Hsslive Xi Maths CH 11.conic Section

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THREE DIMENSIONAL GEOMETRY 5. a) Which of the following is lies in the sixth

octant? (1)
IMPROVEMENT 2017 i) (3,1,2) ii) (3,1,2)
iii) (3,1,2) iv) (3,1,2)
1. a) Co-ordinates of a point on XY plane is …….
i) (1,2,0) ii) (2,3,1) b) Find the ratio in which the YZ plane divides
iii) (0,3,1) iv) (4,0,1) (1) the line joining the points (2,4,7) and
b) Find the ratio in which the XY plane divides (3,5,8). (3)

the line segment joining the points MARCH 2015

(2,4,7),(3,5,8). (2)
6. a) A point in the XZ pane is …………..
i) (1,1,1) ii) (2,0,3)
MARCH 2017
iii) (2,3,0) iv) (1,2,3)
2. a) The distance between the point (1,-2,3) and
(4,1,2) is ……….. b) Show that the points
A 1, 2,3 , B  1, 2, 1 , C  2,3, 2  and
i) 12 ii) 19
iii) 11 iv) 15 (1) D  4, 7, 6  are the vertices of a
parallelogram. (3)
b) The centroid of triangle ABC is at the point
(1,2,3). If the coordinates of A and B are IMPROVEMENT 2014
(3,5,7) and (1,7,6) respectively. Find the
coordinates of the point C. (2) 7. Find the coordinates of the point which, divides
the line segment joining the points (2,3,5) and
IMPROVEMENT 2016 (1,4,6) in the ratio 2:3 internally. (4)
3. a) State whether the following is TRUE or
MARCH 2014
FALSE. “ The point (4,2,5) lies in the eight
octant’. 8. a) Find the distance between the points (2,3,5)
b) Find the equation of the set of points such that and (4,3,1).
its distance from the points A(3,4,-5) and b) Find the ratio in which the line segment
B (-2,1,4) are equal. joining the points A (4,8,10) and B(6,10,8) is
divided by the XY pane.
MARCH 2016
4. a) Which one of the following points lies in the IMPROVEMENT 2013
sixth octant?
9. a) If P is a point in YZ-plane, then its x
i) (4, 2, 5) ii) (4, 2, 5) coordinate is …………
iii) (4,2, 5) iv) (4,2,5) (1) b) Find the ratio in which the YZ-plane divides
b) Find the ratio in which the YZ plane divides
the line segment formed by joining the points the line segment formed by joining
( 2,4,7) and (3,5,8) the points (2,4,7) and (3,5,8).

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1 Page

MARCH 2013 a) Using the distance formula. Show that the

points A,B and C are collinear.
10. a) Find the distance between the points (2,1,3)
a) Find the ratio in which B divides the line
and (2,1,3).
b) Find the coordinates of the point which segment AC.
divides the line segment joining the points
(2,3,5) and (1,4,6) internally in the ratio of
2:3. 15. a) Find the co-ordinates of the points which
trisect the line segment joining the points
IMPROVEMENT 2012 P(4,0,1)and Q(2,4,0).

11. The vertices of ABC are A  2,1 , B  3,5  and

b) Find the locus of the set of points P such that
the distance from A(2,3,4) is equal to twice
C  4,5 
the distance from B(2,1,2).
a) Write the co-ordinates of the midpoint of AC.
b) Find the equation of the medial through the MARCH 2010
vertex B.
16. Consider the triangle with vertices A (0,7,10),

MARCH 2012 B (1,6,6) ,C (4,9,6).

i) Find the sides AB, BC, AC
 5 22  22  ii) Prove that the triangle is right angled.
12. a) If  , ,  is the centroid of PQR with
3 3 3 
iii) Find the centroid of the triangle.
vertices P (a,7,10), Q (1, 2b,6) , R (4,9,3c),
find the values of a, b and c. IMPROVEMENT 2009
b) Prove that PQR is isosceles.
17. Consider the points A(2,4,7) and B(3,5,8).

IMPROVEMENT 2011 i) If P divides AB in the ratio k:1, then find the

co-ordinates of P.
13. a) Determine a point on the x axis which is
ii) Find the co-ordinates of the point where the
equidistant from the points (2,3,5) and
line segment AB crosses the YZ-plane.
b) If the centroid of the triangle with vertices MARCH 2009

(a,2,5), (1,b,0) and (3,1,c) is (1,2,3), then 18. Consider the points A(2,1,3) and B(1,2,1):
find a,b and c. a) Find the ratio in which the join of AB is dived
by YZ plane.
MARCH 2011
b) Also find the point of division.
14. Consider the points A (2,3,5). B (1, 2, 3) and
C(7, 0, 1).

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