All In1
All In1
All In1
rahu kethu
8-Oct sun mer
after 1.13 sat starlord chane its 0.1 There is difference between 3CSL in 11H (profit)
once 3 and 11 combination-so pos and 11H SBL in 3H -not so profit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
8-Oct sun mon kethu
rahu ven
10 11 12 Mon Predicted
jup mars
rahu ven
10 11 12 Mon
9-Oct 5H SBl in 3H good for gain as 3H is 11th to 5H;also verified with past datas
chk for scenarios-where planet doesn’t receive jup aspect but the star
lord/sublord recieves.
There is difference between 3H CSL located in
11H and 11H sub lord located in 3H;the former
gives profit and the later doesn’t give profit
12th House
star lord sub lord STL House Open
Rasi Apects if any Date
of STL occupied price
katakam rahu 1 nil 19-Apr-10 325
katakam mer 9 mer along with sun 27-Apr-10 320
2H CSL in 1H-negative 8H CSL in 1H-negative;in Star lord level also -so this effect
is strong;also sublord sun signifying 1 7 11 H is in 12 -for the entire day-so all 3
169.1 157 157.2 levels negative
ven is in star of kethu-who is 12H signifier in 11H -which is not good sat sub in
1H itself thts a good thing and mer sub change after 12 is located in 12H which
is not good-so negative ;high price for the day is just 2rs up but low price is
nearly 5rs down-we r seeing such energy in volatility is bcos os mars thts
321 312.9 319.05 present along with venus
Ven in its own star also for the reasons above said -its very negative and no
428.7 401.5 416.5 aspect or conjunction- so its free to express its nature- reduction in value
High price Low price Possible explanation
Deep down-mars is free to act today ;10CSL in 12H ;also in kethu star who
signifies 12H also in mars sub itself-should see atleast 10rs down
mon stands on mars and mars in turn stands on mer star-mer 5CSL hails from
3H which is a positive thing also it gets aspect from jup-this is good-which is wat
mars is expected to display/express for tht day-so its pos- but not very pos as
@the planetary level mars sits on 12H -so its only 4 rs raise;but the low price
238.5 231.8 236.5 attained for the day is 1rs low
Mars hails from 12H -which is weak;mars stands on sat-which in turn stands on
sun-that hails from 8H-so a decrease-mars is expected to express sat-for tht we
need to know wat role sat plays on tht day -for tht we need to assess the star
329 315 315 lord of sat
Mars hails from 12H -in mer star and sub level;mer star lord is venus -both
323.35 315.1 315.8 venus and mer are in 9H -weak @planetary level.
mars hails from 12H -its star lord kethu though it represents 12H its located in
11H-its starlord rahu is in 5H -so its more like 5H and 11H combination-gain shld
be there-but not much gain-as the expression is weak @planetary level;also
280 275.4 278.15 mars sublord is mon
mars in 12 H is negative but gets the aspect from jupiter-which corrects it;but @
the star lord level-mer 5H CSL hails from 4H which is 12th to its position-which
is not good-also mer is in its own star-so if there was any gain -that’s purely due
380 368.6 372.8 to mars getting aspect from jup
Mon STL STL occupied house STL of STL
Day Date SBL of STL
Monday 14 Mars 12 kethu mars
Tuesday 15 rahu 3 rahu mer
Thursday 17 sat 3 rahu sun
Friday 18 mer 3 jup sat
Monday 21 sun 2 mars ven
Tuesday 22 mon 10
Wednesday 23 mars 12 kethu sat
Thursday 24 rahu 3 rahu mer
Friday 25 rahu 3 rahu mer
from 1.16 jup 11 jup kethu
Monday 28 mer 3 jup jup
Tuesday 29 kethu 9 ven ven
Wednesday 30 venus 4 mer sat
12.12 kethu kethu
Thursday 31 sun 3 rahu mer
Occupied house of STL
of STL