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rahu kethu
8-Oct sun mer


9-Oct rahu mon kethu

sun sat
10-Oct rahu mon kethu
sun sat

11-Oct rahu mon kethu

sun sat
10 11 12 Mon sun

jup mar mon jup mer

nk lord jup jup rahu

SBL mer ven

jup mar mon sat rahu

nk lord sat rahu rahu
SBL ven kethu

11.57am mon mer rahu

mer rahu rahu
venus kethu

sun 2.03 pm mon mer rahu

mon mer rahu rahu
ven sun kethu
jup mar mon mer rahu
nk lord mer rahu rahu
SBL mon kethu

mon kethu ven

10.34am nk lord kethu ven sat
SBL ven kethu

jup mar mon ven sat

nk lord ven sat rahu
SBL ven ven
Predicted Actual Learning

Jup 3H representative in 11H also

in its own star -3 and 11
combination which is good and
sub mer signifies 3H completely
-which signifies heavy selling
pressur;since jup is strong in its
own star-profitable session upto 2.20 pm it was gradual increase but later
downslope;during jup period it was 4rs u;by end of
sat its only 10paise up

after 1.13 sat starlord chane its 0.1 There is difference between 3CSL in 11H (profit)
once 3 and 11 combination-so pos and 11H SBL in 3H -not so profit

sat represents 1 7 9 11 and sits on

rahu star and ven sub both of
which are in 3 H -so its 11H in 8.3
planetary level and 3H in star and
sub level-positive not very

Contrary to wat has been predicted mer star lord

change is giving very good result-may b 3H is 11th
to 5H and 5H SBL has come to 3H-verified with the
5H SBL in 3H not a good period past data on 11-oct-2012 the day has seen 10rs
-downfall-all represent 3H increase in price;mon in 12H and mer star and mer
significantly-negative in 3H 21-Oct-11

Sun sub change-sun starlord is

mon-which signifies 4H and 12H
so downfall still
mer 5H rep in 3H in the star of
rahu who is in 3 and sub mon-
who signifies 4H and 12H is in 4H
which is not good-so its weak in
all 3 levels-but jup aspect
overcomes and good increase in

kethu stands on venus both at star and sub level

and venus in turn stands on sat -all of which are
getting jupiter aspect -but kethu as such signifies
12H rep in ven at star and sub 12H -so unike prev session-theres isnt much
level-downfall growth

ven 2H and 8H rep in 3H not

good;but venus tar lord sat and
sat star lord rahu are getting good
aspect from guru -also they are in
close conjunction-which will give
good profit; though at planetary
level its not good but venus had
to express its star lord role-so its
a gain
224.55 229.4 222.3 225.4
212.2 222.8 212.2 221
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
8-Oct kethu jup mar sun rahu



9-Oct kethu jup mar sun rahu mon

11 12 Mon Predicted

mon stands on jup 5H and 11H

repin 3H -which is good at
planetary level in its own star
also in star level;mer stands on
7H -which gives stability-mer
fully represents 7H-gives
stability and little gain-so tom is

mon jup mer

after 1.13 sat star change-sat

hails from 7H and signifies 5 11
12 -so this cant give more gain
like previous jup session who
was the sole rep for 5 and 11-
so the value decreases from
the prev session-but wont go
nk lord jup jup rahu negative
SBL mer ven

sat signifies 5 11 12 and hails

from 7H stable gain-but not tht
much;its star lord rahu that
signifies 1H 6 H 7H is also in 7-
which is not good as it
indicates 6H; venus represents
2H and 3H and is in 7H -so this
is more of stable but not very
mon sat rahu much gain
nk lord sat rahu rahu
SBL ven kethu

same as the previos

11.57am mon mer rahu session;mer fully signifies 7H
mer rahu rahu
venus kethu

with sun sub change who is in

6H -things will come down
further ;sun star lord mon is
located in 8H and represents 9
sun 2.03 pm mon mer rahu and 12
mon mer rahu rahu
ven sun kethu

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
8-Oct sun mon kethu

rahu ven

10 11 12 Mon Predicted
jup mars

jup 8H rep hails from

11H which is pos;at star
lord level also sub lord
mer hails from 2H so its
more like 2 8 11
mon jup mer profit tom

after 1.13 its sat star

change-sat represents
2H and also hails from
2H -so its profitable
nk lord jup jup rahu only
SBL mer ven
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
8-Oct ket jup mars sun mon

rahu ven

10 11 12 Mon

mon jup mer

nk lord jup jup rahu

SBL mer ven

Predicted Actual

Jup signifies 10 3 8 1 -all are not so

good houses for gain -that is it
opposes profit and its stands on its
own star- so this effect is strong
and sublord mer signifies 6 H and
12H and hails from 7H which is not
good in sub level also -so
loss/negative tom

steady growth as sat star lord

change after 1.13 and also sat is in
7H which is good
8 0ct
IF a particular planet gives very good effect and the suceeding planet also
gives good effect but not to tht extent as the prev planet-then a sudden
drop is expected -here the prev session was handled by jup when sat-
changed- a sudden drop was there;though sat is 11CSl it was located in 3H
along with lot other in 3H-so 3H effect is predominant even when it is 11H

9-Oct 5H SBl in 3H good for gain as 3H is 11th to 5H;also verified with past datas

chk for scenarios-where planet doesn’t receive jup aspect but the star
lord/sublord recieves.

Jupiters aspect @ planetary level

Jupiters aspect @ starlord and sublord level
a. Planetary level-signification and house occupied
b. STL house occupied
c. STl of STL-house occupied
Fourth House

There is difference between 3H CSL located in
11H and 11H sub lord located in 3H;the former
gives profit and the later doesn’t give profit

Date Open High Low Close

5H CSL in 3H 21-Oct-11 224.55 229.4 222.3 225.4
11-Oct-12 212.2 222.8 212.2 221

venus 8H CSL in 6H 13-Jan-12 193.45 200.85 192.5 196.55

venus was in mars star and mars was in12 H ### 308 312.9 300.05 301.1

mon was in kethu star and kethu was in 11H

thugh kethu was in 11H he signifies 12H -11H
is 12 to 12H so not good 9-Feb-10 311.5 314 302.4 306.45

kethu star lord and kethu in 11H ;this is a very

peculiar day-good for studying aspects -all the
planetary aspect falls on kethu so this must
have boosted it 13-Jan-10 380 389.7 375 389.7
except for moon the other planets are
aspecting-so once again a raise 4-Jan-10 361 367.8 361 364.8

4 planets are aspecting kethu;but now jup

doesent aspect kethu as it has moved now -so
jupiters aspect has got a prominent
role to play. ### 377.15 379.5 360.15 363.7

Mon stands on ven-2H and 8H CSL venus sits

in 4H along with sun signifying 1 H 7H
11H;also getting aspect from sat 11CSL from
2H-so a gain -have to verify similar situations 8-Dec-09 365 384.25 365 382.15
jup from
up is in
kethu jup 10 e ### 207.9 211.6
Reduction value is
the expected but
jupiters aspect
has been altering
the vlue and
increase in
kethu has come
to its normal term
to give reduced
stands on
kethu star
12H rep
and jup
sub which
is in 8H
stands in
g is
by jup
207.3 209.6 2rs gain
First house only kethu and sukran star available in leo and first 2 padam of sun STL
STL House Open
Rasi star lord sub lord Apects if any Date
venus occupied price

simam ven sun 1 30-Jul-13 168

Jup in retrograde from
rishabam;thought it
wil have a aspect from
its 12 H but its not so

kanni sun ven 3 30-Oct-12 203.15

simam ven ven 1 Jup from mesham 29-Aug-11 179.6

Along with mon and

simam kethu sat 11 mars 15-Jul-10 319.15
mer (after

simam ven mer 1 6-Oct-09 425

12th House
star lord sub lord STL House Open
Rasi Apects if any Date
of STL occupied price

simam kethu mars 9 nil 14-Oct

7th aspect to mer

-which is good;no
katakam mer mon 3 aspect to mars 17-Oct-11 232

katakam rahu 1 nil 19-Apr-10 325
katakam mer 9 mer along with sun 27-Apr-10 320

simam kethu mon 11 nil 3-Jun-10 277

mars gets 7th aspect
katakam mer sun 4 from jup 24-Nov-09 374.9
High price Low price Possible explanation

2H CSL in 1H-negative 8H CSL in 1H-negative;in Star lord level also -so this effect
is strong;also sublord sun signifying 1 7 11 H is in 12 -for the entire day-so all 3
169.1 157 157.2 levels negative

2H CSL in 1H-negative 8H CSL in 1H-negative;in star lord level-sun-is in 3H and

205.65 197.1 199 once again ven sub -so negative-jup is not aspecting as it is retrograde
Both star lord and sub lord level venus but present along with the luminaries
185.75 178.5 185.6 and gets pure aspect from jup-so a rise

ven is in star of kethu-who is 12H signifier in 11H -which is not good sat sub in
1H itself thts a good thing and mer sub change after 12 is located in 12H which
is not good-so negative ;high price for the day is just 2rs up but low price is
nearly 5rs down-we r seeing such energy in volatility is bcos os mars thts
321 312.9 319.05 present along with venus

Ven in its own star also for the reasons above said -its very negative and no
428.7 401.5 416.5 aspect or conjunction- so its free to express its nature- reduction in value

High price Low price Possible explanation
Deep down-mars is free to act today ;10CSL in 12H ;also in kethu star who
signifies 12H also in mars sub itself-should see atleast 10rs down

mon stands on mars and mars in turn stands on mer star-mer 5CSL hails from
3H which is a positive thing also it gets aspect from jup-this is good-which is wat
mars is expected to display/express for tht day-so its pos- but not very pos as
@the planetary level mars sits on 12H -so its only 4 rs raise;but the low price
238.5 231.8 236.5 attained for the day is 1rs low
Mars hails from 12H -which is weak;mars stands on sat-which in turn stands on
sun-that hails from 8H-so a decrease-mars is expected to express sat-for tht we
need to know wat role sat plays on tht day -for tht we need to assess the star
329 315 315 lord of sat
Mars hails from 12H -in mer star and sub level;mer star lord is venus -both
323.35 315.1 315.8 venus and mer are in 9H -weak @planetary level.

mars hails from 12H -its star lord kethu though it represents 12H its located in
11H-its starlord rahu is in 5H -so its more like 5H and 11H combination-gain shld
be there-but not much gain-as the expression is weak @planetary level;also
280 275.4 278.15 mars sublord is mon
mars in 12 H is negative but gets the aspect from jupiter-which corrects it;but @
the star lord level-mer 5H CSL hails from 4H which is 12th to its position-which
is not good-also mer is in its own star-so if there was any gain -that’s purely due
380 368.6 372.8 to mars getting aspect from jup
Mon STL STL occupied house STL of STL
Day Date SBL of STL
Monday 14 Mars 12 kethu mars
Tuesday 15 rahu 3 rahu mer
Thursday 17 sat 3 rahu sun
Friday 18 mer 3 jup sat
Monday 21 sun 2 mars ven
Tuesday 22 mon 10
Wednesday 23 mars 12 kethu sat
Thursday 24 rahu 3 rahu mer
Friday 25 rahu 3 rahu mer
from 1.16 jup 11 jup kethu
Monday 28 mer 3 jup jup
Tuesday 29 kethu 9 ven ven
Wednesday 30 venus 4 mer sat
12.12 kethu kethu
Thursday 31 sun 3 rahu mer
Occupied house of STL
of STL


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