The Milan Approach - Roots and Evolution

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The “Milan Approach” to systemic therapy

The term “Milan Approach” was coined by Lynn Hoffmann to identify the original contribution
that Luigi Boscolo and Gianfranco Cecchin gave to systemic therapy. This presentation shall refer
to the works by Boscolo and Cecchin, especially after they parted from Mara Selvini Palazzoli and
Giuliana Prata, although the four authors do share most of the roots of this approach.

1. The roots

The roots of the “Milan Approach” are to be found:

 In the communication studies carried out by the Mental Research Institute team in Palo

At the beginning, the Milan team adopted a very pragmatic and strategic approach, but soon their
focus shifted towards semantics and the story of the system, which in turn led to a more complex

 In the general systems theory

It is well known that several schools of thought and different sensitivity domains contributed to
developing the general systems theory. The founding fathers of the Milan Approach are physicians
(Dr. Boscolo is a pediatrician) and hence it is no surprise that their way of approaching living
systems stems from the typical principles embraced by the organismic school: a focus on
organization, differentiation, evolution and involution processes permeates the systemic approach
followed by our founders. However, the underlying method was extremely relational, which years
later led Gianfranco Cecchin to make statements such as: “I am a Taliban of relations”

 In cybernetics

In the early stage of their work, the founding fathers borrowed mainly the following principles
from cybernetics:

 Rejection of linear causality and mechanism (rejection of “determinism”)

 Focus on feedback processes
 A positive connotation of the so-called “cybernetic error”
 The attitude towards a non-authoritative governance of the therapeutic system

 In the individual background of each of the team members

The founders of the Milan Approach are psychoanalysts. Because of their analytical mindset, they
are very close to the theories of authors such as Helm Stierlin and Murray Bowen and to the cross-
generational sensitivity.

Moreover, Luigi Boscolo often quotes Dostojevsky, while Gianfranco Cecchin sometimes uses
music metaphors (“polyphony”).

2. The roaring years of the Milan Approach

The 25 years or so between the late 1970’s and early 2000’s were the “roaring years.” Boscolo and
Cecchin founded and then expanded their school, proving to be very open to the influence of their
students working in troubled social settings undergoing transformations. They also traveled
around the world and they took home lessons from each significant encounter. During this period
of time, the most meaningful influences came from:

 Radical constructivism

Because systems are autonomous from an organizational standpoint and cannot be changed
“from outside”, the priority is given to therapeutic strategies that upset the system so that the
latter can find its own, autonomous paths towards growth and change

 Second-order cybernetics

Then the focus gradually shifted: the initial emphasis on modeling family patterns largely moved
towards the relationship between therapists and clients and even more strongly towards the
“relation of the therapist with himself/herself.” This is the so-called “observer cybernetics.” Maps,
prejudices, and attitudes of the therapist are the main area of interest and of change

 Social constructionism

The model was also strongly affected by social constructionism. However, although it was
sometimes seriously questioned, the systemic identity of the model was never abandoned. The
attempt was rater that of integrating some aspects of social constructionism into the model
(process for conducting the therapeutic conversation, valuing the client as an “expert”, cultural
relativism, and further de-medicalization of the therapy and of the therapist).

 Narrativism

Bateson stated that “our mind work by stories.” Therefore, it is not surprising that the narrativist
movement – mainly represented by White and Epston – took up a major role in the Milan
Approach. Also, Luigi Boscolo is a talented “story teller”, and he uses stories as one of his key
therapeutic resources for getting closer to “the other” and allowing him/her to feel recognized as
a human being. On the other hand, Gianfranco Cecchin re-interpreted stories told by individuals
and families according to principles that are very similar to those of the “commedia dell’ arte.”
Clients identify themselves with interpretations that are sometimes surprising and sometimes
bizarre and trigger processes of change.

3. Crisis and settlement

At the start of the new millennium, the members of this school of thought became aware of the
difficulties in integrating all these different influences into a consistent model. They started
wondering about the possible gap between what was done during their therapies and the way this
was described. Hence, they felt the need to “re-tune” their approaches onto the clinics, which now
and then was at risk of being overshadowed by the enthusiasm for the “next theoretical big thing,”
and to do some “sifting” work in order to better separate what was important and qualifying for
the model and what was not. The sudden death of Gianfranco Cecchin exacerbated the feeling
that this was needed.

4. The “Milan Approach”nowadays

As at today, the most qualifying points of our model seem to be the following:

 Great appreciation for the Batesonian model (aesthetic approach) as it was set out in the
author’s original theories. More specifically, there remains a focus on communication,
relation, context as a matrix of meaning, and on the fact that pathology can make sense
when considered as part of broader processes. A therapist belonging to the Milan
Approach looks much more like an artist than a technician
 De –pathologization of the client and de-reification of suffering systems. Suffering in the
mental and relational worlds cannot be described exactly as we describe suffering in the
biological world, even though the two different arenas belong to the same living world.
Using diagnoses and other resources that are typical of the medical domain only makes
sense in a context that takes into due consideration factors such as time, processes,
relations, and cultures. A cautious approach is taken to using a “medicalizing” language
implying an unavoidable determinism, while priority is given to using, insofar as it is
possible, a language that enhances growth and the ability to choose
 Great value of the hypothesizing activity, both in its original sense of guiding the
therapist’s work but also – and perhaps much more so – as a model for conversation both
in the therapy room and behind the mirror, and finally as a mental attitude of the therapist
 Circularity, i.e. the ability to guide the conversation based on the family’s feedback and to
think based on relations and differences
 The use of positive connotation, which is also meant as a mental attitude more than as
technical trick
 Creativity, curiosity, and irreverence, which allow to privilege what happens at the heart
of the relationship rather then what one might expect in light of the reference theories
 Focus on affections, i.e. pathways to participation into the client’s system, and emotions,
i.e. the privileged place for triggering change
 Attention to narratives and time as a recursive connection between past, present, and
future and as an opportunity (or obstacle) for people to meet

 Focus on cultural changes, challenges posed by multi-culturalism, gender issues, and
processes of change in the family identity
 An increasingly stronger connotation as a meta–model in which, over time, each individual
therapist finds that he/she can integrate his/her orientations and personal skills.

5. Where are we headed?

The “challenges” that make us evolve mainly come from the following sources:

 Our own peculiarities. The clinical and educational activities of the school are entrusted to
a community of professionals and scholars. Each of us has a specific “bias” linked to his/her
personality, roots, and special skills
 Changes in educational requirements. Our students’ needs have changed as a result of the
changes that have taken place in the social context in which they are going to work. While
the traditional family and couple setting remains the preferred scenario for our
interventions and research, a lot of emphasis is placed on individual therapy, on variable
setting therapies, group therapies, self-help groups, multi-disciplinary work in
disadvantaged and socially marginalized contexts, and community-like settings
 Theoretical evolution. Not only has the systemic theory evolved over time, but the new
paradigms on the nature of conscience and of the physical world are demanding new
theoretical models
 Social and cultural changes. Italy is experiencing a severe crisis not only in its economy and
social relations, but also in terms of community identity. In no area of our being together
can the answers of the past be considered satisfactory, and even less so in the field of
 Contrast with other models and other schools. The Milan Approach takes a relaxed critical
stance against any form of theory, underlying its unavoidable temporary nature. However,
it does not deny the important role played by theories. Indeed, it maintains that the
differences among theories is a value and tries not to fall prey to forms of premature
eclecticism or syncretism. At the same time, those clinicians who embrace different models
often have the feeling of treading on a common ground, despite the big differences
between the way they often represent what they do and the world they belong to. The
vital tension that originates when we admit that we belong to a common world can only be
expressed by recognizing and valuing differences, and this is one of the main reasons why
we try to foster professional and scientific relations with colleagues from all over the

Massimo Schinco, June 2012

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