frawley-Mangan teaches at Holy Spirit Semi- keep our hearts renewed and our wits about us? Come
nary and at Australian Catholic University and sing, pray, laugh and be prepared to share as we work
is Sacramental and Pastoral Coordinator at All
Saints Parish in Albany Creek. She is an expe-
on how we can be a people of renewal in the workplace.
rienced educator, writer and artist who specializes in using This workshop is especially geared for parish workers.
the arts to enhance religious education and liturgy. Frawley- Sarah Hart
Mangan is also Creative Director of Litmus Productions,
which produced “Good News: Dramas from Luke’s Gospel.” Based in Nashville, Tenn., Sarah Hart is a singer,
songwriter, retreat author and keynote speaker.
Douglas Leal The “itinerant minister” has authored four re-
Douglas Leal is Vice President of Mission Inte- treats for parish missions, women’s retreats and
gration with Providence St. Joseph Health, based adult catechesis, which she presents nationally.
in Irvine, Calif. He previously led the Division of Hart has performed for countless conventions and events,
Adult Faith Formation for the Los Angeles Archdi- and for Pope Francis at St. Peter’s Square. The Grammy-
ocese. Leal has worked as a management consul- nominated songwriter has songs in TV, film and commercials.
tant and a professional actor and director. He is author of the Her works are visible in hymnals across the globe.
book for lectors, “Stop Reading and Start Proclaiming!” and
co-author of 2017 and 2018 editions of Liturgy Training Publi-
cations’ “Workbook for Lectors and Gospel Proclaimers.”
1998 The customary schedule of the Religious Edu-
cation Congress was three workshop periods each day.
BOR In 1998, the “ninth period” workshop on Sunday was
Dr. Greer G. Gordon (see bio 4-10) removed and replaced by two Sunday morning keynote
talks. The Closing Liturgy was also scheduled to begin ear-
Scripture teaches that all are created in the “image and
lier, at 3:30 p.m. “The procedure is being tried ‘on an ex-
likeness of God.” However, the experience of most peo- perimental basis,’ “ stated Director Sr. Edith Prendergast.
ple in America whose skin color or ethnic features bear
Fr. Daniel P. Horan, OFM, PhD (see bio 6-15) Michael Mangan (see bio 3-15)
Why did God become human? The typical answer: “Be- There’s nothing like an appropriate song to help a stu-
cause of human sin,” suggesting the Word would not dent remember, understand and internalize key faith
have become flesh if humanity had not sinned. However, concepts and Scripture messages. Australian teacher
a closer look at Scripture, the theological tradition and and composer Michael Mangan will share a range of his
the insights of key Christian thinkers such as St. Paul, vibrant, child-friendly songs that will help to actively
Irenaeus of Lyons, John Duns Scotus, Julian of Norwich, engage students in religious education classes and litur-
and Francis of Assisi, among others, offer an alternative gical celebrations in schools and parishes. Come, sing,
yet entirely orthodox answer to this question: It was move ... and have lots of fun!
God’s plan from all eternity to become human regard-
less of human sin. This workshop explores the spiritual-
ity and theology of the Incarnation to renew our personal 7-17 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE: THEOLOGY AND
and pastoral understanding of Christology. PEDAGOGY FOR JUSTICE
Our Lady of Guadalupe is mostly known by her image,
which can be found on home altars, clothing, tattoos,
7-14 WOMEN OF THE WORD murals, medals, wall hangings, blankets, candles, mag-
ValLimar Jansen (see bio 6-16) nets, books, prayer cards, garden decorations and church
buildings. However, it is the less known narrative of the
Have you ever wondered how to read the Bible? Do
Guadalupan event, originally told in the 16th-century
you start at the beginning and just read through to Rev-
document, the Nican Mopohua, that offers both a theol-
elations? As women, when reading and studying God’s
ogy and pedagogy for justice-oriented, liberating praxis.
Word, how can we find ourselves reflected in the Word of
This session will offer concrete theological insights that
God? ValLimar Jansen was raised with Sacred Scripture
Our Lady of Guadalupe establishes with St. Juan Diego
ever before her. She has put together this walk through
that serve us as a model for a three-step pedagogy that
the life and mission of Jesus, who came to establish his
seeks transformative and just actions.
Kingdom of Justice on Earth. In her usual powerful sto-
rytelling style, ValLimar has developed some new sto- Hilda Mateo, MGSpS, DMin
ries of divine encounters of Jesus with women. Born of Cuban parents in Miami, Fla., the bi-
lingual, bicultural Sr. Hilda Mateo is Director
of Research and Studies of the Priestly-Guada-
lupan Charism for the U.S. Province of her re-
7-15 UPGRADING YOUR MINISTRY TOOL BOX: A ligious community, the Missionary Guadalupa-
COMMUNITY ORGANIZER’S APPROACH TO nas of the Holy Spirit. Sr. Mateo worked for nine years in
YOUTH MINISTRY the Diocese of Pueblo, Colo., addressing culture, faith and
We as lay ecclesial ministers come from all walks of immigration in the development of an adult faith formation
life. The lens, knowledge and skills we bring from our program in Spanish for Hispanic ministers in Southern Colo-
rado. She is a workshop facilitator who currently resides in
professional lives can provide us with fresh ways of ap- Los Angeles.
proaching the task of evangelization. Join Sergio Lopez,
a community organizer and former youth minister, as he
shares the most effective tools that community organiz-
ing has to offer parish youth ministry. This workshop
is for anyone who feels it’s time to upgrade their youth
ministry tool box. Pope Francis says we only get better with age, like fine
wine. Join a 62-years-young Bro. Mickey McGrath as
Sergio Lopez he shares his paintings and stories in celebration of the
Sergio Lopez is a faith-based activist, trainer second half of life, when we evolve into our truer, wis-
and former youth minister from the Los Ange- er selves. From Gospel wisdom figures like Anna and
les Archdiocese. Since 2014, he has worked for Simeon, through saints and artists in modern times –
Catholic Relief Services as a Relationship Man-
ager and is based in Simi Valley, Calif. Lopez has
and many others in between – we will look at the more
presented at the Los Angeles Youth Day, the Religious Edu- matured saints and heroes who can help us develop a
cation Congress and the Archdiocesan Regional Congresses mature relationship with God and simply be ourselves,
and has been a keynote at the Fresno Diocesan Encuentro perfectly well.
and speaker at the Fresno Diocesan Youth Day and Congress.
Bro. Mickey O’Neill McGrath, OSFS
Bro. Mickey McGrath is an Oblate of St. Francis
de Sales currently living and working in Cam-
den, N.J. The artist is an illustrator and author
of 18 award-winning books; his latest is entitled
“Our Common Home: Art Reflections on Lau-
lies involved in parish and school faith formation. In this
7-20 WHAT’S YOUR STORY? A PERSONAL ENGAGE- session presented by a child and family psychologist and
MENT PROCESS FOR PARISH LEADERSHIP former diocesan family life director, we will discuss test-
Jayne Ragasa-Mondoy (see bio 4-19) ed and effective ways to partner with parents and fami-
Everyone tells stories. Jesus certainly did! His stories lies and evangelize the domestic church.
(parables) connected the content of his message to the
lived experience of his disciples in a very personal way.
Discover how storytelling can be used as an effective lead- 7-25 THE 12 STEPS AND THE SACRAMENTS: A CATH-
ership tool to inspire, motivate, reinforce cultural values OLIC APPROACH TO ADDICTION RECOVERY
and strengthen relationships within a team of volunteers. We are experiencing an addiction crisis in our country
that has torn apart the lives of individuals, families and
communities. Alcoholism, drug addiction, compulsive
7-21 THE OTHER VOICE: BIBLICAL PROPHETS THEN overeating, pornography and sex addiction, gambling,
AND NOW codependency and other unhealthy attachments are real
Prof. Daniel Smith-Christopher (see bio 1-21) issues that affect the Church and nearly every one of us.
In this Scripture workshop, we begin by struggling with Scott Weeman offers his own experience with recovery
the difficult question: What exactly is a prophet? The from alcoholism and other addictions while outlining
biblical witness is wonderfully complex! But we will how the Catholic Church can be a vital source of ad-
also consider a fascinating question: Can more recent diction healing through the sacraments and communal
“prophets” help us to understand something of the bibli- recovery that involves prayer, Scripture and honest re-
cal prophets? Now there is a question! flection.
Scott Weeman
Scott Weeman is founder and Executive Director
7-22 SCIENCE AND THE SHROUD OF TURIN: NEW EVI- of Catholic in Recovery and is in formation to be
DENCE OF JESUS’ RESURRECTION a marriage and family therapist. He is also au-
thor of “The Twelve Steps and the Sacraments: A
Fr. Robert J. Spitzer, SJ, PhD (see bio 1-22) Catholic Journey Through Recovery.” Weeman
The last 25 years of scientific research on the Shroud has presented at the Dallas Ministry Conference, the Diocese
of Turin has revealed that the 1998 carbon dating of the of Fresno Congress, the University Catholic Conference of
Shroud was very probably incorrect, and six new dating California as well as dozens of parish and diocesan events
across the country. He coordinates young adult ministry at
tests accurately place the Shroud in first-century Jeru- Saint Brigid Parish in San Diego with his wife, Jacqueline.
salem. In addition to new confirmatory evidence from
TƯƠNG ĐỐI Nhung Vu, PharmD, MTS (see bio 1-70)
Chị Vũ Nhung (xem tiểu sử 1-70) Relativism throws us back upon our own subjectivity,
Chủ nghĩa tương đối ném chúng ta trở lại theo chủ thể a self-fantasy: You have your truth, I have mine. In this
riêng của mình, một sự tự huyễn: Bạn có chân lý của session, we look at Catholic teachings to seek true free-
bạn, tôi có chân lý của tôi. Trong buổi thuyết trình này, dom to discover God’s purpose for our lives, inviting us
chúng ta cùng nhìn vào Giáo lý Giáo hội Công giáo để to bring our culture back to the eternal truth – Jesus, “the
tìm kiếm sự tự do đích thực và khám phá ý định của way and the truth and the life” (John 14:6).
Thiên Chúa cho cuộc sống của chúng ta, qua đó mời gọi
chúng ta hãy đem nền văn hóa của mình trở lại với chân
lý vĩnh cửu, Đức Giêsu là con Đường, sự Thật và sự
Sống” (Ga 14:6).
In this workshop, we will look at how to evangelize VITATION OF YOUR LIFE
those on the margins. We will also look at how and why Jesus is the ultimate host and invites us to the table de-
Christ calls us, as church, to transform – and be trans- siring to wait on us. Jesus modeled for us hospitality of
formed – by ministry with those on the margins. the heart. We cannot sit at the table to relax and enjoy
News of God’s mercy and justice through song and
movement for elementary students. Learn how song, uniquely poised to minister to this population and allevi-
gesture and joy increase learning and understanding in ate the HIV/AIDS epidemic by combatting stigma.
the hearts of young disciples. Come ready to raise your Arthur Fitzmaurice, PhD
voice and be renewed! Dr. Arthur Fitzmaurice is a freelance speaker
who currently lives in Tanzania, in east Africa.
He has served 13 years in ministry with LGBTQ
8-07 FOLLOW THE LEADER? THE BIBLE ON WHO’S Catholics as Chair of the Los Angeles Archdio-
cese Catholic Ministry with Lesbian and Gay
BOSS Persons and has received the Archdiocese’s Lumen Christi
Alice Camille, MDiv (see bio 4-05) Award. Dr. Fitzmaurice has spoken at various professional
Leadership styles come and go. From patriarchs, and religious conferences and for the Gay Christian Net-
priests and kings to modern-day rulers and celebrities, work. He also appears on several YouTube episodes produced
we follow the leaders we invent and choose. Is there a by the Ignatian News Network.
better way to decide who gets the scepter, the micro-
phone and the say-so? A quick swing through Scrip- 8-11 SHUT UP AND LOVE ME
ture offers both choices and challenges. St. Augustine said, “Love God and do whatever you
want.” The hard part is the first half: to love God! In
this workshop, we will talk about what it means to fall
8-08 APPRENTICE-BASED FORMATION FOR CATE in love with God, and the freedom that will follow. Fr.
CHESIS AND EVANGELIZATION Rob will use music and story to create a workshop to
Rich Curran (see bio 1-06) remember.
The Catechetical documents of the Catholic Church Fr. Rob Galea
have been asking us since 1978 – and re-emphasized Fr. Rob Galea is a parish priest and university
in the National Directory of Catechesis – to shift our chaplain in the Diocese of Sandhurst, Victoria,
focus toward application-based learning, viewing all Australia. He is also founder and Director of
formation through the lens of formation as an appren- FRG Ministry and, in 2008 (with the late Austra-
ticeship not “depositories of facts.” This workshop lian Bishop Joseph Grech), founded the Stron-
ger Youth Program “By God’s Grace.” Fr. Galea speaks and
will focus on the step-by-step process of what an ap- sings at schools, churches and conferences across Australia
prenticeship-based approach looks like throughout the and around the globe. The singer/songwriter has seven CD
parish, how to organize a new approach, how to imple- releases and has written a number of songs for various con-
ment the shift in mindset, and where to begin. ferences. His latest book is entitled “Breakthrough.”
8-12 REDEEMING CONFLICT the globe for over 40 years, this interactive workshop ex-
Ann M. Garrido (see bio 3-10) plores ideas for “mission laboratories” in which we and
our companions can see our lives as mission.
Tension is a part of every normal church community.
How we choose to manage the tension, however, will ei- Ted Miles
ther fragment our communities or mature them, enabling From his formative years as a Jesuit Volunteer
our parishes and schools to more fully live their mission. in Belize to his current role as Executive Direc-
Speaking out of her own experience as an educational tor for Maryknoll Lay Missioners, Ted Miles has
spent nearly 30 years exploring the social mission
administrator and conflict mediator, Ann Garrido will of the Church. Prior to arriving at Maryk noll, he
share a framework for understanding the conflicts pres- served for 12 years at Catholic Relief Services, coordinat-
ent in church life today and concrete practices to con- ing their youth and religious education outreach. Miles has
structively engage the tough conversations that need to presented in numerous diocesan, regional and international
be had. parish/school settings and in addition to published articles
he has developed educational, prayer and retreat materials.
Jesse Manibusan (see bio 2-15) Paul Sanfrancesco (see bio 3-22)
Many of us have been ministers for many years ... many, Like the original evangelists, today’s four technology
many years! The needs of ministers who have had long evangelizers offer ways to present the Gospel message
careers of ministry in the Church are very different than for different purposes to varied audiences. This session
those who are newer. Come experience a touch of inspi- introduces the four technology evangelizers making
ration, of healing, of invigoration and of hope. them your means for proclaiming Jesus Christ: You-
Tube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!
Pope Francis recently reminded that “every man and 8-19 ATHIRST IS MY SOUL FOR GOD: PRAYER AND
woman is a mission; that is the reason for our life on this CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES
earth” (message from World Mission Day 2018). Embrac-
Sr. Kathleen Schipani, IHM, MEd (see bio 2-22)
ing this idea requires a profound shift in the principles and
practices that help us bear witness to love in a world that Created in God’s image, all children have a capacity to
cries out for love. Sponsored by Maryknoll Lay Mission- encounter God in deep and meaningful ways through
ers, an organization of lay women and men serving around prayer. This workshop will explore teaching prayers and
people as well as our collective ministry to and with guide, a welcome space for God to live. Walk with the
youth and young adults. Much thought and input have women of Scripture to unfold the nourishing gifts of
been gleaned from the Fifth Encuentro, the National motherhood. How might we pray with Mary to be co-
Dialogue on Youth and Young Adults and the recent creators with God of God’s Kingdom here on Earth?
Synod on Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Dis-
cernment. What have we heard through these collective 8-70 GIA ĐÌNH LÀ LINH ẢNH CỦA LÒNG THƯƠNG
efforts and, more importantly, what does it mean for how XÓT
we accompany young people in faith? Let’s consider the
Giám Mục Louis Nguyễn Anh Tuấn (xem tiểu sử 2-70)
possibilities as we explore this future together.
Giảng khóa về Linh đạo về Gia đình, như là hình ảnh của
Thiên Chúa – Tình Yêu Lòng Thương Xót. Hành trình
8-22 DIGITAL DISCIPLESHIP: BECOMING CULTURAL nên thánh của Gia đình, Hội Thánh tại gia, phản chiếu
MYSTICS Lòng Thương Xót của Thiên Chúa như là cội nguồn của
How can we integrate our faith within a media culture? mọi gia tộc trên trời dưới đất. Hành trình ấy diễn ra qua
By becoming mystics! Through theological reflection những sinh hoạt thường nhật trong đời sống gia đình:
and critical inquiry through a media mindfulness meth- các bữa cơm gia đình, kinh nguyện gia đình, lao động,
odology, we can discover the needs of humanity present giải trí, và và đời sống phục vụ xã hội qua nghề nghiệp
in the art of pop culture. To become inculturated evange- và tông đồ bác ái.
lizers today, we are called to take a sacred look at what
is expressed in the culture about humanity’s longing for FAMILY: THE ICON OF THE DIVINE MERCY
that something more, for the supernatural, for God. Only Bishop Louis Nguyên Anh Tuan (see bio 2-70)
then can we be and propose the true joy of the Gospel. This session will focus on the spirituality of the family
Sr. Nancy Usselmann, FSP – the icon of Divine Merciful Love. The holiness of the
Sr. Nancy Usselmann, a Daughter of St. Paul, is family (the domestic church) reflects the Divine Mercy
Director of the Pauline Center for Media Studies of God, the source of all families in heaven and on Earth.
in Los Angeles. She is a national speaker, theo- This journey to holiness takes place through the every-
logian and retreat presenter who leads faith for- day activities in family life: family meals, family prayer,
mation workshops/catechesis days in dioceses work, recreation, service and charity.
across the state. Sr. Usselmann annually teaches an advanced
course in media literacy education. She is a film reviewer and
blogger for and author of the book “A
Sacred Look: Becoming Cultural Mystics.”
Iniciado como un “Instituto” en
1956, nuestro evento se con
virtió en el “CCD Congress” y
ahora se conoce como el “Con
greso de Educación Religiosa.”
Desde 1970 hemos estado en el
el Centro de Convenciones de
Anaheim – cuando la Diócesis
de Orange todavía era parte de
Los Ángeles.
El año pasado, el RECongress
estuvo entre los primeros
eventos que utilizo el nuevo
edificio ACC North. Este año,
hemos movido todos nuestros
eventos de la Sala B al 2° piso
del edificio ACC North. El Día
de la Juventud y los días para
adultos utilizaran la nueva
“Sala Norte.”
El RECongress comienza el
jueves, 21 de marzo, con el “Día
de la Juventud,” el evento es de
alta energía. Es una oportunidad
para que los estudiantes – de las
secundarias – compartan una
mezcla de conferencias, liturg
ias y manifestaciones animadas.
(Vea las páginas 7-15.)
Una de las ventajas de inscri
birse en el RECongress es la
admisión a la Sala A – con más
de 250 compañías como exposi
tores, desde arte religioso hasta
música, desde editoriales hasta
instituciones educativas, y una
variedad de ministerios ar
quidiocesanos de Los Ángeles.
(De viernes a domingo)
La sala de exposiciones (Sala el Congreso de Educación
A) es uno de los lugares más Religiosa de Los Ángeles, ya
lleno de vida del Congreso de sea que asistas solo al Día de
Educación Religiosa. Durante los Jovenes o participes todo el
el fin de semana asegúrate de fin de semana, encontrarás una
pasar el área de la Oficina de variedad de eventos consecu
Educación Religiosa (ORE) al tivos desde temprano hasta la
igual que el Centro Tecnológico noche. Asegúrate de participar
donde se llevará a cabo el chat en todo lo que se ofrece en el
el viernes. RECongress.
+ José H. Gómez
Arzobispo de Los Ángeles
recurso precioso y el vivir sequías prolongadas nos hace preguntarnos a menudo si habrá algún
cambio, si algo mejorará: ¿Habrá suficiente para todos? Siempre debemos ser buenos administradores
de las numerosas bendiciones que recibimos de Dios, que incluye este magnífico planeta. También
anhelamos el día cuando no tengamos que contar cada gota. Esta experiencia de escasez, de no tener
suficiente, establece el contexto para nuestros temas, “Trust! God’s Gotchu” y “Sed de Justicia.” Se
refieren a nuestros límites: nuestro fracaso en confiar en la providencia de Dios, nuestro fracaso en
vivir justamente con Dios y con nuestros vecinos. También se refieren a la abundancia de Dios: donde
hay temor y duda, Dios trae fe y esperanza; donde se anhela el fin del sufrimiento y la injusticia, Dios
nos libera del pecado y de la muerte.
Jesús le dice a la mujer samaritana: “El que beba del agua que yo le daré no volverá a tener sed
jamás.” Venimos a Dios, deseando ser llenados de su Espíritu Santo, un espíritu de paz, un espíritu de
alegría. Los invitamos a buscar a Dios, que satisface todo anhelo, aquí en el Congreso de Educación
Religiosa. En nuestras sesiones, liturgias, tiempo de oración y de estar en comunidad, abrimos
nuestros corazones y, como una jarra vacía, esperamos ser llenados por el agua viva que es Jesucristo.
Esperamos verlos aquí y compartir este bendito tiempo juntos. Compartan la alegría y traigan a un
amigo. Que Dios los bendiga abundantemente.
Dione L. Grillo
Coordinador de la Formación de Catequistas
Katie Diller, Fr. Michael Martin y Rosie Shawver 8-18* Technology Evangelizers of the Gospel
4-02* Mission Drives Schedule, and Money Follows Mission Luis Soto
5-02* Rethinking Retreats and Small Groups 1-59* Líderes y discípulos: Misioneros al estilo de Jesús
6-02* Transitioning Beyond Campus Ministry 5-58* Generosos y Co-responsables: Stewardship con Hispanos
Dr. Michael DiPaolo Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJ, PhD
6-07* Contemplative Dating 1-22* How to Make a Convincing Case for the Pro-Life Movement – Espe
Fr. David Dwyer, CSP cially for Young People
4-08* What Our Young Adults Are Thirsting For 7-22* Science and the Shroud of Turin: New Evidence of Jesus’ Resurrec
Tom East
3-07* Reimagining Confirmation Ministry with Youth Héctor Tabares Ramírez
6-08* Sharing Faith as Parents of Young Adults – Let’s Talk 5-59* ¿Qué significa como Iglesia acompañar, formar y ser líder con y para
los jóvenes hoy?
Dr. Marco Elias-Juarez
7-58* ¿Estamos siendo acompañados, formados y enviados por el Maestro?
2-55* Esperanza y sanación: Los estragos que están causando las enferme
Iniciativas de liderazgo misión para un mundo agitado
dades mentales en nuestra sociedad y como ser portadores de espe
ranza Michael Theisen
8-53* De una vida ordinaria, a una vida extraordinaria 2-23* Moments, Missions and Milestones: Three Things Every Family
Needs to Grow Their Domestic Church
Ricardo Grzona
8-21* Youth and Young Adult Ministry in 2019 and Beyond: What Awaits
4-54* Catequista: Discípulo y misionero con la justicia
7-55* Justicia social – Requerimiento de los jóvenes
Dr. Dora Tobar Mensbrugghe
Douglas Leal
4-57* Menos adrenalina y más oxitocina: La química de la espiritualidad
1-13* What is Spirituality? Do I Need Some? Where Do I Get It?
5-14* #PrayingWithHashtags
6-58* Formas prácticas para educar a los hijos
Sergio Lopez
Rev. Augustino Torres, CFR
1-56* La pastoral juvenil: Lío y renovación de la Iglesia
2-58* La liturgia, la misa y la inclusión de la cultura latina
7-15* Upgrading Your Ministry Tool Box: A Community Organizer’s Ap
4-58* Repara mi casa: Jóvenes adultos, San Francisco y la reforma de la
proach to Youth Ministry
Adolescentes 2-53* 1-54* 4-54* 1-55* 1-56* Liderazgo Parroquial Pre-escolar
7-59* 2-56* 7-56* 1-57* 2-57* 3-57* 1-52* 1-57* 1-59* 2-53* 2-56* 5-54*
Catequesis 6-57* 7-57* 3-58* 4-58* 5-58* 2-58* 3-52* 3-53* 5-58* 5-59* Perspectivo Hispano
1-54* 1-55* 1-58* 2-58* 2-59* 8-58* 1-59* 3-59* 7-59* 7-58* 1-57* 2-54* 2-58* 5-58* 6-54*
3-51* 3-54* 3-59* 4-51* 4-54* Familia/Clases para Padres Liturgia Primaria
5-54* 5-55* 6-55* 6-57* 7-59* 2-51* 7-51* 5-54* 5-56* 5-57* 2-59* 7-54
8-51* 8-57* 8-57* 6-58* 2-59*
Moralidad Problemas de las mujeres
Crecimiento y Desarrollo Humano Formación para Adultos
1-55* 3-56* 4-51* 4-53* 2-54* 4-56* 4-59* 6-54* 7-52*
1-53* 2-51* 2-55* 3-55* 4-52* 1-54* 2-51* 2-55* 3-51* 3-55*
4-57* 5-55* 5-57* 5-59* 6-53* 4-58* 5-52* 5-53* 5-53* 5-55*
Mariología 8-56*
6-56* 6-58* 7-51* 7-53* 7-58* 5-57* 6-53* 6-58* 7-51* 7-53* 1-51* 6-54* Sacramentos
8-51* 7-54 8-51* 8-52* Medios de Comunicación 3-52*
Eclesiología Homosexualidad 3-57* 7-57* Sexualidad Humana
2-53* 4-59* 6-52* 6-55* 5-53* 8-52* Ministerio de cárceles 5-56*
Escrituras Iniciación Cristiana 2-57* Stewardship
1-58* 3-54* 4-56* 5-53* 6-56* 3-59* Necesidades Especiales 8-54*
7-56* 8-52* 8-55* Key (Sp) *
Inmigración 6-55* Tecnología
3-56* 4-53* 5-51* 7-55* 8-55* Oración 3-57* 7-57*
1-51* 1-53* 3-51* 3-54* 3-55*
3-58* 4-51* 4-52* 4-55* 4-57* Jóvenes Adolescentes 1-53* 2-52* 6-51* Key (Sp)* Temas de la Vida
4-59* 5-51* 5-52* 6-52* 6-54* 8-56* 8-57* Paz y Justicia 1-52* 2-55* 3-53* 4-55* 5-56*
6-57* 7-53* 7-54 8-53* 8-54* Jóvenes Adultos 1-52* 1-56* 2-56* 2-57* 3-53* 6-53* 7-52* 8-53*
8-55* 8-56* 8-58* 1-56* 1-59* 3-52* 4-57* 4-58* 3-56* 4-53* 4-54* 4-56* 5-51* Teología
Evangelización 5-59* 6-56* 7-55* 7-56* 7-58* 5-52* 5-53* 7-55* 8-54* 8-58* 1-58* 2-52* 2-54* 3-58* 4-55*
1-51* 6-51* 2-52* 4-52* 6-52* 8-53* Key (Sp)* 6-51*
1-53 Un corazón nuevo: La gracia sanadora del (*) - Rev. Rogelio Alcántara Mendoza de la confirmación? (*) - Katherine Angulo
perdón (*) - Iván Díaz 2-53 Expandiendo el fuego por medio de nuestra 3-53 Caminando con el inmigrante: Estrategias
1-54 Siete herramientas prácticas para los santos transformación (*) - Andrés Arango efectivas para las parroquias (*) - Rev.
del nuevo milenio (*) - Dr. Peter Ductrám 2-54 Teologías latina feminista y mujerista (*) Brendan Busse, Rebecca Gifford y Greg
- Dra. Neomi DeAnda Walgenbach
1-55 ¿Tú que es lo que crees? (*) 3-54 Sedientos de justicia, una espiritualidad
- Rev. José-Román Flecha Andrés 2-55 Esperanza y sanación: Los estragos que
están causando las enfermedades mentales para ser discípulos de Jesús en el siglo XXI
1-56 La pastoral juvenil: Lío y renovación de la en nuestra sociedad y como ser portadores (*) - Marcelo Murua
Iglesia (*) - Sergio Lopez de esperanza (*) - Dr. Marco Elias-Juarez 3-55 Conectando con su espiritualidad católica a
1-57 Los retos y oportunidades de la iglesia hoy 2-56 Misioneros desde la parroquia hasta el través de “SoulCollage” (*) - Victor Narro
(*) - Dr. J. Antonio Medina mundo (*) - Rev. David Garcia 3-56 Nuestros valores en la línea (*)
2-57 Esperanza y sanación – Practicas restaura- - Rev. Peter Neeley
1-58 La formación del Evangelio de Juan (*) tivas y el Papa Francisco (*) 3-57 El camino del éxito cristiano en YouTube
- Mario Romero - Rev. Michael Kennedy y Javier Stauring (*) - Rev. Daniel Pajuelo Vázquez
1-59 Líderes y discípulos: Misioneros al estilo 2-58 La liturgia, la misa y la inclusión de la 3-58 Apocalipsis: Un libro de testimonio y
de Jesús (*) - Luis Soto cultura latina (*) - Rev. Augustino Torres esperanza (*) - Prof. Felix Palazzi
2-59 Vivamos la Cuaresma con creatividad (*) 3-59 El catecumenado y la evangelización (*)
- Douglas Zuniga - Rev. Richard Vega
- Dra. Olga Velez Caro 5-58 Generosos y Co-responsables: Stewardship (*) - Dra. Dora Tobar Mensbrugghe
con Hispanos (*) - Luis Soto
5-59 ¿Qué significa como Iglesia acompañar,
formar y ser líder con y para los jóvenes
hoy? (*) - Héctor Tabares Ramírez
Iglesia en este tiempo de los laicos y su invitación a
ponente en la Fresno Diocesana Youth Day y Congreso. amar, así como Él nos ama. Jesús nos pide que seamos
atentos a su palabra, que echemos las redes mar adentro
para una pesca abundante, que estemos arraigados en Él
1-57 LOS RETOS Y OPORTUNIDADES DE LA IGLE- y le amemos con amor incondicional. Junto a una fogata
SIA HOY Pedro negó a Jesús tres veces ... frente a otra fogata le
Los católicos en Estados Unidos estamos pasando por preguntó tres veces si lo amaba. Prepárate a responder a
una fuerte crisis de identidad debido a los escándalos, su pregunta: “¿Me amas?”
la difícil implementación del Concilio Vaticano II, la di Luis Soto
versidad de culturas y lenguas, las expectativas de los
jóvenes que ya no son las mismas que las de los adultos, Luis Soto es Director de Ministerio Hispano del
“Augustine Institute” (AI) en Denver. Antes de
etc. En esta sesión, ofreceremos una revisión de las dife unirse al equipo del AI, fue Director Ejecutivo del
rentes formas de ser Iglesia que han surgido a partir del Ministerio Hispano y Centro San Juan Diego de la
Concilio Vaticano II y de los procesos del V Encuentro Arquidiócesis de Denver. Soto desarrolló la inicia-
con el objetivo de prepararnos y responder adecuada tiva Una Familia Bajo un Mismo Dios, la cual es un modelo de
mente al llamado de Dios para renovar desde dentro a unidad e integración para parroquias que enfrentan diversidad
nuestra amada Iglesia. cultural y el reto de la unidad. En reconocimiento a sus contribu-
ciones a la Iglesia y la Sociedad, Su Santidad el Papa Benedicto
Dr. José Antonio Medina XVI entregó a Luis la medalla Benemerenti, uno de los recono-
El Dr. José Antonio Medina ha sido profesor, cate- cimientos más destacados que se ofrecen a laicos católicos en el
quista, presentador en Estados Unidos, España mundo.
y México. Ha ensenado en la mayor parte de los
institutos de formación para el ministerio de las
diócesis de California y Nevada. Actualmente es
2-51 LAS SIETE TENTACIONES EN BÚSQUEDA DE píritu Santo. La sesión incluirá un momento de oración,
LA JUSTICIA SALA NORTE (2o piso) que nos llevará como comunidad, a abrirnos a la acción
transformadora del fuego amoroso del Divino Espíritu.
Nos atrevemos a copiar aquí, ideas del Papa Francisco,
adaptándolas al tema del RECongress, “Sed de Justi Andrés Arango
cia.” Las ideas originarias son de un discurso que el Andrés Arango es el Delegado del Obispo para el
Papa dirigió a los religiosos de Egipto el 29 de abril, Ministerio Hispano y Director de Evangelización en
2017. Aquí las interpretamos como advertencias prác la Diócesis de Camden, Nueva Jersey. Actualmente,
ticas para el convivir en el ámbito de la familia, el tra es el Vicepresidente del Comité Carismático Católi-
co Latinoamericano. Arango también sirve como
bajo, el ministerio y la comunidad parroquial. Intere consultor del Subcomité de Asuntos Hispanos de la Conferencia
sante reconocer que la tentación suele venir disfrazada Estadounidense de Obispos Católicos y es miembro del Consejo
de “buenas intenciones.” Lo sutil y peligroso es que de los Servicios Internacionales de la Renovación Carismática
mayormente nos afectan a los “buenos” y como tales, Católica basado en el Vaticano.
no caemos en cuenta. ¿Podemos hablar?
El padre Domingo Rodríguez Zambrana, un Sier-
vo Misionero de la Santísima Trinidad, es predica- Las teologías dependen de sus contextos. Esta sesión re
dor y facilitador de retiros, misiones y conferen-
cias de las comunidades hispanas en los Estados saltara conceptos básicos relacionados con las teologías
Unidos, Puerto Rico, México y Centro América. latina feminista y mujerista. Vengan preparadas/os para
Es columnista del periódico católico para las arquidióceses de integrar estos conceptos en sus ministerios y otros con
Newark, New Jersey; y San Juan, Puerto Rico; y la diócesis de textos locales.
Rockville Center, New York. El padre Rodriguez fue párroco por
14 años. También presidente del Consejo Nacional Católicos de Neomi DeAnda, PhD
Pastoral Hispana y vicepresidente de la Asociación Nacional de Dra. Neomi DeAnda, teología tejana y marianista
Sacerdotes Hispanos. laica, sirve como Profesora Asociada en el Depar-
tamento de Estudios Religiosos de la Universidad
de Dayton en Ohio. Está desarrollando una teo-
logía fronteriza en asociación con el Hope Border
Institute. Actualmente, es la presidenta-electa de la Academy of
ÁRBOL GENEALÓGICO”: DISTINCIÓN ENTRE Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States. Dra. DeAnda
INFLUENCIAS, PECADOS Y MALDICIONES IN- ha recibido varias becas de investigacion, incluyendo Louisville
TERGENERACIONALES Institute First Book for Minority Scholars grant, Hispanic Theo-
¿Es lo mismo hablar de influencias, pecados y maldi logical Initiative y Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in
ciones intergeneracionales? ¿A qué se circunscribe la in Religion and Theology.
fluencia intergeneracional? ¿Existen los pecados ances
trales o “intergeneracionales”? ¿Los pecados de nuestros 2-55 ESPERANZA Y SANACIÓN: COMO SER PORTA-
ancestros nos pueden predisponer al pecado? ¿Por qué se DORES DE ESPERANZA
repiten pecados en nuestras familias? ¿Qué es una mal
dición? ¿Tienen efecto a través de las generaciones? Las personas que trabajamos en el campo de la salud men
tal estamos totalmente de acuerdo con la profunda preo
Pbro. Dr. Rogelio Alcántara Mendoza cupación de los obispos de California por el desgarrador
Dr. Rogelio Alcántara ha sido Director de la Edu- efecto de las enfermedades mentales en nuestra sociedad.
cación católica por más de 10 años, y actualmente Los problemas médicos son importantes, pero también
dirige la Comisión para la Doctrina de la Fe de la debemos atender las enfermedades mentales que nos
Arquidiócesis de México. Previamente fue Direc- desafían cada vez más. Las enfermedades mentales son
tor Espiritual del Pontificio Colegio Mexicano de
Roma. El padre Alcántara es Profesor de universidad en materias como un mal desconocido e ignorado que afecta el alma
filosóficas y teológicas, y actualmente profesor de mariología en humana, los pensamientos, las emociones y comporta
la Universidad Católica Lumen Gentium en México. Es autor de mientos, filtrándose en todos los aspectos de la vida del ser
libros y conferencista nacional e internacional con temas teológi- humano. Los que servimos en los ministerios de la Iglesia
cos y filosóficos. tenemos la tarea de ayudar a disminuir el sufrimiento y la
aflicción y ser portadores de justicia y esperanza.
NUESTRA TRANSFORMACIÓN Marco Elías-Juarez ha colaborado como instructor
Una de las mejores maneras de difundir el Mensaje de de temas teológicos en la diócesis de San Bernardi-
Salvación – Jesús – es a través de nuestra propia trans no, California, y conferencista en los Congresos
formación, la cual, como un testimonio viviente, inspi Regionales de Educación Religiosa de la Región
de los Angeles y San Gabriel en la Arquidiócesis de
rara a muchos otros a buscar tener un encuentro personal Los Angeles. Dr. Elias es Director Asociado en el Departamento
con el Señor Resucitado. Esta sesión nos ayudara a re de Planificación Pastoral y Transiciones en el Diócesis de San
flexionar sobre como manteniendo encendida la llama Bernardino, California. También trabaja como terapeuta fami
del amor de Dios en nuestras vidas seremos auténticos liar y de pareja para Caridades Católicas en San Bernardino y
discípulos misioneros en el poder transformador del Es Riverside.
El padre Michael Kennedy, un sacerdote jesuita que tro de catequistas con experiencia en centros de
por más de 38 años, ha trabajado con los más po- Formación a nivel básico en español e inglés. Es
bres y desprotegidos en California, México, Centro presentador y director de retiros para catequistas
América y Suramérica. Es también autor de cinco en diversas parroquias de la Arquidiócesis de Los
libros que presentan un método dinámico de oracio- Angeles. Colabora con el departamento de Catequesis Primaria
nes usadas en casas, escuelas y centros de detención. Después en los programas de Especialización básica y avanzada, también
de servir por 10 años como Co-Capellán en el Centro Juvenil da conferencias de preparación litúrgica (Adviento y Cuaresma)
Barry J. Nidorf en Sylmar, California, ahora es director de la or- para catequistas a nivel arquidiocesano. Zuniga es colaborador
ganización Iniciativa Jesuita de Justicia Restaurativa. El padre del departamento de Ministerios Catequéticos Avanzados como
Kennedy trabaja con jóvenes encarcelados e imparte retiros. facilitador. De 1996-1998, fue coordinador del programa de edu-
cación religiosa de su parroquia, Nuestra Señora del Santo Rosa-
Javier Stauring
rio en Sun Valley, California.
Javier Stauring es Co-Director de la Oficina de Jus-
ticia Restaurativa de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ange-
les. Desde 1996 ha supervisado el ministerio más
grande de detención católico en la nación. Stauring
supervisa los programas de detención del ministerio
católico en todos los centros de detención juveniles en Los An-
geles, Ventura y Santa Barbara. Sus responsabilidades incluyen
la supervisión de otros tres programas de justicia restaurativa:
Ministerio para las víctimas de crimen; en Ministerio para las
familias de los encarcelados; y el Ministerio para exreclusos.
Katherine Angulo
SANTAS! – SANTOS FAMOSOS QUE ERAN Nacida en México pero criada en Bogotá, Colombia,
AMIGOS SALA NORTE (2o piso) Katherine Angulo habla inglés, español y francés, y
tiene más de 19 años de experiencia en el ministe-
En esta sesión, Santiago Fernández y Constanza Palo rio con los jóvenes. Actualmente, es la Directora del
mo hablaran del don de la amistad entre algunos de los Programa “Thriving in Ministry Initiative” para el
grandes santos de nuestra Iglesia, quienes a través de Instituto McGrath en la Universidad de Notre Dame en Indiana.
esa amistad lograron ayudarse e impulsarse mutua Angulo ha presentado en eventos diocesanos y nacionales, es edi-
mente en su camino hacia la santidad. Como nos dice tora de The Mark, una revista católica para adolescentes, y pro-
la Palabra de Dios, “El amigo fiel es seguro refugio, ductora ejecutiva del programa de capacitación para voluntarios,
Called to Accompany/Llamados a Acompañar.
el que le encuentra, ha encontrado un tesoro” (Ecle
siástico 6, 14). Vengan a reflexionar en el testimonio de
vida de estos grandes santos y a descubrir cómo puede 3-53 CAMINANDO CON EL INMIGRANTE: ESTRATE-
fortalecer nuestra fe una amistad centrada en el servicio GIAS EFECTIVAS PARA LAS PARROQUIAS
y en el amor a Dios. Juntos cantaremos, oraremos y La problemática de la inmigración se mantiene al centro
celebraremos la maravillosa amistad entre santos como y al frente de la política actual, tanto local cómo nacional.
San Martín de Porres y Santa Rosa de Lima; San Fran A medida que los desafíos que enfrentan nuestros herma
cisco y Santa Clara de Asís; San Juan Pablo II y Santa nos y hermanas inmigrantes han aumentado, el Evange
Teresa de Calcuta ... entre otros. lio motiva a la iglesia a que fortalezca su rol profético de
Santiago Fernández acompañar y defender a los más vulnerables. Los líderes
Santiago Fernández ha sido músico pastoralista parroquiales, especialmente, tienen una posición única
por más de 30 años. Trabaja en la parroquia de para desempeñar un papel importante en la respuesta que
La Sagrada Familia en Novi, Michigan, como di- tiene la iglesia en el tema de inmigración. Acompáña
rector de música y también como presentador de nos en esta sesión interactiva en donde exploraremos las
talleres para Oregon Catholic Press. Cuenta con practicas más novedosas y probadas para ayudar a las
15 años de experiencia en enseñanza y oratoria, Fernández es familias inmigrantes de tu comunidad. Los facilitadores
conferencista a nivel nacional y ha sido miembro del Consejo
de esta sesión son parte del Equipo de Trabajo Tri-Dio
Asesor Nacional para la USCCB, director musical del National
Catholic Council for Hispanic Ministry, lnstituto Fe y Vida, y cesano de Inmigración de Los Angeles, Orange y San
Coordinador de Culto y Liturgia para el Primer Encuentro na- Bernardino en California.
cional de la Pastoral Juvenil Hispana en 2006. Fue miembro del Rev. Brendan Busse, SJ
comité de liturgia para el V Encuentro 2018.
El sacerdote jesuita Brendan Busse es Pastor Aso-
Constanza Palomo de Fernández ciado en la Iglesia Dolores Misión en Los Ange-
Constanza Palomo de Fernández, maestra de les, hogar del Proyecto Guadalupano (Guadalupe
profesión, ha servido en la Iglesia católica desde Homeless Project) y de la Clínica Loyola (Loyola
hace 45 años, como catequista trabajando en Immigrant Justice Clinic). Tiene muchos años de
comunidades rurales; más adelante sirvió en la experiencia trabajando con comunidades de inmigrantes y refu-
Renovación Carismática. Ha participado en la giados alrededor del mundo y actualmente sirve como líder del
formación de laicos, maestros, catequistas, predicadores como clero para la red de organización comunitaria interreligiosa, LA
Coordinadora de Formación para Adultos y Coordinadora de Voice, la cual aboga por la protección de las familias inmigrantes
Grupo de Mujeres en Parroquia de Santa Catalina en Cuer- y justicia social en Los Angeles y más allá.
navaca, México. Ahora radica en Michigan, Palomo es confer- Rebecca J. Gifford, Obl OSB, DMin
encista y expositora de talleres de oración y espiritualidad en
eventos diocesanos, regionales y nacionales en comunidades Rebecca Gifford es una oblata de la Abadía de
Hispanas en los Estados Unidos, Republica Dominicana y Haití. San Andrés, un monasterio benedictino ubicado
en Valyermo, California. Tiene más de 30 años de
experiencia trabajando con diversas parroquias y
congregaciones deseosas de desarrollar un poder
3-52 ¿QUÉ ESTÁN ESPERANDO NUESTROS JÓ compasivo para respaldar a los más vulnerables. En la actuali-
VENES DURANTE LA PREPARACIÓN PARA EL dad, Gifford sirve como la organizadora principal de la Inland
Communities Organizing Network, una filial de la Industrial Ar-
SACRAMENTO DE LA CONFIRMACIÓN? eas Foundation con sede en Pomona, California.
Muy a menudo, en nuestras iglesias, la preparación para
el sacramento de confirmación se centra únicamente Greg Walgenbach
en seguir un programa o un libro. Esto hace que los Greg Walgenbach es Director de la oficina de Vida,
jóvenes solo se sientan espectadores de su fe. Durante Justicia y Paz en la Diócesis de Orange, California.
esta sesión, vamos a aprender las respuestas que nuestros Tiene más de 20 años de experiencia en ministerio
pastoral. Se crio en la iglesia bautista y sirvió como
jóvenes nos han dado de cómo mejorar. Juntos buscare pastor bautista y sacerdote anglicano. Cuando se
mos formas de conectar sus necesidades personales con mudó a California se convirtió al catolicismo junto con su esposa
su preparación sacramental. Aprovechemos este tiempo y cuatro hijos. Walgenbach fue un ministro de jóvenes y adultos
para que de una forma animada evaluemos nuestros mi jóvenes en Santa Clara de Asís en Yorba Linda. Él y su familia
nisterios para ofrecer un encuentro con Dios más pro ahora son feligreses en la iglesia católica St. Philip Benizi en Ful-
fundo para nuestros jóvenes de hoy. lerton.
3-56 NUESTROS VALORES EN LA LÍNEA Massachusetts. Sus responsabilidades administrati-
“Entre los derechos de la persona humana debe contarse vas anteriores incluyeron Director de Estudios Teológicos Avan-
zados y Director del Master en Teología Fundamental de los Estu-
también el de que pueda lícitamente cualquiera emigrar dios de Posgrado de la Universidad Católica Jesuita Andrés Bello
a la nación donde espere que podrá atender mejor a si en Caracas. Fue profesor visitante en Roma, Austria y Boston.
mismo y a su familia” (Papa Juan XXIII, Pacem in Ter-
ris, 1963). La justicia debe empezar con los derechos
humanos más básicos y nosotros coma Iglesia debemos 3-59 EL CATECUMENADO Y LA EVANGELIZACIÓN
conocerlos y defenderlos. No solo para nosotros mismos, “Evangelización” es una palabra que a menudo es
pero más para los vulnerables de nuestra sociedad. Algu cuchamos en la vida de la iglesia. ¿Qué significa eso?
nas preguntas que vamos a contestar son: ¿Cuándo he ¿Quién es el objetivo de la evangelización? Esta confe
sido acogido como Jesús? ¿Cuándo no se ha respetado rencia ayudara a comprender la palabra evangelización,
mi dignidad coma persona creada a la imagen de Dios? cómo se aplica al proceso catecúmeno y cómo se puede
aplicar a toda la comunidad de la Iglesia.
Peter G. Neeley, SJ
Rev. Richard Vega
Rev. Peter Neeley, sacerdote jesuita por más de 33
años, ha trabajado con los más pobres y desprotegi- El padre Richard Vega es párroco de Santa Francis
dos en parroquias, escuelas y centros de detención de Roma en Azusa, California. Fue Presidente de
en California, México y Centro América. Radica en la Federación Nacional de Consejos Presbiterales.
Nogales, México, Rev. Neeley trabaja con migran- Previamente servió como párroco de La Purisima
tes deportados de Estados Unidos y con migrantes en movimiento Concepcion en Lompoc, California, y como Vicario
hacia Estados Unidos. Actualmente, es Director de programas de dentro de la Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles. El padre Vega ha sido
la organización “Iniciativa Kino para la Frontera” y es Co-Di- conferencista para las oficinas de Educación Religiosa y de Culto
rector de los “Kino Teens” programa para involucrar jovenes en Divina en Los Angeles y Chicago, y fue presidente de la Comisión
la cuestiones de inmigración en los Estados Unidos y en México. Litúrgica de la Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles.
En el Evangelio de Lucas, que leemos este año, Jesús Entre los temas de la catequesis esta fundamentalmente
pregunta a José y a María porque lo buscan. ¿Y no el estudio de valores y virtudes. En varias ocasiones nos
sotros estamos buscando a Jesús? Esta sesión trata de cuesta mucho diferenciar entre la teoría expuesta en el
ayudarte a buscar a Jesús dentro de ti, en la familia, catecismo y el magisterio de la Iglesia y la vida practica
en la Iglesia y en la sociedad. También a nosotros nos concreta. En esta conferencia, se propondrán casos donde
dirige el Señor esa misma pregunta. Es de esperar que catequistas han influido para que se llegue a una misio
no nos encuentre distraídos. Nuestra respuesta revela la nariedad del discípulo, con los valores, teniendo especial
seriedad de nuestra vida cristiana. énfasis en la virtud de la justicia y haremos un ejercicio de
Lectio Divina para llegar a la acción concreta.
Rev. José-Román Flecha Andrés
Ricardo Grzona
El padre José-Román Flecha, un sacerdote de la
Diócesis de León, España, lleva muchos años de Ricardo Grzona fue rector de la Universidad Cham-
profesor universitario, conferencista en numerosos pagnat de Mendoza, Argentina, la ciudad donde
países, e invitado a varias universidades interna- nació. Dirigió Departamentos de Educación y Cate-
cionales, institutos y conferencias. Es miembro quesis del CELAM. Actualmente es presidente de
del Comité Científico del “Istituto Paolo VI” de Brescia, Italia; la Fundación Ramon Pane en Miami, Florida. Ha
miembro del Comité de Bioética para el Asesoramiento del Ban- dedicado su vida a formar en la espiritualidad bíblica a catequis-
co Nacional de ADN; y miembro del Comité de Bioética de la tas y jóvenes. Dirige los programas de Lecito Divina para jóvenes
Universidad de Salamanca. También es miembro de una Comis- y para niños con miles de seguidores en todas las Américas.
ión de Estudios en la Congregación para la Educación Católica
en la Santa Sede. Trabajo apostólico en California, New York,
Arizona, Panamá, Costa Rica y en Chile. 4-55 MARIA: MADRE Y HERMANA NUESTRA EN
Prof. Félix Palazzi (vea biografía 3-58)
4-52 NUEVOS MOVIMIENTOS IMPULSADOS POR EL La figura de María ha sido siempre importante en la fe
ESPÍRITU SANTO de nuestras comunidades. La Iglesia ha proclamado so
Andrés Arango (vea biografía 2-53) bre la madre de Jesús ciertos contenidos como verdades
de fe que todos proclamamos y seguimos con devoción
En este tiempo de la Nueva Evangelización, la Iglesia y respeto. Sin embargo, muchas veces se nos hace difícil
busca atraer a gente nueva o hacer que los que están entenderlas y comprenderlas. Una mejor exposición nos
alejados vuelvan a vivir su fe. Los movimientos ecle puede ayudar a profundizar nuestra fe en las comunidades
siales, guiados por el Espíritu Santo, están jugando un y potenciar el rol de María en nuestra historia. Queremos
papel fundamental atrayendo más personas a tener una ofrecer unas claves de lectura de los dogmas marianos que
relación personal con Jesús, reanudar su camino espiri ayuden a su comprensión en nuestra vida diaria.
tual y compartir su testimonio de fe. Participantes cono
cerán la importancia de los movimientos eclesiales en el
proceso de evangelización. Al mismo tiempo, obtendrán 4-56 SED DE JUSTICIA: PERSPECTIVAS BÍBLICAS
herramientas prácticas para construir puentes entre los En la Biblia, la “justicia” no quiere decir que cada per
movimientos y las parroquias para incorporar nuevos sona recibe la recompensa que merece. La justicia bíbli
miembros en la vida sacramental, pastoral y social de ca significa las relaciones justas con Dios, si mismo, las
sus comunidades. otras personas, y toda la creación, que se realiza por la
iniciativa de Dios y su misericordia y nuestra respuesta
a este don. Exploramos la justicia en relación con la mi
4-53 JUSTICIA E INMIGRACIÓN sericordia divina, la justicia hacia el vecino y el extranje
ro (Lucas 10:29-37; Juan 4), la justicia económica (Ma
Peter G. Neeley, SJ (vea biografía 3-56)
teo 6:12; 20: 1-16), la justicia frente a la agresión (Mateo
¿Por qué a los católicos nos importa el sistema de inmi 5:38-48), el perdón y la justicia (Mateo 18:21-35), y la
gración? Nuestra condición como seres humanos es de persistencia para lograr la justicia (Lucas 18: 1-8).
ser migrantes. ¿Qué dice la doctrina social de la igle Hna. Bárbara E. Reid, OP, PhD
sia sobre los derechos de migrar y la responsabilidad
de cada creyente a responder a esta realidad de hoy? La Hermana Bárbara Reid, una miembro de las Her-
manas Dominicas de Grand Rapids, Michigan, es
Biblia es una historia de inmigración: una gente de Dios Profesora de Nuevo Testamento en Catholic Theo-
arrancada de sus raíces que busca seguridad, santuario y logical Union en Chicago, donde ha enseñado desde
refugio, y Dios que les da instrucciones para acoger al 1988. Cada año ha dado aproximadamente 25 pre-
extranjero. ¿Cómo podemos responder personalmente y sentaciones en Estados Unidos, Canadá, México, Tailandia, Gua-
en común como católicos? En esta sesión, vamos a dar temala, Bolivia, Perú, Irlanda, Nueva Zelanda y Australia. Hna.
herramientas para poner en acción nuestra fe basada en Reid también es Editora General de Wisdom Commentary Series
publicado por Liturgical Press y una de las editoras principales
los principios de la doctrina social de nuestra Iglesia. por la nueva edición del “New Jerome Biblical Commentary.”
Los medios de comunicación y lugares de atracciones Esta sesión presentara a Nuestra Señora Guadalupe lla
nos han vuelto adictos a la adrenalina que películas mándonos a construir un nuevo templo, es decir una
fuertes y video juegos explotan para entretenernos. Sin nueva humanidad, tomando en cuenta la situación de
embargo, esta entretención no solo agota e intoxica el migración y la llamada para hacer profetas, místicos y
organismo, sino que nos deja insatisfechos y estresados. misioneros del nuevo templo.
La oración y la meditación y el compartir nos ayudan en
cambio a neutralizar nuestra química y a generar expe Mons. Arturo Bañuelas
riencias de amor profundo que nos traen paz y nos invi Mons. Arturo Bañuelas es conferencista nacio-
tan a la armonía con Dios, con nosotros mismos y con nal, entrenador misionero, autor y activista de
los demás. derechos de las inmigrantes. Originario de la
Diócesis de El Paso, Texas, donde actualmente es
Dora Tobar van de Mensbrugghe párroco de la Parroquia de San Marcos. En 1988,
Dora Tobar es Directora de la Oficina de Vida Fa- fundó el Institute Tepeyac y en 1989 cofundó la Academia de
miliar y Ministerio Hispano de la Diócesis de La- Teólogos Hispanos Católicos de los Estados Unidos, que ha ga-
fayette en Indiana. Es conferencista y profesora in- nado reconocimiento internacional como voz contribuyente de
vitada en muchos institutos de formación pastoral y la realidad de los Latinos/as. En el 2015, Mons. Bañuelas se
diócesis dentro de los Estados Unidos y otros países. convirtió en el Presidente Fundador del Instituto Frontera de la
Es editora y colaboradora para varias publicaciones. Desafió el Esperanza que se ocupa de las necesidades sociales de la zona
programa denominado “La Pareja Feliz” y fue redactora en jefe fronteriza. Sigue activo en el trabajo misionero, la defensa de la
de la página web para las parejas hispanas de la Conferencia inmigración y el dialogo interreligioso.
Episcopal de los Estados Unidos. Se ha dedicado especialmente
a la investigación y desarrollo de programas de formación espiri-
tual y vida familiar. 5-52 LIBERANDO LA ESPIRITUALIDAD
Para que la espiritualidad sea verdaderamente evangé
lica debe ser una espiritualidad justa y liberadora, razón
4-58 REPARA MI CASA: JÓVENES ADULTOS, SAN por la cual la espiritualidad cristiana necesita ser libera
FRANCISCO Y LA REFORMA DE LA IGLESIA da de concepciones erróneas que la relegarían a la devo
Rev. Agustino Torres, CFR (vea biografía 2-58) ción piadosa, la practica privada y al supuesto “mundo
interior.” Esta sesión presentará una comprensión del
El Espíritu Santo obró prodigiosamente a través de este cristianismo que toma en serio el reinado de Dios en la
pequeño hombre de Asís para renovar la Iglesia en un “realidad” y la conversión como respuesta al reinado de
momento de gran necesidad. Podemos aprender mucho Dios en la vida cotidiana. Tal espiritualidad equilibra la
para la formación de jóvenes adultos repasando la vida contemplación, la opción por los pobres, la fraternidad
de San Francisco de Asís. universal, la misión eucarística y la cruz para las obras
de misericordia y justicia.
Prof. Gilberto Cavazos-González, OFM
Prof. Gilberto Cavazos-González, ex párroco y
evangelizador juvenil, ahorra es profesor de es-
Recogiendo los avances que se han dado en la sociedad piritualidad trabajando con la tecnología didác-
y en la iglesia sobre las mujeres, mostrar cómo es una tica y con la Pontificia Academia de Marianismo
exigencia de justicia no detener ese camino sino impul internacional en el Antonianum en Roma. Ha rea
sarlo a la luz de la praxis de Jesús con las mujeres y en el lizado retiros, misiones parroquiales y conferencias académicas
horizonte de una iglesia en salida como propone el Papa en los Estados Unidos, México, Europa y Sudamérica. El padre
Francisco. Cavazos-González ha escrito muchos artículos y varios libros so-
bre la espiritualidad cristiana, latina y franciscana. Actualmente
Olga Consuelo Vélez Caro está escribiendo un libro sobre la Mariología mística del párroco
Olga Vélez Caro es Doctora en Teología y profesora franciscano Juana de la Cruz Vásquez Gutiérrez.
titular e investigadora de la Facultad de Teología
de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana en Bogotá,
Colombia, donde ella ha ocupado diferentes cargos 5-53 ÉTICA CATÓLICA CON RESPECTO A LA ACEP-
académicos y administrativos en la universidad. TACIÓN DE PERSONAS QUE SON LGBTQ EN
Es miembro del Comité Teológico de la Conferencia Episcopal NUESTRAS PARROQUIAS Y MINISTERIOS
Colombiana y miembro fundador de la Asociación Colombiana El Evangelio nos desafía a dar la bienvenida a todas las
de Teólogas, al igual es miembro y coordinadora de la Comisión
personas en nuestras comunidades de la Iglesia sin limi
de mujeres del Asociación ecuménica de teólogos/as del Tercer
mundo. Dra. Vélez también es autora de libros y varios artículos tar la aceptación por motives de raza, genero, etnicidad,
en temas de teología, pastoral, sobre la mujer, laicado, evangeli- condición social o preferencia sexual. Esta sesión se
zación, paz y reconciliación. basará en las Sagradas Escrituras, las enseñanzas de la
Iglesia y estudios al considerar cómo somos llamados a
amar lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transexuales o quienes
cuestionan sin excepción.
la Iglesia. Aprenderemos de la identidad católica y su re
de música y también como presentador de talleres
Victimología. Corre un riesgo enorme de ser engañada, para Oregon Catholic Press. Cuenta con 15 años de
sometida y lastimada. Reflexionaremos sobre sus debili experiencia en enseñanza y oratoria, Fernández es conferencista
dades y fortalezas, sobre los peligros que le acechan por a nivel nacional y ha sido miembro del Consejo Asesor Nacional
el solo hecho de ser mujer. El conocimiento sobre esas para la USCCB, director musical del National Catholic Council
circunstancias ayudara a mantener la alerta y a proteger for Hispanic Ministry, lnstituto Fe y Vida, y Coordinador de Culto
y Liturgia para el Primer Encuentro nacional de la Pastoral Ju-
el psiquismo femenino de daños irreparables que harán venil Hispana en 2006. Fue miembro del comité de liturgia para
que pierda su potencialidad. el V Encuentro 2018.
Moisés clama a Dios, ¿Qué debo hacer? La mujer samar Ricardo Grzona (vea biografía 4-54)
itana le pregunta a Jesús, “¿Cómo puedes tú, un judío,
Después del sínodo sobre los jóvenes, como actuar:
pedirme una bebida, a una mujer samaritana?” Respon
El Sínodo sobre los jóvenes plantea varios temas im
demos a las invitaciones de Dios de maneras personal,
portantes. Pero los mismos jóvenes han solicitado una
de maneras únicas, como hombres y mujeres llamados a
claridad sobre cómo abordar el tema de Justicia Social
luchar por la justicia. ¿Cómo responden los hombres y
desde los grupos cristianos. ¿Cuáles son los temas im
las mujeres de diferente manera? ¿Cuáles son los dones
portantes? ¿Cómo presentarlos en los grupos juveniles?
masculinos y femeninos que nos capacitan a formar rela
¿Podemos orar para prepararnos ante la acción concreta
ciones justas y ser transformados por los otros a trabajar
de justicia en nuestra sociedad? Se presentarán proyec
por la paz?
tos sociales de justicia posibles de realizar.
7-56 LA PEDAGOGÍA DE JESÚS CLAVE DE LA EVAN- vertiginoso y acelerado que requiere de nosotros respu
GELIZACIÓN A LOS JÓVENES estas contundentes a las necesidades actuales. Revisare
Leonardo Monguí Casas, MA (vea biografía 6-56)
mos algunas experiencias exitosas de formación integral
en liderazgo por mementos de vida que han generado
Hoy en día en que se proponen distintas maneras de impacto en el continente: sus principios, sus logros y
evangelizar, es importante centrarnos en el Maestro. tropiezos serán vistos a la luz de las necesidades actu
Jesús – el primero y el más grande evangelizador – tuvo ales para así dar respuesta a un mundo que tiene sed de
una manera particular de transmitir su mensaje, presen Dios y de justicia.
tar al Padre y comunicar al Espíritu Santo. Los apósto
les, incluyendo a Pablo, trataron de seguir su ejemplo
y así debemos hacer nosotros. Nuestra primera tarea es 7-59 CATEQUESIS DE MISERICORDIA
permitir que el testimonio de Jesús nos transforme. Esta Nuestros esfuerzos catequéticos tienen que llegar a “las
conferencia hará una relectura del ser de Jesús y su obra afueras” de nuestras comunidades. Hay muchas per
evangelizadora desde la pedagogía que utilizó, para que sonas que están luchando día a día con su fe y como
revisemos nuestra labor evangelizadora y tomemos un identificar con la iglesia. Muchas veces estas personas
nuevo impulso como discípulos-misioneros. están al margen de la sociedad y son personas que no se
identifican con lo que la sociedad define como “normal.”
Si escuchamos el reto del Papa Francisco es de traer la
7-57 CLAVES PARA LA EVANGELIZACIÓN EN IN- misericordia a las personas que están olvidadas por la
TERNET sociedad. En esta sesión, nos dedicamos a desarrollar
cinco estrategias para salir de la rutina normal de la cate
Rev, Daniel Pajuelo Vázquez (vea biografía 3-57) quesis y buscar modos para enlazarnos con personas que
Jesús dice, “Id por todo el mundo y proclamad el Evan no caben en nuestra definición de la catequesis normal.
gelio a toda criatura” (Mc 16, 15). Este es el mandato del Se darán recomendaciones prácticas para como logar es
que nace la llamada a la evangelización también en in tas metas en nuestras comunidades.
ternet. En esta sesión, se ofrecen claves para esta misión Víctor Valenzuela
que nacen de la experiencia evangelizadora de la plata
De padres mexicanos nació en Arizona, Víctor Va-
forma iMisión. lenzuela ha vivido la mayor parte de su vida en el
área de la bahía. Hoy radica en San Leandro, Cali-
fornia, es vicepresidente de la formación ministe-
7-58 ¿ESTAMOS SIENDO ACOMPAÑADOS, FOR- rial para Dignity Health. Por más de 30 años ha
MADOS Y ENVIADOS POR EL MAESTRO? INI- estado trabajando en el ministerio hispano. Ha sido profesor de
secundaria y ha colaborado en diversos ministerios parroquia-
CIATIVAS DE LIDERAZGO Y MISION PARA UN les incluyendo pastoral juvenil y educación religiosa, donde tiene
MUNDO AGITADO una gran experiencia preparando materiales.
Héctor Hugo Tabares Ramírez (vea biografía 5-59)
El tiempo presente nos llama a discernir la presencia
Trinitaria en nuestro caminar como discípulos misione
ros; reconocer como un don el acompañamiento, for
mación y liderazgo que la Iglesia mantiene en un mundo
del Equipo de Pastoral Juvenil Arquidiocesana (jóvenes adultos), galardonada cuyos libros incluyen “Our Lady of
ha sido coordinadora regional, encargada de programas de for- Charity: How a Cuban Devotion to Mary Helped
mación y conductora de radio Católica “PJLA Radio-TV.” Actu- Me Grow in Faith and Love,” “Super Girls and Ha-
almente forma parte del Ministerio Católico con Personas Gay y los: My Companions on the Quest for Truth, Justice,
Lesbianas, ministerio arquidiócesis de Los Angeles y estudia su and Heroic Virtue” and “My Badass Book of Saints: Courageous
Doctorado en la Universidad de La Verne. Women Who Showed Me How to Live.” Morera enseñó en es-
cuelas secundarias y universidades antes de partir, en 2008, a
conferencias católicas y retiros.
Marco A. Elías-Juarez (vea biografía 2-55) 8-56 JESUCRISTO EL MIGRANTE: CRISTOLOGÍA
Pasar de lo ordinario a lo extraordinario es un reto que CONTEXTUAL Y LOS SIGNOS DE LOS TIEM-
se nos presenta todos los días de la vida. Depende de POS
nosotros si queremos hacer de lo ordinario algo extraor El presidente Trump quiere mantener alejados a las
dinario. Depende de nosotros de ponerle chispa y cre migrantes; mientras para el Papa Francisco, son “una
atividad a la vida para que la monotonía no se apodere nueva semilla de evangelización.” Dr. Roberto Lassal
de ella. Depende de nosotros vivir la vida de santidad, en le-Klein, teólogo y asesor del seminario sobre la for
lo simple y lo sencillo. Depende de nosotros encontrarle mación para el ministerio hispano, describe el Jesús
sentido a la vida para no dejar que la depresión, el sui resucitado encontrado en la vida de las migrantes y re
cidio y otros males modernos afecten nuestra sociedad. fugiados durante 32 años en Oakland Catholic Worker.
Depende de nosotros que los jóvenes amen y digan sí a Explora la base bíblica del descubrimiento par el Papa
la vida. Los invito a desarrollar una visión extraordinaria Francisco y San Óscar Romero de que son una continu
de la vida, y vivirla con pasión y con intensión. ación histórica del Jesús histórico, el mesías migrante
ESTACIONAMIENTO disponibles y NO ESTÁ PERMITIDO sea accesible para personas sordas y con problemas de audición.
DEJAR SU VEHÍCULO DURANTE LA NOCHE. Tampoco está Háganos saber si necesita intérpretes o aparatos de asistencia
permitido acampar o hacer picnic. NOTA: Estacione su vehículo auditiva completando el Formulario de solicitud en la página
sólo en las áreas indicadas. Será multado si se estaciona de re siguiente.
versa en un espacio para estacionarse de frente. Si deja su auto Le recomendamos que se comunique con el personal del Con
en un área restringida, será remolcado y usted cubrirá los gastos. greso de Educación Religiosa antes del 1 de marzo de 2019
Revise nuestro sitio al (213) 637-7348 para asegurarse de que se haya recibido su
para ver información sobre el estacionamiento y un mapa. solicitud. La liturgia de clausura del domingo será interpretada.
Los asientos especiales para todos los miembros de la comunidad
GRABACIÓN DE LAS CONFERENCIAS sorda se encuentran en frente y a la derecha del escenario de la
La mayoría de las conferencias serán grabadas por la compañía Arena. Si desea que se interprete otra misa, puede solicitar un
Conference Media. Se prohíbe cualquier otra grabación personal. intérprete a su llegada.
Para más información sobre como ordenar un audio CD o MP3 Si desea agregar, eliminar o cambiar una solicitud DESPUÉS de
consulte la red o el libreto-guía. su llegada, busque a los Servicios de interpretación, ubicados a
las afueras de la oficina central del RECongress (AR-1). Si bien
podemos satisfacer la mayoría de las solicitudes de cambios
de última hora, no podemos garantizar que haya un intérprete
(714) 750-8000 $213
(Headquarters Hotel) 4:00 pm 50% off self park; rate good through Feb. 28, 2019
(800) 228-9290 $223
700 W Convention Way
ANAHEIM HILTON (714) 750-4321 $216 4:00 pm Rate good through February 28, 2019
777 W Convention Way (877) 776-4932 $222
THE ANAHEIM HOTEL $165 4:00 pm Comp. shuttle; $14 first car ($22 additional car); rate good
(714) 772-5900
1700 S Harbor Blvd $185 through February 27, 2019 (see our ad on next page)
(Best Western Plus) (714) 774-1050 $147 4:00 pm Rate good through February 28, 2019
1630 S Harbor Blvd
CASTLE INN & SUITES (714) 774-8111 $159 4:00 pm Free parking (1 car per room); free WiFi; no resort fee; rate
1734 S Harbor Blvd (800) 227-8530 good through February 28, 2019; Group Code: Congress
CLARION ANAHEIM RESORT (714) 750-3131 $149.95 $16 self park ($22 valet); rate good through
Available 4:00 pm
616 W Convention Way (800) 231-6215 $179.95 February 19, 2019
DESERT PALMS HOTEL & SUITES 3-night min. stay includes $9.95 parking; free hot breakfast
(714) 535-1133 $219 4:00 pm
631 W Katella Ave buffet; free WiFi; free snack pack; rate thru Feb. 22, 2019
DOUBLETREE SUITES ANAHEIM (714) 750-3000 $8 self park; rate good through February 28, 2019
$175 4:00 pm
2085 S Harbor Blvd (800) 445-8667 *note: 1st night room & tax due at booking
(714) 703-8800 $10 self park; free hot breakfast; rate good through
11747 Harbor Blvd $159 Available 3:00 pm
(800) 426-7866 February 28, 2019
Garden Grove, CA 92840
(Best Western Plus) (714) 776-4800 $155 Available 4:00 pm $10 self park; rate good through February 28, 2019
1544 S Harbor Blvd
(Best Western Plus) (714) 776-0140 $130 4:00 pm $10 self park; rate good through February 28, 2019
1176 W Katella Ave
PORTOFINO HOTEL (714) 782-7600 $185
3:00 pm Rate good through February 27, 2019
1831 S Harbor Blvd (888) 297-7143 $205
(714) 750-6100 $149
(Best Western Plus) Welcome reception; free valet parking; free breakfast; rate
(800) 308-5278 $169 3:00 pm
2040 S Harbor Blvd good through February 15, 2019
RED LION HOTEL (714) 750-2801
$170 4:00 pm $10 self park; rate good through February 28, 2019
1850 S Harbor Blvd (800) 733-5466
RESIDENCE INN ANAHEIM (714) 782-7500 $20 parking (1 car per room); free breakfast; rate good
640 W Katella Ave $235
(877) 688-7165 4:00 pm through February 20, 2019
SHERATON PARK HOTEL (714) 750-1811 $180
4:00 pm $21 self park; rate good through February 26, 2019
1855 S Harbor Blvd (866) 837-4197 $210
SPRINGHILL SUITES ANAHEIM (714) 533-2101 $219 $20 parking (1 car per room); free breakfast; rate good
4:00 pm
1801 S Harbor Blvd (844) 473-3953 $235 through February 18, 2019
(Best Western Plus) (714) 778-1880 $125 4:00 pm $10 self park; rate good through February 28, 2019
1110 W Katella Ave
WYNDHAM GARDEN ANAHEIM (714) 991-6868 Comp. parking; comp. WiFi; rate good through
$165 3:00 pm
515 W Katella Ave (888) 543-7878 February 28, 2019
___________________________________ _______________________________________
Date Signature of Cardholder
ENDOWMENT FUND lection for this fund at the Saturday evening liturgies. Please make
your donation payable to: Religious Education Endowment Fund.
The Office of Religious Education has established an Endowment
Fund to support the ongoing training and formation of religious Mail to: Fr. Christopher Bazyouros
education leaders by making scholarships available for catechetical Office of Religious Education
leaders to pursue graduate studies. It is our hope that every Direc- PO Box 761157
tor of Religious Education and Director of Youth Ministry will be Los Angeles, CA 90076-1157
given the opportunity to receive a master’s degree in Religious On the Web: Online registration allows charges on a credit
Education/Religious Studies. card – registration fees and any contribution to
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RECongress Program Book as a Benefactor ($1000), Sponsor Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover.
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We encourage all Ralphs and Food 4 Less shoppers to sign up • You have now completed your online rewards card registration
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To earn 1.0 unit (10 hours over two days): To earn 1.5 units (15 hours over three days):
• attend any six workshops (including keynote • attend any eight workshops (including keynote
address) and at least one major liturgy address) and at least two major liturgies
• write a 1‑2 page reflection paper integrating • write a 2-3 page reflection paper integrating
what you learned at the presentations what you learned at the presentations
• registration fee: $65 • registration fee: $95
To register, fill out the form below, and FAX or mail it to the address below.
• You may register by phone at 310‑338‑2799 or online at
• You may also register at Congress; just come by the LMU Booth in the Exhibit Hall
To receive credit, submit your paper (typed, double‑spaced), along with a list of all the sessions you attended, on or
before April 8, 2019 (two weeks after Congress)
• Send your materials by email ([email protected]), or FAX (310-338-2706), or regular mail to:
Center for Religion & Spirituality, 1 LMU Drive, Suite 1863, Los Angeles, CA 90045-2659
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Please submit this form along with the appropriate registration fee on or before March 22, 2019.
Make checks payable to “Loyola Marymount University,” or call to give credit card information for payment.
Center for Religion & Spirituality, 1 LMU Drive Suite 1863, Los Angeles, CA 90045-2659 • 310-338-2799 • FAX 310-338-2706
The Religious Education Congress staff will make every effort to assure that RECongress 2019 is accessible to the Deaf or
Hard of Hearing person. For those who would like to request an interpreter or use of an Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs),
please fill out and include this form along with your registration.
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If you wish to add or change a request AFTER you arrive at Congress, check with Interpreting Services, located outside AR-1,
in the Arena Lobby. While we can accommodate most last-minute requests, we cannot guarantee an interpreter will be available.