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Divine Divinity - Manual - PC

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see th he readme
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About Photosensitive Seizures Getting Started 4

VIDEO GAME Foreword 7
A very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain Controlling the Game 11
visual images, including flashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games.
Even people who have no history of seizures or epilepsy may have an undiagnosed con- • Main Menu 11
dition that can cause these photosensitive epileptic seizures while watching video games.
• Character Creation & Description 14
These seizures may have a variety of symptoms including: lightheadedness, altered
vision, eye or face twitching, jerking or shaking of arms or legs, disorientation, con- • Controlling your Character 22
fusion, or momentary loss of awareness. Seizures may also cause loss of conscious-
ness or convulsions that can lead to injury from falling down or striking nearby objects. • Object Interaction 25
Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience any of these • Inventory Management 27
symptoms. Parents should watch for or ask their children about the above symptoms.
Children and teenagers are more likely than adults to experience these seizures.
• Interacting with people (NPC’s) 28

The risk of photosensitive epileptic seizures may be reduced by playing in a well-lit • Diary 32
room, and not playing when you are drowsy or fatigued. Regardless of how you • Combat 34
feel, you should ALWAYS take a 10 to 15 minute break every hour while playing.
If you or any of your relatives have a history of seizures or epilepsy, consult a • Character Development 41
doctor before playing. • Character Skills 45
• Way of the Survivor 45
• Way of the Warrior 52
• Way of the Wizard 58

Credits 68

© 2001 and 2002 CDV Software Entertainment AG. All rights reserved. CDV, the CDV
logo and Divine Divinity are either registered trademarks or trademarks of CDV Software
Entertainment AG or Larian studios in the US and/or UK and/or other countries.
Uses Bink Video. Copyright (c) 1997-2002 by RAD Game Tools, Inc.

2 3
In addition to allowing you to select graphic method and resolution, the
Getting Started configuration tool also allows you to select whether you want to use the
alpha bit blitting method and whether you want smoothness to be acti-
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: vated or not. You should only touch these checkboxes in case you have
Minimum system requirements: Pentium II 450 Mhz, 128 MB Ram, DirectX problems or if the game runs too slow (see Troubleshooting).
compatible video card, 4x speed CD-ROM drive, DirectX compatible sound
card, mouse and 2,5 GB free disc space. Monitor and video card must TROUBLESHOOTING:
support a minimum resolution of 640x480.
Problem: Black squares appear around the imagery in the game
Cause: Your videocard does not support colorkeying
You must be running Windows 98, Windows 2000 with Service Pack 2,
Windows XP or Windows ME in order to play Divine Divinity. Solution: Turn on the alpha bit in the configuration tool

INSTALLATION: Problem: I get all kinds of graphical artifacts

Place the first Divine Divinity disc in your CD-ROM drive. If your computer Cause: Fog is not being supported by your driver/colorkeying is failing
has Autorun capability, the Divine Divinity installer menu will automatical- Solution: Turn on the alpha bit in the configuration tool. Also, switch
ly appear on your screen. If your computer´s Autorun function is disabled, off fog in the video options within the game
you will have to run the SETUP.EXE file manually from the root directory of
the first game CD. Then follow the installer instructions. You can launch Problem: My mouse cursor becomes very slow when parts of the
the game by clicking on the Divine Divinity icon on your desktop or by interface pop up in the game
choosing the corresponding entry in the Start - Programs - Divine Cause: Colorkeying is slow on your video drivers
Divinity menu.
Solution: Turn on the alpha bit in the configuration tool

Problem: The game runs very slow on my system
When you run Divine Divinity for the first time, the game's configuration
tool will pop up. This configuration tool tries to detect the videocard on Cause: There can be multiple reasons
your system. We strongly recommend you do not change the settings Solution: Doing one/all of the following things should help you
suggested by the configuration tool. Run the test by clicking on the test speed up the game to a playable level
button. Only if you have problems running the game should you try
changing some of the settings (see Troubleshooting). After the test has 1) Switch off fog
completed, click on the "apply&close" button that has now become 2) Turn on the alpha bit in the configuration tool
available. The configuration tool will close, and the game will start up. 3) Set resolution to 640x480 in the configuration tool
4) In the configuration tool, turn the option smoothness off
The configuration tool allows you to specify which graphic method Divine 5) Set quality to low or very low
Divinity will use to display the contents of the gameworld. The preferred
6) Make sure you have enough virtual memory available on your system
method is Direct3D mode but you can also select Software mode,
DirectDraw mode or for 3DFX cards, Glide mode. In addition to choosing 7) If your card is a voodoo card, try using glide instead of direct3D
the graphic method, you can also choose in which resolution you want to
play the game. As a rule of thumb, the higher the resolution you select, Problem: None of the above solutions solve my graphic problems
the more powerful your system needs to be. So, if the game runs too slow, Cause: It could be that your videocard is not compatible with
you might want to try running it at a lower resolution. Divine Divinity.
Solution: Select either directdraw or software in the configuration
After you changed a setting in the configuration tool, you need to test it. To tool (whichever runs faster)
do so, click on the test button. Your display will switch to the requested
mode, and test if the mode is compatible with your graphics card/driver.
If the test is successful, you will be able to click on the apply and close PLEASE VIEW THE DIVINE DIVINITY README FOR
button, which will store your settings on your hard drive. When next you FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT THE OPTIONS.
run Divine Divinity, your new settings will be used.

4 5
Dear player,

First of all, in name of the whole

team, I want to thank you for buy-
ing this game. As forewords go, this
is probably not the most original
thing to say, but nonetheless, we do
want to make a point of thanking you.
By buying this game, especially in
these times of wanton piracy, you
are rewarding us for all the time
and effort we’ve put into creating
Divine Divinity, and that deserves
some words of gratitude. I hope that when you fin-
ish the game, you’ll feel that it was well worth your

When we set out to create Divine Divinity, we had

one clear design goal: To create a game that is
instantly accessible for the majority of gamers by
providing simple and fun gameplay. At the same
time, we wanted to maintain an enormous
amount of depth for those among you who prefer
to stand still for a while and reflect on what’s
going on. Or, put more simply: We wanted to
blend the best of both hardcore and simple action
role-playing games.

We applied that idea to almost every single part of

the game. The amount of development problems
this caused was tremendous, and at points we felt
that it was all one big mistake, and that we were
never going to make it. Our idea was that to bring

6 7
you this blend, Divine Divinity should appear at There is an infinite number of ways of playing
first glance to be a simple hack and slash action Divine Divinity, and you just picked up the one
role-playing game. Then, as you progress through that suited you best. And that I think is cool.
the game, you should gradually discover more
and more things that you can do, picking up those Good luck while playing, and don’t let the young
actions you enjoy, while disregarding those you duke dissuade you.
don’t like. The main rule here was ”We don’t force
the player to do anything. We just give him the Best regards,
option”. When we first thought of doing the game
this way, we thought players would think this was Swen Vincke
cool. What we didn’t expect was that to pull this Larian Studios
off we’d have to implement such a staggering
amount of features.

As I am writing this foreword, we’re still heavily

testing the game, but from observing the testers I
think we have succeeded in our objective. Most of
them come in thinking they’re going to be playing
a pure hack and slash game, and in the first hours
of playing they indeed behave like they are play-
ing a hack and slash game. Then they start dis-
covering things, and I see them disperse into very
different playing styles, which is exactly what we

I hope that when you start playing yourself, you

will discover a vast world full of wonders, con-
taining much more than you ever expected when
you picked up this box. If at some point during
the playing of this game you find yourself won-
dering: “What am I playing now? An action adven-
ture or a role playing game?”, know that it is in -
actuality - what you decided to play.

8 9
The background story Controlling the Game
You can read the background story of Divine
Divinity by clicking on the corresponding pdf file
Main Menu
in the Divine Divinity folder in the start menu.
Acrobat Reader is required. In case you do not
have Acrobat Reader already installed on your
system you can find a version of it on
“Installation-CD 1”, folder “ADOBE”, file
“ar505enu.exe” To install just double-click on
the file and a wizard will guide you through the
installation process.

he main menu offers the main options for

the game. The option 'Resume' is grayed out the
first time you start the game. While playing the
game you can come back to the main menu at any
time by pressing the Escape key. If you were play-
ing the game, the option 'Resume' will be avail-
able, and by clicking on it you can return to the

By clicking on 'New' you start a new game.

Clicking 'New' will bring you to the character
selection screen (See the next section).

10 11
Clicking on 'Load' allows you to load a saved button at the right lower corner of the ‘Save
game. When clicking on 'Load' a window will pop Game‘ window. If you want to overwrite a previ-
up listing your saved games. To load a game and ously saved game, select that saved game and
discard the current game, select the game and then click on the large button at the right lower
then click the button at the far right lower corner corner of the ‘Save Game‘ window.
of the window. To cancel, click on the big X but- If you are running out of space on your hard drive,
ton at the bottom of the window. Saved games in you can also first delete an older saved game by
Divine Divinity tend to take up a lot of space on selecting it, and then click on the small tray in the
your hard drive. You can delete the saved game by left lower corner of the save game window.
first selecting it (left-click on the name of the
saved game), and then clicking on the small tray Clicking on 'Options' brings you to the Divine
in the left lower corner of the ‘Load Game‘ win- Divinity options menu. Please refer to the
dow. readme.txt file which is included on the installa-
tion CD, and which is copied during installation to
Clicking on 'Save' allows you to save the current the folder where you installed Divine Divinity.
game. If no game has started yet, the 'Save'
option will be grayed out. When you click on Clicking on 'Credits' will show you a list of people
'Save' a window similar to the ‘Load Game‘ win- who contributed to the creation of Divine Divinity.
dow will pop up. To save a game, click in the hor-
izontal bar at the bottom of the window, type in a Clicking on 'Quit' brings you back to Windows.
name for the saved game, and click on the large

12 13
Character creation and description at the far right are his or her statistics. To the right of
the statistics are two icons. These show the starting
skills that your chosen character class begins the
game with. Place the mouse pointer over the icons
efore you begin to play Divine Divinity you
and wait. A tool tip will inform you what the skills are.
must choose a character. There are three profes-
sions to select from, as well as the choice of play-
Vitality - This is the amount of health you begin
ing a male or female character. Clicking on New
with. Should your vitality drop to zero, you will die.
from the main menu option will transport you to
the selection screen. To pick a character to play,
Mana - Mana is the innate energy that powers
click on the character of your choice using the left
magic and allows the casting of spells. A lot of
mouse button. As you do so, the character steps
spells have a mana cost associated with it, and
forward and you can view the information on him
each time you cast them, your mana reserve will
or her in the information window below.
decrease a little bit. When it reaches zero you will
In the center of the information window is the por-
not be able to cast any more spells until you
trait of the character. To choose another portrait,
recharge with either sleep or a potion.
click the icons to the left and right of the portrait
window. To name your character, click in the text
Strength - Strong characters can use heavier
box below and type your chosen name. To the far
weapons and armor, do more damage when
left of the portrait is the character description and
fighting and generally carry more objects in their

Agility - Agile characters have greater attack

accuracy and defense during combat and use
weapons and armor requiring high levels of agility.

Intelligence - Intelligence affects

how much magical energy you
have. As such, this is an important
attribute for mages.

Constitution - This determines

how generally tough you are. It
also affects how much vitality
and stamina you begin with.

14 15
Survivor Statistics

ome call them thieves and cutthroats

but the fairness of it is that Survivors have
more morals than many a wealthy merchant or
those in political office. They endure life by
relying on their quick wits and equally quick reflexes.
If these abilities work favorably towards relieving the
greedy of their heavy purses to help keep them fed,
then so be it. Survivors tend to view themselves as vic-
tims of a corrupt society where the rich get richer and
the poor simply starve. A representative of the
Merchant’s Guild once asked a well-known cut-purse,
caught operating in Verdistis, whether he felt any guilt
at stealing the hard-earned money from honest mer-
chants. “I will let you know when I find one to steal
from,“ came the contemptuous reply.


lthough Survivors are adept at stealth

and would prefer to remain hidden from an
opponent in order to achieve their goals,
they are still competent fighters. They favor
light and fast weapons such as bows, spears and
daggers. Many even develop the ability to hide in
shadows, set devious traps and develop a proficien-
cy in the art of poisoning.


16 17
Warrior Statistics

old, sharp steel and hardened armor

are the warriors’ closest companions in their
fight to meet evil head on and defeat it with
glory. The clashing of steel and the clamor of
battle is music to their ears. Through rigorous train-
ing with some of the heaviest weapons available,
warriors develop high strength and vitality, allowing
them to wield brutal weapons and don the heaviest
armor in battle. Warriors can be found in abundance
throughout the land of Rivellon, particularly during
these dark times. When they are not in the midst of
battle, you will likely find them at the nearest tavern
speaking of great deeds past and present, or fre-
quenting the local weapon shops.

trength and honor is the mark of a

warrior. They place great importance on
physical power. They are easily angered
but also quick to call anyone who shows
valor in the face of adversity a friend. Some of the
most powerful warriors in Rivellon possess not
only great strength, but can also develop skills to
cast powerful enchantments on weapons to boost
their effectiveness in combat.


18 19
Wizard Statistics

any townsfolk finding themselves

on the same roadside as an approaching
mage are likely to hasten to the other side.
“Arrogant”, “Self-serving” and “Too power-
ful for their own good,” are just some of the com-
ments made (behind their backs) about these
enigmatic figures. Yet look back through history to
the many wars and epic battles between good and
evil, and you shall find their kind playing pivotal
roles in keeping the forces of hell at bay.
“If it was not for the powers of magic during the last
great war, the League of the Seven Races would
have surely been destroyed by Lord Chaos and one
of his Damned would be walking these streets
instead of me.” commented one irritated mage.
Giving their will over completely to the study of
complex magic grants the mages almost unri-
valled intellect and great reserves of inner magical
power. They largely shun armor and weapons in
favor of battle magic to defeat their enemy.


ages may be relatively weak in phys-

ical strength, but they command powerful
forces by will of their intellect. A searing
fireball spell will kill an opponent as surely
as a blade to the neck. The more powerful mages
can even gain mastery of the elements and sum-
mon creatures to aid them in battle.


20 21
Controlling your character
Main Game Screen

he screen is split into two main areas. The upper

part is your view on the world and at the bottom are
the command icons. These icons provide access to all
the game functions at the click of a button. You can
also use keyboard shortcuts (see keyboard shortcut
reference on page 65).
With many of the icons, if you click on them, a pop-up
window will be displayed at a default position. You can
adjust the position of nearly all these windows by Walking and Running
dragging them to any position that you prefer. You can
adjust the position of nearly all these windows by drag-
ging them to any position that you prefer. To close any
ontrolling your character’s movement is achieved
open window during play you can click again on the
using the mouse. You can either click on a specific spot
icon that opened the window, press the keyboard
on the ground for your character to walk to and, if he
shortcut key for the window, click on the window using
can get there, he will find his own route. If you wish
the right mouse button or on the X button with the left
more control over the path your character takes, keep
mouse button.
the left mouse button held down while moving the
mouse cursor over the terrain - your character continu-
ously moves towards the cursor position. Keeping the
1. Cursor 10. Open Statistics
cursor close to your character results in a walk. If you
2. Toggle automap 11. Main menu
wish to run (to escape from opponents for instance),
3. Diary 12. Experience
simply move the cursor further away. While running,
4. Pause 13. Stamina
your character’s stamina (see the Game Interface
5. Browse weapons 14. Combat mode screen) will begin to deplete. When stamina reaches
6. Browse skills 15. Show equipment zero, your character will slow to walking speed and you
7. Browse potions 16. Open Inventory must wait until he regains some of his stamina before
8. Health 17. Mana he can run again. You regain stamina the fastest while
9. Skills standing still. You may also make your character toggle
between running and walking by pressing the appropri-
=> see right hand picture! ate keyboard-shortcut ('R' by default)

22 23
The Mini-Map Object Interaction

s you wander the any are the objects you will find on your
world of Rivellon the travels, and you can interact with nearly all of
mini-map will update to them. You can pick them up, move them around
show where you have the area you are in, throw them, use them and use
visited. To reveal the one object with another. If you see something on
map press M or click on the screen that catches your eye, simply move the
the automap icon. The mouse pointer over it. If you can interact with it,
dark areas are regions the object will glow and you will generally get a
you have yet to explore description of what it is. If the object glows red, it
and as you move is too far away for you to use if it glows white, it’s
around, the terrain is revealed in real-time. You within range.
can position the map window anywhere on the
screen by dragging it with the mouse. To hide the Picking up an object – To pick up an object you
map window, simply press the icon or keyboard- simply move the mouse pointer to it and, keeping
shortcut again, or click on the map with the right the left mouse button pressed, drag it to the com-
mouse button. You will also see colored icons on mand icons at the bottom of the screen, or to the
the map. These represent the following: inventory window (if you have it open at the time).

Using objects – Some objects have a default action

Blue cross – Your current position and clicking on them once with the left mouse but-
Green cross – Friendly NPCs or creatures ton will trigger the action. For instance, clicking on a
Red cross – Hostile NPCs or creatures wall lamp will turn it on or off. Clicking on a
book on a table results in your character
reading it. If nothing happens when
you click on an object, it
NPCs, or non-player-characters, simply means it does not
are characters and creatures have a default action. If
controlled by the computer. the object happens
Only NPCs within sight are actu- to be a weapon,
ally shown on the map. potion or armor,
clicking on it will
immediately place

24 25
it in your inventory. Armor and weapons are also
immediately equipped if you do not already have any
on your person.

Using objects together – You can use some

objects on each other. For instance you can use an
empty mug on a barrel of beer to fill the mug. To do
this you simply pick up the mug and drag it over the
barrel and drop the mug onto the barrel. The mug
will then be placed on the ground full of beer, ready
for you to pick up. When you move the mug over
the barrel, notice that the barrel is glowing white.
This indicates that the object you are holding can
be used with the object you are holding it over. If a Inventory Management
red X appears on the object you are holding, it
means those objects cannot be used together.
n your journey
Moving objects – You can move an object close you will pick up a lot
to you by picking it up (moving the mouse cursor of objects, both magi-
over it, left-clicking and holding) and dragging it. cal and mundane.
Release the left mouse button to drop. If the They are all placed in
object cannot be moved or dropped at a specific your inventory pack.
spot, a red X symbol will appear on the object. Clicking the Open In-
Also note that some objects can break when mov- ventory icon or pres-
ing or throwing them. sing its keyboard-
shortcut key opens
Containers – Other objects include containers your inventory, showing everything you are cur-
such as chests, cupboards and barrels. When you rently carrying. The buttons across the top of the
move the mouse over such objects, you will get a window (from left to right) are Armor, Weapons,
pop-up description that will also show you Spells and Scrolls, Herbs and Potions and Misc.
whether it contains something or not. Simply click The buttons help you sort your acquired objects
on the container to open it and see what’s inside. into categories so you can be better organized.

26 27
Equipment Window perfectly possible they won't even want to talk with
you. In that case you might want to try giving them
gifts. Another thing affected by attitude is how the dif-
his window shows ferent NPCs react when you do something mean to
the items your character them. If they like you a lot, you might get away with
is wearing about his or it. So, being nice pays. Attitudes range from
her person. From here Hostile (the worst) to Admiring (the best). Actions
you can add and remove such as stealing from or attacking someone
pieces of armor to protect obviously make them less than pleased with
your character in combat you. You also have a choice of polite or rude
and also see and change responses when speaking with characters.
the weapons and shields
that your character is In short, you can be anything from a devil
using. You can drag and to a saint... the choice is yours.
drop any appropriate
items onto your character,
Starting a conversation
and if he or she has the
skills required to use that
ome conversations start automatically, depend-
item, it will be equipped. You can also equip your
ing on the situation and the point at which you are in
character with belts, gloves, rings and amulets
the story. To begin a conversation manually, simply
(preferably magical of course) on this screen.
move the mouse pointer over a character and click the
left mouse button. This will bring up the dialog window.

Interacting with People (NPCs)

t’s important to remember that every single char-

acter in Divine Divinity can have different attitudes
towards you. If you move your mouse pointer over
the character you will see their name, health and their
current attitude level in blue text. Attitude affects a
number of things one of the most notable is the ben- The main text window is where all the conversation
efit when trading. If someone doesn't like you then takes place. Yellow text is what the character you are
when you trade with them you will find their prices speaking with is saying to you and the numbered white
high. Additionally, if someone doesn't like you it's text below shows your choice of questions and replies.

28 29
To the left of the text display are the dialog icons. At Trading
the top is the portrait of the person you are currently
speaking with and below this are the Trade, History and n Divinity you can trade with many characters to
Close icons. Clicking on History allows you to look earn money, buy various items or to repair and identify
back at what has been said so far. Simply use the objects. To begin trading, you need to start a conversa-
scrollbar or arrows to scroll through the text. If you tion with someone, and then you need to click on the
wish to end the conversation immediately, simple click Trade icon. This brings up a separate trading window.
the Close icon. Note that ending conversations this way On the left is your portrait and all the items you cur-
may be considered rude by some NPCs and their atti- rently have in your inventory. To trade an item, click on
tude towards you may suffer. Also, during important it to transfer it to the trade window. Underneath each
conversations, the Close icon is disabled. item stands the price and if applicable, the amount of
NPC’s portrait
instances of that item that you possess. If the price of
an item is marked yellow, it means you are currently
Total wearing the item. The value of the item or items you
value have placed in the trade window appears at the top of
of items
in NPC’s
your trade window. Once you´ve placed all you wish to
trade trade in the trade window, press one of the Scales icons
windows in order to even out the value difference with money.
To complete the trade, click on the Check mark icon to
Total accept the transaction. Not all characters are willing to
value trade with you. Some have nothing to trade, some
of items important people think trading is beneath them and
in NPC’s
others, such as creatures, simply don’t like you. In such
cases, the trade icon will be grayed out and will do noth-
ing when clicked on. Also, if you annoy someone with
whom you have traded in the past, they will not want to
trade with you anymore. In this case, the trade icon is
NPC’s inventory available, but clicking on it reveals that the NPC’s trade
1. Total value of items in your trade window inventory is empty. You can give away items as gifts by
2. Total value of items in your inventory
simply putting the objects into your trade window and
3. NPC’s trade window
4. Your trade window clicking on the Check mark icon to initiate the trade.
5. Balance with gold Giving gifts to characters is one way to change the way
6. Inventory list they feel about you. So if you need to get into the good
7. Repair mode books of a character that you have annoyed, give them
8. Identify mode
9. Cancel trade
gifts and their attitude will gradually change.
10. Accept trade

30 31
Identify objects – If an object you have picked right, the first button is used to toggle the display
up is marked as not identified, you can discover of completed quest. The second button jumps to
its secrets by paying a character to identify it for the most recently changed quest. This button is
you. Click on the identify icon to toggle between handy when you are notified during gameplay that
trade and identify mode and simply click on the something has changed in your quest log. You get
item you want identified. Only items that have a notified of a change by means of the diary button
price marked in blue when in identify mode need in the main interface bar turning red.
to be identified.
Automap – This is a larger and more detailed map
Repair objects – Many items become damaged and of the entire world showing areas you have visited.
unusable over time as they are used. If the durabil- Darker areas are places you have yet to explore. To
ity rating of an object reaches zero you will need to scroll around the map, simply click and hold the
get it repaired before you can use it again. Click on left mouse button with the pointer on the map and
the repair icon and click on the object you wish the drag in any direction. Alternatively you can use the
character to repair. Only items that have a price arrow keys to scroll around. You can also zoom in
marked in red when in repair mode need to be and out to see more or less detail. Click on the
repaired. magnifying glass with the plus sign to zoom in and
the on the icon with the minus sign to zoom out.
You can also place note flags on the map to mark
areas you deem important. Your note flags are blue
Diary and those set by NPC’s are red (NPC’s often will
place flags on the map to mark areas they are talk-
ing about). Click on the Place Note icon to pick up
he Diary keeps track of lots of important infor-
a note flag and then click on the area of the map
mation gained during your explorations. Information
you wish to mark. You can then type in a descrip-
on quests, conversations, areas visited and much
tion for the note and confirm with the return key.
more can be found here. If you ever find yourself con-
Once placed on a map, you can move the mouse
fused as to where to go or what to do next, a quick
pointer over a note flag to see this text description.
visit to the diary will put you back on track.
To remove a note from the map, click on the
“Remove Note” icon and then on the note flag you
Quests – As you speak to people you will often be
wish to remove.
asked to perform certain tasks for them - the
Quest page keeps track of such tasks. Every quest
Trophies – Rivellon is a dangerous place and you
has a date, title and description to help you
can be assured of plenty of battles during your trav-
remember each task. Two buttons appear when
els. As you defeat various creatures and opponents,
you are in quest mode of the journal. From left to
they are recorded here.

32 33
Click on this icon to see a list and description of defensive stance. To attack an opponent, left-click
your fallen enemies. on him. Your character will advance and begin
attacking your target automatically until they are
Conversations – Every conversation you have in dead. If you prefer to fight using magic, you can
the game is recorded here. The list shows the cast spells on your opponent by right-clicking on
name, date and time of each conversation you them. This will cast the currently selected spell.
have had. To see more detail on each of these Should you find your health, mana or stamina
conversations, click on the name you are inter- becoming dangerously low during a fight, you can
ested in and that entry will be expanded to show select a potion to drink to restore your levels. Be
the exact conversation that took place. sure to keep your eye on your health and mana
bars at the bottom of the main game screen during
Personal traits – When you start the game you combat. It's also wise to exit combat mode when
are relatively weak. As you explore, battle crea- talking with friendly characters so you don't annoy
tures and gain victories you will become stronger. or frighten them.
Click on this icon for a description of your abili-
ties, strengths and weaknesses. Every hero has to IMPORTANT NOTE: Because of the sheer amount of
start somewhere so don’t be too upset if the infor- things you can do in the world of Divine Divinity, it
mation listed here is less than flattering. is sometimes hard to target a specific object or
monster, especially when there are plenty of them
on your screen. To facilitate targeting during com-
bat, hold down the CTRL key. This key automati-
cally selects the enemy that is the closest to your
mouse cursor. You will find that combat is a lot eas-
ier if you use the CTRL key.

It is impossible to target friendly characters with

offensive skills. If you wish to engage them in com-
Combat bat, you must first declare your intention of fighting
them by left clicking on them while in combat
mode. Once you have declared that you will attack
o enter the combat mode, click on the com- them, they will turn hostile and you will be able to
bat icon or press the appropriate keyboard-short- cast use offensive skills on them.
cut. If you have any weapon selected, that weapon
is drawn and you are ready to fight. If you do not
have a weapon, you will raise your hands in a

34 35
Additionally, every character type has
one unique skill that cannot be learned
by the other types. This skill is the
“special move”.

Survivor’s special move: sneaking

Stealth is vital for every survivor. Hence, they
learned how to move unnoticed. The survivor’s
special move makes him crouch down, rendering
him hard to see for all creatures. Be careful how-
Browse weapons – ever - the survivor can’t sneak if he’s running out
Left-click on the of breath. To start sneaking, right-click when the
browse weapons but- special move is selected as the active skill. To
ton to display a list of stop sneaking, right-click again. If you run out of
weapons you have in breath you will automatically stop sneaking.
your inventory. To
select a weapon to Warrior’s special move: swirl attack
equip for use in com- For a warrior, battle is the highest good. This some-
bat, left-click on it. times puts him in awkward situations, where he is
If a weapon is grayed out, this means you do not have surrounded by hordes of enemies. The warrior
the required skill level to use that weapon. Go to the schools have developed a special technique they
inventory list and move the mouse pointer over the teach to each of their disciples: the swirl attack.
weapon to see what skills are required to use it. Using this technique, the warrior makes a quick and
vicious 360o turn, using his weapon to strike all
Browse skills – To select a spell or skill to use dur- opponents surrounding him. The swirl attack
ing the game, click on this icon to display a list of requires quite some power from the warrior, so he
skills you currently know. You can now left-click on quickly runs out of breath if he repeats the attack
one of them to select it for use. To use a skill or spell, too much. To use the swirl attack, right-click when
right-click. It’s possible that you have to target a the special move is selected. The swirl attack is not
friend, an enemy or an object before using the skill possible with spears, bows or when fighting bare-
actually does something. This depends on the type of handed.
skill you selected. Some skills are considered pas-
sive: once they are learned they are always in use.
You don't need to click on them to use them.

36 37
Wizard’s special move: swap location Note that you can only teleport to the other stone
Wizards, terrible at sneaking and not so good in if it lies on the ground, not if you put it in a con-
close combat, use their wits and cunning to make tainer, or have both stones in your backpack.
the best out of every fight situation. Using their
special move, they can swap places with any crea- If one or both stones are in your backpack, three
ture they see. This trick saved many a wizard’s icons facilitate and speed up their use, allowing
life, turning a no-win situation into one where he you to use them in battle situations. These icons
can flee or attack the enemy leader standing will appear at the right of the screen when you
behind his troops. To use the teleport swap, tar- click on the browse skills icon. If you drop both
get a creature and right-click on it. You will then stones on the ground, you have to click on them
swap places with it. to use them, like any other object. The icons are:

When you start a new game, right-clicking acti- Drop pyramid – drop one teleporter
vates your special move. You can reassign any stone in your backpack on the ground.
skill you have learned to your right mouse button.
To do so, click on the browse skills button, and
then select the skill you want to assign, e.g. the Use pyramid – use the stone in your
fireball spell. From now on, every time you right- backpack. This teleports you to the
click on an opponent during combat, you’ll launch other stone, while carrying the one in
a fireball at your victim. To assign your special your backpack along.
move to your right mouse button again, go back
to Skills, and click the special move icon. Note Drop and use pyramid: – drops the
that some skills can be used on objects. Other stone in your backpack on the ground,
skills are passive in that you don’t actually use then immediately lets you use it.
them; they are simply active afterhaving been
Take your time to experiment with the teleport stones
Teleporter stones when you acquire them. You will find that they can
While playing the game, you will have the opportunity make the life of your hero a lot simpler. One particular
to collect two pyramid shaped teleporter stones. The nice trick to keep one stone near a bed. Clicking on a
two stones form a pair. Whenever you drop one of the bed in a safe environment allows your hero to regain
stones on a particular location, you can use the other vitality, stamina and mana. When facing hordes of
one to instantaneously jump back to the first one. monsters, it's always nice to jump out of the action,
This, for instance, allows you to drop one stone in regenerate yourself and then jump back into the
front of your favorite trading post, while carrying the action. Take into account however that there needs to
other one along on your adventures. pass some time between two sequential uses of a bed.

38 39
Character Development
Browse potions – Potions help keep you alive
during combat. If your health, mana or stamina
levels become dangerously low during combat, a
quick drink will mean the difference between vic- ne of the most important things to do in
tory and death. Click on browse potions to show Divine Divinity is to develop your character and
a list to choose from, and then click on a potion make him or her more powerful as they gain expe-
to use with the left mouse button. A number at rience. You will encounter many powerful oppo-
the top left of the icons shows how many of that nents during your travels and if you are to succeed
particular potion you have in your inventory. in defeating them you must ensure that your char-
acter grows and becomes stronger.
Assigning hotkeys
During a fight, it can be a little awkward to have to Character statistics – You can
select a skill, a potion or a weapon to use. Thank- see the status of your character
fully, you can assign hot keys to specific items so at any time by pressing the
that you can select them at the press of a button. Statistics icon. This brings up a
While browsing weapons, skills or potions, you can window showing you important
assign one of the function keys (F1-F12) to that information about your charac-
item. For instance, to assign the F1 key to the ter and how strong he or she is,
health potion, simply click on browse potions, as well as other useful informa-
move the mouse pointer over the health potion tion as described below:
icon and press the F1 key. You will see F1 appear
on the potion icon. The same goes for weapons and Offense – A measure of how
spells. Although many of you will play the game in good you are at attacking.
real-time, you should also be aware that you can
pause the game at any time (by pressing the space- Defense – A measure of
bar) while still being able to select weapons, how good you are at defending yourself.
potions and spells. You can even target opponents
on which to cast spells. However, if you right-click Damage – This shows the amount of damage you
to cast the spell the game will are capable of doing given the current weapon
be unpaused. Use the pause you have equipped.
feature of Divine Divinity can
mean the difference between Armor – This is a measure of how well-armoured you
life and death for your hero. are. It is not an exact value because the armour val-
ues of different items do not add up. Rather, when you
are struck by a foe, the game calculates where you are

40 41
struck (for instance in the chest) and then takes the Learning Skills
armour rating of the item that was protecting that part
of your body.
s well as improving your character’s attrib-
Resistances – The higher your resistances, the less utes to make him or her stronger, you also need
damage you receive from lightning, poison, etc. to learn new skills and spells to help you defend
yourself and attack with power. Each of the char-
Reputation – This shows your current reputation level. acter types has a skill set that is geared to the
three professions. These skill sets are known as
Weight – This displays how much you are cur- Ways. There is the Way of the Warrior, The Way of
rently carrying and how much you are capable of the Survivor and the Way of the Wizard. Whatever
carrying. When the text is yellow, you are bur- your chosen profession, you begin the game with
dened and won’t be able to run. two level 1 skills from your profession's skill set.
To learn additional skills, simply click on the Skills
Gold – The amount of gold you have acquired icon to bring up the skill list window. The center
during your travels. of this window shows which skills set you are
viewing. To show the other Ways, simply click on
Character leveling – As you solve quests and defeat the left and right bracket icons.
your opponents you will receive experience points.
When you reach a certain amount of points, your
character will go up a level and you will get five points
to spend on your character. You will receive an audi-
ble notification of this in addition to the statistics icon
changing to a red up arrow. Open the statistics win-
dow and you will see plus and minus arrows next to
your attributes, allowing you to choose which of your
character’s attributes you want to increase. You do
not have to spend all five points awarded to you when
you go up a level; you can leave the stored for later
use. Look at the statistics window to see how many
experience points your character currently has, and
how many points are required to attain the next level. The skill window shows only those skills that you
can choose to learn at your current level. As you
Move your mouse cursor over any of these stats to gain levels, more skills become available for you to
obtain information in the form of a tooltip describing select. You can quickly view all the skills, including
what the effect is of a particular stat.

42 43
skill plate. Although each profession has its own
skill set, you can choose to learn a skill from
another profession. For example, a warrior may
find the survivor’s skill ‘Hide in Shadows’ rather

Character Skills
those you can’t learn yet, by clicking on the book Way of the Survivor
icon to the left of the skill set name. As you move
the mouse pointer over each of the skills listed, a Path of the Thief
description window becomes available showing you
detailed information on that particular skill. Assassin’s Kiss (Passive) – Greatly
increases the damage done when using
To learn a skill, you first need to obtain skill points. the backstabbing ability of a weapon.
You get skill points when your character levels up or Only works for items with the backstab-
when you successfully complete a quest. bing ability such as daggers.
Sometimes you get one skill point, and if you’re
lucky, you might get two skill points. Each skill Lock pick – Locked doors are no longer an
costs one skill point, so a skill point is a very pre- obstacle for those with this useful ability.
cious thing. If you have a skill point to spend, click To be able to use the lock pick skill you
on the icon of the skill you want to learn and you need to have lock picks in your inventory.
will see the skill appear in the box directly below To obtain lock picks you will have to
the skill set name box. explore the world, or trade with merchants.
If you have a lock pick in your inventory,
The numbers below the box show how many skill make the lock pick skill your active skill,
points you currently have. If you want to learn and then right-click. Your mouse cursor will
another skill, just select another skill icon. If you change into a rotating key. Now select the
decide to save up your skill points, and not learn a door or container you wish to lock pick,
skill at this time, click on the box containing the and if your lock pick skills are good
currently selected skill. If you decide to learn the enough, the door or container will be
skill, click on the OK button in the center of the opened when you left-click on it. Each lock
lower part of the skill plate. The OK button will pick attempt will remove a lock pick from
automatically change into an X if you haven’t your inventory. To cancel the lock picking,
selected a skill, and clicking on the X will close the right-click.

44 45
Pickpocket – Increases your abilities to For spider mines, these are little eggs.
relieve others of their wealth or posses- For trail bombs, it is a small sack con-
sions. To steal from a character, make taining a highly explosive powder. For
the pickpocket skill your active skill, death scorpions, you need a small cage
and right-click. Your mouse cursor will containing the scorpion. Once you have
change into a waving hand. Left-click on acquired any of these objects, selecting
the character who you want to steal the deadly gift skill will pop up a sub-
from. If your attempt is successful an menu of available traps. Click on any of
inventory window will pop up, just as it the icons in the submenu to select a
would for containers. You can now trap as your currently active trap. Now
attempt to steal something from him. right-click in the world to use your trap.
Be warned - a character's reactions to
stealing can be fierce! Elven Stamina (Passive) – Grants you
almost Elven-like abilities, e.g. to run
Evade Trap (Passive) – Helps you for longer periods.
avoid devious traps laid by the hand of
your enemies. If you learn the evade Embrace Shadows – Allows you to
trap skills, you will be able to detect and become almost invisible in poorly-lit
disarm traps. Traps can be detected by areas. This is a skill especially favored
moving your mouse cursor slowly over amongst members of the Thieves Guild.
the area you suspect to be trapped. If Be aware that this skill will fail in the
you successfully detect a trap, the area presence of light. To use, make the skill
which is trapped will glow red. Click on your active skill, and right-click.
the red area to disarm the trap.
Poison Weapon – Create even more
Deadly Gift – Create a dangerous trap pain for your opponents by applying
for your enemies to blunder into. This poison to your weapons. To poison your
powerful skill allows you to create your weapon, you first need to have poison in
own traps. There are three types of your inventory. There are different types
traps available in Divine Divnity: Spider of poison in Divine Divinity, and if you
mines, Trail bombs and Death Scor- have more than one poisonous potion,
pions. To be able to use any of these you will need to select which poison you
traps, you first need to find or buy the want to apply to your weapon. To apply
corresponding objects in the game. poison to your weapon, select the poison
weapon skill as your active skill, select
the poison you wish to use, if applicable,

46 47
and then right-click again to poison your For instance, a small empty flask can be
weapon. Each time you hit an enemy dragged over small red herbs to create a
with a poisoned weapon, it will lose healing potion.
some of the poison until eventually there
is no poison left. To apply more poison Know Creature (Passive) – Know thine
to the weapon, simply right- enemy. This skill grants you insight into
click again. You will be able the strengths and weaknesses of your
to do this for as long as opponent. While initially this skill might
you have poison in not look so appealing, it is definitely worth
your inventory. investing in, as it might give you the key
insight into how to kill an enemy who
seems to be resistant to whatever you do.
Path of Lore
True Sight (Passive) – Lift the veil of
Identify (Passive) – Much used by the illusions from your eyes and see the
merchants, this skill grants you the abil- world as it truly is. Sometimes enemies
ity to accurately evaluate the properties make themselves invisible, only to
of items both magical and mundane. appear again when they attack you. This
Identification happens automatically gives you a definite tactical disadvan-
the moment you want to inspect an tage. Armed with true sight, you will be
item, and your skill level is high enough able to spot them while they think they
to identify the type of weapon. can’t be spotted, and turn a losing situ-
ation into a winning one.
Alchemy (Passive) – Grants you the
skill of Alchemy, allowing you to suc- Blind – Bring darkness to the eyes of your
cessfully combine potions and herbs. As enemies to reduce their effectiveness in
you progress through the game, you will combat. To use, make the skill your active
discover more and more ways of com- skill, and right-click on your enemy.
bining items with each other. Some items
can be combined without knowing the Skin of Poison – A trick often used by
alchemy skills, others require that you assassins. Coats your body in a poison-
have learnt the alchemy skill to a certain ous salve bringing damage to any that
degree. To combine items with each strike you. Attackers using melee
other, simple drag one item over the weapons suffer poison damage. To apply
other. poison to your skin, you need to have
poison in your inventory.

48 49
If you have more than one type of poison Wisdom (Passive) – Through mental
in your inventory, you will need to select training and keen insight you are able to
which poison you want to apply to your learn much more from your experiences.
skin. Once you’ve done that, you can
keep on applying poison to yourself for Charm – Turn the heart of your enemy
as long as you have poison of the type and make him your friend and comrade
you selected by clicking your right mouse in battle. To use, make the skill your
button. active skill, and right-click on your
Curse – Curse your enemies and let
them suffer your wrath. To use, make Magic Barrier (Passive) – Increase
the skill your active skill, and right-click your protection from the battle magic of
on your enemy. your enemies.

NecroShift – Allows you to possess the Aura of Command – Control the will of
body of a slain enemy for a short period summoned creatures to do your bidding.
of time. To use the skill, make it your Only works on creatures summoned by
active skill and right-click on a dead you. To use, make the skill your active
body. You will take control of the skill, and right-click on the summoned
enemy's body, picking up all of his abili- creature you want to follow you. If you
ties. Your own body becomes soulless are followed by the maximum amount of
and will become inert. To leave the creatures allowed, one of your creatures
enemy’s body, right-click on your own will stop following you.
Heaven´s Gift – A gift from the heavens
will help you on your quest by creating
Path of the Talents a low quality item next to you.

Trader’s Tongue (Passive) – Through

quick wit and slick talking you are able to
persuade merchants to offer you better

Ranger Sight (Passive) – Grants you

the keen eyes of a ranger to help you
see your enemies from afar.

50 51
Spear Expertise (Passive) – Spear
attacks become faster and deadlier and
your spear throwing accuracy is improved.
Additionally, you can also throw your spear
with this skill.

Bow Expertise (Passive) – Tap into the

Survivors Instinct (Passive) – Grants Elven skill with the bow and enhance
you the ability to automatically regener- your archery abilities.
ate your vitality.
Crossbow Expertise (Passive) – Increase
the speed and power of your attacks when
using the crossbow.
Way of the Warrior
Shield Expertise (Passive) – Become
Path of the Specialist one with your shield and use it not only
to defend against attacks, but also as a
Sword Expertise (Passive) – The deadly weapon.
knowledge of swordmasters becomes
available to you and increases your
sword handling. Path of the Ranger

Mace Expertise (Passive) – Call on the Elven Sight (Passive) – You can see
knowledge of the masters of the mace to further and thus target and attack your
improve your fighting skills and the dam- enemies from afar.
age done when wielding the mace in battle.
True Shot (Passive) – Magically enhance
Axe Expertise (Passive) – Improve your accuracy with missile weapons and
your skills with the axe and vastly watch your enemies fall.
improve the damage inflicted when
wielding the axe in battle. Splitting Arrows – These special arrows
split in mid air, creating havoc and death
Hammer Expertise (Passive) – Wield the among your enemies. To use, make the
hammer with deadly proficiency and speed. skill your active skill, and right-click on your
enemy. Only works if you have a bow

52 53
Poisoned Arrows – First used by assassins Path of Warrior’s Lore
so that if their arrows did not immediately
kill their mark, the poison did. To use, Augment Damage (Passive) – Through
make the skill your active skill, and right- magical methods you gain the insight and
click on your enemy. Only works if you knowledge of master warriors and do
have a bow equipped. more damage to your opponents.

Spiritual Arrows – When they strike, these Repair – Allows you to repair your
magical arrows damage your opponents weapons and armor. To repair an item,
spiritual energy. To use, make the skill your make the skill your active skill, and right-
active skill, and right-click on your enemy. click. Your mouse cursor is going to
Only works if you have a bow equipped. change into a small anvil and hammer.
Now left-click on the item you want to
Elemental Arrows – Arrows imbued with repair. Right-clicking again will cancel the
the power of the elements cause devastat- repair.
ing damage when they strike. To use, make
the skill your active skill, and right-click on Stun (Passive) – This magical attack
your enemy. Only works if you have a bow crushes the wind from the lungs of your
equipped. enemy, temporarily preventing them
from attacking you.
Evade Arrows (Passive) – You are able to
see incoming missiles and block or dodge Augment Defense (Passive) – Your
them with relative ease. knowledge of self-defense is enhanced,
thereby reducing the damage sustained
Explosive Arrows – These arrows are from your enemies.
tipped with explosive energy and cause
great damage upon impact. To use, make Poison Damage (Passive) – This skill
the skill your active skill, and right-click causes some of your attacks to inflict
on your enemy. Only works if you additional poison damage.
have a bow equipped.
Fire Damage (Passive) – Adds the
searing damage of fire to some of your

54 55
Lightning Damage (Passive) – The Boomerang – Any weapon you throw is
powerful force of the storms is added to returned to your hand. The weapon
some of your attacks. automatically comes back to the warrior
after it hit the target. This skill does not
Repel Damage (Passive) – Some of work for bows or two handed weapons.
the force behind your opponent’s attack To use, make the skill your active skill,
is sent back to him. and right-click on your enemy.

Shadow Warrior – Create a shimmering

Path of the Warrior Gods shadow warrior to strike at your oppo-
nent. To use, make the skill your active
Enchant Weapon (Passive) – Allows skill, and right-click on your enemy.
the caster to magically charm his
weapons to enhance their damage and Spiritual Damage (Passive) – The war-
efficiency. Only weapons which have a rior’s melee weapons are infused with the
certain charm quality can be charmed. ability to inflict spiritual damage.
The charm quality of a weapon together
with your level in this skill determines Reflect Missiles (Passive) – Any mis-
how many charms you can apply to a siles fired at you are reflected back to
weapon. To enchant a weapon, you will your opponent.
also need to find or buy charms.
Charms are little stones with specific Death Strike (Passive) – Draw on your
runes on them which you’ll find scat- total might and mental concentration to
tered over the world. To apply a charm deliver a killing blow to your enemy.
to a weapon, open the equipment plate
and left-click on the weapon. A charm Flash Attack – Teleports the warrior
plate will pop up with a number of slots. immediately near the target. To use,
Drag the charm into one of the free make the skill your active skill, and
slots and the charm will be permanent- right-click on your enemy.
ly attached to the weapon.

Feign Death – Allows the caster to take

on the visage of death to fool his ene-
mies. To use, make the skill your active
skill, and right-click.

56 57
Way of the Wizard Polymorph – Transform your opponent
into a harmless creature ready for the
Powers of Matter slaying. To use, make the skill your active
skill, and right-click on your enemy.
Hell Spikes – Call on the netherworld to
shoot spikes under the feet of your oppo- Skeletal Wall – The caster calls upon the
nents. To use, make the skill your active dead to summon forth hardened skeletal
skill, and right-click anywhere in the world. fighters to defend them in battle. To use,
make the skill your active skill, and right-
Energy Cage – Encircles your hapless click anywhere in the world.
victim with an impenetrable magic bar-
rier. To use, make the skill your active Seeking Flame – Send forth a snaking
skill, and right-click on your enemy. stream of flame to explode upon contact
with your enemy. To use, make the skill
Limbs of Lead – Once cast upon your your active skill, and right-click anywhere
opponents their limbs become like lead in the world.
and they are slowed to a crawl. To use,
make the skill your active skill, and
right-click on your enemy. Powers of Body and Spirit

Telekinesis – Discover the power to Wizard’s Sight – Use the power of magic to
manipulate and use objects at a distance. cast your view into areas your feet have yet
To use, make the skill your active skill, to tread. To use, make the skill your active
and right-click. Little stars will start burst- skill, and right-click. Your mouse cursor will
ing forth from your mouse cursor. You can change into “select target” mode. Hold
now use objects which you would normal- down the shift key and scroll to the spot you
ly not be able to reach by left-clicking on want to cast wizard’s sight on. Now left-click
them. To cancel telekinesis, right-click. and the shroud that covers the area will van-
ish temporarily. If you left-click on a house
Deathly Discs – Three vicious discs that is covered by a roof, you will be able to
bristling with knives spiral outwards see the inside too.
from the caster striking all within range.
To use, make the skill your active skill, Bless – Call upon the gods to grant you a
and right-click. blessing of the body. To use, make the skill
your active skill, and right-click.

58 59
Restoration – Send your magical energy right-click. Note that you can use this
coursing through your veins to restore your skill on creatures that are friendly to
health after battle. To use, make the skill you by right-clicking on them.
your active skill, and right-click. Note that
you can use this skill on creatures that are Fade from Sight – A powerful and use-
friendly to you by right-clicking on them. ful spell of invisibility that will leave
your enemies bemused. To use, make
Withering Curse – Cast this on your the skill your active skill, and right-click.
opponents and watch as their innate
resistances are weakened. If an enemy
turns out to be resistant to your favorite Elemental Powers
weapon or magic spell, cursing him
usually is a good idea as it lowers his Meteorstrike – Cast your will into the
resistances. To use, make the skill your heavens and bring forth a meteor to
active skill, and right-click. strike at your opponent. To use, make
the skill your active skill, and right-click
Aura of Guarding – A bright, shimmer- on your enemy.
ing magical shield protects the caster
from all forms of physical attacks. To
use, make the skill your active skill, and Lightning – Send forth a searing bolt of
right-click. Note that you can use this lightning to strike down your oppo-
skill on creatures that are friendly to nents. To use, make the skill your active
you by right-clicking on them. skill, and right-click on your enemy.

Magical Might – Once cast, magical

energies course through your muscles Freeze – Bring your opponent to a com-
boosting your natural strength. To use, plete halt and then eliminate them or
make the skill your active skill, and make your escape. To use, make the
right-click. Note that you can use this skill your active skill, and right-click on
skill on creatures that are friendly to your enemy.
you by right-clicking on them.
Burning Wall – Once cast, you will leave
Spellshield – Once cast, a bright magi- a wall of energy behind you as you walk.
cal shield of absorbing energy protects Enemies that walk into the wall suffer
the caster from magical attacks. To use, lightning damage. To use, make the
make the skill your active skill, and skill your active skill, and right-click.

60 61
Now start walking or running - you will Summon Skeleton – Calls on the long-
notice a wall forming up behind you. buried dead to arise and fight at your
side. To use, make the skill your active
Elemental Bolt – Hurl a powerful bolt of skill, and right-click anywhere in the
elemental energy at your enemy. The bolt world.
is attracted to the life energy within your
opponents and tracks them until it Life Leech – Drain the vitality force
strikes. To use, make the skill your active from your opponent and add it to your
skill, and right-click on your enemy. own reserves. To use, make the skill
your active skill, and right-click on your
Poisonous Cloud – Envelop your victims enemy.
in billowing clouds of poisonous fumes.
To use, make the skill your active skill, Master Summoner (Passive) – You
and right-click where you want the cloud have mastered the art of summoning
to be created. and creatures you have called forth
become more powerful.
Elemental Hail – Shower your enemies
in a searing hail of elemental energy. To Banish – Sends those you have sum-
use, make the skill your active skill, and moned back to whence they came. To
right-click anywhere in the world. use, make the skill your active skill, and
right-click on your enemy.
Elemental Strike – A cocktail of elemen-
tal damage is hurled towards your oppo- Resurrect – Grants you the godlike abili-
nent who is poisoned, burned and electro- ty to bring the fallen back to life. To use,
cuted. All enemies that cross its path suf- make the skill your active skill, and right-
fer damage. To use, make the skill your click on the body of a dead creature.
active skill, and right-click on your enemy.
Transfer Powers (Passive) – Sum-
moned creatures gain some of your
Powers of Summoning innate passive abilities.

Summon Vermin – Brings forth a pack of Summon Demonic Aide – Summons a

rats to attack and harass your opponents. All knight of the demonic realm to help you
enemies attacking the caster must focus on in battle. To use, make the skill your
the rats. To use, make the skill your active active skill, and right-click anywhere in
skill, and right-click anywhere in the world. the world.

62 63
Keyboard Shortcuts:

SPACE: Pause/Unpause the game

CTRL: Target closest enemy to mouse cursor.
CTRL: When dragging multiple objects from your
inventory in the world and releasing the
mouse cursor while holding CTRL pressed,
split up the objects.
SHIFT: When holding shift and moving the mouse cur-
sor to the side of the screen, you can scroll
away from your player character. Release
shift to jump back to your player character.
ALT: Show object boxes describing interesting
objects in the environment
R: Toggles auto-run mode on/off. When
toggled on, a left mouse click causes your
character to run towards the designated
point instead of walking to it.
C: Toggles combat mode on/off: draw your
weapon (if you have none, show your fists)
or put down your weapons
M: Toggle mini map
I: Open the inventory (back pack)
E: Open the equipment plate
T: Open the player statistics plate
CTRL+L: Quick load
CTRL+S: Quick save
L: Open the "Load Game" screen
S: Open the "Save Game" screen
ESC: Back to main menu
Q: Open the quest log (diary)
A: Open the auto map (diary)
CTRL + F12: Assign hotkeys (F1-F12)
CTRL + F11: Create a screenshot in the "Captures"
sub directory

64 65
License Contract: 3) COPYRIGHT AND TRADE-MARK the first guarantee period CDV Software Entertainment Entertainment AG was drawn to the possibility of such
RIGHTS: AG yields this guarantee steps and product services damages. In any case, CDV Software Entertainment AG´s
With the use/installation of the CD Divine Divinity The software product (inclusive all illustrations, only, when it is proved, that the software product was entire liability will be, by instruction of this EULA, limited
you agree to the following license agreement: photos, animation sequences, video-, audio-, music- obtained legally. to the amount you actually paid for the software product.
and text parts, which were embedded in the software All this restrictions are not valid, if CDV Software
IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ THROUGH THIS CARE- product), as well as all the connected trade-mark and No further warranties. CDV Software Entertainment AG Entertainment AG caused the damage willfully.
FULLY! This end-user-license-agreement ("EULA") is a rights of usufruct, the covering, printed materials and and their suppliers exclude, as far as this is permitted by
legal binding contract between you and CDV Software all copies of the software products are property of CDV practicable law, any further warranty, as well as the liabili- 6) FINAL RESTRICTIONS:
Entertainment AG for the above mentioned software Software Entertainment AG or a connected enterprise. ty for occurring or failure of an explicit or tacitly agreed Should restrictions of this contract be not legally binding in
product, consisting of the computer software and pos- The software product is protected copyright and trade- condition. This includes especially the concludant legal war- whole or in part, and/or not practicable, and/or loose
sible relevant media, printing material and electronic mark-legal by national law , international law and ranty for marketable quality, for the suitability for a speci- their legal force later, the validity of the remaining restric-
operating instructions (the "software product"). By international contract stipulations. With regards to al aim, for property, for the non-violation, concerning the tions of the contracts shall not be touched. This also
installing the software product, copying it or using it in archives purposes, you must handle the software pro- software product and the stipulation, which assigns service applies, if it should be proved, that the contract includes a
any other way, you admit to the conditions of this duct like any other by copyright protected work, and activities, respective for shortcomings in the field of settlement gap.
EULA unlimited. Should you not agree to the condi- you must not make copies of the printed materials service activities.
tions of this EULA, do not install this software product, which are covering the software product. Instead of the ineffective and/or impracticable restriction
but hand it back to the person you received it from, in 5) LIMITED LIABILITY: or for filling the gap, an adequate settlement shall be
return for refund of the license fee within 30 days. You must not remove, modify or change the hints As far as this is permitted by practicable law, CDV valid, which, as far as legally possible, approaches best to
about copyrights and trade-marks from the software Software Entertainment AG and their suppliers are not the intended settlement.
Product name: Divine Divinity product. This particularly regards to hints on the pak- liable for special damages being based on accident, or
king and the data media, in hints which are published mediate damages, just as little as for any following
Software product license on the web site or which are accessible by internet, or damages, especially for compensation for the loss of
This software product is copyrighted (by national law others which are included in the software product or business takings, for the interruption of business ope-
and international contracts.). This software product are created from this. ration, for the loss of business information or any
has not been sold to you, but is only licensed to you. other financial damages, arising from the use or an
4) Limited Warranty: impossibility of the use of the software product, or
1) LICENSE WARRANTY: Limited warranty. CDV Software Entertainment AG war- from the guarantee or abstained guarantee of service
This EULA warrants you a license with the following rants, that (a) the software product essentially works in activities. This even applies, if CDV Software
rights: Use of the delivered software. This software pro- agreement with the written records being supplied with the
duct must only be used by you. You are allowed to install software product from CDV Software Entertainment AG.
this software product and use it on one computer only. This warranty covers 90 days, beginning with the date sta-
ted on the receipt.
AND RESTRICTIONS: Legal remedy of the customers. The responsibility of
Restrictions concerning Reverse Engineering, Decompi- CDV Software Entertainment AG and their suppliers as
lation and Disassembling. You are not allowed to change well as their excluding guarantee claims limit to - by
the software product, subject it to a Reverse Engineering, choice of CDV Software Entertainment AG - (a) the
decompilize, or disassemble it. The software product is payback of the license fee you paid, as far as those CDV is listed on the Neuer Markt
licensed in a whole. Its parts must not be separated, to use was paid and do not overstep the recommended retail Frankfurt since April 2000.
them on more than one computer. Hiring out. You must price, or (b) repair or replacement of the part, or the
parts of the software product, which efficiency ISIN Code: DE 000 548 8 126
never lease, rent or lend the software product to anybody.
CDV Software Entertainment AG must guarantee for,
Software negotiation. You are allowed to negotiate all as far as the software product is given back to
rights you are entitled to under this EULA completely CDV Software Entertainment AG , including a copy of
and durable, as far as you (a) do not retain any copies your receipt. This limited warranty is not valid, if the CDV Software Entertainment AG
(of the whole software product or single parts of it), (b) defect is based on an accident or misused or faulty
Neureuter Str. 37b
negotiate the whole software product (including all handling. For each replaced software product, the
76185 Karlsruhe - Germany
covering material (in media- or form), upgrades, and guarantee for a period of 30 days, or, as far as it
the EULA durable and completely to the consignee. causes a longer period of warranty, is taken over from Webinfo: www.cdv.de

66 67
CREDITS Story scripting Manual German localization Florian Schöller
Frederik De Caster Jan Burnath Daniel Schömperlen
Dirk De Boeck Ingo Matzerath Eric Schreiber
Larian Studios Thomas Lenzen Daniel Dickmann Stefan Schreiber
Mathias Leidecker Christian Schüpf
Content data David Spak
Project leader, Frederik De Caster Office Management &
Lead Programmer Christian Treiling
Thomas Lenzen Webdesign Torsten Weinstein
Swen Vincke Tim Adriaensen Lynn Vanbesien Karin Daiß
Lead artists Fabian Lau Johannes Hauer
Marian Arnold
André Taulien
Sound CDV Development Director
Ilya Rogozin Dirk Weber
Lead scripting Stefaan Van Leuven Producer
Dirk De Boeck Friis Torben Tappert Product Coordinator
Music Jochen von Nida
Engine Programming Kirill Pokrovsky Senior QA Manager
Grischa Jacobs Peter Oehler
Swen Vincke
Darren Evans QA Manager
Additional programming Patrick Grieser Thomas Heil Intro
Dirk De Boeck Damon Wilson Ex Machina
Gillian Pearce Localization Manager
Joris Mans Thomas Kröll (www.exmachina.fr)
Bert Peers Editing Oliver Silski German and French
Background artwork Frederik De Caster localizations
Lynn Vanbesien Package Design & Layout
Ingmar Clarysse A. Adrian Alonso Think'Z - Global Language
Tristan Clarysse Andre Taulien Solutions (www.thinkz.de)
Piet Dierickx Nicolas Cybulski Manual Design & Layout
André Taulien Nicole Bleich Additional German
Additional editing localization
Animations Fabian Lau Leadtester Thomas Lenzen
Marian Arnold Karsten Thomas André Dordel
Ingmar Clarysse Dietmar Heß Voice recording
Quality assurance Studio Scopitone (www.scopitone.fr)
Wouter De Winter Jan Jolly Stefan Hertrich
Kurt Huyghe Tim Adriaensen Sound system
Cutscenes Tim Bourguignon Güven Altun Fmod by Frelight Multimedia
Marian Arnold Fabian Lau Tony Bernardin
Mathias Leidecker Video Playback
Ingmar Clarysse Thomas Heilbronner Bink by Rad game tools.
Wouter De Winter Ingo Matzerath Frank Heim
Manual Tobias Henken Video Production
Interface artwork Kai Welke Hannes Bruneel
Marian Arnold Marian Arnold
Darren Evans Sebastian Merkel
André Taulien Aleksandar Opatic
Andre Taulien
Conceptual artwork Lynn Vanbesien Per Piper AGENCY
Marian Arnold Wouter De Winter Pascal Renschler
Schanz International Consultants
Ingmar Clarysse (www.schanzgames.com)
Wouter De Winter

68 69
Special thanks to
Please write down all important configuration data of your computer and an exact
Josiane Goderis description (when, how and where the error occurred and what exactly you were
doing), before contacting our technical support. This guarantees that we can help you
Robert Vincke in a fast and efficient way.
Steuerbuero Behrmann
Please provide us with the following information:
Our dedicated fans Personal details:
- E-mail address
* - If you contact us from outside Germany, please provide us with information on
All the people who came to our office your location and the language version of the program you are using.
and tested Divine Divinity
Computer details:
* - Computer make and model
All the great people maintaining a - Windows version
Divine Divinity fan site - Speed and manufacturer of the processor
- Speed and manufacturer of the CD ROM drive
* - Total System RAM
Every single person who gave us feedback on our - Video card make and model
forum. We couldn't have done it without you ! - Sound card make and model
- Mouse and driver information as well as information on any further peripherals
* (e.g. joysticks)
De Meyer François
In order to get this information, please go to "Run" in your Windows-start-menu and
Flipts Inge type "dxdiag" in the command line, before confirming it by pressing the Enter-key.
Guizot Philippe Now the DirectX diagnostic program will start. It mainly shows all the relevant driver
files of your system components. In order to receive a text file of this information, sim-
Hugaert Eva ply click the button "Save All Information". You can then place a text file with all the
relevant data on your hard drive in order to send it via e-mail or keep it for future
Houbourdin Fabienne reference.
Meire Michèle
Misseghers Stéphane - 24 hours via e-mail at: [email protected]
Popov Igor
Tkindt Ulrike Please do not address support requests to our company address or phone number as
Vandemeerschaut Helmut there we cannot answer any technical questions.

Vanessa Visit our Website: www.divinedivinity.de

70 71

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