Construction Phase Management Plan

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Church Lane, Papworth

Prepared for
Flagship Housing

Prepared By

Mick George Limited

6 Lancaster Way
Ermine Business Park
PE29 6XU


Site Health & Safety Goals
MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION have established a safety strategy for the works with a target of zero harm of any type,
and in addition we will set a benchmark standard for the monitoring of health and safety standards on this project
by means of a system of monitoring of accident/incident frequency rates, using both active and reactive monitoring
procedures prior to the commencement of the works. Any contractors working on the site will be expected to
achieve a similar minimum standard and provide outline procedures for inspecting and auditing during the project.

• Zero RIDDOR reportable accidents or incidents.

• Zero enforcement notices from the Health & Safety Executive.

• All MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION operatives are required to attend site specific health & safety inductions

• All MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION operatives working on this project hold current CSCS/CCDO cards and have the
relevant training to enable them to complete their job in a safe manner.

• All health & safety related incidents will be fully investigated and the relevant reports produced for agreement
/ compliance from all parties.



This Construction Phase Plan has been produced in accordance with the clients Pre-Construction


Mick George Limited
6 Lancaster Way
Ermine Business Park
PE29 6XU
Quality Assurance
Information Sheet

Client Flagship Housing Job No. 00002

Document Title Construction Phase Management Plan Document Ref. 00002 _CPP

Revision Status Prepared by Checked by Approved by

Name Date Name Date Name Date
01 Mick 05/08/16

Revision Status Prepared by Checked by Approved by

Name Date Name Date Name Date

Revision Status Prepared by Checked by Approved by

Name Date Name Date Name Date

Revision Status Prepared by Checked by Approved by

Name Date Name Date Name Date



INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
The Commission............................................................................................................................................................... 1
Construction Phase Plan .................................................................................................................................................. 1
COMPANY POLICY FOR HEALTH, SAFETY, WELFARE AND THE ENVIRONMENT ............................................................ 1
Health and Safety Policy Statement ................................................................................................................................ 1
Environmental Policy ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDARDS ............................................................................................................................... 3
Management of Health and Safety .................................................................................................................................. 3
HEALTH AND SAFETY FILE ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Health and Safety File ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND STRUCTURE.................................................................................................................. 4
Project Management ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Client Details .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Principal Contractor Details ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Mick George Demolition Structure .................................................................................................................................. 6
PROJECT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................................ 8
The Brief........................................................................................................................................................................... 8
The Project ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Pre-Start Arrangements ................................................................................................................................................... 8
SITE DETAILS.............................................................................................................................................................. 10
Site Description .............................................................................................................................................................. 10
General Demolition Hazards .......................................................................................................................................... 10
SITE SPECIFIC METHOD STATEMENT .......................................................................................................................... 11
Note ............................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Site Access ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Traffic Management Plan .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Site Management Responsibilities ................................................................................................................................. 12
Monitoring and Review of Health and Safety Performance. ......................................................................................... 12
Liaison on Site/Consultation with the workforce .......................................................................................................... 12
Site Induction ................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Risk Assessments ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
General Health and Safety Rules ................................................................................................................................... 14
Training .......................................................................................................................................................................... 15
First Aid/Reporting accidents ........................................................................................................................................ 17
Procedure to be Adopted in the Event of an Accident or Emergency ........................................................................... 17
Procedure to be adopted in the Event of a Fire ............................................................................................................ 20
Emergency Contact Numbers ........................................................................................................................................ 21
First Aid .......................................................................................................................................................................... 21
RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations, 2013) .......................................... 21
Safety Meetings ............................................................................................................................................................. 22
Working at Height .......................................................................................................................................................... 23
Information and Training for People on Site ................................................................................................................. 23
Information for Sub-Contractors ................................................................................................................................... 23
Communication and Co-operation ................................................................................................................................ 23
Management of the work .............................................................................................................................................. 24
Safety Risks .................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Services .......................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Deliveries ....................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Selection Procedures: Plant, Materials, Services and Personnel ................................................................................... 25


Environmental Procedures ............................................................................................................................................ 26
Materials Storage........................................................................................................................................................... 26
Site Accommodation and Welfare ................................................................................................................................. 26
Site Boundary................................................................................................................................................................. 26
Site Security ................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Personal Protective Equipment ..................................................................................................................................... 29
Water Working Conditions ............................................................................................................................................ 30
Noise, vibration and Dust .............................................................................................................................................. 30
SITE SPECIFIC DEMOLITION METHOD STATEMENT .................................................................................................... 31
Scope of Demolition Works ........................................................................................................................................... 31
SITE SPECIFIC REMEDIATION METHOD STATEMENT .................................................................................................. 63
Scope of Remediation Works ........................................................................................................................................ 63
Movement of Site Vehicles ............................................................................................................................................ 63
Maintenance of Road Cleanliness .................................................................................................................................. 63
General Excavation Works ............................................................................................................................................. 64
Potentially Contaminated Land ..................................................................................................................................... 64
Breaking out of Slabs and Foundations ......................................................................................................................... 65
Crushing ............................................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Dust Suppression ........................................................................................................................................................... 65
Dust Monitoring ............................................................................................................................................................. 65
Odour Monitoring and Control ...................................................................................................................................... 66
Noise Control ................................................................................................................................................................. 66
Prevention of Surface Runoff......................................................................................................................................... 67
Site Rules ....................................................................................................................................................................... 68
WORKING PRACTICES .................................................................................................................................................... 68
MISCONDUCT................................................................................................................................................................. 68
Alcohol, Drugs and Substance Abuse ................................................................................................................... 71
Alcohol, Drugs and Substance Abuse ......................................................................................................................... 71
FIRE ALARM/EMERGENCY AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES ..................................................................................... 73


The Commission

Mick George Demolition Limited , were commissioned by Flagship Housing to carry out demolition and
remediation works at the former Church Lane, Papworth Site.

Construction Phase Plan

This Construction Phase Plan has been prepared to ensure that the construction phase of works are planned, managed
and monitored in a way which enables the construction work to be started without risk to health or safety.

Detailed Risk Assessments and Method Statements for mitigating the hazards and risks specified and arising from the
works have also been prepared.

In order to ensure a safe and healthy working environment Mick George will comply with the requirements of all
relevant legislation and approved Codes of Practice including but not limited to the following:

• Health & Safety at Work Act 1974.

• Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015.
• Management Health & Safety at Work Regulations 2006.
• Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations 1992.
• Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013.
• Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 2002.
• Noise Regulations at Work 1989.
• Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002.
• Confined Spaces Regulations 1997.
• Manual Handling Regulations 1998.
• Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.
• Working at Heights Regulations 2005.
• The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.
• Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations (DSEAR) 2002.


Health and Safety Policy Statement

It is the policy of Mick George Demolition Limited to comply with the terms of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974
and subsequent legislation. The Board of Directors have approved that its operations are executed at all times in such
a way as to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all its employees and all persons
likely to be affected by its operations, including subcontractors, visitors and the public where appropriate.

Concern for Health & Safety is to be viewed in the same light as other management responsibilities and business
objectives. The prevention of all accidents involving personal injury or property damage is essential to the efficient
operation of the company.

MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION are committed to continual improvement in Health & Safety performance and will ensure
that adequate resources are available, that appropriate safety training and instruction is provided by each company and
that accident prevention is included in all relevant training programmes to ensure that legal obligations for Health &
Safety are met.

The MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION responsible person together with Management will review this Policy on a regular basis
and make recommendations to the Company Board of Directors for update and modification as and when necessary.

The Board of Directors of MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION believe that every employee has a responsibility for Health &
Safety within the provisions of the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. It is therefore incumbent on all employees
and sub-contractors to take reasonable care for their own safety and the safety of any others who may be affected by
their acts or omissions. It is also essential for employees to co-operate with the Management of MICK GEORGE
DEMOLITION in its arrangements to perform or comply with statutory safety obligations which includes adherence to
the Safety Policy, which should be read in conjunction with the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.

The specific arrangements for the implementation of this policy and the personnel responsible are detailed in the Health
& Safety Policy Manual.

Environmental Policy

MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION will inevitably have an impact on the environment by virtue of its operations and as a
consequence of this, through this statement, is committed to continuous improvements in its environmental
performance and the prevention of pollution.

The management and employees of MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION recognise the obligation to protect the environment
(at all levels e.g., local, national and global) in which it operates. This obligation is reflected in the following

• Work towards implementing an environmental management system to the ISO 14001 standard,
• Ensure environmental awareness amongst all employees and provide sufficient levels of training and
internal communications to allow them to meet their environmental responsibilities.
• Meet and, where reasonably practicable, exceed the requirements of all applicable environmental
legislation and regulations.
• Ensure delivery, use and storage of chemicals, raw materials and wastes are carried out in such a way
as to prevent pollution and minimise risk of pollution to air, land and water.
• Encourage suppliers, contractors and sub-contractors to improve their environmental performance
regarding their products, services and transportation.
• Undertake waste minimisation (especially hazardous waste), re-use and recycling wherever possible and
dispose of all waste through safe and responsible methods.
• Undertake energy and water resource audits to minimise consumption of these resources.
• Through coordination of route planning and deliveries will seek to realise the dual benefits of reduced
fuel consumption and lower exhaust emissions.
• Through innovative design work and specifications, progressively build-in lower energy and resource
demand in the manufacture, construction and use by customers of their finished products, processes
and systems.

To achieve the commitments set out in this policy, the following organisational arrangements exist.

• Ultimate responsibility for all matters relating to sustainability rests with MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION
• The MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION responsible person for sustainability will report directly to the Board
and will assist in projecting the environmental image with outside policy making and enforcement


Management of Health and Safety

Management of health and safety for the construction phase of the contract is based upon the principles endorsed in
Mick George Safety Policy.

The works will be carried out with proper regard to the following standards:

• Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015.

• Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.

• Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.
• Any successor legislation to the above.
• Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.

Risk Assessments have been completed for site activities and a set of Site Rules produced. These will be brought to the
attention of personnel working on site and site supervisors have responsibilities for ensuring that Site Rules are


Health and Safety File

MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION will ensure that all as-built drawings and plans used and produced throughout the
construction process will be provided to the Principal Designer for incorporation into the Health and Safety File.

In addition, general details of the construction methods and materials used, together with any relevant Operating and
Maintenance Manuals will be provided to the Principal Designer, where appropriate.

In addition, details of the location and nature of utilities and services identified during the work will also be passed to
the Principal Designer for incorporation into the Health and Safety File.

Mick George will take the role of Principal Contractor for this project, they will provide all relevant information for
inclusion in the Health and Safety File.

Where the design is wholly by the Clients design consultants, the Principal Designer will liaise with the designers in the
supply of their H&S File information and will arrange for this to be issued to the Principal Contractor for inclusion within

the Health and Safety File Where the Principal Contractor is appointed under a design and build arrangement, or where
Contractor Design Portion (CDP)is required, the PC will be wholly responsible for providing all relevant design
information for the H&S File. Where the Principal Designers appointment finishes before the completion of the project,
the Principal Contractor will be wholly responsible for providing all relevant design information for the H&S File.

The following information will be included within the Mick George Health and Safety file for this project:

1. A brief description of the work carried out

2. Residual hazards and how they have been dealt with

3. Key structural principals incorporated in the design of the structure and safe working loads for floors and roofs

4. Any hazards associated with the materials used

5. Information regarding the removal or dismantling of installed plant and equipment:

6. Health and safety information about equipment provided for cleaning or maintaining the structure

7. The nature, location and marking of significant services including fire-fighting services

8. Information and as-built drawing of the structure, its plant and equipment inc service access, fire doors and
compartmentation. The as-built or record drawings, where so provided, may remain within O&M Manuals but the
H&S File must contain full drawing schedules and the location of the drawings given accurate and full cross-

9. Contractor data sheets


Project Management

This plan has been developed to take into account the following factors that may interact with the construction

• The impact of works on the local environment.

• Any further requirements of the Client.

Client Details

Name: Flagship Housing

Keswick Hall, Norwich NR4 6TJ

Principal Designer Details

Name: TBC

Principal Contractor Details

Name: Mick George Demolition

6 Lancaster Way
Ermine Business Park
PE29 6XU

Temporary Works Engineer

Name: TBC

Mick George Demolition Structure

Mick George Demolition Limited company structure is outlined below:

Mick George’s site specific team for this project:

Demolition director

Phil Hayden

[email protected]

07826 068378

Contracts Manager

Mr Richard Nash

Designated First Aider

[email protected]

Office Administrative Team

Site Supervisor
[email protected]
David Bailey

Designated First Aider 07469 852774

[email protected]

01480 499155

Machine Driver
CCDO/CSCS Demolition Operatives
Gordon Monroe

The Brief

It is anticipated that demolition and remedial works will commence in July the XXX for duration of approximately X

MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION will be the Principal Contractor for the duration of the demolition.

It is anticipated that up to 10 MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION employees/staff will be utilised on site for this project.

It is anticipated that 1 Sub-Contractors will be utilised on site for this project.

The Project

Based on the Pre-Construction information survey and a site walk round. The demolition comprises of the former
showroom and out buildings in Cambridge. Mick George Demolition have been tasked with the site set-up compound,
hoarding and signage erection, the demolition of the printworks and crushing of materials on site and form a stock pile.
Mick George will also have to remove all redundant materials to site landfill.

Site Address: Church Lane, Papworth

The proposed works are:-

• demolition of the buildings

• lowering of boundary walls to suitable height

• removal of all asbestos within the buildings

• grubbing up and removal of foundations / redundant services & drainage

• grubbing up and removal of all hard standings / redundant services & drainage

• protection works to existing services

Mick George will provide a clear methodology and risk assessment within their detailed construction site file pack.

Pre-Start Arrangements

The Principal Designer will make the following arrangement:

• Review Documentation.

Prior to commencing on site, the Client will make following arrangements:

• Notification to South Cambridgeshire District Council regarding Section 80 of the Building Act 1984
regarding the commencement of demolition works.
• Termination of electrical services into the site and provision of the necessary temporary supplies.

• Erect hoardings or temporary fencing to enclose the site.

The following arrangements will be made by Mick George:

• Notifications to local Police and Fire Brigade.

• Erection of demolition exclusion zones using temporary fencing.
• Establishment of site compound and welfare facilities.

All necessary Planning Consents, awards, party wall/boundary agreements and permissions will be arranged by the client
before commencing works on site. Mick George will include a temporary closure and redirection of those using the
public footpath adjacent to the site boundary

The condition of existing road surfaces, street furniture and pavements will be agreed and confirmed with client before
the start of works. A photographic condition survey of the site will be undertaken by MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION and
an on-site meeting will be held to finalise project details and confirm access & egress routes, drop zones and site welfare

Exchange of Information

Mick George along with Flagship Homes, the PD and the designers will have monthly meetings to discuss the project.
All information will be passed via a drop box consortium. A project register has been formed to were all emails and
stakeholder’s detailers are.

Site Description

General Site Description

The site is located off the Ermine Street South. Site is bordered by commercial properties, pedestrian walkways and is
near to residential properties .

Site Compound

There is ample space within the demise for the establishment of a site compound.


There is ample space on site for the positioning of a storage area.

Contractor Parking

There is some space on site for the appointed Principal Contractor to allocate a parking area. Mick George will try to
use crew buses to minimise congestion.


All information such as reports, site surveys and pre construction information will be located within Mick Georges site

Site Security

This area should be considered a high security risk - Materials, tools, equipment, vehicles, site cabins etc. should not be
left unattended or unlocked at any time [unless in use].

This may need to be maintained beyond the contract period prior to control being taken by others acquiring the site.

General Demolition Hazards

Demolition works will be undertaken to the former Printworks building.

Common demolition hazards include:

• underground essential services

• exposure to hazardous chemicals unplanned structure collapse

• falls from one level to another

• falling objects

• the location of above and hazardous noise from plant used in demolition work

• proximity of the building or structure being demolished to other buildings or structures

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When assessing the risks associated with demolition work the following is considered:

• the structure to be demolished and its structural integrity

• the method of demolition including its sequencing

• the scheduling of work

• the layout of the workplace

• what plant and equipment will be used and the skill and experience required by the people who will use it safely

• what exposures might occur

• the number of people involved

• local weather conditions.



The Site Specific Method Statements form part of the Construction Phase Plan for the works as described above. They
should be read in conjunction with general MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION Risk Assessments and Method Statements that
are included in the MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION Construction Phase Site Pack and are issued for all projects.

Site Access

Access to and from the site for all vehicles will be from the main entrance off the Ermine Street South. The site entrance
is off a public highway and access and egress of traffic will be managed. The specified routes will be communicated to
all employees as part of their site induction. The effectiveness of traffic management systems will be continuously

Emergency access must be maintained at all times.

Traffic Management Plan

Traffic management systems will be implemented as set out in the MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION risk assessments and
method statements. As such, a site speed limit of 10mph will be imposed on all traffic working at the site and will be
adhered to at all times. Site plant shall be equipped with and operate amber flashing beacons while moving around
the site.

All drivers will report to the site office and sign in or out as required they will be made aware of the site safety rules, any
access restrictions and be made aware of ongoing activities. All drivers will be equipped with and wear, if they need to
leave their cabs, a hard hat, safety boots, gloves, eye protection and high visibility clothing.

Delivery of plant to the sites will be coordinated by the haulage contractor with the police and highways department as
appropriate. Delivery of plant by low loader to the site will be at times specified by the police and under escort where
necessary. Delivery of plant to the working areas will be in accordance with the established traffic management system
for the site only.

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All vehicles entering and leaving the sites will be from the main entrance only. Site and road conditions will be
continuously monitored and adequate facilities will be provided for wheel washing and road cleaning should it be

Any mud or debris soiling the public highway from vehicles entering or leaving the site will be immediately cleared away
with minimum disturbance of local residents and the surrounding environment.

Mick George will consider the ongoing use of the adjoining r garage given it will remain in use for a period overlapping
with the demolition work.

Site Management Responsibilities

Due to the nature of demolition and remediation work, all work will be carried out with extreme caution. Vigilance
regarding the structural integrity of the buildings and excavations will be maintained at all times by operatives and Site
Supervisors/Managers. It is imperative that all instructions are clearly communicated and understood. By the very
nature of the works methods, direction of progress, access routes etc., may vary from day to day, hour by hour.

Each day verbal instructions will be issued by the Site Supervisor/Manager to all MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION operatives.
There will be a senior MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION Manager present on site for the duration of the works.

If site visitors from the client or design team require access to the site, these requirements must be directed through
the MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION Site Manager/Supervisor. The MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION Site Manager/Supervisor
will ensure that the necessary arrangements to allow access, and the subsequent implications, are thoroughly
considered. All visitors to site will be escorted by MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION Site personnel. The site Manager will be
responsible for all temporary works and his workforce on this project.

The contracts manager Mr Richard Boggan for this project will visit this job weekly with the Demolition Managing
Director Phil Hayden visiting on a fortnightly basis.

Monitoring and Review of Health and Safety Performance.

Mick George Demolition will enforce their strict health and safety policy on this contract. The site manager will make all
the operatives sign the policy prior to starting on site. Any operative who breaks the policy rules will be yellow and red
carded accordingly. Weekly audits will be carried out by Mick Georges internal health and safety department. Mick
George will also receive external audits once a month from specialist demolition safety advisors. Each month Mick
George will hold a safety meeting with the client and will discuss trends within the project.

Liaison on Site/Consultation with the workforce

Mick George will have weekly health and safety briefings with tool box talks. All operatives will be involved in the
meetings and all with have a say on health and safety. Their views will be anonymous if they want and can be placed in
a box in the site cabin. All health and safety concerns will be passed onto the Demolition Directors and the client.

All sub-contractors on site will be invited to join these meetings. The project manager will be the point of connection
for all parties on site.

Site Induction

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All employees will be subject to a specific induction prior to commencement of any work on site. Induction will involve
verbal presentation of relevant health and safety matters on site by the MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION Site Manager and
introduction to specific site rules.

Operatives will be made aware of the proximity of any adjacent listed buildings or infrastructure, pedestrian routes,
location of any hazardous materials, location of live services, emergency procedures, location of fire points and 'no-go'
areas i.e., Drop Zones etc.

Site working hours will be: 07.30am – 18.00h Monday to Friday

Toolbox talks will be given to operatives weekly by the Site Manager/Supervisor who will:

• Select a talk that is relevant to current operations.

• Read through the talk and decide on which points are relevant to the workforce.
• Consider any aids that can be used to demonstrate the talk e.g., use of disc cutters - have one available.
• Check the area is safe - e.g., not in a congested work area.
• Keep distractions to a minimum.

MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION has developed a set of site safety rules which have been provided in addition to those
specified by the Client and Principal Designer.

All site rules will be passed to contractor line management so that they may bring these rules to the attention of all
employees and visitors on site as part of the Site Induction. The site induction will be made specific to the site. Issues
such as the basement filled with water and the location of the site.

The induction will be in English. For all non-speaking English operatives, a specialist induction will be conducted 1 to 1.
Mick George will design this in the desired language of the operative. An operative will take a short practically assed
test by the site manager who will deem if the operative is fit to work or not. The operative will then sign the RAMS.


Mick George will consider the ongoing use of the adjoining residents. All of Mick Georges operatives will be made aware
of the residents nearby.

Risk Assessments

Risk assessments have been prepared which address risk to employees and other persons who may be affected by
activities carried out on MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION sites. Any subsequent Site Specific Risk Assessments and Method
Statements will be retained for the Health and Safety File.

MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION will ensure that all sub-contractors working on site shall have produced their own Risk
Assessments and Method Statements. Information supplied will be vetted and copies will be maintained within the
Site Records.

Substances hazardous to health in the workplace are either materials or products imported into the workplace or
products produced by the processes. MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION will ensure that the exposure of employees to
substances hazardous to health is either prevented or, where this is not reasonably practicable, adequately controlled.

So far as is reasonably practicable, the prevention or adequate control of exposure will be secured by measures other
than personal protective equipment. Where measures taken do not prevent, or provide, adequate control of exposure
then, in addition to taking those measures, MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION will provide employees with, and ensure proper
use of, suitable personal protective equipment that will adequately control their exposure.

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COSHH Data Sheets/Assessments will be provided for all materials used on site. Operatives shall be trained in the safe,
storage, use and disposal of various materials.

General Health and Safety Rules

The HSE Notification of Project form (F10) will be kept on the sit notice board in accordance with The Flagship Homes

MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION has established procedures for monitoring standards on site and compliance with health
and safety legislation and relevant statutory provisions.

On a weekly basis Site Managers/Supervisors will undertake a health and safety inspection and complete a report that
will be kept on site in the Site Records.

MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION operate a series of Daily Checklists, Permits to Work and Inspection Records.

Daily Plant Checklists must be completed by the plant operator and signed off by the site manager before work each
morning. The Subcontractor Supervisor Daily Checklist must be completed by the Supervisor of any Subcontractor
carrying out any activities on site and signed off by the site manager before work each morning. The Site Manager Daily
Checklist must be completed by the Site Manager before work each morning.

As part of the MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION Safe System of Work, pre conceived Permits to Work include:

• Permit to Work in Confined Spaces.

• Permit to Excavate.
• Permit for Hot Work.
• Permit for Lifting.
• Permit for Piling.
• Permit for Work at Height.

The Site Manager should also complete a Permit for Work for any unusual or one off activity after carrying out a Site
Specific Risk Assessment. Blank Permits to Work and Site Specific Risk Assessments are provided for onsite completion.
Inspection Records should be carried out by competent persons and retained on site in the Site Records.

In addition, external independent monitoring will be undertaken by C&D Consultancy, the company's Health and Safety
Consultant, at a predetermined frequency. Contractors informed of any hazards of defects noted during inspections
will be expected to take immediate remedial action as directed. Site Survey Reports will be retained in the Site Records.

Suppliers of materials will be required to provide product data sheets for health and safety as the basis for COSHH

Plant and machinery supplied for common use will be properly selected, maintained and used. MICK GEORGE
DEMOLITION plant operators are trained and certified through the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) and
Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS/CCDO); other contractors using plant will be subject to proof of
competence. Statutory inspections, certificates of thorough inspection and tests will be maintained for lifting
appliances and lifting gear and retained in the Site Records.

The site will be a no smoking, eating or drinking area, except for within designated areas or site welfare facilities. The
reason for this will be explained to all personnel during the induction.

Warning signs and notices will be prominently displayed in and around the site.

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All access routes are to be kept free from obstructions at all times. Debris materials will be continuously cleared to
prevent excessive build up.

Lifting Operations

Prior to any lifting operations being carried out a permit to lift will be put in place. All lifting operations will be carried
out to LOLER 1998.

All shackles will be tested and thorough inspection sheets will be placed within the Mick George site file.

A thorough lifting plan will be produced by Mick George for daily lifting operations such as oxygen packs, Loading and
un-loading of site cabins.

Where Mick George undertake lifting operations involving lifting equipment they will:

 plan lifts properly

 using people who are sufficiently competent ( all operatives to be suitably trained)
 supervise them appropriately
 to ensure that lifts are carried out in a safe manner

LOLER requires that lifting equipment must be of adequate strength and stability. This adds to the general obligations
under PUWER regarding the suitability of work equipment.

Lifting equipment should be positioned or installed in such a way as to reduce the risk, as far as reasonably practicable,
of the equipment or load striking a person, or of the load drifting, falling freely or being unintentionally released.

Where people are being lifted, there are additional requirements to prevent people from being injured in / by the
carrier, including more frequent thorough examinations i.e. Man Baskets.

An example of an excavator lifting a

pipe using an lifting eye and chains.

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An example of the unloading of

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All operatives will be CCDO/CSCS/CPCS carded. All operatives will have received training in aspect to their professional
area. All demolition operatives will have a minimum of Asbestos and Demolition awareness. The plant operative will
have been assessed by an accredited contractor. Operative will receive onsite training from the project manager and
will receive any task specific training from our training consultancy C&D Demolition.

The training matrix will be within the site file for this project.

First Aid/Reporting accidents

In the event of an accident on site, details will be recorded on the accident form within the site file and phoned through
to head office and The Client If the accident is severe, Mick George Demoltion’s first aider is identified by a green cross
on his helmet, will ensure that the emergency services are notified immediately and the casualty receives immediate
medical attention.
In the event of the accident being reportable under RIDDOR, then the office will complete F2508 and forward it to the
relevant authorities.
A fully qualified first aider will be present on site at all times and the first aid facilities will be located in the site office.
This is line with current legislation. All accidents will be reported to and investigated by the Client and Mick George
Demoltion’s Health and Safety Representative. A first aid kit will be kept in the welfare unit.
The accident book is located within the main Mick George DEMOLITION vehicles and placed in the site office.
A map showing the ‘BLUE ROUTE’ to the hospital will also be displayed in the site welfare office.

Procedure to be Adopted in the Event of an Accident or Emergency

If an accident occurs anywhere on the job site, whether it involves injury to persons or damage to property, irrespective
of whether they are employed on the works, such occurrence must be reported to the Site Manager or to site staff who
will be familiar with this procedure at the earliest opportunity.

When an accident occurs anywhere on the site involving an injury to a person, first aid or medical treatment must be

The site first aiders are as indicated on the site notice boards and will be generally found in Mick George site offices.

In the case of an emergency the following procedure shall be employed: The person who discovers the emergency shall
call 999.

Inform which emergency services are required.

Wait until the location has been confirmed before ending the call.

MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION staff shall direct the emergency service to the scene of the incident. MICK GEORGE
DEMOLITION will send a Banksman to assist with directing any emergency vehicles.

MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION will provide trained first aiders with a first aid kit located in the site office. CLIENT will be
notified as soon as possible after the incident.

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If anyone is seriously injured summon an ambulance immediately. When asked to summon an ambulance, do so from
the nearest available telephone dialling 999.

The site address is:

The Former Renault Garage, 217 Newmarket Road, Cambridge

Nearest Accident and Emergency:

Hichingbrooke Hospital
Hinchingbrooke Park
PE29 6NT

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Procedure to be adopted in the Event of a Fire

Raising the Alarm

The fire alarm / evacuation signal on this site is a hand held air horn situated in the site office, industrial buildings and
at each extinguisher point. Anyone discovering a fire or any other site emergency should raise the alarm by activating
the air horn. This should be done by 3 5 second bursts of the air horn. All operatives will be in two-way radio

Action to Take on Hearing the Alarm

The site foreman is the nominated fire/emergency controller. On hearing the alarm he will investigate the cause and if
a fire or emergency condition exists, the emergency services should be called by making a 999 call.

The site foreman will have a mobile phone or any other phone can be used. (THE FULL SITE ADDRESS IS PINNED TO THE

Evacuation Procedure

On hearing the evacuation signal:

• Switch off machinery/plant.

• Close all doors and windows.

• Leave buildings by the shortest route.

• Do not run.

• Do not stop to collect personal belongings.

• Proceed to the designated site assembly point.

• The site foreman /appointed person should carry out their duties of ensuring doors and windows are closed,
that toilets are empty and that all personnel are accounted for.

• Do not re-enter the building until authorised to do so by site foreman /appointed person or by emergency

Site Foreman/Manager/Appointed Person Responsibilities

In the event of an evacuation, the duties of the site foreman /appointed person are to ensure that all personnel leave
the building, that all doors and windows are closed, that toilet areas are checked, that all machinery/plant is switched
off and to check that all personnel are accounted for at the assembly point.

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Emergency Contact Numbers

In the event of an emergency, contact numbers are included in the Table below:

Table 1: Emergency Contact Numbers

Mick George Demolition Phil Hayden 07590 229722

Local HSE Office Redwing House 0121 607 6200

Hedgerows Business Park
Colchester Road
Environment Agency Help Desk – Emergency Number 0800 807 060
Gas National Grid (Transco) 0800 111999
Water United Utilities PLC 0845 746 2200
Sewers United Utilities PLC 0845 746 2200
Telecoms BT 0800 328 1151 or 151

First Aid

A First Aider and proper first aid kit, commensurate with the total number of site personnel will be available on site at
all times and will be maintained by one of the First Aiders whose names appear on the notice.

The nearest hospital with accident and emergency facilities is:

Hinchingbrooke Hospital
Hinchingbrooke Park
PE29 6NT
Fire, police or ambulance emergency services are best contacted by telephoning 999.
RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations, 2013)

It is a requirement of The Reporting of Incidents, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations 2013 that certain
type of accidents, dangerous occurrences and diseases are reported to the Health and Safety Executive. If the accident
is reportable to the HSE then a member of management will fill in the details required on the official online form (F2508,
F2508A) within the time period specified. Seven-day accidents will be reported to the local HSE office within fifteen
21 | P a g e
days. Major injuries and dangerous occurrences will be reported immediately to the HSE by telephone with a report
issued within fifteen days. Records of all accidents will be kept for at least 3 years.

Reportable accidents will be notified to our safety consultants for immediate site investigation. Sub-contractors will be
required to notify MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION of all incidents.

Standard incident report forms have been developed in the event of incident. A first aid box will be available on site at
all times and will be maintained by one of the First Aiders whose names appear on the notice.

All Lost Time Accidents (LTAs) and RIDDOR will be reported to client at the earliest opportunity.

Safety Meetings

Mick George’s safety advisors will visit the site at regular intervals. A safety inspection will be carried out and resulting
comments on the report implemented. Reports will be issued to the MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION Site

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Working at Height

Mick Georges operatives will have been trained in working at height for this contract. They will receive specific tool box
talks about working off scaffolding for demolition. All operatives will be harnessed on.

Information and Training for People on Site

Health and Safety information will be disseminated as may be required through the medium of statutory posters and
abstracts of regulations, i.e., the Health and Safety at Work poster etc.

The Construction Phase Plan will be brought to the attention of all contractor line management and it is their
responsibility to bring the Construction Phase Plan and in particular, site rules and the Site Specific Method Statement
to the attention of all employees on site.

A copy of the F10 notification will be displayed in a prominent position on site.

Safety meetings, chaired by the relevant Contracts Manager or Site Manager, will be held on a monthly basis. This is a
forum for liaison and communication with employees’ representatives although MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION recognises
that employees can report matters of concern via line management at any stage. Main welfare facilities will be provided
at the MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION compound including eye wash, first aid kit, mess room, offices, toilets, drying room
and stores.

Information for Sub-Contractors

Contractors will be advised about risks to their health and safety arising from the environment in which the project is
carried out, including the construction work, by a combination of the following:

• Contract enquiry outlining nature and extent of works.

• Contract order plus any subsequent amendments, additional and/or inclusions.
• Risk Assessments and Method statements compiled by the contractor for inclusion within the updating
requirements of the Safety Plan.
• Awareness of the contents of the Safety Plan.
• Additional information may be disseminated using a combination of pre-start inductions and additional
toolbox talks as necessary.

The Construction Phase Plan, Risk Assessments and Method Statements, along with the Company Health and Safety
Policy will be brought to the attention of all sub-contractor line management. They are then responsible for ensuring
that all employees are aware of health and safety arrangements and site-specific rules for the management of health
and safety on site.

MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION expects all sub-contractors to fulfil the requirements of its Health and Safety Policy.
Contract Managers are responsible for liaising with sub-contractors line management in co-ordinating their activities.

Communication and Co-operation

The typical lines of communication and duties are indicated on the organisation chart within this document.

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Additionally, information may be transmitted using a combination of wall charts, posters and other visual displays
positioned in site offices and operatives’ mess room facilities.

Site meetings will include a review of health and safety issues including receipt of feedback from sub-contractors if
necessary. Any meetings with sub-contractors will include an item for the discussion of health and safety issues.

All suppliers of materials and services are specifically required by Mick George condition of order to provide health and
safety information.

Management of the work

For this project the main point of contact will be the project manager. All information and design changes will come
through him. If there are any design changes to the project, it will be pinned up on the site notice board. All operatives
will be made aware of the site changes. All design changes will be handled in a professional manner. The client will be
informed and Mick George will seek sign off from the client before implementing the change to site. All health and
safety issue on site will be placed in the health and safety file implemented by Mick George. All sub-contractors must
strictly adhere to this clause on the contract.

The health and safety file will be maintained throughout the whole contract and reviewed monthly before being
presented to the client at the end of the project.

All contractors will be sourced from Mick Georges approved sub-contractor list. The sub-contractor will only become
approved once they have passed Mick Georges sub-contractor questionnaire. These are available if the client needs

Safety Risks

Mick George Demolition will use their sister company as a waste removal company for this project. All skips will be
placed near the welfare area for ease of collection.

Mick George’s plant and machinery will come with 12 months’ thorough inspection certificates and this will be kept
within the site file. Daily check sheets are to be filled in daily by the driver who will be responsible for his plant. This will
then be signed off by the overall project manager.

Also within the site file will be a 6-month certificate for slings. These will have been tested by a recognised organisation.
No cranes will be used for this contract. For this contract Mick George Demolition will not be working near any fragile

On this project working at height will be kept to a complete minimum with high reach excavators being used to minimise
this risk. Some aluminium pop up scaffolding maybe used at the early stage of the contract for the environmental clean.
All operatives using these will have been trained and given a tool box talk and daily briefing on pop ups. Only a PASMA
trained operative will be allowed to erect the tower or modify it.


It is the responsibility of The Client to ensure that any relevant service disconnections including heating, BT, gas,
electricity and water to the buildings within the scope of works have been disconnected and severed and that Mick
George DEMOLITION are issued with written confirmation of disconnections. Mick George Demolition are working with
the client to achieve the service dis-connections and will store all certificates on site in the site file.

Mick George will be provided with a services removal permit prior to any demolition works commencing and the
building sign off document from the client
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Each area and the surrounding area will be CAT scanned by Mick George prior to work commencing; if any remaining
live services are identified Mick George will inform the client site representative and take the relevant precautions
necessary to ensure safety to operatives and the public. A trained street works operative will be operating the Cat

If an unmarked service is found, work will be stopped immediately and the near miss reported to the client.

Note: No excavations works/demolition works will take place before the necessary isolations have been carried out
and certification issued.

A copy of the Programme indicating Services disconnections can be found within the clients site file.
The Demolition will not commence until the substation at the back of the boiler house has been Disconnected/diverted.


Deliveries will be on a strictly appointment only basis and the project manager will need clarification of vehicles coming
to site 24 hours prior. The deliveries will be booked in with the project manager who will then issue the booking to the
fully trained and certified vehicle banksman.
The delivery drives will know the traffic management routes prior to coming to site. Once on site Mick George will look
to have a quick and safe turnaround of loading wagons.

Selection Procedures: Plant, Materials, Services and Personnel

All suppliers of materials and services are specifically required by Mick George condition of order to provide health and
safety information.

Plant and machinery will be selected in relation to the tasks to be undertaken and operated only by operatives holding
current CITB CPCS CCDO driver accreditation.

Records of driver accreditations will be contained within the Site Records including any additional on-site training,
inductions and toolbox talks.

Site Managers/Supervisors will be fully experienced in all aspects of the work and be responsible for day to day site
health and safety. All plant operators and staff employed at the site will be fully trained and will hold either a current
CITB CPCS, CSCS, CCDO, IPAF, NEBOSH or CMPE license/certificates as appropriate.

Plant/equipment and activity specific Risk Assessments have been produced for all activities must be referred to for
further details.

Waste Removal

Mick George Waste will remove all arisings from this demolition site. All waste will be segregated into skips and will be
collected between the hours of 9.30 till 4.30 with the last wagon arriving to site by 16.00 hours. All skip and wagon
drivers will be informed of the site constraints and local surroundings. They will adopt a strict left hand turn policy into
site so that no traffic is disrupted.

Mick George carry a full waste transfer licence for all of their tips.

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Environmental Procedures

We aim to promote the sustainable use of natural resources and minimise environmental impact/pollution. Reviews of
the policies, services and activities will be carried out.

Steps will be taken to ensure smoke/odours, dust, noise and vibration nuisance is minimised. Regular monitoring of site
activities will be recorded and retained within the Site Records.

Wherever possible waste will be reused, reclaimed or recycled. However, where waste has to be disposed of, all waste
disposals will be transported by registered carriers and removed to registered disposal sites. Documentation will be
held on site demonstrating compliance with this.

Liquid pollutants will not be allowed to enter watercourses. All liquid storage will be bunded wherever there is a risk
and locked when not in use. Spill kits will be provided on site.

Materials Storage

Materials will be stored in a sealed and lockable container bought to site by Mick George. All COSHH materials will be
stored in a separate store as per the COSHH assessments sheets. All containers will be locked and sealed as per the
Control of substances hazardous to health Regulations.

Waste will be segregated and will be placed in different coded bins with magnetic signs on. All bins will be open bins
apart from any Asbestos bin which will be sealed and lockable as per the control of asbestos regulations 2012.

Site Accommodation and Welfare

Welfare facilities (Site Office, changing room, drying room, canteen, toilets, washing facilities, eye wash, first aid kit,
stores) will be established by MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION and will be serviced by a temporary water supply (clearly
marked). These facilities will be located near to the site entrance and fenced off to create a compound area.

Electrical power will be obtained from a temporary supply. The access route from the site entrance will be clearly

The scope and extent of these facilities will complement the demolition being undertaken, the duration, the number of
employees and sub-contractors on site, the weather conditions expected during the contract and the location of the
site with respect to the facilities already present in the area.

Temporary task lighting will be in place throughout the contract due to the conditions. To adhere to G&T’s advice Mick
George will provide and carryout the following in the below table:

Sanitary Conveniences
• Suitable and sufficient sanitary conveniences shall be provided or made available at readily accessible
places. So far as is reasonably practicable, rooms containing sanitary conveniences shall be adequately
ventilated and lit. Mick George will provide their own welfare facility which comply with regulation 17 of
the CDM regulations and schedule 2. All units will be added to the temporary works register.

• Arrangements for keeping clean and orderly

Mick George will have a daily cleaning rota which will be strictly adheared to at all times.

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• Separate rooms containing sanitary conveniences shall be provided for men and women, except where and
so far as each convenience is in a separate room, the door of which is capable of being secured from the
inside. Mick George will provide separate welfare areas for men and for Women.

Washing facilities
• Suitable and sufficient washing facilities, including showers if required by the nature of the work or for
health reasons, shall so far as is reasonably practicable be provided or managed.

• Washing facilities shall be provided—

(a) in the immediate vicinity of every sanitary convenience, whether or not provided elsewhere; and
(b) in the vicinity of any changing rooms required by paragraph 14 whether or not provided elsewhere.

• Washing facilities shall include—

(a) a supply of clean hot and cold, or warm, water (which shall be running water so far
as is reasonably practicable);
(b) soap or other suitable means of cleaning; and (c) towels or other suitable means of

• Rooms containing washing facilities shall be sufficiently ventilated and lit.

• Washing facilities and the rooms containing them shall be kept in a clean and orderly condition.

• Separate washing facilities shall be provided for men and women, except where and so far as they are
provided in a room the door of which is capable of being secured from inside and the facilities in each such
room are intended to be used by only one person at a time. This shall not apply to facilities which are
provided for washing hands, forearms and face only.

Drinking water
• An adequate supply of wholesome drinking water shall be provided or made available at readily accessible
and suitable places.

• Every supply of drinking water shall be conspicuously marked by an appropriate sign where necessary for
reasons of health and safety.

• Where a supply of drinking water is provided, there shall also be provided a sufficient number of suitable
cups or other drinking vessels unless the supply of drinking water is in a jet from which persons can drink

Changing rooms and lockers

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• Suitable and sufficient changing rooms shall be provided or made available at readily accessible places if—
(a) a worker has to wear special clothing for the purposes of his work; and
(b) he cannot, for reasons of health or propriety, be expected to change elsewhere, being separate
rooms for, or separate use of rooms by, men and women where necessary for reasons of propriety.

• Changing rooms shall—

(a) be provided with seating; and
(b) include, where necessary, facilities to enable a person to dry any such special clothing and his own
clothing and personal effects.

• Suitable and sufficient facilities shall, where necessary, be provided or made available at readily
accessible places to enable persons to lock away—
(a) any such special clothing which is not taken home;
(b) their own clothing which is not worn during working hours; and (c) their personal effects.

Facilities for rest

• Suitable and sufficient rest rooms or rest areas shall be provided or made available at readily accessible

• Rest rooms and rest areas shall—

(a) include suitable arrangements to protect non-smokers from discomfort caused by tobacco smoke;
(b) be equipped with an adequate number of tables and adequate seating with backs for the number of
persons at work likely to use them at any one time;
(c) where necessary, include suitable facilities for any person at work who is a pregnant woman or
nursing mother to rest lying down;
(d) include suitable arrangements to ensure that meals can be prepared and eaten;
(e) include the means for boiling water; and
(f) be maintained at an appropriate temperature.

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Adjacent Land Uses

Mick George prior to coming to site will letter drop the surrounding roads of Church Lane and Ermine Street South. All
will be made aware of the demolition taking place.

There will be monthly meetings with the residents to discuss their concerns and advise them of the current stage of
the demolition process.

Site visits maybe available on request.

Adjacent properties will be treated with Mick George’s most upmost concern. All properties will be protected and no
damage will occur during the demolition.

Site Boundary

Provisions for securing the site will either have already have been put in place or will be completed as soon as possible
before works on site can commence.

Gates will be kept closed whenever possible to prevent unauthorised entry to the site during the working shift. At the
end of each shift a check will be made to the security of the site.

MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION will erect Temporary fencing to create exclusion zones within the site (Welfare compound).

Temporary fencing panels will be lifted, carried and positioned by two operatives. The feet will be lifted, carried and
positioned by one operative. The fencing panels will be double clipped. Every 5 or 6 panels the fencing will be
triangulated to stabilise the fence line.

Site Security

Mick George will provide security 24/7. All security guards will be site inducted and will understand the daily operations
occurring. Security will be located by the wheel wash facility.

Mick George’s specialist security contractor will act as the approved security consultant on site will ensure all their
personal are mindful of external factors relating to breach of security. On completion of each shift the site will be handed
over in security terms to the security contractor whose security staff will remain of site 24/7.

Personal Protective Equipment

All personnel employed at the site will be provided with as a minimum the following approved equipment:

• Hard hats.
• Eye protection.
• Ear defenders/plugs (where required).
• Safety boots (lace up & shin guards where appropriate).
• Overalls/trousers (where required).
• High visibility coats or vests.
• Suitable gloves (needle proof where required).
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• Inertia type safety harness (to be used when required).
• Appropriate weatherproof outer clothing.

Mandatory PPE comprises a minimum of Safety Boots, Hard Hat and Hi Visibility Vest. It must be worn at all times while
on site. In addition to items above the following equipment will be provided to all operatives employed on removing
asbestos material not covered by The Asbestos (Licensing) Regulations 1983 (licensed and non-licensed asbestos works
will be carried out by a specialist asbestos removal contractor):

• Disposable overalls.
• Disposable gloves.
• Half face mask with disposable particle filter/pre filter (PP3).
• Various suppressants in the event of dust.

Water Working Conditions

NO WORKING ON WATER WILL BE ALLOWED. If operatives are to work near shallow water, then there must be a clear
exclusion line which will be fenced off. If work is carried out near deep water life jackets will be available.

Noise, vibration and Dust

Dust levels will be monitored and suppressed with the use of hoses and fire hydrants. The water supply will be from
metered standpipes fitted with non-return valves (RPZ) at point of connection to the water supply, from the fire
hydrants within the vicinity of our works.

Attached to the standpipe will be a section of hose with a non-return valve on. This is then to be used to supply the
water spray hoses. Fire and pressure lances will be utilised where required .

The direction of wind is to be taken into consideration to achieve best placement and a cloud of water droplets is to
cover the area of immediate work to suppress dust. Care is to be taken that the area is not over damped to the point
where run off may happen.

Should water run off be a potential issue, bunds/ trenches are to be formed to allow natural soak away of the water.

Should point accuracy of water damping be required, such as lorry loading, a second hose pipe is to be utilized.

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Scope of Demolition Works

Methodology – Church Lane and Ermine Street South

Prior to Mick George’s operatives coming to site they will receive a specific induction to the demolition site. They will
be made aware of the residual hazards such as the gable end wall to the residential housing

The method of demolition has been designed in accordance with standard demolition techniques, the Demolition Code
of Practice BS6187:2011. Mick George Demolition will follow the approved codes of practise of BS:6187-2011 in
ensuring that their methodologies follow the approved codes of practise. In addition Mick George will follow the NFDC
guidance notes in relation to exclusion zones, Demolition plant and Demolition of steel framed buildings. All Mick
George operative will adhere to the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.

Prior to coming to site

It is the responsibility of The Client to ensure that any relevant service disconnections including heating, BT, gas,
electricity and water to the buildings within the scope of works have been disconnected and severed and that Mick George
Demolition are issued with written confirmation of disconnections .Mick George Demolition are working with the client
to achieve the service dis-connections and will store all certificates on site in the site file.

Mick George Demolition will be provided with a services removal permit prior to any demolition works commencing
and the building sign off document.

Each area and the surrounding area will be CAT scanned by Mick George prior to work commencing; if any remaining
live services are identified Mick George will inform the client site representative and take the relevant precautions
necessary to ensure safety to operatives and the public. A trained street works operative will be operating the Cat Scanner.

If an unmarked service is found, work will be stopped immediately and the near miss reported to the client.

Note: No excavations works will take place before the necessary isolations have been carried out and certification

A copy of the Programme indicating Services disconnections can be found within the clients site file.


Mick George will put in place crowd barriers in order to separate the pedestrians/vehicles from the live working
machines on site.

An example of the crowd

barrier to be used to offer

31 | P a g e

Soft strip works will be carried out to the buildings. Exclusion areas for removal zones will be denoted by using heras
panels as required for the exit of materials from the buildings. Waste skips will be positioned adjacent to the work area
and will be loaded by the means of a 360-degree excavator with selector-grab attachment.

All Insulation, plasterboard, wood and Windows will be loaded into skips located on the driveway locations as indicated
on the Site Plan located in the office.

Demolition work will be carried out using the techniques from BS 61872011 Code of Practice for Demolition

An internal soft strip of the former building will be carried out by Mick George’s CCDO demolition operatives to remove
as much of the waste materials from the building ahead of the demolition works. Materials that are to be removed by
the internal soft strip are doors, door frames, fixed and non-fixed furniture, carpets and floor coverings and other
materials. Operatives will strip out all doors, frames, windows, timber of any description, (not appertaining to roof or
main structure) toilets, pipe work, ducting, electrical items and any debris. Any clean, unpainted constructional timber
will be segregated from the general waste. Where this material is free of nails, screws, hinges etc it will be segregated
for recycling by Mick George and taken to the appropriate re-processing plant as per the Mick George’s Environmental
policy. Any materials deemed as not suitable for recycling will be removed from site in skips as controlled waste to an
appropriately licensed landfill site. Where possible the materials will be loaded by hand selector grab into skips and
removed from the site. At no times shall operatives gain access to partially demolished or unsafe buildings to recover
soft stripped materials, these materials will be removed by mechanical means and when safe to do so by hand method.
All soft stripped materials will be processed and segregated into individual waste/recycling streams. All materials
deemed suitable for recycling will be loaded into suitable skips and transferred from the site to a suitable recycling
venue. All waste materials unsuitable for recycling will be transported from the site where it will be taken to landfill

The demolition contractor will use the following tools during the soft strip: Mattock, genie bars and hammers.

An example of a Mattock to be
used by Demolition

The windows will be removed out of the building once an exclusion zone has been put in place. All operatives will be
aware of this exclusion zone and the skip will be placed adjacent to the building. The windows will be placed in the skips.
This will be done as per NFDC code of practise with the Mick George’s bankman in communication with two way radios.

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Mick George will segregate all waste materials into different 40 yard cubic skips. Glass, wood and gypsum board will be
placed into different skips that will be clearly de-marcated and taken off to their relevant re-processing plants.

40 yard cubic skips will be on

site for loading of demolition

On the left is an example of a

selector grab loading a 40 yard
cubic skip.

Machine Demolition

The 360 excavator operators will be certificated, skilled and very experienced with this method of demolition.

A Banksman, in radio contact with the 360° excavator operator, will stand at a safe distance (6 metres) to guide and
help control the demolition process. The 35T 360 excavator will be located outside the drop zone to prevent damage
or injury from falling debris.

The demolition operation will be executed in a controlled manner, ensuring the section being sheared is not excessive
in size and weight. Where possible, complete elements (columns, panels) will be lifted down to ground level, in the jaws
of the cruncher, where they can be processed more efficiently.

Floor levels will be continuously cleared to prevent overloading of the slab and external walls.

Materials will be deposited to ground level within the designated drop zone. Hardcore bunds will be created with the
debris arising to control the spread of demolition debris at ground level.

Steel reinforcement will be separated from the concrete elements using the jaws of the hydraulic cruncher.

The majority of demolition and processing activities will be facilitated by a 35-ton excavator, fitted with an automatic
quick coupler system, which allows hydraulic work tools to be connected and disconnected from the drivers cab. The
operator can change between various work tools within a few seconds, such as a shear, plate shear, concrete cracker,
concrete pulveriser, concrete pincer, hydraulic breaker, tine grab, crusher bucket, standard bucket, sorting grab, clam
shell bucket, hydraulic magnet and rotary screener.

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Dust levels will be monitored and suppressed with the use of hoses and fire hydrants. The water supply will be from
metered standpipes fitted with non-return valves (RPZ) at point of connection to the water supply, from the fire
hydrants within the vicinity of our works.

Attached to the standpipe will be a section of hose with a non-return valve on. This is then to be used to supply the
water spray hoses. Fire and pressure lances will be utilised where required .

The direction of wind is to be taken into consideration to achieve best placement and a cloud of water droplets is to
cover the area of immediate work to suppress dust. Care is to be taken that the area is not over damped to the point
where run off may happen.

Should water run off be a potential issue, bunds/ trenches are to be formed to allow natural soak away of the water.

Should point accuracy of water damping be required, such as lorry loading, a second hose pipe is to be utilized.

The dust boss will cause no impact to the adjacent residents.

The image on the left shows an

example of a dust boss. This will be
aimed at the specific area of
demolition where the machine is
working in order to minimise dust.


Plant and equipment to be utilised for the work operations is selected to keep workers’ exposure to vibration to an
absolute minimum. Technical data on vibration levels for each item of plant or equipment will be provided where
exposure levels exceed 2.5m/s² on a regular basis. A programme of preventative measures and health surveillance is to
be implemented. Time limits for daily usage of plant and equipment shall be adhered to and should any operative suffer
from blanching, tingling or numbness of the fingers or any problems with the muscles or joints of the hands or arms,
then they will stop work and report immediately to their supervisor.

Mick George will keep record of all operatives using vibration tools which will include times spent each shift using this

One of the major concerns of both developers and local community is the dust and vibration that can be produced when
Demolition is being undertaken. But for the purposes of this contract the Mick George will install vibration, dust and

35 | P a g e
noise monitors throughout the area and surrounding areas of the Demolition. These monitors will set out levels which
are acceptable for these three control measures. If the levels are exceeded the monitors will set off the trigger alarm
and the client will need to be immediately informed. If any trigger levels are exceeded the work will cease and the client
and Mick George will review and amend any working procedures. This is to be strictly adhered to in this contract.

Mick George have had discussion with their Consultants C&D in relation to dust, noise and background air monitoring
at this stage.

An environmental strategy will need to be put into place and will be approved by Mick George’s own environmental
consultant prior to commencement of demolition.

Mick George will liase with the client and C&D prior to demolition and will agree on fixed points around the site for
monitoring. They will agree on a exposure level for the operatives and the local community. Mick George will monitor
this on a daily basis. C&D will audit the site monthly.

On the left is an example of

the vibration monitor to be
placed around site.


The plant and equipment to be utilised for the work has been selected so as to keep the noise levels to an
absolute minimum. However, should noise levels exceed 80dB (A) then appropriate hearing protection will be worn by
all personnel within the vicinity of the works and the noise levels monitored on a regular basis.

As with the vibration monitoring Mick George will also audit and monitor noise from a mobile handheld monitor. This
will be done on a daily basis when demolition plant or tools are being used.

The noise at work regulations require that no person shall be exposed to noise levels which are likely to lead to long
term hearing loss.

Lower exposure action level 80db(A)

Upper exposure action level 85db(A)

All Mick George’s Operatives will wear hard hat mounted ear protectors.

Environmental pollution will be kept to an absolute minimum and damping down will be carried out as required by site
conditions. Mick George ‘s operatives will only park plant and re-fuel in the designated area which has been agreed as
being the site compound area.

36 | P a g e
Mick George aim that all waste materials on site will be either re-cycled or re-processed for further use. Segregated
bins will be placed on site for each type of waste. Overall as per Mick George’s Environmental policy Mick George aim
for 95% recycled waste on each job, however our desire is to achieve closer to 97%.

Slab & Foundation removal at Church Lane/Ermine Road South

Once all the buildings have been demolished to ground level and all materials removed from site, the client will inspect
the area, confirm that all underground services have been terminated and issue a permit to dig. On receipt of that
permit to dig work will commence with the breaking and removal of the floor slabs and foundations. A series of holes
will firstly be punched through the slab in order to allow the machine to lift and break the materials.

The excavator will remove the shear and will be replaced by a fully hydraulic hammer this hammer will break the floor
out to enable the ne machine with bucket to lift the slab from the former building in able for it to be further processed.

Once broken the slab will be loaded onto the site dump truck and will be removed to the stockpile area this stockpile
are will be filled with concrete and bricks from the buildings and will be taken to a processing site for further processed
by use of crusher.

The machine will then break foundations into small manageable sections using the pneumatic hammer whilst a second
machine lifts and munches the materials into smaller sections.


But for the purposes of this contract the demolition contractor will install vibration, dust and noise monitors throughout
the area and surrounding areas of the Demolition. These monitors will set out levels which are acceptable for these
three control measures. If the levels are exceeded the monitors will set off the trigger alarm and the client will need to
be immediately informed. If any trigger levels are exceeded the work will cease and Mick George will review and amend
any working procedures. This is to be strictly adhered to in this contract.

An environmental strategy will need to be put into place for this contract and approved by Mick George own
environmental consultant prior to commencement of demolition.

Mick George will agree on fixed points around the site for monitoring. They will agree on a exposure level for the
operatives and the local community.

Care is to be taken when removing foundations next to the footpath to ensure that damage to the pavement is
minimised. Edge of pavement to be supported using crushed demolition arisings where site level is below pavement
level to retain the edge of the footpath on a temporary basis. This will be added to Mick George’s temporary works

37 | P a g e
Excavations (Reduce Level Dig to remove asbestos soils) for Church Lane/Ermine Street South

The method of demolition has been designed in accordance with standard demolition techniques, the Demolition
Code of Practice BS6187:2011

• The site investigation will establish the engineering properties of the ground on which the structure will be
founded and provide details on bearing capacity. This information will be communicated to Mick George.

• If the site investigation identifies any contamination of the ground from previous industrial uses, details of this
will be given to the Mick George.

• Provide utility services drawings showing the location of any buried services.

• Where work has to be undertaken close by or beneath overhead lines, enquires will be made with the line
operator to establish whether the line can be made dead or diverted. Where lines remain live ensure that plant is
selected or modified so that it cannot reach the lines. Mick George are to comply with guidance note GS 6
‘Avoidance of danger from overhead power lines’.


Prior to any work taking place on site the Mick George will: -

• Use cable detection tools to accurately identify service locations on the ground and mark same.

• Ensure that vehicle routes are carefully planned so that plant does not have to approach close to the edge of the
excavation. These routes need to be clearly marked i.e. baulks of timber and/or fencing.

• Consider site access from the public road onto and around the site before vehicles arrive on site, taking into
account the site traffic management plan, the designated work area for delivery vehicles and the storage area for

• Make welfare facilities available to the Mick George and any other contractor on site.

Work activity

Pre-start checks: The pre-start checks must cover the following areas: - availability of plant and equipment to be
used; ground conditions; proximity hazards and welfare facilities. Ensure the excavation area has been checked for
overhead and underground services prior to the commencement of work.

Description of the contract: Excavation of materials and services

(a) Sequence of work for Excavations:

• On this particular site the excavation will be to formation.

• No operatives are to enter excavation..

• The area to be excavated will be clearly marked on the surface using spray paint.

• Physical barriers will be erected around the excavation where appropriate.

• The Mick George will liaise with the client to ensure that any live services on the site have been identified and
clearly marked. Where necessary hand digging measures will be used to expose existing services.

• A 360 deg excavator will be used to dig a specified depth and with, as agreed by the site manager.(refer to trench

38 | P a g e
• The material from the excavation will be loaded into a dumper and tipped away from the working area into a skip
so it does not apply a surcharge to the side of the excavation.

• The dumper will be fitted with roll-over protection and the driver must wear the seat belt. No edge tipping is to
take place.

• A banksman will be used to assist in the safe operation of the plant and to observe the area being excavated to
ensure there are no undiscovered services.

• Formation level to be inspected and passed.

• Materials to be taken off site in a roll on roll off wagon.

Foreman Responsibilities

• It is the responsibility of the groundworks foreman to check the safety of the excavation:

1. at the start of the shift;

2. after any event likely to have affected the strength or stability of the excavation; and

3. after any material unintentionally falls or is dislodged.

• If excavation work lasts longer than seven days an inspection record is to be completed by the foreman. Internal
site sign off to ensure ability of ground is still intact

Plant details:

The foreman will inspect the through examination certificate for the excavator and the inspection report on the

Personnel Foreman:

The site foreman, will identify himself to the site management on arrival at site. Banksman, excavator driver and
dumper driver:


All operatives will be fully trained and copies of training certificates for the following will be available for inspection:
slinger/signaller/banksmen; first aider; excavator driver; dumper driveruse of gas monitoring equipment and use
of cable locating equipment.

Health and safety management and control measures Personal protective equipment:

All operatives will wear the following: safety boots, safety helmet, high visibility vest and gloves.

Site rules:

All operatives will be informed (via a site induction / toolbox talk) of and expected to comply with the Mick Georges
site rules.

Specific site hazards:

Any specific site hazards will be identified and dealt with prior to any excavation work.

Access to the work area:

39 | P a g e
The provision of a safe means of access to the work area is the responsibility of Mick George.

Falls into excavation:

Mick George will provide and maintain fencing to prevent operatives from falling into the excavation where

Welfare facilities:

Mick George will provide access to the welfare facilities.

An example of the 360 degree excavator with

bucket to be used by Mick George.

An example of a roll on roll off skip which will be

used on this job.

Once all asbestos soils have been dug out they will be taken to one of Mick Georges licenced tips.
All Asbestos Waste tickets will be placed in the site file for this project.

Once all the asbestos soils have been taken to a licenced tip Mick George will leave the
contaminated areas 300mm below finish floor level.

40 | P a g e
Japanese Knotweed

All Japanese Knotweed will be fully isolated away from any other parts of the site. The Japanese Knotweed
will be dug out to the specified depth and taken in a sealed and lockable skip to a licenced tip. After the
knotweed has been removed then Mick George will Spray the area and isolate it with Heras fencing.

Spraying Procedure Operation to be conducted by Mick George operative outlined below.


1. Check and agree areas to be treated with client agent or in accordance with plan/drawing.

2. Spray to avoid drift onto adjacent plants and protect health of humans. Do not spray in strong wind.

3. Sprays to be applied by trained operative using equipment properly calibrated to apply chemicals at correct

4. The application of herbicides in accordance with both the product label and the best practice outlined in
DEFRA’s Code of Practice for using Plant Protection Products (January 2006) should ensure the procedure
will not pose a significant risk to the health of people outside the treatment area.

5. Any incident involving people and herbicides should be reported to the local HSE office (number can be
found by contacting the HSE Information Line on 0845 345 0055.) Contact 0151 922 9235 for emergencies
outside of office hours.


1. Arrive on site.

2. Assess weather conditions. Erect signage if required.

3. ‘Toolbox talk’ to ensure all site personnel (as appropriate) understand specifics of works to be carried out.

4. Ensure no unauthorised personnel in spraying area. Spraying to cease immediately if any unauthorised
personnel enters the spraying area until such time as the area is clear.

5. Full PPE to be worn to reduce risk of contact by the skin, eyes, throat, stomach or lungs from the herbicide
being used.

6. Mix herbicide to dilution rate as recommended on the product label. Fill Knapsack Sprayer and ensure
properly calibrated.

7. Spray as agreed to avoid unnecessary spray drift.

8. On completion, wash out sprayer. Any leftover mix and washings out can be added to treatment area (but
only if there is no risk of affecting any non-target plants).

9. Leave site, removing all signage, empty chemical containers as appropriate.

41 | P a g e

To be completed by a licenced contractor who is on Mick Georges approved sub contractor list. All Asbestos
removal will be done in accordance with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 and will be audited by Mick
Georges consultants C&D.

Following the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 the Licenced Specialist Contractor will remove the AIB
boards and the Chrysotile roof sheets in a manner stipulated by the asbestos essential sheets and the HSE.

H vaccum to be used to
clean the areas of

42 | P a g e
43 | P a g e
Asbestos Signs to be erected on this site are shown below.

44 | P a g e

To carry out removal of areas of asbestos cement sheeting within the building.

To carryout controlled non-notifiable removal following approved guidelines.


1- To isolate the area with localised barriers.

2- To put in place a series of control measures.
3- Seal off room where the Asbestos Sheets is to be removed.
4- To ensure operatives are CAT B trained.
5- Ensure all the area is sprayed with water and a surfactant.
6- Ensure all area is sealed off.
7- All operatives are to be face fitted.
8- Ensure all operatives have had NNLW medicals.
9- Remove the Asbestos Sheets with operatives wearing full PPE and RPE.
10- Remove the Asbestos Sheets under approved asbestos essentials a14 (Asbestos
sheet removal guidelines.).
11- All Asbestos Sheets to be placed into a polythene and sealed with tape.
12- All Asbestos materials removed to licenced tip.
13- All Asbestos areas to receive background monitoring and reassurance tests on
14- All works to be carried out as per Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.


Floor isolation

Demolition operatives will erect localised barriers at the floor level to ensure that the area where the Asbestos removal
is being carried out it will be fully isolated from other site personnel. We will erect specific warning signage and also
exclusion zone signage.

45 | P a g e
An example of a
Demolition warning sign.

An example of a Exclusion
warning sign.

An example of an
Asbestos warning sign.

Once these localised barriers have been erected we will ensure that the clips have been fitted to prevent any
unauthorised removal of the panels. A tool box talks will be given to all other operatives and we will inform the site
management that this area will be classed as an exclusion zone and no entry is allowed unless authorised personal.

Areas of Asbestos Cement Sheet removal will be completely cordoned off and no other operatives will be allowed within
the building area while this works is being carried out.

46 | P a g e
Pre Asbestos works

Mick George will submit a ASB NNLW1 - Notification of non-licensed work with asbestos prior to any
asbestos being removed.

Operatives will seal the area, erect warning signs and ensure no operatives enter the area.

Asbestos Sheets are of low intensity and therefore we will be carrying out the works under non-notifiable
operation. Operatives are all trained Category B Operatives and prior to commencement will be face-fitted and
have appropriate medicals.

All certificates will be within the site File.

We will also bring to site a H-VAC, Water spray, PVA, CAT 3 types 5&6 overalls and also all operatives will
wear their face fitted P3 ori-nasal mask.

An example of a CAT 3 type 5&6

Asbestos suit.

An example of a spray gun being

used by an Asbestos operative in a
CAT 3 type 5&6 suit.

47 | P a g e
An example of a H-Vacuum.

An example of a RPE P3 Mask.


All operatives have been trained and have received a CAT B asbestos removal asbestos removal and training to ensure
that they have the right qualifications to remove the asbestos.


Mick George Demolition are work for the client as Asbestos Contractor and all fire emergency routes are located within
the site office for inspection. All operatives will have a toolbox talks and tasks specific training regarding fire and
emergency procedures. Fire routes and extinguishers are located on each floor.


All asbestos removal once the materials have been bagged will be placed into a sealed ad lockable container and
removed to a licensed tip under the consignment note policy.


All Mick George operatives have been face fitted and have NNLW category training. Certificates are located within the
site file.

Un-Discovered Asbestos

48 | P a g e
If any suspected asbestos is discovered Mick George will immediately stop works within this area and will send the area
of to be tested.

If the results are positive the Mick George will make provisions and notify these area’s on a NNLW or ASB5.

Licenced Waste

Mick George will remove all asbestos in controlled conditions as advised in the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.
All waste will be sealed n approved bags and swan necked before being placed into an asbestos skip. The skip will then
be taken to a fully licenced site with all tickets being kept on site for waste data.

3rd Part Monitoring

For this contract Mick George will ask their 3rd party health and safety advisors to come and audit/environmentally
monitor this site to all protocols from the Health and Safety executive and the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.

49 | P a g e
Asbestos Essential removal

50 | P a g e
51 | P a g e
52 | P a g e
53 | P a g e
54 | P a g e
Specific Asbestos Sheet Removal

Prior to commencement we will ensure all operatives are fully trained, face fitted and are up to speed with the
NNLW regulations.

The supervisor will ensure that Asbestos expose sheets are completed throughout the operation including all
associated risks.

Air horns and two way radios will also be placed within the area that the Asbestos Sheets are being removed
from as a further fire precaution. All emergency procedures will be discussed prior to commencement and we
will follow the Clients and Mick George’s emergency procedures.

Operatives who will have the correct PPE, RPE will enter the enclosure ensuring that they have a water spray
with approved PVA, H-Vac with test certificate and also appropriate Asbestos bags.

In addition, we will use a surfactant which we will spray onto the Asbestos Sheets to enable it to be released
from its in-situ position. The surfactant which is a chemical agent that wets and releases the asbestos will
either be sprayed on or painted onto the ceiling.

Mick George’s operatives will use a MEWP or other access equipment to reach and unbolt the cement sheet.

Mick George’s operatives are fully CAT B trained and will be wearing the correct PPE. Operatives will not cut
or release and fibres from the Asbestos cement sheets. The sheets will be put whole into an asbestos bag
before being placed in a lockable and fully covered skip. Ensuring the asbestos bag is not over filled we will
then place it into the clear bag and again swan neck the top of the bag for later disposal. This operation will
continue until all the asbestos cement sheets have been removed.

It is imperative that we do not over spray the sheets to ensure that it does not become wet and extremely
runny. We want the material to be wet, easily manageable and be able to lift off easily to keep the asbestos
within its bonded properties.

Once all the materials have been completely removed the area will be vacuumed and cleaned with damp
cloths. All damp cloths will be bagged as previously described. After this operation the area again will be wiped
down with damped cloths and hovered using an approved H-vac.

After the operation has been completed operatives will de-contaminate in accordance with NNLW regulations
and as per asbestos essentials a14. The operative’s overalls will be placed into the asbestos bags as previously
described after they have H-vac and also patting down with damp cloths.

Air Tests
To ensure that there is no fibre release and we do not exceed the control level of 0.1 fibres/per cm3. We will
employ an independent Asbestos surveyor to carryout both reassurance and background monitoring.

55 | P a g e
The locations of the Asbestos are low intensity throughout the building. Therefore we intend to carry out
background monitoring and reassurance tests throughout the operation of the non-notifiable removal.

Associated Risk assessments

In relation to the Asbestos removal we do not envisage that the operations will exceed current noise exposure
levels of 85dba. There is no mechanical use of equipment and therefore hand arm vibration will not require
any exposure sheets or risk assessments. We have identified that we are only removing the asbestos from the
areas which is controlled via the control of Asbestos Regs 2012. It will not require an assessment of COSHH.

The manual handling will be extremely low as the materials are lightweight even after they have been wetted
down. However prior to commencing operatives will receive a manual handling training course by C&D
Consultancy and we will use TILE ( Task, Individual, Load and environment)

56 | P a g e
Manual Handling 2002

Above is the Manual Handling at Work 2002 guide front cover.

Please find full version attached as an appendix.

57 | P a g e
Prior to any demolition being
carried out the asbestos roof
will be removed as per
methodology specified above.

The yellow zone de-marcates

the outer exclusion area. Only
banksman will be allowed in this
area whilst the Demolition
occurs. The pink zone de-notes
the inner exclusion zone which
is an area were no operatives
must enter.

The CPCS/CCDO machine driver

will demolish the building using a
shear attachment. He will in a
controlled manner demolish
through the first bay leaving the
back walls. Materials will be
placed into a skip and taken off
site to be later re-processed.

58 | P a g e
The CPCS/CCDO machine driver will
demolish the next buildings in exactly
the same manner. He will first change
his attchement to a multi processor He
will work through the spine of the

The front bays of the former Print works building will be retained.

The rest of the sit ewill be left clean,level and ready for the follow on contractor.

59 | P a g e
Outbuildings to be demolished

The yellow zone de-marcates

the outer exclusion area. Only
banksman will be allowed in this
area whilst the Demolition
occurs. The pink zone de-notes
the inner exclusion zone which
is an area were no operatives
must enter.

The arrow on the image left shows where the

back walls will be left up as the machine
driver will have to take extra care when
demolishing these. The dust suppression will
keep all dust and materials within the
footprint of the building. As mentioned
before a bust boss will be pointed at the
appropriate area of demolition.

The CPCS/CCDO machine driver will

demolish the building using a multi-
processor attachment. Materials will be
placed into a skip and taken off site to
be later re-processed.

60 | P a g e
House to be demolished

The yellow zone de-marcates

the outer exclusion area. Only
banksman will be allowed in this
area whilst the Demolition
occurs. The pink zone de-notes
the inner exclusion zone which
is an area were no operatives
must enter.

The CPCS/CCDO machine driver will

demolish the building using a multi-
processor attachment. Materials will be
placed into a skip and taken off site to
be later re-processed.

61 | P a g e
Prior to any mechanical demolition the
asbestos roofs will be removed under
controlled conditions.

The CPCS/CCDO machine driver will

demolish the building using a shear
attachment. He will in a controlled manner
demolish through the first bay leaving the
back walls. Materials will be placed into a
skip and taken off site to be later re-

62 | P a g e
Scope of Remediation Works

The remedial and ground preparatory works generally comprise removal of invasive plant species (Japanese Knotweed
/ Himalayan Balsam, removal of hardstanding and below ground obstructions, crushing of oversize hard materials,
removal of physically unsuitable materials and remediation of any chemically unsuitable materials as follows:

• Confirm isolation and termination of live services beneath ground level.

• Break and lift area of hardstanding to stockpile.
• Turnover Made Ground to remove underground obstructions to a specified depth.
• Crushing of hard materials.
• Co-ordinated remediation of physically and/or chemically unsuitable materials.
• Finish site to pre-agreed levels and surface types.

Movement of Site Vehicles

Only site plant will be allowed on-site. All other vehicles are to be parked within the designated parking area. All vehicles
entering site are to report to the site office where they will be directed accordingly onto site.

All site plant are to operate flashing beacons and observe the mandatory site speed limit of 10mph. All wagons are to
be sheeted over before leaving site. A traffic management plan will be maintained on site. As works progress across
site this traffic management system will be augmented and communicated to drivers. Signage and fencing will also be
used to confirm the traffic management system on-site.

Wagons will be directed to loading/unloading areas and will be loaded under supervision of a CSCS trained operative
who following completion of loading will inspect the tipper body sides to ensure that they are free of loose debris. Once
the wagon has driven off, any debris on the floor will be carefully cleared away. Wagons will then be sheeted before
leaving site. At no times are wagons to drive across site with their tipper body up.

Consignment/Waste transfer notes will be kept for materials collected or imported to site.

Where operatives (CSCS trained only) are required to work in the vicinity of site plant, they must be familiar with risk
assessments and method statements for working with the various plant found on site. At all times, operatives on the
ground must make sure that plant operatives are aware of their whereabouts and eye contact and confirmatory
signalling or verbal communication is obtained before crossing the path of or working near to moving plant

More detailed control measures are presented in the Risk Assessment for Site Traffic.

Maintenance of Road Cleanliness

All vehicles travelling across site will not exceed the 10mph speed limit and will be inspected for debris and cleaned
down before exiting site. Once loaded, the loading area will be inspected for debris and any loose materials will be
swept up and placed back within the excavation area.

63 | P a g e
Where possible wagons to be loaded on existing hard standing and not in a location where they track over already
remediated soils to reach loading area. Use of temporary haul roads to be assessed based on condition of existing

Should debris become an issue on public roads then a mobile sweeper will be deployed to clean roads and if this is not
effective then a static wheel wash facility will be deployed to the site.

During the operation of the site, a water bowser or similar will be regularly used to dampen down site haul roads to
ensure that dust generation (general dust) does not become an issue.

General Excavation Works

Prior to commencement of the works, the Site Manager/Supervisor will scan the proposed excavation areas for the
location of live services. Mechanical excavators MUST NOT be used within the following distances from live gas mains:
Low Pressure 0.5m, Medium Pressure 0.5m, Intermediate Pressure 3.0m. Mechanical excavators may only be used to
remove or break hardstanding above other known live services. Hand dug pits shall be carefully excavated when
required to locate underground services.

All excavations below 1.2m depth are to have adequate 45° batters are to be maintained where possible. Any deep
excavations are to be temporarily fenced off over night. Where it is not possible to maintain a batter, access is to be
restricted by fencing. Entry into confined spaces is strictly prohibited. More detailed control measures are presented in
the Risk Assessments for Excavators and Excavations.

Materials suspected of being contaminated will be separated and stockpiled for further testing. Like materials to be
kept together and or stockpiled for future re-use i.e., disposal treatment, crushing etc. More detailed control measures
are presented in the Risk Assessments for Potentially Contaminated Soils, Hydrocarbons in Soils and Asbestos in Soils.

Potentially Contaminated Land

Commonly occurring soil contamination found on brownfield sites can include: heavy metals, hydrocarbons, asbestos
and ground gasses such as carbon dioxide and methane. There may also be a risk from sharps and needles and
Leptospirosis from rat urine.

Impacted soils may be retained within remediated sites although conditions such as placement beneath proposed hard
covered areas or beneath clean cover systems usually apply. Potential contaminants at these concentrations can pose
a risk to workers involved in the remediation of brownfield land where they can be inhaled, ingested or absorbed
through the skin. Care should be taken when workers are exposed to soils containing potential contaminants at
concentrations above the guidance threshold values for a domestic garden end use.

Although workers will only be exposed to the potentially contaminated soil for a relatively short time, the contaminants
represent a risk, and simple precautionary measures are required for heavy metals, i.e., good personal hygiene and
basic personnel protective equipment. Damping down of soils may be required to mitigate the release of potential
airborne contaminants.

In addition to the above, the atmosphere in shored trenches in excess of 1.2m should be monitored for oxygen and
hazardous gas (methane & carbon dioxide), prior to personnel entering such excavations. Monitoring should continue
whilst personnel are working in deep excavations.

Where odours are detected a Photoionization Detector (PID) will be used to assess the concentration of potential
volatile/semi-volatile organic compounds.

Potentially impacted soils shall be excavated for further analysis and placed in bunded areas on hardstanding or on high
gauge plastic sheeting where hardstanding is in poor condition or not present (to prevent run-off, infiltration and

64 | P a g e
migration through underlying soils). Odorous stockpiles should be covered with plastic sheeting to reduce the emission
of odours.

Site access has been limited but there is potential of unauthorised access and as such, thorough visual inspection will
be carried out for syringes and other drug paraphernalia. For detailed control measures and methods of dealing with
needles see the MICK GEORGE DEMOLITION Risk Assessment for Handling and Disposing of Needles.

Further reference should be made to the Method Statements and Risk Assessments for Potentially Contaminated Soils,
Hydrocarbons in Soils, Asbestos in Soils, Handling and Disposal of Needles and Leptospirosis.

Breaking out of Slabs and Foundations

Breaking out of slabs and foundations may require control measures to manage dust generation such as dust
suppression. See Dust Suppression below.

Some areas of slabs and structures may be of such a size and construction that they can simply lifted by an excavator.
Slabs which can only be excavated by use of a hydraulic hammer will be punctured at circa 1-2m centres. Following this,
materials will be carefully lifted with supervision where necessary.

These materials will be loaded into dumpers & stockpiled separately for crushing.

Whilst breaking out slabs/relic foundations no person is to enter the deep excavations.

Mechanical excavators (including breaker attachments) MUST NOT be used within the following distances from live gas
mains: Low Pressure 0.5m, Medium Pressure 0.5m, Intermediate Pressure 3.0m. Mechanical excavators may only be
used to lift hardstanding above other known live services.

Dust Suppression

During works a tractor/bowser, or mobile power washer (or similar) can be used on site when necessary, to undertake
general damping down of soils and wetting down of concrete hardstand and demolition areas. This will also be used to
damp down concrete stockpiles prior to crushing where required or crush haul roads.

If, during the excavation and/or demolition, this method of damping down is ineffective consideration is to be given to
the use of a specialist trailer mounted water misting system.

Operatives that may be directly exposed to dust with the potential of containing loose asbestos fibres shall be equipped
with Personal Asbestos Air Monitoring Equipment and PP3 Compliant Masks (face fitted).
Dust Monitoring

Visual and olfactory assessment of dust will be carried out continuously at all site boundaries throughout the works. In
the event of unacceptable levels of dust then damping down and/or covering stockpiles shall be undertaken.

Dust monitoring will be carried out at the middle of each site boundary around the site perimeter three times per day.

Dust levels will be measured using a Casella real time dust monitor.

For each round of monitoring the site manager will keep a record of the activities being undertaken on site and
meteorological conditions in the “Notes” Section of his Daily Site Records Sheets. A record of air temperature (°C), wind
speed (Calm, Moderate or Strong) Wind Direction and precipitation along with a description of any odour, its intensity
and persistence will be made.

65 | P a g e
At all times, excavated materials will be stored in sealed and maintained stockpiles.

If a complaint is received, the Site Manager must contact Head Office (01925 756 033) immediately. Contact details will
be taken and an assessment of site records will be made to see if the complaint correlates with any monitoring/recorded
events. A follow up call and/or email will be made at the earliest opportunity to discuss the incident along with any
subsequent control measures taken.

Odour Monitoring and Control

Olfactory assessment of odours will be carried out at the middle of each site boundary around the site perimeter three
times per day.

For each round of monitoring the site manager will keep a record of the activities being undertaken on site and
meteorological conditions in the “Notes” Section of his Daily Site Records Sheets. A record of air temperature (°C), wind
speed (Calm, Moderate or Strong) Wind Direction and precipitation along with a description of any odour, its intensity
and persistence will be made. If an odour is detected during monitoring, its proximity in relation to the working area
will be noted in the Daily Site Record along with any additional requirements.

Odour levels will be qualitatively assessed as either: None, Low, Moderate and Unacceptable. When even low odour
levels are detected, work in the area where the odour is emanating from will stop until the issue has been resolved.

Odour control measures will comprise:

• Damping down and/or covering stockpiles.

• At all times, excavated materials will be stored in sealed and maintained stockpiles.
• Stockpiles that contain waste materials will be centrally located within the site.
• Excavations will be carried out in a controlled manner so that only small areas of the site are disturbed
at any given time. This will enable control measures to be implemented quickly and efficiently.
• Where particularly odorous materials are encountered, work in these areas will not proceed until
provisions are made for the immediate removal of these materials from site. Otherwise, other control
measures such as using deodorising additives in the misting unit must be considered.

If a complaint is received, the Site Manager must contact Head Office (01215724832) immediately. Contact details will
be taken and an assessment of site records will be made to see if the complaint correlates with any monitoring/recorded
events. A follow up call and/or email will be made at the earliest opportunity to discuss the incident along with any
subsequent control measures taken.

Noise Control

Work processes and machinery are selected to reduce the exposure to noise. All plant and machinery will have
information provided by the supplier of the assessed operational noise levels.

Site managers will regularly monitor all noisy activities to ensure control measures are adhered to. Where noise levels
are suspected to be above the lower exposure action level of 80dB, action should be taken for a competent person using
noise measuring equipment, to carry out an assessment and implement any necessary procedures to reduce the
exposure to noise.

Noisy activities will not be carried out close to the site boundary where the potential for nuisance noise levels to local
residents will be higher. Where possible, stockpiled soils may be placed to act as noise bunds, where noisy activities are
screened and the potential for nuisance noise levels to local residents can be reduced.

66 | P a g e
Ear protection zones may be put in place around noisy activities. Ear protection must be provided for operatives where
noise levels reach the lower exposure action level of 80dB. Ear protection must be worn by operatives exposed to noise
levels that reach the upper exposure action level of 85dB. Exposure levels must not exceed 87dB.

Ear protection must be capable of being used correctly with other items of PPE such as safety helmets and eye
protection. Ear protection must be worn when required by a work activities specific risk assessment and method

Work on site is strictly limited to the working hours permitted by the Local Authority. 07.30am -18.00pm

If a complaint is received, the Site Manager must contact Head Office immediately. Contact details will be taken and an
assessment of site records will be made to see if the complaint correlates with any monitoring/recorded events. A
follow up call and/or email will be made at the earliest opportunity to discuss the incident along with any subsequent
control measures taken.

Prevention of Surface Runoff

The potential for surface water runoff will be assessed with respect to the existing site topography. Where deemed
necessary a cut off trench and/or bund will be constructed using the excavator. The trench will be profiled to channel
water to a suitable location within the site.

Daily inspection of the trench/bund will be undertaken by the site supervisor, in particular during days of heavy rainfall,
to ensure the integrity of the system. Appropriate action to be taken to ensure channel is free flowing and the bund
remains intact. During works consideration is to be given when relocating stockpiles in relation to cut off trenches and

67 | P a g e
Site Rules

Deliberate contravention of these rules shall be considered a break in an employee's contract of employment or a
breach of contract from that employee’s employer.

It should also be borne in mind that contravention of the Health and Safety Legislation is a criminal offence and that a
prosecution can be taken against an individual by the Health and Safety Executive.


1. No machine, item of plant or equipment is to be operated by any person, unless they have been trained and are
authorised to do so.
2. All machine guarding is to be in place and correctly adjusted, prior to machinery being used.
3. Any fault, defect (including damage) or malfunction in any item of machinery, plant, equipment, tool or guard
must be reported immediately.
4. No machine, plant or equipment is to be left unattended or cleaned whilst in motion, unless you are authorised to
do so.
5. No repairs, maintenance or adjustments to machines, plant or equipment are to be carried out, unless you are
authorised to do so.
6. All substances are only to be used in accordance with the written instructions.
7. All substances are to be stored in accordance with the written instructions and are to be returned to the storage
after use.
8. All hazard notices or warning signs displayed on the premises are to be obeyed.
9. All notices displayed in the workplace are to be read and you are to ensure that you understand the instructions.
10. All safety equipment and facilities provided are to be used and are not to be misused or wilfully damaged.
11. The work area is to be kept clean and tidy at all times.
12. All waste is to be disposed of in the correct container.
13. All liquid spills are to be cleaned up immediately.
14. All emergency procedures relevant to your work area are to be obeyed.
15. Emergency exits and equipment are not to be obstructed.
16. Any use of or damage to fire fighting equipment is to be reported immediately.
17. Prompt medical assistance must be sought for any injury received at work and the injury must be reported as
soon as possible.
18. Operatives are advised of the dangers of exposure to UV radiation and are advised to use the appropriate barrier
cream and clothing protection.
19. No persons are to allowed work on site if they are under the influence of ALCOHOL or consume alcohol in the
working day.
20. NO RECREATIONAL DRUGS, RADIO’s nor WALKMAN’s are allowed at any time at the site.


Any person on site, found to have acted in any one of the following ways, shall be liable to the site disciplinary


1. Wilfully breaching the safety rules or Safety Policy.

2. Removing any guard or protective device without permission.
3. Operating any machine, plant or equipment without authority.
4. Misusing items provided for first aid.
5. Recklessly interfering with or misusing anything provided in the interest of health, safety or welfare at work.
6. Defacing or removing notices, signs, labels or any other warning device.
7. Misusing any chemical, flammable substance, toxic material, etc.
68 | P a g e
8. Smoking in designated "No Smoking" areas or whilst using flammable substances.
9. Taking part in horseplay or practical jokes


Site Personnel
All Site Personnel must report immediately any accident, dangerous occurrence or near miss on site, regardless of
severity, to the Site Supervisor/Foreman.

Site Supervisor/Foreman
The Site Supervisor/Foreman will record all accidents, dangerous occurrences and near misses onto the Incident Register

Site Supervisor/Foreman
The Site Supervisor/Foreman will ensure that in the event of an accident the following actions are taken immediately:
 Report details of the accident to either the Safety Advisor or designated person(s)
 Record details onto the Incident Record
 Generate an Accident Report
 Forward the Accident Report to the Office
 Record details into any other designated Accident Books
NB: Details of all accidents, regardless of severity, will be recorded
Dangerous Occurrences/Near Misses
The Site Supervisor/Foreman will ensure that in the event of a dangerous occurrence or near miss the following actions
are taken immediately:
 Report verbally details of the dangerous occurrence or near miss to either the Safety Advisor or designated person,
Contracts Director or Contracts Manager.
 Record details onto the Incident Record
 Generate a Dangerous Occurrence/Near Miss Record if the dangerous occurrence is detailed in the Table of
Occurrences/Near Misses
 Forward the Dangerous Occurrence/Near Miss Record to the Office

The recipient of either an Accident Report or Dangerous Occurrence/Near Miss Record must ensure that the following
actions are taken immediately:
 Generate a copy of the Accident Report
 Issue the original to Safety Advisor or designated person
 File one copy in the employee’s personnel file
Dangerous Occurrences/Near Misses
 Generate a copy of the Dangerous Occurrence/Near Miss Record
 issue the original to Safety Advisor or designated person
 file one copy in the appropriate Project file

69 | P a g e
Safety Advisor or designated person
Upon receipt of an Accident Report, the Safety Advisor or designated person will:

 Report all accidents reportable under the requirements of the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous
Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) to the HSE Incident Contact Centre at Caerphilly
 Record all accident details in the Incidents Register
 Retain the original in the ‘Incident Records and Analysis’ file
 In the case of RIDDOR reportable accidents, generate an Accident File to be retained in the ‘Incident Records and
Analysis’ file
 Issue copies of all documentation to the Company Insurers, in the case of RIDDOR reportable accidents
immediately, others at the end of each month
Dangerous Occurrences/Near Misses
Upon receipt of a Dangerous Occurrence/Near Miss Record, the Safety Advisor or designated person will:
 Report all dangerous occurrences reportable under the requirements of the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and
Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) to the HSE Incident Contact Centre at Caerphilly
 Record all dangerous occurrences in the Incidents Register
 Retain the original in the ‘Incident Records and Analysis’ file

Investigation of accidents, dangerous occurrences or near misses will be at the discretion of the Safety Advisor in
association with the Managing Director. Accidents and dangerous occurrences reportable under RIDDOR will generally
be investigated.
Investigation will be carried out by the Safety Advisor or designated person, where appropriate, in association with
other personnel.
Accident investigations will be formally documented either onto the Investigation Record or other suitable third party
Any actions identified as a result of the investigation will be recorded and reviewed by the Safety Advisor or designated
person in association with other personnel deemed appropriate. Any identified actions will be recorded and actioned
by the Safety Advisor or designated person.
If an investigation is carried out the Investigation Record and all related documentation will be retained in the Incident

The Safety Advisor or designated person will generate analysis records for all occurrences and accidents and review the
findings to establish causes, identify and implement appropriate corrective and/or preventive actions.

70 | P a g e
Alcohol, Drugs and Substance Abuse

Policy Statement

Alcohol, Drugs and Substance Abuse

Being under the influence of alcohol, drugs or substances can seriously impair an individual's judgement and reactions
leading to an increased likelihood of accidents and injuries occurring.

The Company's policy is that during working hours and at all times whilst on work premises employees must be free
from the influence of alcohol, drugs or substances. This applies to all employees, including agency staff, and contractors
under our control. The aim of this policy is;

• To ensure the safety of all employees, workers, and visitors by having clear rules in place regarding use and
possession of alcohol, drugs or substances
• To support those who have reported a problem with alcohol, drugs or substance dependence. Maintain the
efficient and effective operation of the business, and ensure customers receive the service they require,

Any employee who seeks the assistance of the Company in finding treatment for a drugs or alcohol problem has the
Company's complete assurance of confidentiality

All employees have a responsibility to inform their line manager of anyone suspected of being under the influence of
alcohol, drugs or substances. Malicious accusations will be dealt with via the disciplinary procedure.

For the purpose of the policy; alcohol dependence
is defined as;

• "The habitual drinking of intoxicating liquor, whereby the individual's ability to perform their duties is impaired
or their attendance at work is interfered with, or they endanger the safety of themselves or others".
• Drug dependence is defined as:
'The habitual taking of drugs, other than drugs prescribed as medication, whereby the individual's
ability to perform their duties is impaired, or their attendance at work is interfered with, or they
endanger the safety of themselves or others"

• Substance abuse is defined as;

The habitual abuse of substances, whereby the individual's ability to perform their duties is impaired
or their attendance at work is interfered with, or they endanger the safety of themselves or others".

This policy will be made available to our employees, those working for or on behalf of MGL and provided on request
to any other interested parties. The policy will be reviewed annually, subject to changes in company procedure or

Signed:Date: 13 January 2016

71 | P a g e

72 | P a g e
Raising the Alarm

The fire alarm / evacuation signal on this site is a hand held air horn situated in the site office, industrial buildings and at
each extinguisher point. Anyone discovering a fire or any other site emergency should raise the alarm by activating the
air horn. This should be done by 3 5 second bursts of the air horn. All operatives will be in two-way radio communication.

Action to Take on Hearing the Alarm

The site foreman is the nominated fire/emergency controller. On hearing the alarm, he will investigate the cause and if
a fire or emergency condition exists, the emergency services should be called by making a 999 call.

The site foreman will have a mobile phone or any other phone can be used. (THE FULL SITE ADDRESS IS PINNED TO THE

Evacuation Procedure

On hearing the evacuation signal:

• Switch off machinery/plant.

• Close all doors and windows.

• Leave buildings by the shortest route.

• Do not run.

• Do not stop to collect personal belongings.

• Proceed to the designated site assembly point.

• The site foreman /appointed person should carry out their duties of ensuring doors and windows are closed,
that toilets are empty and that all personnel are accounted for.

• Do not re-enter the building until authorised to do so by site foreman /appointed person or by emergency

Site Foreman/Manager/Appointed Person Responsibilities

In the event of an evacuation, the duties of the site foreman /appointed person are to ensure that all personnel leave
the building, that all doors and windows are closed, that toilet areas are checked, that all machinery/plant is switched
off and to check that all personnel are accounted for at the assembly point.

73 | P a g e


PE29 6NT




Risk Assessment for Demolition
Works Church Lane/Ermine Street South

Contractor: Mick George

Document Reference No: MK/12


Date: 05/08/2016


Initial Risk Residual Risk
Hazard Control Measure

AD01 Operative’s trips, slips and fall via 3 3 9 Demolition Project Manager will carry out daily inspection of site to highlight 2 3 6
obstructions, projecting from scalping’s, any hazards and if required remove hazard or barrier tape off obstruction,
falling edges and spillages. also any hazards will be defined in the daily morning team brief.

AD02 Harmful to health, skin burns, inhalation. 4 2 8 COSHH assessments will be issued on all substances used or found on 2 2 4
within the buildings confirmation of hazardous paint COSHH assessments
will be required from client, all operatives will receive induction on harmful
substances and dust.

Copies of COSHH assessments for fuels, hydraulic oils and lubricants will
be held in the site offices.

AD03 Electrical shock and working in poor light 3 2 5 All equipment will be ‘pat’ tested and machines will have their own lighting 1 2 2
conditions. system.

Conditions will be monitored to ensure that adequate lighting is available at

all times and in correct work areas.

AD04 Handling asbestos cement products 3 5 15 1. A competent person carries out an assessment of the works and prepares 1 5 5
exposure to fibres, may cause asbestosis, a suitable plan of work incorporating the most appropriate work methods.
Mesothelioma Death
2. All operatives have received adequate relevant asbestos training.

3. Sheets removed whole where possible. No power tools to be used to cut

4. Asbestos cement materials are wetted / sprayed with suitable fibre

suppressant prior to removal.

5. Adequate on-site supervision provided.

6. PPE to include ori-nasal respirators (EN 149 FFP3); boiler suit-type

overalls to be laundered by a specialist firm or disposable overalls to be
disposed of as asbestos waste.

7. Air monitoring.

8. All asbestos waste is double-bagged or wrapped in 1000 gauge polythene

and placed into suitable sealed and labelled containers, e.g. lockable skips.

AD 05 3 5 15 Controls: 2 5 10


Hazard: 1. Operatives to assess load physical capability prior to lift, maximum load
to lift 25kg.
Manual Handling + Manual Work
2. Utilise mechanical lifting and carrying aids where possible.

3. Team lifts to be employed where necessary.

4. Operatives to be trained in kinetic method of lifting.
Possible physical Injury
5. Ensure good housekeeping standards i.e. site kept tidy/waste build-up

6. Operative to wear PPE against substance/material being carried as

required by the COSHH assessment.

7. Possible build up of cement dust on cement sheeting.


AD06 5

Hazard: Controls:

The Use of Hand Tools 1. Wherever possible use mechanical means to replace manual handling of
tools, equipment or demolition arisings.
i.e. Mattocks, Sledgehammers, Shovels,
Brooms 2. Ensure that the tool is correct for the job.

Risk: 3. Ensure that the tool is in good order and suitably sharp.
3 5 15
Falling materials 4. Ensure that the operative is instructed how to use the tool safely.

Falls due to access problems 5. Ensure that lighting is sufficient.

Impact with the tool 6. Ensure that the access is safe with any working platform compliant with
Work at Height Regulations 2005.
Musculo skeletal injuries
All leading edges must be guarded with double rails and toe boards to
Contamination with substance being comply with Work at Height Regulations 2005.
worked with 1 5
7. Ensure that the operatives be trained in site safety.
Inhalation of dust
Work should be scheduled / phased.

8. PPE appropriate to the task is issued and used, e.g. hard hats, safety
footwear, impact resistant goggles, ear defenders, dust masks and gloves.

AD 07 Sheared debris falling on to machine Machine will be fitted with demolition cages to all sides of the cab thus 2 4
driver. enclosing the driver, also the driver and banks man will position the machine
in such a position that the fullest extent of the boom can be utilized thus
keeping the machine at the greatest distance from the shearing operation.

During all shearing operations drivers to carry out clean cuts only, no pulling
5 2 10 or tearing to members to be carried out at any time. 2

AD 08 People or property being struck by falling 5 1 5 When machines working close to public highways or close to boundaries of 1 1 1
debris. site appointed banks men will be stationed in appropriate areas to direct all
personnel around the works or shearing operations will stop to allow safe
passage of personnel or traffic access, and the banks man will communicate
with the machine driver via 2 way radio to stop work until people have
passed by a safe distance, also where there could be risk to damage
property banks man will be in attendance at all times and temporary
protection in the form of ply sheeting at low levels to walls of buildings to
close to the works will be provided.


AD 09 Damage to machine caused by falling 3 2 6 Machine and banks man will position machine in such a manner so when 1 2 2
debris can cause oil or hydraulic oil leaks, the shearing is taking place the machine boom will be at its furthest point
or puncturing of hoses, this could lead to possible to achieve the shear required, thus leaving a safe distance between
contamination of water course. the machine and any falling debris, the machine will also carry a spill kit
should any pipe fractures occur. AD will take into consideration of down time
and carry out clean-up.

AD 10 Machine may overturn. 4 1 4 Loads that all machines will need to carry are known and the machine is 2 1 2
fitted with warning alarms and experienced drivers, all machine works will
be sited on level ground when working and under control of banks man.

AD 11 Dust contamination to persons and 1 2 2 All shearing works that create dust will be sprayed using water hoses and 1 2 2
property. dust levels will be monitored.

AD 12 Damage to road surfaces and possible 2 2 4 All machines and plant will run on either steel plates or track mates when 1 2 2
fracturing of below ground services, gas, working off roads or footpaths and machine movements to and from work
electricity, etc. areas will be under the guidance of a banks man.


Description Comment Probability Cost Risk Comments
(a) Mitigation (b) axb
Baseline Information
1 Site Investigation All surveys before demolition have 0% Full Site investigation report to be - -
been carried out. Due to the Flagship submitted once the demolition Mick
Housing having all the as built drawings George has been appointed.
and relevant feature drawings the
demolition Mick George will know the
strength of the concrete etc.
2 Title, ownership and easements Working boundaries known and 0% N/A - -
identified with photographs. The
demolition site is owned by the
Flagship Housing.
3 Licenses/Consents Section 80/81 0% Regulator Liaison with Demolition - - Section 80/81
Mick George and local authorities.
4 Archaeology Archaeologists may be on site when 0% Full PPE will be worn and all - -
reduced level dig occurs. Archaeologists will receive a full
induction of the site manager.
Services: Off-site
5 Gas No risk anticipated 0% Updated service provider drawings - -
6 Electricity No risk anticipated 0% Updated service provider drawings - -
7 Water No risk anticipated 0% Updated service provider drawings - -
8 Telecommunications No risk anticipated 0% Updated service provider drawings - -
9 Drainage No risk anticipated 0% Updated service provider drawings - -
10 Other No risk anticipated 0% Updated service provider drawings - -
Services: On-site
11 Gas Mains Service investigation to be carried out 0% We believe that there is no gas within - - Pre-checks sign off will be carried out
prior to Demolition their however pre-checks will be before work commences.
carried out by Mick George.


12 Electricity Below ground HV maybe present on 0% Service location exercise based on up- - - Services will be terminated prior to
site. Retained to-date service knowledge and other commencement and certification will
plant to be protected for the duration available information from The be held by the client and Mick George.
of works Flagship Housing
13 Water Water mains present on site 0% Service location exercise based on up- - - Check location of water to be used for
to-date service knowledge and other dust suppression.
available information from The
Flagship Housing
14 Telecommunications Cables present on site 0% Service location exercise based on up- - -
to-date service knowledge and other
available information from The
Flagship Housing
15 Drainage Site drainage (surface) flows via 0% Service location exercise based on up- - - Inspect as built drawings, survey the
interceptor to soak away. to-date service knowledge and other site and site investigation.
available information from The
Flagship Housing.
15.1 Underground Drainage The underground drainage will need to The site was built in 2012 so all
be identified and located before work underground drainage drawings will
starts. The correct protection will need be in place.
to be put in to place.
16 Other N/A 0% N/A - -
Site Condition
17 Location/Setting Site located within its own area within 0% Monitoring regime and controls to be - -
a large construction site boundary. implemented as prescribed.
Description Comment Probability Cost Risk Comments
(a) Mitigation (b) axb


18 Access/Egress Access to the main entrance of the site 0% Access and egress will be out of one - - Isolated area with access from a main
is via Church Lane or Ermine Street set of gates only. road, access/egress not a problem.
South. NO OTHER ENTRANCES TO SITE Traffic marshals required, traffic plan, Very busy junction, traffic lights on all
ARE TO BE USED. two way radios, trained banksman. sides.
Liaise with local authority. Construction in highway being carried
Produce traffic plan Pedestrian traffic will have to cross the
traffic access.
19 Ecology N/A to this site. 0% Demolition Mick George to put in place - -
an Ecology survey prior to
commencing demolition.
20 Boundaries The site will have to be fenced off with 0% See scope of works and clients - - Site boundary, demolition boundary
a primary exclusion zone put in place. documentation and as built drawings to be maintained at all times. To the
All boundaries will be marked by to identify boundary. church/pedestrian walkway/ School
hoarding within The Flagship Housing Site manger to review site boundaries
names. and site hoarding on a daily basis.
21 Building Structures The building structures has been used 0% Assess structures for stability and - - Structural engineers report to
as a houses, garages and printworks for strength prior to finalising demolition accompany methodology (If Required)
their lifespan. Structural assessments sequence.
are to be made prior to demolition via .
use of existing drawings.
22 Site Occupiers/Tenants Building will be empty and striped by to 0% Early liaison with local authorities and - - Mick George undertaking demolition
its original shell. local residents to discuss works and of the former Renault Garage to
controls to be implemented submit section 80/81.
Mick George to mail shot if required
the local area. Safety notices and
signage’s to be implemented.
23 Ground Condition See ground report. 0% N/A Ground conditions to be tested on car
park area by Mick George. All findings
will be submitted to The Flagship


24 Infrastructure The site compromise of an open site 0% Roadways to remain clear. A full time - - As built drawings
along with a number of former car security team will be on hand at the
showroom/workshop buildings. prescribed gate.
As built drawings should be referred to
as to structural integrity.
25 Flooding No threat posed. 0% This should pose no threat, however
precautions such as sand bags can be
used if flooding occurs.
24 Environmental No Risk. 0% N/A - -
25 Demolition Demolition Works to the former 0% Demolition sequence to be outlined - - To produce risk assessment, method
buildings on Church Lane and Ermine clearly with emphasis on the safety of statements, Risk Assessments, Tool
Street South site personnel and the protection of Box talks
retained plant against falling debris.
Footfall – Mick George will make sure Comply with BS:6187-2011
that adequate protection is put in for
the general public.
Proximity – close interface with
general public and local roadways
Vehicles – vehicles will be signed in on
a register due to site rules.

Demolition Design
26 Design Proposals Designs will be produced by Mick 0% Designs to be reviewed - - CAT 1/2 checks sign off by engineer.
George and to be reviewed by The prior to demolition
Flagship Housing and independently by commencement. Structural design not required.
C&D Consultancy.
Description Comment Probability Cost Risk Comments
(a) Mitigation (b) axb


27 Structures - above ground The buildings are structurally sound 0% C&D are to review the structural - -
however once demolition occurs Mick loadings and integrity on behalf of
George is to assess hour by hour the Mick George if applicable.
condition of the building due to the
close proximities.
28 Structures - below ground Below ground services appear to be 0% Further investigation to review - -
structurally sound. condition of below ground structures.
29 Perched water No risk anticipated 0% N/A - -
30 Groundwater No risk anticipated 0% N/A - -
31 Services All services will have to be isolated 0% N/A - -

32 Import Imported material to backfill voids 0% TBC - - TBC

from removal of foundations
33 Scope of Work Demolition of the former 0% Scope of works produced by The - - Mick George to write specific
Flagship Housing for Mick George. methodology to comply with BS:6187-
2011 and other approved codes of
34 Cut/Fill ratio N/A 0% N/A - -

35 Off-Site Disposal N/A 0% N/A - - segregation

Waste Streams
Appropriate skips on site
36 Stockpiling of materials N/A 0% Stockpiling of materials will be allowed - - Mick George to ensure that all stock
due to the location of the site. piling is kept secure before being taken
Materials to be placed in skips and away off site.
removed at the earliest possible No disruptions will be caused to the
opportunity. school or church.
37 Cost plan variables N/A 0% N/A - -
Consents, Approvals and


38 EHO Approvals regarding noise/dust/odour 0% Dust to be created on this job, this will - - E.A waste code will be needed.
control be monitored. Noise monitoring will
be installed.
39 Planning Planning granted, conditions to be met. 0% No issues envisaged. Conditions from - -
planning authority will be met.
40 Building Control Section 80 to be submitted and section 0% Mick George will need to apply for a - - Needed to comply with UK building
81 to be acquired. This will be section 80. This may require legislation.
submitted to the local authority by methodology and scope of works Section 81 will be adhered to including
Mick George. being sent to local building control. all recommendations of the local
authority. Mick George is to ensure
that they have satisfied all section 81
Description Comment Probability Cost Risk Comments
(a) Mitigation (b) axb
41 EA Early liaison with the EA regarding 0% No issues likely to be encountered due - - EA Waste number to be submitted to
works. to strategy of removing structures to The Flagship Housing.
ground level.
42 Handover Certificates Handover certificates for services to be 0% Standard practice - -
in place prior to commencing
42 Discharge Consents N/A 0% N/A - -
43 Landfill Tax Exemption N/A 0% N/A - -
44 Purchasers N/A 0% N/A - -
45 Boundary Wall Boundary wall is hoarding onto New 0% Site boundary to be clearly identified - -
Market Road and local residents back and working controls in relation to
gardens. plant.

46 Boundaries Clearly defined 0% Boundaries to be maintained and - - Maintained and looked after.
reviewed on a weekly basis. Mick Will be placed in temporary works
George is to inform the client if any register and recorded daily in the diary.


boundaries become breached or are in
a state of disrepair.
47 Diversions A footpath diversion will be needed. 0% Permission has been granted by - -
Cambridge highways.
48 Plant and equipment relocations N/A 0% N/A - -

49 Below Ground Transmission N/A 0% N/A - -


50 Gas Mains Gas mains maybe present on site and 0% All gas connections have been cut off. - - All certificates will be given to the
the Demolition engineers to find out client The Flagship Housing and to the
the location and direction of the gas demolition Mick George prior to start
main. of demolition.
51 Water Use of water to be controlled and 0% Use of water to be controlled and Mick George to come up with solution
minimalised where possible. minimalised where possible. to re-use water.
Water suppression will remain within Due to the proximity of the general
the confines of the site. public and heavy road traffic dust
suppression will be controlled and
directed not to affect the local
52 Vibration Excessive vibration could affect 0% Vibrocks vibrating monitors to be All machines are to be monitored by
neighbours adjacent to the rear of the installed on concrete footings vibration monitors located around the
site. surrounding retained plant prior to sit.
commencing demolition. Vibration H.A.V’s will be monitor
limits set out by the local council.
53 Restrictions Services, where not diverted, are to be 50% Liaison with cable owner to determine - - See site rules
protected and surcharge applied outcome.
during works limited.
54 Isolations N/A 0% Mick George will ensure that all - - All certificates will be given to the
disconnection certs are within the client The Flagship Housing and to


paperwork prior to commencement of Mick George prior to start of
demolition. The disconnection certs demolition.
will also be handed over to the client Mick George will need to CAT scan the
before demolition. area and all results will be placed
within the site file and shown to the
Excavation / Disposal / Import
54 Obstructions N/A 0% N/A - - Demo to basement level
55 Obstructions/Below ground Basement to be Doug up and water to 0% N/A - - Demo to basement level
Structures be pumped out before being backfilled.
56 Hardcover N/A 0% N/A - -
57 Quantities N/A 0% N/A - -
58 Mixing ratios N/A 0% N/A - -
59 Disposal constraints & Nationwide agreements with local 0% N/A - -
restrictions (landfill & haulage) landfills/tips/stfs and haulage
60 Temporary works Mick George will appoint suitably 0% Should be assessed - - Appointment letters will be on site
sufficient and competent co-ordinator with all appropriate paperwork under
and supervisor. Temporary register to BS:5975+A1 2011
be completed before during and on
completion of the contract. Temporary
works co-ordinator should monitor
and ensure all temporary works are
being carried out.
61 Import classification N/A 0% N/A - -
62 Import constraints Agreements with sister company for 0% N/A - -
aggregate and haulage.
63 Programme Unknowns not envisaged. 0% N/A - - Produce a well-designed an thorough


64 Commencement Commencement delays due to 0% Diversions to take place prior to Mick - -
diversions or planning. George's demolition programme
65 Contract period Contract period relatively flexible, 0% Regular review and progress - -
allows for works overlapping monitoring
Description Comment Probability Cost Risk Comments
(a) Mitigation (b) axb
66 Sequence of working Mick George will submit RAMS to The 0% To be shown in a clear and fully - - RAMS to compliant with CDM 2015
Flagship Housing and will be reviewed robust/compliant methodology. regulations and section 20 of the 2015
by C&D Consultancy prior to This methodology will be signed off at regulations.
submission. the most senior level. A specific sequence drawing will be
Sequence design will be in place for the Mick George is to supply sequence supplied prior to commencement of
RAMS. drawings and sutural calculations to demolition.
support the sequence of demolition. Sequence drawings will be backed up
Demolition will be in accordance with with structural engineers report.
BS 6187:2011
67 Sub-contract issues Mick George to appoint sub 0% Mick Georges risk - -
68 Weather Programme includes for occasional 0% N/A - -
inclement weather
Health, Safety and Environment
69 Noise, dust, vibration and Controls to be implemented and 0% Understanding of works leads to - - Mick George to identify noise,
odours monitored as per AQMP. proactive management vibration and dust and produce a
Mick George will put in place a dust, creditable mitigation strategy.
vibration and noise plan prior to
commencement of demolition. Trigger
levels will be set prior to
commencement of demolition and a
series of control measures will be
implemented prior to demolition.


70 Ecosystems Historical SSSI records surrounding site 0% Controls implemented to - -
but none within site extents. minimise local
71 Neighbours Main road and Local Residents 0% Early liaison with neighbours and -
to discuss forthcoming
works and likely
72 Site Occupiers Mick George to retain access to site. 0% The control of the gates will be carried - - Banksman to be trained, two way
out using appropriate security guard radios.
and gateman.
73 General Public Site close to main roads 0% Access to be controlled during daytime - - Mick George will put control measures
hours. Appropriate security guard and in place in reference to:
gateman etc. All surroundings
Maintain hoarding throughout
duration of the site.
The safety signage will be placed along
the boundary of the site, subject to
The Flagship Housing’s approval.
Safety sign displaying the site manager
snubber and displaying the site plan
will be on the entrance to the site.


74 Security Security to be enforced by Mick George 0% N/A - - Security for the demolition site will be
during working hours completely separate to the
construction site adjacent.

75 Fire Fire routes are to be submitted by Mick 0% Alarms and suitable training to be Cold cutting alternative will be
George and will comply under HSG given to all operatives working on this considered.
168. site.
Fire marshals and alarms will be Tool box talk and task specific briefing
present on this site. will be carried out in relation to fire.
FF 2005 Fire log and associated paperwork will
be on site throughout the project.
Within the fire plan, location of fire
extinguishers will be located.
Muster points will be located away
from the building being demolished
and all operatives will be inducted in
location for muster points. Escape
routes will be located and agreed point
to commencement of demolition.
76 Public protection Mick George to put in place some form 0% Mick George to come up with suitable A demolition engineer will review the
of temporary works design in order to design. temporary works design.
protect the general public
Protection design to be put in place.


77 Rescue plan A rescue plan will be provided prior to Mick George will need to formulate a Mick George is to ensure that a rescue
demolition rescue plan to ensure anyone working plan has been fully identified with all
at height can be safely rescued and operatives prior to commencement of
bought down to ground floor level. working at height.

Will comply with the Working at Height

regulations 2005
78 Working at height Mick George will put suitable control Working at height on this contract for Working at height on this contract for
measures in place for this contract. Demolition. Demolition.
Aluminium pop up scaffolds will be Aluminium pop up scaffolds will be
used for asbestos cleaning. These will used for cleaning. These will be
be erected by a PASMA trained erected by a PASMA trained operative.

79 Traffic Management Banksman with two way radios will be 0% The designated points will have fully Traffic plan to be put in place and
present throughout the working day. trained and approved banksman on. enforced by Mick George. Will comply
with The Flagship Housing’s
procedures. Will not interfere with any
construction sites in close proximity.
This traffic
80 Neighbours/general public Suitable control measures to be put in 0% N/A
place early with close liaison with the
church and the school located at the
back of the demolition site.
81 Media Media interest unlikely 0% N/A

82 Action groups Action Groups unlikely 0% N/A

83 Sensitive Targets Include neighbours and possible 0% N/A

ecological constraints (see above)


84 Section 80 Mick George to submit outline 0% Mick George to make sure that Mick George will submit suitable
methodology and their scope of work methodology is thorough and robust section 80.
to the building control to gain a section due to the proximity and location of
81. the contract.
85 Dust Monitoring Mick George will put suitable control Mick George to liaise with The Flagship A plan will be produced for The
measures in place for this contract in Housing and agree on fixed points Flagship Housing of the fixed
relation to dust monitoring. around the site where dust monitoring monitoring points.
could be deemed crucial.
Additionally, some hand held
monitoring would be advisable and
could be deemed as valuable data.
86 CCDO Only CCDO Demolition operatives will CSCS cards will not be acceptable for Enforced by Site management. All
be allowed to work on this site. demolition operatives. CSCS will be for CCDO cards will be on record at all
Non- demolition activities only. times and client will see these prior to
Supervision will be CCDO gold or black demolition.
Gold and Black card supervisors.
87 COSHH All COSHH Data sheets to be located All Data sheets will be site specific and
within site file will have specific reference to each
material located on the site.


COSHH Products (Operational Substances)

Operational substances that may be used on site are detailed in the COSHH Table retained in the Method Statement (Site Wide
Requirements) and the related assessments retained by the Site Manager in the Safety in Practice handbook.

COSHH Products (Client Substances)

Safety information and data for Client substances and residues that may be still present on site will be retained by the Site

Selection of Methodology, PPE and control measures take cognisance of the hazards presented by such substances. Selection
is made so as to minimise risks to all personnel who may be affected by our works to a level that is as low as is reasonably

COSHH Assessment Reference Identified Risks

C01 Oxygen

C02 Propane

C03 Metal Fumes

C04 Dust

C05 Concrete Dust

C06 Gas Oil (Derv)

C07 Mineral Oil

C08 Mineral Wool Insulation

C09 Pigeon Excrement

C10 Acetylene (Dissolved)

C11 Pine Disinfectant

C12 Hygiene Cleaning Fluid (Bleach)

C13 Sulphuric Acid Residues


C01 OXYGEN Compressed gas oxidant. Strongly supports combustion.

May react violently with combustible materials.
Incomplete combustion may form carbon monoxide.

USAGE OF PRODUCT Processing of steelwork PERSONS AT RISK Burners/Welders

Welding Operatives in vicinity


Flammability: Non Fire Fighting Procedures:

flammable Suitable extinguishing media: All known
extinguishers can be used Specific Hazards:
Supports combustion. Non flammable. Exposure to fire may cause
containers to rupture/explode. Inform Fire Brigade.
Specific Methods:
Environmental: If possible stop flow of product. Move container away or cool with water
No ecological damage caused by this product. from a protected position.
To atmosphere in a well ventilated place. Special Protective Equipment for Fire Fighting:
Do not discharge into any place where its accumulation could be None.

Health Effects: First Aid Measures:

On Eyes: Inhalation: Keep victim warm and rested. Call a doctor.
On Skin: Apply artificial respiration if breathing has stopped.
By Inhalation: Continuous inhalation of concentrations higher than Skin Contact: Eye Contact:
75% may cause nausea, dizziness, respiratory difficulty Ingestion: Ingestion is not considered a possible route of
and convulsion. exposure.
By Ingestion:


Elimination: Substitution:
This product is required to carry out the task None available
Engineering: (including handling and storage) Personal Protection:
Use no oil or grease. Open valve slowly to avoid pressure shock. Ensure operators understand the hazard of oxygen enrichment. Do not
Segregate from flammable gases and other flammable materials in store. smoke while handling the product. Wear suitable hand, body and head
Suck back of water into container must be prevented. Do not allow back- protection. Wear Goggles with suitable filter lenses when use is
feed into the container. Use only specified equipment which is suitable cutting/welding. Avoid oxygen (>21%) atmospheres. Ensure adequate
for this product, its supply pressure and temperature. Keep away from ventilation. Clothing impregnated with oxygen should be ventilated by
ignition sources (including static discharges). Store cylinders upright in walking in fresh open air for 2 minutes.
open air. Keep container below 50°C in a well ventilated place. Do not
use oxygen as a substitute for air, nitrogen or any other gas. Always leak
check cylinders when first collected, delivered or used, using an approved
leak detection fluid.


C02 PROPANE Liquefied gas under pressure, extremely flammable, may

contain small concentrations of 1,3 butadiene, which may
cause cancer by inhalation.

USAGE OF PRODUCT Processing of Steelwork PERSONS AT Burners

RISK Operatives in vicinity


Flammability: Fire Fighting Procedures:

Extremely flammable Suitable extinguishing media: All known
extinguishers can be used Specific
Exposure to fire may cause containers to rupture/explode. Inform Fire
Environmental: Hazardous Combustion Products
Ensure operators understand the flammability hazard. The
Incomplete combustion may form carbon monoxide.
hazard of asphyxiation is often overlooked and must be stressed
Specific Methods:
during operator training.
If possible stop flow of product. Move container away or cool with water
Always leak check cylinders when first collected, delivered or used, using
from a protected position. Do not extinguish a leaking gas flame unless
an approved leak detection fluid. absolutely necessary. Spontaneous/explosive reignition may occur.
Extinguish any other fire.
Special Protective Equipment for Fire Fighting:
In confined spaces use self-contained breathing apparatus.

Health Effects: First Aid Measures:

On Eyes: Contact with the liquid may cause cold burns and/or Inhalation: Keep victim warm and rested. Call a doctor.
frostbite Apply artificial respiration if breathing has stopped. Skin
On Skin: Contact: For liquid spillage – flush with water for at least 15 minutes.
By Inhalation: Toxic by inhalation. In high concentrations may Apply a sterile dressing and seek medical advice as soon as possible.
cause asphyxiation and death. Symptoms may include Eye Contact: As Skin Contact
loss of mobility/consciousness. Victim may not be Ingestion: Ingestion is not considered a possible route of
aware of asphyxiation. In low concentrations may exposure.
cause narcotic effects. Symptoms may include
dizziness, headache, nausea and loss of co-ordination.
Remove victim to uncontaminated area wearing self-
contained breathing apparatus.
By Ingestion: Ingestion is not considered a possible route of

Elimination: Substitution:
This product is required to carry out the task None available

Engineering: (including handling and storage) Personal Protection:

Ensure equipment is adequately earthed. Suck back of water into Ensure adequate ventilation.
container must be prevented. Purge air from system before introducing Do not smoke while handling product.
gas. Do not allow back-feed into the container. Cylinder sizes A, B, D and Keep self-contained breathing apparatus readily available for emergency
E should remain upright at all times. Use only specified equipment which use
is suitable for this product, its supply pressure and temperature. Keep
away from ignition sources
(including static discharges). Store cylinders upright in open air.
Segregate from acetylene, oxidant gases and other oxidant material in
store. Keep container below 50°C in a well ventilated place.


C03 METAL FUMES Hazard by Inhalation of the fumes

USAGE OF PRODUCT The product is generated as PERSONS AT Burning operative

a result of the burning RISK Operatives in vicinity

Flammability: Fire Fighting Procedures:

Non flammable Not applicable

A variety of cutting operations in the scrap industry have been subject to
environmental monitoring under the auspices of the British Scrap
Federation. In the open air, levels of combustion are usually below the
Occupational Exposure limit but the same monitoring also revealed that
personnel exposure can be between 3 and 50mg/m3. There is a wide
difference due to numerous variables including the stature of the
operative, weather conditions, surface treatment and coatings.
Furthermore, the exact composition of metals to be cut is seldom precisely
known. A Local Exhaust Ventilation [LEV] system, specifically designed in
respect of individual situations, will be installed if appropriate. However,
the nature of most demolition work usually renders this impractical.
Health Effects: First Aid Measures:
On Eyes: Irritation to eyes Inhalation: Remove patient from exposure to fresh air
On Skin: Skin Contact: Eye Contact: Ingestion:
By Inhalation: Inhalation of the fumes can cause irritation of the Pressure Injection:
respiratory tract, typical symptoms being a dry throat;
coughing; tightness of the chest; and
difficulty in breathing. If these fumes are inhaled or
swallowed, they can lead to systemic poisoning.
By Ingestion:
Chronic: The freshly formed metallic oxide fumes of certain
metals, e.g. copper and zinc (galvanized coating), can lead
to a short-term flu-like illness known as
‘metal fume fever’ or ‘Galvo Flu’. This, however, rarely
leads to serious complications


Elimination: Substitution:
Where possible, cold cut using mechanical methods Not applicable

Engineering: Personal Protection:

The hot cutting operation involves the removal of parental metal. The As a mandatory precaution, all operatives will be issued with, and
fumes generated will consist of the combustion gases, which are mainly instructed to use, full Respiratory Protective Equipment [RPE]. The
carbon dioxide and oxides of nitrogen, along with particulate fume which Company will nominate a responsible person who will carry out periodic
will contain substances derived from the parent metal and any surface inspections of the RPE. Site management and the subordinate line
treatment or coating such as electroplating, oil or paint. Depending on the management are instructed to bring any heavily coated or ‘suspect’
metal being cut, other potentially more hazardous fumes can be produced material to the attention of the Senior Management.
such as hexavalent chromium nickel and cadmium.


C04 DUST Hazard by Inhalation

USAGE OF PRODUCT This product is generated as PERSONS AT Operatives

a result of demolition RISK Others in vicinity


Flammability: Fire Fighting Procedures:

Not applicable Not applicable

Dust (various )is collected, where possible, in a controlled manner i.e. wet
sweeping, bagged and disposed of as solid waste.
Health Effects: First Aid Measures:
On Eyes: Irritation to eyes Inhalation: Remove to fresh air
On Skin: Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing, wash with
By Inhalation: Can cause wheezing, bronchitis and other soap and water
respiratory disorders By Ingestion: Eye Contact: Irrigate with eye wash solution or clean
Chronic: Dust associated with MEL’s can cause cancers. Other: water, holding the eyelids apart. Continue
irrigation for at least 10 minutes
Ingestion: Wash out mouth with water and give to drink


Elimination: Substitution:
The use of local exhaust ventilation and containment will be considered
but this is generally not practical due to the nature of the Company’s Not applicable

Engineering: Personal Protection:

Dust is a generic term for solid particulate matter, composed from various OES for dust may be exceeded. Inhalation is controlled by the correct
other substances. Dust particles vary in size. Shape and colour. selection of respiratory protection i.e. disposable respirator. Eye contact is
controlled by the wearing of dust-proof goggles. When handling the
substancecontact is controlled by wearing approved PVC lightweight
gauntlet gloves.
Suitable eye irrigation solutions should be made available on workstations.
Simple health surveillance is required. Simple visual examination of
employees hands, by supervisory personnel on a biannual basis.
Discoloration, dryness or other signs of skin deterioration will require
medical attention.


C05 CONCRETE DUST Hazard by Inhalation

USAGE OF This product is generated as PERSONS AT Operatives

PRODUCT a result of demolition RISK Others in vicinity


Flammability: Fire Fighting Procedures:

Not applicable Not applicable
Dust levels during demolition works are to be kept to a minimum by careful
selection of demolition methods. The short term generation of high dust
levels during activities such as felling etc. are very difficult
to reduce. The long term generation of Concrete Dust from processing and
handling are to be reduced by the use of water sprays.

Health Effects: First Aid Measures:

On Eyes: Irritation to eyes Inhalation: Remove to fresh air
On Skin: Can cause irritation Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing, wash with soap
By Inhalation: Can cause wheezing, bronchitis and other respiratory and water
disorders Eye Contact: Irrigate with eye wash solution or clean
By Ingestion: water, holding the eyelids apart. Continue irrigation for at
Chronic: least 10 minutes. If irritation persist,
Other: seek medical advice
Ingestion: Give plenty of water or milk to drink


Elimination: Substitution:
The use of local exhaust ventilation and containment will be considered but Not applicable
this is generally not practical due to the nature of the Company’s work.

Engineering: Personal Protection:

The Concrete Dust contains portland cement and mineral aggregate. Where the generation of Concrete Dust is not controlled to below
Portland cement contains calcium silicates, aluminates, ferro aluminates acceptable levels, suitable RPE will be used. This will normally be
and sulphates. Small amounts of lime and chlorides are also present disposable paper respirators, but where it is suspected that these are not
adequate, air samples may be taken.
together with trace amounts of chromium compounds. Mineral aggregates The main source of exposure to Concrete Dust will be during the
contain silica and quartz dust. Concrete Dust will take the form of grey demolition of reinforced concrete buildings and structures and during the
particles. processing and handling of the resultant arisings.
The main hazard of Concrete Dust is the silica material which causes
silicosis. Once cured, the portland cement does not present any significant
hazards, other than those of a nuisance dust. Simple health surveillance is
required. Simple visual examination of employees hands, by supervisory
personnel on a biannual basis. Discoloration, dryness or other signs of skin
deterioration will require medical attention.



C06 GAS OIL (DERV) Hazard by Inhalation and contact with eyes and skin

USAGE OF PRODUCT Fuel for plant/vehicles PERSONS AT Operative


Flammability: Fire Fighting Procedures:

Extremely Flammable Extinguish with dry powder, foam or water fog. For small fires use CO².
Never use water jets

Contain spillage, dilute with copious amounts of water and flush to drain
over a long period.

Health Effects: First Aid Measures:

On Eyes: Irritation to eyes Inhalation: Remove patient from exposure into fresh air
On Skin: Prolonged and repeated skin contact could lead to dermatitis Skin Contact: Wash affected areas with soap and tepid water. If
and possible long term risk of skin cancer. irritation persists, seek medical advice
By Inhalation: Eye Contact: Irrigate with eye wash solution or clean
By Ingestion: water, holding the eyelids apart. Continue irrigation
Chronic: for at least 20 minutes
Other: Ingestion: Wash out mouth with water; drink plenty of milk; do
not induce vomiting


Elimination: Substitution: None

This product is required to carry out the task. available

Engineering: Personal Protection:

Storage should be in open air or well ventilated areas free from sources of When handling, avoid skin & eye contact and inhalation of fumes.
heat. Employees will be issued with suitable gloves, eye protection and
Gas Oil (Derv) should be stored in a secure container with screwed cap to protective clothing.
prevent leakage. The chief source of exposure of Operatives to Gas Oil (Derv) is during
Ensure adequate ventilation. Protect from heat, light and contamination. routine servicing and re-fuelling of construction plant, machinery and
Gas Oils are a complex mixture of Distillate Hydrocarbons containing vehicles. The main hazard to employees is by skin or eye contact and in
aromatics and additives commensurate with their required properties, extreme circumstances by ingestion due to leaks or spillage. Spillage
forming a flammable clear or red liquid with a characteristic Hydrocarbon absorbed by sawdust, rags or cotton waste etc. constitutes to a
odour. considerable fire risk thus creating a further hazard to all Operatives.


MINERAL OIL Hazardous by all routes of exposure, especially skin or eye

C07 contact
USAGE OF Lubricating plant/equipment PERSONS AT Operative


Flammability: Fire Fighting Procedures:

Extremely Flammable Extinguish with foam, dry powder, CO²
Never use water

This Assessment must be read and understood by all dismantling
Operatives, Plant Fitters and other persons involved in dismantling of
industrial plant and equipment. In case of spillage, contain spill at source
and prevent discharges to sewers and streams.

Health Effects: First Aid Measures:

On Eyes: Irritation to eyes Inhalation: Avoid excessive inhalation. Remove patient
On Skin: Contact may lead to de-fatting of the skin, dermatitis, oil acne into fresh air
and warty (cancerous growths). Skin Contact: Any cuts, scratches etc. should be promptly
Prolonged and repeated skin contact with used oils should treated. Wash affected skin areas with
be avoided. cleansers provided followed by soap and water.
By Inhalation: Eye Contact: Irrigate immediately with copious quantities
By Ingestion: of clean water for 5 minutes. Obtain medical
Chronic: Potential Carcinogenic attention if irritation persists.
Ingestion: Seek medical advice


Elimination: Substitution: None

This product is required to carry out the task available

Engineering: Personal Protection:

The dismantling of industrial plant and equipment together with the re- The main hazard to employees is by skin contact with these oils usually due
fuelling and routine servicing of construction plant and vehicles often to leakage or spillage. During normal handling, the priority action is to
exposes the personnel concerned to mineral type oils and greases. minimise the possibility of spillage by the use of suitable containers such as
Wherever possible, oil is to be handled in suitable containers and is to be jugs or cans. To reduce chance of contact, impervious gloves, overalls and
drained out of sumps and tanks before these are dismantled or handled. eye shields may be used. Before protective equipment is worn, it should be
checked to see it is clean and uncontaminated. If clothing becomes soaked
in oil, it should be removed as soon as possible. Any contaminated skin
should be washed with the skin cleansers provided followed by soap
and water. SOLVENTS MUST NOT BE USED. Any contaminated material or
tools should not be placed in overall pockets, due to the risks of oil soaking
through the inside (where it may not be noticed) and leading to the
potential risk of scrotal cancer.
The chief sources of exposure of Operatives and Fitters to mineral based oils
and greases are during the re-fuelling and servicing of construction plant
and vehicles and the handling of contaminated process plant and equipment
in the course of the dismantling work undertaken with the occasional
exposure to oil fumes when hot cutting work is undertaken on ‘dirty’ metal.

C08 MINERAL WOOL INSULATION Irritant – may cause skin irritation. High dust levels may
irritate the throat and eyes

USAGE OF PRODUCT This product is exposed PERSONS Operative

during demolition activities AT RISK


Flammability: Non-combustible Fire Fighting Procedures: Suitable

extinguishing media:

Environmental: Water, foam, dry powder, CO²

No special precautions. Not classified as special waste, and may be disposed
in normal waste landfill. Inert inorganic product with very small organic
content <5.5%. If disposed in landfill it will gradually decompose and revert
to nature inorganic granules or dust with non known gages, but do not
constitute a hazard in normal ventilated area.

Health Effects: First Aid Measures:

On Eyes: Irritation to eyes Inhalation: Move person to fresh air
On Skin: May cause temporary (but reversible) skin irritation by Skin Contact: If irritation occurs wash skin with soap and
mechanical action. By Inhalation: Can cause wheezing, water
bronchitis and other respiratory disorders By Eye Contact: If irritation occurs wash eyes with water
Ingestion: Ingestion: Drink plenty of water if accidentally ingested
Chronic: Dust associated with MEL’s can cause cancers.
Other: On the basis of the evidence of exposure which
occurred over 30 years ago, the international Agency
for Research into Cancer has classified man made mineral
fibre as 'possibly carcinogenic'.


Elimination: Substitution:
Not possible – result of demolition process Not applicable
Engineering: Personal Protection:
Rockwool products are light brown insulation's which are chemically Cutting and handling may create dust. High dust levels may irritate the
composed of mineral wool bonded with 0.3 - 3.3% resin and 0.2% mineral throat or eyes. The resin poses no known hazard in its cured state.
oil - dust suppressant/water repellent. Its melting point is in excess of Avoid unnecessary handling of unwrapped product. Ensure adequate
ventilation of workspaces. Keep work areas clean. Use water sprays to
1000oC and it is insoluble in water.
dampen area prior to brushing, or use vacuum cleaning.
Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves.
Respiratory protection: In confined spaces it is recommended that
disposable face masks complying with EN149 FFP1 or FFP2 should be used
and are suitable for most applications to improve discomfort.
Hand protection: Cloth, leather or rubber gloves can be worn to reduce any
mechanical irritation affects which may occur.
Eye protection: When working with product above head height, eye
protections to BS EN 166 is advised.
Skin protection: Loose fitting clothing is advised.


C09 PIGEON EXCREMENT Apart from the obvious, it depends on what the birds have
been feeding on (grit from buildings, grain from crops etc.)

USAGE OF PRODUCT A contact as a result of the PERSONS AT Operative

process RISK


Flammability: Non-flammable Fire Fighting Procedures:

Not applicable

Dispose of to suitable facility

Health Effects: First Aid Measures:

On Eyes: Irritant Inhalation:
On Skin: Irritant Skin Contact: Wash affected skin area with cleansers
By Inhalation: } See below provided followed by soap and water.
By Ingestion: } See below Eye Contact: Irrigate immediately with copious amounts of
Chronic: clean water for 5 minutes. Obtain medical attention if
Other: The chief sources of exposure of Operatives and irritation persists.
Fitters to Pigeon Excrement is contracting Farmers Ingestion: Seek medical advice
Lung, which is an Asthma like illness;
Salmonella, which leads to food poisoning and possible
dermatitis, skin problems.

Elimination: Substitution:
Not possible – result of demolition process Not applicable

Engineering: Personal Protection:

Employees are expected to maintain a high standard of personal hygiene at
all times, but especially before eating, drinking, smoking, using the toilet or
leaving work.
Taking into account the possible covering of dust, plaster etc, it is unlikely to
be neat.
Wear a facemask to FFP3 standard; either one of the following:
 One shift disposable
 Half face mask with a P3 disposable filter
Wear for one shift, disposable coveralls - some are washable for a number
of times.
Practice good hygiene and shower after every shift of work.
Do not eat, drink or smoke while in this environment.


C10 ACETYLENE (DISSOLVED) Incomplete combustion may form carbon monoxide


Welding RISK Operatives in vicinity

Extremely flammable Fire Fighting Procedures:
Suitable extinguishing media:
All known extinguishers can be used
Environmental: Specific Hazards:
Try to stop release Exposure to fire may cause containers to rupture/explode.
Ventilate area to clean up Specific Methods:
If possible stop flow of product.
Move container away or cool with water from a protected position.
Do not extinguish a leaking gas flame unless absolutely necessary.
Spontaneous/explosive re-ignition may occur.
Extinguish any other fire.
Special Protective Equipment for Fire Fighting:
In confined spaces use self-contained breathing apparatus.

Health : First Aid sures:

Effects Mea Keep victim warm and rested. Call a doctor.
On Eyes: Inhalation: Apply artificial respiration if breathing has stopped.
On Skin: Phosphine is a common contaminant of acetylene
In high concentrations may cause asphyxiation.
By Inhalation: produced from calcium carbide and water, and its
Symptoms may include loss of
presence should be considered if symptoms of
irritation develop during acetylene inhalation.
Victim may not be aware of asphyxiation.
In low concentrations may cause narcotic effects.
Symptoms may include dizziness, headache, nausea Skin Contact:
and loss of co-ordination. Eye Contact: Ingestion is not considered a possible route of
Remove victim to uncontaminated area wearing self- Ingestion: exposure.
contained breathing apparatus.
Ingestion is not considered a possible route of
By Ingestion:


Elimination: Substitution: None

This product is required to carry out the task available

Engineering: (including handling and storage) Personal Protection:

Ensure equipment is adequately earthed. Ensure adequate ventilation.
Avoid contact with pure copper, mercury, silver, bras with greater than Wear suitable hand, body and head protection. Wear
70% copper. goggles with suitable filter lenses when used in
Suck back of water into container must be prevented. cutting/welding.
Purge air from system before introducing gas. Do not smoke while handling product.
Do not allow back-feed into the container.
Use only specified equipment which is suitable for this product, its supply
pressure and temperature.
Keep away from ignition sources (including static charges).
Segregate from oxidant gases and other oxidant material in store.
Refer to supplier’s container handling instructions.
Keep container below 50°C in a well ventilated place.




USAGE OF It is a general purpose cleaner PERSONS AT Operative
PRODUCT for disinfecting floors, walls, RISK
toilets, drains and sinks.

Flammability: Non-flammable Fire Fighting Procedures:

Not applicable

Contain spillage, dilute with water flush to drain over long period

Health : First Aid Measures:

Effects Contact with eyes could cause some discomfort Possible Inhalation:
On Eyes: allergic skin reactions as a result of prolonged contact Skin Contact: Wash thoroughly with clean water. If
On Skin: Can cause wheezing, bronchitis and other respiratory soreness persists seek medical attention.
disorders Eye Contact: Wash thoroughly with clean water and seek
Ingestion could cause some discomfort medical advice
By Inhalation:
Ingestion: Give plenty of milk or water to drink. Seek medical
advice if discomfort persists.
By Ingestion:


Elimination: Substitution:
This product is required to carry out the task Not applicable

Engineering: Personal Protection:

A clear liquid of various colours with a sweet pine fragrance. Pine Employees will be informed of the no-hazardous quality of the substance,
Disinfectant Fluid discolours material therefore care must be taken to but that care should still be taken to avoid contact with the eyes. It is
avoid spillages and contact with clothing. therefore important to use safety equipment supplied by the company.
Wear protective gloves if prolonged contact is likely.

C12 HYGIENE CLEANING FLUID (BLEACH) Hazardous by all routes of exposure especially skin or eye

USAGE OF Cleaning (site cabins etc.) PERSONS AT Operative



Flammability: Fire Fighting Procedures: Suitable

Extremely flammable extinguishing media:

Water – if large amounts (chlorine will be liberated) BA in

confined spaces
Contain spillage, dilute with copious amounts of water and flush to drain
over a long period. Chlorine will be liberated.

Health Effects: First Aid Measures:

On Eyes: Irritates the eyes causing them to become watery Inhalation: Remove patient from exposure into fresh air
On Skin: Risk of irritation Skin Contact: Wash affected areas with soap and tepid
By Inhalation: Irritates the respiratory system causing shortage of water. If irritation persists, seek medical advice
breath and wheezing Eye Contact: Irrigate with eye wash solution or clean
By Ingestion: As an injurious substance, can cause internal water, holding the eyelids apart. Continue
damage and poisoning which can be fatal irrigation for at least 20 minutes
Chronic: Can be fatal if swallowed Ingestion: Wash out mouth with water and give water; drink
plenty of milk; do not induce vomiting


Elimination: Substitution:
This product is required to carry out the task Use a product with as low a concentration as possible

Engineering: Personal Protection:

The chief source of exposure of operatives to bleach is during routine To control the risk of exposure of persons to sodium hypo chloride the
cleaning of toilets/kitchen areas etc. substance must only be used in well-ventilated locations. The Company
Bleach is a corrosive substance and, if in contact with acids, liberates toxic will issue operatives with/advise them to wear PVC gloves, protective
gas. clothing and suitable eye protection.
Bleach is composed of Sodium Hypo Chloride Solution (15%). It is a Contaminated gloves must be washed in tepid water after contact with
translucent greenish yellow liquid with a feint chlorine odour. sodium hypo chloride. Personal hygiene is paramount. Smoking and eating
is prohibited in areas where sodium hypo chloride is known to be present.
Operatives will be informed of the hazards associated with Hygiene
Cleaning Fluid.
3.2 – F10 SECTION



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