Assignment 3 BBLW1023

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Faculty of Information Technology (FoIT)


Subject Code & Name: BBLW 1023 COMPUTER ETHICS AND LAW
Lecturer: Ms. Asma Zubaida bt Mohamed Ibrahim
Date Handed Out: 24th September 2018
Submission Date: 12 November 2018 before 5.00pm
Assignment Title: Grouping Assignment
Assignment Number: 3 (Grouping)

PROJECT – Computer Ethics and Law cases

Introduction right now, there are literally hundreds of cases on the computer ethics and law going on in the court in the world. For
this project, you will research and report on one of these cases that is of interest to you and that we are not covering in class.
Specifically, you will prepare and deliver the following:

 A short written report on the cases

 A brief oral presentation on the cases
 The project will count for 40% of your overall course grade. Details on these requirements are provided below.

Select a Topic
Your first task in this assignment will be to choose the cases that you will report on. The latest cases will be the best. Keep the
following criteria in mind as you consider the topic for your research.

 Select a case that you are interest on. Based on the selected cases:
 What is the cases? (Brief summary)
 Where and when the cases took place.
 Who is involve?
 The current status of the case. (Cronology)
 The result , prevention and lessons should have been taken.

Research Report (20%)

Your written report should not be structured as a term paper. Rather, it should be a succinct and focused overview of the cases,
which clearly communicates its salient points. (You might borrow some of the formatting components used in this document for your
report – I.e. clearly labeled sections containing short singlespaced paragraphs and bulleted lists.)
Your written report should include the following elements.
 A high level introduction summarizing the cases.
 Some history and background on the cases – the who and the why behind it.
 A brief technical overview explaining how it should have be prevented and what actions can be done.

Oral Presentation (20%)

On the last day of class, you will give a short live oral presentation about your chosen web technology to your classmates, any
special guests, and the instructor. You should use this presentation to clearly explaination. Keep the following in mind as you
prepare your presentation.
 Your presentation should be about 10 minutes in length and should go no longer than 12 minutes.
 You are encouraged to incorporate audio/visual components into your presentation as appropriate. The exact nature and scope
of these elements is up to you.
 The information you deliver in your presentation will very likely overlap with the material in your written report.
 You should leave a few moments at the end of your presentation to take questions from your peers (and be reasonably
prepared to answer them)
Full Name & Program BCSSE, BIT, BCSSE-CT

Student ID Code/Subject BIIT3014 Web TEchnology

Assignment title & number Tick the mode of your coursework :

Grouping Assignment
Due Date [ ] Individual work [ ] Group work

Date Submitted REMARKS:

Name of lecturer / tutor

Asma Zubaida Bt Mohamed Ibrahim
(academic advisor)

STUDENT DETAIL Student(s) to fill-in the following particulars:



Total Percentage 20%

Grade (fill-in
by Lec.)
Final Mark


Compile and summarise the journal about “web Technology and Application”

Advanced Proficient Basic
Criteria Total
10 pts 8 pts 4 pts

Advanced Proficient Apprentice Basic

Interesting topic; appropriate for a Intermediate topic; appropriate for a Central topic not clear; what is it
Original and interesting topic;
college level college level you’re trying to say
appropriate for a college level

Finishing Advanced Proficient Basic Limited

Submit the report one day before due Submit the report one day before Submit the report one day before due Submit the report.
date with the softcopy and present a due date with the softcopy. date


Lecturer Name:


Asma Zubaida Bt Mohamed Ibrahim

Faculty Of Information Technology

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