Global Need For Low Carbon Architecture
Global Need For Low Carbon Architecture
Global Need For Low Carbon Architecture
1; 2014
ISSN 1913-9063 E-ISSN 1913-9071
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
Received: September 1, 2013 Accepted: January 19, 2014 Online Published: January 27, 2014
doi:10.5539/jsd.v7n1p161 URL:
Low carbon architecture (Note 1) can be solution to reduce the global environmental impacts which affect all
mankind. Huge amount of greenhouse gases emissions in last few decades are responsible for great part of global
warming, climate changes, ozone layer depletion and other environmental issues. These vary from emissions
during manufacturing of the building materials, to the emissions generated till the end of the building’s life. The
current research explores the necessity of carbon emission reduction at global scale and the different carbon
emission reduction opportunities in the building industry. It states the various strategies which help in carbon
emission reduction during different stages of building cycle including construction, operation and demolition. By
following sustainable architecture techniques it is possible to minimize the negative impacts of buildings on the
environment and to have healthier environment which allows future generations to benefit from it.
Keywords: low carbon architecture, carbon dioxide, sustainable architecture
1. Introduction
In the beginning of the industrial revolution, concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was 270 parts
per million. This concentration, which has now risen to 377 parts per million, has been unprecedented not only in
the past 740 thousand years, but also perhaps even 55 million years ago (Farshchi, 2009). There are two main
reasons for climate change: natural reasons arising from changes in the orbit of the sun and in the parameter of
earth orbit, and human related causes, the most important of which is excessive emissions of greenhouse gases
through human activities (Azizi, 2004).
“Since industrial revolution human activity has increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere,
leading to increased radiations forcing from CO2, methane, tropospheric ozone, CFCs and nitrous. According to
work published in 2007, the concentrations of CO2 and methane have increased by 36% and 148% respectively
since 1750” (EPA, 2007). Estimates of future climate change, suggest further global warming, sea level rise and
an increase in the frequency and harshness of some extreme weather events (IPCC, 2007). Parties to the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) have agreed to “stabilize greenhouse gases
concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the
climate system (UNFCCC, n.d.)”.
Reducing the amount of future climate change is called mitigation of climate change (Fisher, 2007). The IPCC
defines mitigation as activities that reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions, or improve the size of carbon
sinks to absorb GHGs from the atmosphere (IPCC, 2007). Studies show extensive potential for future reductions
in emissions by a grouping of emission-reducing activities such as energy conservation, increased energy
efficiency, and satisfying more of society's power demands with renewable energy and/or nuclear energy sources
(IPCC, 2007).
The building sector is responsible for up to 30 per cent of global annual greenhouse gases emissions and
consumes up to 40 per cent of total energy. It also provides the highest potential for significantly cutting
emissions, at low price, in both developed and developing countries
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Ensuring proper natural ventilation of the rooms while designing the openings.
Taking maximum advantage of solar energy (which is a renewable source of energy), by using
technologies such as photovoltaic cells for electricity generation and solar panels for hot water supply.
Overhangs can help to reduce solar heat gain in summers and improve solar gains in winters.
Using Renewable energy sources and systems.
Following energy management systems.
Using energy efficient equipment.
Optimum use of wind energy should be made. Wind energy which is renewable source of energy helps
in electricity generation. Wind turbines can be placed on rooftops and windy locations of the site.
Reducing air infiltration levels by using adequate insulation.
Proper placement of trees in building site around the building reduce the need for air conditioning and
therefore save energy.
Using geothermal energy source (ground source heat pumps).
Using biomass fuels instead of fossil fuels will reduce the carbon footprint as biomass (agricultural
waste and wood) is carbon neutral.
Applying new technologies, for example use of photo-chromic glass which under strong sunlight
converts solar energy into electric energy.
Recyclable, sustainable building materials should be used.
Evaporative cooling towers in hot and dry climates help in reducing the energy demand for refrigeration
Light colored surfaces can reduce heat gain.
Low carbon design is not sufficient, low carbon operation is also needed. Architects can enable efficient
operation of building by ensuring that suitable metering and energy management systems are in place, and that
the inhabitants are well educated about how the building and its services are proposed to be used (Hetherington,
n.d.) Informing building occupants regarding different energy reduction policies is as important as providing the
building with these energy efficient equipment and services. Proper installation of services and adequate
maintenance is also necessary in order to reduce the energy consumption.
In addition to the energy required to light, heat or cool and run appliances within a building there is energy to
construct, refit and demolish it. The energy embodied within the building. Embodied energy that is energy which
is necessary for construction becomes more important as we reduce the operating energy. In some buildings the
amount of embodied energy is almost equal to or greater than operating energy. A sustainable approach “cradle
to cradle” would have the building processed into another building
(, 2013). The sustainable approach in demolition process is
“deconstruction” of the building. Most of the buildings when reach to the end of their useful life are demolished.
Implosion of the buildings is a fast way of demolition which is not expensive, but it does not allow usage of
building components which were still usable and valuable. It also produces huge amount of waste.
Deconstruction is the process of changing waste building materials into material which can be reused in
Deconstruction has strong ties to environmental sustainability. In addition to giving materials a new life cycle,
deconstructing buildings helps to lesser the requirement for virgin resources. This in turn leads to energy and
emission drops from the refining and manufacture of new materials. As deconstruction is usually done on a local
level, many times on-site, energy is saved in the transportation of materials. In addition, solid waste from
conventional demolition is diverted from landfills (Jackson, 2011). This is a major benefit because construction
and demolition (C&D) waste accounts for approximately 20% of the solid waste stream (Blazer, 2011).
Many sustainable techniques can be applied to new buildings which are going to be built, this gives architects a
better opportunity to take energy efficiency measures, as compared to buildings which are being used. They can
start a design keeping in mind sustainable factors. But one of the important things which architects need to
educate themselves, is about incorporating various energy reduction techniques in existing buildings, since
reconstruction based on sustainable goals is expensive, time consuming, labor intensive and energy consuming.
For having healthy ecofriendly city, just building the new buildings which are sustainable may not be enough.
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Many of the existing buildings are cause of carbon emissions. Therefore, reducing the emissions caused by
building industry should not be limited to future going to be built buildings but should be applicable to buildings
which are now in use too.
The greenification of architecture is a mission demanded by the age of energy and climate change. It can be fully
achieved through energy-efficient building designs and systemic support. More low-carbon green buildings will
“breathe” to enhance our lives when necessary elements such as remodeling of existing buildings, sustainable
energy consumption management, and environment-friendly building designs are joined, and when wise
consumers make energy efficiency a principle when purchasing a building (Tae-yong, n.d.). Ecological
architecture refers to minimum disturb to the environment; making full usage of environmentally natural
resources to recognize high-efficiency utilization of resources and energy; satisfy people's demands with healthy,
appropriate and effective living environment, to achieve harmony between man and architecture; it is a big and
complex systematic engineering including nature, society, economy and civilization, etc. (Lan, 2011).
6. Conclusion
By following the suggested techniques during different stages of building’s life cycle, lower carbon emissions
from buildings could be achieved, which will help in development of more sustainable, ecofriendly
environments. Fortunately, though buildings account for large amount of GHG emissions, there are also lots of
opportunities to reduce these emissions. This is where low carbon architecture comes into the picture. Following
the rating systems, such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), Energy Star for homes,
GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment) and Green Globe Canada will be useful in reaching
desired sustainability. To have sustainable environment friendly world, not only buildings need to be designed
and operated based on sustainable considerations, but the whole communities and cities need to be sustainable.
Today the focus of sustainable design encompasses entire cities, stakeholders include developers, lawyers,
political leaders, business owners and citizens, and topping the list of concerns is to reduce carbon emissions
(, 2013). Planning of
sustainable cities serves as an essential catalyst for change, enhancing environmental quality of the natural and
built environments, and promoting conditions for development of green architecture (Huseynov, 2011). For
achieving this goal we need contribution of all countries and governments.
Many countries have made efforts to decrease carbon emissions by framing development planning and taking
measures from aspects of energy, transportation, industrial structure etc. (Su, 2012). Facing the increasingly
serious challenge of environmental change (levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have risen by more than a
third since the industrial revolution and are now increasing faster than ever before) and decline of indigenous
energy supplies (by 2020 the country could be dependent on imported energy for three quarters of its total
primary energy needs), the UK government proposed a future scenario named “low carbon economy” in the
energy white paper “Our Energy Future-Creating a Low Carbon Economy” issued by Department of Trade and
Industry in 2003 (DOTI, 2003). With an annual GDP growth in excess of 10% in current years, China has
become one of the biggest energy consumers and carbon emitters in the world (Jiang, 2009). It is known that
China is facing great pressure both inside and outside the international climate negotiations to exhibit more
ambition in combating global climate change (ZX, 2010). In order to have sustainable eco-friendly environment
sustainable rules should be passed by governments which obligate builders to follow the rules regarding reducing
the carbon emissions in building industry.
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Sciences Division.
Azizi, Q. (2004). Climate change.
Department of Trade and Industry. (2003). Our Energy Future-Creating a Low Carbon Economy. UK.
EPA. (2007). Recent Climate Change: Atmosphere Changes. United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Farshchi, R. (2009). Architecture in the Age of Climate Change, 48.
Fisher, B. e. (2007). Interaction between mitigatin and adaptation, in the light of climate change impacts and
decision- making under long-term uncertainty. Issues related to mitigation in the long-term context.
Huseynov, E. F. (2011). Planning of sustainable cities in view of green architecture, 21, 534-542.
IPCC. (2007). Synthesis Report Summary for Policymakers, Section 4: Adaptation and mitigation options.
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Note 1. Low carbon architecture deals with various types of buildings as a whole, whereas low carbon
building deals only with a single building.
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