Energizer Book PDF
Energizer Book PDF
Energizer Book PDF
Sugar Sugar Lu La La
The Rocket Blip Blip
Rainstorm Friend and Foe
Boogaloo 1, 2, 3
Tirala/Pirri Pim The Car
Pereketé This Is A...
Button Factory Harry
Get Loose, Get Funky Samurai Intergalactico
Yogi Bear Päron-topp
Purple Stew Skimmery Dinky Do
Oukra Oukra Hysj Ka Sa Ho
Pizzabagaren Thai Chicken
Singing In The Rain Milk Song
Boom Chick-A-Boom Familia Sapo
Pony Song Tallarin
Brown Squirel
Labadoo Song
Lion Hunt
Silly Willie
Love Train
Tony Chestnut
Fred the Moose
Hokey Pokey
Muffin Man
Spring 2005
Left Right Go Bananas
Stand in a circle with your arms on each others shoulders. Move your Bananas of the world unite!
feet as you say the words. Go faster and faster and louder and louder. Go Bananas, go go bananas dance around a bit
Go Bananas, go go bananas
Left, left, right, right Peel it to the left left arm down and out
Together, apart and peel it to the right right arm down and out
And side, side, side Peel it down the front both arms out in front and down
and ugh take a bite pelvic thrust for every ugh
Ugh ugh take a bite
Ugh take a bite
Ugh ugh take a bite
Swimming swimming arms like you are swimming
You can do this over and over
In my swimming pool fingers make a square shape of a pool
jumping forward on every ugh until
When days are hot wipe sweat from your forehead
the circle is really small.
When days are cold wrap arms around you and shiver
In my swimming pool fingers make a square shape of a pool
Breast stroke arms like breast stroke Countdown
Side stroke arms like side stroke
Fancy diving too do a fancy dive 12345678 Shake your left hand 8 times
Oh don’t you wish you never had anything else too do 12345678 Shake your right hand 8 times
shake your head ‘no’ 12345678 Shake your left leg 8 times
But! 12345678 Shake your right leg 8 times
1 2 3 4 x4 Shake your left/right arm/leg 4 times each
Sing over and over again with the first line silent and then then first and 1 2 x4 Shake your left/right arm/leg 2 times each
second line silent etc... until you are doing the whole song in actions and 1 x4 Shake your left/right arm/leg once each
scream BUT! Do your favorite cool karate pose at the end.
One person starts in the middle and the song is repeated until everyone is in
the middle.
Yo tengo un tallrin you do a full turn in the air
Un tallarin do another full turn to the opposite side More
Que se mueve por aqui brush something off your right hip
Que se mueve por alla brush something off your left hip Energizers
Todo pegajoso you clap your hands in the air three times
Con un poco de sal shake salt into pot three times coming soon
Tres gotas de aceite hold up the number 3 with your fingers
Y te lo comes tu point at someone in the outer circle to a book
Y sales a bailar bring the person to the middle
near you.
If you have suggestions
please e-mail the words
and actions to
[email protected]
Thai Chicken
En Lille
En lille, en lille, en lille and med vinge flap one arm like a wing
En lille, en lille, en lille and med vinger flap both arms like wings
En lille, en lille, en lille and med fot flap arms and one leg
En lille, en lille, en lille and med fötter flap both arms and legs
En lille, en lille, en lille and med rompe flap arms and legs and shake your tail
En lille, en lille, en lille and men mund make a beak with your hands
El Pollo
Sit in a circle and one person starts. Sound like a car and steer towards X: Hi Harry
the next person who then sends it along the same way. To turn the Y: Yes Harry
other way make a braking sound and steer in the other direction. A X: Tell Harry
honking noise means you skip one person. If the person says snow Y: Hi Harry
chains then the next person has to say dunka dunka. Z: Yes Harry
This Is A...
If you say it wrong you get a spot painted on your forehead and the
The “blue” gets passed around the circle. You can vary this game by next time 2 spots etc. If you have a spot you are called Spot (or
saying different colours or items. You can also have an actual item that Spotspot...) instead of Harry.
goes around for example pens in the colours you are saying. To make it
extra hard you can say things that have nothing to do with the actual
items going around and have as many things as people so that everyone Samurai Intergalactico
has to to play part X and Y at the same time.
Ah (arm straight across chest, sends ti to the person next to you)
X: This is a blue So (arms like a C, sends it on to the next person)
Y: A what? Ko (arms straight out, sends it to the person you point to)
X: A blue No (hands crossed out front, blocks it sending it back to the person
Y: A what? who said Ko)
X: A blue
Y: Ok, a blue The sounds should be screamed loud. Ah So and Ko always follow each
Y: This is a blue other and the person pointed to at Ko can choose to say No or Ah.
Z: A what? When someone makes a mistake he/she goes to the middle and everyone
Y: A blue crowds in holding hands up high screaming Samurai Intergalactico and
etc... then it all starts over again.
The leader of the song decides where on the person next to you you put
your hand.
Button Factory
Hi. My name is Joe.
I have a wife and a dog and a family.
I work in a button factory. Yogi Bear
One day my boss came to me and said
Hey Joe, are you busy? I know someone you don’t know
I said ‘no’ Yogi Yogi
He said ‘turn the wheel with your left hand’ I know someone you don’t know
Hi. My name is Joe... Yogi Yogi bear
Yogi has a little friend
The song is repeted with the left hand, right foot, left foot, bum and Boo Boo finger on lips to make underwater sound
head. As you sing the song pretend to turn the wheel with each hand, Yogi has a little friend
foot and your bum until your are spining all parts of your body at once. Boo Boo bear finger on lips to make underwater sound
Yogi has a girlfriend too
Cindy Cindy girly pose
Get Loose, Get Funky Yogi has a girlfriend too
Cindy Cindy bear girly pose
Get loose, get funky They all have an enemy
Get down to the beat roll arms forward Ranger Ranger shoot a gun
And starting with your feet stamp your feet They all have an enemy
Your feet stamp your feet Ranger Ranger Rick shoot a gun
Get loose, get funky They all live in Jellystone
Get down to the beat roll arms down and forward Jelly jelly your body is like jello
And starting with your knees shake your knees They all live in Jellystone
Your knees, your feet shake knees then stamp feet Jelly Jellystone your body is like jello
Keep going with hips, arms, head and tongue
Här Kommer Vi Blip Blip
This game is like rock, paper, scissors but done in a big group. Two Everyoen is in a circle. One person starts walking around in the middle
teams each start off by deciding what they are going to be. You can as everyone sings Blipblip over and over. The person freezes infront of
either give them a choice of characters: elephant (arms make the trunk someone and screams. That person screams back and is now the leader
and run with big clunpy steps), cats (meow and swat paws while run- walking around as everyone sings Blipblip. At some point the person
ning) or mice (squeek and hold paws by mouth). in the back (always the same one) screams to the person in front of
Elephants chase cats him/her. Then the person in front screams to whoever he/she is standing
Cats chase mice infront of. That person screams back and is now in the front. The
Mice chase elephants scream gets past all the way back. This goes on until everyone is in the
Each team lines up on opposite sides of the room/field facing each line. In summary, the person at the back always decides when to stop
other. They link arms and walk towards each other screaming Här and scream and the person closest to the front person is the new one in
kommer vi. When they meet each team makes their character. The the line.
overpowering character chases the other team who runs back to where
they started. Anyone who is caught switches over to the overpowering Friend and Foe
team. The two teams then start again by choosing a character. The game
is over when everyone is on the same side. Each person picks one enemy and one friend. When the game starts
You can make the game more challenging by letting the teams choose everyone has to run around and try to keep their friend between them
characters freely or to a theme. When they meet in the middle they first and their enemy. The game is over when you decide they have had
have to figure out which character should be chasing and which should enough.
be chased before they can run.
Lu La La 1, 2, 3
Lu la la lu la la One person starts and says 1. Then someone else says 2 and the next
Lu la lu la lej person 3 etc... There is no preset order, you just randomly join in when
La la lu la lu la you feel like it. When two people say the same number at the same time
Lu la lu la lej you have to start over at 1. Try to get as high as possible.
Ché Ché Curé Mongolia
Ché ché curé punching with alternating hands Are you ready citizens of the world?
Ché qui festa rotate fists and leg out Yeah!
Qui festa langa hands like you are juggeling
Langachi langa dance the salsa Everyone walks around in a circle with hands on the next persons
Domalélé eating with both hands shoulders. People randomly shout out names of countries one at a time.
A chrahahahakilélé finger on throught so voice wobbels When someone says Mongolia everyone has to fall down on the floor.
The you get up and start over. If someone says Mongolia backwards as
Repeat really quiet and then again really loud. everyone gets up then that means that you are going backwards. Every-
one walks backwards and say country names backwards.
Shake Your Booty
Badger x 12 bob up and down
Mushroom x 2 make a mushroom hat with your arms Hej Sweden
Badger x 12 bob up and down Sweden: What’s that you say?
Mushroom x 2 make a mushroom hat with your arms I said hey Sweden
Badger x 12 bob up and down Sweden: What’s that you say?
Mushroom x 2 make a mushroom hat with your arms I say jump shake your booty
Badger x 12 bob up and down Jump jump shake your booty
Mushroom x 2 make a mushroom hat with your arms Jump shake your booty
Snake make a snake with your arm Jump jump shake your booty
This song can be done over and over again forever. You can also take Take turns with different delegations or names. Each time you say jump
turns doing badger so that one person does the first set of 12 and the everyone jumps and turns a quarter turn.
next does the next set etc. with everyone doing mushroom and snake
together. For more info go to www.badgerbadgerbadger.com.
I love purple stew Sing the song, the first time normally and after that changing all the
Swish x5 twist your hips vowels to a, then, e, i ,o and finally u.
I love purple stew
Bedobe dobe dobe roll hands down in front of you Fram med degen get out the dough
Purple potatoes and purple tomatoes and you Kavla pizza roll the dough
In a purple stew Upp i luften through it in the air
And we put Sweden in the pot Snurra pizza twirl it
And we stir and we stir stir the big pot På med såsen pour on the sauce
And what do they say? På med skinka toss on some ham
Sweden: Boy it’s hot På med osten toss on the cheese
And what do we say? In i ugnen put it in the oven
I love purple stew... Softa lite take a break
Ut ur ugnen get it out of the oven
The song is repeted again and again with each delegation until everyone Paketera box it up
has been in the pot. With a smaller group you put each person in the Ge till kunden give to the customer
pot. Ta emot pengar take the money
Å det ringer answer the phone
Capriciosa rub stomach ’it’s yummy’
Oukra Oukra
Komma pronto point to watch
Nästa pizza
Oukra oukra oukrakra oukrakra oukrakara x2
dance around like a bird
I like you for me, I like you for you x2
hand on your shoulders and then partners shoulders
Daamm daamm dam dam dam x2
tap your partners shoulders
Boom Chick-A-Boom
Say boom chick-a-boom group repeats after leader
Say boom chick-a-boom group repeats after leader
Singing In The Rain Say boom chick-a-rock-a-chick-a-rock-a-chik-a-boom repeat
Oh yeah repeat
Ah ha repeat
I’m singing in the rain,
One more time repeat
Just singing in the rain, But a little bit louder...
What a glorious feeling,
I’m happy again. The song is repeated over and over each time in a new way (louder, softer,
A chichi cha x2 faster, underwater etc...)
A chichi chacha
Pony Song
Arms out!
Thumbs up! Here we go on our pony
Elbows back! Riding on our big fat pony
Knees together! Here we come on our pony
Toes together! This is what they told me
Bend over! Back to back to back my baby
Bum out! Side to side to side my baby
Chest up! Front to front to front my baby
Head back! This is what they told me
Tongue out!
One person prances around the inside of the circle and stops infront of
The song is sung over and over again, each time adding one body part. someone else. They dance back to back, side to side and then front to
Durring a chichi cha you dance around a bit. front before both continue around in the circle. Each time the number of
people in the circle doubles until everyone is in the circle.
Shark Song
So they turned around make up actions to fit the words
There was a boy wave Do do dododododo Do do... after every line
Do do dododododo Do do... after every line in the whole song To swim back cause I don’t feel like writing more
And a girl wave with other hand They started to crawl
They drove their cars drive Faster still
To the beach show the beach There was no use
It was hot dry sweat off face Cause there were sharks no Do do after this line and scream
Very hot again Ahhhhhh
They went to swim swim
They dove in fancy dive Mama shark.... chorus again
They swam out swim again
Farther out They grabed an arm
But there were sharks no Do do after this line and scream Do do ...
Ahhhhhhhhh And a leg
They grabbed a head
Mama shark shark mouth with hands and lower arms Another head
Do do dododododo And all was red
Papa shark shark mouth with long arms And all was dead
Do do dododododo There was no boy
Brother shark shark mouth with just hands And no girl
Do do dododododo But there were sharks no Do do after this line and scream
Baby shark shark mouth with just fingers Ahhhhh
Keep going with different sharks such as brother, grumpy, bicycle, Mama shark.... chorus again
bakwards, stupid, disco, elvis, surfing etc...