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Bireswar Banerjee
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1. [astrology book] Srimat- jyotisha – Siddhanta –siromani : GANITADHYAYA:

Mitakchara- Vyakyaya Samanvita; sri Maheswaropadhyayasuta- Bhaskaracharya
Virachita: edited & Published by Pt. Asubodh & Nityabodh Vidyaratna .
Calcutta, 2nd ed. 1915.rebound.pp 277,xvi. Rs- 900/-ok

2. [Astrology book] Bhavakutuhalam Sri Jivanathmishra Virachitam: Sri jivananda

Vidyagara Bhattacharyena Sanskrita Prakashitascha. Calcutta,2nd.ed.
1897.Rebound.pp 96,ii. Rs- 700/-ok

3. The Peacock in Splendour: SCIENCE, Literature and Art in Ancient and

Medieval India- byBidyendu Mohan Deb. Published by Visva-
bharati,Santiniketan , West Bengal, first published,2015; ISBN- 978-81-7522-
452-0. Size. 15/ 11 inches.foolscape Hard bound. Good production,Nice Print.
Pp 530,xxiv.index, colour figures ,plates, OVER 500, MAPS,TEXT

4. Smrti – JYOTISHA- SARA – SANGRAHA: Granthakritrayam: Acharya

Damodara Mishra,. Mm. Pitambar Siddhantavagish Bhattacharya, Lakchmipati
Sarma, Sampadakadyama: Sri Manoranjan Sastri, & Sri Pratapchandra
Chaudhury, [
the Manuscript Volume at Dept. of Historical antiquarian studies in assam,
Guwahati, Library [ No:756 ] consists of THREE PARTS: [ a] Smrtisagarasarah,
[b] Grahanakaumudi, & [ c] Jyotirmala. ..completed in A.D. 1700.
[a] SMRITISAGARA-SARA: Vrata Viveka, Sraddha –viveka
[ b] Grahanakaumudi: grahanapunyakalavyavastha, grahanadine Snana-
Sradhadadi Vyavastha, grahana-falani, grahananirvritte puja-tarpanadikritya
vyavastha, [ C] JYOTIRMALA:
jatadhyaya,sanskaradhyaya,yatradhyaya,Prakrinadhyaya etc. pub,by Dept. of
Historical Antiquarian studies in assam,Guwahati, 1 ed.1964.royal size.pp
168,18.with English introduction.Rs-1500/-

5. ASTROLOGY AND RELIGION IN INDIAN ART: by Swami Sivapriyananda.[

chapters; time and space;- horological time,calendar time,cosmic time, etc. 3-
stars and planets, 4- signs of the zodiac, 5- a plan of the heavens- ., horoscope
[jataka-kundali,aspects[dristi] icon of the horoscope, [jyotisa –sastra svarupa], 6-
worship ;- grahapuja; [ all grahas, ] worship of naksatrass,bibliography,index.
First published 1990. Printed in SINGAPORE, by ART PAPERS. Isbn- 81-
7017-231-4.royal size. Pp 148,vi, with 77 plates,many coloured.index.figures.

6. Harihar Majumdar: [jyotishasastri] Hindu Science of the Future: [ Very

Important contribution to the World Vedanga Jyotisha. The Very basis of
becoming a successful astrologer is the through understanding of the meanings
of the different Grahas,rasis,Nakshatras and Bhavas.. delineseation of the
meaning of the Naksharas, Vedic Methods of rectifying the langa,the meaning
and use of the Arudha Chakra,the importance and meaning of the Shayanadi
bhava. There is a whole section dealing in Arishta, Ayurveda and the unique
technique of the Pataki chakra…the practice of
PARASARA,VARAHAMIHIRA and other ancient eminent
astrologers…..calcutta,1981.english text.pp 445.,xxvi,
chakras,tables,appendix,mathematics,text figures. Rs-900/-

7. HINDU ASTROLOGICAL CALCULATIONS [ according to Modern Methods]

with Complete tables for casting the Hiroscope and for calculating the Graha and
Bhava Balas. By Usha Shashi. Delhi, 1st.ed.1978.pp390,xii,index,tables.,text
figures. English text. Rs-600/-

8. PRASNA MARGA: Part-1: Chapters [ 1-XVI] English Translation with original

text in Devanagari and notes. By Bangalore Venkata Raman, [editor the
Astrological magazine. Bangalore,1980.pp 715,xxxxvi.with Sanskrit text and
English translation. Rs- 900/-
9. Published by Indian Research Institute Publication :Indian Posititive Sciences
Series No :1: UPAVANA – VINODA: [ A Sanskrit Treatise on Arbori –
Horticulture:] with text,translation,appendix,bibliography and list of PLANTS.
by Girija Prasanna Majumdar: [ prof. of Botany,banaspati] It is an encyclopaedic
work dealing with a variety of subjects such
cs,criticism in general philosophy ,science of war ,and so forth. The
SARNGADHARA- PADDHATI is an Anthology Compiled by Sargadhara.]
Calcutta,1935.Royal Size. Rebound.pp 128,xii,Rs- 1200/-

10. Published by Indian Research Institute Publication :Indian Posititive Sciences

Series No:2:
LAGHUMANASAM: Munjalacarya :with TEXT, English Translation ,&
Critical notes by N.K.Majumdar. [ specialist in Hindu Mathematics &
Astronomy] This is divided into Two Parts: - Ganita or Mathematical, which ,in
Modern Language is Astronomy ] and Phalita [dealing with the effects on
human destinies of the Stars,planets,etc. and their movements,termed Astrology
in Modern Nomenclature. Calcutta,1951.rebound.royal size.pp 164,viii,with
tables,text figures,Major English text. Rs-1500/-
11. Published by Indian National Science Academy: New Delhi, 1981.
Mallikarjuna Suri. Critical Edition with introduction ,English Translation,
MATHEMATICAL Notes & Indices: by Bina Chatterjee:
Part-1: Critical Edition With Commentary, Part-2: Translation & Mathematical
Authoritative text of Indian astronomy,written by Lalla, A prominent
Astronomer of the 7th Century A.D. Divided in 22 chapters, the work forms a
neat depiction of the Aryabhatan School of Astronomy, in which Lalla has
incorporated his new findings.
With mathematical notes and a number of useful indices,including glossary of
technical terms. New Delhi, 1981. Royal Size. Pp 340,280,xxvii,xxvi,with text
figures. Set Rs.3000/-[ Parts: 1 & 2]
12. Fundamentals of HINDU ASTROLOGY: by S.Kannan. [ this book deals with
the entire subject of Genethliacal astrology in an easy manner in three
parts,namely,the general influences of planets,signs,etc. ;prediction from the
twelve houses ; and timing of events including Horary astrology. By a study of
these chapters of these chapters one will have the necessary knowledge to arrive
at results by examining a horoscope. Madras,1967. Rebound.pp
140,vii,charts,tables,etc. Rs-600/-

13. VEDIC NUMEROLOGY : part-1: by G.V. Chaudhury. With a foreword by

Dr.N.N.Godbole.[ astrology deals with effects which planets wield on human destiny
and is natully a product of the study of ASTRONOMY.it consists of three sections;-
hora,ganita,siddhanta. Geometry ,when applied to the explanation of rigvedic hymns,has
reveled valuable astrological theories of progonstication. Bombay 1st ed.1968.original
condition. Size 12/7 inches. Pp 366,xvi, illustrations,tables,etc. English text. Rs- 800/-

14. History of Science and Technology in india: Vol-1 : dawn of Indian technology [
pre- and Proto –Historic Period illustrated] by O.P.Jogi. M.D.Ph.D. F.C.C.P.
[U>S.A.] Foreword by Prof. D.S. Kothari.Contents: Part-1: Prehistoric Period:
& Part-2: Protohistoric period. With 18 chapters:- technical skills during
different food collecting stages, What was Harappa Civilization, TOWN –
POTTEREYETC. WITH 27 PLATES. Delhi,1969.royal size good condition.pp
144, xvii map, 27 plates, text figures, 10 illustrations,index. Rs-1000/-
15. A Dictionary of Sanskrit –English Technical
Terms: Vol-1: MATHEMATICS: General Editor:
Prof. Manabendu Banerjee, Compiled and Edited
by Prof. Pradip Kumar Majumdar. [taken the
contents matters like verses,explanations,
mathematical proofs, biographies,English
translation etc. first volume to be on
the remote past, the Indian gave mathematics the
highest place of honour amongst the SCIENCES
and hence this identification. For this purpose let
us quote the verse no. 4 of VEDANGA JYOTISA.
published by Sanskrit Sahitya
Parishat,Kolkata,1st ed.2011. pp 1260,xx,with 37
figures,charts and diagrams of different types of
bricks used in the cities[taken from mathematics
in ancient and medieval india- by Dr. A.K. Bag,
tables, many tables, text figures,[tables of
kharosthi numerals,semitic and brahmi numerals,
APPENDIX -1: system of Numeration, 2-
mensuration;time chart, 3-A: some geometrical
formule, 3-B: trignometrical formula
brahmagupta-s interpolation rule for equal
intervals, 4- calculus in ancient and medieval
india. 5- simplified mathematical formula from
the Vedas sutra, [Major ENGLISH TEXT & some
Sanskrit text] Rs-1800/-
16. Calcutta Sanskrit Series No:32: PARASADA -= MANDANAM and
Rajavallabha Mandanam of Sutradhara Mandan. Sutradhara mandana has to his
credit many works on Indian architecture and sculpture…Published Metropoltan
Printing Ltd.Calcutta,1948.Rebound.SANSKRIT TEXT. pp 128,VI. Rs- 1200/-

17. MAYAMATAM : treatise of Housing,Architecture and Iconography : Sanskrit

Text Edited and Translated by Bruno Dagens: Volumes :1-2: set. General
editor: Kapila Vatsyayan. Kalamulasastra Series-15: Published by india Gandhi
National Centre for the Arts: New delhi, first published 1994. Reprint. 1997.
Isbn- 81-208-1026-8.[set] pp 976,102,with illustrations,plans, SANSKRIT
pages sl.pin-holes. Set Rs-1500/-

The Mayamata is a Vastusastra, i.e. a treatise on dwelling and as such it deals

with all the facets of God's and men's dwellings, from the choice of the site to the
iconography of the temple walls. It contains numerous and precise descriptions
of villages and towns as well as of the temples, houses, mansions and palaces. It
gives indications for the selection of a proper orientation, right dimensions and
of appropriate materials. It intends to be a manual for the architect and a
guidebook for the layman. Well-thought-of by traditional architects (sthapati-s)
of South India, the treatise is of great interest at a time when technical traditions,
in all fields, are being scrutinized for their possible modern application. The
present bilingual edition prepared by Dr. Bruno Dagens, contains critically edited
Sanskrit text which is an improvement over the earlier edition by the same
scholar and published as No.40 of Publications de I'Institut Francaisd' Indologie,
Pondicherry. The English translation, also published earlier, has now been
revised with copious notes. The usefulness of the edition has been further
enhanced by adding an analytical table of contents and a comprehensive
glossary. In the series of Kalamulasastra early texts on music, namely,
Matralaksanam, Dattilam and Brhaddest, have been published. The medieval
texts on music, specially, the Sribastamuktavali (No.3 in the series) and the
Nartananirnaya (No.17 in the series), bring us upto the 15th and 16th century. In
the case of architecture, despite the IGNCA's endeavour to publish portions of
the Brhatsamhita, the Agnipurana and the Visnudharmottara-Purana, first this
has not been possible. Instead, our scholars were able to complete work first on a
late but important text, namely, Silparatnakosa.

Following Indian Astrology books published from Khemraj srikrishna Das , Venkateswara Stem
Press. Bombay; Sanskrit & hindi text.

1. Jyotir-Ganita-Kaumudi: arthat Suddha Graha Ganit ka Apurva Grantha: Jyotishacharya

Vidyanidhi Sri Rajanikanta sastri, Jyotirbhushan Krita. First published,1936] Bombay,
2006.edition.pp 244,26,tables.Rs-400/-
2. Jatakabharana:Sri Baldeva Prasadatmaja Gauri Raj Jyotishik Pandit Shyamlal Krita.
Shyam sundari Bhasha tika sahita. Bombay, 2004.edition.pp 400,24,text figures,tables.
Rs- 450/-

3. Sri Surya Siddhanta;[ Purvottata Khanda Samagrah] gurarthaprakasha –sanskrit Tika

abon Hindi tika Sameta. Tikakar Pt. Baldev prasadji Mishra Muradabad Nivasi,..Bombay,
2007.edition.pp 256,viii.Rs-400/-

4. Sri mad Varaha Mihira Charya Pranita: VARAHI [ Brihat] Sanhita: Pandit sukhanand
Mishratmaj ,muradabad Nivasi Pandit Baldev Prasad Ji Mishra Krita Bhashanubad
sahita.Hindi tika Sahita…with 108 subjects of astrology
forcaste….Bombay,2008.edition.pp 352,vii. Rs-450/-

5. LILAVATI: sriyutganakachakra Churamani Bhaskaracharya Virachita: Pandit

Bholanathatmajaena Pandit Ramswarupa Sarmana Virachiatayanvasanathikritaya Hindi
tikata samalankrita.Bombay,2008.edition.pp 212,vii.with text figures.Rs-400/-

6. Manasagari-Paddhati: Rajmanyabudhavara Madhavaramatmaja Raj Pandit Vanshi Dhara

Krita Sodaharana Bhasa tika Sahita..Manasagar pranita Jatak,tajik,swar Prasna,sakun
Ityadii. Isme Janma Patra Banane ka sampurna Faladeshadi Bhali Prakar
Hai…Bombay.,2012 edition.pp 392,vii. Rs-600/-

7. Jyotirvidiya Dattatmaja Ramdin Panditvaya sangrahita: Brihad-Daivajna-Ranjanam.Mul

:Sanskrit. Attasi [88] prakarano me Panchanga Nirmanapayogi Kalagyan Se Lekar
Vastuprakaran Paryanta sabhi vishayo arthat Jyotish ke Siddhanta,sanhita,hora namak
tino skandho ka koi vishay nahi raha haii. Some chapters not available in any books
{astrology] Bombay,1999.edition.pp 316,xii.with text figures.Rs-450/-

8. Sri Pandit Shyamlal Daivagya Sangrahita: JYOTISHA-SHYAMSANGRAHA: [Jataka

Bhaga] Pandit shyamalala Krita ! Shyamsundari ! Bhasha tika sahita. Chakrodahara
Yukta Hindi Tika Sahita .Jatakafaladesh sambandhi Apurva Anubhava
Grantha…Bombay, 2000.edition.pp 376,16,text figures.tables.Rs-450/-

9. JAIMINIYASUTRANI: Sripathakamangala- senatmaja Kashirama Virachita. Bhashatika

sahitana. Hindi Tika Sahita. Char Adhyayo me Marakadi,Swasthanadi,Niryayadi
Sampurna Fal Aur SAnka Samadhan sahita.Bombay,2008.edition.pp 136,viiii.text

10. Sarvartha-Chintamani: Pt. Mahidhar sarma Krita Bhasha tika Sahita.with Hindi
tika..Bombay,2010 edition.pp 280,18,text figures.Rs- 450/-

11. Sri Samudrena Proktam: SAMUDRIKA –SASTRAM: sri yuta Pandit Ghanashyam Das
Hamirapuriya Sahayyena Argalpur Nivasi Radhakrisha Mishrena Kritaya: Sanvaya Hindi
tikaya sahitam..Bombay,2010.edi. pp 175,vi,illustration.Rs-300/-
12. Jyotisha- Kalpadruma: Panwarkulakamalamartanda sriMaharaj Sambhu-sinhaji
Suthaliyadhisha krita. Hindi … Bombay,2010.pp 208,xvi,illustration.tables.Rs-400/-

13. Jyotirvid Sukhdeva Virachita: JYOTISHASARA: Hindi Tika Sahita. Tikakar Pandit
Keshavprasad Sarma Dvivedi Sanshodak pandit radhakrisha Mishra.
Bombay,2012.edition.royal size.pp 180,xviii, tables.charts. Rs-400/-

14. Sriyutaganesh daivagya virachita GRAHALAGHAVA:Sriyuta Bholanathatmaja

Bharadwaja Pandita Ramswarupa Kritaya, sanvayodaharana bhashatikaya
sahita..Swargiya Jyotibhushan Pt. Bachchuji Dwara Parishodita.Bombay,2008.ed.pp
304,16. Rs-400/-

15. Sambhuhora-prakasha: andit Mahidhar Sarma Ji Krita.Hindi Tika Sahita. Isme Graho Ke
Yogo se Chamatkarik Fal Tatha Jatak Ke Sadrisha Graha-Sadafaladi
Ganit,Anshayu,Pindayu,Nisargayu adi Ganita,astavargadasha-Ganita adi … Jinse Ayu Ka
nirnaya Yatartha Rup Se hota Hai…Bombay, 1998.edition. pp 284,xii.tables,charts.etc.

16. Sriman Daivagya Keshavacharya Krita: KESHAVI-JATAKA: Pt. Jagadish Prasad

tripathi Virachita.Sanvaya Sodaharana Hindi Tika Sahita: Abon Bachchu Jha Jyotirvid
Dwara Sansodhita…Bombay,2004.edition.[ first published,1896] pp 276,xvii.

17. Keraliya-Prasna-Ratnam: jyotirvid Sri Nandaram Pandita Virachita: Jyotirvid Sri

Sundarlal Sarmana Rachayita: Sundarisamakhya Bhasha – Vyakhya Sambhushitam.
Jayapuranivasi Madhav Prasad Sarma Dwara Samupalabdham Tadev..Bombay,
2011.edition.pp 118,xii.charts,tables.Rs- 350/-

18. TAJIKA-NILAKANTHI: Joyotirvid Sri Nilakantha Virachita.Pandit Mahidharji Krita

Hindi Tika Sahita,Tantratrayatmak.. ..Bombay, 2004.edition.pp 200,vi.tables,charts.Rs-

19. Tajika-Bhushana: Sri Ganesh Daivagya Virachita>.pt. sitaram Sastri krita hindi tika

20. Tajik –sangraha: Pandit Kanaihya Lal Mishra Krita Bhasha tika sahita. Bombay,2010
ed.pp 72,vii.Rs-150/-

21. Sanket Nidhi:Hindi tika Sahita.Sri Pt. Ramdayaluji Krita Mul Aur Pt. Ramadatta ji Krita
Sanskrit tika Tatha Pt. Ramdayalji Krita Hindi Tika Sahita. Bombay,2003.ed.pp

22. Ramal-Gulzar: Yavanacharya Nirmita:Sri BIRBAL [Birbal. Akbar-s Minister]dwara

Anubadita [Hindi]Yavanacharya ne apne rache samasta Ramal grantho ka Sar Grahan kar
ise banaya Aur Yeh Maharaj VIKRAMADITYA ke samay me UNAN se bharat me aya
tatha AKABAR Badsah ke samay Birbal dwara Hindi me Anubadit Hua. In book 1041
question & answers..Bombay,2008 ed. Pp 240, 24. Rs- 450/-

23. Karmavipaka-Sanhita: [ Nakchatra Charana Jataka Faladarshika] Pt. Shyamsundarlal

Tripathi Krita Hindi Tika Sameta.Bombay, 2006.edition. pp222,xvii.sanskrit Hindi.Rs-

24. Ramala-Navaratna: Sitaramasunuparasukhopadhyaya rachita,Sri ranglal vishadikrita,

Pt.Mahidhar sarma danadhikari krita. Bhasha Tika sahita. RAMALDANIYAL
Sahita.bombay, 2000.pp 162,xvi,tables,charts..Rs-300/-

25. STRIJATAKA:Raj Jyotishi Pandit Sri Shyamlal Sangrahitam Abon Shyamsundari hindi
tikaya samalankrita…..Bombay,2009.ed. pp 230,20,xvii,illus.Rs-350/-

__________________ ___________________________________________________

26. Mithila institute. Ancient Text Series: 8:

LILAVATI of Bhaskaracarya.with Vasana of Pt. Damodara Mishra.edited by Pt. Dayanatha Jha.
Darbhanga, 1959.Royal size.pp 320,xii.with text figures.Rebound.royal size.Rs-1200/-

27. Lilavati of Bhaskaracarya with the commentary ! Kriyakramakari! [ Sanskrit & English
text] An
elaborate Exposition of the rationale of Hindu MATHEMATICS. Critically Edited by K.V.Sarma.
Hoshiarpur, 1975.Royal size. Pp 496,xxxi.with illus. Rs. 1000/-

28. Research Series No:36: JAIMINIYAM – UPADESHA-SUTRAM: The Upadesa Sutra of

Jaimini [ An
Old treatise on ASTROLOGY] Critically edited with his own Commentary in Sanskrit Exhaustive
Introduction in English , translation into English and Appendices. By Prof. K.V. Abhyankar.
Published by Gujarat Vidyasabha,Ahmedabad, 1951. Ist ed. Pp 246, 120,xii.
Tables.illustrations.Rs- 800/-

29. Madras Government Oriental series No: XVI:[ASTROLOGY BOOK] BHARGAVA – NADIKA
.critically edited with[English ] introduction. By Dr. C. KUNHAN RAJA.[ the entire span of a man-s
life is divided into nine stages presided over by the Nine planets. The works strarts with a
benediction and a eulogy of the Science of HOROSCOPY. The work will serve as a good
handbook for reading one-s horoscope,and even ordinary persons without any knowledge of
ASTOLOGY CAN MAKE USE OF IT…[ Dasakrama:Ravidasa,Chandra,Kuja,
Rahu,guru,sani,vudh,ketu & Sukradasa..]Madras,1950.Rebound.pp 186,xviii.Rs-1200/-

30. BHADRABAHU - SANHITA:[ASTROLOGY]Edited & translated by :

Dr.Nemichandra Sastri, Jyotishacharya.
Sanskrit Text with Hindi Translation. First published 1958. 8th
Edition, 2004.Delhi, ISBN- 81- 263-1009-X. pp 520,96,viii.
[based on Digambar Jain Parampara Ke prasiuddha Acharya Srutakevali
Bhadrabahu Ki Rachana na hokar Nimitta sastra sambandhi Paraprina
Kritiyo ke pratipadita vishaya ke Adhar Par 11th -12 th Century ke
Bhadrabahu Namak Kisai Vidwan Dwara Rachit ya Sankalita Kriti Mani
gayi Hai...falit jyotish antargata ASATANGA -NIMITTA Ka Pratipadan
Karnewala Ek Mahatwapurna Grantha Hai. ,brihat sanhita, from jain
siddhanta bhavan arah.two mss. hand-written manuscripts.] RS- 500/-

31. SCIETIFIC ANALYSIS OF THE VEDAS: by Dr.Pradyot Kumar Datta:Chapters:

1- Philoshophical Thought, 2- MEDICAL SCIENCe:
3- Vedic Knowledge on ASTRONOMY:- Science and Astronomy,Hidden
Astronomical Code in the Rgveda, Yojana as a Measure of Distance
:krosas etc. Vedic Geometry, Theories for Moon-s Origin, Fixing of
date of the Vedic Civilization, etc/.4- Technical Occupation and Science :life -Style of the
Aryans..bibliography,etc.Calcutta,2000.English text.pp 214,vii.Rs-450/-

32. Astrology Book: Mhamahopadhyaya Hemangada Thakura Krita: GRAHANAMALA: [ 1620

A.D. to 2708 A.D. all surya & Chandra Grahana Details] edited by Pt.sri Brajakishore Jha. Pub, by
Kameshwar Singh darbhanga Sanskrit Visvavidyalaya, Darbhanga, pp 115,xvi. Rs- 450/-
9. Astrology Book: FAKKIKA-MARMA-VIVRITI: Siddhanta Kaumudi Vyakhya. Sri Harisankar Sarma
Pranita. 4rth ed. 1928.sanskrit text.pp 128.vii.Rebound.Rs-500/-

33. Astrology Book: Mastermanimalaya Jyotishvibhage -9] LAGHU-

Joyotishacharya: Sri sitarama Sarma Kritaya. Tattvarthaprakashika-vyakhya Sayuktikodaharana

sanskrit Bhashavyakhyayaya Sahita. Kashi,sanvat,1991.pp 66,vii.tables,charts.Rebound.Rs-400/-
11. Astrology Book: NARAPATIJAYACHARYASWARODAYA: Sri Narapati Kavi Virachita: Harivamsa
Virachita Jayalakchmi Tika Sameta; SASTRIGANA Dwara sansodhya. [ grahaswarachakram,
Padmachakram,chandramakenakchatra,dhatugyan,suryafanichakra, ayya
charam,kalapashabhumi,etc…published by khemraj srikrishnadas, Bombay, sake, 1828.royal
size. Rebound.pp 284,xvii,with text figures, chakras, illus. Rs-800/-

34. Smrti – JYOTISHA- SARA – SANGRAHA: Granthakritrayam: Acharya Damodara Mishra,.

Pitambar Siddhantavagish Bhattacharya, Lakchmipati Sarma, Sampadakadyama: Sri Manoranjan
Sastri, & Sri Pratapchandra Chaudhury,
[ the Manuscript Volume at Dept. of Historical antiquarian studies in assam, Guwahati, Library [
No:756 ] consists of THREE PARTS: [ a] Smrtisagarasarah, [b] Grahanakaumudi, & [ c] Jyotirmala.
..completed in A.D. 1700.
[a] SMRITISAGARA-SARA: Vrata Viveka, Sraddha –viveka
[ b] Grahanakaumudi: grahanapunyakalavyavastha, grahanadine Snana-Sradhadadi Vyavastha,
grahana-falani, grahananirvritte puja-tarpanadikritya vyavastha,
[ C] JYOTIRMALA: jatadhyaya,sanskaradhyaya,yatradhyaya,Prakrinadhyaya etc. pub,by Dept.
of Historical Antiquarian studies in assam,Guwahati, 1st ed.1964.royal size.pp 168,18.with
English introduction.Rs-1500/-

35. Siddhantasiromaner-GANITAGOLADHYAYAYO: Tippanivivaranam: by Buddhi Nath

Jha.[jyotistirtha Jyotirnisnat Jyotirbidwan Head Pandit MATHEMATICS & ASTRONOMY Maharaj
Dharam Samaj Sanskrit School, MOTIHARI, Darbhanga,1912.rebound. pp 118,56,xvii,with 22
illustrations,[REKHAGANITA, but 4 illustrations missing] [ part-1 and part-2; PRASNADHYAYA ]
Sanskrit [Mathematics] Rs- 800/-

36. Sarasvati bhavana granthamala Vol- 96: HAYATA : edited by Vibhuti Bhushana
Bhattacharya.Subject: Mathematics: Chapters: Rekhaganita-paribhasha
Sodaharana,pindanirupanam, Bhuva Akashashasya cha Golatwama, Golana
Swarupadikam,Suryadigrahagolaswarupam,grahanavyvastha,garahanagati nirupanam, 3-
BHugola varnanam etc. Varansi,1967. Pp 162,20, with many illustrations [text figures] Rs-700/-

37. Hindu Vishvavidyalaya Nepal Rajya Sanskrit Series Vol-10: VEDIC MATHEMATICS or
Simple Mathematical Formule from the Vedas [ for one-lines Answers to All Mathematical
problems] by Jagadguru Swami Sri Bharati Krsna Tirthaji Maharaja,[ Sankaracharya of
Govardhana Matha,puri] General editor: dr.V.s.agrawala. Varanasi, 1st ed.1965.Royal size.pp
368,xxx,viii,10.with a photographs,illustrations.english text.Rs-1800/-

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