Key Concepts Questions PYP

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What does surface area mean? Where do words come from? Where is the science in cooking?
What are the differences between What does it really mean to listen? What’s it made of and why?
area and perimeter? What title would you give this text How do animals communicate?
What unit of measurement do we and why? What lives here?
use for area of large/ tiny shapes? What do you think the author is What is matter and how does it
What are some different ways to showing? behave?
count? What questions do you have about How are plants and animals the
What ways do we use math in what you read? same and different?
everyday life? What are the parts of a book? What are the elements of
WHAT IS IT LIKE? What is ‘equation?’ What are the ways stories can be ecosystem?
Everything has a form with recognizable
features that can be observed, identified, What is ‘fraction?’ told?
described and categorized. How can we describe time? What language do we use at
What is pattern? school?


What is work and why do people What does it mean to be creative? How do people express their What does it mean to be fit?
do it? What is line? identity? What is a healthy/unhealthy?
Who has power? How do you differentiate colors? What difference do you see in the What resources can you use to find
What legacy will we leave behind? What other way could you paint a dance? information about mental health
What makes this place unique? picture? What are the difference between supports in your community?
What kind of work do people do? How would you classify colors? these music genre? What do you need to think about
What are the main occupations of How would you compare/contrast Who is an artist? when you are playing?
people living in our town? colors? What choices must a How do you maintain physical
How are places different? What are the elements of art? choreographer make before fitness throughout your life?
Who should rule and why? How would you categorize the beginning a work? What kind of practice improves
Who was here first? How do we elements of arts? performance?
What does a great music looks/
know? How would you categorize art
genre? sounds like?
What are the traits of a good leader?


What are the advantages to a How do people tell their stories? How do scientists think and work?
base ten number system? How are symbols used to Where does it come from? Where
How well does a linear function fit communicate meaning? does it go?
all situations in real life? How do the pictures and the text What natural cycles and systems
work together? help keep our planet ‘working?’
How can we analyse data?
How do words make us feel? How does a circulatory system
HOW DOES IT WORK? How can we measure the area of Why do we name things? work?
Everything has a purpose, a role or polygons? How can words paint a picture? How does adaptation work?
way of behaving that can be What will happen if we add or How can we use non fiction to be
investigated. subtract number? better researchers?
What’s the worlds most useful How do languages work?


What can a map tell us? How and why do we design? How does a song, piece of art, or a How do our body systems work to
What are the roles of community How can an art have power? dance communicate with us? keep us alive?
helper? Where do artists get their ideas? How can we ‘read’ and understand Why do games have rules?
What rules of behavior did people What is the purpose of public art? a work of art? What is the purpose of diet eating?
adopt? How does art help us tell people What is the purpose of making a How do your choices about
How does a government work? our feelings? script? substance use help you to live
What do leaders do? What is the role(s) of a museum? How can you create the safely?
How have people adapted to living sounds of the beach using your How do you score points in
How can media arts be used to
here? voice? your game?
How do people in government persuade an audience? How does art help us tell people How do we apply rules in games?
work? How do artists & designers our feelings? What roles can help a team
How does organization work? determine goals for designing or What does a stage director do? function smoothly?
redesigning objects, places, or How can you show what you How do we collect and record
systems? are feeling? results?


Why are some mental strategies Why read fiction? What makes it move?
better to use than others? How can we create a great non What lies beneath us and why does
Why do we need so many types of fiction text? it matter?
graphs? What makes a great speech? What makes a great construction?
Why do we have a number system? What part does language play How does climate affect
WHY IS IT LIKE THIS? Why do I need mathematical in cultural identity? ecosystems?
Things do not just happen, that operations? What makes one writer more How does science influence sport?
there are causal relationships at Why do some calculations produce powerful than another? How does electricity work and how
work, and that actions have patterns? Why did the author write the story does it impact on our lives?
consequences. How was the place value the way it is? How and why does organic matter
system developed? decompose?
How do advertisements ‘work on
How does data influence others? How are living things connected?
What is the reason for the seasons?


How and why do people seek What makes good design? Why and how do people make Why do humans play games? What
homes in new places? What does a designer need to think music? makes a great game?
How does popular culture affect about? What makes music? How do our choices affect our
us? What would result if we mix colors? What would the world be like if we health?
How does where we live affect How would you use tools for weren’t able to artistically express What makes a person physically fit?
HOW we live? making artwork? ourselves? Why is it important to be physically
What makes a great leader? What problem solving skills do I What factors influence artists and fit?
What makes a good home? need to create art? artistic expression? Why do games have rules?
How and why do people explore? Why do you think this piece of art How do musicians generate Why can’t two runners occupy the
Why do people belong to groups? has been made? creative ideas? same base at the same time in
Why is history worth knowing? What makes art "great"? How can music communicate a baseball?
How and why do we move from In what ways do artists influence cause or message that is important What makes a person physically fit?
place to place? society? to a group of people?



How are new types of graphs are How can props enhance How do living things change as
being invented? communication? they grow?
How did the metric system change How have languages changed How do plants change as they
the way we measure area? historically? grow?
When did people start using the How do we use language How do our bodies change over
new 10 base system? differently as we grow? time?
HOW IS IT CHANGING? How can we convert from the 12
hour to 24 hour clock?
How have other languages and How do living things survive in
Change is the process of cultures changed our language? changing environments?
How can you change one
movement from one state to How does technology change the How have different inventions
another. It is universal and quadrilateral into another? way people communicate? changed the world?
inevitable. How can I change the shape of a How does the land change?


Where is the past in the present? How has art changed through time? How can we recycle materials to How can we change the game so
How do places change over time? In what ways has technology create a musical instrument? everyone is included?
What ‘stands the test of time?’ enhanced and increased the value How, when, and why do theatre How does increasing the
How and why do we of the image as a form of artists’ choices change? boundaries change the strategies
remember/commemorate events of you use to defend the goal?
communication? How can familiar stories be
the past? How does food turn into energy?
How does technology change our What makes art modern? adapted for the stage? How is a
How can we change the game so
lives for the better? How do media artists musical variation different from a
everyone is included?
How does conflict lead to change improve/refine their work? theme?
Why might your fitness plan change
across varying levels of society? How does the story begin, develop,
over time?
How can small actions eventually and end?
change the world?



How are these strategies used with How do we get our message How can the formation of the three

mental subtraction? across? different types of rocks
How do we use graphs in real life? What are the similarities and (sedimentary, igneous, and
What is the relations between area differences between languages? metamorphic) be communicated
and perimeter? What are the origins of names? through an original piece of music?
HOW IS IT CONNECTED TO How are volume and capacity How are storytelling traditions What link is there between time of
OTHER THINGS? connected?
linked to culture?
day and the size of shadow?
We live in a world of interacting How/why do we measure volume in What are the similarities and
real life? How does the placement of objects
systems in which the actions of any differences between your local
What are the relations between [or people, shapes, etc.] within the
individual element affect others. work create feelings or focus, or ecosystem and a larger ecosystem
addition and subtraction? you have studied?
How are the four operations communicate ideas?
How do humans and other animals


What, if any, connections exist How does art help us learn about How can familiar stories be How do our various body systems
between society then and today? other people? adapted for the stage? interact?
How have natural disasters affected How do I use art in my everyday What can we learn from studying What differences are there between
the lives of people? life? the art of others? running for speed and running for
What kinds of beliefs and values How do artists from different eras How do musicians make distance?
encourage connections? present similar themes? meaningful connections to How can you work as a group to
What is the relation between the How do the different elements in creating, performing, and achieve a common aim?
people and government? this work contribute to a central responding? How can your body movements
What is the connection between theme or idea? How is watching a live show show emotions?
local and global? different and/or similar to a show?



What strategies do adults prefer to What do authors do? What choices How do we know it is true?
use and why when adding do authors make? How do living things protect
mentally? Why do some books become themselves?
How do we know which types of bestsellers? How do scientist solve world’s
WHAT ARE THE POINTS graphs help understand data more Which language do you think is problems?
OF VIEW? easily?
How do we know where we are?
Easiest to learn? How do scientist see pattern?
Different perspectives lead to How can we show someone we are
What do graphs tell us? really listening?
different interpretations,
What is so weird about prime
understandings and findings;
perspectives may be individual,
How do mathematician solve
group, cultural or disciplinary.
world’s problem?


How do children live in other What choices does a What choices does a dancer/ How can you position yourself in
places? painter/sculptor/ etc make? performer/ etc make? relation to your opponent to
Whose history is it? What is your opinion for the What do we mean when we refer to prevent a goal from being scored?
How do we govern ourselves? painting? music as the universal language? Why can’t two runners occupy the
How do we know if we weren’t What do you like and why? What do you like and why? same base at the same time in
there? What is your interpretation of this What inspires me?
What is your vision of a “perfect artwork? baseball?
How can we interpret the intent of
society” and how would you What choices must an artist make
describe it? a piece of music?
before beginning a work?
What makes me respond to
Why do you think the artist used
these colours?
How do individuals choose music
How is it a reflection of its time?
to experience?



How can finding pattern help us in What can fairy tales/ legends/ What makes the earth ‘work?’ and
saving world’s problem? myths/ fables teach us? how can we care for it?
What helps me stay more focused How can the use of language What things should we do to care
on a task? influence people? for our classroom plants?
WHAT IS OUR What might be the best way for me
How should we treat people who
How can we not waste water?
RESPONSIBILITY? to solve math problem?
Why measurement need to be speak different languages?
What should we do to be healthy?
People make choices based on What factors do you need to
accurate? Why are there some books or
their understandings, and the consider when designing a car?
What makes our answer websites that we are not allowed to
actions they take as a result do How could we design the most
reasonable? read? What gives words power?
make a difference efficient bicycle?
How could we use mathematics to
create a better world?


Poverty: whose responsibility? What can the art forms of other What can dance teach us about What makes a great team?
How can we improve our cultures teach us about ourselves culture? How do your choices about
school/community? and about life? What kinds of responsibilities does substance use help you to live
Why should we care about the How do we make a difference an artist have to an audience or a safely?
through art?
past? consumer? How can you use the ideas and
How do artists have a responsibility
What does it mean to be a World How can we use the arts to inspire skills of everyone?
to their audiences?
Citizen? What rights should all positive action? How can you move safely around
Where would you like to be in the
children How do musicians improve the the space?
Have? quality of their creative work? How can you play fairly?
What responsibilities come with the
How is conflict resolved? How do you maintain physical
freedom to create?
How can I have my say? fitness throughout your life?


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