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Dr.N.N.Godbole.[ astrology deals with effects which planets wield on human destiny
and is natully a product of the study of ASTRONOMY.it consists of three sections;-
hora,ganita,siddhanta. Geometry ,when applied to the explanation of rigvedic hymns,has
reveled valuable astrological theories of progonstication. Bombay 1st ed.1968.original
condition. Size 12/7 inches. Pp 366,xvi, illustrations,tables,etc. English text. Rs- 800/-
14. History of Science and Technology in india: Vol-1 : dawn of Indian technology [
pre- and Proto –Historic Period illustrated] by O.P.Jogi. M.D.Ph.D. F.C.C.P.
[U>S.A.] Foreword by Prof. D.S. Kothari.Contents: Part-1: Prehistoric Period:
& Part-2: Protohistoric period. With 18 chapters:- technical skills during
different food collecting stages, What was Harappa Civilization, TOWN –
POTTEREYETC. WITH 27 PLATES. Delhi,1969.royal size good condition.pp
144, xvii map, 27 plates, text figures, 10 illustrations,index. Rs-1000/-
15. A Dictionary of Sanskrit –English Technical
Terms: Vol-1: MATHEMATICS: General Editor:
Prof. Manabendu Banerjee, Compiled and Edited
by Prof. Pradip Kumar Majumdar. [taken the
contents matters like verses,explanations,
mathematical proofs, biographies,English
translation etc. first volume to be on
the remote past, the Indian gave mathematics the
highest place of honour amongst the SCIENCES
and hence this identification. For this purpose let
us quote the verse no. 4 of VEDANGA JYOTISA.
published by Sanskrit Sahitya
Parishat,Kolkata,1st ed.2011. pp 1260,xx,with 37
figures,charts and diagrams of different types of
bricks used in the cities[taken from mathematics
in ancient and medieval india- by Dr. A.K. Bag,
tables, many tables, text figures,[tables of
kharosthi numerals,semitic and brahmi numerals,
APPENDIX -1: system of Numeration, 2-
mensuration;time chart, 3-A: some geometrical
formule, 3-B: trignometrical formula
brahmagupta-s interpolation rule for equal
intervals, 4- calculus in ancient and medieval
india. 5- simplified mathematical formula from
the Vedas sutra, [Major ENGLISH TEXT & some
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16. Calcutta Sanskrit Series No:32: PARASADA -= MANDANAM and
Rajavallabha Mandanam of Sutradhara Mandan. Sutradhara mandana has to his
credit many works on Indian architecture and sculpture…Published Metropoltan
Printing Ltd.Calcutta,1948.Rebound.SANSKRIT TEXT. pp 128,VI. Rs- 1200/-
Following Indian Astrology books published from Khemraj srikrishna Das , Venkateswara Stem
Press. Bombay; Sanskrit & hindi text.
4. Sri mad Varaha Mihira Charya Pranita: VARAHI [ Brihat] Sanhita: Pandit sukhanand
Mishratmaj ,muradabad Nivasi Pandit Baldev Prasad Ji Mishra Krita Bhashanubad
sahita.Hindi tika Sahita…with 108 subjects of astrology
forcaste….Bombay,2008.edition.pp 352,vii. Rs-450/-
10. Sarvartha-Chintamani: Pt. Mahidhar sarma Krita Bhasha tika Sahita.with Hindi
tika..Bombay,2010 edition.pp 280,18,text figures.Rs- 450/-
11. Sri Samudrena Proktam: SAMUDRIKA –SASTRAM: sri yuta Pandit Ghanashyam Das
Hamirapuriya Sahayyena Argalpur Nivasi Radhakrisha Mishrena Kritaya: Sanvaya Hindi
tikaya sahitam..Bombay,2010.edi. pp 175,vi,illustration.Rs-300/-
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Suthaliyadhisha krita. Hindi … Bombay,2010.pp 208,xvi,illustration.tables.Rs-400/-
13. Jyotirvid Sukhdeva Virachita: JYOTISHASARA: Hindi Tika Sahita. Tikakar Pandit
Keshavprasad Sarma Dvivedi Sanshodak pandit radhakrisha Mishra.
Bombay,2012.edition.royal size.pp 180,xviii, tables.charts. Rs-400/-
15. Sambhuhora-prakasha: andit Mahidhar Sarma Ji Krita.Hindi Tika Sahita. Isme Graho Ke
Yogo se Chamatkarik Fal Tatha Jatak Ke Sadrisha Graha-Sadafaladi
Ganit,Anshayu,Pindayu,Nisargayu adi Ganita,astavargadasha-Ganita adi … Jinse Ayu Ka
nirnaya Yatartha Rup Se hota Hai…Bombay, 1998.edition. pp 284,xii.tables,charts.etc.
19. Tajika-Bhushana: Sri Ganesh Daivagya Virachita>.pt. sitaram Sastri krita hindi tika
20. Tajik –sangraha: Pandit Kanaihya Lal Mishra Krita Bhasha tika sahita. Bombay,2010
ed.pp 72,vii.Rs-150/-
21. Sanket Nidhi:Hindi tika Sahita.Sri Pt. Ramdayaluji Krita Mul Aur Pt. Ramadatta ji Krita
Sanskrit tika Tatha Pt. Ramdayalji Krita Hindi Tika Sahita. Bombay,2003.ed.pp
25. STRIJATAKA:Raj Jyotishi Pandit Sri Shyamlal Sangrahitam Abon Shyamsundari hindi
tikaya samalankrita…..Bombay,2009.ed. pp 230,20,xvii,illus.Rs-350/-
__________________ ___________________________________________________
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text] An
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Hoshiarpur, 1975.Royal size. Pp 496,xxxi.with illus. Rs. 1000/-
29. Madras Government Oriental series No: XVI:[ASTROLOGY BOOK] BHARGAVA – NADIKA
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Bhattacharya.Subject: Mathematics: Chapters: Rekhaganita-paribhasha
Sodaharana,pindanirupanam, Bhuva Akashashasya cha Golatwama, Golana
Swarupadikam,Suryadigrahagolaswarupam,grahanavyvastha,garahanagati nirupanam, 3-
BHugola varnanam etc. Varansi,1967. Pp 162,20, with many illustrations [text figures] Rs-700/-
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problems] by Jagadguru Swami Sri Bharati Krsna Tirthaji Maharaja,[ Sankaracharya of
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368,xxx,viii,10.with a photographs,illustrations.english text.Rs-1800/-
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Aiyangar:with his own Commentary Apurvarthapradarsika. With a foreword by Prof: rao
Bahadur K.V. Rangaswami aiyangar.Vol-1: Adhyaya-s 1- 10:[ 1- Rasiveda-adhyaya,2-
GrahAYONIBHEDADHYAYA ,3-viyonijanmadhyaya, 4- Nishekakaladhyaya,5-
6- Balarishtadhyaya,7- Ayurdayadhyaya, 8- dasavipakadhyaya, 9-
Astakavargadhyaya,10-karmajivadhyaya..]Adyar Library,Madras,1951.pp 464,58,rebound. Rs-
39. Published by the Bihar Research Society,Patna: 1966; ARYABHATIYAM with Sanskrit
Commentary and Hindi Vyakhya: by Pt. Shri Baladeva Mishra. Patna,1966.Royal Size. Pp
120,26,xvi,plate, t ext figures.Rebound.Rs-500/-
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30.valuable & original papers eminent scholar of Ancient & Modern Astronomy,in several
learned journals. Deals with interesting and illuminating topics like Aryabhatta school of
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The SakaEra of Varahamihira, The Vasistha Sun & Moon in Varahamihira!s Pancasiddhantika,
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thereof, The Main Characteristics ofHindu Astronomy in the period correspondingto Pre-
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The Age of Sankara : I & II, Astronomy,The Stars, The Structure of the Atom, Newton & the Law
of Gravitation, The Lunar Eciplse in Hindu Astronomy,etc. Tirupati,1989. pp 460,xviii. English
text. Rs.1100/-
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LALLA. with the commentary of Mallikarjuna Suri. Critical Edition with introduction ,English
Translation, MATHEMATICAL Notes & Indices: by Bina Chatterjee: Parts; 1 & 2.Set
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text figures. Set Rs.2500/-set original condition.
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Asia:in [ Medieval Period:]Bombay: November 7-12,1981:
Proceedings: Edited by B.V. Subbarayappa. Contents’ some papers;trade routes & the
transmission of scientific ideas between India & Central Asia- S.N.sen, Scietific exchanges
between soviet Central Asia & India during medieval times- A.K.Ghori, From the History of
Mutual interrelations & influence of Indian & Central Asian Medicine in Middle Ages: Yu N.
Nuraliev, the Bower MSS. As evidence of a new school of pre-classical Ayurveda –
G.N.Chaturvedi, etc. Published by Indian National Science Academy,New Delhi,1985. Royal Size.
Pp 288,xii.tables. Rs. 120/-
49. History of Science and Technology in India: Vol-1: DAWN OF INDIAN TECHNOLOGY:[Pre-
Proto-Historic Period ] Illustrated. By O.P.Jaggi, Foreword by Prof. D.S.Kothari.Part-1: Prehistoric
Period: Technical Skills During Different Fool Collecting Stages, Food Production Stages, Advent
Metals,refrences,Bibliography,Part-2: protohistoric Period. What was Harappa Civilization,
TOWN- Planning,Buildings, public health & Drainage System,Water –Supply, Agriculture,Mat –
Making & Textiles,Pottery and Allied Industries,Mattalurgy,Weighta & Measures,Harappan
Seals, References,bibliography,index, with 27 photographs.Delhi,1969.pp 144,xvi.27
photographs,10 illustrations,map.index.Royal Size. Rs- 900/-
50. ASTROLOGY BOOK: Published by Asiatic Society ,Calcutta: 2002. Monograph Series Vol-
Understanding the Prophetic :the History & Philosophy of Prognostication in Ancient India: by
Satadal Kargupta:Collected auhor from Vedas,Brahmanas,Puranas,Tantra-s and other texts &
Scietific Methods have been applied to determine the process of Prognostication. ASTROLOGY
has evidently been dealt with in course of discussion and Author has Acpected ASTROLOGY as
Premier Science. Dr.Kargupta has presented his views in a convincing manner and so those,who
turn down Ancient Indian JYOTISA-s Contributions,will have to think twice over their superficial
Knowledge about the Subject. The Asiatic Society feels great pleasure in presenting Dr.
Karguptas-s work of Unique Nature to Scholarly World. Contents:[ WITH SEVEN CHAPTERS: 2-
FUNDAMENTALS OF JYOTISHA, the fountain source of prognostication,3- the cradle of
prognostication, 4- Principal schools of prognostication, 5- Various Methods of
prognostication in Ancient india, 6- Plausible Measures for Counteracting an an
Unfavorable present, Anticipated Adverse Future,& Trying or Problematic Periods, 7-
Conclusion, Appendices: Note on the BHRGU SAMHIA, Notes and References,
Essential Glossary of Prognosticating Terma, word index, and FOUR PHOTO AND
3- post vedanga concept of SEVEN PLANETS RULING over the human body, 4-
similarity between RASI- CAKRA OF JYOTISA and buddhistic paticca
samuppada. With Tables [29] :planets Governing Zodiacal Signs, Planetary
Colors, relationship between the zodiacal signs and human being,Relationship between
planets and Worshipping flowers, Relationship between planets and Gem
Relationship between houses,Zodiacal signs and body parts of Kalapurusa, names of
Zodaic in Different Countries. Relationship between planets and Human being,
Relationship between zodiacal signs and their Ruling Planets,etc. Calcutta,2002. Isbn-
81-7236-120-3. Royal size. Original condition.pp
380,xxxviii.index,plates,tables,charts,Rs-900/- [printed price