New Commercial Buildings & Additions Project Review Submittal Checklist
New Commercial Buildings & Additions Project Review Submittal Checklist
New Commercial Buildings & Additions Project Review Submittal Checklist
In an effort to increase productivity and expedite the plan review process, the City of Logan has revised its Commercial Building Project
Review submittal policy. Due to repeated submissions of incomplete information for plan review, it has become necessary to require a
COMPLETE submittal for all commercial projects. Partial or incomplete submissions cannot be accepted.
Applications with submittal information found incomplete will be returned to the applicant. Only submittals that are found complete will
be accepted into the building permit process.
Project Address:
Project Name:
Contact Name:
Completed New Building PermitFOR SUBMITTAL
Application, Plan Check Fee, & Submittal Checklist. Must have signatures of applicant or # Copies
o o authorized agent. 1
o o Building Plans – 3 complete sets which include Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, & Plumbing details. All plans must
be stamped & signed by State of Utah Licensed Architect, Engineer, and/or Surveyor. One set must be wet stamped; other two can
be copies. Plans shall include the following:
o o Cover sheet for building plans must include vicinity map, land use zone, table of contents, and code analysis which
includes allowable area calculations, number of stories, height of building, type of occupancy, type of construction, area
of building, occupant load, and fire areas. Specify if protected by fire sprinklers & fire alarm systems.
o o Site plan. Show existing/proposed buildings, parking, property lines, & setbacks. 3
o o Architectural elevations to scale, including list of colors, materials, wall coverings, height of building. Show compliance
with the Planning Commission Permit Conditions of Approval.
o o Performance landscape plan as conditioned above showing location of trees, shrubs & groundcovers, a plant schedule
All changes resubmitted should meet the same requirements and # of copies as above, applicable pages only.
Commercial Building Plan Review Submittal Checklist, page 2
Following is a list of items necessary to ensure that basic plan information is provided for plan review. This will streamline the
plan review process to ensure that all information is provided to City staff which will enable personnel the ability to review
building projects for compliance. The goal is a shorter plan review process.
Y N Civil, Site, Grading, Utility and Demolition Plan Page #
o o Site Grading and Drainage Plans on drawings, stamped and signed by a State of Utah licensed design professional.
o o Erosion and Sediment Control Application – Plans to be incorporated with building plans if the lot or parcel is less than one (1)
acre. If greater than one (1) acre, submit SWPP and Notice of Intent (NOI) from the State.
o o Water Usage Calculations (indoor and outdoor) in PDF format and sewer calculations.
o o Lift station drawings and calculations with operations manual.
o o Site plan showing dimensions to property lines, show streets, new and existing building locations, and other buildings. Indicate
finished grade elevation. Include a topographical map for sloped lots.
o o
Site utility plan showing all existing city water mains, culinary water service lines and size, sewer lines and size, other water lines
and sizes, electrical, phone, cable, other utility locations and fire sprinkler underground mains (including diameters),
canals/ditches, contour lines, easements, curb cuts. Profiles of all new utilities (water, sewer, storm, electrical transformers,
phone, cable, etc.) showing existing/new grades, utility sizes, grades, and depth.
o o Site plan clearly designating “Fire Department Access Roadways” and adjoining streets. (Include contour lines or similar elevation
designation if grade changes are over 2%.)
o o Site plan designating fire hydrants (new and existing).
o o Site plans showing parking stalls with dimensions, number of parking spaces, ADA parking spaces, ADA parking signage, onsite
sidewalks and ramps, ramp detail showing grade and cross-slope, mechanical equipment, and location of trash & dumpster
Y N Structural (Plans must be properly sealed by the designing professional/structural engineer.) Page #
o o Structural Plans and Calculations, 3 copies stamped and signed by a State of Utah licensed engineer.
o o Identify special inspections on plans.
o o Provide a Statement of Special Inspections in accordance with IBC 1705.
o o Specify design loads and material specifications.
o o Footing, foundation, piers, and grad beam plans with details of reinforcement. Show steps in elevation, hold down types and
locations, bolt details for anchor bolts or other anchors.
o o Wall framing and bracing details.
o o Structural building sections.
o o Floor framing plan and details.
o o Roof framing plan and details. The engineer of record is to design truss bracing and roof connections including blocking, nailing,
o o Provide truss drawings. Submit a letter of approval for the structural engineer of record of the project stating that he/she has
reviewed the truss plans/design/layout to fabrication and that the trusses conform to their design requirements.
Y N Architectural (Plans must be properly sealed by designing architect or qualified engineer.) Page #
o o Vicinity Map.
o o Land Use Zone.
o o Table of Contents.
o o Specify the intended use of the building.
o o Code Analysis - shall include allowable area calculations, number of stories, height of building, type of occupancy, type of
construction, area of building, occupant load, exiting plan, fire areas, fire sprinklers and fire alarm systems, and other pertinent
information necessary to perform a plan review.
o o Complete egress plan for each floor. Include occupant load and travel distance. Identify all elements of the means of egress
system (i.e. corridor, exit enclosures, etc.)
o o Floor plans labeling usage of all rooms.
o o Roof plans, elevations, and wall sections completely detailed showing insulation, materials, and details.
o o Provide cross-sections, at least one (1) in each direction.
o o Door and window schedule with details of door hardware.
Commercial Building Plan Review Submittal Checklist, page 3
o o Finish schedule of walls, floors, and ceilings. Flame spread and smoke developed ratings of finish materials may be requested at
plan review.
o o Fire-resistance-rated assembly details of fire-resistance-rated construction at shafts, vertical exit enclosures, corridors, shafts, etc.
Specify “listing” and penetration treatment requirements.
o o Stair and shaft details. Show interior changes of elevations with stair or ramp detail as required. Show landings, risers, treads,
handrails, guards, etc.
o o Acoustical ceiling installation layout. Detail an approved ceiling system and include a current ICC evaluation services report.
Include bracing, wall angle, attachment, etc.
o o Fire sprinkler riser locations and standpipe locations.
o o Smoke and heat vents.
o o Emergency generator and fuel tank location. (May be drawn on civil plans if installed outdoors).
o o Show details of ADA compliance, i.e. restroom fixtures, grab bars, counter heights, signage, and public amenities dimensioned.
o o For remodels, additions, and renovations, the area of improvement shall comply with ADA requirements for accessibility for new
construction. The existing portion of the building is subject to the Federal Accessibility requirements (25% rule). Show breakdown
and detail.
Y N Page #
o o Fire Flow at Hydrants- Provide a project specific letter from the Fire Department. Include static pressure if sprinklers are to be
installed (1 copy).
o o Hazardous Material Inventory and Classification report (if hazardous materials are to be used or stored on premises).
o o Fire Sprinkler Riser Detail - location and backflow preventer, type, size, make, and model.
o o Supply fire flow analysis for the building.
o o a. Include time of flow, date of flow, location of fire hydrants used, static pressure, residual pressure and flow.
o o b. Show line size and if dead end or circulating and direction.
Y N Page #
o o Provide proposed sewer flows for use in running City's sewer model.
o o Provide proposed size calculations for sewer lateral.
o o Show location of proposed water service and sewer lateral from main to building.
o o Calculations defining proposed water usage and meter size.
o o Acceptance from Public Works and City Engineer for completed subdivision, boundary line adjustment, recorded plat, OR
o o The subdivision has had a final walk through and has been accepted by the City Public Works and Engineering Divisions for