B. Sc. 3 Year PDF
B. Sc. 3 Year PDF
B. Sc. 3 Year PDF
Time Learning Assessment
Content Learning
Unit (Hrs) Objective Method
1 5 • Recognize Introduction to midwifery * Lecture *Short
the trends and obstetrical Nursing discussion answers
and issues in • Introduction to concepts *Explain using *Objective
midwifery of Midwifery and Charts and type
and obstetrical nursing. graphs
obstetrical • Trends in Midwifery and
Nursing obstetrical nursing.
Historical perspectives
and currents trends.
Legal and ethical aspects
Pre-conception care and
preparing for parenthood
Role of nurse in midwifery
and obstetrical care.
National policy and
legislation in relation to
maternal health & welfare
Maternal, morbidity,
mortality rates
Perinatal, morbidity &
mortality rates
Unit Time Learning Content Teaching Assessment
(Hrs) Objective Learning Method
II 8 • Describe the Review of anatomy and *Lecture *Short answers
anatomy and physiology of female discussion *Objective
physiology of reproductive system and *Review type
female foetal development with charts
reproductive • Female pelvis-general and models
system description of the bones
joints, ligaments, planes of
the pelvis diameters of the
true pelvis important
landmarks, variations in
pelvis shape.
• Female organs of
genetalia, internal genital
organs and their anatomical
relations, musculature-
blood- supply, nerves,
lymphatics, pelvic cellular
tissue, pelvic peritoneum.
• Physiology of
menstrual cycle
• Human sexuality
• Foetal development
Review of fertilization,
implantation (embedding
of the ovum), development
of the embryo and placenta
at term-function,
abnormalities, the foetal
sac, amniotic fluid, the
umbilical chord,
Foetal circulation, foetal
skull, bones, sutures and
• Review of Genetics
Unit Time Learning Content Teaching Assessment
(Hrs) Objective Learning Method
III 8 • Describe the Assessment • Lecture • Short
Diagnosis and and management of discussion answers
management of pregnancy • Demonstratio • Objective
women during (ante-natal) n type
antenatal period. • Normal pregnancy • Case • Assessme
• Psychological changes discussion/pr nt of skills
during pregnancy. esentation with check
Reproductive system • Health talk list
Cardio vascular system *Assessment
• Practice
Respiratory system of patient
Urinary system management
• Supervised
Gastero intestinal system
Clinical practice problems
Metabolic changes
Skeletal changes
Skin changes
Endocrine system
Psychological changes
Discomforts of pregnancy
Diagnosis of pregnancy
• Diagnosis of pregnancy
• Signs
• Differential diagnosis
• Confirmatory tests
• Ante-nantal care
History and physical examination
- Antenatal
- Signs of previous child-birth
Relationship of foetus to
uterus and pelvis: Lie,
Attitude, Presentation,
Per vaginal examination
* Screening and assessment
for high risk:
* Risk approach
• History and Physical
Modalities of diagnosis;
Invasive & Non- Invasive &
ultrasonic, cardiotomography,
Time Learning Assessment
Unit Content Learning
(Hrs) Objective Method
• Antenatal preparation
Antenatal counseling
Antenatal exercises
Substance use Education
for child-birth
Husband and families
Preparation for safe-
Preventio from radiation
• Psycho-social and cultural
aspects of pregnancy
Adjustment to pregnancy
Unwed mother
Single parent
Teenage pregnancy
Sexual violence
* Adoption
2. C.S.DAWN-
Areas Objectives Skills Assessments Methods
Antenatal 2 * Assessment of • Antenatal *Conduct *Verification of
Clinic/OPD pregnant women history taking Antenatal findings of
• Physical *Examinations Antenatal
• Examination 30 examinations
• Recording of • Health * Completion of
talk-1 casebook
weight & B.P
• Case recordings
• Hb & Urine
testing for sugar book
and albumin recordings
• Antenatal
abdomen &
• Immunization
• Assessment of
risk status
• Teaching
• Maintenance of
Marks III year IV year Marks III year IV year
Viva -- -- -- 50 √ --
Midterm 50 √ - 50 -- √
Pre final 75 - √ 50 - √
TOTAL 125 150
1 Seminar 50 √ -
2 Drug study 50 - √
TOTAL 100 - -
Seminar 01 (3rd year) 50
Drug study 01 (4th year) 50
Out of 10
Practical examination
Viva Marks 50
Midterm examination Marks 50
Prefinal examination Marks 50
Total 900
External assessment
University examination
Theory Marks 75
Practical Marks 100
1) Appropriate to subject
2) Proper use of A.V.Aids
3) Self – Explanatory
4) Attractive
5) Planning & Preparation
6) Use of Modern Technology
Overall Observation
Signature of Teacher
Signature of Principal
Drug study
Index of drug
Classification of drugs
Factors affecting action of drugs
Name of the drug ( Trade & Pharmaceutical name )
Preparation, strength and dose
Indications and contraindications
Adverse effects and drug interactions
Nursing responsibility
Identification data
Patient: Name, Age in years, Dr’s unit, reg.no
education, occupation, income, religion, marital
status, duration of marriage
Gravida, para, abortion, living, blood group
Husband: Name, Age, education, occupation, income
Present complaints
History of illness
Menstrual history: age of menarche, duration of menstrual cycle, duration of cycle in days,
regularity, amount of flow, LMP, EDD, associated complaints
Contraceptive history:
Antenatal attendance:
Date, weight, pallor, edema, BP, Ut. Ht, presentation/position, FHS, Hb, Urine
albumin/sugar, treatment
Obstetric history:
H/O Previous pregnancy / deliveries,
Period of pregnancy, type of labour/delivery, birth weight, PNC condition, remarks
Present pregnancy:
Date of booking, number of ANC visits, H/O minor ailments
Past medical, surgical history:
Family history:
Diet history:
Socioeconomic status
Personal habits
Psychosocial status
Physical assessment:
General examination: head to foot
Obstetric palpation, Auscultation
Description of disease
Therapeutic diet plan
Nursing care plan
Nurse’s notes
Discharge planning
Antenatal advice
Evaluation of care
Identification data
Patient: Name, Age in years, Dr’s unit, reg.no
education, occupation, income, religion, marital
status, duration of marriage
Gravida, para, abortion, living, blood group
Husband: Name, Age, education, occupation, income
Present complaints
History of illness
Menstrual history: age of menarche, duration of menstrual cycle, duration of cycle in days,
regularity, amount of flow, LMP, EDD, associated complaints
Contraceptive history:
Antenatal attendance:
Date, weight, pallor, edema, BP, Ut. Ht, presentation/position, FHS, Hb, Urine
albumin/sugar, treatment
Obstetric history:
H/O Previous pregnancy / deliveries,
Period of pregnancy, type of labour/delivery, birth weight, PNC condition, Condition of
new born, remarks
Present pregnancy:
Date of booking, number of ANC visits, H/O minor ailments
Past medical, surgical history:
Family history:
Diet history:
Socioeconomic status
Personal habits
Psychosocial status
Physical assessment:
Mother: General examination: head to foot
Baby: new born assessment
Description of disease
Therapeutic diet plan
Nursing care plan
Nurse’s notes
Discharge planning
Antenatal advice
Evaluation of care
Assessment / Introduction 05
Knowledge & understanding of disease / condition 15
Nursing care plan 20
Discharge plan 05
Summary & evaluation 03
Bibliography 02
Assessment / Introduction 05
Knowledge & understanding of disease / condition 10
Presentation skill 10
Nursing care plan 15
A.V. aids 05
Summary & evaluation 03
Bibliography 02
Case book
Note: 1. Case book contents
Antenatal examinations 30
Conducted normal deliveries 20
PV examinations 05
Episiotomy & suturing 05
Neonatal resuscitations 05
Assist with caesarian section 02
Witness / assist abnormal deliveries 05
Post natal cases nursed in hospital / health centre / home 20
Insertion of IUCD 05
Course Description: This course is designed for developing an understanding of the modern approach
to child-care, identification, prevention and nursing management of common health problems of
neonates and children.
Specific objectives: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Explain the modern concept of child care and the principles of child health nursing.
2. Describe the normal growth and development of children in various age groups.
3. Explain the physiological response of body to disease conditions in children.
4. Identify the health needs and problems of neonates and children, plan and implement
appropriate nursing interventions.
5. Identify the various preventive, promotive and rehabilitative aspects of child care and
apply them in providing nursing care to children in the hospital and in the community.
1. Ghai O.p. et al. (2000) Ghai’s Essentials of Paediatrics. 1st edn. Mehta offset works.
New Delhi.
2. Marlow Dorothy & Redding. (2001) Textbook of Paed. Nsg. 6th edn. Harbarcourt India ltd.
New Delhi
3. Parthsarathy et al. (2000) IAP Textbook of Paediatric Nsg. Jaypee bros., 2 nd ed. New Delhi.
4. Vishwanathan & Desai. (1999) Achar’s Textbook of Paediatrics 3rd ed. Orient Longman.
5. Wong Dona et al. Whaley & Wong’s Nursing care of infants & children.6th edn. Mosby co.,
6. Dr. C.S. Waghale, Principles and Practice of Clinical Pediatrics, Vora publication 1996
Time: 270 hrs (9 weeks)
I. Internal assessment :
Maximum marks 25
Theory : Marks
Midterm 50
Prefinal 75
Total marks 125
2. Case study - 50
( Paed. medical. / surgical. 01)
3. Nursing care plan 03 3 x 25 75
4. Clinical evaluation of comprehensive. 3 X 100 300
( paed. Medical / surgical / P.I.C.U./ N.I.C.U.)
5. Health teaching - 01 25
Practical exam :
1. Midterm exam 50
2. Preterm exam 50
Theory 75
Practical 50
Patients Biodata: Name, address, age, sex, religion, occupation of parent, source of health care, date of
admission, provisional diagnosis, date of surgery if any
Presenting complaints: Describe the complaints with which the patient has come to hospital
History of illness
History of present illness – onset, symptoms, duration, precipitating / alleviating factors
History of past illness – illnesses, surgeries, allergies, immunizations, medications
Family history – family tree, history of illness in family members, risk factors, congenital problems,
psychological problems.
Economic status of the family: Monthly income & expenditure on health, food and education material
assets (own pacca house car, two wheeler, phone, TV etc…)
Sr. Drug Frequency effects &
Dose Action responsibi-
No. (Pharmacological name) / Time drug
Description of disease
Definition, related anatomy physiology, etiology, risk factors, clinical features, management and nursing
Discharge planning:
It should include health education and discharge planning given to patient
Evaluation of care
Overall evaluation, problem faced while providing care prognosis of the patient and conclusion
SN Content Marks
1 Assessment / Introduction 05
2 Knowledge and understanding of disease 10
3 Nursing care plan 15
4 Presentation skill 10
5 A.V. aids 05
6 Overall
Time 01
Summary& conclusion 02
Bibliography 02
Total 50
SN Content Marks
1 Assessment / Introduction 05
2 Knowledge and understanding of disease 15
3 Nursing care plan 20
4 Discharge plan 05
5 Summary & evaluation 02
6 Bibliography 03
Total 50
Nursing care plan
1. Patients Biodata: Name, address, age, sex, religion, occupation of parents, source of health care,
date of admission, provisional diagnosis, date of surgery if any
2. Presenting complaints: Describe the complaints with which the patient has come to hospital
3. History of illness
History of present illness – onset, symptoms, duration, precipitating / alleviating factors
History of past illness – illnesses, surgeries, allergies, immunizations, medications
Family history – family tree, history of illness in family members, risk factors, congenital
problems, psychological problems
4. Childs personal data
Obstetric history of - prenatal & natal history of mother, growth an development ( compare with
normal ),immunization status, dietary pattern including weaning, play habits, toilet training, sleep
pattern, schooling.
5 Economic status: Monthly income & expenditure on health, food and education, material assets
(own pacca house car, two wheeler, phone, TV etc…)
6 Psychological status: ethnic background,( geographical information, cultural information)
support system available.
7 Personal habits: consumption of alcohol, smoking, tobacco chewing, sleep, exercise, work
elimination, nutrition.
8 Physical examination with date and time
9 Investigations
10. Treatment
SN Drug Dose Frequency/t Action Side Nursing
(pharmacological name) ime effects & responsibility
Discharge planning:
It should include health education and discharge planning given to patient
12.Evalaution of care
Overall evaluation, problem faced while providing care prognosis of the patient and conclusion
Care plan evaluation
1. History taking 03
2. Assessment and nursing diagnosis 05
3. Planning of care 05
4. Implementation and evaluation 08
5. Follow up care 02
6. Bibliography 02
SUPERVISOR: _____________________________________________________________
Total 100 Marks
Scores: 5 = Excellent, 4 = Very good, 3 = Good, 2 = Satisfactory / fair, 1 = Poor
SN Particular 1 2 3 4 5 Score
1 I) Planning and organization
a) Formulation of attainable objectives
b) Adequacy of content
c) Organization of subject matter
d) Current knowledge related to subject Matter
e) Suitable A.V.Aids
II) Presentation:
a) Interesting
b) Clear Audible
c) Adequate explanation
d) Effective use of A.V. Aids
e) Group Involvement
f) Time Limit
III) Personal qualities:
a) Self confidence
b) Personal appearance
c) Language
d) Mannerism
e) Self awareness of strong & weak points
IV) Feed back:
a) Recapitulation
b) Effectiveness
c) Group response
V) Submits assignment on time
Very good = 70 % and above
Good = 60 – 69 %
Satisfactory = 50- 59 %
Poor = Below 50 %
Student’s Remark:
I] Identification Data :
Name of the child :
Age :
Sex :
Date of admission :
Diagnosis :
Type of delivery : Normal/ Instrumental/ LSCS
Place of delivery : Hospital/ Home
Any problem during birth : Yes/ No
If yes, give details :
Order of birth :
II] Growth & development of child & comparison with normal:
Anthropometry In the child Normal
Chest circumference
Head circumference
Mid arm circumference
III] Milestones of development:
Development milestones In Child Comparison with the
1. Responsive smile
2. Responds to Sound
3. Head control
4. Grasps object
5. Rolls over
6. Sits alone
7. Crawls or creeps
8. Thumb-finger
9. Stands with support
10. Stands alone
11. Walks with support
12. Walks alone
13. Climbs steps
14. Runs
IV] Social, Emotional & Language Development:
V] Play habits
Child favorite toy and play:
Does he play alone or with other children?
VI] Toilet training
Is the child trained for bowel movement & if yes, at what age:
Has the child attained bladder control & if yes, at what age:
Does the child use the toilet?
VII] Nutrition
• Breast feeding (as relevant to age)
• Weaning has weaning started for the child: Yes/No If yes, at what age & specify the weaning
diet. Any problems observed during weaning:
Meal pattern at home
Sample of a day’s meal: Daily requirements of chief nutrients:
Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner Snacks:
VIII] Immunization status & schedule of completion of immunization.
IX] Sleep pattern
How many hours does the child sleep during day and night?
Any sleep problems observed & how it is handled:
X] Schooling
Does the child attend school?
If yes, which grade and report of school performance:
XV] Conclusion
XVI] Bibliography
Note: - Same format to be used for assessment of infant, Toddler & Preschooler child.
- Posterior fontanel:
- Any cephalhematoma / caput succedaneum
- Forceps marks (if any) :
Cleft lip / palate
Ear Cartilage :
- Breast nodule
- Umbilical cord
- Hands :
5 Bibliography 02
Total 25
Maharashtra University of Health Sciences
External Practical Evaluation Guidelines
III Basic B.Sc Nursing
Subject : Child Health Nursing
50 Marks
Date : Date :
Maximum Maximum
marks for Weight marks of
Sr No Subjects Assignments / tests age
internal assessmen
assessment t / tests
1 Medical 25 Midterm Test – 1 50
surgical Prefinal Exam – 1 75 25 marks
geriatrics) II
Medical 50 Nursing care plan 125
surgical ( ENT, Ophthalmology, Gynaec,
Nursing Burns, Oncology)
( Adult Case presentation / case study- 50 50marks
Health teaching
geriatrics) II 25
Clinical Evaluation
Practical (Neurology and critical care unit) 200
Practical exam :-
Midterm Test – 1 50
Prefinal Exam - 1 75
2 Child health 25 Midterm Test – 1 50
Nursing Prefinal Exam – 1 75 25 marks
Child health 50 Case presentation - 50
Nursing (Paed Medical / Surgical 01)
Practical 2. Case study - 50
(Paed. medical / surgical 01)
3. Nursing care plan 03 75
4. Clinical evaluation of 300
(paed. Medical / surgical /
P.I.C.U./ N.I.C.U.)
5. Health teaching - 01 25 50 marks
6. Assessment of growth & 100
development reports.
(20 marks each)
(Neonate, infant, toddler,
preschooler, & School age)
7. Observation report of 25
NICU surgery/ Medical
Practical exam:
Midterm exam 50
Prefinal exam 50
Maximum Maximum
marks for Weigh marks of
Sr No Subjects Assignments / tests
internal t age assessment
assessment / tests
3 Mental health 25 Midterm Test – 1 50
nursing Prefinal Exam – 1 75 25 marks
Mental health 50 Nursing care plan (02 X 25) 50
nursing Case presentation 50
Practical Case study 50
Health teaching 25
History taking & mental status 100
examination (02 X 50) 50 marks
Process recording
Observation report of various 25
therapies in psychiatry
Clinical Evaluation (02 X 100) 200
Practical exam
Midterm test = 1
Prefinal exam = 1 50
Midwifery and Mid term examination – 50
obstetrical (3rd year) 15 marks
nursing Pre final – (4th year) 75
Final exam will
take place in 4 Assignments: 50
the year Seminar 01 (3rd year) 50 10 marks
Drug study 01 (4th year)
Midwifery and Case presentation 01 (4th year) 50
obstetrical ANC/ PNC ward
nursing Care study 03 (4th year) 150
Practical Antenatal ward- 01
Final exam will Postnatal ward 01
take place in 4 Newborn 01
the year Health education 01 (3rd year) 25
Newborn assessment 01 (3rd 25 50marks
Case book (3rd year, 4th 100
year & internship)
Clinical evaluation 04 400
ANC ward 01
PNC ward 01
Nursery 01
(3rd year, 4th year)
Labor room 01
Course Description: The purpose of this course is to acquire knowledge and proficiency in caring for
patients with medical and surgical disorders in varieties of health care settings and at home.
Specific objectives: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Provide care for patients with disorders of ear nose and throat.
2. Take care of patients with disorders of eye.
3. Plan, implement and evaluate nursing management of patients with neurological disorders.
4. Develop abilities to take care of female patients with reproductive disorders.
5. Provide care of patients with burns, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery.
6. Manage patients with oncological conditions
7. Develop skill in providing care during emergency and disaster situations
8. Plan, implement and evaluate care of elderly
9. Develop ability to manage patients in critical care units.
1. Black J.M. Hawk, J.H. (2005) Medical Surgical Nursing Clinical Management for Positive
Outcomes. (7thed) Elsevier.
2. Brunner S. B., Suddarth D.S. The Lippincott Manual of Nursing practice J.B.Lippincott.
Suggested references
1. Lewis, Heitkemper&Dirksen (2000) Medical Surgical Nursing Assessment and Management of
Clinical Problem (6 thed) Mosby.
2. Black J.M. Hawk, J.H. (2005) Medical Surgical Nursing Clinical Management for Positive
Outcomes. (7thed) Elsevier.
3. . Brunner S. B., Suddarth D.S. The Lippincott Manual of Nursing practice J.B.Lippincott.
4. Colmer R.M. (1995) Moroney’s Surgery for Nurses (16 thed) ELBS.
5. 5. Shah N.S. (2003) A P I textbook of Medicine, The Association of Physicians of India Mumbai.
6. Satoskar R.S., Bhandarkar S.D. & Rege N.N. (2003) Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics
(19 thed) Popular Prakashan, Mumbai.
7. Phipps W.J., Long C.B. & Wood N.F. (2001) Shaffer’s Medical Surgical Nursing B.T.Publication
Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
8. 11 Haslett C., Chilvers E.R., Hunder J.A.A. &Boon, N.A. (1999) Davidson’s Principles and
Practice of Medicine (18 thed) Churchill living stone. Edinburgh.
9. 13 Walsh M. (2002) Watson’s Clinical Nursing and Related Sciences (6thed) Bailliere Tindall
Practical –270 hrs
Internal assessment
Internal assessment
Midterm 50
Prefinal 75
Total 525
Practical examination
University examination
Theory Marks 75
Practical Marks 50
Nursing care plan
1. Patients Biodata: Name, address, age, sex, religion, marital status, occupation, source of
health care, date of admission, provisional diagnosis, date of surgery if any
2. Presenting complaints: Describe the complaints with which the patient has come to hospital
3. History of illness
History of present illness – onset, symptoms, duration, precipitating / alleviating factors
History of past illness – illnesses, surgeries, allergies, immunizations, medications
Family history – family tree, history of illness in family members, risk factors,
congenital problems, psychological problems.
4. Economic status: Monthly income & expenditure on health, marital assets (own pacca house
car, two wheeler, phone, TV etc…)
5. Psychological status: ethnic background,( geographical information, cultural information)
support system available.
6. Personal habits: consumption of alcohol, smoking, tobacco chewing, sleep, exercise, and
work elimination, nutrition.
7. Physical examination with date and time
8. Investigations
9. Treatment
Sr. Drug (pharmacological Dose Frequency/ Action Side effects & Nursing
No. name) time drug interaction responsibility
Discharge planning:
It should include health education and discharge planning given to patient
11.Evalaution of care
Overall evaluation, problem faced while providing care prognosis of the patient and conclusion
Patients Biodata: Name, address, age, sex, religion, marital status, occupation, source of health
care, date of admission, provisional diagnosis, date of surgery if any
Presenting complaints: Describe the complaints with which the patient has come to hospital
History of illness
History of present illness – onset, symptoms, duration, precipitating / alleviating factors
History of past illness – illnesses, surgeries, allergies, immunizations, medications
Family history – family tree, history of illness in family members, risk factors,
congenital problems, psychological problems.
Economic status: Monthly income & expenditure on health ,marital assets ( own pacca house car,
two wheeler, phone, TV etc…)
Personal habits: consumption of alcohol, smoking, tobacco chewing, sleep, exercise, work
elimination, nutrition.
Sr. Drug Dose Frequency Action Side Nursing
No. (pharmacological name) / time effects & responsibility
Description of disease
Definition, related anatomy physiology, etiology, risk factors, clinical features, management and
nursing care
Nursing process:
Evaluation of care
Overall evaluation, problem faced while providing care prognosis of the patient and conclusion
SUPERVISOR : ______________________________________________________
YEAR : ________________________________________________
Excellent = 80-100 %
Very good = 70 –79 %
Good = 60 – 69 %
Satisfactory = 50- 59 %
Poor = Below 50 %
Student’s Remark:
Date : Date :
Course Description:
This course is designed for developing an understanding of the modern approach to mental health,
identification, prevention, rehabilitation and nursing management of common mental health
problems with special emphasis on therapeutic interventions for individuals, family and community.
Specific objectives: At the end of the course student will be able to:
1. Understand the historical development and current trends in mental health nursing.
2. Comprehend and apply principles of psychiatric nursing in clinical practice.
3. Understand the etiology, psychodynamics and management of psychiatric disorders.
4. Develop competency in assessment, therapeutic communication and assisting with various
treatment modalities.
5. Understand and accept psychiatric patient as an individual and develop a deeper insight into
her own attitudes and emotional reactions.
6. Develop skill in providing comprehensive care to various kinds of psychiatric patients.
7. Develop understanding regarding psychiatric emergencies and crisis interventions.
8. Understand the importance of community health nursing in psychiatry.
References (Bibliography:)
Internet Resources –
2. Psychoanalytic studies
3. Psychaitric Times
8. Communication skills
1. Patients Biodata: Name, sex, bed No., hosp Reg. No, marital status, religion, literacy,
language, nationality, identification mark, address, date of admission, method of admission,
date of discharge, duration of hospitalization, final diagnosis, informant.
Presenting complaints: Describe the complaints with which the patient has come to hospital
2. History of illness: This includes the following data such as presenting complaints with
duration, history of presenting complaints, past history of illness, personal history, legal
history, family history, personality (Personality prior to illness)
3. History of present illness – onset, symptoms, duration, precipitating / alleviating factors
nature of problem, associated problems ( disturbance in sleep, appetite, wt ), effect of present
illness on ADL, patients understanding regarding present problem
6. Treatment
SN Drug Dose Frequency/ Action Side Nursing
(Pharmacological name) Time effects & responsibility
Discharge planning:
It should include health education and discharge planning given to patient
8. Evaluation of care
Overall evaluation, problem faced while providing care prognosis of the patient and conclusion
Care plan evaluation
6. Investigations
Date Investigations done Normal value Patient value Inference
7. Treatment
SN Drug Dose Frequency/ Action Side Nursing
(Pharmacological name) time effects & responsibility
Discharge planning:
It should include health education and discharge planning given to patient
9. Evaluation of care
Overall evaluation, problem faced while providing care prognosis of the patient and conclusion
SUPERVISOR : __________________________________________________
b. Education History
c. Occupational History
d. Marital History
e. Sexual History
f. Religion
g. Social activity, interests and hobbies.
Pre-morbid personality
Physical examination
Diagnosis & identification of psychosocial stressors
3. Posture:-
Good – Straight/proper
Bizarre Position
Improper – Explain
Rate, quality, amount and form:- under pressure, retarded, blocked, relevant, logical,
coherent, concise, illogical, disorganized, flight of ideas, neologisms, word salad. Circumstantialities,
Rhyming, punning, loud. Whispered. Screaming etc.
8. Perception:-
The way we perceive our environment with senses
A) Illusion:- misinterpretation of perception
B) Hallucination:- False perception in absence of stimuli.
1. Visual-not in psychiatric – Organic Brain Disorder.
2. Auditory
a. Single b. Conversation c. Command
3. Kinaesthetic hallucinations: Feeling movement when none occurs.
C) Depersonalization and derealization
d) Other abnormal perceptions
Déjà vu/Deja pense/Deja entendu/Deja raconte/Deja eprouve/
Deja fait/Jamais
13. Memory:-
Fairs / Festival
Surrounding environment
PM of country
CM of state
15. Attention:-
Poor attention
Any other
16. Concentration:-
Any other
Specific objective
Sr.No. Participants Conversation Inference Technique used
6. Summary
Summary of inferences
Interview techniques used: Therapeutic/Non therapeutic
7. Over all presentation & understanding.
8. Termination.
History taking 02
Interview technique 03
Inferences drawn from interview 03
Overall understanding 02
Total marks 10
Introduction to therapy 02
Purposes of therapy 03
Preparation for therapy 05
Care during therapy 05
Care after therapy 05
Recording 05
Total 25
Year : _________________________________________________
Planning care.
II 1] Correct observation of patient
2] Assessment of the condition of patient
3] Identification of the patients needs
4] Individualization of planning to meet specific health needs of
the patient.
5] Identification of priorities
Teaching skill.
III 1] Economical and safe adaptation to the situation available
2] Implements the procedure with skill/speed, completeness.
3] Scientific knowledge about the procedure.
Health talk
1] Incidental/planned teaching (Implements teaching principles)
IV 2] Uses visual aids appropriately
1] Professional appearance (Uniform, dignity, helpfulness,
interpersonal relationship, punctuality, etc.)
V 2] Sincerity, honesty, sense of responsibility
Date : Date :